Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weekly 2/25/06 - 5

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:  .  Without joining anything, you can respond to the current Weekly.   Also we have a Yahoo Group.  See the end of this email for details.  ellen

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections:

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements (this week sent out separately yesterday)
  • Articles
  • Books, Reviews, Magazines

A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  525
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
to submit articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
Saves me a lot of work that way.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  

Section One: Table Notes


At the Table on Monday, 2/20/06_: Cheryl Hayden, Shari Able, Janet Kalven, Erica , Mr. G., Mike Murphy, Robyn Repasky, Spencer Konicov, Chad Benjamin Potter, Ellen Bierhorst, Kerry Conte, Mira Rodwan, Vlasta Molak,

Topics Nominated:
Mike M
: God, Genes, and Consciousness Non human intervention in human history.  Paul Von Ward.  Extra Terrestrials came and invluenced humans.  Evidence from bible, ancient texts.  Mythis.  Evidence.  Ancient Sumerian tablets talking about beings from the sky.  They traumatized  humanity, we have been in PTSD ever since.  

Spencer: sounds like Intelligent design.

Mike: Article in Cincinnati magazine current issue on Sally Ransahof, organic gardener.  ³The woman behind the best chefs in town.²  

Mike: I will be giving a workshop at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farmers Association meeting OEFFA, in Granville N. of Cols.  Peak oil and what it means to organic farmers.  930 am March 4, Saturday.  Costs $75.  Partner is Pat Murphy.  

Robyn : what are the ramifications of the Democratic party forcing Paul Hacket out of the Senatorial race.  

Vlasta Molak: I want 15 minutes next Monday to present Gaia Oasis.  Everybody invited to Gaia party pot luck with entertainment 8987 Cotillion Dr. on Sunday 5:30.  $18

Mr. G.:  to go on and on about theories we want to believe... I would love there to be a God, if it is the way I was promised.  Richard Dawkins, an evol. biologist, gives an explanation of how an eye could develop over millions of years through natural selection.  Google Richard Dawkins, eye.  
What does it mean to hold the President accountable e.g. for illegal wiretapping.  

Shari: how has he gotten away from it this long?  

Mike: Chenney and Bush are high priests of the oil religion.  ... since Henry Ford. The people running things are the Enrons ... they have been doing it a long time.  Now the mask is ripped off ...  classic fascist take over.

Spencer:  I was in college, a prof. recommended ³Who gets what, how, why²  Harold Lasswell.  I recommend everybody read this tiny book.  The bible in a free market economy.  How money influences decisions.  Fantastic little book.  Easy read.  

Janet:  he was a prof. U. of Chicago.  I think he called his subject ³the psychology of politics².  

Mr. G.:  ... a word Alan used, justice, the whole idea of how do business with a government that wants  you dead, e.g. Israel and the Palestin.  ... are we kidding ourselves.  Maybe the word justice is obsolete.  Maybe it is just waht you get used to, understand, and depend on.  Your idea that it is god given, or fixed in stone is maybe delulsional.  People here talk like it is a fixed, permanent notion.

Janet:  it goes back to Plato¹s Republic.  If you don¹t have an idea of justice you just have the law of the hjungle.  Might is right.  Much in our world operates that way.  Is that the best that human beings can do?

Mike:  ...ties back into what we were saying earlier about the Koran.  Yes, things have been cut in stone but yes they are some what delusional. ... I am an anarchist.   But I am happy to add a few rules...  It is not so much delusional as it is a matter of ongoing decision about what is right and fair.  It used to be slavery was right and fair.  We make up the rules.  They come out of our hearts and minds.  We have to get rid of the notion that justice comes down from on high.  The idea comes from within us.

Steve:  you said almost everything I wanted to say, Mike.  Extraordinary.  M L King, a belief in the never ending discovery of justice in ourselves and others.  If we could hold on to the hope that we can awaken to the justice in ourselves that we create and in society for others, then there is hope for a beloved community.  I am convinced we are in the iminority, those who want to convert might makes right and converting to  ³love your neighbor² or ³do no  harm² or ³turn the other cheek².  We have discovered and rediscovered justice and it is our saving even in the shadown of the holocaust, of the genocide of the Indians, etc. etc.  ... discover justice in this moment, so we can rescue ourselves in Iraq, in Medicare .  

Spencer: to me justice is not delusional.  What has been written and we agreed to abide by.  We elected a president to abide by the constitution ... this president seems to be ³I make my own laws².  ... to allow a ceo of this country to say ³It¹s what I want so I am going to believe it².  To say ³I know there are wmd in Iraq² ...  hold Republicans accountable for what they have elected.

Mr. G.  Contradictions in what people have said.   ...  we are all different, how could we have a common notion of justice.  The thing about Bush elected to uphold the laws.  A crock.  I think there were large groups who felt they were being sidelined and they wanted their day.  What¹s so abnormal about stacking the deck in your favor.  What¹s so new?  Lots of institutions do that, like the World Bank.  Capitolism.  To you justic lovers: what ydo you do in a dog eat dog world when you are trying to push justice.  ?  Bush is surrounded by people who won¹t put Bush in jail.

Janet:  we have a constitution, a body of laws.  a whole structure.  to insure justice.  We are imperfect, but at least we have an idea and an ideal.  
Mira: this is a place to recharge our energy, feel hope, work together.  But it is not a town hall.  Although something close to town hall happens in Northside in the community meetings.  Also public demonstrations: an amazing experience to stand with Women in Black every Monday.  I reach out and say hello...  sometimes you get a finger, sometimes two fingers in a peace sign.  All kinds of comments.  Veterans who suport our demonstration ....  It is important to make your statement and see how the response is ...while it is still safe.  Sometimes I dream of having a sign on top of my car so I can tell people what I am thinking.

Robyn:  the innitial question is How to hold someone accountable for  his actions?  He claims he has constitutional authority.  How we can ... is to vote at the mid term election.
 Paul Hackett, very good candidate, almost won in the second Ohio district.  He decided to run for Senate, and the Dem party said, No you just run again for congress.  Could Mr. Hackett help hold Bush accountable had he gotten in to the House?  Maybe he was into megalomania in running for senate.  How hold Bush accountable?  To disburse the people around him in the mid term election.

Shari: I think we are looking at justic from the wrong end.  Justice is evolutionary.  What happens in evol. is what works survives.  J. is like that too.  We all know we didn¹t have Lincoln emancipation of slaves until he needed it for the civil war effort.  Not because of justice. ... Had HItler won WWII we wouldn¹t talk of ³holocaust², but would refer to it as say, a cleansing.  
...  Intelligent design proponents would say evol. is not good enough.  There has to be a being out there designing things.  So let just let justice also evolve.  (Ellen: I didn¹t understand this eloquent speech.  Sorry.)

Spencer:  ... the original commandement was Thou shalt not kill a member of  your own tribe.  ... then the idea evolved ... now it is Thou shalt not kill.  So maybe Shari has a great point.  Justice like all human endeavors does evolve.  If so it evolves through the action of legislatures.  

Mike:  Shari you took one of my topics out of my mouth.  I was going to say the same thing, not as eloquently.  To say that a river flows, you have to say what it is that flows.  We create justice; it evolves; we create new justice.  finally we say we have to make a new rule.  ... ³Women can vote².  ... The intelligent design point: someone has to popose the idea.  Who are these people, where does this inniative come from?  From us.  We are ³god¹s² agents.

Janet: you could write the decl. of independence ³all men are created equal².  It took a long time for men to recognize women are equally human.  You have the fundamental idea of equality, but who do you embrace as falling under that.  Immigarnts.  

Mr G: we are not equal.  We are far from equal.  We are different.  What does equal mean.?
spencer:  equal in the eyes of the law.    How government relates to them.  This is a document that was written declaring independence from Brittan ... they were treating us as unequal citizen.  They were taking an imperial position over us... just like Bush.  

Mr G
: it isn't equality, it is power.

Steve: ... it is not biological equality; it is not reiligious equality.  The great gift of the enlightenment is equality before the law.  That we have managed to mess up.  We have polluted it by making power as ... some are more or less powerful than others.  The great struggle is to make us all equal before the law, hope to achieve this as a country.  As we get closer to having the law of equality, will we have to divide... red and blue?  ... Constitutiona congress decided to postpone the slavery issue for 20 years ... mistake.  Still reaping the harm done by that.

Mike:  not equality before the law.  We start with ³we were created equal².  The point is we are not below some diviely apointed sovreign above us.  King.  We should have a say so in the government.  the important thing is that we asserted we the people are a sovreign people, and we make the law.  (We took a lot of this from the Iriquois nation through Benj. Franklin.)  The Algonquian Confederaqcy.  

Mike on ET
Occam¹s Razor.  You take the simplest explanation that accounts for the facts.  
Anthropologist, historians ... note the sudden appearance in the fertile crescent of all the arts: reading, writing, metalurgy, slavery, settled dwelling, ... No gradualism.  How do you explain that?  Grass huts and then suddenly all these things.  So there is room for an E.T. type explanation as the  most simple one.  
 I had a show at Sitwell¹s and had a sketch of one of these sumarian tablets with a drawing of ething that might be a rocket.  Plus stories that say ³I went up like the eagle... ³  
 Everybody knows Carl Sagan...  at MIT.  John Mack at Harvard psychiatry dept.  who collected alien abduction stories.  finally went to Sagan who said all delusional.  
But reports kept coming in.  John went to MIT physics dept.  This time the evidence was examined.  A five day conference at MIT.  1990.  On Allien stories.  ³Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind².  the book generated.  Presented evidence.  Multiple witnesses.  ... there is hard evidence, contemporary, and also going back thousands of years.  Are we going to dismissi the evidence like Sagan?

Spencer:  I want, as hogreve, to hear from those who have not spoken.

Erica:  what I think is  you make justice too difficult.  Laws  don¹t create justice.  Justice comes from an innate sense of self.  Some examples of power ...  I believe that people have an understanding when people do something wrong.  People have a sense.  Visceral response...  something not right.  so in any given situation, you understand if y ou were on the other end you wouldn¹t like it. ...  

Kerry: re justice ... what can we do about it?  This group ... just amazing.  Like any demonstration down town, those make a difference.  I am wondering how we can make more of a difference.  

Chad:  This is another jack ass idea I heard from prof. Jean  collins four years ago as a Freshman.  I am just going to put it out there.  In most paintings, hieroglyphics, Byzantine... there are images of space crafts.  Circular objects that look like saucers.  Even today people report saucers.  Spin.  They come and take you up.  Same image throughout all time.  Isn¹t it odd that there is no evolution and development of ...
 Hypothesis:  they are not aliens, they are human time travelers from the future.  ... There are hieroglyphics beneath the sphyinx that say there is a chamber beneath it that will change human history.  People want to open  the chamber, but the Egyptian gov¹t won¹t approve.

Mr. G
: I think I have leaned that you guys are even more different than I even k new.

Mira:  ³What the Bleep do We know?²  movie.  We watched Sat.  
I remember, the L on Chicago, before 1984, I remember a memento (graggiti).  ³1776 or 1984?²  A radical leftist put that there.  I want peaceful ways to be used as the strong way, peaceful way to change things.  I don¹t see that emmerging, so I hope it will come soon. .... then there are crop circles.

Steve:  the messiah ...  An eye illness, flashing lights when a rip in cornea... diabetics ... this is such a great story, either version.  As Walt used to say It¹s a wonderful world.

Mr. G.  Why did they have to come from the future?  Why not the past?  

Spencer:  I come h ere each week for the entertainment.  It¹s great to be here.  We expand our vocabularies.  

