Sunday, August 06, 2006

Weekly 8/6/06 - 5

Hiroshima anniversary August 6, today. See candle light vigil info below in Announcements section.  

Come to the WEDNESDAY night salon.  Now permanently on Wednesdays.

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections

  • Table Notes
  • Articles
  • Announcements

  • Books, Reviews, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  575
Growing out of the ( aug to start on Wednesday) Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
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To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (575 as of July 8, 2006... Five years old this month).

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  


Section One: Table Notes

NOTE: this week, for the only time ever, we had TWO Salon pot lucks, one on the old day, Monday, last day of July, and the other on the new day, Wednesday, first Wed. in August.  See notes for both below.  For the next three Mondays I’ll be here as usual to have dinner and pot luck with whomever shows  up, but the Salon will be on Wednesdays from now on.  This is so I can attend the Alexander Teacher Training School on Monday nights.  Ellen

(Please note these notes have not been edited or proofed by the speakers and will of necessity include errors; don’t take them as representative of the speakers’ views.  Ellen)
At the Table 7/31/06
Janet Kalven, Mary Biehn, Jonathan Jones, Judy Cirillo, Shari Able, David Rosenberg, Daisy Quarm, Marty Harrington, Ellen Bierhorst, Mira rodwan, Chad Benjamin Potter, Q. Benedikt, Carolyn Aufderhaar

Welcome Jonathan and Q. ; and Welcome back f rom Peru, Daisy.\
Q Benedict
-  Judy: shari and I went to the Blues Festival this weekend.  Got to the Piano stage, boogie woogie.  Next year I am going to go to more of it.  There is parking there.  Performances free.  Gospel stage.  
Chad: I  just led the summer honors institute, three weeks.  U.C.  I am really tired.  All three weeks were good.  Very different kinds of students.  
Mira: today is a month since we said we would share what we have done "green" this month. That is a Topic.
David: chamber of Commerce is trying to kill the Office of Environmental Management here in Cinti and we need people to talk to council members.  There is a  website that tells you why the Chamer is against: to find out link to explain chamber's position.  They feel the city has enforcement for environmental issues and we don't need it…but that is a big lie.  And the chamber is not in favor of "environmental justice" which is a "controversial issue".
Mira: controversy over the new Jail.  Two public hearings re. levy to support new jail.
Aug 7 Sycamore township hall, Mon 6:30, Kenwood Rd.
Aug 14 6:30 Westwood Presby. Church, Harrison Ave.
Encourage  you to go to Mariemont cinema to see "An Inconvenient Truth"
David: our city council is trying to allow billboards to be build within 50 ft of residential districts.  Monzel amendment to make it 200 feet.  If you don't want billboards contact your council members.  I think 200 feet is much better than 50 feet.
David: new movie: "Who killed the electric car?"  at either Esquire or Mariemont.  Cheap cars.  Keeps auto emissions away  from cities.  Ten years ago GM put out some trial electric cars; people loved them.  When the leases were up they were removed and destroyed.
Q: I was very impressed when Metro switched all their busses to bio diesel.  
There is a guy in Fairfield who promotes bio diesel.  There will be refineries built here, three, now.  

Shari: parallels between Israeli bombing now and firebombing of Dresden by Allies in WWII.
Mira: sharing what we have done that is green.


Mira: List of things we can do:
to save global warming.
- change a light    to compact fluorescent bulb
-Drive less; walk, bike, car pool, bus more.
-Recycle more
-Check  your tires; keep inflated fully to improve gas mileage.
-Use less hot water by installing low flow shower  head.  Wash clothes in cold water. Turn down thermostat on water heater.  
-Avoid products with a lot of packaging
- Adjust thermostat on HVAC
- Plant a tree
- Be a part of the solution; learn more, get active
- Encourage friends to see "An Inconvenient Truth"

: I changed 6 lite bulbs.  I have kept A/C units out of the windows.  At the summer camp I made sure everyone turned off lights and A/C in the mornings.  I harveswted my worm composting.  Have driven much less this month.
Ellen:  lite bulbs; Metro senior card; car pooling; cut down trees that shadow the front of the house; encouraged people to see An Inconvenient Truth.
Marty: I did get my tire pressure checked, learned how to do it myself.  Turned up A/C thermostat to 78.  
Q: I have one whole green life.  I am  one of the  top bus commuters in the Cinti. Area.  The recording of bus commuting miles and bicycle commuting miles.  This makes funds available.  ICTEA.  The Cinti. Cycle club chronicals commuting miles.  They demonstrate that bicycle is a valid alternative transportation. They got the bike racks on the busses.
            This month I have done 180 miles.  I live Forest Park.  
            I take all my6 recycling to this dumpster Abitibi.  You can put any kind of paper product except corrug. Cardboard.  I got them in the parks.  The nearest here is at Annunciation Catholic Church they have  a dumpster for paper, glass, plastic.  The more  you deposit the more money they get.  
            I also support curbside recycling.  I can't put paper in the green bin however.
            I do not use heat or air conditioning. My refrig. Generates heat.  
            I do not use dish washer.  
            I find plant uses.
David:  I am experimenting with turning cardboard into compost.  …I heard on the news that you should not turn the AC unit to a higher temp during the day.  Better to leave it on the same setting.   According to Ch. 9.  BecAuse when it gets really hot in your room, the ac has to run constantly and that is bad.  You want it to cycle on and off rather than having the compressor running continually.  I found three 3 flur. For $5 at Biggs.
Daisy: I found some  fluorescent tiny candle lights.   
Jonathan:  I just use fans to keep cool.  


Shari: in the last f ew days we have a lot of press about Israel's overkill; many civilians being killed.  Some have compared th is to the Dresden bombing at the end of WWII.  145,000 civilians killed.  English, US, Canada did it.  The pilots were told to avoid civilian targets.
            In Lebanon, the Israeli pilots are being told to bomb rocket launching targets, not civilian targets.
            Target Dresden is a very  interesting book; from library.
Marty:  I always thought there weren't military targetsw in Dresden; that it was the civilian population targeted.
            I am disturbed by Israel and Lebanon. I feel Israel alienated a lot of world sy7mpathy by their bombing, the way they did it.  I find it really disturbing.  Hesbollah has ties to Iran, Syria, and to the current Iraq government.
David Russia does not l ist Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.  
Q there was a defacto agreement not to target civilian targets, neither side did.  This has been a tremendous escalation.  I think the parallel is more to the US after 9/11.  After 9/11 the whole world was sympathetic and the US destroyed all that good will.  … Hezbollah were not targeting civilians before this.
            So upsetting…you have created a w hole new generation of potential terrorists.  Like after 9l/11 we snatched disaster f rom the jaws of victory!
            …this Administration is a nightmare.
            Any country like Israel should have a moral basis in what they do.  You hear, "Those civilians deserve it, because of living near Hezbollah centers."  Like they have a choice!
            This  conflict is spreading out to involve other countries.  
Mira:  …sometimes I can listen to news dispassionately, but when there is an interview with someone in the midst of it.  Today describing some horrendous things happening to people, families.  An older woman realizing her blind brother was in one of the destroyed building.  Someone went down the street calling his name…rescued him.  … children crying… I just burst out crying. It is horrendous!  For the sec'y of state, the president, to decide not to have a cease fire … to let people get away … 600  counted deaths.
Q  there were 140 deaths today. There must be much more than 600…
Mira  the film documentaries last week, showed different places around the world, inhumanity of people.  All over the world.  …must talk; resolve conflict.  Criminal to say "this is not the right time to talk".
David  in 6 hours US killed more Iraqi people than Israel kills in this whole war. Incredible how much press this is getting.  Huge double standard. …Six million in ruanda; Darfur. Serbia and Croatia.  …It happens in Israel  and the whole world is indignant.  I find that appalling.  I agree that the solution is to have cease fires, to have talks.  But the fact that the world is indignant at Israel, strikes a cord.  
            So out of  proportion…disappointing to me.  I hear that double standard even at this table.
Marty  We have a bit more responsibility re. Israel because  we have some power there.  … the cycle of revenge.  
David it is worse in Iraq!  
Daisy What has  happened in Iraq was that there was much news in the beginning.  Over time, it is not news any more.  
Q it is not just the deaths, it is also the displacement of populations in Lebanon.  Also in Iraq.
David Until the world acts in concert to stop it everywhere, no one is secure.  The UN is ineffective.  We need an international body …
Q the UN always seems to be on the side of the US and our way of life.  …
Mira and on top of all that it is destroying nature, the environment, teaching hatred for generations to come.  … something like the S. Africa "Truth and Reconcilliation" commission …  Need for World Court…  The UN lost its bearings; we have not paid our UN bill.  … the US only gives 1% for humanitarian aid abroad; that's not much.  
            What will it take?    1,000 grandmothers?  To insist "No more killing".  
Ellen: thanks for 5 years of Monday Night Salons!   Please come to the Wednesday  salon starting day after tomorrow!

