Saturday, September 02, 2006

Weekly 9/2/06 - 5

Note: the Weekly hereafter will be published as a rule on Fridays, so get stuff to me by Thurs. evenings.  Ellen

Come to the WEDNESDAY night salon.  Now permanently on Wednesdays.

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements
  • Articles

  • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  575
Growing out of the ( August to start on Wednesday) Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit
events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
aves me
a lot of work that way. Send submissions by Thursday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (575 as of July 8, 2006... Five years old this month).

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  


Section One: Table Notes
(Note: these notes were taken by me, Ellen at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)

At the table on 8/30/06:
Sander Vinks, Andrew Braisted , Mary Biehn, Steve Sunderland, Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus, Diane Fishbein, George Graham, Alan Scheidt, David Rosenberg, Ellen Bierhorst, Bill Messer, Vlasta Molak  , Kaniz  Siddiqui
At the Table Announcements
Steve: Sept 10 walk from St Monica St George in commemoration of 9/11.  3:30 start walk… end at Mosque 5:30 - 7 for discussion.  All welcome.
Alan: a week from today, CityBeat will publish a 9/11 issue.  I will have a piece on 9/11 inspired art and how it has evolved in these 5 years.  
Gerry: the Taft Museum, this fall, Sunday afternoon jazz concerts.  First Sun in sept, the Blue Wisp Big Band.  2 pm.  Also Wonderful exhibit…pop art paintings over prints of famous classic paintings.  
Diane: right now there is an incredible ceramics show: Chinese bowls, small.  The curator is now at Cornell.  You can downlowad a podcast of the descriptions of the pieces for your iPod.  Scientifically and aesthetically and chemically very interesting.
            A piece I did 20 years ago "Elegy for Bhopal" … a horrible explosion there, chemical plant, Union Carbide. The piece is two walls of a chapel with drawings.  The art museum in Eden Park bought it and now they have put it on display.
Sander: the Art Museum has a new director, Aaron Betsky.  Many years living in the Netherlands, born in Mazula Montana.
Steve: in Western KY, a city Columbus, has Belmont Columbus State Park, celebrates the Black soldiers who protected the Mississippi from the confederate army.  Moving story.  Remarkable.
David: Michael Murphy is traveling in Rhode Island, sends regards, visiting intentional communities.  
1. Sander and Andrew will present on the Hospital Levy.
2. Last night'
s forum discussion at XU on politics and religion
3. The senseless murder of Phil Bates.  What can we do to stop such killing.
4.  Thoughts about Katrina on the anniversary.  