Cheryl:  I think as far as justice being evolutionary, I think there are several kinds of justice.  Maybe Mr G was talking about the concept of j.  I am looking at a set of laws.  ... evolving.  Now, marriage rights for gay and lesbian folks.   Some th ink it wrong that some people cannot have the benefits of marriage ...  a groundswell here and there.  Laws being made and fought over to rectify this.  I see this as evolution of justice.  I think it is unjust that evberybody cannot validate who they love, and particiopate in all of the other benefits.  I never paid attention very much until those folks who made outcry.  It wasn¹t only Susan B Anthony who got us the vote; but all the suffragists.  Not right that women cannot vote.  

Mr G: isn¹t justice relativistice (Ellen¹s paraphrase)?

Spencer: justice is like an onion.  Slowly we expand the concept as we add layers as more and more comes to light, we become aware of it.  

Ellen: (It is fascinating to me to see how wisdom comes from the table discussion.)

~ end of table notes ~

Hugs to everyone,


Section Two: Announcements

Hello All,

Our very own, Chad Benjamin Potter, UC-CCM student and regular at the Potluck is going to Louisiana over Spring Break to help the National Relief Network in their continuing efforts to clean up the mess left by this year's meteorological menaces.  Check out the website ( <> ) to get a view at some of the experiences he has in store.  He will be sure to give a full report of his adventures upon returning.  

To fund the trip, he needs to collect $399.00 by the week of March 6th.  That's about two weeks from today.  If you would like to contribute a tax deductible donation to this trip, please bring a check (payable to National Relief Network) to the Monday Night Salon, or mail it to Chad Benjamin Potter at 228 Klotter Ave #3 Cincinnati, OH 45219.  He needs to send the funds no later than March 10th, so please contribute what you can as soon as you can.

Thank you in advance.

Lloyd House has Space Available

2/18/06  So  Matthew  has a new romance, so suddenly I have his beautiful space available as well as the small single on third floor.  I'd like either to find two  new housemates or else form a group who wants to co-own the property and live in a co-housing style here helping me to handle the maintenance and utilities.  

Matthew's 2 rooms on third floor. NE corner of house.  One E facing window, 2 small N facing windows.  Private full bath. Furnished with beautiful teak queen size bed and dresser, desk, wood and glass dining table for 4, coffee table, chaise longue, two beautiful dhurrie rugs.  Room adjoins spacious and beautiful zendo turret room used for meditation, yoga, drum circle, etc. Shares third floor kitchen with 3 other housemates. $420.
Jason's room, small single on third floor, one W facing window, double bed size suspended sleeping loft, large closet.  Bathroom right outside the door in the hall. Shares third floor kitchen with 3 other housemates. $350.
Also, first floor room for office, studio, ...?  This is a large oak paneled room with Rookwood fireplace.  Currently furnished with king size loft bed platform, sofa, arm chair, Dhurrie rug, long oak library table.  Could share the living room with me as a waiting room.  Has its own outside entry door.  A very handsome room.  Terrific for massage practice, for instance.  $320?
And come summer barring a miracle job for Alan in the city, we will have his beautiful two room suite available on second floor, plus sleeping porch.  
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to Monday night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  Call me: 221 1289  

P.S.  It feels like something new might be about to happen with regard to the use of the Lloyd House.  Help me dream that up.  221 1289  or email   Ellen

Gospel Music Feast at St. Anthony

Sunday Feb 26 4:00 pm
St Anthony Catholic  Church  6104 Desmond St.     Madisonville
4 different church choirs.  
These people rock!  I'll be there.  Ellen

Hey Lloyd House Drumming Circle!

At our weekly Sat. night drumming circle we have a blast.  Djembes, other drums, shakers of all descriptions, flute, recorder, animal sounds (!), Dancing, .. now trying it on the first floor where we can also use the grand piano and won't have to schlep drums up to the third floor.  Come!

Just two hours, not long, refreshing, healing, ... Come join in this.  

Love and kisses,

Please Note this:
if you have an email list of drumming people (or dance people, or chant people or instrumental improv. people ... folks who would love this) would you please send this announcement to them and ...
If you  are getting this announcement SECOND HAND from a friend, not from me, Ellen, would you PLEASE send me an email
and ask to be subscribed to the drum list?  Just send an empty email message and put in the SUBJECT LINE the words "subscribe drum".  


OK, so get yourself here ( 3901 Clifton Ave, Cinti.) Saturday, and any/every Saturday night at 7 pm.  Let's keep t his building.  Keep happy during winter.  Heal yourself.  
     Love and beats,

Logistics: Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Avenue zip 45220, use if you don't know your way here.  Park on Lafayette ave. after unloading drums.  Do NOT block the driveway.  Remove shoes in foyer. Walk up rear stairs (pass the big front staircase) to third floor.  Bring snacks or drinks if you like.  Bring love and good vibes, any musical instruments or any kind, etc. etc.  All children welcome.  


8987 Cotillion Drive

Cincinati, Ohio 45231

tel. 521-9321

Subject: GAIA FOUNDATION GALA on Sunday, Febrary 26 at 5:30 pm

Dear friends:

Gaia Foundation is a non-for-profit 501.c.3 educational and research organization that is just about to start cleaning up and redeveloping the ailing heart of our city of Cincinnati (see attachments).  In order to expedite the process, we are having a party, which will also include fundrising.  If you cannot pay $18, you can give us a commitment of 2 hours of work for Gaia Foundation.

Please come with a potluck dish of your choice and pride.  The basic party needs will be provided by the host (GAIA FOUNDATION founder and President).   GAIA Foundation is finally getting real life and we want to celebrate it with our friends.  Come as you are, if you cannot afford a dish, or cannot cook and/or prepare food.SVM

This is in Finneytown, passed Brentwood Plaza while driving north on Winton Road, turn left into Cherryblossom and then at the first stopsign turn right into cotillion.  My is the third house on the right.  hope to see you there, but before that I will see you at your house.  If you can, please send my invitation to your 500 list.  I can accomodate about 80 people comfortably in various rooms.

Dr. Vlasta Molak
8987 Cotillion Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
tel. 513/521-9321

3/4  Friend and local luminary Ed Gutfreund is offering a workshop.  It will surely be terrific!  ellen
From: <>
> >

> > PRESENCE--Deepening the Therapeutic Alliance
> > A Workshop for Counselors & Psychotherapists
> > Saturday, March 4, 2006 ceu's applied for
> > 9 am to 5 pm
> >
> >
> > 951 West North Bend Road A-3, Cincinnati OH 45224
> Send fee of $95 if postmarked by 2/20/06, $105 if after. Include your name,
> > address, phone and email. You may also register by email and send fee
> > separately.

> >
> > Workshop Flyer available at
> >

3/8    Green Construction Expo

³The one place where the entire industry can meet to discover and share leading edge ideas, applications and technology²

Wednesday March 8, 2006     Sharonville Convention Center

Product Show: 5:00 pm ­ 8:30 pm    Workshops: 1:00 pm ­ 5:00 pm

Construction Products Showcase
Presented by:
The Cincinnati Chapter of
The Construction Specifications

Free Admission

Door Prizes All Night
Free Food and Beverages
$1000 Grand Prize!

(Must be present to win)

Join hundreds of industry professionals at The 27th Annual CSI Construction Products Showcase, as you experience growth in product and professional knowledge, and benefit from networking with your peers.
See, touch, and learn about the latest products and technology from more than 100 of the industry¹s leading companies.  They¹ll discuss business and technology advances and look for ways to help you become more efficient and profitable.
Select your targets, chart your course, leave room for discovery, stop and ask, and chose your literature carefully. We are sure your visit to The CSI Construction Products Showcase will be profitable and rewarding.

Also at Construct CincinnatiŠ

Most Innovative Building Practices
VisionaryProductSolutions, Inc
8:30 am -12:30 pm
The ACI Annual Meeting
Contact AIA Cincinnati for details

BuildGreen Workshops
Presented by
The Committee on the Environment of the Cincinnati Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Ohio/Kentucky Chapter of the International Interior Design Association
1:00 pm ­ 2:00 pm
High Performance Workspace
The economic and design viability of creating environmentally sustainable commercial office interiors
Advanced Exterior Wall Systems and Moisture Control
The key performance criteria for advanced exterior wall construction, how the design and construction rules are changing, and how metal cladding systems can provide excellent performance and moisture control
2:15 pm ­ 3:15 pm
Investing in Sustainable Interior Environments
Lees Carpet
Current sustainable design practices and concepts and methods to develop healthy interior environments
Daylighting Research and Design
Advanced Glazings
Current research methods and findings to successfully incorporate daylighting design
3:30 pm ­ 5:00 pm
Peeling back the Ecolabel
Scientific Certification Systems (SCS)
Evaluating environmental claims, the truths and myths behind the countless eco-labels in today¹s market and advantages of obtaining third-party product certification
Register to Attend the Green Build Workshops
through AIA Cincinnati.
Contact Pat Daugherty
by phone at (513) 421-4661
by email at
or go to
Workshop Registration
$25.00 (pre-registered)  
$30.00 (at the door)
Student attendance is free.  
Register now and save!


Muse: New Spirituals Concert
Cathy Roma, Muse,
w/ Linda Tillery
March 10, 11
8:pm at House of Joy in College Hill
Be there or regret it!  ellen

Tickets $15  online:
Shakit Records
Childcare? call 221 1118 to make reservation by March 3

Local Forest Habitat Restoration Events

Burnet Woods   March 11th       9:00 to 1:00   Meet at Trailside Nature Center  -   Info. Steve 961-7711

Green Up Day and Great American Cleanup combined   April 22   Burnet Woods
Info. Cindi Nugent 861-8970

Rawson Woods April 29, 10-12. garlic mustard pull and trash clean up. Meet your neighbors at the corner of Middleton and McAlpin. Info. Joy at 221-8285.
All events are with the Cincinnati Park Board.
Dress for the weather, bring your own water, and gloves.
Questions?  ask  Steve Slack


Soul Movement

A day workshop in Hellinger Family Constellation Work
Led by Meredith Balgley

Sunday March  12: 10-6pm
in Asheville, N.C.
To register, call Art Mandler at (828) 225-8202 or write:
Cost : $95

Experience group work based on Bert Hellinger¹s observations of trans-generational family bonds and of spontaneous ³movements of the soul². This work has brought profound healing and reconciliation to many whose lives it has touched.  

Family love runs deep, whether or not it is expressed.  It gives us strength from our origins and our place to belong.  Its bonds connect us to all our family¹s members and ancestors, even those who have been excluded or forgotten.

Loyalty in families not only binds us in love but can bind us to our family¹s fate and unresolved pain.  We can find ourselves unconsciously reliving other family members¹ suffering.  Our bonds of love can become ones of entanglement.

Soul constellation work can give you a picture of what deeper forces may be at work in your life. It can reveal hidden entanglements, and can let them release and move toward healing. It may do this by acknowledging people in your life who have been forgotten or excluded. It may do this by asking you to honor the fate of others, relieving you of the need to carry their burdens. When fate and previous generations are honored, power and life and love can flow to you from the past.

Many issues in your present life can be addressed in this workshop:      relationships, life choices, health concerns, feelings, spiritual questions.  You can also gain much from observing the work of others.  By acting as a representative in other people¹s constellations, you can glimpse life from a perspective beyond your own.


Meredith Balgley is a graduate of the Gabrielle Borkan Institute where she trained in Hellinger Family Constellation Work. She has attended trainings, workshops and conferences with Bert Hellinger, Dr. Stephan Hausner, Dr.Bertold Ulsamer, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, Dr.Gunthard Weber, Heinz Stark, Dr.Albrecht Mahr, Hunter Beaumont, Katie Atherton and Gabrielle Borkan.  On her path to this work, Meredith has studied the Pathwork, Re-evaluation Counseling, Buddhism, Judaism, trauma recovery and bodywork. She has an MSW in clinical social work. The experience that has helped her most as a constellation facilitator has been in her life as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother of two sons.

