Thursday, October 20, 2011

Virtual Salon 10/20/11 ~ 12


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The Lloyd House Virtual Salon Newsletter 
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)

(Still swamped with fall activities;  keep sending me your ideas for Lloyd House Chautaqua!  We'll do it.)

Hi Everyone!

Writing this 33,000 above Iowa, en route to DEnver (Alexander Workshop + visit with Daughter Anna).  I don't quite know what to think about the Occupy Wall Street movement.  People of all stripes are joining in supporting this.  Folks are upset about the widening rich-poor gap, the coddling of 'criminal' banking interests, everyone's economic struggles....  For sure we are going through a period of social turbulence as the world adjusts to changing stuff.  Personally, I am a big fan of the president, figure that he really can't follow a progressive agenda because the country wouldn't go along.  I figure he is doing the smartest job anyone could.  Meanwhile, I love movements like Bio-regionalism, and "Peak Oil", publications like Yes magazine, that looks at radical new solutions that seem to do an end run around the regular government.  How about the road paving scheme where you use photo voltaic panels reinforced for heavy traffic... could generate enough electricity for the whole country and... the whole world!
Certainly, in these rumbling times we all need to be alert, keep trying, keep trying to be responsible citizens.  Like my grandmother SadieLee said to my mother, then a twenty-something girl bewildered by the job of raising children, "You just love 'em and try."  
Warm hugs to all,

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