Sander A Pleasure to be here again.  2 weeks ago we got an email at Children's Hosp from our CEO summarizing… asking people to help campaign for support.  Yard signs, poll watching, etc.  I thought this would be my chance to present to the pot luck.  … Right after the Weekly was published I got a phone call from Cheryl Crowe who offered to send Andrew to help.  
            I have a fact sheet.  
95,000 uninsured people living in Ham. Co.
Always been renewed before, but with smaller margins.  
No increase in tax.
"Safety Net" medical institutions to give care to the uninsured.
11,000 children
100,00 adults last year treated.
The levy is asking for less than what was allocated last time this levy was renewed.
The tax renewed will take less money than the previous levy took.
These two hospitals will treat ANYONE regardless of their inability to pay.  There are few other cities in the US that have such coverage for the poor.
David  Why did the co commissioners allocate less money this  year?  The number of uninsured has grown.
George the traditional rational for this is so that politicians can say "We are not raising taxes but are getting more for our taxes."
David: the pay is in higher medical insurance premiums for all the citizens.  It is a hidden tax.  Scandalous that the gov't..... officials are not up front about it.  
Basically the gov't..... is enfranchising monopolies who can raise prices, like health insurance. Premiums or water bills etc., and still claim that they are not  raising taxes.
Andrew:  re. why the levy was lower.  Before it was put on ballot the commissioners hired an independent agency to come in and audit the levy to say how much was needed.  This independent commission, with bad information, came back with a small levy recommended!  Then the Univ. Hosp and the Children's hosp leaders met with the Commissioners and negotiated for a reduction but no where as great as the Commission had recommended.
David: if  the patient has insurance, they pay.  If not, they don't.  It is a monopoly.
Andrew if the levy failed, the indigent patients would have to be spread out over all the hospitals instead of being treated by Univ. and Children's.
David … the real cost is obfuscated…
Sander for every 100,000 of real estate evaluation it is $2.85 tax
Diane When Hal was sick those years with cancer, he and I spent a lot of time in the ER at University.  The extreme poverty of people in the wait room …  some were actually starving!  
Steve the only dental/surgical clinic available for the poor is at University Hosp.   … would like to hear why Children's hospital is growing so fast … reshaping large tracts in Coryville, … opening up new hospitals in the suburbs … return to these questions at a later time.  Children's hospital excellent … no other alternative.  … these institutions are not transparent. It would  behoove us to find out .
Gerry  We just must support this levy; as a human being.  …
George  public financing is different from private financing.  The way money is collected… accounting system all different.  I am in health care administration, but not in the accounting end.  It is supposed to be transparent, but I believe indeed it is not always so.  Because of the political implications of any taxation.  Politicians tend to think of ways to soften the political rhetoric and sugar coat the taxation.  Different actors, trying to hide something.  To get an understanding, it would be great to have someone f rom the institution who would discuss the implications of public financing for their institution.  
David  I cannot say it any better than Geo. Just did.  When we privatized health care during the Regan years (before that, a major difference in how the poor uninsured were cared for, happened in the 80's.  I call it privatization.)  there was a new way of financing the safety net.  The health care system has enough of a monopoly on the health care that the neocons say, "You hospitals just raise prices and pay for it out of your profits, and we don't have to have taxes to pay the safety net." But you pay even more than before in higher premiums and higher costs.   Some hospitals went for that and others didn't.  Most Cinti. hospitals went out to the suburbs where they could make money.
            What this 20 or 30 million is the bribery, the baksheesh  to keep hospital in the city so we can care for the poor so no one gets completely embarrassed about this horrible system we have created.
George during the Regan years there was a sig. change in how, health care institutions were able to bill for  Medicare.  Introduction of DRG system, a codification of all procedures, each given a $$ value.  Leveled the playing field .. What hospitals were allowed to bill.  Had a widespread effect on the whole system. Over time the insurance companies adopted a very similar system for non Medicare payments.  Some made less money, others  started making more.  There was a big uproar at the time.  I was a VP of a hosp at that time…a l ot of fear that hospitals would go under.  
Now physician services are also DRGized as well.  1983.
Andrew … the problem is that hospitals have disproportionate amounts of the indigents coming for care.  Under the DRG system they cannot r aise their prices.  
David there is enough profit in the DRGs such that there is enough $ to cover the poor.  The levy does not cover it.  The money is coming from huge profits of the hospital.  Therefore it is a hidden tax.  
I am incensed, because Phil H eimlich can get up and say "I support the safety net".
Diane  something that has been missed here.  There has been tremendous pressure on physicians to see more patients, to see them for shorter times.  Another hidden tax.
Marvin I am confused about what has been said so far.  There are services provided; the providers are paid, either  from private or public funds.  The consumers, some cannot pay.  Presumably public funds pay for that.  
David the thing is that the public funds do not cover all the need, only part.
Marvin Are people saying that the providers are being over paid with overpaid with public funds?  (No.)  Did any body say the providers are being underpaid by public funds? (yes)  So what reason is there for not supporting it.
David  You Must support it, it is the only choice.  Without that, the poor would be turned away.  
Marvin if the levy failed, the hospitals Child. And University would have to reduce the services they provide to the poor.
Sander: currently 80% of indigents are cared for by Univ. and Children's.  
Marvin so David says that to the extent that the public money is insufficient to cover the care for indigent, this means higher costs for you and me.
Geo  one of the selling points of the DRG  was to level out the system.  Create more efficiency, more productivity.  And in fact that did happen.  Hospitals at the time were making huge profits on the Medicare income.  
Hospitals are still making money.
Re. productivity you had to have more through put in your institution to maintain your prior level of income.
So the financing of healthcare in the US is so complex it is a lawyer's dream.  The lawyers change every year, sometime twice. Paperwork!  Huge increase in the cost of doing business.  
Electronic medical records, try to keep cost down.
My bias is the solution is to have national  health insurance.  There is enough money in the system to pay for it.  
Bill I got an automated phone call from Democrat party; three points: minimum wage, national health insurance, not outsourcing jobs overseas.  
            As someone  who has been hospitalized four times two for emergency surgeries this  year.  I am self employed, uninsured.  My medical bills for this year will top a quarter million dollars.  Most of that is not  hospitals.  The radiologist, the anesthesiologists, …any doc who stuck their head in and said How are you?
I have to spend half my day communicating with them.  There are also billing companies… non responsive.  Pretty soon it is beyond what you can cope with.  I am just above the "indigent" line.  Different hospitals have different ability to help you.       A hospital in New Jersey send me a bill for eighty thousand; we settled for 14 thousand.  The insurance companies must be billed for  many times more than the  procedure actually costs.  
Vlasta I am wondering how much of the cost of health care goes to direct services and what to the managed care etc., How much salaries for the CEOs.
Sander It is coming down to whether you want free enterprise or government controlled.  It is not the salaries of CEOs, it is the inflation of charges.  The system is build that way.  
Vlasta the Mercy system will take people's house.  
Bill on the street, people advise me to put my assets in others' names…to defrauds the system.