³The mind is quick and often misses its mark;
The soul is slow and always on target
­ Bert Hellinger


Scorecard: The Pollution Information Site
Concerned about issues with your water and air?
Enter your Zip code at
This will alert you to the major polluters in your area.
See also information on chemicals, watersheds, superfund sites, and animal wastes.
And then ask yourself, "What am I doing to make this situation better or worse?"

Quantum Wellness Partners
<> #838192700

Vic Wulsin, M.D. calls for us to help Free Medical Clinic at the Free Store in OTR.
Dear Friends,

Wouldn’t you give one hour to make a substantial difference in the lives of other Cincinnatians who, without your help, would not receive their essential medical and psychiatric care?  The Health Resource Center (inside the Free Store) is the only free clinic in Cincinnati.  We see hundreds of patients and clients, most of whom have dual (mental and physical illnesses) diagnoses and are homeless.  Many are on parole and need help finding jobs.  If every resident and do-gooder in the Greater Cincinnati would donate just one hour of his/her time, the Health Resource Center could operate into perpetuity!  Let us start now.
Please do your part.

  1. Donate the value of one of your working hours: if you earn $100,000/year, $50; if you earn $10/hour, $10.  Make the check to Health Resource Center, 112 E. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45210.  The HRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, whose donations are 100% tax deductible.  Give more if you can.  
  2. Attend our 10th Anniversary Celebration this Saturday (Jan 21) at Kingsgate, 7:30 – 10:00 pm.  HRC is requesting a $60 donation, but pay what you can.  If you want to celebrate with us and cannot afford to donate, COME ANYWAY!  You, your friends, your colleagues, and your family are welcome to the exciting event:
    1. Master of Ceremonies = Rick Sowash
    2. Entertainment by the Mount Auburn Cantiga and the Gospel Choir of Cincinnati.
    3. Keynote address by Mayor Mark Mallory.
    4. Silent auction, featuring a week-end with a Jaguar (the car, not the animal); complete services for men at a local spa; baseball signed by Johnny Bench; football signed by a Bengal whom I’m sure you’d recognize; ballet tickets; one-of-a-kind artwork and jewelry; chocolate; fur coat; and much, much more…  
    5. Chance to mingle with some incredible activists making our community better.
Parking is provided, as well as “heavy hors d’oeuvres.”  J
  1. Invite your friends; spread the word.
Please write or call with any questions.  Thank you for your help.  TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Victoria Wells Wulsin, MD, DPH
SOTENI International
2366 Kemper Lane
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206
513-961-2100 x13
202-415-2884 (mobile)
513-984-9257 (home)
Permanent e-mail =

Sing Along at Ginny Frazer's / Steve Shoemaker's:
Bring songbooks, food or drink to share as we celebrate Women’s Herstory Month thru Song at Steve & Ginny’s 1539 Glen Parker Avenue (Off Hamilton Ave. in Northside). Potluck at 7:00, singing starts at 7:30 or so. Please RSVP or call 513-541-5361.
(This is my type of thing.  Unfortunately, I'll be in Denver visiting my daughter!  ellen)


Good Odd Jobs Man!
Philippino American new arrival.  LIves Clifton.  Transportation by bus.  $8/hr.  Experienced housepainter, carpenter, cleaning, etc. etc.  A good man.  ellen
Noli Tobias
861 0933

3/20 Cincinnatian and Muslim American leader Karen Dabdoub to join us at the Salon Table on Monday 3/20 to answer common stereotypes and dialogue with us.  Be there!


SPAN Ohio to sponsor all day conference on
Single Payer Health Care for Ohioans

Sat. April 8   10 am  to 4 pm
Holiday Inn City Center  175 E. Town St.  (614-221-3281)
Columbus, OH

This is the group that Dr. Don Rucknagel supports, the doc. who gave us that great power point presentation a couple of weeks ago.  Let's throw our energy behind this initiative.  I am looking to form a car pool-drive up and back same day.  Call me, ellen: 221 1289.

To register ($15 fee, includes lunch) see or email

SPAN Ohio tidbit: Myth: we have a good health care system as is.
Reality: 45 million people in the US have no coverage, including 1.3 million in Ohio and the numbers keep rising.  Millions more have insurance that is inadequate, and all but the super rich worry about losing coverage.  Meanwhile the cost of premiums, prescriptions, hospital stays and medical services continues to skyrocket.  The increasing numbers of uninsured wait until they are seriously ill and then go to the Emergency Room where to treat them is hugely costly.  This is paid for (when they cannot pay) by public money and by the hospitals raising rates for everyone's care... which in turn raises premiums, and as a result more and more    employers stop offering their people health insurance.  It's a snow balling disaster.  The Single Payer initiative is a sane, affordable way to avert train wreak.  Learn more at

Please pass this on to anyone that you know that might be interested. This is Phil and Gretchen Neuman Stone¹s house. It is on the property of an historic Quaker settlement on the little Miami River. For information call me, Judy Leever 513-677-0691 or e-mail

Thank you, JudyL

Idyllic Farmhouse For Rent


4 bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms

Wood Stove
On the Bike Trail

The house is off of a private road on the edge of large woods with lots of privacy, space and wildlife.
Call 513-677-0691

Section Three: Articles


  • Spy chips implanted in employees' bodies! Right here in Cinti.

  • Next Major peace demonstration April 29

  • Thurman Henderson on violence and misogyny in the Koran.  Karen Dabdoub will attend Salon 3/20 to respond.

California based new subscriber Bill Willett sends this hair raising article about Spy Chips
Will job desperate Americans consent to Big Brother?  ellen

February 9, 2006


Government Contractor Adopts Controversial VeriChip Implant in Workplace

Cincinnati video surveillance company now requires employees to use VeriChip human implantable microchips to enter a secure data center, Network Administrator Khary Williams told Liz McIntyre by phone yesterday. McIntyre, co-author of "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID," contacted CityWatcher after it announced it had integrated the VeriChip VeriGuard product into its access control system.

The VeriChip is a glass encapsulated RFID tag that is injected into the flesh of the triceps area of the arm to uniquely number and identify individuals. The tag can be read through a person's clothing, silently and invisibly, by radio waves from a few inches away. The highly controversial device is being marketed as a way to access secure areas, link to medical records, and serve as a payment instrument when associated with a credit card.

According to Williams, a local doctor has already implanted two of CityWatcher's employees with the VeriChip devices. "I will eventually" receive an implant, too, he added. In the meantime, Williams accesses the data center with a VeriChip implant housed in a heart-shaped plastic casing that hangs from his keychain. He told McIntyre he had no qualms about undergoing the implantation procedure himself, and said he would receive an implant as soon as time permits.

"It worries us that a government contractor that specializes in surveillance projects would be the first to publicly incorporate this technology in the workplace," said McIntyre. CityWatcher provides video surveillance, monitoring and video storage for government and businesses, with cameras set up on public streets throughout Cincinatti.

The company hopes the VeriChip will beef up its proximity or "prox" card security system that controls access to the room where the video footage is stored, said Gary Retherford of Six Sigma Security, Inc., the company that provided the VeriChip technology. "The prox card is a system that can be compromised," said Retherford, referring to the card's well-known vulnerability to hackers. He explained that chipping employees "was a move to increase the layer of security....It was attractive because it could be integrated with the existing system."

Ironically, implantable tags may not provide CityWatcher with that additional safety, after all. Last month security researcher Jonathan Westhues demonstrated how the VeriChip can be skimmed and cloned by a hacker, who could theoretically duplicate an individual's VeriChip implant to access a secure area. Westhues, author of a chapter titled "Hacking the Prox Card" for Simson Garfinkel's recent "RFID: Applications, Security, and Privacy," said the VeriChip "is not good for anything" and has absolutely no security.

"No one I spoke with at Six Sigma Security or at CityWatcher knew that the VeriChip had been hacked," McIntyre observed. "They were also surprised to hear of VeriChip's downsides as a medical device. It was clear they weren't aware of some of the controversy surrounding the implant."

Although CityWatcher reportedly does not require its employees to take an implant to keep their jobs, Katherine Albrecht, "Spychips" co-author and outspoken critic of the VeriChip, says the chipping sets an unsettling precedent. "It's wrong to link a person's paycheck with getting an implant," she said. "Once people begin 'voluntarily' getting chipped to perform their job duties, it won't be long before pressure gets applied to those who refuse."

Albrecht predicts that news of the security flaws will combine with public squeamishness to make the VeriChip a hard product to sell, however. "Obviously, nobody wants their employer coming at them with a giant hypodermic needle. But when people realize it takes a scalpel and surgery to remove the device if it gets hacked, they'll really think twice," she said. "An implant is disgusting enough going in, but getting it out again is a bloody mess."

Albrecht and McIntyre, who are Christians, also have religious concerns about RFID chip implants. In their latest book, "The Spychips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance," the pair explain how plans by global corporations and government entities to broadly deploy RFID could usher in a world that bears a striking resemblance to the one predicted in Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

According to Revelation, at some future point people will not be able to buy or sell unless they are numbered and bear a mark on their hand or forehead.

"While Christians have theological reasons to reject being uniquely numbered, this is an issue that should concern anyone who values privacy and civil liberties," said Albrecht. "The VeriChip is Big Brother technology being unscrupulously marketed by a company that would like to put a chip in every one of us. It has no place on free American soil."



"Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track your Every Move with RFID" (Nelson Current) was released in October 2005. Already in its fifth printing, "Spychips" is the winner of the Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty and has received wide critical acclaim. Authored by Harvard doctoral researcher Katherine Albrecht and former bank examiner Liz McIntyre, the book is meticulously researched, drawing on patent documents, corporate source materials, conference proceedings, and firsthand interviews to paint a convincing -- and frightening -- picture of the threat posed by RFID.

Despite its hundreds of footnotes and academic-level accuracy, the book remains lively and readable according to critics, who have called it a "techno-thriller" and "a masterpiece of technocriticism."

Read the foreword by Wired technology commentator and best-selling author Bruce Sterling.

"The Spychips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance" (Nelson Current, January 31, 2006) is a paperback version of the original book that addresses Christian concerns associated with the technology.
home | overview | faq | blog | press | get involved | about us

The Spychips website is a project of CASPIAN, Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering.
© 2003-2006 Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre. All Rights Reserved.


Next Major Peace Demonstration in D.C.
April 29

This may be a good announcement for the weekly.  Can¹t wait to hear about the discussion tonight!
David Rosenberg


For the first time, an important part of the environmental movement and an important part of the antiwar movement, as well as the National Organization for Women and others, are joining to bring an end to  "global scorching" and the Iraq War as well as to end attacks on the Constitution and on the poor and the middle class by the present US government.

This broad coalition is calling for a major march in New York City on April 29.

Says the call to this march:

·      No more never-ending oil wars!   
·      Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights, and end illegal  spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.   
·      Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate  subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.
·      Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction  of our environment.

Among the initiating groups are ---
United for Peace and Justice
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
US Labor Against the War
Friends of the Earth
Climate Crisis Coalition
Peoples Hurricane Relief Fund

Readers of The Shalom Report will be especially interested to know that UPJ has decided to refuse any further alliances with "ANSWER" in organizing any demonstrations, etc.

The UPJ steering committee did this by a two-thirds majority,  out of its experience both of deep political differences between ANSWER & UPJ  in organizing  the antiwar actions last September, and of serious failures by ANSWER to adhere to and carry out commitments the two groups had agreed to beforehand.

