Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weekly 1/14/10 - Section Five: Books, Movies, Restaurants, Websites


It’s great to share tips.  I keep a running list of books friends have touted.  Hope you will send me names of your books and movies... Restaurants you’ve been to.  

From Judy Cirillo:

Hi Ellen,
Here's a little blurb about the book, "
Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It' s a wonderful, inspirational book about Greg's journey. As a mountain climber, he was rescued by a man from a village in Afghanistan. He met the people of the village, formed friendships, learned the language, and discovered that they had no school for girls. He volunteered to help them build a school. He came back to the states and raised $12,000 and returned there to build a school as well as a bridge. This led him to build many more schools as well as other necessary projects in both Afghanistan and  Pakistan. The book is so inspirational because he accomplishes all this by living among the people, eating their food, sleeping wherever they provide a bed and learning their customs and languages. People see him as one of them rather than as the rich American.We come to see the people as human beings rather than the enemy. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand these countries. I hope some of our leaders are reading it!

From Ellen
Here’s a true documentary about what it is like to be a transsexual.  Two twins, one transitioned to become a woman.  Fascinating.  Free online.  “Red without Blue”

70 min documentary about identical twins born as boys, one of which transitioned to be a woman.

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