~ End of Monday Table Notes ~

And THIS WEEK ONLY  we had two salons... On the new day, Wednesdays, we had another.  Attendance small... Folks haven’t reprogrammed themselves yet.  Please come on Wednesdays!   Here’s the notes:
Table notes 8/2/06 : Mary biehn, Ray Ash, Barbara Collier, Ellen Bierhorst, Mira Rodwan

The Lucifer Principle Ellen's reading it.
Global Warming
I am not convinced that the warming is caused by the CO2 emissions.  

consider how the ozone layer has been r epaired in the last  20 years.   I believe the earth and the Universe has processes underway of which we have no conception.  Other dimensions.  
Barbara … the ozone layer protects us from radiation … skin cancer … are  you against reducing the CO2 emissions?
Ray no indeed.  We should reduce carbon dioxide … but that might not fix the global warming phenomenon.  I am trained in research and to be skeptical of data.  
Ellen Weren't  you convinced by the two curves moving in tandem over huge periods of time, the temp. and the CO2?
Ray: corrolation  does not equal causation.
More CO2 came out of Mt. St. Helen's when it erupted than all the cars in the last 25  years… something like that.  … If you really want to prove cause and effect you have to have several avenues into the effect.   … Statistics can be misleading.
Ellen (reconstructed what I said at table:) Three kinds of news consumers today: those who swallow whole the Fox News or other network news TV reports and think they are informed.  Those who say, “It’s all manipulated by the power elite anyway, why bother,” and follow no news.  And those who pick a source or an assortment of sources they trust, believing that the “real news” is there for the discriminating eye to notice and lift out.  It IS possible to know what is really happening.  I believe that Noam Chomsky, for instance, follows news in this way.  I believe it is important to try and be the third kind; not to be gullible, but not to be defeatist.  And it is also possible to sift scientific data as well, and make good assumptions on what is true. We don’t want to throw out all data because some data can be misleading.  
What news sources?
Ray I read NYTimes, Wash Post, Wall St. J., online.  Also USNews & World Rept, Time, Newsweek. I don't read the blogs.  
I do not any longer watch TV 24-7 News Channels.  CNN, Fox News…

(discussion of 12 Step programs.)
finding individual paths of spirituality.

Mira Krista Tippet on Sunday night, taped it, WVXU, "Speaking of Faith", Sundays 6 -7 pm.  Bill W.  Jung told Bill W. that he gave up treating alcoholics; need a spiritual shift in the individual.  … Basil Braveheart, Native American, moving speech about the ancestors. … You have to encounter the bad stuff, not just the nice stuff, it is part of who we are.  … Bill W., a very gentle and accepting person. Basil B. said if you have the ancestors with you… like Bill crying out Oh my God Help me!  Powerful experience and he knew he would never drink again.  
Ray  3 million have recovered from alcoholism through AA.  
… Crossroads church has a generic twelve based program, all different addictions together.  … "give and get LACE, love, acceptance, compassion, and empathy".  
Mira I think one of the most important things said on the tape has to do with addictions. Something a person does  to comfort themselves instead of dealing with the essential emptiness or unease or not   loving themselves.  … As I learn to rely on my own inner goodness, …  As a friend says, "there's no one on the planet who knows better what you need than you yourself."  
Ellen important that Ray come to the Salon… different opinions …
Ray I know, and accept that… just don't like personal attack, or Bush bashing…
Mira diane Rhem broadcast Art Buchwald's interview after he had kidney failure, and decided to stop dialysis and go ahead and die but then he invited people to come to say good bye, had long good talks, and Recovered!  Diane R. again interviewed him…
Ray I believe that every human is born with a spiritual longing… an instinctive notion there is something Out There we want  to be connected to.  Without that connections we experience and enormous sense of isolation and loneliness.  
Mira Bill Wilson was concerned that people not feel oppressed by any one  concept of Higher Power.  … suppression of   women leaders throughout human history … I grew up reading Wonder Woman comics. … I also read Camile, a beautiful sick woman got a lot of attention. Another way to go.  
Barbara a group of catholic women got together and ordained themselves as priests.  
Ray the Lutheran church split over this issue; the larger portion have women ministers.  Stupid to have this division.  
…All faiths come down to the same basic core beliefs ..
… David R. Hawkins Power vs. Force  and two other books.  He is into kinesiology.  Had a near death experience.  Has a scale of human consciousness levels.   One threshold is between linear and non linear thinking. The Eye of the I and I: Subjectivity and Objectivity.  Unity Church ideas… God  is in all of  us; once we reach it the self is transcended by the Self.  
Ellen Mary, you’ve been quiet.  What are you thinking?
Mary for several years I have wanted to be around other "subversives" … liberals.  Glad to be here.  
Ellen ray, do you , like Thurman Henderson, support Nuclear Power? (p.s. See Thurman’s letter about Nuclear Power in the Articles section below.)
Ray yes I do.  An accident like Chernoble does produce breathable bad stuff… but we have only had two accidents in the whole history of nuclear power, and … those were from sub standard installations.  We know this now.  Today it couldn’t happen....
\the big issue is not safety of the nuclear plant, but what to do with the waste products.  I have seen the safety measures.  Very convincing.
            The waste is a problem. They are currently handling it by burying it somewhere in Nevada.  People protest.  You have to measure the risk against the potential damage.  Conventional power generation generates greenhouse gases.  Nuclear does not.  In my mind nuclear is the way to go.
            Kennedy is against wind power towers off Nantucket.   
            I am way in favor of cold fusion research. I believe we are only 50 years f rom solving that -- which will be the  end of all energy problems.  
            Another        way is solar electric .  
            Glad for the increase in gas prices because of the acceleration of research and the encouragement of conservation.  
Ellen governmental diligence    over huge long periods of time to keep those nuclear waste dumps safe over thousands of years.  Can’t trust that there will be continual, responsible government for thousands of years into the future.
Ray another idea is to encase it in glass and dump it into the ocean, deepest parts.
Or sending it into space in glass containers.  
Ellen  I read that in France they  wanted to allow nuclear power plants to dump hotter water than before into the rivers and environmentalists are going nuts.
 Ray: doesn’t make sense.  Any  heat in the water used for cooling can be used, harvested as energy using heat pump technology.  

Power black out

Barb had a blackout today for 30 minutes.  Fairfield.  Related to the heat wave.
Mira I heard “don't use your electricity during daylight hours.”
Ray one more thing.  Carl Jung and Bill Wilson. Jung did observe that having a spiritual experience did lead to cure for alcoholics.  
Mira the original letters exchanged Wilson…Jung are available at   Krista Tippett, "Speaking of Faith".