You may recall that The Shalom Center was so indignant about the involvement of the bitterly anti-Israel ANSWER in the September 24 antiwar rally that we held an independent  pro-peace Shabbat service during the rally time of that weekend,and then took part in other aspects of the weekend when ANSWER had no role.

Now we can take whole-hearted part, especially since our other concerns ­ Oil, Global Scorching, the US Constitution ­ are also on the agenda.


The Climate Crisis Coalition has just installed a Climate Crisis News Engine on its website (  Each morning from its various ³newsfeeds,² CCC identifies a dozen or so stories to post on the site.  They get rotated on the home page.  (To see all the stories click Climate Crisis News Engine

Shalom, Arthur

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director
The Shalom Center voices a new prophetic agenda in Jewish, multireligious, and American life. To receive the weekly on-line Shalom Report, click on --

2/25  My friend and neighbor for 30 years, Thurman Henderson, an engineering prof. at U.C. sent in this thoughtful piece on his reading of the Koran.  He is a man of unimpeachable intelligence and sincerity.  I asked Muslim friend (also unimpeachable intelligence and sincerity) Karen Dabdoub to comment; she said she'd rather come to the salon in person, as it would take a very long piece to rebut all his stereotypes of Muslims.  Here is Thurman's piece:


Yes, please feel free to use my comments on the Koran as you may choose.  I am a very strong believer in respect and unencumbered freedom for all religions, but I find the Koran very troubling.

Certainly one can cherry pick verses out of the Koran which would coincide relatively well with the perspective of peace-loving people, such as "Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you but do not attack them first.  God does not love aggressors."  Also the Koran is replete with commands to give alms, protect the orphan and be kind to travelers.  However the general tenor is very violent.  For example the above cherry-picked verse is immediately followed by, "Slay them wherever you find them."  Also the Koran does speak of mandated beheadings and "heads will roll"--which may explain some of the recent activity in Iraq.  Another passage says "Do not kill yourself," which appears to contradict the notion of suicide bombings.  Go figure?

Certainly it can be correctly asserted that our "Old" or Jewish Testament records some violence as well; but it is nothing like the "Sword of Islam" (which I now better understand).  Of course much terrible mischief has also been done in the name of Christianity, but the "New" or Christian Testament itself advocates essentialy a pacifist outlook, e.g. "If one strikes you on one cheek, offer the other," etc. Never the less, there were persons in the pre Civil War South, for example, who maintained that the New Testament condoned slavery, because one of Paul's writings admonished believing Greek slaves to be conscientious to their masters [that they may be won] and masters to be kind to their slaves.  (Paul was already being arrested  and imprisoned for stirring up the locals in the world which existed, in preaching monothesism and messianic Judaism, eventually dubbed "Christianity" by others). He was not advocating slavery.

However the Koran speaks perhaps a hundred times or more on the assumption that Muslims will naturally have slaves.  Also the male owner may freely have sex with his slave females, although he should otherwise be true to his wives, up to four.  (Mohammed, I read, had more, including a 6 year old, where the marriage was not consummated until she was at the ripe old age of 9.  Is this pedophelia?)

Koranic law (as I have read in the Koran) includes vast details on legal swearing (two women equal one man if two men are not available), divorce, estates, etc. which strongly discriminate against women.  Women can even be selectively executed; a woman who is found unchaste can be locked in a house until she dies for example.  The Koran also speaks about "dark eyed" and "high breasted" virgins [other names are used] in Paradise for men.  (I didn't find the often mentioned quantity of 40).  The Koran also speaks against gambling and drinking but indicates that much drinking and sex will be available in Paradise for men.  Perhaps this explains the eagerness of the Muslim extremists to expedite the trip.

However after reading and studying the Koran I wonder if in fact the "extremists" are really those many good and peacable Muslims whom we have been fortunate to know.  I continue to have great respect for responsible people of all the great religons, including Buddhists and Hindus, but judging from its holy book, Islam appears to me to be unique in its advocacy of many, many things which the more enlightened of both East and West should find abhorrant.
I have also read two more books on Islam, one by a non-Muslim and one by a practicing Muslim (for balance):  Robert Payne, "The History of Islam" and Yahiya Emerick, "Understanding Islam."  I would recommend both and would be happy to lend them to anyone who may wish to read them.



P.S.  Thanks for your follow-up email on the Muslim issue.  It is ahsolutely wonderful that the "Muslim Mothers Against Violence" has been formed locally.  As Zeinab Schwen notes, all Muslims are indeed [fortunately] not the same; but I am  by nature a researcher (of some established credibility as a scholar in my field--which is not religion) who has been taught to go to original written sources.  When I do so in this case, I find that if the religion is defined by its holy book, then Islam appears to be rather violent in its orthodoxy, in spite of what the well meaning Zeinab Schwen prolaims.  Advocating removal of heads, cutting off hands and removing an arm and a leg from opposite sides of others is recorded in the Koran (in specific circumstances) as well as special directed violence to women.  We have also had things such a the Spanish inquisition in the name of the Roman Catholic Church, but they were Christians in name only because such behavior already contradicted their own holy book.  Now if a Muslim rejects the written violent words of his holy book, does that by similar argument make him an actual non-Muslim?  I am in favor of reformed Islam, and respect should be accorded civilized behavior; however, "moderate" Muslims should deal with the facts as we deal with our understanding and toleration toward them.

and Karen's email:
Hi Ellen, Thanks for sending me the article and asking for my input. I
would rather not respond in writing as it would take volumes to respond
to all his negative stereotypes. Unfortunately, he really comes across
as someone with an agenda, not an open mind. I would enjoy attending one
of your Monday evening programs and interacting with people. It will
have to be post March 4 though due to a very full schedule until then.
Would March 20 work for you?


In Peace, Karen

Karen J. Dabdoub
Director, Cincinnati Office
10999 Reed Hartman Hwy.
Suite 223
Cincinnati, OH 45242

CAIR is America's largest Islamic civil liberties group. Our mission is
to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil
liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote
justice and mutual understanding.


Next Major Peace Demonstration in D.C.
April 29


For the first time, an important part of the environmental movement and an important part of the antiwar movement, as well as the National Organization for Women and others, are joining to bring an end to  "global scorching" and the Iraq War as well as to end attacks on the Constitution and on the poor and the middle class by the present US government.

This broad coalition is calling for a major march in New York City on April 29.

Says the call to this march:

·      No more never-ending oil wars!   
·      Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights, and end illegal  spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.   
·      Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate  subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.
·      Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction  of our environment.

Among the initiating groups are ---
United for Peace and Justice
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
US Labor Against the War
Friends of the Earth
Climate Crisis Coalition
Peoples Hurricane Relief Fund

Readers of The Shalom Report will be especially interested to know that UPJ has decided to refuse any further alliances with "ANSWER" in organizing any demonstrations, etc.

The UPJ steering committee did this by a two-thirds majority,  out of its experience both of deep political differences between ANSWER & UPJ  in organizing  the antiwar actions last September, and of serious failures by ANSWER to adhere to and carry out commitments the two groups had agreed to beforehand.

You may recall that The Shalom Center was so indignant about the involvement of the bitterly anti-Israel ANSWER in the September 24 antiwar rally that we held an independent  pro-peace Shabbat service during the rally time of that weekend,and then took part in other aspects of the weekend when ANSWER had no role.

Now we can take whole-hearted part, especially since our other concerns ­ Oil, Global Scorching, the US Constitution ­ are also on the agenda.


The Climate Crisis Coalition has just installed a Climate Crisis News Engine on its website (  Each morning from its various ³newsfeeds,² CCC identifies a dozen or so stories to post on the site.  They get rotated on the home page.  (To see all the stories click Climate Crisis News Engine

Shalom, Arthur

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director
The Shalom Center voices a new prophetic agenda in Jewish, multireligious, and American life. To receive the weekly on-line Shalom Report, click on --

Section Four: Books, Reviews, Magazines

Spencer:  I was in college, a prof. recommended ³Who gets what, how, why²  Harold Lasswell.  I recommend everybody read this tiny book.  The bible in a free market economy.  How money influences decisions.  Fantastic little book.  Easy read.  

Professor Evan Bukey is a historian
with international recognition as an authority on Hitler.  
This is his original book review
to which Jeanette responds passionately below:

Goetz, Aly, HITLERS VOLKSSTAAT (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Verlag, 2005).
This book by one of the foremost authorities on the Holocaust compels
readers to rethink accepted wisom about the Third Reich and Hitler's war
on the Jews. Based on years of intensive archival research and
statistical analysis, it reaches two startling conclusions: 1)The
German war effort was financed largely  by forced savings and heavy
corporate taxes, not unlike those imposed by the British and Americans.
German big business reaped profits, but not to the degree previously
thought. The  ruthless exploitation of France, Belgium and other conquered
countries, needless to say, was also essential to keep the tanks rolling.
2) The massive theft of Jewish assets ranging from priceless works of art
seized by wealthy families to teeth extracted from corpses at Auschwitz
enabled the Nazi regime to underwrite a highly successful "welfare state"
until the end of the war. In 1945, for example, the defeated Germans
and Austrians were healthier and better fed than the victorious British. (emphasis added ellen)

   This book should appear in English translation sometime this year. (Prof. of History) Evan Bukey, WWHS 1958
Jeanette writes in response:

"...enabled the Nazi regime to underwrite a highly successful "welfare state"

until the end of the war. In 1945, for example, the defeated Germans
and Austrians were healthier and better fed than the victorious British. ...."

Ellen, really, this sort of statement is indefensible as evidence that Germans and Austrians were  the beneficiaries of some 'welfare state' under the Nazi regime.  It totally overlooks the severe austerity and energetic creativity that went into those peoples' need to survive.  The existence of the word 'ersatz' was a by-word in German/Austrian life during the war.  The word means, of course, substitutes.  They were yet broadly knowledgeable in, 'use it up, wear it out, make it do, and substitute', with 'do without' coming a distant fifth rather than fourth.

Like the Swedes, who actually came through the war in the best shape of all, the people were  focused on extremely tight use of resources and precision attention to keeping their families' needs provided.  I have in fact been writing to many Swedish research and civic libraries to try to locate some account of the resource management that kept Sweden afloat inspite of severe wartime shortages and embargoes.  Their strategies would be extremely appropriate to our area should we face Peak Oil based on the agroforestry books I've been reading.  The Swedes were led by their Minister of Forestry, at the time, who had an encyclopedic knowledge base of the potential uses of timber to provide nearly all their needs, from transport fuels to vegetarian hamburger (wood yeast-torula).  He led conversions of whole industries to keep going, and Swedes were very adept at pulling together, instead of divisiveness.

As for the Germans, they had just immediately come through the most horrendous inflation and deflation as a result of the swindles at Versailles and subsequent impositions by the 'victors' in WWI.  They had as a result developed a resourcefulness that served as a solid base when times went bad again.  By contrast, the British and French had no such foundation, nor in the case of the French, incentive, since their efforts would have supported their enemy as well as themselves.  Better to turn limp, not to mention their internal division.

The book is a disappointment already, based on its poor logic.
Jeanette Raichyk
To which Evan Bukey responds:

Wow! Your subscriber needs to do some serious reading. Aly is by no means
a right winger, quite the opposite. His most famous English-language book
explains in terrifying detail how the "Architects of Annihilation" did
not come from petty-bourgeois homes or suffer abuse at the hands of nasty
parents. They were the "best and the brightest" of their generation,
graduates of Germany's top universities, men and women who became the
social engineers of genocide. BTW, the Swedes and Swiss did have
to manage their resources very carefully between 1939 and 1945;
nevertheless they profited enormously by supplying Hitler's war machine.