Steve While we meet here tonight in good fellowship, simultaneously in churches  throughout our country are people in churches planning to take over the government of the state and the country.  They are ruthless.  Michelle Goldberg has laid out a perfect storm of factors combining the political conservatives and the Christian right, and they are working for dominion.  "If you want to be an American you must be a Christian of their kind."  They claim that the founding fathers do not believe in separation of church and state.  
            Is not a fringe group.  This is a major effort to make it clear that Jesus should be the symbol of Ohio, a cross on our flag, all schools should be infiltrated an supervised by this Christian dominion group.  Over last five  years parallel institutions to inundate from this organization. They operate with stealth. Weekly telephone call.  Take over school boards…  pillorying a professor ..  
            Michelle shocked me with the thoroughness and comprehensiveness of this effort.  Not that the takeover is imminent, but all the foundations are being put in place.  Everyone is watching Ohio to see if we elect a governor who wants to report to Jesus not to the people.
            Burress is on the boards of all these Christ. Dominion organizations but did not claim to be one of them.  He did not really join the debate.  He did not want to engage with us liberals.  
            The book is very well worth reading. She has done her homework. Only 31, but has attended all these conferences.  Impressive.  I stand in shock at the level of organization of this movement.  The Mel Gibson movie was only a first step. The level and pervasiveness of this, analogy to Germany in the 30's.  
Ellen  Paula Jackson spoke at the salon a couple years ago about the surreptitious take over by the Christian Right of boards of directors and trustees, thankless positions  nobody wanted, for the purpose of shaping policy, purging faculties, hounding liberal pastors out of their pulpits.  We could get her to come back and present that material, updated, again.
Bill  event was disappointing though Michelle Goldberg is impressive.  She was there as a journalist, not as a presenter for the left.  I am going to protest to the Brueggeman Center because Burress was an ideology, and also one who ducked the debate.  Wouldn't discuss.  
            The only one who engaged in Michelle… the moderator rebutted Michelle without any fairness.
            Burress is a clear bigot, a censor…. Library board of Clermont Co.  Tried to remove "the advocate" a gay mag. In the libraries.  "Hogwash, you don't have the right to read anything  you want."
            He is a weak, irresponsible man.  He blames porn. For ruining his marriage instead of his own addiction.
            I am angry at Xavier and at Brueggeman.
Alan wholehearted agree with Steve and Bill.  Burress said "all porn.  Harms women."  I asked "Including gay pornography."  He said he had never seen any gay porn. Implication is that gays are not even at the table.  
            Quotes that struck me.  "We are not a religious org., we are a public policy org."  I felt he was hiding. Said four concerns of CCV.  
            Blown away… Michelle G. was so much better prepared.  Burress had not read her book.  He had no informed opinion on anything.  
            Michelle G quoted Blackwell saying "we will fight for the rights of  non believes because they have the right to be wr ong."  Her concern was Christian nationalism, not religion.  Had nothing to do with religion or faith.  What frightens her most is this movement's rejection of pluralism.
            One questioner asked Michelle "Why are you so angry?"  I can't stand that.  Blew my mind.  I didn't find her angry at all.  
            Burress was laughed when he said "I don't have a homophobic bone in my body."
James Buchanan, the moderator, I find extremely intelligent and appropriate.  Has been a pioneer at XU in environmentalism. I would encourage you to go to him.
Geo: as a moderator… he was not, in his long exchange with Goldberg he was not neutral.  She challenged his premise.  … he got professorial, his voice seemed irritated, seemed trying to put her down.  I felt he had crossed the line.  Not objective.  
Steve the main thing was her presentation of the outline of the dominion people.  do we believe there are cells working to take over our public institutions.
Diane  Ellen Messer, Bill's sister, started writing about this cells business twenty years ago. Training young journalists to   injf\iltrate the news media.  
Kaniz:  agree with Diane.  We onm the Left have not had the discipline or the organization.  The Right has been seeding their people for a  long time.  

~ End of Table Notes~
Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Announcements

FREE SHOWS BY MOHENJO DARO,  a cool local percussion etc. group.  

@ The Cincinnati Art Museum <>
953 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 639-2995
Mohenjo Daro performs from 5:30 - 9:30pm in the courtyard.
@ Concerts on the Green
Harry Whiting Brown Community House
205 E. Sharon Ave.
Glendale, OH
Mohenjo Daro peforms from 5:00 - 8:00pm.

Salonista Q Benedikt suggests
Salon Outing to benefit native plants

 Dear Ellen,

  It doesn't look like I will be able to make it to the Monday Salon this Wednesday, but since the group is interested in what they can do to be in unity with our environment, I wanted to submit a possible outing.   

What we do in the Land Management Department of the Hamilton County Park District is try to increase biological diversity.   At our Shaker Trace Seed Nursery at  Miami Whitewater Park we raise seeds to use for restoring habitats which are best for allowing diversity of plants and animals: prairies and wetlands.   Then, after we restore them we sometimes use the actually restored areas to collect even more seed.  But we have so few personnel and so much to do it is very difficult for us and we are really hurting for wetland seeds.    On the South side of Waycross Road, across from the Union Central Life Insurance company, is a bed of one of the most beneficial wetland plants: Swamp Milkweed, which we could desperately use help collecting.   This would involve basically either pulling or cutting off the milkweed pods.    People would be perhaps 10 to 25 feet in from Waycross Road when they were doing it, and the timeframe would probably be mid-September.    It would take perhaps an hour or two, depending on how many people there were.    Plus, there is a Graeter's Ice Cream place not too far away.   Here is a mapquest map of the location: <;addtohistory=&amp;address=1875%20Waycross%20Rd&amp;city=Cincinnati&amp;state=OH&amp;zipcode=45240%2d2824&amp;country=US&amp;geodiff=1>
Respond to Q at: Q Benedikt <>

9/11 Peace/Commemoration March on Sunday 9/10
From Steve Sunderland

Dear Friends:
          The Peace Village September 11 Peace Walk will take
place on
the topic, "STILL WALKING/WORKING FOR PEACE,"  will be held at the
Clifton Mosque following the walk. All are invited.

          This will be our fifth walk. We will be walking
slowly and stopping at many locations on Clifton including UC,
Hillel, Wesley Foundation, Hebrew Union College, the Fire House, the
park, Clifton United Methodist Church, Annunciation Catholic Church,
St. Johns Unitarian Church and ending at the Clifton Mosque.
          An interfaith planning group has worked to put the
walk and conference together. Our hope is that we can walk in peace,
for peace, and with open hearts of compassion. Our tradition is to
pause at the above locations for water, a prayer, a moment of
reflection and then continue moving toward the next location.
          Our seminar at the Clifton Mosque will start at
5:30pm and give everyone a chance to rest and to discuss the many
meanings of our walk and peace. Steve Sunderland, Director of the
Peace Village and professor of educational foundations and peace
studies at UC, will chair the meeting.
          We invite everyone to join us in these events and to
add their voices and ideas to our understanding of peace and justice.
          Please call for more information: 513.919.2538.
In peace,

Lloyd House Spaces Available
@ THIRD FLOOR TWO ROOM + BATH SUITE:  furnished with beautiful teak bedroom set and two durrhi rugs.  Share third floor kitchen, share basement laundry.  Off street parking.  High speed wireless internet.  Fabulous public areas including: living/music room, dining room seats 14, spacious veranda, zendo meditation/movement hall, basement weight and work out room, sauna etc.  $440/month housing expenses contribution.  Call Ellen now: 513 221 1289

@ Second floor bedroom, gas fireplace, three large windows (2 East, one South), share huge b athroom with laundry, shared kitchen on third floor.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to (Monday...soon to be Wednesday) night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  $400. contribution to house expenses.  Call Ellen: 221 1289  

(I saw this film at the Peak Oil Conference in ‘04 and it is inspiring.  See it!  ellen.)
What will rising fuel prices mean to you?
Come watch:

How  Cuba Survived Peak Oil.
Presented by PROVOCATION Discussion Group
4040 Hamilton Ave (Northside, across street f rom old Crazy Ladies’)
THURSDAY Sept 7th, 2006
At Hobo Books

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, documents Cuba’s emergency transition to local organic agriculture, renewable energy, and large-scale mass transit. The transition occurred following the Soviet collapse in 1990, when their massive subsidies of imported oil and food to Cuba were halted.
In this documentary, ordinary Cubans talk about the immediate hardships they faced. Their GDP dropped by more than one third, transportation nearly stopped and food became scarce - the average Cuban lost 20 pounds during the first years of this economic crisis.
The film visits urban gardens and organic farms, explains the relationship between food and fossil fuels, and shows how a society can change from an industrialized, global focus to a local, community-based one. It is a rare view into this island culture, using firsthand reporting that focuses on what Cubans learned about adapting to living with less.

(this is the 2nd showing of this important documentary, if you cannot make this screening but are interested in possibly showing it to your group please feel free to contact me: <> .)

Women’s Day of Prayer
(regional AA leader Mary S. will speak on 12 Step spirituality.  Ellen To present on Jewish spiritual nourishment.  There will be an Islamic presenter, etc.)

Saturday, September 9, 2006, from 10 AM until 3 PM:  Third Annual Women's [Intefaith] Day of Prayer (open to men, too) to be held at Church of Our Saviour, 65 Hollister Street in Mt. Auburn on the theme of "Building Our Spiritual Reserves."  Free and Open to the Public.  Come for an hour or stay all day.  Lunch Provided.  More information: or 542-7334

“Perspectives on Immigration Reform”

a “Day of Dialogue” by IJPC (Alice Gerdeman) will occur on
Saturday, September 9th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Mt. Notre Dame High School, 711 E. Columbia Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45215 (in Reading).

Mark your calendar for September 9  for an awesome experience. A dedicated committee has been working on a second Day of Dialogue for Sept 9. Many of you attended the first day of dialogue on Iraq. The response was overwhelmingly positive and encouraged us to offer more. This second Day of Dialogue is called “Perspectives on Immigration Reform” and will occur on Saturday, September 9th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Mt. Notre Dame High School, 711 E. Columbia Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45215.   A flyer can be downloaded at

“Genuine education is interaction; a democratic movement wants all the insight it can get, even from those that we might carelessly label ‘enemies’.” – George Lakey

Mission Statement for Day of Dialogue Project:
To create, offer, and facilitate experiences of learning about how to really listen to others whose opinions differ on significant social issues.
   to promote civil discourse
   to stimulate critical thinking
   to create an opportunity where people can talk with people who differ, feel safe and comfortable doing so, and learn from them.

On September 9 . . .
Come listen and then dialogue about the personal stories and perspectives offered by a diverse group of people.  You will hear from:
   An African American Service Worker   
   A New Immigrant
   A Union Carpenter
   A County Commissioner
   An Immigration Attorney

Program of Events on September 9th:
9:30 a.m.       Refreshments available
9:40 a.m.
      Welcome and Introduction to Process
9:50 – 11 a.m.  
   Opening panel – Large Group Session
11:10 – 12:30 p.m.
   Small breakout dialogue sessions (with trained facilitator and          Spanish translator)

The event is free but reservations are encouraged.  To RSVP or for more  information, contact Kristen at 513-579-8547 or via email at

For a calendar of events, visit our website at:

Anyone can now vote Absentee
(and ACLU recommends it for everyone to protect your vote).
Do it NOW.  Here’s how:

Your written application for the absentee ballot need not be in any particular form, but it must contain all of the following information:

  1. Your name;
  2. Your signature;
  3. The address at which you are registered to vote;
  4. Your date of birth;
  5. One of the following:
    • Your Ohio driver’s license number; or
    • The last four digits of your Social Security number; or
    • A copy of the your current and valid photo identification, military identification, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and current address. (Note: You cannot use as proof of identification a notice that the board of elections mailed to you.)
   6. A statement identifying the election for which you are requesting an absentee voter’s ballot;
    7. A statement that you are a qualified elector;

If the request is for a partisan primary election ballot, your political party affiliation; and
If you want the ballots to be mailed, the address to which you want them mailed.
Application deadlines: See “ Absentee Deadlines” below.

By mail: Unless you are a member of the U.S. armed forces, you must mail your properly completed absentee ballot application bearing your original signature to the board of elections of the county in which your voting residence is located. The board must receive your request by noon on the Saturday before the election. However, you should submit your request as far in advance of the election as possible.


Rabbi James Rudin to speak at Wise Center

On Monday, September 18, 2006, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Wise Center, Rabbi
James Rudin will be the featured speaker on the vital topic:
Pluralism vs.
Puritanism: Fighting for America's Soul.

Isaac M. Wise Center
8329 Ridge Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 793-2556


Candidates Invited to Iraq focus Townhall Meeting
With Sr. Alice Gerdeman
Hey folks,

On Monday,
Sept 18 -  IJPC will be sponsoring a townhall meeting that focuses on the local impact of war in Iraq at St. Monica St George at 6:30pm.
Congresswoman Schmidt will be sending an aide, Congressman Chabot's office is determining whether to send an aide from his office or from the campaign office, Victoria Wulsin will be attending, and John Cranley's office has said that it looks difficult but they are trying to rearrange his schedule so that he can attend. Below you will find the original letter that we sent to him on August 11. We encourage you to call his campaign office today and urge him to attend the Town hall meeting. . . Below find his phone # and email . . . .

Cranley for Congress
Phone: 513-241-1777

August 11, 2006

John Cranley
37 W. 7th Street, Suite 804
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Dear Democratic Candidate John Cranley ,

The Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center (IJPC) invites you to participate as a panelist at a Town Hall Meeting on Monday September 18, 2006 at 6:30 pm. The event will be held at St. Monica-St. George Parish Newman Center, 328 West McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The focus of this meeting will be on the impact of the
war in Iraq to our community.

The IJPC has invited representatives of our community to speak who are concerned about the impact of the war in Iraq as it affects the availability of federal funding for widely supported programs, such as health care, education, and social services.

As an incumbent or candidate for the 1st and 2nd Ohio Congressional Districts, we hope that you will attend and take advantage of this opportunity to listen to the concerns of your constituents. We believe the testimony that will be presented must be considered when making future decisions regarding the course of the war in Iraq.

To confirm your attendance or for more information, please contact Kristen Barker at 513-579-8547. Thanks for considering this invitation. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Alice Gerdeman, CDP
Coordinator, Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center

John Robbins to offer class on energy

From: John F. Robbins []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: Energy & Solar Classes at Great Oaks Institute


I'm offering home energy and solar classes this upcoming school season at Great Oaks Institute (GOI) in SW Ohio.  They are each 21 hrs of class time, seven sessions of 3 hrs each.  I offered to drive to Live Oaks (Milford) or Diamond Oaks (Dent), so both sides of Cincinnati will have somewhat better access this year.  GOI set the times, dates and specific locations, not me.  So if you want the solar class offered at the Diamond campus or on a different night in the future, call and tell them that.  Or let me know.  See the classes advertised for the next two quarters at the Great Oaks' website: .   


Home Energy Efficiency

           Solar Energy At Home

>>>Tell-a-Friend - forward this notice to others!

Help Protect Your Vote!

Register early
and confirm that you are registered by calling your local board of elections. The last day to register is October 10.
Confirm the address of your polling location by calling your local board of elections.
Vote early and in person before election day, if your county allows it or via
absentee ballot. Call your local board of elections for instructions.
Bring two forms of ID when voting: current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, state issued photo ID, driver's license, or other government document that shows your name and current address.
Visit the Secretary of State's website for more information: or


The ACLU of Ohio is a member of Community Shares in:
Greater Cleveland         Northwest Ohio          Mid Ohio

Richard Bumberg: Protect Internet Freedom!

Ted Stevens is trying to pass a telecom reform bill that would shackle digital TV and radio with broadcast and video flags, and require mandatory labelling of websites. I've told my senator to stop the bill - could you?

Above courtesy EFF; below from me:

There's a lot of bad stuff happening, and a lot of bad legislation being introduced, but this one is particularly pernicious; it will not only hinder the flow of free speech across the Internet, but it will hinder the ability of the US to compete productively in a global environment. It is analagous to giving control of the Interstate Highway System to the trucking industry and giving them the right to collect tolls.

To take action on this issue, click on the link below:;id=249
the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.

Constitution Under Siege
Conference at St. John’s Tues Eve Sept 26

Join us for a discussion on torture, rendition, spying and other abuses of presidential power carried out in the name of the so-called “War on Terror.”
Torture. Extraordinary rendition. This is America?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
7:00 p.m.
St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Road., Cincinnati
Free and open to the public.
Seating limited. To RSVP, click on the button above or call (216) 472-2220
The event will begin with a short screening of the ACLU’s new 10 minute video “Stop The Abuse” which chronicles those who have been detained in foreign countries, spied on and kept in detainments camps because they were suspected of terrorism. Civil liberties and human rights experts will then comment on the recent expansion of presidential powers, followed by a question and answer period with audience members.
For more information regarding this event and others visit our website at

Buddhist Big Shot coming to Lloyd House in October
Fri. - Sun, Oct 13, 14, 15
Will give weekend workshop/retreat for professional caregivers, Buddhists and  non-Bud. alike.  Not a professional care giver?  come anyway, all welcome.  Topic: Life, Death and After Death
Speaker, Dr. Nicholas Ribush, M.D. and buddhist monk has been a national leader  for 30  years.  Linneage: Lama Zopa Rinpiche and Lama Yeshe;  Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).  
Friday evening $25, Saturday 10 - 5: $50, Sunday 10-4 $50, Entire weekend: $100 (such a deal!).  Contact  Molly Fitzgerald 513 947 8332  
....mental continuity after death? ... Preparing for death...What h appens during and after death?... How life can benefit from awareness of death.  

Erik Bendix, lately of cincinnati, Alexander Teacher, folk dance teacher, will be in town week of Oct 16 for private A.T. Lessons and Dervish Whirling Workshop.  I attend this in the spring of ‘05 and it was truly marvelous! For anyone interested in dance,  mysticism, meditation, healing ...  Ellen
Sufi Dervish
Whirling workshop

There is a saying among dervishes that we are all dizzy on this spinning world, and that only by whirling can we see it straight. Turning constantly is a way to experience continual change in a way that brings us face to face with all we are attached to.  The Mevlevi dervish tradition, founded in the 13th century by the great mystic poet Jellal-al-Din Rumi, developed whirling into a profound spiritual practice.  This workshop is an introduction to that practice.

  All you need for this workshop is a humble heart and a pair of socks.  We will approach the practice a little at a time as we are each able.  You can expect to get dizzy some of the time, but only as a step toward finding the true center you are spinning around, and of tasting what is constant beyond all that changes. This is a path of the heart. This workshop is once only, with a limited number of spaces available, so reserve your space without delay.  Many thanks to Connie Michael for letting us use her lovely secluded studio, which she usually uses only for her own Eurythmy classes. She has asked that we not eat in the studio, so we’ll lunch outside or in nearby Clifton.

Date:……….Sunday, October 22nd,  2006                           
Times:………10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Location:…...179 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati
Cost:……….$54 per person
Instructor:….Erik Bendix
For information: e-mail
or call Erik at (828)298-5515

From Interstate 75, take the Mitchell Ave. exit onto
Mitchell Ave. north,  take your first left turn onto
Kenard Ave., go past the big Krogers, then left again
onto Clifton Ave..  Got all the way up the hill and just
past the top take your first left onto Lafayette Circle.
#179 is near the far end of the circle.  Do not park in
the driveway.  Walk past the house and down through
the garden to the studio. Be kind to Connie’s dogs.

Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and  families.  Expert, caring, rapid service.  Most insurance plans will cover.    Call 513 221 1289.  Special areas of interest: issues of  young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss.  What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.

Beautiful Website of Fanchon Shur’s work, luscious photos, events announced: check it out.
...and Fanchon will be having hip replacement surgery this Wednesday 9/6.  Christ hosp.  Think of her and send love.  E.

Dear Salonistas,
I want to invite all of you to view my is full of meaningful expressions of artistic, educational, creative descriptions and photos of many of my major choreographies.  Soon the additional section will describe my Movement Therapy Practice in detail.
go to performances to see some photos of my newest work, All that Breathes.

Shalom, Salaam, Peace.
Fanchon Shur
Director, Growth in Motion,Inc

Alan Hundley gives a terrific Watsu (massage/yoga in warm water pool) that is good for whatever ails ya’.  Ellen.

Outdoor Garden Watsu Pool is open for a few more glorious weeks.  If you haven't treated yourself lately to the magical water world of Watsu call for an appointment.   513-2818606.
Alan Hundley LMT, LLC
Three Waters

On 29 Sept
Natural alternatives to fighting Cancer
Free talk
Recommended by shirley reischman:

Hello Everyone,
Christine Horner is a dynamic and knowledgeable speaker.  I knew her as a caring physician and proponent of alternative health care while she lived in Cincinnati.  This is a rare opportunity to hear her speak at no charge.  Also James and I will have a booth at the health expo the evening of her presentation.  I hope to see you there.

Please save the date and join us for an exciting, free festival that is coming up next month... 
Mantra Wellness Center and EarthSave Cincinnati are proud to present...

  Mantra Wellness Festival


Christine Horner, MD, FACS

 "Natural Approaches to Fighting and Preventing Cancer"

 Sponsored by Cincinnati Country Day School


 Friday, September 29th

6-10pm (Dr. Horner speaks at 7pm)

 At Cincinnati Country Day School

6905 Given Road; Indian Hill, OH

This wellness festival features over 40 vendors, live music, a vegetarian food court, a book signing and of course our keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Horner.

Dr. Horner is a native Cincinnatian who has been featured on Oprah's "Angel Network" and has been seen on local TV for many years. She spearheaded a national campaign to pass laws requiring insurance companies to pay for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery. Her book Waking the Warrior Goddess: Harnessing the Power of Nature & Natural Medicines to Achieve Extraordinary Health is winner of the 2006 Independent Publisher (IPPY) Book Award for best book of the year for health/nutrition/medicine.

For more information, please visit:

For more info contact us at or 513.891.1324
Mantra Wellness Center LLC * 4677 Cooper Road * Cincinnati, OH 45242

Mantra Wellness Center Mailing List : :

Send your unwanted children’s books to Gulf Coast

If you have been thinking of house cleaning, here is a good use for your books.  Remember, you can mail books cheaply through the post office, using their book rate.  The web site below gives the address, and a link to the Children's Defense Fund for more information.

....  I want to ask that you participate in a book drive for the children of the Gulf Coast. It's important, and it's a tangible way for you to make a difference: < >

Section Three: Articles


  • NOW’s host David Brancaccio interviewing Barbara Ehrenreich
  • Black Box Voting discovers voting machine “seals” are worthless
  • On the Levy for Children’s and University Hospitals: save the safety  net; no increase in taxes

NOW’s host David Brancaccio interviewing Barbara Ehrenreich

Extremely good interview chock full of important information:
From David Rosenberg.

David tells me today that Brancaccio teases out of Barbara the whole story in a wonderful way... How employers must start to pay their workers a living wage that can assure them health and education and a chance for betterment.  And even coming down to campaign finance reform.  A must read.  Ellen)

NOW's David Brancaccio hosts a special conversation with Barbara Ehrenreich on the state of American workers and wages today.

Watching "Waging a Living"

Perspectives on a Living Wage


The following program was recorded at the studio o
f NOW on August 28, 2006.

David Brancacci
o:    Welcome to P.O.V's special series of Web conversations surrounding the film "Waging a Living." I'm David Brancaccio. "Waging a Living" chronicles the day-to-day battles of four low-wage earners fighting to lift their families out of poverty. Listen to this statistic: more than 30 million Americans, that's one in four workers, are stuck in jobs that do not pay the basics for a decent life. Today I'm talking with Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of two of the great books on this subject: Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By In America and Bait And Switch: The Futile Pursuit Of The American Dream. We're going to talk about the plight of low-wage workers in America. Hello, Barbara.

Barbara Ehrenreic
h: Hi, good to be with you, David.

David Brancacci
o:    And also the director and the producer of the P.O.V. film, "Waging a Living," Roger Weisberg. How are you doing?

Roger Weisber
g: Good. Good to be with you.

o:    Roger just has a few minutes with us because he has a previous engagement, but I want to bring him into this conversation. Barbara first: when you watch this film, there's a phrase that leaps out, I thought it would resonate with you. It is simply this. A person says, "I am hustling backwards."

h: Yes. Roger can explain her situation. Here's somebody who actually got an increase in pay, but it was enough to end her access to what limited government benefits she was getting, like Medicaid, right, Roger?

g: Yes. She lost Medicaid, she lost food stamps, she lost childcare assistance for her kids and she saw her subsidized Section 8 housing go way up in price, so she actually lost $600 worth of government benefits when she got a $400 increase in wages.

o:    It's amazing when you actually look at government statistics. In fact, you don't even have to consult liberal sources to hear about income inequality. Not too long ago, earlier in the summer, no less than Hank Paulson, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, former head of Goldman Sachs, copped to this notion of growing income inequality. He started talking around the edges of it, but he suggested that yes, it's a problem. But, Roger, I want to understand, you've devoted a lot of your work toward addressing this. I'm not talking about people sitting around in their tuckases. We're talking about people who are knocking themselves out and not moving forward.

g: These are folks that are working every bit as hard and most likely harder than you and I, often working more than one job, and they simply can't earn a wage that is sufficient to support their families and pull them out of poverty. And this problem of income inequality has been exacerbated in recent years. One of the reviewers of our film said it is a cliché to say that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, but it remains one of the galling truths of our time. As far as I'm concerned, it's going to undermine the social fabric of this country if it continues to escalate.

(for the rest of th is interview see:

  • Black Box Voting discovers voting machine “seals” are worthless
Permission to excerpt or reprint granted, with link to

See photos below - a couple of 54-year old women from Black Box Voting bought $12 worth of tools and in four minutes penetrated the memory card seals, removed, replaced the memory card, and sealed it all up again without leaving a trace. This experiment shows that the seals do nothing whatever to protect against access by insiders after testing, and the seals also are worthless in jurisdictions like Washington, Florida, California, and many other locations where voting machines are sent home with poll workers for days before the election.

The Busby-Bilbray contest in San Diego now has proof that the optical scan machines sent home with poll workers subjected the tamper-friendly memory cards to an non-recoverable lapse in chain of custody. The recipe for tampering has been on the Internet for over a year

The photos below blow apart claims by elections officials that voting machine "sleepovers" -- sending voting machines home with poll workers for days or weeks prior to elections -- are secure because of seals over the memory card.

Two Black Box Voting studies in Leon County, Florida proved that election results can be altered in such a way that the supervisor of elections cannot detect the tampering. Not to worry, we were told by elections officials. The memory cards are sealed inside the machines.

But then Black Box Voting purchased an optical scan machine and obtained discarded voting machine seals from King County, Washington. Here's what we found:


The cover can be removed without detection by removing five screws. Inside, all that stands between a pollworker (or an insider at the warehouse or elections office) and the open-for-business memory card is a washer which you can unscrew.

See the memory card: It is the item in the slot that says "this side up." Diebold's first line of defense is a metal door that pivots down over the memory card slot.

See how the door works: The hole in the right side of the door is over-large, so you can move the right-side bolt in and out at will. Therefore, they seal the right-side bolt.

