Thursday, May 24, 2007

Weekly 5/24/07 - 5

It’s Memorial Day weekend.  Fire  up the grill.  Break out the beer.  Memorial Day is when  you go to the cemetery and pull the trash off graves of your family members, especially any who died in any war, and put crepe paper and flags and flowers on the graves... Maybe plant some petunias.  (see )  Then  you go attend a parade like the sweet one that starts in Clifton corner Middleton and McAlpin 11:00 am, goes to Mt. Storm park on Lafayette Ave.  The immortal Clifton Band will play ... Perhaps.  (Nonagenarian leader Fran Rosevear has repaired to Scarlett Oaks and no longer can even ride in the band wagon, let alone organize and direct.  We may pull it off yet, though.  I am the piccolo section.)  Then you are supposed to listen to boring patriotic speeches.  Sigh.  But then, it is officially summer and you can go to the swimming pool.  Have a great summer!

Next Week, 30 May, we will have a special presentation on nutrition by Llee Sivitz.  (read blurb below in “events” section.) Come listen, discuss.  

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

          • Table Notes
          • Events & Opportunities
          • Articles, Letters
          • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  c. 600.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon .  
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio.   To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color.  FOR ARTICLES, send me,
in Times New Roman, Navy color.   to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
sixth year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader
beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)
At the Table on  Wednesday, 5.23.07

Lisa Jo Duffy, Shari Able, Mary Biehn, Charles Griffin, Sophia Yarden, Derrick Lester, Judy Cirillo,  Spencer Konicov, Barrie Konicov, Ellen Bierhorst, Ginger Lee Frank, Janet Kalven, Mira Rodwan, Chris Metzger.  (Welcome LisaJo and Charles)


Ellen read her topic:  Money and Heart, A Topic for the salon:
I am reading a book about Secrets of the millionaire’s mind by T. Harv Eker.  It was recommended by my friend and Alexander training course classmate Jennifer Roig-Francoli.  A major premise is that your own beliefs and attitudes about wealth generally and  about your own wealth contribute in a powerful way to the actual wealth  you can acquire in this life.  
            In the beginning of the book the author tells about his own attempts to make money in business and how he failed repeatedly until he got the key ideas in the book.  Then he rapidly made a million dollars in a health club business he started.  He is very enthusiastic, and suddenly I had the idea that I, too, might be able to become as prosperous as I would like through these means.  Bang! Right away I ran up against a belief that has to have been contributing to my issues with money my whole life.  My belief, or set of beliefs is what I would like to discuss with you.  In essence it is that “more for me means less for you”.  
            There are those of us, most Americans today it seems, who struggle with issues of money, and worry about having enough. We buy houses and cars and other things on credit, and then feel trapped in jobs that are at best not satisfying. We cannot leave because we owe our soul to the mortgage company and the credit card.  I was speaking to a young mother yesterday who needs to ease up on herself so she can homeschool her gifted children and finish the book she has a passion for, but she has to continue in the job she dislikes intensely because they live in a McMansion her husband is deeply attached to. Gotta make those mortgage payments, etc. etc.  
            I love my work, and am not in debt except for a small mortgage, but I identify powerfully with those who feel they don’t have enough income.  Always have.  I feel deeply convinced that this attitude is standing in the way of my figuring out how to make an extra $20,000 a year, so I could easily have the house painted and get a new car and fly to Denver to visit my daughter and grandson every other month.
            And in some way I am further attached to my unproductive beliefs by the things I think I know about the world economy and the national economy.  Due to the national debt and unfavorable balance of payments and job outsourcing it feels like there isn’t enough money in the US and that things will get worse and worse in the future until  some major turn-around is discovered and implemented.   I have this notion that the top tier of Americans, those 5% wealthiest, are  milking the world and the nation by lending money and collecting interest (world bank), and pushing a consumer goods addiction … Catherine Austin Fitts’ “tape worm economics” that milks profits away from local economies whether in Clifton or in Guatemala.  I feel profoundly uneasy about the world economic situation, and that ties right into my emotional belief that I shouldn’t make more than a poverty-level income.  My idea is that the good guys are the ones living in voluntary simplicity, shopping at the thrift store, driving old cars or—better yet, taking bikes and busses like Scott Dominion—and completely refusing to participate in the American Way.  Well I can tell you, it’s not very comfortable. If I could understand at a deep level, emotionally, that increasing prosperity for me would be a blessing also for my society, then I think I would be released to figure out how to bring that about.  
            Is this a psychological  topic?  Or an economics topic?  Or maybe it is philosophical or metaphysical.  

Memorial here for Scott Dominion June 3, Sun. 4 pm pot luck.  See details in Events section.
CSA, “Farm to Market”,    Community supported ag.  Five farms will participate, all local.  Findlay market pick up. talk to Julia.  (best way to enroll in this CSA is to speak directly to salonista Julia Yarden on Saturday when you go to Findlay Market.  Look for her booth with fresh bread and other stuff.  This is the CSA I participated in last season.  Yummm.   
In Price Hill, Julia got sprayed gypsy moth chemical from helicopter.  State of Ohio.  You can find the schedule of spray times for your neighborhood at the Ohio Dept. Agriculture web page, link to gypsy moth.  These pests have a pref. for oaks… can deforest large areas.  
Ohio is now a gypsy moth battleground.  
-Creationist museum opening soon.  Monday. Wanting  to prove that dinosaurs and humans were contemporary. (don’t miss the lampoon by Ginger Lee Frank, below in the Articles section! Hilarious.)

- Mira: Khaya reported that the U.K. (England?) removed the holocaust from its school curriculum because it offends Muslims who believe it never existed.  (Is this accurate?)   this could be anti-Muslim propaganda.

- Spencer.  The Avondale Running Club needs volunteers 4 pm to – closing time at Taste of Cinti.  Sat, Sun, and Mon.  Down town 5th and Vine.  To raise money for scholarship fund.  
- How keep rabbits from eating lettuce?  Ans: marigolds.  16 gauge rabbit mesh.  