What does your subscriber mean by the "swindles of Versailles?" No
reputable German historian would accept that thoroughly discredited
revisionist notion.
And Jeanette responds to h im as follows:
Ah yes, the politically correct version in contemporary fashion.  We all
know that historians go in cycles, swinging like pendulums.  The heroes of
one fashion become the targets in the next round of fashion, to be followed
by another round with the return of new discoveries of older merits.
Perhaps we need a Latvian or Lithuanian historian to set this issue in
perspective, since their adherence to current political correctness is less

Further, since this is the sole point of contention, it remains to be noted
that the structure of the argument for ersatz strategies as an entrenched
fact of life stands uncontested, and supports the validity of the
life-training in coping with extreme economic upheaval.  The source for the
Swedish history in particular was a British permaculturist whose focus was
agro-forestry, the source of Swedish resilience.

When you're working on strategies for survival, the fashions of political
correctness are a transparent impediment.  What worked and why/how provide
their own independent validation, free of pc fashions, strictly engineering.

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
   Interactive Yahoo Salon group,
We have 45 members as of 7/05.  
Pot Luck  procedures including  food suggestions, mission and history visit .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst     

Saturday, February 18, 2006

WEEKLY 2/18/06 - 5

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:  .  Without joining anything, you can respond to the current Weekly.   Also we have a Yahoo Group.  See the end of this email for details.  ellen

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections:

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements (this week sent out separately yesterday)
  • Articles
  • Books, Reviews, Magazines

A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  525
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
to submit articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
Saves me a lot of work that way.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  

Section One: Table Notes


At the Table on Monday, 2/13/06_:Mike Murphy, Shari Able,
Cheryl Hayden, Mira Rodwan, Don Rucknagle, Roy Euvrard, Dan Hershey, Caeli Good,
Steve Slack, Mr. G., Lisa Haglund, Shirley Maul, Janet Kalven,
Ilya Stein, Marty Harrington, Ms. V., David Rosenberg, Daisy, Ellen Bierhorst , Chad Benjamin Potter, Kerry Conte, Steve Sunderland.  Welcome Cheryl, Don, and Ilya!

Steve Slack; uptown consortium revitalization plan.  Some winners and some loosers.  More condos, retail, new buildings.  Linking Zoo and Burnet Woods with green space.  (In overall, Steve is o pposed.  See article on this in ARTICLES section, blue ink.)
   And... Jack Brand prresented at CTM about new 8 story building he wants to build on Merchants parking lot behind IGA.  Condos.  400 parking places.  They need a zone change to build it.  Public hearings.  (See article on this as well in Articles section below.)

Vlasta: I saw Mayor on Tues for 5 minutes.  Also on Wed will request council give me 30 minutes for presentation.

Dan: longevity study, volulnteers over 55, measure basil metabolism, etc.  Measure of fitness.  takes only 5 mintes.

Mike : End of Fossil  Energy   I want to buy a case of 64 books for $200.  (see mike¹s letter in Annoucements section below.)

Islamic Center, NCCJ, plus a  new organizaton to adopt some villages  in Pakistan who can¹t get through winter due to earthquake.  


DR DON RUKNAGEL Md, PhD, former director of the Sickle Cell Center at Children. Regional Coord for the effort for the Single Payor health Care.

1.5 yr ago after I retired fr seeing pts.  I was contacted by Single Payor Action Network.  Always incensed that a rich country couldn¹t provide health care for everyone, as every single other industrial co. in the world does.  So we are collecting sigs. for innitiative petition.
(Power point presentation)


Teddy Roosevelt proposed universal health care in 1912.  
FDR, health insur. through employers started in 40¹s.
1965 medicare and medicaid.
1996 Hillary made a poor proposal.  

18,000 Americans die each year because of no health insur.
48% bankruptcies related to medical expenses.
World Health Org. says we are 29th in world in medical care quality.  Between Ireland and Cuba.
We spend twice as much per person as rest of world,  
Drugs five times higher than in nineties.
Much money wasted in private bureaucrocy, clerical staff needed to process forms for many diff. insur cos.  Insur cos. have huge bureaucracy as well.  30 to 50% of healthcare money is wasted.  

Health care is a drag on the economy.

People have deeply h eld beliefs making some of them highly prejudiced against a single payer plan.  There¹s no persuading them.

46.8 million American¹s are uninsured.  :More every year.  IN consequence: these people still get sick, but get their care at an ER, which is extremely expensive way to give care.  People delay getting care because of no insur.  When they finally go, the disease is much worse.  The public has to treat these people.  People wait 7, 8 hours to be seen in an ER sometimes.  
The hospitals shift the costs of this to the insurance cos.  ... Insur premiums rise, ... 40 % of corps. have dropped out of providing health insur.  So more uninsured.  An accelerating spiral.

Ten years ago 35% uninsured. (Now many more.)

Other reasons for increasing costs of health care:  high tech care, high cost new meds.
But the uninsured people are driving the rising costs.  

The existing system of med. care in this country is unsustainable in the 21 century (Nat¹l Acad Sciences)


1.5 million uninsured.
The proposed legislation, called the ³Health Care for All Ohioans Act² would cover:
Complete inpt and outpt care except not cosmetic care
Vision, hearing, dental
Rx drugs
Mental Health including substance abuse
Preventative care
Home nursing
Hospice care
Other needed services
Any services by licensed healthcare practitioner.

Administered like Medicare.
Paid for by 3.85% payroll tax paid by employers
3% gross receipts taxes paid by businesses.  (instead of taxing their profits.)
6.2% income tax on wages and salaries above $90,000
5% income tax on incomes above $200,000 adjusted gross income
Funds from current gov¹t sources such as Medicare and Medicaid.

So wealthy would pay more than the poor.
You can have your own primary physician, own pharmacist. etc.  No co-pays, no deductibles, no one excluded.  The provider bills the Ohio Health Care Fund.  

Same with hospitalization.  This should empty out the ER from uninsured folks.  So as a result there will be little wait for care at the ER.  

People will be educated re. preventive practices, hygiene.  Care will be better.  People will feel more secure.

We need 140,000 signatures distributed over a number of Ohio Counties.  This gives a cushion for error.
Submit as a voter innitiative Jan 2, 2007.  Then the legislature has 4 months to pass it.  If they do not enact it by April, we have 3 mos to get another 140,000 new sigs. and then it goes on the ballot and Nov 2007 it becomes the law if the majority of Ohio voters approve it.  

We need people to circulate petitions.  A good way is to have a church organize.

The big loosers would be the Insur. cos. and the drug cos.  They will spend millions to defeat this.  We need money to advertise and educate as we go.  
Ripple Effects
employers will pay less in added tax for this than currently for insur. premiums
Auto insur. premiums will drop for everyone.
Ohio businesses will become more competitive
Drag on economic growth will be reduced
medical research will be facilitated
unified data base
physicians will not have to practice defensive medicine
Welfare rolls will decline.
Non service connected veterans will leave the VA system
We will have resources to combat our epidemic of obesity.  
Pharmaceuticals will be less expensive because the state will make the drug cos. compete
Full time employement will increase
For physicians
fewer suits against physicians since patients won¹t be suing in order to pay the med. bill
Physicians staff will no longer have to do all that clerical work
Insur. cos. no longer dictate  how drs. practice
Quality of med. care will improve
evidence based practice
payment guaranteed.
People on Medicaid will get services suplimented by Ohio Care.   (for more information and to have questions answered.  Also may make donation online.  It is not tax deductable.)

GCIU Local 546M - 3227 W 25th St Cleveland 44109
Make check to Spanohio.

Why the address is at a Union hall?  The two leaders are Dr Johnathan Ross, MD in Toledo, and Jerry Gordon with Grocery Clerks Union.  Jerry is the retired atty. for that union.  The bill was so well written it was certified by the atty gen¹l in only three days!

Mira: what about alternative , complimentary med.  
Don:  don¹t know
We are in Region 4 , seven Ohio health care regions.  There will be an Ohio Healthcare Agency with 2 reps from each region.  14 member agency chaired by Ohio Dept Health.  so plugged into the existing bureauocracy.  They set eligibility standards; collect the bills; working out details.  
   Then a Policy Board   as well.  Run by the politicos who are elected, so they are motivated to do a good job.  

For the first few years, a lot of delayed care will flood the system.  

Evidence based medicine?
as oopposed to emminence based medicine.  When we don¹t have evidence, the docs. turn to experienced clinicians¹ practice.  There are 18,000 papers published per year.  There are panels grading these studies.. Cochran Library compares these studies, compiles.  Then an evidence based report is issued.  Eg. ³We evaluated 1200 papers comparing this therapy with a placebo; only 20 of the studies were really excellent with double blind controls and of good quality.  19 showed the med. was better than the placebo.²  Then this is good evidence.
   This is evidence based medicine.  

We have most of the sigs. we need already, but it is good to get overwhelming numbers.

What the Insurance cos and the  Drug Cos. say:
Mira:  people who will be unemployed ?
Don: it will take two years for the agency to get up and running, Jan 2010.  25 billion dollars per year.  If people switch from medicaid to Ohio Care we expect to get credits from the Fed gov¹t.  Our plan provides for displaced workers (from the giant health insurance industry) to upgrade their skills, or find other work.  

If we pull this off we will be the first state to do so.  
In Vermont, there is a plan that covers all children.  

Shari: Hawaii has had single payer.  I heard it ran into difficulty.  
Don: I don¹t know.  

I realize that all the progressive programs we now have started at the state level.  What we are working on is National health insur.  The states are the laboratories.

Daisy:  if you add Medicare, Medicaid, VA, governments, there is a huge amount of  gov¹t already paying for health care, over half of the total!  

Roy: would government employees be covered under the system, how would their ³employer² be taxed?  
Don: I don¹t know.  There is the witholding tax on wages and income of the employees.

Steve:  A friend took his sister to the ER in LA... hundreds of Mexicans, legal and illegal.  They predicted 9 hr. wait.  Ohio has not experienced this, but the day is coming.  Especially if there is a good health care system.

Don: I believe people with green cards will be covered, but I expect the illegals will want to leave becae they will be detected when the go for care.  
People will get a photo id card.  If they travel outside the state, the bill will be paid by Ohio Care.  

When US citizens get sick in Canada they get care and walk away.  Canada does not bill us.

Lisa: At Univ hosp.  as of this year, people from KY and IN who do not have insur are being discouraged from coming.  Asked to make a deposit.  But now the infectious disease center has been excepted.  

Roy: if you have insurance and the hosp treats  you and the insur does not pay, they cannot bill you.  by law.

Daisy:  Companies who are not now providing health insurance will be the ³loosers² because they will have to pay tax.  

Mira: Abortion rights?

Don: it would be covered.  But that is why we can¹t get the catholic church on board.  It would b good for the country if Roe v Wade got repealed.  It would destroy Republican party.  

Ellen:  I passionately disagree.  I find a very telling argument in the corrolation between the date of Roe v. Wade making abortion legal and the declining crime rates throughout the nineties.  Economic factors would have predicted an increase in crime.  I accept the hypothesis that it is because the numbers of unwanted and unborn children reaching the high-crim ages of 20 - 30 were increasing.  The theory goes that the crime-prone population is composed heavily of unwanted children, especially males in the ages 20 - 35 roughly.  
   If we repealled Roe v. Wade and all these uwanted babies grew up and started a new crime wave, the population would become frightened.  I am persuaded that a frightened electorate is precisely what the Neo-conservatives (perhaps we should not dignifiy them with the lable ³Republican² in respect for people like Roy E.) really want, because they tend to ratify increasing powers for the executive and a steady errosion of civil and human rights.  

