Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bev. Harris: save American democracy


Bring your Video Camera to the "Meet the Candidates" meeting, etc.

Now here's a really creative idea from Bev Harris of Black Box Voting!  If thousands of Americans took their home video cams. to public meetings and recorded public officials revealing themselves, the results could be thunderous.  See, it's about individual Americans taking the innitiative to watchdog our democracy.  I think this is brilliant.  ellen

Help release these actions into the wild: Please distribute this one
far and wide:

ELECTION 2006: Now is the time to start. Join the Black Box Voting
"Candid America" project. Grab your video camera and catch vendors
and public officials in the act of being themselves -- the good, the
bad and the shameless.

It's a Black Box initiative, but we're setting this one free. It is crucial for all
citizens to re-learn how to act independently of any organization. This is the
best way for true citizen oversight to become a national habit.

There can be NOTHING MORE DAUNTING to any corrupt public official than an
autonomous ordinary citizen with all-American ingenuity.
Take courage. The
truth is you do not need any group, coalition, master plan or agenda. You can
do this thing and Black Box Voting will be there with encouragement and
guidance if ever you should need it.


- Start now, and keep it up as often as you can on the road to Election 2006
- Keep your battery charged
- Keep extra blank tapes available


Don't leave home without it, because you never know what you're gonna get.


-- public meetings
-- certification hearings
-- testing
-- ballot preparation
-- election-related activities by third-party vendors
-- any meetings you are able to schedule with vendors or public officials
-- early voting procedures
-- election training activities
-- pre-election equipment and materials transport and handling
-- voting day activities
-- VOTE COUNTING (all phases including videotaping chain of custody)
-- "depots" and drop-off sites
-- "spot check audits"
-- absentee ballot processing
-- mid-election and post-election equipment and materials transport and handling
-- explanations policies and procedures
-- explanations of any "glitches"
-- post-election canvassing meetings
-- any obstructive behavior, intimidation tactics, evasive or nonresponsive actions


- The goal is to get public officials and vendors on record by asking the right
questions and observing what they do.
- Show others what good public servants look like, and document the
difficult ones.
- Especially for meetings, prepare ahead of time by writing questions
designed to elicit definitive answers regarding voting procedures.
-- Avoid over-general questions that lead to speeches, evasion and
- If you happen to capture something that has evidenciary value (which
happens more often than you think), be prepared to execute a formal
affidavit and/or testify if needed.

Examples of situations where video cameras were unexpectedly important:
- Volusia County garbage altercation
- Vendor statements/misrepresentations to public officials
- Confession of violating state recount law in Ohio (in the prosecutor's hands)
- Careless or non-observable handling of voting machines, memory cards
or election materials

All of the above examples now constitute evidence that can stand up in a
court of law to hold vendors and officials accountable.


We have heard that "once this problem is solved" people can "all go home
again." The truth is, you can never go home again. You should never
again cede your oversight to public officials, vendors, scientists, or
even any voting rights group
. Freedom carries a great responsibility, and
it turns out that "We the People" means YOU!

For personal mentoring on specific situations, go to our 1 on 1 Consulting Area

"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the
only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

A "small group" can be one person. We want this to be an equal opportunity
project with YOU, the citizen, in charge of your own inspirations. You can
upload your video on the new "Google Videos" service, or your Web site.
You can send links to Black Box Voting or any organization.

Now, go capture the best and worst of America in action. Black Box Voting
is not going to organize you, monitor you, direct you or take credit for your
excellent actions. We trust you.

Now shoo. Go!


Photocopy of Diebold check stub/financial, payment to Jack
Abramoff's Greenberg Traurig firm:

Photocopy of Diebold General Ledger document that deserve explanation,
including a vague $100,000.00 "unspecified security expense"
made out to no one in particular on Oct. 31, 2003 and a $200,000
"additional consulting success fee":

Beginning info from an ES&S leak:

Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c(3) elections watchdog
group supported entirely by citizen donations. We are fighting for
your right to oversee every bit of your own elections.

If you believe our work should continue, go to or mail to
330 SW 43rd St Suite K PMB 547 Renton WA 98055

-Black Box Voting

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