~ end of Table Notes ~

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Articles


  • thomas Friedman (Lexus and Olive Tree)(NYTimes op ed writer) on Iraq War
  • Israeli Prime Minister Defends; Fanchon says, “Please respond.”
  • Freedom to have raw milk
  • Steve Sunderland, salonista, Peace Villiage maven, cries out about war
  • Engineer, neighbor, professor Thurman Henderson  comments re. Nuclear Power, and on the article sent in by Caeli to the Salon Yahoo group.

(Weekly lurker Joyce Caufield sends us this by Thomas Friedman from the NY Times)

I'm sending this to most of the people in my address book.   Attitudes toward this war are dividing many of us.  We need a sensible solution, and Friedman has the credentials to speak on this.  ....  Joyce

August 4, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist

Time for Plan B

It is now obvious that we are not midwifing democracy in Iraq. We are baby-sitting a civil war.

When our top commander in Iraq, Gen. John Abizaid, tells a Senate Committee, as he did yesterday, that “the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I’ve seen it,” it means that three years of efforts to democratize Iraq are not working. That means “staying the course” is pointless, and it’s time to start thinking about Plan B — how we might disengage with the least damage possible.

It seemed to me over the last three years that, even with all the Bush team’s missteps, we had to give our Iraqi partners a chance to produce a transitional government, then write a constitution, then hold an election and then, finally, put together their first elected cabinet. But now they have done all of that — and the situation has only worsened.

The Sunni jihadists and Baathists are as dedicated as ever to making this U.S.-Iraqi democracy initiative fail. That, and the runaway sectarian violence resulting from having too few U.S. troops and allowing a militia culture to become embedded, have made Iraq a lawless mess.

Yes, I believe it was and remains hugely important to try to partner with Iraqis to create one good example in the heart of the Arab world of a decent, progressive state, where the politics of fear and tribalism do not reign — the politics that has produced all the pathologies of unemployment, religious intolerance and repression that make the Middle East so dangerous to itself and others.

But the administration now has to admit what anyone — including myself — who believed in the importance of getting Iraq right has to admit: Whether for Bush reasons or Arab reasons, it is not happening, and we can’t throw more good lives after good lives.

Since the Bush team never gave us a Plan A for Iraq, it at least owes us a Plan B. It’s not easy. Here are my first thoughts about a Plan B and some of the implications.

I think we need to try a last-ditch Bosnia-like peace conference that would bring together all of Iraq’s factions and neighbors. Just as Bosnia could be solved only by an international peace force and the Dayton conference — involving Russia, Europe and the U.S., the powers most affected by Bosnia’s implosion — the civil war in Iraq can be quelled only by a coalition of those most affected by Iraq’s implosion: the U.S., Russia, Europe, Japan, India, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Syria and Jordan. As in Bosnia, any solution will have to be some form of federalism, a division of oil wealth and policing by an international force, where needed.

For such a conference to come about, though, the U.S. would probably need to declare its intention to leave. Iraqis, other Arabs, Europeans and Chinese will get serious about helping to salvage Iraq only if they believe we are leaving and it will damage their interests.

What would be the consequences of leaving without such a last-ditch peace effort, or if it just fails? Iraq could erupt into a much wider civil war, drawing in its neighbors. Or, Iraqis might stare into this abyss and actually come to terms with each other on their own. Our presence may be part of the problem. It’s hard to know.

If Iraq opts for all-out civil war, its two million barrels a day will be off the market and oil could go above $100 a barrel. (That would, however, spur more investment in alternative fuels that could one day make us independent of this volatile region.)

Some fear that Iran will be the winner. But will it? Once we are out of Iraq, Iran will have to manage the boiling pot next door. That will be a huge problem for Iran. The historical enmity toward Iran by Iraqi Arabs — enmity temporarily focused on us — will re-emerge. And Iran will also have to compete with its ally Syria for influence in Iraq.

Yes, the best way to contain Iran would have been to produce a real Shiite-led democracy in Iraq, exposing the phony one in Tehran. But second best is leaving Iraq. Because the worst option — the one Iran loves — is for us to stay in Iraq, bleeding, and in easy range to be hit by Iran if we strike its nukes.

Finally, the war in Iraq has so divided us at home and abroad that leaving, while bringing other problems, might also make it easier to build coalitions to deal with post-U.S. Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah and Syria. All these problems are connected. We need to deal with Iran and Syria, but from a position of strength — and that requires a broad coalition.

The longer we maintain a unilateral failing strategy in Iraq, the harder it will be to build such a coalition, and the stronger the enemies of freedom will become.
Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company

Salonista Fanchon Shur sends this... Prime Minister of Israel defends Hard Line:

dear Friends,

You all know I am a warrior for tolerance.
However, this is a point of view deep within me.  I hope you can hear this.  Please feel free to write back what you feel.
Fanchon Shur

Subject: RE: Ehud Olmert Speech

 July 31, 2006
  Ladies and gentlemen,
  leaders of the world. I, the Prime Minister of Israel, am
speaking to you from Jerusalem in the face of the terrible pictures
from Kfar Kana. Any human heart, wherever it is, must sicken and
recoil at the sight of such pictures. There are no words of comfort
that can mitigate the enormity of this tragedy. Still, I am looking
you straight in the eye and telling you that the State of Israel will
continue its military campaign in Lebanon.

  The Israel Defense Forces will continue to attack targets from
which missiles and Katyusha rockets are fired at hospitals, old age
homes and kindergartens in Israel. I have instructed the security
forces and the IDF to continue to hunt for the Katyusha stockpiles and
launch sites from which these savages are bombarding the State of

  We will not hesitate, we will not apologize and we will not back
off. If they continue to launch missiles into Israel from Kfar Kana,
we will continue to bomb Kfar Kana. Today, tomorrow and the day after
tomorrow. Here, there and everywhere. The children of

  Kfar Kana could now be sleeping peacefully in their homes,
unmolested, had the agents of the devil not taken over their land and
turned the lives of our children into hell.

  Ladies and gentlemen, it is time you understood: the Jewish
state will no longer be trampled upon. We will no longer allow anyone
to exploit population centers in order to bomb our citizens. No one
will be able to hide anymore behind women and children in order to
kill our women and children. This anarchy is over. You can condemn us,
you can boycott us, you can stop visiting us and, if necessary, we
will stop visiting you.

  Today I am serving as the voice of six million bombarded Israeli
citizens who serve as the voice of six million murdered Jews who were
melted down to dust and ashes by savages in Europe. In both cases,
those responsible for these evil acts were, and are, barbarians devoid
of all humanity, who set themselves one simple goal: to wipe the
Jewish race off the face of the earth, as Adolph Hitler said, or to
wipe the State of Israel off the map, as Mahmoud Ahmedinjad proclaims.

  And you - just as you did not take those words seriously then,
you are ignoring them again now. And that, ladies and gentlemen,
leaders of the world, will not happen again. Never again will we wait
for bombs that never came to hit the gas chambers. Never again will we
wait for salvation that never arrives. Now we have our own air force.
The Jewish people are now capable of standing up to those who seek
their destruction - those people will no longer be able to hide behind
women and children. They will no longer be able to evade their

  Every place from which a Katyusha is fired into the State of
Israel will be a legitimate target for us to attack. This must be
stated clearly and publicly, once and for all. You are welcome to
judge us, to ostracize us, to boycott us and to vilify us. But to kill
us? Absolutely not.