   Our time is now up.  We want to give a rousing thank you to Don Rucknagel for his most excellent peresentation!  (Hoorays from all.)

~ end of table notes ~

Hugs to everyone,


Section Two: Announcements

Lloyd House has Space Available

2/18/06  So Neil is being given a house in Northside to occupy and Matthew  has a new romance, so suddenly I have their two beautiful spaces available as well as the small single on third floor.  I'd like either to find two or three new housemates or else form a group who wants to co-own the property and live in a co-housing style here helping me to handle the maintenance and utilities.  
   Neil's room on second floor, is about 18'x 18', gas fire place, three large windows, great woodwork, private full bath, closet. Furnished with hand made loft bed (double bed size), desk, dresser.  Is on NW corner of house.  Shares third floor kitchen with 3 other housemates.  $400
   Matthew's 2 rooms on third floor. NE corner of house.  One E facing window, 2 small N facing windows.  Private full bath. Furnished with beautiful teak queen size bed and dresser, desk, wood and glass dining table for 4, coffee table, chaise longue, two beautiful dhurrie rugs.  Room adjoins spacious and beautiful zendo turret room used for meditation, yoga, drum circle, etc. Shares third floor kitchen with 3 other housemates. $420.
   Jason's room, small single on third floor, one W facing window, double bed size suspended sleeping loft, large closet.  Bathroom right outside the door in the hall. Shares third floor kitchen with 3 other housemates. $350.
   Also, first floor room for office, studio, ...?  This is a large oak paneled room with Rookwood fireplace.  Currently furnished with king size loft bed platform, sofa, arm chair, Dhurrie rug, long oak library table.  Could share the living room with me as a waiting room.  Has its own outside entry door.  A very handsome room.  Terrific for massage practice, for instance.  $320?
   And come summer barring a miracle job for Alan in the city, we will have his beautiful two room suite available on second floor, plus sleeping porch.  
   Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to Monday night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
   The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  Call me: 221 1289  

   P.S.  It feels like something new might be about to happen with regard to the use of the Lloyd House.  Help me dream that up.  221 1289  or email   Ellen


Gospel Music Feast at St. Anthony

Sunday Feb 26 4:00 pm
St Anthony Catholic  Church  6104 Desmond St.     Madisonville
4 different church choirs.  
These people rock!  I'll be there.  Ellen

2/18 from Springfield Twnshp Dem. page:
Jim O'Reilly running as Dem. candidate for Ohio Court of Appeals-Hamilton County

Jim O'Reilly is well known to many of us as a neighbor and friend. Jim serves on Wyoming Council and stepped down as Wyoming Dem. Chair to run to replace the retiring appeals court judge Bob Gorman. He is a UC Law professor and national expert in law who is well prepared for the role of appeals court judge. Jim faces huge odds;  Republicans control 5 of 6 seats on this court and 6 of 7 on the Supreme Court. Jim will need our assistance with volunteers and signs. His website,, is being launched in mid-Feb. 2006.  (not up yet.  ellen)

The date for the next poetry night at the Brew House is  Wednesday (2/22).

Time is the same: 7:30PM

Sign up to read either by replying to this email or by going to the signup form on the web:

I've set up a mail list for those interested in the Brew House poetry night, and I'm planning to add your name to the list. If you don't want that, let me know. Or, alternatively, you'll be able to unsubscribe yourself at any time by going to

We hope to see you next week:

Wednesday, February 22
7:30 PM
The back room (smoke-free) at the Brew House
1047 East McMillan, 45206

Here's a link to a map:,+45206&btnG=Search

Questions, comments, whatever, email me or Chris Metzger (, or call one of us:

Chris: 368-3592
Richard: 608-4652


Richard Blumberg

Hey Lloyd House Drumming Circle!

Last week at our 4th weekly drumming circle we had a blast.  Paul led us in some interesting movement warm ups.  I  liked it.  Present and rumblin' were:
Paul Ravenscraft, Ellen Bierhorst, Richard Potts, Jay Staples, Corey Willilams, Roberty Beatty, Mira Rodwan, David Dean, Kate Kelly

Just two hours, not long, refreshing, healing, ... Come join in this.  

This Saturday I, Ellen will lead the order of beats.   Come find out what will happen!

Below, note some drumming opportunities others have forwarded to me.
Love and kisses,

Please Note this:
if you have an email list of drumming people (or dance people, or chant people or instrumental improv. people ... folks who would love this) would you please send this announcement to them and ...
If you  are getting this announcement SECOND HAND from a friend, not from me, Ellen, would you PLEASE send me an email
and ask to be subscribed to the drum list?  Just send an empty email message and put in the SUBJECT LINE the words "subscribe drum".  


OK, so get yourself here ( 3901 Clifton Ave, Cinti.) Saturday, and any/every Saturday night at 7 pm.  Let's keep t his building.  Keep happy during winter.  Heal yourself.  

      Love and beats,

Logistics: Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Avenue zip 45220, use if you don't know your way here.  Park on Lafayette ave. after unloading drums.  Do NOT block the driveway.  Remove shoes in foyer. Walk up rear stairs (pass the big front staircase) to third floor.  Bring snacks or drinks if you like.  Bring love and good vibes, any musical instruments or any kind, etc. etc.  All children welcome.  


8987 Cotillion Drive

Cincinati, Ohio 45231

tel. 521-9321

Subject: GAIA FOUNDATION GALA on Sunday, Febrary 26 at 5:30 pm

Dear friends:

Gaia Foundation is a non-for-profit 501.c.3 educational and research organization that is just about to start cleaning up and redeveloping the ailing heart of our city of Cincinnati (see attachments).  In order to expedite the process, we are having a party, which will also include fundrising.  If you cannot pay $18, you can give us a commitment of 2 hours of work for Gaia Foundation.

Please come with a potluck dish of your choice and pride.  The basic party needs will be provided by the host (GAIA FOUNDATION founder and President).   GAIA Foundation is finally getting real life and we want to celebrate it with our friends.  Come as you are, if you cannot afford a dish, or cannot cook and/or prepare food.SVM

This is in Finneytown, passed Brentwood Plaza while driving north on Winton Road, turn left into Cherryblossom and then at the first stopsign turn right into cotillion.  My is the third house on the right.  hope to see you there, but before that I will see you at your house.  If you can, please send my invitation to your 500 list.  I can accomodate about 80 people comfortably in various rooms.

Dr. Vlasta Molak
8987 Cotillion Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
tel. 513/521-9321

Vic Wulsin running again: taking a poll... Wulsin, Portune, Pepper, or ...

From Vic:
Dear Fellow Idealist, Friend, and Comrade,   

1. Please click on this site ( and put a "10" in the box next to my name (4th on the list). You'll also give your name, e-mail, and zip code.  Everyone can vote.  
 2. Please forward this to everyone you know.
3. Please forgive the mass-mailing aspect of this request.  Also, any duplicate messages.  I know you hate that.
We will bring America back to its democratic foundations.
PS: Let us know if you're ready to volunteer, contribute, etc.  

Victoria Wulsin for Congress



Muse: New Spirituals Concert
Cathy Roma, Muse,
w/ Linda Tillery
March 10, 11
8:pm at House of Joy in College Hill
Be there or regret it!  ellen

Tickets $15  online:
Shakit Records
Childcare? call 221 1118 to make reservation by March 3

Local Forest Habitat Restoration Events

Burnet Woods   March 11th       9:00 to 1:00   Meet at Trailside Nature Center  -   Info. Steve 961-7711

Green Up Day and Great American Cleanup combined   April 22   Burnet Woods
Info. Cindi Nugent 861-8970

Rawson Woods April 29, 10-12. garlic mustard pull and trash clean up. Meet your neighbors at the corner of Middleton and McAlpin. Info. Joy at 221-8285.
All events are with the Cincinnati Park Board.
Dress for the weather, bring your own water, and gloves.
Questions?  ask  Steve Slack

Please sign the Pledge to MOVE AMERICA BEYOND OIL right now at
While you're at our website you can find out more about the oil-busting
legislation we're advancing. And you can even spread the word about this

campaign to your friends and family.

Hubub in Clifton over Commercial Development Planned
See feature in Articles section below in Blue.

Sing Along at Ginny Frazer's / Steve Shoemaker's:
Bring songbooks, food or drink to share as we celebrate Women’s Herstory Month thru Song at Steve & Ginny’s 1539 Glen Parker Avenue (Off Hamilton Ave. in Northside). Potluck at 7:00, singing starts at 7:30 or so. Please RSVP or call 513-541-5361.
(This is my type of thing.  Unfortunately, I'll be in Denver visiting my daughter!  ellen)


Good Odd Jobs Man!
Philippino American new arrival.  LIves Clifton.  Transportation by bus.  $8/hr.  Experienced housepainter, carpenter, cleaning, etc. etc.  A good man.  ellen
Noli Tobias
861 0933

Section Three: Articles

  • Uproar in Clifton over 2 proposed commercial Developments
    • Steve Slack's report
    • Mike Ramundo's report
    • Elizabeth Glazier's recommendations
    Michael Moore takes on Health Care
  • Plus comment by Prof. Evan Bukey
  • Mike Ramundo deplores non-accountability of Cinti. Community Councils
  • Serious Erosion of Democracy in Ohio
  • Passing of Betty Friedan.  Piece by Germaine Grier
  • Next Major peace demonstration April 29

Uproar in Clifton over 2 proposed commercial Developments

From Salonista and CTM Board Member Steve Slack

>> A presentation was made on Feb.6th at the Clifton Town Meeting by Jack
>> Brand and partners about a proposed development in the heart of
>> Clifton. The project includes an 8 story structure, parking garage, 38
>> condos, 3 floors of office space, retail mall, plaza and a new
>> 8-10,000
>> sq. ft. library funded by the private flow of funds of the sale of
>> these spaces. He will be seeking a Planned Development status for the
>> project. 3 houses will be torn down at the corner of Ormond and Howell
>> Ave. as well as the Bender Optical / Dry Cleaners building on Ludlow
>> Ave. The merchants parking lot will have underground levels. The
>> height
>> of the structure will be higher than the structures on Ludlow Ave.
>> The library
    will be located on Howell Ave.
Here is a link revealing the size of the proposed Clifton development. The top picture is Howell Ave looking east.* The bottom picture is from the sidewalk on Ludlow looking south. Thank you for your feedback.

try this link, and then click "5":

Steve Slack
* Ellen's note: I don't see how this could be Howell looking E since the new construction is on your left.  My understanding is that the new construction would be between Howell and Ludlow, so that if you were l ooking West toward Clifton  you would see the new site on  our left, as in the drawing. ???


Michael Ramundo, Clifton Neighbor (Lafayette Cir.) and fiery CTM watchdog, on the same issue:

At the February 6th Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) meeting, J. Brand  
enterprises, a local Clifton developer and land speculator, proposed  
a massive reconstruction project for Clifton's Central Business  
District. If he executes his plans as he wants, the project would  
likely mark the beginning of the end for the 19th century look and  
feel of the business district and the surrounding neighborhood.

The developer has secured control of and plans to demolish the three  
homes adjacent to the Clifton Merchants Parking Lot. They are on the  
northeast corner of Howell and Ormond (336-340-344 & 348 Howell). He  
would also replace the Clifton Merchants Lot with an underground  
garage that might be four stories deep. On top of this total area,  
the developer plans to construct an eight-story structure to include  
38-40 condos and/or apartments. Commercial space would be constructed  
at street level. Bender Optical and the Clifton Civic Center on  
Ludlow would be demolished to form a ramp for Ludlow walkers to enter  
his development.

