Saturday, January 14, 2006

WEEKLY 1/14/06 BOOKS: -

See you Monday at Music Hall at noon for the MLK celebration.  Music, spirit, community!  e.

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:  .  Without joining anything, you can respond to the current Weekly.   Also we have a Yahoo Group.  See the end of this publication for details.  ellen

Salon Weekly: BOOKS ~ SECTION 5  OF 5
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  525
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
to submit articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
Saves me a lot of work that way.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  


Books and articles we like/don't like; books we are reading ...

Please add  yours, and comment on ours at .

Islam, a short History, by Karen Armstrong This is an awesome book.  Karen is the British scholar, former nun, who wrote "A Short History of God", or maybe "A History of God" about the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Starts out giving a straightforward history of the centuries from 630 C.E. (A.D.) to about 1700 C.E.  I had no idea that before the rise of Europe with its post-agrairian economy rooted in industry and capitol, Europe was such a backwater.  Southern Europe had its great Roman Empire, but Islam had larger and more powerful empires: Persian, Ottoman, Mongol.  I thought while Europe slumbered in the Dark Ages after Roman hegemony, the rest of the world was pretty much darkened as well.  Not so.  
  But even more stunning is her brilliant explanation of the rise of European industrial capitalism, which the world had never know before, and how it has subjugated the "third world" and why.  At the point I am at she is about to explain the rage of Islamic fundamentalists against Western culture.  All right!  Would love to discuss this at the table.  Ellen Bierhorst

Old Jules by Mari Sandoz.  An amazing book about the settlement of the Nebraska panhandle from 1883 to the teens of the twentieth century written by the daughter of one of the old timers, a wife beating, brilliant Swiss man.  Thanks to Lincoln Castricone for putting me on to this one.  INdian conflict and interface, cattle vs. sheep vs. farms.  Weather.  Hard times.  Illuminating!  Ellen

Ender's Game and sequels by Orson Scott Card.  This guy is amazing.  Set in Earth's future when we are threatened by an insect culture superior to ourselves.  Deep psychologically and fascinating.  Wonderful, surprising plot, intricate characterizations, living people, informative about human societies and our xenophobias.  Highly recomment these Sci-fi novels.  Ellen

The End of the World as we Know it by Immanuel Wallerstein.  This guy is a sociologist but I would also call him an economist.  He's got a wingspan that explains It All.  Now I just need someone who understands Wallerstein to explain it to me.  Too scholarly for me.  He sees the natural history of a    c apitolist empire; understands the waves of prosperity and recession, has a crystal ball for the future.  Who out there gets Wallerstein ?  Help.  Ellen

I and Thou by Martin Buber, trans. and with intro by Kauffman.  Fabulous classic.  We can't relate to each other as things;  we must relate to each other in the mystery of personhood.  If you, like me, have never read it, this is the one.  Kauffman is wonderful.   Buber is a post holocaust Jewish philosopher who became the darling of Christian, especially Protestant, theology scholars, who mostly misunderstood him to be talking primarily about the relationship with the Divine. Ellen

Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Principles of Success, a short and luminous book.  True.  Powerful.   So usable!  I am rereading it every day in my morning meditation. Ellen

Send me the periodicals, books you are reading...say some words about them.  What is exciting to you?  e.

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
   Interactive Yahoo Salon group,
We have 45 members as of 7/05.  
Pot Luck  procedures including  food suggestions, mission and history visit .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst

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