See the hole in the top of the right-side bolt: The plastic seal is threaded through that.

See the plastic seal: This plastic seal was used by King County. It had been broken and discarded, so we used the high-tech method of putting an orange rubber band on it to hold it together for this demo. The seal is pointless anyway, as you'll soon see.

See the screws holding the Diebold AccuVote optical scan machine together: There are five. We tried a Phillips-head screwdriver on the thing.

See the screws come out: What's inside?

See the left-side bolt. Can you remove it? We stuck a small Allen wrench into the bolt.

See that nut on the screw: (Red arrow) We got out a pair of pliers.

Is it possible that Diebold does not know this??? Grasp nut with pliers, twirl Allen wrench and see what happens.

See the bolt come off. But can you get the memory card out?

See the metal door pivot to the right: Remove the memory card.

We then put it all back together without leaving a trace. Cost for materials: $12. Time: 4 minutes to open, remove card, re-insert card and re-seal everything.

San Diego, June 6 2006: Sent these voting machines home with poll workers for sleepovers. They said the seal on the memory card bay made it secure.

STILL GOING HOME FOR SLEEPOVERS in King County, Washington: King County elections officials told citizens on Aug. 29 2006 in a videotaped statement that they are using the door and plastic tab seal as shown in these pictures, and they are sending the voting machines home with poll workers for the September primary election.


Black Box Voting has prepared a Citizen's Tool Kit -- basically a brain dump of the things that worked during our last three years in the field. It is organized into modules, each only a few pages long, bullet points, easy to follow.

Two modules can help you address this issue in your area:
Media Module: (tips to get this into the media in your location)
Adopt a public official module: (tips to educate, persuade, and hold public officials accountable)

Full 20-Module Tool Kit is FREE: It is a Declaration of Independence for Citizens. You can download it here: (Adobe Acrobate 7 or higher recommended)

- It's time for you to recognize your own power.
- You don't need us.
- You don't have to find someone to follow.
- Pick any module. Pick a single action in it. See it to its completion.
- You've just opened the door to an unexpected evolution.

"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." -– Declaration of Independence   

* * * * *

Black Box Voting is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501c(3) elections watchdog group supported entirely by citizen donations. We refuse funds from any vendor or vested interest.

To support Black Box Voting: click to or send to:
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St Suite K
PMB 547
Renton WA 98055

* * * * *

You are receiving this occasional bulletin because you signed up for it or donated and thus, receive updates. If you wish to be removed from any further updates, hit "reply" and type the word "remove" in the subject line.

Please plan to participate this fall to restore control of elections to the citizenry. Thank you for your stewardship of our republic.

Be part of the solution: Please sign up for the NATIONAL HAND COUNT REGISTRY:

On Hospital Levy: protect the safety net for our poorest citizens

Thanks again for allowing Dr. Vinks and me to come talk at your Salon.
It was very interesting conversation and I appreciate the invite.  I
attached the document (see below..ellen) that Dr. Vinks was speaking from.  If there are
any other questions about the levy or the campaign feel free to e-mail
me back.  Thanks,

Andrew Braisted <>

Hamilton County Health and Hospitalization Levy

The Health and Hospitalization Levy funds medical care for Hamilton County citizens who are poor, uninsured or under-insured.

Funds generated by the levy cover the costs of inpatient and outpatient services at Children’s Hospital Medical Center and University Hospital for those who cannot afford to pay for hospital care. Together, these life-saving institutions provide a vital health care safety net for our entire community.

First approved by the voters in 1966, the levy has been renewed by wide margins every five years.  It expires at the end of 2006 and will appear on the ballot throughout Hamilton County on Tuesday, November 7 as a renewal.  

If renewed, the levy will NOT raise taxes.  But it will continue to provide critical medical services for thousands of Hamilton County children and adults who have no where else to turn.

In 2005, levy proceeds covered care for over 11,000 Hamilton County children who were treated at Children’s Hospital Medical Center while over 100,000 qualified adult patients received care at University Hospital.

Even with the levy, the health care needs of the uninsured and under-insured in Hamilton County far outweigh the available resources. In 2004, Children’s Hospital Medical Center provided $16 million in uncompensated care to Hamilton County children.  The University Hospital provided over $18 million in uncompensated care to Hamilton County adults.  The levy partially offsets these losses, allowing both hospitals to invest in their core infrastructure and continue to strengthen their world-class services that benefit the entire community.

The levy the Hamilton County Commissioners have agreed to place on the November ballot will generate $26 million per year for University Hospital and $6 million per year for Children’s Hospital.  These amounts represent a 24% and 30% reduction respectively from the current amount each hospital receives from the existing levy.  
The levy also funds several health care programs run by the County including tuberculosis control services, drug and alcohol addiction services and health care services for people incarcerated in the Hamilton County Justice Center.

Issued by Citizens for the Health Care Safety Net, James Hinkle, Treasurer, 1525 Madison Road, Suite #B2, Cincinnati, OH 45206.

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

From ellen: finished The Lucifer Principle by Harold Bloom.  Fascinating.  Recommend it.  Ran out of juice to give  yu a review.  Someobody?  
AND... please send me at least the title and author of the book(s) you are reading.  Come on!

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,
We had 63 members as of 7/1/06.  How many  do we have now?
For Pot Luck  procedures including  
food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To
unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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