Saturday, July 01, 2006

Weekly 7/1/06 - 5

Yes, of course there will be Salon on Monday July 3, just like EVERY Monday 52 weeks a year.  We need our fix!  ellen

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections

  • Table Notes
  • Articles
  • Announcements

  • Books, Reviews, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  560
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us a
t the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
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To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.

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Section One: Table Notes

( PLEASE NOTE: These notes have not been edited by the speakers and should not be taken as an accurate expression of the speakers’ meanings.  ellen)
At the Table on Monday, 6/26/06 Caeli Good, Shari Able, Lauren Frederick, Steve sunderland, Ellen Bierhorst, John Kelly, Cheryl Hayden, Chad Benjamin Potter, Bill Messer, Neil Anderson

- thanks to David P. we now have 14 matching, elegant board-room-type chairs for our seats-14 table.  Looks great.
probability of Salon moving to Wednesday night in late August due to Ellen’s Alexander Teacher Training.  
-Sunday, July 9, Freedom Center choir singing 2:00 on Main Street. All aftrnoon street festival.
-"Provocation discussion Group" at Hobo Books on Hamilton Ave, across f rom Crazy Ladies, at 7 pm Thursdays.  Want to have book discussions.  Books, provocative ideas, anarchism,... anything.  Caeli and Maegdlyn Morris.  After the 4th of July Northside parade (at noon) we will have a pot luck at the store.

- Wed. July 5, 6:00 free dinner, 6:40 service, at Church of Our Savior (Episcopal), John Kelly will be preaching on "Sweet Land of Liberty ... only through love."

-Ohio Lesbian Archives have moved to  Clifton United Meth. Church.  Open on Sat.
-Bill back f rom hospitalization in E. Tennessee.  Gangrenous gall bladder.  

TOPICS Nominated

- Al Gore Movie
- shari: the Fed. gov't is supressing trials that seek to sue the gov't re. Iraq war; "National security reasons".
- Supreme Court decision today allowing rich people giving as much as they want to candidates.
-Warren Buffet gives money to Gates.  For fighting disease world wide.

 The Al Gore movie on Global Warming

Who? The difference between the campaigner Al Gore and the man in the movie; also the guy  in the live slide show presentations.  Engaged, passionate, focused.

Caeli at the film preview... got folks in the audience identifying themselves.  some fundamentalist Christians.  Someone form Ted Strickland campaign.  

Bill it is a hysterical topic.  there are those who think it is a ruse, global warming.  
Caeli: the supreme ct. now hearing a case re. whether the EPA is allowed to regulate the CO2 emissions in our country.  Bush wants it to be voluntary.  

Steve I do not support Al Gore because he refuses to organize.  He gave an amazing speech six months ago accusing Bush of being a tyrant, but where is the organizing?  There should be an anti-Bush effort.  I can't figure it out.  It depresses me a lot that we lost Gore as president.  but the environment is not the main issue. We have a tyrant in the White House.  Hunger.  Millions without health care.  

Bill Are you afraid if you see the movie it will b roadening

Steve  I don't hink I can do anything about global warming.  I can do something about the treatment of Mexicans ...

Caeli  I think the global warming issue will link in with all those other problems.  If we don't solve the environmental problems the sociall issues will worsen.  Mass immigration due to natural disasters increased by

Steve We cannot demand anything of our government ...
that's the issue.  We want a constitutional government?  A court system... An end of Imperial Government.
...reducing the estate tax for the billionaires.   ... our children killed in Iraq ... non enforcement of lead ordinances.  Lead filled homes ...  

John  One  hears that world temperatures are cyclic, ... Also that there is nothing to be  done?
Shari The issue of global warming... on NPR, Harvard Pediatrician. said greatly increasing all allergies and all asthma in children and  adults as result of glob. warming.  

ellen no scientific articles dispute global warming; but 53% of articles in  popular press reports that there is disagreement among scientists.  So  no wonder the public has the wrong idea.  

Caeli ...severing of our connection with the land, how we connect with our planet.  

Steve  2/3 of the world lives on $2/day.  Starving to death.   I am interested in wholeness, spirituality, healthy planet, but I see it as a major diversion fromn putting food on the table of the world.  We'd rather feed cattle and pigs thlan feed people.  When I travel I see  starving people.  Where is the portion of our income that is going to putting food on the table for the world's children.  
    I am divorced from nature, clouds, ... but I want more to work on the issue of starving children.

Caeli  Wonderful flim on how Cuba survived Peak Oil.  Russia cut them off from petroleum in 6 months only.  they switched from a petrolleum based economy, big tractor agriculture for export.  They changed: everyone started growing food.  

Cheryl  I hear steve's frustrations.  So many problems, here, abroad.  No onbe group can solve them all.  Starving children, lead based paint, that's great a s a focus.  I am glad you will be doing something to solve these problems.  But as far as saying you can't effect Global Warming, I think each person can.  What you spend.  What you buy.  Recycling.  Last week we learned that the ozone layer hole has been fixed.  As a result of our banning theCfC's.  

Chad  it is vicious.  To talk about urban farming, I read about today.  A wonderful idea.  here in Cinti. the civic garden center, community gardening.  Cuts down on global warming by creating green space in the city.  Also money.  but we are kidding ourselves...inner city people work 10 hour days. Come home exhausted.  Don't want to farm.  
    In Indonesia people work 20 hou8rs a day.  Can't farm in the city.  So that is a middle to upper class dream, urban farming.  
    It is vicious because it is nice to think it might happen, but there is no will.
    Today I have lost through theft my second bike in a month.  I am suffering from prejudice at lower class anger... well, I should say "lower self esteem".  