-Julia we have all internalized the zero sum market place idea.  Winners and losers. Your loss is my gain.  
Shari in your essay you talk about wanting $20,000 more a year.  I think you are self limiting.  The way you get to wealth, you don’t limit the amount; just want wealth.  That’s how rich people think according to Harv Ecker.
Barrie  : I want to talk about God, money, taxes, evolution… I just want to talk.
Judy  I would like to have wealth, and give it to causes I feel are important.
Janet interesting to see  some rich people doing a great job giving away money.  
Shari I would guess that for every self made wealthy person there are five or ten born-to-wealth people.  It is easier to make money if  you have money.  Even Bill Gates who started in his garage in Palo Alto … had a garage. Few people in OTR have a garage.
Ginger along the lines of what Shari said, part of your discomfort, Ellen, is you don’t swallow everything any body gives you.  If you got a letter that s ome unclaimed funds were there for  you … or a long last relative left their estate… would  you take that?  What would you do with it?  
Barrie  I have put on the table the book The great snow jog: taxes, money , fraud and slavery.  It’s a good read. Probably won’t find a copy because I agreed with the federal gov’t not to reprint it after 6 years in prison. However,  the information is accurate.
Dollar bill: “federal reserve note”.  A note is an instrument of debt.  
Formerly it said, “silver certificate”.  You could take this to a bank and get a silver dollar.  In the torah (bible) there is an amazing amount of info. On money, taxes, gold and silver.  
A “United States Note” was printed by the fed. Gov’t.  Not the Fed. Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is a private for-profit bank.  
Internet: people have started their own money systems in several locales around the country.
Leonard Orr: creative. Three points on  money:  1) money is not wealth, but a means of exchanging wealth.  2) Wealth is ideas, goods, services.  3) those who exchange wealth have the right to create any money system that helps exchange wealth.  
            The way you fold money determines whether you get more or less.  
            It is  metaphysical, not physical, and has to do with your belief systems.
            Two more articles on money: Devvy Kidd. On Internet.  Remarkable
!  Genesis 1:15 – 31.  The Adam and eve conspiracy, a new book I have written.  Our craziness as human beings begins here.  The word “nefesh” soul, is translated as “creature”, which is physical.  So the translated bible says God created creatures; but the bible really says soul, a part of God, transformed into creature .  
            If you can hold a thought you can create anything you choose.  
Spencer be a little more concrete.  We have a dollar bill.  We agree to trade that for anything we want.  Money is an accepted mirage; it makes things easier. Wealthy?  How does one get wealthy.  We need a definition.  A wealthy person is someone who spends less than he makes. If you do that consistently… put say 5% in savings, in only 10 years the amount of money you earn in interest than you are contributing to its growth.  So everybody can be millionaires by retirement.  
Charles what if you don’t want to invest in a mutual fund. Exploitation.  
Spencer the Rockefeller created Super Rice without which the world’s population would be …(smaller)
Ginger Bring back bartering, best way .  I come out of the arts and I know in certain places you can have dental, legal, groceries,  you can barter your art.  Last night I watched a documentary about the islands of Tubalu… as the water rises, the islands are about to be drowned.  30 years ago these people fished, bartered, didn’t have to buy anything with  money.  Everywhere now there is garbage.  Packaging for goods that never were there before.  “Progress”.  So it used to be paradise, and now ruined.  
            A “collector” was one who had one more piece of art than you had room for on your walls.
            Ellen said, one thing that troubled you was your enrichment meant someone else’s impoverishment.  But consider the CEOs who make 1000 x more than employees.  Consider setting up a non profit.
Charles  Creation of wealth.  Going back to hunter gathers.  You gain wealth through your own labor.   You get an excess and that is the beginning of the economy.  But that grew into exploiting others.  The boss makes money off supervising others.  Then not only supervisory work, but also “good idea” starts getting paid, like Ford’s assembly line.  An artist creates wealth.  Any wealth creation is a spiritual activity.  Requires  morality.  You  can create wealth either thru exploitation or not.
Chris  I sometimes confuse wealth and riches.  I’m so smart, how come I’m not rich?  I have a suspicion every time I come across a rich person… I have traveled among the super rich all my life.  I have found immoral deeds  some where along the line under their wealth.  
            I think I am repelling both wealth and riches because of a deep gut belief in a zero sum game.  A rich man, almost by definition is immoral.  I think that belief is keeping me   poor.  
            I am not sure I believe in what Barrie said.  
Spencer what I heard: you are saying  people who are wealthy got their money through doing some bad things.  That’s your experience.  I hope to introduce you to Dixon Edwards, Assist. Princip. In a down town school.  The guy who disarmed the kid who brought a gun to school.  I was talking to him.  He said his f ather always said he would leave a little inheritance to me. He never earned more than $9/hour. Left me and my bro. $500,000 each.
Barrie all wealth is created in the mind.  When you get a mortgage, the bank creates the money as a promissory note.  You were defrauded by the bank.  That was what put me in prison.  
… you  have to know who you are really.  
Chris are you saying … if I default, the bank has no risk.
Barrie a substantial loss can affect a bank…
Chris: we have all these f foreclosure problems.  Are the bank not subject to a  hit on their earnings?
Barrie oh yes.
But we are all asked to be a part of fraud in the system.  The very best system is outlined in Book II Conversations with God.  Debits and credits.
Lisa Jo:    Dixon’s father was from a generation without credit cards.  I can see where he saved …
Ginger  as a kid I knew the difference between silver certificates and  regular notes.  There was a time when they were redeeming silver certificates with silver bars.  
…  It turns out the “rich man get into heaven than for a camel to get through the eye of a needle.”  Mistranslation.  The “eye of the needle” means a certain  narrow gate into Jerusalem.  
            In buying a house, y ou have a realtor and the seller has also.  Both are remunerated in proportion to the selling price.  So  you as buyer do not have a real, disinterested agent.  
Spencer the purchase of your home is the  most complex transaction of most people’s lifetime. If you hire an ethical realtor … some will agree to be paid a flat fee.  … to become a successful realtor, it takes personal contacts.
Chris it is changing.  In the stock market; in the 70’s there were regular commissions. Then there came discount brokers. Today you got Ameritrade for even less.  The real estate game is the same way; discount agents going on line.  They are changing the game.  In five to ten years it will be over.  
Ginger  almost 30% of all houses now are being traded through these online brokers. You show your own house.  
Barrie:  “I have a large, steady, dependable, permanent, every increasing financial income whether I work or not.”  Affirmation to create wealth.  Attitude of gratitude.  You should write out how you are going to make $20,000 next week.  
Chris:  I like what  you say.  Would like to believe it.  … On the ground right now in china, the sec’y of treasury of US is trying to convince the Chinese to consume more, get in the game like our consumer oriented form of capitalism.  American gov’t and corp. leaders are trying to get people to consume.  I don’t think any system changes will happen in our lifetime such as y ou are saying.  … I despair of seeing a paradigm shift here.
Ginger:  … China.  I remember ten years ago our gov’t were paying farmers in china to raise beef on their land. … Tzeddakah, different from charity.  You set aside the corner of the field for the poor.  

(MIKE Murphy weighs in on the topic via email:
It's an excellent topic!  It's all of those things!  And it is an inevitable topic that most of us struggle with alone, and then not very consciously or systematically.  Thus, we expend a lot of energy in murky resentment against mysterious never-identified causes of our frustrations. We need to bring clarity to the situation.  We need to identify the elements, name them, describe them, address them.  Probably some healthy approaches to one or more solutions can be brought into view. So, some sort of group mind approach, with various systematic analyses offered, would be highly valuable for all concerned.

~ End of Table Notes~

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Events & Opportunities

This weekend, help with the Health Insurance Reform innitiative (single payer health care for all Ohioans) SPAN-Ohio.  Don Loritz coordinating.  There will be a booth at Taste of Cincinnati all weekend. Please volunteer here: to man the booth for a while.  

This Friday and ongoing:

I have now participated in 4 or 5 of similar presentations and discussions at the Turquoise Marble Teaching Center over the last several months.  These are truly unique gatherings and mutually expanding discussions and sharings.  To my knowledge, all that have participated have felt enriched and expanded by them – if not also somewhat challenged.  Not only is the presentation material consistently excellent and vastly perspective and paradigm expanding; but for me the discussions and sharing of experiences, perspective and knowledge shared by those gathered afterwards is often even richer.  The host, Grandfather Warren, is a highly respected Native American elder with an incredible wealth of experience and knowledge that he is committed to generously share (there is no charge for these gatherings, though donations are welcome), but he does not hog or monopolize the spot light, but provides the opening and a safe space for others to contribute and share as well.   
Each of you are respected members of my personal community that I know would both add to and be contributed to by your attendance and participation.  If you are interested and would like more information, please just let me know.
Blessings to each of you,

Randall T. Ball (newish Salonista)
Community Health Minister
Paradise Found, LLC
3505 Ravenwood Ave.
Cincinnati, OH  45213
Home/Office: (513) 731-2415
Cell: (513) 543-8294

You are invited to be a part of the

Intensive Learning Opportunity
On Saturday, June 2
from 9:00AM-4:00PM.

(Arrive at
8:30AM for breakfast and coffee or tea.)

RSVP requested by Friday, May 25.
Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford
Schott Pavilion
5361 South Milford Road
Milford, Ohio  45150

For directions to the Center visit-

What is the Intensive?
The Intensive is an all day learning experience and practice for people who want to deepen their understanding of engagement. This is for those who would like to co-lead the engagement series, and take a greater role in bringing the ideas of engagement into the community.
How much does it cost?
The cost is approximately $20-25 (includes lunch) and your time and commitment. Also, we ask that you bring a breakfast item, snack or beverage to share with the group.

To reserve a seat or ask questions
call or email Collette at 513-451-0166

Now is the time to clean out those closets.
The Village Green Community Garden will happily accept sellable used goods for our June yard sale and bake sale.
Drop-off Dates at the Village Green
Sunday, 27 2-4 P.M.
Wednesday, May 30 6-8 P.M.
If you have any question, please contact the Village Green at villagegreen or call 295-8165.
If you wish to donate a large item, such as furniture, please call ahead of time and let us know.

Yard Sale and Bake Sale
Saturday, June 2
Time: 9A.M. -2 P.M. ($2.00 bag sale 1:00- 2:00 P.M.)
Place: The Gardens at Village Green
1415 Knowlton St.
Cincinnati, OH 45223

The Northside Art Sale will take place on
Saturday, June 9, 2007 from 11-5.
This event is a great time for artists to display and sell their original artwork. The avenue should be bustling that day as it is also Pride Fest! Please come and support local artists, and don't for get to tell your friends!
Check out the details at
For all you artists out there, if you would like to participate, go to to register.

Ellen Bierhorst, Ph.D. Is a holistic psychotherapist with over 35 years experience.  Specialty area: Optimizing Mental Health ~ “Better than well”.  Also: healing trauma, strengthening families and relationships, alcohol and other addictions including food, and weight management, EMDR, GLBT, chronic pain and physical illness.  Clifton.  513 221 1289


Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, said, „Let food be your

Come and learn about the link between nutrition and the prevention of
degenerative disease. This information-packed presentation by Llee Sivitz
will provide some simple ways to improve the health and well-being of your
entire family. Llee will also introduce the whole food-based supplement she
has given her family for years, called Juice Plus.

Llee Sivitz
Sharing 21st Century Nutrition for Better Health
513.541.5270 (office)
513.205.9236 (cell)

"The news isn't that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it's that they
are so good for you they could save your life." TIME Magazine, Oct 2003
24-hr information line 1-800-942-1260 - hear what health professionals are

Happy Feet

A Workshop to Learn Great Foot Massage
with Alan Hundley, LMT, LLC
Q: What has 26 bones, 33 joints and 107 ligaments?  A: One of your feet.
Have you ever received a great foot massage and thought, “wow, this feels sooooogoooood, I wonder how they do it?”
Join Alan to learn “the 33 Foot Form” – an easy step-by-step approach to foot massage that will help some lucky person in your life to have happier feet. Just like the 33 joints in the foot, this technique is made up of 33 individual movements taught in sequence. The form uses reflexology, spirals, torsions, compressions, extensions and even some energy work to provide the most thorough experience. Handouts will be given to diagram the sequence. Bring a friend or come alone. Feel free to bring a pillow or two and an oil or cream you’d like to use. Clean feet are a big plus.
 NOTE: YOU Do NOT have to be a massage therapist to attend!
Saturday, June 2
1pm – 3:30pm
Shine Yoga Center  •  3330 Erie Ave.
$30 in advance, $35 at the door
Register at Shine or online at
or call 513-533-9642


Residential space available at the Lloyd House: third floor single room with bathroom ... Can be furnished; has double bed size sleeping loft; also queen size bed on floor, desk, rug.  $350 monthly contribution.  Call Ellen 513 221 1289

Beautiful and Charming, spacious first floor office space at the Lloyd House, fully furnished including bodywork table, chairs, love seat, rugs, armchairs, wood burning (gas ignited ) fireplace.  Rookwood even.  Available by the hour.  Share waiting room.  Powder room.  Outside entry.  Terms: contribute 20% of gross to the house.  Call Ellen 221 1290

Salonista Scott Dominion passes: Memorial to be here Sunday, June 3.  Pot luck, 4 pm, bring vegan dish to share and your own utensils, cups. Park on Lafayette Ave.
This is the very funny youngish white man with the “dreds”, aka Yogabare.  Click on myspace link to read testimonials and add  yours.  E.

From christy L.
Here is the myspace page for Scott. The nice thing about myspace is that people can upload photos and write things in the comments section so it can be like a community board. <>  


Swami Himavat, Ishaya monk, Teacher of Enlightenment, (and salonista!)
will present at the Salon Table on June 6, on "Calm in
the Face of Stress; Clarity in the Face of Tension"  
It is your birthright to be enlightened. This
translates into having more of what you truly want in
your life.  Come listen, ask questions, laugh
together, and share energy.

Support Green School Buildings, Practices
Ginny Frazier is an awesome woman and wonderful singer and Jeanne Nightengale’s home in Price Hill is really exciting to see...  Magnificent view from W. of Cinti. Skyline.  Ellen

Hi, All:
    ALLY, co-founder of the Growing Green and Healthy Schools Network, plans to produce a curriculum guidebook that "uses the school as a tool" to teach environmental stewardship and healthy living. The guidebook will be based on Ohio standards with 12 sample lesson units accompanied by a music CD.
    We are having a House Concert: Sing-a-Long the Ohio River fundraiser on
Saturday, June 9th at Jeanne Nightingale's lovely riverview home in Price Hill. Please see attached flyer. (not shown but emal ginny
Please spread the word! Hope to see you there!
  Ginny Frazier
 Executive Director

“A Closer Look”                
A Collection of (Art)Works
Acela Baladad (Lloyd House friend)
showing June 2007

Sitwell’s Coffeehouse
324 Ludlow Avenue
(next to the Esquire)

Artist’s Reception
June 7th


Congress is finally moving toward a ban on paperless voting machines, and it wouldn't have happened without you. Now we need to prevent the Republicans from sabotaging the bill. Can you help launch a media campaign to ban paperless voting? Donate to our friends at Common Cause.

The MoveOn petition helped win support when it was presented to Congress last week.
Dear MoveOn member,
Congress just made the most significant move ever toward a ban on paperless voting machines. Rep. Rush Holt's bill, H.R. 811, has passed in committee and is headed to a vote by the full House next week.
The MoveOn petition played a crucial role in the successful committee vote. At the hearing, the Republicans presented dozens of letters from election officials opposed to the bill. But then the Democrats countered by marching in with a printed copy of the MoveOn petition­all 185,000 signatures on 14,000 pages! (You can see a photo to the right.)
But we haven't won yet: Republicans will try to sabotage the bill by tacking on an anti-democratic voter ID requirement. To fight back, our friends at Common Cause have a media strategy to prove voter ID is unnecessary and disenfranchises low-income and elderly voters.
We're aiming to raise $25,000 for Common Cause to get the media coverage we need to ban paperless voting machines. Can you chip in?
Republicans are trying to stop the Holt bill with complaints about Democratic voter fraud, even though the Justice Department found virtually none.
2 We can debunk the Republicans' bogus arguments by reaching out to newspaper editorial boards, columnists, blogs, and radio talk shows­but pitching the media costs money.
Together, we've made thousands of phone calls to Congress in support of Rep. Holt's ban on paperless voting machines, so Congress knows there's public support. Now we need Common Cause and others to make sure media outlets don't buy Republicans' partisan excuse­and make sure the media cover the need for a ban on paperless electronic voting machines. Reaching out to all the media outlets is expensive work.
Help pass a ban on paperless electronic voting machines. Click here to donate directly to Common Cause:
When people like us started raising concerns about paperless electronic voting machines, Congress and D.C. insiders called us crazy. Today, we're making real progress, but we can't let up the pressure.
Thank you for all you do.
Noah, Adam G., Ilyse, Laura, and the Political Action Team
  Monday, May 14th, 2007
1. "Voter-Verified Paper Ballots One Step Closer," infoZine, May 9, 2007
2. "In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud," New York Times, April 12, 2007

Ellen, Thanks for the notes on the meeting..I notice you send out  
announcements where appropriate. I have two that I hope are  

!) I have a book on the market : HOW TO BECOME A CEO -  
AND MAKE A KILLING  BY  Chrisopher E Metzger  ...a business satire/  
thriller diller - taking jabs at the scoundrels on Wall Street...(can  
be bought on Amazon or ordered through any bookstore)

2) I have a  
radio show: IN CASE YOU WANT TO KNOW, on WAIF 88.3 FM, wednesdays  
from 3-4 p.m. ...I talk about events which have occurred or will  
occur - which the listener may not know about - and which may have a  
big impact on their lives - know it or not.
Ellen,  I was offered the time slot while I was trying to hustle my book over the  
airwaves...An attachment re. the book is below. Thanks again, those  
nights are fun, Best, Chris

   There is a movement underway to establish a regular Tai Chi practice in Ault Park.  We'll meet this Saturday at 10 pm. under the pavilion.  Let me know if you'd like to be updated on future events.
Alan Hundley, LMT, LLC



Tri-State Treasures

Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email.  Please help me by providing all basic information and formatting your submissions as described below.

