Thursday, May 13, 2010

Weekly 5/13/10 - 12

Come Wednesday and hear Alan Feibleman on the Kangan water ionizer system and why it is the best water to drink.

I might have to not publish the Weekly next week as my MacBook has to go to the hospital and get a new skin before the warranty wears out.  Will be back for sure the following week.  ellen

Don't miss especially cool stuff in Announcements and Articles sections!  (even a book review.)

he Lloyd House Wednesday Night Salon WEEKLY 

A Newsletter published every Thursday from the Lloyd House in Cincinnati 
Email subscriptions: 623

Our Salon blog is an interactive site:
If you would like to respond, amend, or correct anything in this Newsletter, please consider using that.  I will receive a copy of anything posted there.

FIVE SECTIONS, including:
  • Table Notes of the discussion at this Wednesday night's Salon, as recorded by Ellen 
  • Events and Opportunities
  • Articles and Letters
  • Book, Film, Theater, TV, Music, Website Reviews
  • Tri-State Treasures, compiled by Jim Kesner

you must have the email copy to me by Wednesday night midnight.  Copy the format you see in this Weekly please.  (Times New Roman font, text 14 pt, headlines 20 pt.  Maroon for Opportunities and Events, Navy for articles.)

The Wednesday Night Salon has been meeting each week of the year (no break for holidays, weather) since July 2001 in pursuit of good talk.  Bring a dish at 5:45 pm and join us.  We are usually about 10 people of varied erudition and age.  We like to talk politics, environmentalism, social issues, literature, the arts, ad any blamed thing we want.  Sometimes we have a special presenter.  We emphasize good fellowship and civility always.  Way fun!  Everyone welcome.  3901 Clifton Avenue 45220.

SECTION ONE:  Table Notes 
(once In the photo: Alan, Carolyn, Mr. G., Dennis, Julia, Mira, Judy, Marilyn (out of the picture: Viddle, Ellen)

At the Table: 
Mr. G.,Dennis Kinsley, Carolyn Clark, Julia Yarden, Sophia Yarden, Judy Cirillo, Marilyn Gale, Ellen Bierhorst, Viddle, Mira, Alan Weiner, 

  • City Budget
  • Kagen, the supreme court justice
  • Are budegets fun?

ulia:  tonight is young authors night at Clifton Fairview German Bi-lingual School.  Sophia is in the second grade. 

Alan Earthsave potluck this Sun, 2:30, Office of Environmental Services will present about recycling etc.  Clifton U. Meth. Church, Clifton and Senator.

Carolyn:  went to the Lloyd Library, 1 hour program.  Across the street from City Hall.  (founded by John Uri Lloyd, the famous resident of this house.)  the largest medicinal plant library in the world.  Art exhibit there now also.
The Lloyd Brothers' Pharmacy was there on Court St.  

Judy:  the Loydiana, publication of the Lloyd Library.

Julia some Republican senators are trying to get herbal substances regulated as medicines, put on Schedule I. 

Mr. G.:  a wonderful vampire movie.  About a year old.   Love story.  "Let the Right One In"

Viddle "Death in Venice" staring Dirk Bogard.  Wonderful, wonderful movie.  Based on the movie by Thomas Mann.  

Marilyn  I saw "Angels in America" at the Know Theater, and it was excellent!  (p.S. 
Apparently, the play Angels in America will still be playing this week, please include this info in your notes, it is a great play, with superb acting, thanks, Marilyn)

Carolyn:  June 21, solstice, is International Music Day.  There was a laugh-in down town 8 – 9:30.  People laughing over nothing.  So much fun.  

Mr. G. conversation Monday.  Manners... Politeness ... A woman in the group, a chemist, was describing her daughter's visit to Russia.  The Russians said Americans smile too much.  ... Other cultures have different styles.  How open or closed are we to accept alternative behavior?  In this group we are interested in ideas ... We ought to be able to speak out without concern for offending others.  

Marilyn:  The rule of thumb... In the torah, a man may beat his wife with a stick no larger than his thumb.  

Carolyn:  "There's more than one way to skin a cat," refers not to a feline, but to a catfish.  
... I saw Amy Goodman's presentation on Haliburton, BP, and what went wrong; many accidents all over the world..  They have a long history of abuses.

TOPIC: The British Election, new Government

Topic: the Nomination of Elena  Kagan for Supreme Court.

~ end of table notes ~

Hugs to all,



Go Dayton:  urban nights: may 14, 2010!

Walk on downtown's creative side!

