Thursday, October 29, 2009

Copenhagan Climate Protection Conference in December: Peter
.I am with the Alliance for Climate Protetction or “Repower America” , and “We Campaign”.
Partners with “One Sky” which is separate.
UN delegates, heads of state will gather and agree on a new treaty. The Kyoto Protocol expired; this will be the phase two. Kyoto was not effective. The big industrial nations did not get behind Kyoto.
We are working to get fed legislation passed here. If the federal gov’t won’t take steps, then we can’t be persuasive in Copenhagen. Congress must vote to help support Obama’s position.
There is a bill in the House; passed; “American clean energy and security act”. Senate is working on their version currently, “Clean Energy Jobs and American Power”. John Kerry and Barbara Boxer released their version in Sept. There will be about 2 million jobs created.

Mira: Recently, climate change has declined as a topic of concern in Americans. I am very concerned about that. Van Jones was kicked out of the Administration, but he had the best plan.

Peter: I want this legislation passed in strong form through the senate. ... Delete the “clean coal” items. Ask you now to contact your senators and ask for this. Hand written letters are best. Phone calls, emails are good. (see addresses below in purple Health Care section.)
... We consider Voinovich a “swing” vote. He has dissented from Republican line. He knows Climate change exists and must change.
Sen. Brown wants to support a climate bill; he is very concerned about impact on trade. He has written some ammendments and have said he won’t vote for a bill that doesn’t contain them. He has about 12 senators with him.
That would kill the bill.
We have only 6 weeks before the conference starts. The Copenhagen Conference is our last chance. We are near the tipping point for runnaway climate change. If the US congress doesn’t act then the conference will fail.

Senators’ local offices:
Voinovich 513 684 3265 Brown: 513 684 1021

Tell your senators: “Pass strong clean energy and climate change protection before Copenhagen.”

Mira: don’t give any money to the democratic party until all the Dems support Health Care Reform + Public Option.

Mr. G: about Van Jones who quit the Obama administration. Glen Beck went after him. Accused of being a “commie”. ...
See about Brooksley Born who warned of the collapse we saw last year about 4 years ago. Greenspan, Geitner, Sommers ganged up to get her out of power. Must see this program. ... She isn’t in the Obama administration, while Geithner and Sommers are. Why not?
She wanted regulation, back then.

Peter: we are doing a project called “repower wall”. Want to create a public forum. Are taking short videos of people of all types who are concerned about climate change. A whole page online of thumbnail photos of people; click on one and get their interview. I have a camera here...if you like to participate, call me: 614 704-2481

Marilyn: what about the negative repercussions for W. Virginia, coal miners...?

Peter: our coalition, the environmentalists, (all the big ones you know...Sierra Club etc etc) say that impact on job loss is minimized; new jobs creation is maximized. The legislation provides for job training, job transition. The change will be slow; progressive. Nothing bam! Sudden. Would start next year and go for 40 years.

Mr. G. In SriLanka they are considering relocating parts of their population onto boats, because of oceans rising. They are teaching people to build family boats; school boats. ... Now some of the Bengal Tigers are coming out and attacking villages because their habitats are being threatened due to water rising.

Peter: grew up Cleveland; went OSU in Political Sci. Worked for Pirgs (public interest research groups; started by Nader). I left there in July. Went to Repower America, came to do community organizing in cincinnati.
(?) Pirg paid low wages and long hours, but I am proud of my work there and they train you well. 80-100 hours/week.

Hugs to all,


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