Sincerely,  Jim

Cincinnati Architreks Tours [every weekend until October @ various times]: The Architreks guided walking tours are a great way to explore Cincinnati's history & architecture, to learn fun & interesting facts about our city. Six different tours: North Downtown, South Downtown, Over-the-Rhine, Findlay Market, Mount Adams, & Clifton. Tickets are $10 for adults; $5 for children. Sponsored by the Cincinnati Preservation Association. More info & schedules @  513.721.4506,, &
Lady Vengeance [Friday 25 May @ 7:30 PM]: Park Chan-wook's striking film meditation on the ethics of revenge & the price of atonement. A dynamic example of contemporary Asian Cinema with extraordinary synthesis of design, music & cinematography. The director explores deception, betrayal, vengeance, redemption & the ultimate consequences of revenge in a suspense thriller that is visually stunning, darkly comedic & both beautiful & horrific. Rated R for violent themes & content. Post-film discussion on the nature & ethics of revenge, an examination of the film, & the role of Park Chan-wook in Asian cinema. Tickets are $8, or $6 for Art Museum members & students with valid ID. Presented by Cincinnati World Cinema. At Fath Auditorium, Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Mt. Adams, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info, tix, trailer @ 859.781.8151,, &
The Aaron Holbrook Quartet @ Friday Jazz at the Hyatt [Friday 25 May @ 8:30-12 PM]: $10 cover; free for Jazz Club Members & under 18; $5 for CCM & NKU students. Sponsored by National City Bank. At the Sungarten Room, Hyatt Hotel Cincinnati, 151 West 5th Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.579.1234,, &
Museum Center's Free Fridays [Friday 25 May @ 4-8 PM]: Access to the Museum Center at Union Terminal will be free. The complimentary offer includes the Cincinnati History Museum, Duke Energy Children's Museum, & the Museum of Natural History & Science. Special exhibits & OMNIMAX films are not included. Parking is $5. More info @ 513.287.7000 &
Magnificent Desolation [Saturday 26 May @ 8-10 PM]: The surface of the Moon was described by Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin as “Magnificent Desolation.” The Moon, our nearest celestial neighbor at 240,000 miles, is an impressive sight through any telescope. The views through the Astronomical Society’s scopes are startling. You’ll feel like an astronaut in orbit. Explore the moon. Find out how the Moon’s craters were made. Are there really seas on the Moon? Learn about the Moon’s formation, its phases, & how it affects our ocean tides. Astronomical activities & displays for all ages. Make your own moon craters. Society member, astronomer, & resident “Lunatic” John Ventre will give a presentation followed by telescope viewing (weather permitting) of the Moon, Saturn & Venus though the society’s 4 large telescopes. At the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, 5274 Zion Road (near the Mitchell Memorial Forest), Cleves, OH 45002. More info @ 513.941.1981,, &
Great Midwest Hafla [Saturday 26 May @ noon-10 PM; main event @ 7 PM]: One day music & dance workshops include Drumming, Intuitive Soloing for Multi-Instrumentalists, Intro to Dancing on Goblets, Improvisational Belly Dance, Sword Dance. $30 each. Musicians: Wulf, Vivo Flamenco, Cincinnati Drum Circle, Mayan Ruins, Oxford Gourd & Drum Ensemble, Bob Laake, & Tree Of Life. Dancers: Mysterious Ways, Mai-Tri Fusion, Rachel-Jade, Navitas, Cinnamon Sisters, Phyllis, Jaron Joyner Break Dancers, Nataj, Habeeba's, Joel, Cherie Dawn, Gayle, Liz, Carenza, Anaya Gypsy, Mariah, Laylia, Deniz, & Jennifer. Main event ticket price: $15 at the door; $12 in advance. At Road Apple Music Sorg Opera House, 57 South Main Street, Middletown, OH 45042. More info & registration @ 513.217.6222, 513.720.6063, &
Rally for Reason Speak-Out [Sunday 27 May @ 7 PM]: This meeting is the evening before the Rally for Reason, set for outside of the gates of Answers in Genesis. Come, meet others, & hear speakers including Arlene-Marie, President of Michigan Atheists; Rev. Mendle Adams, a Christian minister; Frank Zindler, author & scientist, Dr. Gene Kritsky, an evolutionary biologist; Helen Kagin, a retired physician & others. There will be an open mike & opportunity to speak your thoughts. The press is invited. A documentary is being made of the event. Details for the Rally for Reason will be discussed. Reserve a room at group rates at the Hilton; mention the Rally for Reason. Sponsored by the Free Inquiry Group of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky (FIG). At Hilton Cincinnati Airport, 7373 Turfway Road, Turfway Exit on I-71 / I-75, Florence, KY. More info @ 859.371.4400,,, &
Rally for Reason [Monday 28 May 28 @ 9 AM]: People who accept evolution over superstition & myth are invited to this rally outside the gates of “Answers in Genesis” (AIG) in Northern Kentucky to counter the view of AIG that the Earth is only a few thousand years old & that humans & dinosaurs existed at the same time. The goal of the rally is NOT to challenge the right of AIG to present their worldview, but to provide a counterview. Sponsored by the Free Inquiry Group of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky (FIG). Outside the gates of Answers in Genesis, Bullittsburg Church Road, Exit 11 (Petersburg Road) off I-275, Boone County, KY. More info @ 859.371.4400,, &, &
FreestoreFoodbank Hunger Walk & 5K Run [Monday 28 May @ Register @ 7 AM; Race @ 9 AM]: The Hunger Walk/Run is a fundraiser: 100% of the event proceeds go for the 450 non-profit member agencies that provide food & services to people in crisis, in our 20-county service area. Awards for the top 3 runners in each age group & top 10 overall walkers for both men & women. Super Size award for the outstanding agency with the most Hunger Walk participants. Early registration deadline Friday 15 May: $15; $20 with t-shirt; late registration: $20; $25 with t-shirt. Sponsored by Local 12, Taste of Cinti, & BEAM. In Kind Sponsors are Sara Lee, Chiquita, Starbucks, & Bob Roncker’s Running Spot. At Lytle Park, Pike & East 4th Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info, fees, and to register @ 513-482-FOOD, or
AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Employment [application deadline: Tuesday 29 May]: Applications are now being accepted for 200 full-time summer positions to work with youth in New Orleans. The positions begin in early June & continue through mid-August 2007. Successful applicants will be placed with an established organization such as Catholic Charities, Young Audiences, New Orleans Outreach,  New Orleans Police Foundation (Cops for Kids), the Louisiana Children's Museum, Boys & Girls Clubs, the Urban League, Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training, & the Youth Empowerment Project. Summer VISTAs will assist the youth through academic tutoring, computer literacy training, recreation programs, arts & cultural enrichment, service-learning, & other activities. Summer VISTA members may be eligible to receive: living allowance of $865 per month, subsidized local transportation & potential travel subsidy to & from New Orleans, free housing on a university campus as needed, $1,000 Segal AmeriCorps Education Award or an end-of-service stipend of $200. Open to adults 18 & older. More info @,, &
Cincinnati Fringe Festival [Wednesday 30 May - Sunday 10 June]: The Festival is a collaborative organization striving to provide opportunities & exposure to artists who are willing to take a risk. During the festival hundreds of local, regional, national & international artists invade downtown Cincinnati for 11 days of artistic celebration in both traditional & non-traditional spaces. These artists represent a variety of media including theatre, dance, music, poetry, visual art, film & everything between & beyond. More info @ 513.300.5669,, &
Fearful Brains in an Anxious World [Thursday 31 May @ 11 AM]: Dr. Joseph LeDoux will present a free lecture on the topic of "Fearful Brains in an Anxious World" as this year's D.L. Kline Neuroscience Fund Lecture. The research of Dr. LeDoux, Professor at the Center for Neural Science, New York University, focuses on the brain mechanisms of emotion & memory. He has authored articles in scholarly journals, "The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life," & "Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are." Dr. LeDoux says “My lab's research is aimed at understanding the biological mechanisms of emotional memory. We are particularly interested in how the brain learns & stores information about danger.” A reception follows the lecture. At Kresge Auditorium, Medical Science Building, E-Level, 231 Albert Sabin Way (across the street from Children’s Hospital), Cincinnati, OH 45267. More info @ 513.558.1703,, &
Park + Vine Grand Opening [Friday 1 June @ 11 AM-10 PM]: Dan Korman, a Cincinnati native, returns to open a green general store in the new Gateway Quarter section of historic Over-the-Rhine. Park + Vine is among a wave of stores nationwide focusing on ecologically friendly & environmentally sustainable merchandise. Korman is offering high quality merchandise that minimizes use of natural resources, toxic materials, & animal by-products. Products range from accessories, apparel & footwear, to personal care, home furnishings & home improvement supplies. The opening will feature art by Jim Guthrie & Cory Shafer, & appetizers & drinks from City Cellars, Embrace Sweets, & Madison's of Findlay Market. The David Lloyd String Quartet performs @ 6:30-9:30 PM. Enter a free drawing for a Dahon Mariner folding bicycle from Newport's Reser Bicycle Outfitters all weekend; participate in product demonstrations from Alternative Motive & Green Cauldron on June 2. Customers who bike, walk or Metro to the grand opening, or bear a Fringe Festival button receive 10% off their purchases. Korman plans creative programming such as art installations, lectures & film screenings on sustainable living. Take the customer survey at & get 10% off your 1st purchase. Grand opening festivities continue Saturday 2 June @ 11 AM - 7 PM & Sunday 3 June @ 12-5 PM. Beginning Monday 4 June, regular store hours are 11 AM - 7 PM Monday - Saturday. Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.373.5785,, &
An Evening In Paris: A Gala Benefiting the Matt Dolan Serv
ice Fund [Saturday 2 June @ 6 PM]: York St. Café will transform into a glittering, glamorous version of the world's most romantic city - Paris, France - complete with the Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe. Gift bags will be given to the first 100 attendees. The evening will feature a silent auction with items contributed by merchants including EDB Diamond Showrooms, Dewey's Pizza, Michelle Connley & Company Salon, Laura Mercier Cosmetics, The Mustard Seed Boutique, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics & many more. Live music entertainment by CCM students. Delectable Parisian food. The event features a Rock show: Vitriolic fan-favorites MOTH & the Turnbull AC's. All proceeds will benefit the Matt Dolan Service Fund, a non-profit org that helps persons with disabilities by providing shelter, scholarships, medical equipment, supplies, & care, founded in 2004 in memory of Matt, who suffered from Cerebral Palsy but whose spirit was never affected, but who passed away after only 30 years. Tickets are $10. More info about the fund @ At York St. Café, 738 York Street, Newport, KY 41071. More info about the event & tix @ 513.288.7904 &
Celluloid Fringe Video Art & Series of Shorts [Saturdays 2 & 9 June @ 2-4:15 PM]: This year, Celluloid Fringe encompasses regional, national & international pieces with submissions from as far as Japan & as local as Cincinnati’s urban core. For the last 3 years Celluloid Fringe has grown as a mini-festival within the Fringe Festival, attracting fans of experimental film & creating cross-over audience fans of theatre & dance. Celluloid Fringe screenings are free with your Official Fringe Festival Button. At Know Theatre, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.300.5669,,

Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
1st Bi-Annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit & Indoor Art Gallery [thru September]: Explore the newest art at Historic Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum. For centuries, the cemetery has showcased artisans' monuments, mausoleums, & stained glass. Now stroll the outdoor Garden Courtyard to see art from local artists tucked among the Arboretum's spectacular horticulture. Plus, several local artists contributed oil paintings, watercolors, photographs, & other art forms to the Indoor Art Gallery. Ten of the paintings are by local artist Richard Luschek. The artists used the beauty of Spring Grove as inspiration for their creations; each work of art representing a facet of the cemetery's grandeur. The Indoor Art Gallery is in the Historic Office Building, just inside the cemetery main entrance; a map of the sculpture exhibit is available at the Customer Service Center or the Indoor Art Gallery inside the Historic Office. Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5PM, Saturday 8:30AM-4PM, Sunday Noon-4PM. Co-sponsored by Spring Grove & Summerfair Foundation. At Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum, 4521 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45232. More info @ 513.681.7526,, &

Introductory Course on Buddhist Philosophy & Meditation [Saturdays in May @ 2 PM]:
What goes around comes around (Karma). Everyone is responsible for their own action. Many times we don't know how karma works & create negative actions that cause suffering. Understanding karma can help transform our lives & prospective, which can bring happiness. Class will be offered by Lobsang Dorje, one of the sangha monks. He is a western monk studying Buddhism, sometime under the guidance of Ven. Kuten lama resident teacher & many other respected teachers. Free; donation are appreciated. At Gaden Samdrup-ling Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info @ 513.385.7116,, &
Business As Unusual: Heroes of the Holocaust [thru July 29]: This exhibition tells the story of Oskar Schindler & his actions to protect Jews during the Holocaust which have earned him a special place among honored rescuers. Woven into this well-known story of courage is the story of a
Cincinnati family that followed this same difficult path & the positive role of corporate social responsibility in fighting injustice & social crisis today. National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
Outdoor Music Series [Wednesdays in May @ 12pm]: A free outdoor music series presented by the University of Cincinnati, for the lunch crowd. Free. In the Bearcat Plaza (between the SSLC & TUC student buildings), University of Cincinnati, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @
Collecting a Legacy: The Bernard Kinsey Collection [thru June 3]: This exhibition offers a roadmap to the cultural journey & transformation experienced by African American art collectors as they embrace & acquire art & artifacts.  Within the context of their own history & the past that speaks to them, we discover how the Kinseys are changed & nurtured by what they chose to collect. Ranging from painful-to-see slave owner’s documents, to brilliantly fiery expressions in sculpture, to private glimpses into thoughts of the ancestors, the Kinsey Collection reflects a rich cultural heritage which they have been driven to capture, inspire & sustain for future generations. National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500,, &

The Northside Farmers Market is at the corner of Hamilton Ave. and Lingo every Wednesday between 3-7 p.m.

Join Us For EarthSpirit Rising Conference 2007: A Return to Earth Wisdom
(I went to this two years ago when it was in Cincinnati.  A truly marvelous gathering, started by Imago people from here in cinti. Ellen)
To register now, visit

Featuring Starhawk, Margaret Wheatley, Paul Loeb and much more.

June 8 - 10 at Bellarmine University Louisville, Kentucky

As you are aware, we live in a time of great change. We are just
beginning to move from competition to partnership; from greed to
caring, from a place of wanting to a sense of sufficiency; from seeing
the world from a mechanistic view to seeing the world as a living
system; and very importantly, from perceiving life as based in
separateness to seeing life as based in wholeness and

This shift is a change toward Earth Wisdom. It represents a movement toward
recognizing that nature provides the ultimate answers to the questions
of our times.

Come to the 2007 EarthSpirit Rising Conference as we celebrate this
movement by
exploring the theme: Return to Earth Wisdom. Join us as we offer
participants hope, education, inspiration and tools for transformation
? all from a planetary perspective.

Join us for EarthSpirit Rising as we work and play together to create
a sustainable and compassionate future.

For full conference details:

Who should attend?
This conference is for spiritual leaders, educators, business leaders,
social workers, artists, environmentalists, social entrepreneurs and
other concerned citizens of Earth.

Return to Earth Wisdom is a gathering for . . .

? people interested in building a sustainable and compassionate future
? people wishing to foster the emergence of a global consciousness
? people seeking a deeper sense of meaning and enthusiasm in their lives
? people who dream big and take their dreams seriously

Don?t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your connection with
Earth Wisdom!