Bill three things.  At one point gore demonstrates the  phenomenon that could trigger in the next 5 years.  Could generate 100 million refugees.  Rising waters due to polar ice melt.  
    As the polar ice melts it will shut down the ocean currents.  
    forlty years ago in CA I visited a farm n. of San Fran.  Chicken shit methane gas, ran cars, generated electricity.  It was renewable.  I thought it would be all over in 5 years!  Not so.
    But In Marion IN they have huge chicken farming.  They want to become energy self sufficient through methane.  They changed the name to Biotown, IN.
    Last week Bush signed environmental protection for a lot of islands near Hawaii.    
    \Third.  Gore discussed his father farming tobacco.  He stopped after Al's older sister died lung cancer.  but is still a black angus cow farmer.  ... He showed the rain forest on fire, but he did not explain that the fires are for clearing to raise cattle.
    Huge oversight in this movie:    Did not talk about the American diet and its effect on global warming.

John recent studies showing obesity is killing us.  

Bill: we force milk to children at schools, while many children of color are lactose intolerant.  

Steve:  are we eating food that contributes to global warming at this table?  ...the change I want is the change here.  Can I shift to a diet that doesn't include pork, beef, chicken.  
    My sense is that this is one of the dilemas of  upper and middle class life.  We don't know how to mobilize our energies on things that would make a difference ... we have no reaction to the  mayor's not forcing the health commissioner  to  speak about the lead paint issue.  
    Action.  What in myh life am I doing to promote one small step towards justice... food, environment, gay rights...  What is the one thing I can do that will build an Arc of Justice, as MLK said.  

Lauren:  all this stuff, poverty, obesityl, a lot of t his is class issues.  Ridiculous to call it a race issue.  It is a class issue.
    About food.  A real good radio show: we are so corn based in our food.         Beef ... corn syrup is in everything you  buy at the grocery.  So focused on the mono crop.  bio deisel from corn... Also alcohol fuel, ethanol, is made from corn..  

Ellen At the Peak Oil Conference a year and a half ago in Yellow Springs I learned that although corn farmers are growing corn for ethanol these days, actually other crops like cane sugar, sugar beets are much better  sources for that purpose.  Also, that corn is a poor feed for cattle because they are not adapted to digest starches.  Get this though, you can let yeast digest the starch in the corn and the sugar, thus making ethanol, and the residue after that is Dry Distiller Grains, and ... Ta da! DDGs are superior as a feed for cattle than is corn.

Chad I heard that there are  better crops than corn for ethanol.  Something about termite plasma (big laugh.).  

Caeli  the obesity epidemic ... the Cuba film.  They had been a monoculture sugar cane culture.  but went to feeding themselves.  the imported over a million bikes f rom china!  Their diets are healthier.  Chad was talking about [people working long hours and having no energy   to farm.  ...Personally I am doing "Square foot gardening".  Mell Bartholomew.  An easier way to grow food.  

Chad but the Cubans were forced to do that.  We are not being forced.  

Bill to answer Steve's question about activism topics.  I have met with Nobel Maseru twice; trying to get him on board with a school project.  A school in bond Hill.  this is a school for kids who have been thrown out of other schools.  At least half crack babies.  This is the same size as a school in Appleton WI.  Food program:  they took away all the snack machines, all the pop, put in water, juices.  Changed the menu to less fat, grease.  Took out the dairy also.  Soy cheese lasagna.  Still have turkey.  No beef.  Lots of fresh veg.  Lots of raw veg.
    Violence reduced.  
    Within a week the kids adjusted to the new diet.
    At the beginning of the day all kids given a fruit drink with flax.  
    Kids suddenly developed a taste for learning.  focused.  Teachers wsithdrew apps. for early retirement.  Whole school turned around.  I spoke with the principal an hour on the phone.  “From the moment we started the food program we had zero violence, vandalism, graffiti, suicides, bringing weapons to school.”
    I have met with head of CPS (Cincinnati Public Schools) ...  I have not got the food service providers on board.  We have a chance to get this project to go forward.
    It turns out that N. European white kids can tolerate milk, but no one else.  
The milk thing is huge.  Someting like 75% of all kids are lactose intolerant.  
    Makes me think not just about schools, but also hospitals, prisons, other captive food populations.
    I am looking now for a second school.  A middle class school.  White.  
Caeli: seven hills school lunch food program changed over.  

Steve:  kids want fries and coke at schools.

to agree with Chad.  Urban gardening.   When we become community
then something happens.  We have to break down into chunks.  

cheryl  re. lead paint problem.  In Sunday's Enquirer an article.  It is terrible that the Board of Health has not done anything.  the cost to abate lead is hellacious.  If those 300  h ousing units with all the lead were shut down, where would those people go?  Not a lot of places for them to go.  Something does need to be done about the lead.  
John rememnber the scandal about the waste drums that blew up in Price Hill.

Steve we are struggling... no easy solution.  Northside is jammed with section 8 housing. But we have to do something.(about the lead poisoning).  

Cheryl  ironic.  High lead content paint, super white color, once must have been a status symbol.  


Shari the fed. gov't lawyers are claiming these cases can't be t ried because of n ational security.  The judges ruling on these claims have not even read the briefs.  I got this s tory on NPR.  I see this as a serious problem.  If you can't sue hyour own gov't, that's a dictatorship.  

Bill related to that.  There is a tendency with this administration to supress anything that is critical of gov't policies.  Every time gov't commissions are put to gether to advise them on scientific issues, they have been re-writing the reports to align with policy.

jSteve:  ..guantanamo bay.  Lawyer cannot get litigation to be heard.  70% of the detainees were not terrorists; rather were turned over by bounty collectors.  $5,000 for turning in a "terrorist".  
    We have had such a change in terms of the basic definitions of democratic gov't in this country.  ... I am frightened by these things.  
    This ought to be in the newspaper every day.  A letter to our congress people
    Arlin Slpecter, Rep. sen. is interested in rule of law.  Trying to hold the line.
    I think Ohio Sen. Voinovich is also tryhing.  We need to support them.

Bill but we also have to have alternatives to that political process. They have all branches of government.  Bush says he is waiting to see what the court says about the Guantanomo Bay thing.  Possibly in two yhears there won't be any detainees there.

Steve: Ron suskind book: One Percent . Says The vice pres. thinks if there is a one percent chance of a terrorist attack, we are justified in taking away all civil rights to prevent that.

Bill   the global warming threat is far more dangerous than terrorism.  

Lauren  will bring  50  tomatoe plants from her yard in Belvue KY.  

Ellen looking for heir for the salon host, salon stenographer, Weekly publisher.   By 2009.  
(i.e. In three years I plan (?) to be moving to Denver to be near my daughter.  The salon is too important to let it die when I go.  So I am looking NOW for successors to m y three jobs for the salon:

  • host, (always here, always welcoming, always carry salon business cards to hand out to likely members)
  • Stenographer.  (I type really fast and get a lot.  I also summarize, like a college student taking notes.)
  • Weekly publisher.( I spend about three hours a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, compiling the new table notes, announcements, putting in new articles.  The announcements and articles come from various lists I am on, like Jim Kesner’s Tri State Treasures list, etc.  I just copy and paste them into a templaate for the Weekly.  Maybe you could do it faster.)
So please consider one of these jobs, and I can start teaching  you how to do it.  The torch  must be passed. Also... I will  go anywhere to teach anybody how to “do” a salon. (smile)

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Articles

  • War Resisters Seek Assylum in Canada (sound famliar?)
  • John Kerry on Global Warming:
  • Support Environment Friendly cong. Candidate
  • YES, Extreme Weather (floods, storms, droughts) ARE caused by global Warming
  • Jim Kesner / Ellen exchange re. the salon, heirs, making it pay
  • Rabbi Arthur Waskow on July 4  meaning for Jews and all Americans: This wonderful guy was a political activist long before he became a “Renewal” Rabbi.  A terrific person.  Looks like Santa Claus.  I always believe what Arthur tells me.  Ellen.
  • Article on Ohio’s election fraud, from current issue of The Nation:
  • Strickland leading Blackwell in Ohio Governor race

AWOL: GI War Resistance in Canada

A Report by Geoffrey Millard and Sari Gelzer

The Department of Defense has recently reported that 8,000 members of the US military are listed as AWOL. Currently 24 war resisters are known to be in Canada trying to establish citizenship, with an estimated several hundred more living there underground. Truthout's Sari Gelzer and Geoffrey Millard report from Buffalo, New York, and Fort Erie, Ontario, to bring you coverage of Peace Has No Borders, an event that brought US attention to political refugees in Canada. Geoffrey Millard interviews war resisters about their decision to refuse deployment to Iraq and seek asylum in Canada.

Have you seen Al Gore's new movie?

Dear Ellen,

The film shows incredible images of the devastation that global warming is causing around the world. It's hard to believe there are still leaders who refuse to accept the urgent need to deal with global warming. Well, let me introduce you to Republican Congressman Richard Pombo. Pombo has consistently voted against plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and he's taken hundreds of thousands in contributions from oil and gas companies. According to Pombo, "There is no evidence of man-made global warming."1

Pombo is being challenged by DFA member Jerry McNerney. Jerry just won DFA's Grassroots All-Star competition and now he needs your help to meet a crucial reporting deadline today. You can send a strong signal to Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans by supporting Jerry today:

Handpicked by Tom DeLay to Chair the House Resources Committee, Pombo has been named one of the 13 "Most Corrupt" members of Congress2 and the League of Conservation Voters placed him on their "Dirty Dozen."3 Pombo has voted repeatedly to undermine environment safeguards. Last year, the New York Times called his bill to give away public lands in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and mining industries a "sleazy piece of work."4

Unlike Pombo, Jerry McNerney will fight global warming and work for ordinary Americans. As a Dean Dozen candidate in 2004, Jerry McNerney won more votes than any Democrat in his district since 1992. This year, Jerry has earned support from DFA members across California and around the country. He's already won a tough primary against the establishment's candidate. And early poll numbers show McNerney with a narrow 46-42 lead over Pombo.5 Jerry McNerney has a great chance to take out Pombo. But he needs your help to meet a critical finance deadline today. Here's what your contributions will mean:

$25 brings Jerry's message to 50 voters via mail.
$50 buys 25 lawn signs for grassroots supporters.
$100 gets Jerry valuable time on a local radio station.
$250 helps Jerry compete with Pombo on a local TV station.

If you agree with me that global warming is one of the most important issues of our time, please help Jerry McNerney defeat Pombo today:

When he wins in November, Jerry McNerney will work closely with other progressives to pass new initiatives to fight global warming and protect our environment. But Jerry can only really tackle global warming if we elect a Democratic Congress in November.  Let me tell you about just a few of the candidates DFA is supporting:

In Texas, John Courage is running even with a Republican incumbent who has opposed virtually every single global warming bill in Congress and earned a 0% rating from the League of Conservation Voters.
DFA candidate Mary Jo Kilroy in Ohio is challenging the Republican House Whip who supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Last year, Kilroy's opponent earned a dismal 6% rating from LCV.
DFA candidate Bernie Sanders has led the fight for energy reform and conservation in the House.  After he wins in November, he will lead the fight against global warming in the Senate.

You can help Bernie Sanders, John Courage, Mary Jo Kilroy, and the rest of our DFA candidates at:

If we can take out Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans, it will send the message loud and clear that we will no longer tolerate business as usual on global warming... or anything else! 

Thanks for everything you do.

Jim Dean

P.S. You can meet Jerry McNerney at DemocracyFest 2006 in San Diego July 14-16. Planners have lined up a star-studded cast, including DNC Chair Howard Dean, Al Franken, and dozens of progressive leaders. You can find out more about DemocracyFest and sign-up online at:

1Earth Day 2002 press release
2Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics
3League of Conservation Voters
4New York Times, October 30, 2005
5Poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research on May 1-3
6LCV Scorecard
7LCV Scorecard


If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Democracy for America.