A structure of such scale and density does not meet current zoning  
for the area. The developer did not state what his proposed density  
would be relative to the allowable density. As he described, the  
building seemed far larger and taller than the Roanoke. The closest  
mass of the size proposed by the developer seems to be the new Good  
Sam tower now under construction. The base of the developer's tower  
may even be larger than Good Sam's tower.

The developer stated the driving objective for his project is to  
create a new library for Clifton within the new commercial space he  
creates. This claim could not be substantiated since no one from  
Hamilton County Library stood by the developer to endorse his  
project. The Clifton library recently expanded and remodeled at its  
Ludlow location. To lure the library into his project the developer  
stated he guaranteed that the library would not incur any expense  
increases over what it currently experiences.

This raises a number of questions the developer did not address. What  
about utility, staffing, building maintenance or other overhead  
expenses created by a larger library? Who pays? What about additional  
books and other materials to fill the new library? Who will fund this  
expense? There will be more issues.

Where is community involvement? The developer did not discuss results  
of any meetings he has had with merchants, residents and land owners  
in and around the Ludlow Business District as well as Howell, Terrace  
or Ormond Avenues. All of these groups would be most directly  
impacted by his project. Neither did the developer produce any  
petitions or other documentation that indicated groups most impacted  
support such a project that does not meet zoning codes. There was no  
discussion of how additional traffic would be handled. Howell,  
Clifton and Ormond already endure heavy traffic.

Clifton Town Meeting's electronic bulletin board announced the only  
known public meeting on this subject after the developer secured  
control of the three homes adjacent to the Merchants Lot.

The developer did not disclose profits he intends to enjoy if his  
project is completed as he wishes. One of the critical properties,  
344 Howell, was purchased on June 16, 2005 for $700,000. It had a  
market value of $336,500. This highly-speculative purchase price  
suggests substantial financial risk. The developer, however, is  
politically connected within Clifton Town Meeting and City  

As an example, the developer plans to demolish Anderson Baiter and  
Sahnd Funeral home on Clifton Avenue. Because of the sensitive  
location of the Clifton United Methodist Church, his closest neighbor  
at this site, he was ordered by the City to reduce the size of his  
proposed building. The zoning code requires this consideration. He  
objected because the ordered reduction would reduce his profits on  
the project. The City acquiesced and approved his larger building to  
give him the profits he wants. The City's action is not allowed  
within the zoning code.

Clifton United Methodist Church is appealing the City's decision to  
the judicial system. CTM has not offered any assistance to Clifton  
United Methodist Church.

CTM has not scheduled additional meetings to further discuss the  
developer's eight story project for the business district. Neither  
has the developer. Please keep Clifton's friends informed.


Woolper neighbor, architect and Weekly lurker Elizabeth Glazier suggests:

Two of his (Mike Ramundo's?) suggestions should be implemented now. First, as many people as possible who are eligible to become members of Clifton Town Meeting need to sign up and do so immediately so that they may vote on proposals in the future. Second, a formal organization in opposition to this proposed development needs to be formed so it can effectively spread the word and get the media involved. You've heard the phrase an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, this is sort of like that. It's easier to nip these things in the bud than to try to undo them later.

Michael Moore takes on Health Care




How would you like to be in my next movie? I know you've probably heard I'm making a documentary about the health care industry (but the HMOs don't know this, so don't tell them -- they think I'm making a romantic comedy).

If you've followed my work over the years, you know that I keep a pretty low profile while I'm making my movies. I don't give interviews, I don't go on TV and I don't defrost my refrigerator. I do keep my website updated on a daily basis (there's been something like 4,000,000 visitors just this week alone) and the rest of the time I'm... well, I can't tell you what I'm doing, but you can pretty much guess. It gets harder and harder sneaking into corporate headquarters, but I've found that just dying my hair black and wearing a skort really helps.

Back to my invitation to be in my movie. Have you ever found yourself getting ready to file for bankruptcy because you can't pay your kid's hospital bill, and then you say to yourself, "Boy, I sure would like to be in Michael Moore's health care movie!"?

Or, after being turned down for the  third time by your HMO for an operation they should be paying for, do you ever think to yourself, "Now THIS travesty should be in that 'Sicko' movie!"?

Or maybe you've just been told that your father is going to have to just, well, die  because he can't afford the drugs he needs to get better -- and it's then that you say, "Damn, what did I do with Michael Moore's home number?!"

OK, here's your chance. As you can imagine, we've got the goods on these crooks. All we need now is to put a few of you in the movie and let the world see what the greatest country ever in the history of the universe does to its own people, simply because they have the misfortune of getting sick. Because getting sick, unless you are rich, is a crime -- a crime for which you must pay, sometimes with your own life.

About four hundred years from now, historians will look back at us like we were some sort of barbarians, but for now we're just the laughing stock of the Western world.

So, if you'd like me to know what you've been through with your insurance company, or what it's been like to have no insurance at all, or how the hospitals and doctors wouldn't treat you (or if they did, how they sent you into poverty trying to pay their crazy bills) ...if you have been abused in any way by this sick, greedy, grubby system and it has caused you or your loved ones great sorrow and pain, let me know.

Send me a short, factual account of what has happened to you -- and what IS happening to you right now if you have been unable to get the health care you need. Send it to I will read every single one of them (even if I can't respond to or help everyone, I will be able to bring to light a few of your stories).

Thank you in advance for sharing them with me and trusting me to try and do something about a very corrupt system that simply has to go.

Oh, and if you happen to work for an HMO or a pharmaceutical company or a profit-making hospital and you have simply seen too much abuse of your fellow human beings and can't take it any longer -- and you would like the truth to be told -- please write me at I will protect your privacy and I will tell the world what you are unable to tell. I am looking for a few heroes with a conscience. I know you are out there.

Thank you, all of you, for your help and your continued support through the years. I promise you that with "Sicko" we will do our best to give you not only a great movie, but a chance to bring down this evil empire, once and for all.

In the meantime, stay well. I hear fruits and vegetables help.

Michael Moore <>


Health Care Comment from Prof. Evan Bukey

I wish I could attend this evening (last Monday, about Single Payer Health Care. E.B.), as I have had a great deal experience
with such medical matters, not least with the HMO the Clintons imposed
upon us here in benighted Arkansas. Doctors still make much more than
teachers, professors, etc, but their hands are being tied by  medical
administrators and insurance companies. As for Michael Moore, it's
becoming increasingly clear he helped the Bushies more than Kerry. BTW,
did you ever get my book review?


Non-Accountability of Neighborhood Councils: Delplorable!
by Mike Ramundo

The forth annual Cincinnati Neighborhood Summit held on February 4,  
2006 at Xavier¹s Cintas Center and produced by the City of  
Cincinnati, Invest in Neighborhoods, Inc. and the Community Building  
Institute was inspiring. Congratulations to the organizers.

The invigorating summit accentuated a serious and growing problem  
within City government.
The Mayor, some Council members and City  
staff discussed how our City¹s elected and professional leadership  
are ever more reliant upon the local community councils. Cincinnati  
has fifty-two communities. Invest in Neighborhoods, the City¹s  
overseer of the community council system, currently recognizes fifty-
one organized community councils.

Today councils are concerned with fire, safety, zoning, liquor  
licensing, outdoor recreation (bands/concerts), outdoor dining (music/
liquor), schools, community upgrade projects and many other issues.  
The local council has become a major funnel and receives all  
information that might interest the community
. City officials  
repeatedly stated they assume community councils are gatekeepers, the  
voice of our many communities, and are made up of duly-elected  
trustees answerable to the citizens.

Invest in Neighborhood officials said the opposite. They made clear  
that councils are membership organizations, not government bodies.  
They stated councils are not bound by sunshine laws or Ohio ethics  
Councils are not-for-profit, non-representative civic clubs  
pretty much free to operate as such and only answerable to their  
members. Last year Invest in Neighborhoods gave each recognized  
council $7000; $357,000 total taxpayer dollars went to the councils.

A review of council bylaws indicates that City government is wrong,  
and Invest in Neighborhood is closer to the truth.

Only twelve of the fifty-one councils (24%) give community residents  
the right to vote. All the rest require voters to be members of the  
community council and charge a fee for membership. Remember those  
long ago outlawed Jim Crow poll taxes? They are still alive and well  
in Cincinnati.

Some councils even give businesses the right to join and vote. The  
business owner gets to vote the business view. He/she then gets to  
vote his/her own view as a resident of the community. Few sets of  
bylaws say anything about ethics, and none had specific requirements  
that Trustees follow either the letter or spirit of Ohio Ethics Code.

History teaches club membership, soft ethics and little  
accountability fueled with taxpayer funding produces a fertile field  
for special interests to harvest at will.
Bylaws show existing  
councils to have 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, or 15 Trustees. Some had an  
unknown number of Trustees. Clifton, where I live, stands alone with  
21 Trustees on its council called Clifton Town Meeting (CTM).

As an example of what can happen, look at Clifton¹s CTM for just a  
moment. With twenty-one trustees it is too big for Cliftonites to  
force their will upon it. Only about half the Trustees show up for  
meetings anyway. Binding decisions are made by a majority of its  
Executive Committee; three people. Trustees must be members of CTM.  
Every year existing Trustees create a slate of candidates, always  
seven or more people. The drafted slate automatically runs for  
office. Any other Cliftonite who wants to run must first get fifteen  
signatures from CTM members, assuming he or she can find them. Only  
CTM members have the right to vote, and they must pay dues to the  
organization first. There are about 500 CTM members; Clifton has more  
than 8000 residents. In November 2005, the CTM election had nine  
Trustees running for nine available seats. Only 47 CTM members  
bothered to vote. Voting didn¹t matter. There has not been a  
contested election in Clifton for ten years or more. CTM controls the  
only newsletter delivered to all residents in Clifton. The letter is  
funded by taxpayers.

Other Councils may be even worse. One woman at the Summit told me her  
community council has had the same leadership for her entire life,  
and she was born in the neighborhood. She had no knowledge of any  
local elections.

Our Queen City needs representative local councils. City government  
can fix this easily. We need a standard set of bylaws that includes  
basics on ethics, places hurdles in the path of special interests  
pursuing personal gains, and guarantees the right to vote for all  
Cincinnati residents. City Council then needs to tell the community  
councils to either comply with the standard bylaws or lose taxpayer  

A number of community leaders, City administrators and elected  
representatives said the current system is hurting our City. Mr.  
Mayor, City Council, we¹re ready as volunteers to fix this. But we  
can¹t do it from the bottom up while the system fuels special  
interests with our tax dollars from the top down.

Michael Ramundo
128 Lafayette Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45220

(from Ellen: you could copy and past this letter from Mike into your own letter to the Mayor.  Call city hall for his email address.)

Another WWHS Classmate Barbara Bluestein Simons sends this disturbing article on

Erosion of Democracy in Ohio

The US appears to be on track to becoming a one party country, with no
checks and balances or rule of law.  It's very scary.

Free Press   1/30/06    Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

You may find the language here alarmist; but unfortunately the thesis is
all too likely true.

Following are clips, with some paraphrasing.

Ohio's GOP-controlled legislature is poised to pass---probably today
(Tuesday, January 31) ---a repressive new law that will gut free
elections here and is already surfacing around the US.

...bill demands discriminatory voter ID, severely cripples the
possibility of statewide recounts and actually ends the process of
state-based challenges to federal elections---most importantly for
president---held within the state.

The ID requirement aims to slow voting in inner city precincts, to allow
Republican "challengers" to intimidate anyone who turns up to vote in
heavily Democratic precincts...virtually eliminates the homeless,
elderly and impoverished from the voting rolls.  Election protection
advocates estimate this requirement will erase 100,000 to 200,000 voters
in a typical statewide election..