  Four months ago I was elected by hundreds of thousands of
citizens to the office of Prime Minister of the government of Israel,
on the basis of my plan for unilaterally withdrawing from 90 percent
of the areas of Judea and Samaria, the birth place and cradle of the
Jewish people; to end most of the occupation and to enable the
Palestinian people to turn over a new leaf and to calm things down
until conditions are ripe for attaining a permanent settlement between

  The Prime Minister who preceded me, Ariel Sharon, made a full
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip back to the international border, and
gave the Palestinians there a chance to build a new reality for
themselves. The Prime Minister who preceded him, Ehud Barak, ended the
lengthy Israeli presence in Lebanon and pulled the IDF back to the
international border, leaving the land of the cedars to flourish,
develop and establish its democracy and its economy.

  What did the State of Israel get in exchange for all of this? Did
we win even one minute of quiet? Was our hand, outstretched in peace,
met with a handshake of encouragement? Ehud Barak's peace initiative
at Camp David let loose on us a wave of suicide bombers who smashed
and blew to pieces over 1,000 citizens, men, women and children. I
don't remember you being so enraged then. Maybe that happened because
we did not allow TV close-ups of the dismembered body parts of the
Israeli youngsters at the Dolphinarium? Or of the shattered lives of
the people butchered while celebrating the Passover seder at the Park
Hotel in Netanya? What can you do - that's the way we are. We don't
wave body parts at the camera. We grieve quietly.

  We do not dance on the roofs at the sight of the bodies of our
enemy's children - we express genuine sorrow and regret. That is the
monstrous behavior of our enemies. Now they have risen up against us.
Tomorrow they will rise up against you. You are already familiar with
the murderous taste of this terror. And you will taste more.
  And Ariel Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza. What did it get
us? A barrage of Kassem missiles fired at peaceful settlements and the
kidnapping of soldiers. Then too, I don't recall you reacting with
such alarm. And for six years, the withdrawal from Lebanon has drawn
the vituperation and crimes of a dangerous, extremist Iranian agent,
who took over an entire country in the name of religious fanaticism
and is trying to take Israel hostage on his way to Jerusalem - and
from there to Paris and London.

  An enormous terrorist infrastructure has been established by Iran
on our border, threatening our citizens, growing stronger before our
very eyes, awaiting the moment when the land of the Ayatollahs becomes
a nuclear power in order to bring us to our knees. And make no mistake
- we won't go down alone. You, the leaders of the free and enlightened
world, will go down along with us.

  So today, here and now, I am putting an end to this parade of
hypocrisy. I don't recall such a wave of reaction in the face of the
100 citizens killed every single day in Iraq. Sunnis kill Shiites who
kill Sunnis, and all of them kill Americans - and the world remains
silent. And I am hard pressed to recall a similar reaction when the
Russians destroyed entire villages and burned down large cities in
order to repress the revolt in Chechnya. And when NATO bombed Kosovo
for almost three months and crushed the civilian population - then you
also kept silent. What is it about us, the Jews, the minority, the
persecuted, that arouses this cosmic sense of justice in you? What do
we have that all the others don't?

  In a loud clear voice, looking you straight in the eye, I stand
before you openly and I will not apologize. I will not capitulate. I
will not whine. This is a battle for our freedom. For our humanity.
For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate
borders. It is also your battle. I pray and I believe that now you
will understand that. Because if you don't, you may regret it later,
when it's too late.

I hope you will respond

Freedom to  have Raw Milk

From Dawn Oaks, wife of dairy farmer where I own part of a cow and get my raw milk.  (ellen)

On July 1st, the interview that Chris Burrell did with Gary, our family, and some of our owners was aired on WVXU public radio in Cincinnati, OH.  As promised, the station has now posted the interview on their website in their program archives.  You can listen in using the following URL address -

We were more than impressed with the final outcome of this process, the support Mr. Burrell gave to our farm and for individuals rights to consume foods that they feel will benefit their families.
If you enjoyed listening to this program and appreciate Mr. Burrell's support of our efforts, please take a moment to email him at Also, please  forward this message to anyone of interest.  The more awareness people have of this issue the better.
Further, if you support inidividual families rights to choose the types of foods that they consume, whether it be raw milk or otherwise, I ask that you respond back to us.  Gary and I are working closely with those organizing grass roots efforts in the State of Kentucky to get legislation written and passed legalizing some mode for consumers to have a "state approved" means for getting raw milk.  Whether you support the actual drinking of raw milk is subordinate to the greater issue of whether you feel the government has the right to dictate what we feed to our families.  This issue ties in greatly with other freedoms that are in jeopardy in our land (including but nor limited to our religious freedoms).  If you have any questions about this whole issue and its larger implications, please feel free to give Gary and I a call at 859-493-0214.  Whether you live in Kentucky or not, you can also send an email of suppo rt to Kacie Len Carter at the Community Farm Alliance at  I am sure she will keep these on file for support in our battle to protect people's rights to choose all types of foods for their families and more specifically real milk.  We are working closely with Kaycie Len and will be getting more specific information to our owners regarding specific action they can take in the coming week to continue our battle for Real Milk in KY.
Along the same lines, we were more than glad to see the favorable article that the Associated Press circulated in newspapers across our land about the unfair treatment of Arlie Stutzman and his continuing battles against the State of Ohio with regard to his cowshare program and rights as a farmer.  A copy of the article as printed in the San Francisco Chronicle is posted on the refrigerator in our garage for anyone interested in reading it.
Again, thank you all for your ongoing support.  The last 5 months have been loaded with struggles, moments of feeling defeated, and great furstration.  However, there is a light shining and the author and creator of the True Light will not fail to see of through regardless of how things end up.
Gary and Dawn and our four little acorns

(Salonista) Steve Sunderland Cries Out About War
Dear Friends:

         "I say, "STOP," says the family ducking on the way to the burial."
            "I say, "STOP," says the father of the soldier now with one leg."
             "I say, "STOP," says the mother's mouth frozen in horror at the news of her child's death."
           "I say, "STOP," says the baker staring at the ruins of his old store."
         "I say, "STOP," says the baby on the ground crawling toward the lifeless body."
        "I say, "STOP," says the youth of the world, hoping for a future."
             "I say, "STOP, says the elders of the world, dreaming of a time without violence."
            "I say, "STOP," says the diplomat, in an empty room, the globe on his table shattered by his angry fist."
              "I say, "STOP." I say, "STOP." I say, "STOP."

         It is now the 14th day of the mid-East war. The American government has not called for a "cease fire" because it is "too soon." With more time for violence, war and destruction, Israel will be able to "really" end the threat to its cities and people. No one has mentioned just how many people have to die before a "real" ceasefire can start. No one has described what kind of country Lebanon will look like with its major cities in ruins and how this consequence will increase the chances for a "enduring" cease fire. What may have been lost in this crazy formula is that the line has been already crossed for a meaningful ceasefire under any conditions. More bombing, rockets, and deaths.
               The silence about a ceasefire of the American policy makers is replacing all doubts about our government's moral intentions. Revenge against Al Queda, under some old law of an eye for an eye, could be seen as a likely response to September 11. But, now and for the future, the obliteration of Lebanon will go into the history books along with Dresden's unnecessary fire-bombing at the end of WW 2, the controversial destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to end Japan's threat, and attack on the World Trade Center.

               The Americans are not fully numb to the unfairness of this latest war. What will be the spark that sets off the wave of protest? Will it be when the price of gas at the pump hits $4.00? Will it be the inability to pay for college tuition along with gigantic fuel bills, accompanying unbelievable mortgage and interest increases, and the abandonment of any belief that the average family can afford medical care? Or, will it be the bombing of a Lebanese hospital?

         The grief from September 11 has been re-ignited. This time, Israel, may bear the anger of  many Americans who see Lebanon looking like the World Trade Center. The attack on civilian populations is the greatest threat we have learned from the terrorists. Citizens are aware that war is dangerous for soldiers and some civilians. The shift to causing civilian casualties as a major strategy lumps all terrorists together as murderers. Israel's chronic tiredness with terrorism aimed at its country's existence cannot explain away the outrage of mass bombing of women, children, aged, and those who do not support any war against Israel. Living under the threat of bombing, as Israel has for so many years, has apparently caused a need to be furious with the Lebanese. Yet, the heavy hand of revenge cannot justify the killing of the innocents and the destruction of a country's vital systems.

             A week ago, one of Cincinnati's two mosques received death threats, one over the phone and one from a person in a car driving by the recently bombed house of worship. The FBI has made no arrests on any of the terrorists responsible for these attacks. Targeting of Muslims and their mosques continues to be a real danger in our community. Monday night, at a local Catholic Church, an interfaith ceremony was held. With about 200 people in attendance, a Catholic lay-person, a rabbi and a Muslim female leader all read peace prayers. We listened in silence to the soulful words, so beautifully read. I was reminded of another time and place when it was not dangerous to hold an interfaith meeting calling for peace. Those days are gone in our community. Thousands of supporters of Israel screamed at a small group of protesters calling for a ceasefire in a Cincinnati suburban park on Sunday. Many police were present and no physical violence happened.

               Yet, the violence persists at a deep and corroding level. The imagination of the world is worn down by the failure to condemn violence so human life is protected. Violence beats away the fragile set of actions that place life as the highest good. The belief that international peace makers are unimportant until soldiers kill as many as possible scars the heart of a democracy based on non-violence as the methodology for conflict resolution. We are learning, again, that the impulse to "get even" may be one of our strongest human drives for self-destruction. Small gangs of terrorists, like small armies, possessing enormous firepower, reveal that hopelessness of watering the seeds of present and future violence.  The belief in the sacred quality of a life without has been abruptly replaced by the killing of whole populations of innocents. The old story, "killing can cause peace,"  reasserts its primacy.

               Two cliches have been hard for me to get out of my mind. First, I am awake to the idea that the US and Israel are "playing with fire." Each day the feeding of humans, Israeli and non-Israeli, into the conflict seems to take it for granted that this "fire" can be controlled and not spread to other countries, and especially those countries possessing nuclear weapons. Are countries, allied with Lebanon and Palestine, have a limit to the amount of violence they see and feel? What happens if the people of these countries explode?

             The second cliche that haunts me is: "This is the last straw!" The kidnapping of Israeli soldiers and the bombing of Lebanon has provoked both terrorist organizations and Israel into a stance that is now fully violent. What are the conditions that push individuals and countries to a place that is "over the line." What snaps resiliency? What convinces leaders that the military response is justified as revenge? And, what permits the social response to reject non-violence, start a ceasefire and seek another way of living with conflict?

             This strange time calls for discussion, even very heated debate. At the local levels, we must both remind ourselves that knowledge of grief, faith in justice, and a just peace are products of a society that believes it is stronger than violence. Now, right as the fire burns on and the world seems lost in irrationality, the peacemakers must walk into the battlefield and say, "stop."

Thurman Henderson Comments on Nuclear Power
thurman is a friend and neighbor, a UC engineering prof.  He came to the salon last spring and talked about the Koran.  Hope to get him back to discuss  nuclear power.  ellen)

Ellen, ....perhaps I can join your group some time in the future regarding nuclear power (and other alternatives).

Calli M. Good spoke about "diversion" of water for nuclear power and used the dryup of the Aral Sea as an example.  First, nuclear power requires no diversion and no consumption (as such) of water (maybe a little evaporation).  The thermodynamics of power generation requires some dissipation of waste heat (whether the plant is coal fired or nuclear).  Historically, power plants have been located on rivers where cooling water is available; however environmentalists have become concerned about the waste heat slightly warming (not polluting, except "heat pollution") the water which is returned.  Thus standards have been set to allow only so many degrees increase in temperature of the [clean] water returned, relative to the input.  In France, because of water shortage they are apparently allowing a decrease in flow-through rate, which means a higher exit temperature back into the lake or river but not necessarily a greater net heat return.

The dryup of the Aral Sea has nothing to do with nuclear power nor (in spite of Al Gore's new movie) does it have anything to do with global warming.  The sea dried up because the former Soviet Union divered two of the three rivers that fed it--that will tend to happen every time when the source is removed.

Nuclear power properly done (not as in the old Soviet Union) is entirely safe, natural, non-polluting and it is almost the ultimate in "alternative power". I have been doing research with NASA, EPRI and NSF on advanced orbially-based solar cell farms to beam power back to earth (safely), but all systems, including solar cells, involve pollution issues somewhere--if not in operation, in manufacture.  For the present, the winner is nuclear power--which has been put out of business in the U.S., but must be allowed to make a comeback.


Thurman Henderson   

(the article sent to the yahoo salon g ruop by Caeli is below:  ellen)

Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:32 am (PST)
Published on Friday, July 28, 2006 by
European Heat Wave Shows Limits of Nuclear Energy
by Julio Godoy

PARIS - The extreme hot summer in Europe is restricting nuclear energy generation and showing up the limits of nuclear power, leading environmental activists and scientists say.

The heat wave since mid-June has led authorities in France, Germany, Spain and elsewhere in Europe to override their own environmental norms on the maximum temperature of water drained from the plants' cooling systems.

The French government announced July 24 that nuclear power plants situated along rivers will be allowed to drain hot water into rivers at higher temperature. The measure is intended "to guarantee the provision of electricity for the country," according to an official note.

France has 58 nuclear power plants, which produce almost 80 percent of electricity generated in the country. Of these, 37 are situated near rivers, and use them as outlet for water from their cooling systems.

The drought accompanying the hot summer has reduced the volume of water in the rivers, and might force some power plants to shut down.

Under normal circumstances, environment rules limit the maximum temperature for waste water in order to protect river flora and fauna.

To folks who use pretzel Logic to look at Nuclear as being a potential option for energy creation.

There is no magical solution.

How much water do we have to divert or use in order to generate our electricity?

We have killed rivers and streams and whole seas (Aral Sea). ... in order to manipulate our environment so we can have whatever.

when will we accept this fact?

Caeli M. Good

(Can someone explain to me why the French nuclear power plants have to dump hot water or warmish water into the rivers?  Why can’t that heat be harvested using heat pump technology to make more power? ellen )

Section Three: Announcements

Tonight , August 6, on the 61st anniversary of Hiroshima, IJPC (Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center...Alice Gerteman’s group)  is sponsoring a Candlelight Vigil and Meditative Walk at 8:45pm at International Friendship Park. All are welcome to attend. Tomorrow night, August 7 Amnesty International is sponsoring Ceasefire  Candlelight Vigils around the world.

Locally,Muslim Mothers against Violence are organizing a candlelight  
Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East at 8:15pm at the Islamic Center of Cincinnati in West Chester. See details below . . . Also, find details about the event entitled Can We stop the Nuclear Renaissance? featuring Carol Rainey and Sr. Paula Gonzales on Wed, Aug 9.    

Candlelight Vigil and Meditation Walk at International Friendship Park on Eastern Avenue just past the Boathouse at 8:45pm
We’ll hold a meditative walk and candle light vigil through the park, past the Hiroshima panels, as we remember all who have lost their lives through nuclear weapons and war
Call 513-579-8547 for more info

Muslim mothers against violence invite you to attend an interfaith and intercommunity Candlelight Vigil For A Ceasefire & Peace in the Middle East
(Maghrib (sunset) prayer/break provided from 8:45 pm - 9:00 pm)
Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
8092 Plantation Drive , West Chester, Ohio
For direction, go to or call 755-3280 and press 2
 *Join us with your family, friends and neighbors for this peaceful event
*Please bring hopes and prayers for peace, candles will be provided on site
*Those wishing to observe Maghrib prayer should wear slacks and bring along a scarf
This Candlelight Vigil coincides with Amnesty International’s CEASEFIRE Vigils nationally and internationally for Monday.
Co-Sponsoring Organizations (as of 8/4/06)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio),
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center,
Intercommunity Justice & Peace Center,
Peace Village
St. Monica St George Newman Center

7pm at Peaslee Neigborhood center
Join us for an informative night where we wil hear from Carol Rainey and Sr. Paula Gonzales. Carol will describe the local connections to the new nuclear danger (Duke Energy: Piketon) and Sr. Paula will outline  
alternative energy sources in a nuclear free world. Carol will provide action steps to respond to nuclear situations.
7pm at Peaslee Neighborhood Center (215 East 14th St.)
All are welcome!
Sponsored by the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center
Contact 513-579-8547 for more info.

Bill Messer, Salonista: An Odyssey of Medical Woes
Dear Ellen,

I had intended to come to both salons, Monday and Wednesday (and look forward to doing a better job of remembering Wednesday evenings than I have Mondays). Then I had to drive to Chicago Monday evening for an early-ish Tuesday meeting with a foundation to try to get some money for some anti-war programs I want to run here next month, when I learned the train I planned to take doesn't go Tuesday a.m.. But I still planned on Wednesday. Then, at a film screening last Saturday night, I had some sort of excruciatingly painful, sweaty, and howling out loud attack, disrupting everyone's evening. Paramedics well called. The next morning I had sharp pains in my left arm and shoulder and my chest felt like some one had stepped on it (some one large). I just got out of Christ Hospital last night. Turns out my liver went south and began to fail (which can mimic a heart attack). Beyond that the doctors disagree. But they do agree I will have to have another operation, bigger even than either of the two I had before, sometime soon. It's unbelievable. I really began to despair while I was lying in the hospital, hoping it wasn't a heart attack I'd had and wondering what was happening to me, and knowing there was even more of the same and worse in the near future. Missed Chicago, missed the salon, and will probably have to miss much of the rest of the year, in terms of plans, intentions and dreams. Still, I may be there next Wednesday. I don't know.

yours, no longer in Christ (Hosptial, that is),

The Cincinnati Earth Institute wishes to inform you of the following opportunities related to its discussion course topics of simple living, sustainability, sense of place and globalization. Our apologies for having to send this to you twice due to broken links!  Details for each follow the bullet points immediately below.

-- Under a Full Moon: A Summer Concert Series - local song writer Matthew Shelton, Saturday, August 12th, 8-11 p.m.; Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, 45205

-- 1st Friday Dinner Conversation at Imago Earth Center, Sept. 1st; open to all, alternative energy discussion theme followed by brainstorming future Conversations topics.

-- 5th Annual Music In the Woods - annual benefit party for Imago; Saturday, September 9th, 7:00-11:00 PM at Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill

-- CEI’s “Films That Matter Series” - second Wednesdays from September through May; provocative films followed by optional discussion. September 13th film will be “The Future of Food.” For more information, visit or for a series flier

-- Unique Gift Idea - enjoy it yourself or give this unique light bulb root starter as a gift and help CEI. For more information, visit or call John at 513-631-5932.

-- Annual Cincinnati Great Outdoor Weekend - Saturday and Sunday, September 23rd & 24th, 2006 - The Great Outdoor Weekend provides a broad array of the best nature and environmental group activities in the Greater Cincinnati Region - all for free! Visit for event details including a program!


Under a Full Moon: A Summer Concert Series
Date: Saturday, August 12th, 8-11 p.m.
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, 45205
Cost: $5 Imago members, $7 non-members
Description: local song writer Matthew Shelton will perform. Join in the celebration of warm summer nights and moonlight! Bring a blanket (or chair) and a few friends to share an enjoyable evening, BYOB. This is the final summer concert; wine sold by the glass.
More Information: 513-921-5124 or

1st Friday Dinner Conversation - all are welcome!
Date: Friday, Sept. 1st at 6:00 PM
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill, 45205
Registration: please call ahead if possible to request dinner buffet
Cost: none, except dinner buffet (suggested donation of $10/person or what you can offer)
Description: Discussion theme after dinner will be alternative energy followed by brainstorming Dinner Conversation topics for the upcoming year.
More Information: Call Louise Lawarre at 921-5124 or at

5th Annual Music in the Woods - annual benefit party for Imago
Date: Saturday, September 9th, 7:00-11:00 PM
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill
Cost/Tickets: $12/person in advance ($10/person in advance for four or more); $15/person at the door; to purchase tickets on-line, visit
Description: In addition to featured bands The Comet Bluegrass All-Stars and Mt. Pleasant String Band, there will be grilled food, beer, wine, a silent auction featuring vacation cottages, romantic getaways, beautiful art, theme baskets and fun games for the whole family. Bring friends and enjoy a festive party in a great outdoor setting!
More Information:

CEI Films That Matter Series - "The Future of Food"
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church (Grace & Observatory Avenues), Room 113
Description: There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables across America, a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. This documentary explores the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past decade. It also examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multi-national corporations seek to control the world's food system. "One of 2005's must-see documentaries" -San Francisco Chronicle.
This informal program is free and open to anyone. It provides an educational opportunity to gather and discuss themes relating to simplicity, sustainability, sense of place, and eco-spirituality. The discussion following the film is optional. Bring a friend!
More Information: Please contact John Hoff at 513-631-5932 or at or visit for a series flier

2006 Great Outdoor Weekend
Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 23 & 24, 2006. Visit event website or see event brochure for specific program times and locations.
Location: Various sites throughout the Greater Cincinnati Region
Description: FREE and OPEN TO ALL! The Great Outdoor Weekend offers a broad array of the best nature and environmental group activities in the Greater Cincinnati Region – all for free! It’s not too early to start planning your weekend activities!
More Information and Program Guide: Visit or call (513) 965-4898

CEI Films That Matter Series - "Never Cry Wolf"
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church (Grace & Observatory Avenues), Room 113
Description: A government researcher, sent to research the "menace" of wolves in the north, learns about the true beneficial and positive nature of the species. This film dramatizes the true story of Farley Mowat, when he was sent to the Canadian tundra area to collect evidence of the grievous harm the wolf population was allegedly doing to the caribou herds. In his struggle to survive in that difficult environment he studies the wolves, and realizes that the old beliefs about wolves and their supposed threat are almost totally false. Furthermore, he learns that humans represent a far greater threat to the land, and also to the wolves, a species which plays an important role in the ecosystem of the north.
This informal program is free and open to anyone. It provides an educational opportunity to gather and discuss themes relating to simplicity, sustainability, sense of place, and eco-spirituality. The discussion following the film is optional. Bring a friend!
More Information: Please contact John Hoff at 513-631-5932 or at or visit for a series flier

Cincinnati Earth Institute •
phone 513.207.0038

To unsubscribe from: CEI, just follow this link:
this link, or copy and paste the address into your browser.

Lloyd House Spaces Available
@ THIRD FLOOR TWO ROOM + BATH SUITE:  furnished with beautiful teak bedroom set and two dhurri rugs.  Share third floor kitchen, share basement laundry.  Off street parking.  High speed wireless internet.  Fabulous public areas including: living/music room, dining room seats 14, spacious veranda, zendo meditation/movement hall, basement weight and work out room, sauna etc.  $440/month housing expenses contribution.  Call Ellen now: 513 221 1289

@ Second floor bedroom, gas fireplace, three large windows (2 East, one South), share huge b athroom with laundry, shared kitchen on third floor.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to (Monday...soon to be Wednesday) night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  $400. contribution to house expenses.  Call Ellen: 221 1289  

Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Suggestions for submitting Tri-State Treasures are at the bottom of this email; please help me by formatting your submissions, as described below.
Sincerely,  Jim

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center:  Cincinnati’s uniquely important & fascinating museum presents a variety of events.  Below are a few.  Unless stated otherwise, events are free with Freedom Center admission.  At the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM.  More info @ 513.333.7500,, &

  Gospel Freedom Sundays [Sundays 6 & 20 August @ 2 & 3 PM]: Lively programs of joyful music from area faith congregations.  In the Grand Hall.
  Blood Drive [Friday 11 August @ 7 AM - 1 PM]: Hoxworth Blood Center  conducts blood drive outside the Freedom Center.  Donors receive free admission & gift shop discounts & food specials at North Star Café.
  Teacher Institute with Sharon Draper [Wednesday 16 August @ 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM]: Join the award winning writer & teacher in “walking the curriculum” about the Underground Railroad & the Slave Pen. Registration: $20. RSVP: 513.333.7559.
The Civil Rights Movement: The Power of Children [Monday 7 August @ 7:30 PM]:  Presented by Rev. LD Ervin, lecturer & ordained Elder of the Christian ME Church, at the next meeting of the Neighbor to Neighbor organization, for residents of Pleasant Ridge, Kennedy Heights, Silverton, & other nearby neighborhoods.  Provides an explanation of how it was that children’s bravery, courage, & willingness to suffer brought an end to legalized segregation.  At the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church, 5950 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213.  More info @
Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra Summer Concert Series [Tuesday 8 August @ 7 PM]:  The CMO summer pops travels to President's Park in Edgewood, KY, for a free outdoor concert to be joined by the CMO Vocal Ensemble & Jazz Connection. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, & picnic; rain venue nearby. More info @ 513.941.8956,, &
Irish Music Benefit for the Shannon Family [Sunday 13 August @ 3-8 PM]: Music, fun & celebration. Music by Puck Doyle, Pug Uglies, 3 more Irish bands, & Celtic Dancers. Silent Auction & Irish Raffle with a great selection of items including Cross-Town Shoot-Out tix, signed Irish Poets' Broadsides from King Library Press, Celtic Jewelry, gift certificates for meals & hotels for your next trip to Ireland, freshly made Irish Soda Bread, & lots more. Proceeds go to a friend who required hospitalization & operations for diverticulitises & peritonitis, & who had been forced to let his family health insurance lapse months before. Mike is on the mend, & though proceeds won't pay the bills, his friends are throwing a party to raise funds to help the family for the moment. Think of it as the Celtic Festival for this year. $30 donation. At Molly Malone’s Irish Pub, 6111 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, OH 45213. Tix @ Hap’s & Molly Malone’s.  More info @ 513.631.1706.
Empowering The Spirit [Saturday 12 August @ 10AM-5PM & Sunday 13 August @ 10AM-3PM]:  In her book "Empowering The Spirit" Judith says “We have the capacity to be wondrous beings, powerful beyond imagination. We have the power to heal ourselves & activate healing in others.” Don’t miss this opportunity for a 2-day experiential workshop focusing on  “surrendering to our intuitive guidance, living our lives aligned with this guidance, thus enabling our Spirit to lead the way.”  Presented by Gary Matthews & Judith Corvin-Blackburn. Cost: $225. Oz Farm Sanctuary, 1729 Huntley Road, Goshen, OH  45122.  More info @ 513.722.2917,,, &

Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity.  Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received by noon on Monday.
Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]:
Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]:
The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200.  More info @ 513.111.2222,, &

Michael Moore is preparing a new movie on our health care situation. Bet it gonna be a hurricane!  ellen

Barbara Schacht: Toby Christensen Concert Aug. 25

Hello Everyone!

Here's the event everyone's been asking for: Toby has agreed to provide the greater Cincinnati region with another Healing Drummer Concert experience!

Please see the attached flyer for detailed information for this Aug 25 event. If you are not able to open this attachment or would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me by phone or email.

SEATING IS LIMITED!!!!!! Please get your tickets early, through Toby's website at Click on "Schedule" and scroll to the Aug 25 event.

I'm excited about another opportunity to all come together in community and together share an experience with Toby and the healing power of the drum.

With grateful thanks to Toby for being willing to extend his time in Cincinnati and provide this experience, and to the visionaries at the Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church who have extended this invitation and opportunity for all of us.

I look forward to sharing the experience with old friends and new!

With Love & Blessings,

Barbara Schacht

(Free) Community Healing Drumming Circle with toby christensen
Wednesday, August 23, 7-10:00 PM

RSVP Essential to reserve your space -- call Barbara Schacht at (513) 225-5788

Healing practioners and drummers unite to provide community healing. Toby will be
present this night to initiate us and we will continue each 4th Wednesday of the
month afterwards.

No fee, voluntary donations gratefully accepted.

Questions and RSVP- call Barbara Schacht at 513-225-5788.

Shirley Reischman to give Free Seminar on Spiritual Path of Ten Commandments
(shirley is my wonderful homeopath. She was raised by Jewish parents, but is now an adherent to Rudloph Steiner’s path called Anthroposophy.  since there isn’t a congregation of that here, she attends the Sweedenborgan Church in Glendale.  incidentally, “Sweedenborgan” is pronounced with a soft “g”, like “sweedenborjin”.   Henry and William James, the great psychologist and novelist of the early 20th century, were the sons of a Sweedenborgan minister.  It is a very interesting mystical religion founded in the nineteenth century.  Shirley was all lit up about this Ten commandments class.  Definitely inter-faith, non denominational spirituality.  It’s a series.  the only cost is for the book.  Check it out.  ellen)

I took this class about two years ago and it was really wonderful. I’ve decided to be a facilitator in Pleasant Ridge and hope some of you will be interested in attending. It examines the Ten Commandments from an inner perspective and from all the world’s great religions.  The class had cost $75 when I took it and the book is $29.95, so the $25 donation is a real bargain.  I’ve copied the info into the e-mail below and attached it as a Word file.  Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks.
Also, if you have an e-mail list, please forward this on.  Thanks again.


Shirley Reischman
6138 Woodmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45213
(513) 531-3060

Life is a Journey
Travel With Purpose
A new perspective on the Ten Commandments.

This weekly discussion group will re-examine the Ten Commandments, its relevancy for the 21st century and how they show up in different faith traditions. We will meet once a week for ten weeks at The Pleasant Perk Coffee Shop on Thursday evenings from 6:30PM - 8:00PM, starting September 21st for nine weeks.  


Suggested donation of $25 per individual or $40 per couple includes the book, ‘Rise Above It’ by Ray & Star Silverman and all materials. If you can afford more, it would be appreciated, and if you can’t afford anything, we would still be delighted to have you attend.  Please contact Shirley Reischman at 531-3060 or to register or for more information.

Cincinnati City Council Passes Restoration of Office of Environmental Quality ... But we are not out of the woods yet:
From Howard Konicov

ear   all
City Council Voted 5-4 to make a new office of Environmental Quality a budgetary priority today at a session that was held at the Cincinnati Art Museum
(due to renovations in Council chambers) .
Environmental speakers represented our community with distinction.  There were no public speakers against the motion, yet heavy lobbying behind the scene by members of the Chamber of Commerce led to last minute efforts by Jeff Berding, with Chris Bortz's assistance, to derail it with a procedural hurdle.   They were joined by Chris Monzell & Leslie Ghiz in voting AGAINST having an Office of Environmental Quality.  These individuals are your representatives and their continued presence on Council suggests they will continue to place polluters interests before your own .  They need to hear from you.
On a positive note, David Crowley, Cecil Thomas, Jim Tarbel, Laketa Cole, and John Cranley delivered for you today. 
This is not over, however, as OEQ still need to succeed at the budget hearings in the Fall.  And if these hearings demonstrate anything it's what an uphill battle we have in this city in promoting sound public policy.
Thank you to everyone who participated this week, this was a great effort with great people involved all around.
Howard M. Konicov

 Contact info:
Hamilton County Democratic Party
New address effective May 1st:
6109 Webbland Pl.
Cincinnati, OH 45213
513-421-0757 (fax)

Cincinnati Charter Committee
811 Race Street, #300
Cincinnati, OH 45202
513-241-0322 (fax)
Vice Mayor James R. Tarbell
801 Plum St. Rm 352
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3604
Fax: (513) 352-3621

Y. Laketa Cole
801 Plum St. Rm 351
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3466
Fax: (513) 352-3957

Jeff Berding
801 Plum St. Rm 346A
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3283
Fax: (513) 352-3289

Chris Bortz
801 Plum St. Rm 348
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3255
Fax: (513) 3264

John Cranley
801 Plum St. Rm 356
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-5303
Fax: (513) 352-4657

David Crowley
801 Plum St. Rm 350
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-2453
Fax: (513) 352-2365

Leslie Ghiz
801 Plum St. Rm 354
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3344
Fax: (513) 352-3277
Chris Monzel
801 Plum St. Rm 346B
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3653
Fax: (513) 352-4649

Cecil Thomas
801 Plum St. Rm 349
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1979
Phone: (513) 352-3492
Fax: (513) 352-3218

Women’s Day of Prayer next month
(An anonymous person you know will be presenting on twelve step program spirituality)

Saturday, September 9, 2006, from 10 AM until 3 PM:  Third Annual Women's [Intefaith] Day of Prayer (open to men, too) to be held at Church of Our Saviour, 65 Hollister Street in Mt. Auburn on the theme of "Building Our Spiritual Reserves."  Free and Open to the Public.  Come for an hour or stay all day.  Lunch Provided.  More information: or 542-7334.

Join in reading The Decline of US Power by Immanuel Wallerstein at the Lloyd House with Ellen, David Rosenberg, Daisy Quarm, Mike Murphy, and ...?  Study his WorldSystem theory.  He’s got it all together to understand our world today.  
 Saturday Afternoons 3:00.   Order the book ($7 on Amazon) or just show up at the Lloyd House.  Jump in any time.

Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and  families.  Expert, caring, rapid service.  Most insurance plans will cover.    Call 513 221 1289.  Special areas of interest: issues of  young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss.  What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.


Judy Cirillo forwards this:

An awesome oportunity coming to Cincinnati November 17-18!!  IJPC (Intercommunity Justic and Peace Center...Sr. Alice Gerteman’s gorup) will be sponsoring a Class Matters workshop with George Lakey of Training for Change!! Thanks to a grant from the Dominican Sisters of Hope Ministry Fund, the workshop will be offered free of charge! Interested persons are encouraged to fill out the application and return it to by August 10. The application can be downloaded at our website on the home page under the Peace News subheading.

Note: There is a limit to 35 participants and every effort will be made to ensure diversity.  For more info about the workshop itself, keep reading this email or download the brochure at

Class Matters Workshop is designed to help us notice the effects of class on our lives, including how it effects our activism and our coalition building. Training for Change has designed a series of experiential exercises that let people explore their class backgrounds at their own pace and without the burdens of  judgment, blame or guilt tripping.
George Lakey, an internationally renowned and very experienced trainer, will facilitate the dynamic, hands-on workshop.

Why is Class So Important?  

 - The housing activists were stumped ˜ they couldn‚t get people from the local housing project to come to their meetings.  Nobody cares enough to do anything!  They said.

-  A welfare-rights group couldn‚t get political leaders to their events ˜ even politicians from their own community wouldn‚t show.  These politicians are hopeless! They said.  

-  An environmental group trying to clean up a riverbank in a working-class area were shocked when the neighbors weren‚t excited about the campaign.  Nobody around here cares about the earth!  They said.    

Class is the Missing Piece
These were experienced organizers. But like a lot of people who care deeply, they didn‚t have an awareness of the power of class. As a result, they experienced frustration with other groups and their organizing was less than effective.  
This workshop gives participants a hands on learning about class dynamics.  The goal: stronger activism for deeper social change.  

Why is Class So Hard to See
 - Class is everywhere.  But from an early age, most of us were trained not to see it.  We were taught that our society is „classless,‰ or that we‚re all middle class. That training can make the effects of class hard to spot at first.  

Class Influences Our Activism
Social class influences our lives subtly yet
powerfully. It affects how we feel about ourselves and how we treat each other.  It influences how much money we get in our lifetimes and how long our lives will be.  It‚s also influencing our justice activities, probably more than we realize.  

Like racism, class prejudice gets in the way of effective coalition-building. Like sexism and homophobia, it can deprive our groups of the contributions of all. Unlike those forces, classism is rarely brought out in the open. That makes it even more powerful!

New Coalitions are Possible
Struggles for economic justice have often been divided from social goals such as environmentalism or peace.  That‚s because the activists themselves are divided ˜ by class.  Now a new generation of active people are learning to bridge the class divide. The outcome: coalitions across the labor, peace, welfare-rights, environmental and other movements ˜ groups that have too often worked in isolation or at odds.  Come to CLASS MATTERS and learn why it doesn‚t have to be that way!

Please Join Us!

As with all our workshops, we ask for full participation from everyone. Learning about class dynamics raises important issues, and we always like to remind folks that emotions may surface in the course of this 2-day workshop.  

What: 2-day Class Matters Workshop with George Lakey

When: Friday, November 17, 6-9pm
  Saturday, Nov 18, 9am-9pm

Where: Peaslee Neighborhood Center
   215 E. 14th St
   Cincinnati, OH 45202

Cost: Free to all participants, meals are  included. Free Parking.

How: Participants must fill out the application that can be downloaded from and return it by August 10, 2006 by email, mail, or fax  it to Kristen Barker.
Email: ,
US Mail : 215 E. 14th St/Cinti, OH 45202
Fax : 513-579-0674

Note: The workshop is limited to 35 participants. Every attempt will be made to ensure diversity.

Questions: If you have questions or concerns please call IJPC at

Workshop funded by a grant from the Dominican Sisters of Hope Ministry Fund.


“An Inconvenient Truth”:
Mariemont Theater (confirmed today)
06 Wooster Pike Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227 Map
1:00pm |
 3:10pm |
 5:20pm |
 7:40pm |

Danbarry Cinemas Middletown (not confirmed, better check)
3479 Dixie Highway
Middletown, OH 45042
1:00pm |
 3:10pm |
 5:15pm |
 7:20pm |

The Neon Movies (not confirmed, better check)
130 E. 5th Street
Dayton, OH 45402 Map
12:20pm |
 2:30pm |
 4:50pm |
 7:20pm |

Little Art Theatre
247 Xenia Avenue
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
7:00pm |

Deadline not until Oct 13
Art Museum Book Sale
accepting donations: books and catalogues on art, travel, fashion, graphic design, photography, cinti. history, architecture, etiquette, illustrated children’s books, cookbooks videotapes, Cds.  No paperb ack fiction.

Sale will be  Oct 27-29
To make donations call 513 639 2976

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

From Ellen: I love Terry Pratchet.  Now about to finish up the Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, a ch ildren’s novel that has won prizes.  I love it.  Genre: sci-fi / fantasy.  Endlessly amusing and clever and ...  
    I am hugely enjoying the Immanuel Wallerstein The Decline of American Power.  He has such a wide grasp of world events; m akes me feel so much better oriented.  We’d love ou to join our study group on Saturdays at 3!
    Also reading (on CD, in the car) The Water is Wide by Pat Conroy, the school teacher who taught 5 - 8 grades in all-black Yamacraw Island school in 1969.  Moving, beautiful, human.  they made that movie out of it., which I saw, but years ago.   

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays (but starting in Aug. on WEDNESDAYS) at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our
mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,
We had 63 members as of 7/1/06.  How many  do we have now?
For Pot Luck  procedures i
food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list,
send a REPLY message
> to me and in the
SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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