ABC News s tory:
Extreme Weather Fits Global Warming Pattern
Drought, Flooding, Heavy Storms May Become More Frequent and Extreme as Climate Changes

Tell World News Tonight What You Think

lif., June 24, 2006 — It seems to make no sense: Record drought, right next to downpours. Just this week, for example, swaths of Arizona have been on fire and there have been flash floods in Texas.

But to scientists, it does make sense.

The simple reason is that the air is getting warmer, and warmer air holds more moisture — so when the warmer winds sweep across wet farmlands, they suck up more moisture drying the farms out.

And when the winds finally dump that moisture out as rain, the downpours are much heavier.

"Suddenly you've got a gully-washer," says Kevin Trenberth, a scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, part of a research collaboration among universities. "You've got too much water. And then at other times you've got drier conditions, potential for drought — associated with global warming because of this increase of water vapor in the atmosphere."

That can translate into more rain or more snow — as was the case this winter in the western mountains.

Normally, more snow is good news for farms and towns below the mountains, because three-fourths of the West's water comes from snow pack.

But a warming trend over the past 30 years means snows often melt out weeks too soon, leaving drier summers, like this year.

On a hot day in the mountains with the snow melting fast, someone might be tempted to see the weather as a sign of global warming and climate change. But of course it's not, all by itself. There are natural cycles of earlier and later snow pack melting.

Global Changes
Plus, as scientists point out, weather is not climate.

Weather is local, whereas climate is a long-term pattern over a large region. Extremes in the past — like the Dust Bowl in the 1930's — happened in only one region at a time.

However, what worries scientists now is that these climate extremes are global.

For instance, wildfires over the last five decades are soaring in the United States and the other continents, according to data from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an authoritative report involving consensus from many established scientists. The same goes for floods. And precipitation for the planet as a whole is up 20 percent.
(read the rest at: )

Jim and Ellen discuss the salon


From:  Ellen Bierhorst <>    
To: James Kesner <>    
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:16    PM
Subject: Questions for   you

`Hi  Jim,

Mazel tov on the  success of Tri  State Treasures.  You h ave  built ,  through quality and  consistency, a fine reputation.  People   listen to you.   Thanks.

I am in a similar  position.  This  summer,  next month, the Salon and the  Salon Weekly celebrates five years of   continuous  operation.  A labor of love, of course.  Now  however,  I  am thinking, wondering
- With 566 subscribers, who   largly are faithful  readers
, couldn’t there be some  money value  in this  for me?  I  wonder if you  think the same thing.   Ever thought of taking paid   advertisements?  Is there  another way to see a little  pay for all the  hours of work it takes?    

Also, I am wondering what will become of   this  marvelous project in 2009 when I leave town for good  (or such is the   plan).  I would like to have an heir  for the weeklyl, and I  would like to  begin to train  him/her now.  
I would also  like to have an heir for   hosting the salon, and an heir for taking  the notes at the  salon.

I  figure I need three people to take  my  place.  We always have a dozen  people, usualy 15 and not   infrequently 20 or more.  I l ike your vibe,  Jim, and  wonder if  you would like to join us of a Monday night, scope out  what  we are  doing, ... Maybe  you could be one of my  heirs three years hence.    

Your  thoughts.
Dear   Ellen,

Thank you for your kind words.  I hope that missives such as ours  find a reading consciousness that results in some behavior greater than  'DELETE.'  Sometimes I  wonder; I trust they  do.

I  understand, appreciate, and support your notion to glean financial  reward for this type of work.  There is no reason we shouldn't  be rewarded, and financial reward is all the rage these daze (pun not  meant as sarcasm).  However, I have no plans to go that route for a  variety of reasons: 1) I would have no idea how to go about getting  sponsors or advertisers, especially for email without a website, and I  resist getting into the responsibilities of a website.  2) I take  pleasure doing this and my other volunteer activities purely as a  volunteer, so money does not become - or can not be construed as - a  force for conflict of interest.  3) The amount of money I  might glean would seem to be modest relative to the negatives.  4)  At this moment I enjoy an income that allows me to espouse these lofty  philosophies without fear of hunger, loss of health care funds, and  other such frights of our age.  But, I repeat, I applaud anyone  seeking financial reward.

As for your  successors, I am flattered by your suggestion to  include me, but will gratefully decline.  I would like to  attend one of your Salons, and am aware that several of my friends are  participants.  The forum is intriguing.  Time is the eternal  enemy which I continue to battle and will, I am confident, ward off so  as to experience adventures such as yours.  Whether your tradition  will be able to be carried on by one or more people depends, of course,  on the heir(s).

Best of luck in your respective quests, and thank you for  your continued work to help make ours a better  community.

With best regards,  Jim

Rab bi Arthur Waskow on July 4 meaning
  • This wonderful guy was a political activist long before he became a “Renewal” Rabbi.  A terrific person.  Looks like Santa Claus.  I always believe what Arthur tells me.  Ellen.

Special Report for July 4   
Dear Friends,
Tuesday will  be the Fourth of July -- which I view as not mainly the day of national independence for the USA, but the day when the principles of Locke, Jefferson, and Co. – and certain passages of Torah!!  -- were broadcast into the world.
The whole world.
--  We hold these truths to be self-evident: That we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights -- that among these are life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness -- that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. . .
And then a list of specific abuses by the King. 
Scan those abuses. They may make you shiver, they seem so a propos.
For those of us who celebrate living in (at least) two civilizations, it's a great day to connect with Torah.
For there is a passage of Deuteronomy (17:  14-20) called Perek HaMelekh, the Passage of the King, that does this beautifully.
Indeed, it is probably the most ancient root of the Declaration of Independence.
It proclaims a constitutional monarchy of Israel, with the king responsible to God, Torah, the Levites, and the people as a whole, and with explicit limits on his powers.
The Passage on a King:
Deuteronomy 17: 14-20
If, when you have entered the land
that YHWH [Yahh, the Breath of Life] your God is giving you,
and you possess it and settle in it,
should you say:
I will set over me a ruler
like all the nations that are around me--
you may set, yes, set over you a ruler
that YHWH your God chooses;
from among your kinfolk you may set over you a ruler,
you may not place over you someone so alienated
that he does not feel that you are kin to him.
Only: he is not to multiply horses [cavalry / aggressive armed forces] for
and he is not to return the people
to Mitzrayyim/ Tight and Narrow Place/ Egyptian slavery
in order to multiply  horses,
since YHWH has said to you:
You will never return that way again!
And he is not to multiply wives for himself,
that his heart not be turned-aside,
and silver or gold he is not to multiply for himself to excess.
But it shall be:
when he sits on the throne of his kingdom,
he is to write himself a copy of this Teaching in a
before the face of Levitical priests.
It is to remain beside him;
he is to read out of it all the days of his life,
in order that he may learn to have-awe-for YHWH his God,
to be-careful concerning all the words of this Teaching
and the deep-carved laws, to observe them,
that his heart not be raised above his kinfolk,
that he not turn-aside from what-is-connective,
to the right or to the left;
in order that he may prolong (his) days over his kingdom,
he and his children,
in the midst of Israel.
Since the July 4, 1974, ... we have treated July 4 as a yontif that calls for Torah reading.
We have read this passage from the Torah.
And then we have read the Declaration of Independence (or parts of it) ...
It's not perfect, any more than most of the Prophets. It ignores women, is quite savage toward the "savages" (Native Americans), skirts slavery (because the Congress insisted on leaving out a paragraph Jefferson had written criticizing slavery).  But, like Torah, it carries the seeds of its own transformation.
... We simply say to people: What would you add? Or subtract? Or change?
There is usually a burst of energy, and of responses.
By the way -- if you don't happen to have a copy of the Declaration around the house, on Tuesday morning if you can get a NY Times, the whole last page of the paper will be a facsimile copy of the Declaration.
Or you can download the text from the National Archives --
If your congregation is not in a place to do this Torah-reading & study & song, any cluster of people -- or any one person -- can do it.
For me, this practice reminds me that as M L King said, the arc of history is long but it bends toward justice -- that our work to hear God's demand that we enact justice and freedom in the world is three thousand years old and more -- that it has in fact succeeded on many occasions -- that hope makes sense, and struggle is necessary --  that the Torah is not just for Jews (not all of it, anyway) --  that the Declaration of Independence is not just for USAmericans -- and that celebration and memory of each victory is a Joy. Hallelu - YAH!
As for songs of Hallel (slightly edited) :
O beautiful for patriot's dream
That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam —
Undimmed by human tears!
America, America, God shed Her grace on thee,
And crown thy good with sisterhood,
Beyond each shining sea!
And -- 
A few years ago, for July 4  I wanted to highlight the passage in the siddur when we celebrate the collapse of King Pharaoh in the Red Sea before the power of YHWH, the ruach ha'olam, mighty wind of the universe. As the chant goes, "Yahh yimlokh l'olam va'ed! – The Breath of Life will reign forever and beyond [blowing away all other kings]."  
So I went fumbling in the dark in Elat Chayyim's library to find a siddur that might have the "Yahh yimlokh" in transliteration as well as Hebrew. My hand fell on the Reconstructionist  prayer-book of 1953. It fell open in my hand -- I swear!! -- to a page where there was an order-of-service for Independence Day.
On it was a quote from the Declaration plus two verses of "America." The second --- non-national -- goes like so (somewhat revised):   --
Our parents' God, to Thee,
Author of Liberty,
To Thee I sing.
Long may our lands be bright
With freedom's holy light!
And bring us forth from warring night --
Great God, Our King!
A perfect Alenu!!!
One Revolutionary song with a lighter touch:
Yankee Doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony;
Stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni!
This may sound like a nonsense song, but it isn't. It began as a British song, poking fun at the ridiculous American "army." For "macaroni" was what the British called what we now call "gold braid" or "scrambled eggs" on the shoulders of officers. And the Americans were taking farmers right from harvesting the hay, sticking a chicken feather in their caps, and treating them as officers.
Except that for a guerrilla army, it made sense.
The Americans understood this, and stole the song away to make it ours. Itself a guerrilla victory.
You'd think we'd have learned the lesson – beware of becoming an arrogant Empire – but ......
And that wistful thought brings us to the sense of wistful going-forward, always searching, that is at the heart of the heart of the Fourth of July: The Prophet Bob Dylan, always reaching beyond, in his own life and in his vision of America:
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

As I've said, the richest outpouring comes from simply sharing the community's thoughts on what we would write in our own Declaration  today.
AND – I can't resist also sending these thoughts of my own along those lines. Whether or not you use this passage in your own celebration, I would be glad to hear your comments, your own visions and intentions, what you would write today if you were writing the Declaration.
What appears below is a Preamble,  laying out the philosophic underpinning. The rest of my own version of a Declaration for Today is on our Website at :
Shalom, Arthur
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the peoples of the earth to declare –
our interdependence with each other and with all the life-forms of the planet,
and our independence from efforts by the most powerful and most reckless among the national governments to create a new and global Empire;
Then a decent respect to the opinions of Humanity requires that we declare the causes that impel us to rise beyond the present Powers of the earth and to embody our planetary community in new social, political, and economic forms.
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
That all human beings are born with equal dignity and worth, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights:
n     to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;
n     to the sharing of community;
n      to a rhythm of worthy work and shared rest that frees time for family, neighborhood, citizenly service, and spiritual reflection;
n     to a life-sustaining share of the earth's abundance;
n     to peace among all peoples;
n     and to a responsible relationship amidst the whole web of life upon this planet.
That governments, corporations, and other institutions are founded solely to secure these rights and uphold these responsibilities, deriving their just powers from the consent of those they govern and whose lives they shape.
That whenever any government, corporation, or other institution becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right, the duty, of the people to alter it and to establish new institutions, laying their foundations on such principles and organizing their powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety, freedom, peace, and happiness.
Experience teaches us that so long as the public channels of discussion and election are free and open, it is both wise and prudent to use these means to repair the institutions that control our lives.
But experience also shows us that when these avenues of change are closed, controlled by entrenched corporations and the wealthy few, then the nonviolent use of strikes and purchasing campaigns, sit-ins and teach-ins, massive rallies and spiritual vigils, becomes necessary to secure the rights and meet the responsibilities of the people.
The present government of the United States has violated our rights, broken our laws, thwarted our hopes, and blocked many of the paths to change.
Within the United States, its actions are concentrating undemocratic power in the hands of invasive investigative institutions, the super-rich, and a few favored corporations;
In the world at large, its actions are concentrating undemocratic power in a small group of gigantic global corporations and its own military.
In the planet of our birth, its actions are protecting the corporations that poison earth and air and water, and threaten us with the climate crisis of global scorching.
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:

Strickland leads Blackwell in Ohio Governor Race

New Independent Poll Shows
Strickland Leads Blackwell by 13 Points

Strickland's Level of Support in Polls Steady at 50%;
Blackwell's Unfavorable Ratings Higher than Favorable

Columbus, Ohio - Ohio gubernatorial candidate Congressman Ted Strickland holds a thirteen-point lead over Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, according to a new independent Rasmussen Reports poll released today.

The new survey's results showing Strickland with a thirteen-point lead over Blackwell, 50% to 37%, are consistent with other recent polls. The results are similar to the recent SurveyUSA Poll - commissioned by several Ohio news organizations and released June 13 - which showed Strickland with a similar advantage (53% to 37%). Other recent statewide polls have indicated Strickland's level of support has remained consistent since the start of the general election at around 50%.

"Strickland has improved his support throughout the year; he's been at 50% or above in every survey since March. Blackwell has attracted as many as 40% in individual polls, but the gauge has fluttered around 37%-38% in each of our three-poll rolling averages," Rasmussen Reports stated in a press release today.

Today's survey indicates that Blackwell is viewed unfavorably by 45% of likely voters - higher than his net favorable rating of 44%.

Strickland is viewed favorably by 53% of likely voters while his net unfavorable rating is 32%, according to the poll.

"Ohio voters continue to see right through Ken Blackwell's divisive politics and negativity," said Strickland for Governor Communications Director Jess Goode. "The more Ohio voters learn about Ted Strickland's vision, the more they recognize his ability to bring Ohioans together in common purpose. The more they hear from Ken Blackwell, the less they trust his ability to govern effectively."

Rasmussen Reports is an independent public opinion polling and research firm that will be polling every U.S. Senate and Governors' race once per month throughout the year. Today's published survey of 500 likely voters was conducted on June 20, 2006.

According to the website, Rasmussen Reports was the nation's only polling organization "to project both Bush and Kerry's vote total within half a percentage point of the actual outcome" during the Presidential election.

For more information please visit: Polls/June 2006/ohioGovernor.htm


Section Three: Announcements

So much is happening in July...check out these events and more at!

Celebrate Freedom at the Freedom Center!

FREE Admission to the Freedom Center on the 4th of July from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Bring your family, friends and neighbors!

For more information on visiting the Freedom Center click here!
Join the Team! 

Become an exhibit guide or official Freedom Center Speaker

Share your passion for the Freedom Center mission with others!  Information Sessions will be held throughout July and August! 

Click here for time and dates!  Note, RSVP is required!
Ira Berlin to speak at the Freedom Center

Wednesday, July 12 @ 6 p.m. in the Harriet Tubman Theater

A distinguished historian and professsor, Dr. Berlin will discuss the history of slavery and emancipation in the United States and the larger Atlantic world. This is a FREE event!  Click here for complete details!

Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Suggestions for submitting Tri-State Treasures are at the bottom of this email; please help me by formatting your submissions, as described below.
Sincerely,  Jim

Art Comes Alive 2006 - A Juried Exhibition [June 30-July 24; opening Friday 30 June @ 6-10 PM]:  Final Friday art walk on Main Street & at the Pendleton Building takes on added excitement this month when 200 jury-selected art works compete for a variety of awards, including a chance to vote for your favorite piece for a $500 award.  Winners will be announced at the formal opening on Final Friday June 30 @ 8 PM.  At the Pendelton Annex, 1310 Pendelton Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.  More info @ 513.723.1222 &
Feminine Enigma [Opening Friday 30 June @ 6-10 PM; thru 21 July]: Also part of Final Friday art walk, this show features art by Jose Luis Nunez with paintings that focus on the beauty of one aspect of the feminine form. The exhibit explores the sometimes elegant, sometimes playful, innocent & at times sensual characteristics of one aspect of the female body. At Enjoy The Arts Gallery, 1338 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.  More info @ 513.621.4700 &
Imago Summer Camps [Mondays-Fridays: 26-30 June 9AM-4PM & 10-14 July 9AM-Noon, 1-4PM, or 9AM-4PM]: Two of the Imago summer camps still have openings. Adventure Camp in June (ages 9-13) & Summer Explorers in July (ages 4-8) still have several spaces available. Imago camps are hands-on, exploratory, & learner-driven with days full of hikes, games, crafts, & activities. Scholarships available to help defer costs to those who qualify. At Imago, 700 Enright Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205.  More info @ 513.921.5124 &
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center:  Cincinnati’s uniquely important & fascinating museum presents a variety of events.  Below are a few.  Unless stated otherwise, events are free with Freedom Center admission.  At the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM.  More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
<> Jazz Odyssey: A Retrospective of Photography by Milton Hinton [Saturday 1 July thru August]: Documents a 50-year period of jazz greats. In the North Star Café
<> Celebrate Freedom @ the Freedom Center  [Tuesday 4 July @ 11AM - 5 PM]: Free general admission from 2-5 PM. 
<> Dramatic Readings with Daryl Harris [Saturday 8 July @ 2 PM & Saturday 22 July @ noon]: Stories of freedom heroes come alive with Daryl Harris, actor & associate professor at Northern Kentucky University. Recommended for children ages 3-12. In the Hall of Everyday Freedom Heroes.
<> Gospel Freedom Sundays [Sundays 9, 23 & 30 July @ 2 & 3 PM]:  Lively programs of joyful music from area faith congregations. In the Grand Hall.
<> Freedom & Equality on Main [Sunday 9 July @ noon - 5 PM]: The Freedom Center choir performs on Main Street to celebrate 2nd Sunday on Main in Over-the-Rhine.  More info @
<> Dr. Ira Berlin Keynotes Open House for Educators [Wednesday 12 July @ 6-7 PM]: The distinguished historian & professor discusses the history of slavery & emancipation in the US & the larger Atlantic world. In the Harriet Tubman Theater.
Ohio River Way Paddlefest [Friday-Saturday 7-8 July]:  The Ohio River Music & Outdoor Festival is Friday 7 July @ 3-midnight.  Five bands will perform, starting at 7 PM with lots of other activities, food, & beer.  Paddling events are Saturday 8 July; the Finish Line Festival will be 10:30 AM - 2 PM at the Serpentine Wall.  The Friday & Saturday Festivals are free & open to the public; Registration fee paid by June 30 to paddle on the Ohio is $20 for adults, $10 for children. Canoes & kayaks are available for rent on our website. More info @ 513.588.6936,,
FBI & International Art Theft [Wednesday 12 July @ two times & locations; see below]:  World Affairs Council at the Global Center of Greater Cincinnati presents FBI Special Agent Robert Wittman, who describes the FBI’s recovery of priceless stolen art & cultural property. In a juggle of roles as a shrewd diplomat dealing with foreign Governments & a relentless globe trekking investigator, he recovered $50 million worth of paintings (including 2 Goyas) stolen from a private Spanish estate; 3 Norman Rockwells in a Brazil farmhouse; the $36 million Self-Portrait masterpiece by Rembrandt stolen from the Swedish National Museum in Stockholm; & a 2,000-year-old golden Pre-Colombian piece of body armor created by the ancient Moche people looted from the Royal Tomb of the Lord of Sipan in Peru.  Mr. Wittman will discuss how to avoid becoming a victim of theft, fraud or buying stolen art & the importance of prompt reporting.  1) Global Forum Luncheon Series @ Bankers’ Club, 5/3rd Tower, 30th floor, 511 Walnut Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202.  Lunch @ 11:45AM-12:15PM; Presentation @ 12:15–1PM; registration: $40 for WAC members, $50 for non-members.  2)  Cincinnati Art Museum, Fath Auditorium, Eden Park, Cincinnati, OH 45202 @ 7–9 PM. $5 for students, $10 for WAC/CAM members, $20 for public.  More info @ 513.621.2320 &
Bastille Day Picnic [Friday 14 July @ 7 PM]: A celebration of delicious food, wine & "joie de vivre." Gourmet food by C'est Bon & La Petite France. Open to everyone. $35 per person; $30 for Montgomery residents. Co-sponsored by The French-American Chamber of Commerce, The Alliance Francaise, & The Montgomery Sister Cities Commission. At the Terwilliger Lodge, Dulle Park, 10530 Deerfield Road, Montgomery, OH 45242. More info, questions, & registration @ 513.852.6510,, &
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
— Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity.  Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received by noon on Monday.
Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200.  More info @ 513.111.2222,, &

I’ve been interested in attending this monthly spiritual healing event on Wednesdays at the Alexander school in Blue Ash.  Any takers?  
Current Room Meditation (Community Healing Meditation)
Wednesday July 5, at FourWinds Academy
7 - 9 pm.  

We continue our monthly community meditations, in the style of John of God, at FourWinds Academy. Led by Lucy Morris and Paula Sellars of Phoenix Possibilities. No fee, voluntary donations gratefully accepted.

There will be an explanatory introduction and then the Meditation will begin at approximately 7:20pm. Once the meditation begins, the current will be broken if you enter the room. Please let us know if you are coming, so that we don't begin without you

RSVP: 513-542-4400

Sponsored by the Sierra Club, Fundraiser for John Cranley (yes!  Beat Chabot!)
Wed. July 12 5:30
Home of Debbie Clark
355 Ashley Lane
Suggested donation $50
RSVP Gail at or 729-2281

We need to resubscribe to YES Magazine, that wonderful quarterly journal of positive developments world wide.  Mike Murphy gave the Salon its first year, now that is up.  It is only $19 for a year.  Would you h elp us buy another year or two?  
Send donation to
Ellen Bierhorst
3901 Clifton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220

Write “Yes Subscription” on the check.

Join in reading The Decline of US Power by Immanuel Wallerstein at the Lloyd House with Ellen, David Rosenberg, Daisy Quarm, Mike Murphy, and ...?  Study his WorldSystem theory.  He’s got it all together to understand our world today.  
 Wednesday evenings 7 – 8 pm. Order the book ($7 on Amazon) or just show up at the Lloyd House.  Jump in any time.

  • Salonista Dee Graham sends us this: “Ever Heard of Inflammatory Breast Disease?”  

This Breast Cancer video is from a news program in Seattle, Washington.
It takes about 6 minutes to watch, but it provides some very important
information. Please watch it when you have time and pass it on to

Weight Management Seminar

three hour seminar on food and weight management
at Lloyd House.  $60.  Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D.  Holistic Psychologist.
Topics include: addictive food patterns, trigger foods, the chemistry of food craving, the vicious cycle of dieting, self  nourishment vs. self “medicating”, the “hypnosis” of impulse eating, tools for recovery, who needs Overeaters Anonymous, Salt-fat-carbohydrates, addiction to the scales, the importance of group support, the role of exercise, etc.  
... times to be arranged.  Call 221 1289

Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and  families.  Expert, caring, rapid service.  Most insurance plans will cover.    Call 513 221 1289.  Special areas of interest: issues of  young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss.  What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.

June 16 AL GORE’S GLOBAL WARMING FILM  AT MARIEMONT, Kenwood Town Center, AMC Newport on Levee:
“An Inconvenient Truth”:
AMC Theatres Newport On The Levee 20 (4.7 mi)
One Levee Way
Newport, KY 41071 Map
12:45 PM, 3:20, 5:40, 8:15, 10:45

Mariemont Theatre (7.8 mi)
6906 Wooster Pike Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227
(1:00 PM), (3:10), (5:20), 7:40, 9:50

National Amusements Kenwood Towne Centre (7.9 mi)
7875 Montgomery Rd, Suite L160
Cincinnati, OH 45236 Map
12:00 PM), (2:15), (4:30), 7:00, 9:20
  From Ellen:  I saw it last weekend and feel it is absolutely a must see! For everybody. Get up a group to go see it.  Rock solid credibility, v ery clear science, alarming situation.  Let’s wake up to Global Warming.  There are things we can do.  Insist that our elected representatives at all levels support and work for adherence to the Kyoto accords, and for alternative power (that does not burn fossil fuel like gas, oil, coal), and for auto emmissions reduction and for gas mileage increases.  Buy high gas mileage cars like hybred electric/gas ; car pool; take the bus, ride your bike to work, use compact fluorescent light bulbs, dry your clothes outside on lines, insulate your  home!  Insulate your  home and replace leaky windows.  And Insulate  your home.  E.B.

July 6-9, is the Midwest Social Forum.
Although tyranny may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it first destroys the national institutions of its own people.
~ Hannah Arendt
JOIN TODAY: LIBERTY TREE Foundation for the Democratic Revolution

June 21, 2006
What's next for the US democracy movement?

The next big thing is the coming of the World Social Forum to the United States. Begun just five years ago in Brazil, the social forum movement is sweeping the planet. Now it's coming to the United States. This past weekend, nearly a thousand participated in the first-ever Southeast Social Forum.

Just weeks away,
July 6-9, is the Midwest Social Forum. Liberty Tree will be hosting a reception, as well as six sessions on building a democracy movement in the USA. If you haven't already made your plans to attend, now's the time to do so. The social forum is ~ the ~ place for grassroots progressives to come together.

And there's a lot of progress to talk about. Witness the recent vote by 24 Wisconsin cities to withdraw US troops from Iraq. Witness the recent vote by the citizens of Humboldt County, CA, to establish firmly that in their county, corporations are not persons entitled to constitutional protection.

Of course, there's much more to be done. A century ago Fighting Bob La Follette described the relationship between the war and fascism:

"If every preparation for war can be made the excuse for destroying free speech and a free press and the right of the people to assemble together for peaceful discussion, then we may well despair of ever again finding ourselves for a long period in a state of peace."

Today, with over 2,500 US dead, 20,000 walking wounded, and 250,000 Iraqi casualties, and the Bill of Rights hanging in tatters, the struggles for peace and democracy remain one and the same. We urge you to sign the Voters Pledge for Peace, participate in the July 4th Troops Home Fast, and support the stand of US military personnel in refusing their participation in the illegal occupation of Iraq.

 The movement for peace and democracy is growing, and Liberty Tree is a big part of it. If you haven't already checked in to the Liberty Tree network, now's the time to do it. You can start by signing up for future Liberty Tree News updates. And you can invest in the democracy network, and receive the Liberty Tree Journal, by joining Liberty Tree today!

JOIN TODAY: LIBERTY TREE Foundation for the Democratic Revolution

IMPORTANT - If someone forwarded this message to you, you likely are not subscribed to the Liberty Tree News service. To receive the Liberty Tree News, you must subscribe yourself at:

Celebrating 125 years, there are special doing at the Art Museum, and if you go, get a “go 125 punch card.  If you go 5 visit before Sept 30 you get a special gift. I got mine at the library.  

Lots of good stuff, e.g. Wed. Aug 30 5 – 9 pm, live jazz and activities for all ages in courtyard.  Bring your supper or buy one at the Terrace Café.  

Sunday Street Fair,
Second Sunday each month,
Noon to 5 pm
From 12th St. to Liberty on
Main St.

Sidewalks lined with musicians and artists.  

Sunday July 9   “Equality and Freedom”... Featureing the NURFC Freedom Center Gospel Choir with Todd O’Neal and Cathy Roma (and me in Sop II section).
Sunday Aug 13: International Bazaar
Sunday Sept 10: Bling Bling
Sunday Oct. 8: Carnivale de la Calle
Sunday December 10: Holiday Walk & Shop

Lloyd House Space Available
Second floor bedroom, gas fireplace, three large windows (2 East, one South), share huge b athroom with laundry, shared kitchen on third floor.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to Monday night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  $400. contribution to house expenses.  Call Ellen: 221 1289  

Deadline not until Oct 13
Art Museum Book Sale
accepting donations: books and catalogues on art, travel, fashion, graphic design, photography, cinti. history, architecture, etiquette, illustrated children’s books, cookbooks videotapes, Cds.  No paperb ack fiction.

Sale will be  Oct 27-29
To make donations call 513 639 2976

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

Send me the books you are reading!  come on! ...
I am currently enjoying another Nav ajo mystery by Tony Hillerman Sacred Clowns; Wally Lamb This I know is true (or similar title).  ...a novel, retelling of ancient Hindu tale.  Also hugely enjoying thinking aloud by Walter Carrington on teaching the Alexander Technique and Living in Process by Anne Wilson Schaeff.  
Does it seem like I read a l ot?  No, but I always have a book going in the car, a thing I enjoy very much.  I read for  20 minutes at lunch and dinner, and at bed time a little longer.  Now, magazines, I  never seem to get to, I  never read the newspapers (just can’t make myself, and the pile up of old papers is awful) and I just don’t listen to any radio or TV.  I like the quiet of no-broadcast-media.  What about  you?  ellen

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our
mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,
We had 63 members as of 7/1/06.  How many  do we have now?
For Pot Luck  procedures i
food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list,
send a REPLY message
> to me and in the
SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     


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