HB3 will also delete the ability of the public to conduct meaningful
audits of voting machines.  Election protection activists recently
forced the adoption of an auditable paper trail into the Ohio election
process.  In a state where virtually all ballots are cast and/or counted
on electronic equipment, this provision ...will make the paper trail
virtually meaningless.

HB3 further imposes a huge jump in the cost of forcing a recount.  In
2004, the charge was $10 per precinct, with some 11,366 precincts in the
state the recount cost about $113,660.  Now the charge will be $50   per
precinct, total, some $568,300.

Finally, and perhaps most astonishingly, HB3 eliminates the state
statutes that allowed citizens to challenge the outcome of federal
elections within the state.  After the 2004 election, election
protection advocates filed a challenge to Bush's victory. [This was
scotched by the SoS and others.]

But HB3 would entirely eliminate a state-based legal challenge.  The
only alleged recourse for those wishing to officially question the vote
count in a presidential, senatorial or US Congressional race in Ohio
would have to go to the United States Congress. There will be no
recourse whatsoever on the state level.

HB3 is virtually certain to pass today.  Despite grassroots protests and
bitter opposition from Common Cause, the League of Women Voters and
other pro-democracy groups, the Ohio GOP is clearly bound and determined
to end the possibility of any other party ever taking power in the
Buckeye State.  When combined with campaign finance laws allowing huge
chunks of private and corporate money to flow virtually unregulated into
GOP coffers, HB3 will all but end free elections in Ohio.

Ohio GOP poised to gut election protection on way to permanent national
Free Press   1/30/06    Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

2/18 Germaine Grier on the passing of Betty Friedan

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

The Betty I knew

Betty Friedan, who died this weekend aged 85, was widely considered to be the founder of modern feminism. Was she really as pivotal as she thought she was, asks Germaine Greer

Germaine Greer
Tuesday February 07 2006
The Guardian

Betty Friedan "changed the course of human history almost single-handedly". Her ex-husband, Carl Friedan, believes this; Betty believed it too. This belief was the key to a good deal of Betty's behaviour; she would become breathless with outrage if she didn't get the deference she thought she deserved. Though her behaviour was often tiresome, I figured that she had a point. Women don't get the respect they deserve unless they are wielding male-shaped power; if they represent women they will be called "love" and expected to clear up after themselves. Betty wanted to change that for ever. She wanted women to be a force to be reckoned with, and yet she let Carl Friedan have all the income from The Feminine Mystique. Or so she told me, sotto voce, in 1971. Something to do with community property, I guess. She was not yet divorced from him then.

In its time, The Feminine Mystique was a book that spoke to American women loud and clear. It was based on a questionnaire Betty sent out to the women who were at college with her in the 1950s, all "happily" married and bringing up kids in the suburbs. Betty, who was in the same boat, was feeling restless and dissatisfied. To her immense relief and considerable surprise, she found that just about all the women in the same situation who replied to her questionnaire were feeling the same. Betty was not one to realise that she was being lifted on an existing wave; she thought she was the wave, that she had actually created the Zeitgeist that was ready and hungry for her book. And so, as you see, did her husband, and, though he claims that her descriptions of their married life in her last book My Life So Far are wildly skewed, he still does.

My difficulties with Betty begin with the fact that, as I see it, it's the three million readers of The Feminine Mystique that made the book great. Morever, I disagreed with its basic premise. Betty's Zeitgeist was not mine. She had seen the alternative roles that women had fulfilled perfectly adequately during the war years closed to them, so they were forced to return to Kinder, K&uuml;che, Kirche. She contributed three children to the baby boom. That was the era of the New Look when hemlines dropped and waists were cinched and breasts were pushed out. According to Betty, what happened was that women's sexuality was emphasised at the expense of all their other talents and attributes. What Betty saw as sexuality, I saw as the denial and repression of female sexuality. The Female Eunuch was conceived in reaction to The Feminine Mystique.

The National Organisation for Women (Now) was Betty's idea; she certainly founded it but it harvested a huge amount of energy that had been building up for years. The bringing of the important class action suits that would improve the lot of working women is something that American feminists should always be proud of. Betty was important to all of that, but not as important as she thought she was.

When the American edition of The Female Eunuch was published in 1970, I was invited to a Now benefit. Betty grabbed me by the hand and dragged me round, introducing me to the company as if I had been one of her disciples. I kept trying to explain that I wasn't an equality feminist but everything I said sounded callow and ungracious. Betty kept beaming and holding my arm, completely unfazed by anything I said, until I had practically to rip myself from her grasp and explain that I was there under false pretences, and didn't share their belief that you could be a loyal member of the Republican party and a feminist. We now know that Betty didn't think you could either, but she could have fooled me and she certainly fooled everybody else.

In 1972, Betty and I, and Helvi Sipila of the United Nations, were together in Iran as guests of the Women's Organisation of Iran, and once again I had difficulty in dissociating myself from Betty, who would usually take over my allotted speaking time as well as her own and inveigh against younger feminists who burned bras and talked dirty. Her line was that American feminists had taken power, that everything was on the move and the Iranian women should follow suit. "There's more to life than a chicken in every paht!" Betty would howl. She would pour scorn on a life spent reheating TV dinners to women with a houseful of servants. When we were in the air-conditioned Cadillac, she never spoke to me, but rested with her head against the leather and closed her eyes. When I was talking to one of our minders about the particular way Iranian women wore the veil, she yelled "Don't you know the veil has been abahlished in Iran?" If she had opened her eyes she would have seen that the!
 women in the streets were all veiled.

Betty's imperiousness had the shah's courtiers completely flummoxed. She ordered a respirator for her hotel room and one was brought over from the children's hospital. Three days later the courtiers asked me if it would be possible to remove it, as the hospital only had two and she wasn't using hers. I told them to go ahead and grab it, and that I would deal with Betty myself, but she didn't seem to notice that it was gone.

Again and again our escorts, aristocratic ladies with bleached hair and eyebrows, dressed from head to toe by Guy Laroche, would ask me to explain Betty's behaviour. "Please, Mrs Greer, she behaves so strangely, we think she may be drinking. She shouts at us, and when we try to explain she walks away. Sometimes her speech is strange."

I got so sick of being made to admire the Shahbanou's restoration work and eat cake at girls' schools while Betty held the floor, that I arranged to be taken on a side trip to Shiraz University. The night before, Betty swept into my room, fetchingly clad for bed in a cascade of frills and flounces. "Whuttzes extra trip they've laid on for tomorrow?" she shouted, trotting back and forth in a continual frou-frou. "I've told them to cancel it! I've done enough!" By that time I knew her well enough to know that there would be no point in telling her that the trip had been arranged for me. I let her think it had been cancelled, went to Shiraz and met Islamic Marxist women, dressed head to foot in heavy woollen chadors, who told me that no truth could come from the mouth of a western doll. Four years later those same women surrounded the American embassy in Tehran, and the world really was never the same again.

As we were leaving our farewell party to go back to the hotel, Betty propped herself in front of our Cadillac and refused to get in. "Dammit!" she shouted, "I wunt, I deserve my own car! I will nutt travel cooped up in this thing with two other women. Don't you clowns know who I am?"

"Mrs Greer," pleaded the courtiers, who were shaking with fright. "What shall we do? Please make her quiet! She is very drunk."

Betty wasn't drunk. She was furious that the various dignitaries and ministers of state all had their own cars, while the female guests of honour were piled into a single car like a harem. Helvi and I looked on from our Cadillac at Betty standing there in her spangled black crepe-de-chine and yelling fit to bust, "I will nutt be quiet and gedinna car! Absolutely nutt!"

Eventually one of the ministers' cars was sent back for Betty. As it pulled out of the gateway I caught sight of her, small, alone in the back, her great head pillowed on the leather, eyes closed, resting after this important victory.

Betty and I met a few times after that, in circumstances where she didn't get to use my time as well as her own. I always let her speak first because it was easier to explain my position by stepping off from hers. Everything Betty said was up-beat, triumphalist, even as state after state was failing to ratify the equal rights amendment. Betty believed that freeing women would not be the end of civilisation as we know it; I hope that freeing women will be the end of civilisation as we know it.

Betty was disconcerted by lesbianism, leery of abortion and ultimately concerned for the men whose ancient privileges she feared were being eroded. Betty was actually very feminine, very keen on pretty clothes and very responsive to male attention, of which she got rather more than you might think. The world will be a tamer place without her.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited


Next Major Peace Demonstration in D.C.
April 29

This may be a good announcement for the weekly.  Can¹t wait to hear about the discussion tonight!
David Rosenberg


For the first time, an important part of the environmental movement and an important part of the antiwar movement, as well as the National Organization for Women and others, are joining to bring an end to  "global scorching" and the Iraq War as well as to end attacks on the Constitution and on the poor and the middle class by the present US government.

This broad coalition is calling for a major march in New York City on April 29.

Says the call to this march:

·      No more never-ending oil wars!   
·      Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights, and end illegal  spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.   
·      Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate  subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.
·      Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction  of our environment.

Among the initiating groups are ---
United for Peace and Justice
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
US Labor Against the War
Friends of the Earth
Climate Crisis Coalition
Peoples Hurricane Relief Fund

Readers of The Shalom Report will be especially interested to know that UPJ has decided to refuse any further alliances with "ANSWER" in organizing any demonstrations, etc.

The UPJ steering committee did this by a two-thirds majority,  out of its experience both of deep political differences between ANSWER & UPJ  in organizing  the antiwar actions last September, and of serious failures by ANSWER to adhere to and carry out commitments the two groups had agreed to beforehand.

You may recall that The Shalom Center was so indignant about the involvement of the bitterly anti-Israel ANSWER in the September 24 antiwar rally that we held an independent  pro-peace Shabbat service during the rally time of that weekend,and then took part in other aspects of the weekend when ANSWER had no role.

Now we can take whole-hearted part, especially since our other concerns ­ Oil, Global Scorching, the US Constitution ­ are also on the agenda.


The Climate Crisis Coalition has just installed a Climate Crisis News Engine on its website (  Each morning from its various ³newsfeeds,² CCC identifies a dozen or so stories to post on the site.  They get rotated on the home page.  (To see all the stories click Climate Crisis News Engine

Shalom, Arthur

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director
The Shalom Center voices a new prophetic agenda in Jewish, multireligious, and American life. To receive the weekly on-line Shalom Report, click on --

Section Four: Books, Reviews, Magazines

Goetz, Aly, HITLERS VOLKSSTAAT (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Verlag, 2005).
This book by one of the foremost authorities on the Holocaust compels
readers to rethink accepted wisom about the Third Reich and Hitler's war
on the Jews. Based on years of intensive archival research and
statstical analysis, it reaches two startling conclusions: 1)The
German war effort was financed largely  by forced savings and heavy
corporate taxes, not unlike those imposed by the British and Americans.
German big business reaped profits, but not to the degree previously
thought. The  ruthless exploitation of France, Belgium and other conquered
countries, needless to say, was also essential to keep the tanks rolling.
2) The massive theft of Jewish assets ranging from priceless works of art
seized by wealthy families to teeth extracted from corpses at Auschwitz
enabled the Nazi regime to underwrite a highly successful "welfare state"
until the end of the war. In 1945, for example, the defeated Germans
and Austrians were healthier and better fed than the victorious British. (emphasis added ellen)

   This book should appear in English translation sometime this year. (Prof. of History) Evan Bukey, WWHS 1958

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
   Interactive Yahoo Salon group,
We have 45 members as of 7/05.  
Pot Luck  procedures including  food suggestions, mission and history visit .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst