Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fab. puppet show tomorrow; Fanchon will dance! ~ 12

Dear Salon Weekly subscribers,

Even though I almost never send an "extra", this one is too delicious for you to miss.  In honor of Fanchon Shur and to raise a bit of $$ for her video project (a life's work retrospective to be submitted to PBS as a documentary) there will be this great marionette show... AND Fanchon will be dancing a bit with a puppet.  How Great.
tomorrow, Wed. at 5:30 in the afternoon
at the New School, 3 Burton Woods Le. 45229, just off Clinton Springs (which is the continuation of Dana Ave).

Especially great for children and for opera lovers and for folks loving dance and anyone admiring of Fanchon!

You might need to go early to get a good spot.


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