Get ready to rock at our sprin
g Urban Nights event on Friday, May 14 from 5 to 10 p.m. More than 30,000 people are expected to pack the streets, so come join the fun and experience your downtown!
What is Urban Night
Businesses and restaurants offer special discounts, artists and galleries open their doors to the public, musicians and entertainers of all kinds perform throughout the center city, and downtown's most impressive urban living options are open for tours. Nearly 100 creative places and spaces will be part of the event, including locations throughout downtown, the Oregon Arts District and the Wright-Dunbar Business Village
Main Stage Entertainment
The Urban Nights Main Stage on Courthouse Square, sponsored by DP&L, will be programmed with great entertainment all evening long, including:
5:00-5:45 p.m. - USAF Band of Flight presents New Harmony
6:00-6:45 p.m. - Reece Lincoln Band
7:00-7:45 p.m. - The Rev. Cool Arkestra & Dance Ensemble
8:00-10:00 p.m. - Parrots of the Caribbean

Peace, Byr

MUSE Spring Concert - Still We Rise
27th Annual Spring Concert/13th New Spirituals
Saturday/Sunday - May 15th @ 8 pm/ 16th @ 3 pm
House of Joy, College Hill

Linda Tillery

artwork Ursula Roma

Don't miss this hybrid spring concert that includes New Spirituals repertoire, Linda Tillery, and other sizzling songs. You'll hear the mothers and our children sing "Draw Me a Bucket of Water" and love-song repertoire like "Seven Day Kiss" & "Gift of Love."

In the second half, MUSE is joined for the 13th year by Bay Area Artist, Linda Tillery. Ms. Tillery will workshop with the choir, and sing her own inspired set, too. Coming off of her recent recording with the Cultural Heritage Choir, Linda will perform her "Train Medley" and "Woyaya--We Are Going" with soloists from MUSE.

Buy your tickets, now!
Online Tickets from

Local Ticket Vendors
Clifton - St. John's Unitarian Church, 320 Resor Ave.
Northside - Shake It Records, 4156 Hamilton Ave.
College Hill - College Hill Coffee and Casual Gourmet, 6128 Hamilton Ave.
Yellow Springs - Eco-Mental (formerly Living Green), 257 Xenia Ave.
Sam and Eddie's Open Books, 232 Xenia Ave.

Witness the excitement, the songs, and the energy that come from this event.

Spring Ticket Bonus!
Make the most of your MUSE ticket stub before recycling it.
These great local establishments are offering you a little something extra just for being a MUSE fan!

BaCalls Cafe
BaCalls is offering 10% off Saturday for Sunday dinner with a ticket (stub). Bacalls has live music on Saturday night and is open until 12:30 a.m. for a drink or dinner after the concert.

Chung Ching Restaurant
Chung Ching is open for dinner Saturday and Sunday and is offering a 10% discount with a ticket (stub). It is a small restaurant, so call ahead as they are a favorite with their regulars.

College Hill Coffee Co. and Casual Gourmet
Saturday for dinner before the concert or Sunday for lunch or brunch before the concert. Show your ticket for a free drink with any meal

Goodies Barbeque Restaurant
Goodies is open for dinner on Saturday. Dine in or Carry out. They are offering a 10% discount with a ticket (stub). They are open until Midnight. Take some home after the concert!

Art in the Woods @ Imago

Come Create and Celebrate art in Imago's 16-acre forested nature preserve at our inexpensive, completely family-friendly event.

Saturday and Sunday May 15 &16 from 12-5 each day
Imago, 700 Enright Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45205

Admission is $3/person for members and $5/person for non-members, children under 3 are free.
 And refreshments available from our friends at the Enright Ridge Urban Eco Village.

EarthSave Cincinnati presents:
Trash into Treasure:
Transformation through
Composting and Recycling
Cher Mohring
of the Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services
Sue Magness
of the Office of Environmental Quality, City of Cincinnati

3-4pm: vegan potluck dinner
4-5 pm: program
Sunday, May 16th, 2010
Clifton United Methodist Church
3416 Clifton Avenue

Please bring a vegan dish to share –
vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, seeds, nuts
(No animal derived ingredients: no dairy, eggs, casein, honey, etc.)
And please bring your own plates, cups, personal and serving utensils
Remember to take home everything you brought that is not compostable
Your donations help pay the rent
EarthSave educates people about the powerful effects our food
choices have on the environment, our health and all life on Earth,
and encourages a shift toward a healthy plant-based diet.

Absolutely Everybody Welcome!

Alan Feibelman to present Wednesday 5/26 at the Salon on ionized water
Alan says it is the best to drink.  Come hear why.  
Allen Feibelman, a distributor for Kangen Water machines by the Enagic Corporation, has been involved on and off with Cincinnati's Green and Progressive Movements since the 1980s. Based on his own experiences in the last few months, he has learned that not all water is equal and that most of what we drink from the tap or bottle does not support our bodies as well as it should. He will be presenting what he has learned about Kangen water at the salon on May 26.  
Unless we're juicing or eating raw, the liquids we consume have at least two of the following three toxic features: acidity, oxidization, and dehydrating structure.  An alkaline body makes us healthier and more vital.  However, most bottled beverages are acidic.  Acidic drinks include reverse osmosis water, Penta and Aquafina and all sodas and sports drinks.  Acidic drinks reduce the vitality of our bodies, lower our ability to fight infectious disease, and make us more prone to degenerative disease.  
Antioxidants such as orange juice, green tea, berries and vegetables help protect the body against disease, inflammation and aging.  All bottled beverages and tap water are oxidizing.  Some oxidizing beverages are tap water, Dasani, Crystal Mountain water and Kroger water.  Oxidizing beverages contribute to disease, inflammation and aging. 
Finally, all bottled beverages and tap water have water that has a molecular structure that is dehydrating.  Beverages that have a dehydrating molecular structure include Smart Water, Whole Foods Brand 360 water and Penta.  These beverages and all bottled beverages have water molecules which are arranged in clumps that are too large to cross the cell wall easily, so the water doesn't hydrate and detoxify the cell very easily.  
Kangen water machines by Enagic make potable water that is alkaline, antioxidant and has a hydrating molecular structure.  Kangen water has been recognized in Japan as being extremely beneficial to maintain a high level of vitality and health and for healing a wide variety of diseases.  Enagic machines which make Kangen water have been medically certified devices in Japan for 34 years.  Kangen water machines by Enagic are currently in 250 Japanese hospitals and clinics and in 400,000 Japanese homes.  The science and health effect of Kangen water has been studied by Japanese scientiests and medical doctors for more than 34 years.
Kangen water is also more enjoyable to drink.  Allen says that although he knew water was good for him, and although he did not drink sodas or coffee, he still did not like to drink water because it gave him a sloshy feeling in his stomach.  Kangen water tastes better to most people.  Many people have a natural desire to drink more Kangen water because it is absorbed into the cells much more quickly.  Because Kangen water is immediately absorbed into the cells, it does not give a sloshy feeling.  Another reason many people naturally desire more Kangen water is because when the body immediately experiences a level of hydration that it has been seeking and missing for a long time, then that naturally expresses as thirst for that beverage.   
Because we are 75% or more water, making the water in us more supportive of health can have profound effects on vitality, mood and any specific issues.  Specific issues that people have experienced results from Kangen water include joint and gastrointestinal issues, immune function, endocrine issues, and degenerative diseases.  The water can also be used topically for skin conditions.  
We will have the ability to test different liquids for acidity, so bring your favorite bottled water, sports drink, soft drink, or other beverage to see how it stacks up against Kangen water.  We will also have delicious Kangen water to sample.  Free two week trials of the water are available by contacting Allen at 513-375-3291


ACLU and IJPC Event:

05.25.10 | tuesday | 7:00 pm | CINCINNATI 


ACLU event

Comprehensive immigration reform may be next on Congress's agenda. Will you
be ready for the debate? Join us for a panel discussion about the economic
effects of immigration, the difficulties of maintaining one's status, and
the inequities of the immigration system.

Experts and advocates will offer their take on reform and highlight the pros
and cons of current proposals. Panelists will include:

*    Louis Valencia, immigration attorney
*    Sr. Alice Gerdeman, Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center
*    Rob Cohen, immigration attorney and former chair of the Ohio Chapter
of the American Immigration Lawyers Association

Sponsored by the ACLU of Ohio and the Intercommunity Justice and Peace


05.25.10 | tuesday


7:00 pm


ACLU event 


Blue Ash Branch of the Cincinnati Public Library 


4911 Cooper Rd. 



More Information:

Get Mapquest directions


This event is free and open to the public. Free parking is available. For
more information or to RSVP, please call (216) 472-2220 or e-mail

(So sorry, Events and Opporltunities section was poisoning the Weekly and it wouldn't go through, so some of it was deleted.  Will try to send separately.  ellen)

  • Bentley Davis' political update
  • Noam Chomsky: beware of both parties!
  • Psychology of the Times Square bomber, hunch, in NY Times
  • Legalize Marijuana on the ballot in CA this fall...