Section Three: Articles

  • Shirley Reischman favors FDA reform bill.
  • “Gasout” consumer revolt won’t work....
  • Lampoon of Creationist museum: “Procreationist Museum”.
  • Michael Moore’s latest movie... on Health Care.
  • Renewable Energy essay.

Controversial FDA reform bill passes Senate: homeopath Shirley Reischman approves:

Hello Everyone,
No doubt this will be sent around the Internet and create all kinds of uproar.  (Because many are opposed.  Ellen)  I just read S.1082 and as a member of the medical profession, albeit alternative (I’m a homeopath) I think the legislation is long overdue.  The main points are:
       Disclosure of conflict of interest by any member or potential member of the FDA advisory board. Currently, people receiving large sums of money from pharmaceutical companies can be on the advisory board.  This would help eliminate the current conflict of interest.
       Companies making generic drugs would have to help defray the cost of clinical trials.  This is only fair.
       Limit the large pharmaceutical companies’ ability to petition against the generic drug makers.
4.       Increase FDA ability to track clinical trials.  Currently the FDA only sees the end results of the trials.  Often, people dropping out of the clinical trials due to adverse reactions are completely dropped from the reporting, so the adverse reactions get underreported.
5.       Not allow advertising of drugs with major side effects.  The pharmaceutical companies can now advertise any drug regardless of the side effects, often increasing public demand for a drug that should only be used in very serious situations.
6.       Track the risk of new drugs for three years with an 18 month interim reporting requirement.  Currently, once new drugs are approved for marketing, it’s only if people start dying that we know what the real side effects are.  There is no reporting requirement, so it has to be really bad before the drug is taken off the market or limited in its use.
7.       Add pediatric testing of drugs.  Currently doctors take an adult drug and decrease the dose for children.  Oftentimes a drug will have a completely different effect on children than it has on adults.
8.       Crack down on pharmaceutical companies that create a ‘new’ drug with only a minor change to compete with generic drugs.  Currently, they make insignificant changes that allow them to continue a patent on a drug that is due to loose it’s patent and go generic.
9.       Legalize the use of medical marijuana.
These are all needed changes and yes they will increase the scope of the FDA’s work, but I think they are all necessary.


For all of those who have been sending this around the Internet,
Please read the two articles in Urban Legends:

The only way to bring down gas prices is to decrease our dependence on oil.  Trade in those SUV’s for hybrids, walk or bike locally, and support more and better public transportation and use it.  
Also, remember that almost 50% of our oil goes into the making of plastic.  Quit using plastic wherever possible.  Use glass storage containers for your food instead of baggies or saran wrap, use paper bags, only use recycled plastic products for your homes, don’t support companies that market their products wrapped in plastic rather than cardboard, suggest to restaurants that they use wax coated cardboard rather than foam take home containers – well, the list goes on and on.  The next time you use plastic remember that you are driving up the price of oil and thereby the price of gasoline! Recycle, recycle recycle!!!!


(P.S. AND for heaven’s sake, before you circulate a forwarded petition or scare, check it out at, the urban legends people. Ellen)

Have you heard about a competing organization to be built nearby (seemingly inspired by deceased Salonista Scott D.). It's the Procreationist Museum, operated by Answers in Genitals. It's located at the bisectual nexus of Big Bone Lick and Beaver Lick. (The museum's sponsor, of course, is KY.) The clitorbell lets you into a spacious Wide Open Labia, or you can use the Rear Entry. There's an entire flyer extolling the virtues of sex at this fictive museum, with rides, tests, information areas (like the Lurkin' in da Hood Library where you can ponder aching clitorical questions), self love machines, you name it. Should give the Answers in Genesis bunch the fits (hell, they may even believe it).

Flyer is attached and in the body of the email (ooooh), but it may be too much for the mailing list. You could use just the paragraph above.


Red Blooded Merkins will love Cincinnati’s new

operated by
Answers in Genitals

(in the bisectual nexus of Beaver Lick and Big Bone Lick, KY)

Locate then ring the Clitorbell,
enter via the spacious Open Labia
or use the Moonglow Rear Orifice,
slide down the comfy KY Chute
and you’re in.

 Marvel at the Big Têtons: nearly identical, tan domed IMAX Theaters. 
 Couples eat out in style in Wolfbang Fuck’s lipsmacking “69 Eatery” 
then quench their oldest thirsts at the Swollen Nipples Milk Bars.
Compete in the revealing Speed Stiffy and Wet Cooze Contests
Attempt the Big Bone Measurement, Cunnigrip and TestiTest
Design and model much admired Make-your-own-Merkins
Ponder Aching Clitorical Questions in Lurkin’ in da Hood
Try your luck at earning the title “PM Cunning Linguist”
Ride the exciting In-n’-Out-n’-In (sponsored by KY)
Gasp awestruck at the Maxaret d’Machismo and
thrill to its exhilarating, high speed Ejaculevator
Experience The Multiple Orgasm mega-ride
Try our male and female Self Love Machines
Observe (or engage in) live Jism Wrestling
Relax with a sweat bath in Flaccid Land
Enjoy the Distance Pissing Waterfall
Float in Warm Sensations Lake
Have a personal massage
Take home our PM portable, rechargeable Portal Prize (you’ll be glad you came).

Michael Moore’s latest movie... on Health Care
A Letter from Michael Moore: 'Sicko' is Socko in Cannes!

May 23rd, 2007


Well, as you may have read by now, our premiere of "Sicko" at the Cannes Film Festival has been an overwhelming success. The 2,000 people inside the Lumiere Theater were alternately in tears and laughing during the two-hour film -- and when it was over, they gave it a standing ovation that seemed to go on for nearly 15 minutes! Many came up to me and said (and critics seem to agree) that this is my best film yet. I don't know about that, and it seems weird to compare any of these movies in the first place. But I do feel safe in saying that I am very, very happy with this film and I can't wait to show it to you when it opens on June 29th.

Cannes is a crazy place. There are film lovers here from nearly every country in the world. And then there are the people in "show business." These dark forces have virtually ruined this art form (invented by the French and nurtured to brilliance by the country I call home). There are so many bad, awful films now and less and less people are going to the movies. Many who run Hollywood believe that the American people are too stupid to enjoy a film that respects their intelligence.

At the press screening for "Sicko," the Wall Street Journal reported that hardened reporters and critics wept. Even those who have been harsh to me in the past, or who have not agreed with my politics, were moved. Aside from my stated desire that "Sicko" ignite a fire for free, universal health care (and a larger wish that we, as Americans, do a better job of treating each other with a true sense of solidarity and respect), I continue to hope that I can make a contribution to the art of cinema and give people a good reason to get out of the house for a few hours.