Bentley Davis' POLITICAL NOTES, update of the week:

Here you go.  Nothing too Earth shattering.  Let me know if you have any questions.


Political No

I don't have a great deal to report.  The primaries are over and campaigns are ratcheting up to high gear.  This is especially true with the governor's race and the US senate r

On the national stage, a compromise energy bill is being introduced today in the Senate, sponsored by Kerry and Lieberman.  Efforts are moving forward on banking/ finance reform.  Also, campaign finance reform (fixes after the Supreme Court Citizens United decision) is being debated (the proposal is called the DISCLOSE

As I am sure you all know now, Elena Kagan has been nominated to the Supreme Court.  She was a law professor in Chicago, the former Dean of Harvard Law, and currently serves as Solicitor General.  She had also worked for Clinton and clerked for Justice Marshall.  She has been careful throughout her career to refrain from taking controversial stances.  As a result, we know little about her stances on important issues that may come before the court.  What we do know is that she is a Democrat and impressed people at Harvard for being able to work towards cons

As always, should you have any questions about local, state, or national politics or international affairs, please co
ntact me.

Bentley DAvis <>

Interview with Noam Chomsky, forwarded by Neil Anderson.  Excellent; chilling.

Psychology of the Times Square Bomber: opinion, NYTimes
Sent by Dennis Kinsley, salonista

Should Firedoglake support
efforts to legalize cannabis?
(These links don't work but you can go to and click there.  Ellen)



Hi Ell
This year will be big at the ballot box - and not just for candidat

Voters in several states will have the chance to decide if cannabis should be legalized, taxed, and regula
ted. California just certified a ballot initiative for a vote in November [1], and at least eight other states are preparing for cannabis votes in the f

Supporters of the cannabis initiatives say that taxing cannabis can bring in much needed revenue to ease budget crises crippling the finances communities across the country. They say it would also provide safe access for medical use and make big steps with prison refor

Legalizing cannabis could be a huge opportunity to create real change and help our communities. But what do you 

Should Firedoglake work to support state ballot initiatives to legalize cannabis thi
s fall?

YES, I think we should support cannabis legalization init

NO, I don't think we should support cannabis legalization ini

Californians voted 15 years ago to allow cannabis for medical use, and since then more than a dozen states have followed suit. [4] At stake in this year's ballot initiative is if the state should legalize cannabis so it can be regulated, taxed, and contr
olled. [5]

Here's what California's initiative would do, according to 

Regulate cannabis like
 alcohol: adults older than 21 would be able to grow, purchase, and possess a small amount of 
Tax can
nabis: local governments would be able to tax the sale of cannabis to generate billions in new funds for cash-strapped b
Spur other refor
ms: legalizing cannabis could go a long way to reforming our prisons, redirecting wasted resources and helping law enforcement refocus their efforts. Additional revenue would also help our schools, parks, and other public progra
ms. [6]
California will definitely vote on cannabis in November, and petition drives are still ongoing in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Arizona to put cannabis on the ballot. Four more states will vote on medical cannabis questions in the fall as well. 

There's a big movement under way - should Firedoglake join in the fight to legalize canna

Click here to vote YES if you think Firedoglake should work to support legalizing cann

Click here to vote NO if you don't think we should work to support legalizing can

Thanks for your opinion. We'll let you know the result of this vot
e soon.

Jane Hamsher

1. LA Times: Measure to legalize marijuana will be on California's November ballot. 
2. Ballotpedia: Marijuana Initiative
s in 2010
3. Tax Cannabis 2010: About the I
4. Wikipedia: Medical cannabis in the Unit
ed States
5. LA Times: Measure to legalize marijuana will be on California's November ballot. 
6. Tax Cannabis 2010: About the I
7. Ballotpedia: Marijuana Initiative
 in 2010 

Please send me your to hear what you are reading etc.  ellen

5/12/10 from Ellen:
Am once again subscribing to The New York Review of Books and it is pretty wonderful.  I am not up for following the news; I like it pre-digested as I read so beautifully here.  Am simultaneously reading a review of The Bridge by David Remnick, a biography of Obama, and also reading the book itself.  Lovely!  Really enjoying Remnick's book!  Powerful, helpful distillation of the civil rights struggle, for instance.  I am just beginning this very long book.  Appreciate the part about Kenya, having been there and met Luo people.  Seems to me an important book.  Got it from the lib though it is brand new.  

To unsubscribe from the Weekly, send me an email message and in the subject line put "unsub weekly - #" and in the place of "#" put the numeral (1 - 15) found on this email to you in the subject line after the date. 


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