At my festival press conference, the only negative word came from the Canadians. Two critics didn't like all the nice things I said about their health care system. Yes, Canadian health care has its flaws, but when I asked the two critics if they would exchange their health care cards for mine, they said "No!" Of course they wouldn't. Canadians live longer than we do and their infant mortality is not as high as ours. Their system is underfunded because their leaders have been trying to push for more American-style health care.

The rest of the week has been good and I am now on my way back to the U.S. The New York Post reported Sunday that the Bush administration, in addition to going after me for filming scenes in or near Cuba, may now go after the 9/11 rescue workers I took with me to get the medical care they were denied by our own government. I couldn't make up irony like this if I wanted to, and I will do whatever is necessary to defend the human right of these true American heroes to receive the medical attention they deserve.

We've also received word that the HMO and pharmaceutical industries are gearing up to fight "Sicko." We received so many great whistleblower letters while we were making the movie from employees of these companies. We'd like to hear from you again! Send us the internal memos and any other plans you run across at the company copying machine or internet server. It will help to stay ahead of whatever they are up to, and it will also give us a chance for a bit of fun at the industry's expense.

I will soon have a special section of my website devoted to "Sicko." Until then, we'll move forward toward our June 29th release date. Hope to see you all there that weekend!

Michael Moore <>

Renewable Energy, Ohio Group

Even as nearly 4,500 of us have joined together to ask our representatives in the House to take action now for renewable energy, the Senate has missed a prime opportunity to take the lead in moving America towards a new energy future.

Last week, the Senate Energy Committee passed an energy bill that fails to require that utilities generate more of our electricity from clean, renewable sources like wind and solar.  Instead, the bill requires the use of more biofuels (energy derived from plants and other organic materials) in our cars, but fails to set the clear environmental standards needed to ensure that these biofuels will be truly clean and renewable.

Now, your Senators have a choice: they can take a pass on the enormous potential for clean, homegrown renewable energy or they can begin to tap into these renewable energy resources to cut global warming pollution, create jobs, and make America more energy independent. I know which choice I'd like them to make, and I bet you do too.

Tell your Senators to insist upon a new energy future. Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser to take action. Then, ask your friends and family to help out by forwarding this message on to them.


America's energy situation today is less secure than it has been in recent memory. We are too dependent on oil, much of it from foreign sources which threatens our national security. We have ample supplies of coal.  But mining coal causes severe environmental damage and burning it releases large amounts air pollution; which contributes to global warming, acid rain, mercury contamination and unhealthy air.  Nuclear power has been tried and found wanting for economic, environmental and public safety reasons.  To make matters worse, virtually every year, Americans consume more and more energy.

Right now, America is failing to take advantage of our almost unlimited potential to generate electricity from renewable sources of energy like wind and solar power.

* The wind blowing through the Great Plains could generate enough electricity to power the entire country. Wind power installations in the United States have doubled over the last four years, and wind power is among the cheapest sources of new power generation in some parts of the country.

* Solar energy could conceivably generate more than enough electricity to power the entire United States. The cost of solar panels has declined dramatically in recent years and solar power installations worldwide nearly doubled between 2002 and 2004. Continued advances in solar technology could bring solar power within reach of more Americans within the next several years.

* Plant-based sources of energy, called "biomass," already provide a substantial amount of energy in America and can provide even more. A federal advisory group has set a target of having biomass account for 5 percent of industrial and electric generator energy use by 2020.

* Immense amounts of energy are contained within the earth. Experts estimate that as much as 100,000 megawatts of geothermal power -- equal to about 10 percent of today's electricity generation capacity -- could be economically viable in the United States.

Thankfully, America is the most technologically and economically advanced nation in the world, blessed with vast natural and intellectual resources. Our nation has a track record of responding to major challenges and achieving once-unthinkable goals. If any nation in the world is capable of creating an energy system that can fuel our economy while preserving our environment and our long-term security, it is us.

For America to retain our economic vigor, national security and environmental health, we must build toward a New Energy Future -- one based on homegrown, environmentally friendly energy sources and the sensible use of energy throughout the economy. We have the tools to achieve a better energy future -- in the technological prowess of academia and industry, the cutting-edge public policies now being pioneered in states across the country, and in our vast reserves of energy from the sun, wind and crops.

The technology to tap those resources is advancing rapidly and is increasingly competitive in cost with fossil fuel technologies.  Momentum around renewable energy policies is building.  Already, 22 states have (omit already) adopted policies requiring utilities to increase their use of renewable energy.  But we need to make a national commitment to dramatically increase the amount of renewable energy we use to generate our power.

We're asking citizens to join us in calling on Congress to adopt a Renewable Electricity Standard that would require that utilities generate at least 20 percent of their electricity from clean, renewable sources by 2020.

Wind power could provide as much as 30 percent of America's electricity by 2025 and possibly more as new technologies and practices allow for us to successfully integrate more wind power into America's electricity mix.

Solar and geothermal power can combine to produce another 12 percent of America's electricity, while an assortment of other renewable technologies -- ranging from solar hot water heaters to geothermal heat pumps -- can also make an important contribution.

Additional renewable energy could be generated using new technologies such as wave and tidal power or by achieving technological improvements that would enable us to expand our use of other renewable energy sources.

Tell your Senators to insist upon a new energy future. Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser to take action. Then, ask your friends and family to help out by forwarding this message on to them.


Erin Bowser
Environment Ohio State Director

P.S.  Thanks again for your support.  Please feel free to share this e-mail with your family and friends.

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

Come on... send me names of books and stuff  you are enjoying.  ellen
on 5/10/07 4:22 PM, Susan Helscher wrote:

Hi Ellen,
For your book section, The Glass Castle, us one of my favorite books that I’ve read in the past three years. It’s a memoir by contributor, Jeanette Wells, but this isn’t your usual ‘coming of age’ story. It’s about growing up with two rebellious non-conformists for parents, but it’s really a story of strength, determination, unconditional love, and what are often those unfathomable family ties that bind.
Happy Mother’s Day,

    I've been reading Jared Diamond's "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed," and want to tell the whole world all about it, because time's a-wasting.  We do indeed have a choice to make, but we have to get beyond denial about what is happening in order to make it.
     Rather than review it myself I refer you to an excellent review by Stewart Brand, editor of the Whole Earth Catolog and co-founder of the Co-Evolution Quarterly.  See
    Mike Murphy

Hi Ellen!

An incredible quarterly called Guilt & Pleasure recently crossed my path, all about radical Jewish thinking. And they're big into creating and promoting salons, too. The print version of the quarterly is wonderful, I just finished reading the first three issues, and they've got an online site, too. So check this out:

Hope you're doing fine, Ellen. I miss you!


The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,

For Pot Luck  procedures including
 food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck
Salon list,
send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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