Friday, March 05, 2010

Here's a wonderful tool! - 12

Hello Friends,

I was amazed and frankly, electrified when Till Schilling showed me the EFT meridian tapping procedure for changing psychological and physical wellbeing.  My issue was that my hips ached and I couldn't stand with my feed wide spaced.  He showed me the places to tap (acupuncture points, from Chinese medicine) and had me tap there while saying statements like, "Even though my hips are sore, I completely and deeply accept myself."  We measured my stance before and after, and in about twenty minutes I had an amazing four-inch improvement.  Since then I have used the technique almost daily for my own mood and mental health (a more conventional application) and been so impressed that I have been using it with clients for over a month now.  "It shouldn't oughta work!" says my rational, Aristotelian mind.  But it does.  Go figure.

So Till is coming here the end of March to give a two-day training to up to 30 people for only $150.  It's a great bargain!  Fourteen hours of training.  More than enough to get  you started using it on yourself, and enough to teach others as well.  Minimum 12 participants; max 30.

Till Schilling ( is a pharmacist, about 40-something whose pharmacist family emigrated from Germany to Bolivia after WWI in the 20's.  He came to   Indiana for his own pharmacy training because of political instability in Bolivia and married an Indiana woman and settled in Washington, IN to raise a family.  Six years ago he discovered EFT, a better way to help people, and has given himself full-time to spreading the technique ever since.  This January, Sergio Contreras, a former Lloyd House housemate and Bolivian American who grew up with him,  brought Till over to meet me.  He knew we wanted to know each other.  He was right.  

I should say that this was not the first I'd heard about EFT.  Ten years ago a Qigong friend, Pam Richards, told me how amazing it was for psychological wellness.  I listened.  But I wasn't quite motivated enough to learn the technique myself.  It seemed so wacky!  Then I learned that EFT is really big in Israel.  Again, I listened.  
Now, when Till came around with the EFT message, I was softened up by other things that shouldn't oughtta work but do, like the Alexander Technique and Acupuncture and energy healing.  I was willing to try it out on myself.  I have been truly impressed.  Here's my understanding at present:

Our cognitions reinforce our felt sense;  our felt sense affirms our cognitions.  Negative ones or positive ones.  It is a self perpetuating cycle.  "I am stupid and ugly,  nobody likes me" reinforces a feeling of dismay felt in the body, especially along the midline of the trunk.  That heavy feeling in turn reaffirms the veracity of the cognition.  Our brain is so constructed as to gather evidence supporting our held cognitions, so we notice supporting "evidence" coming in as well from the world.

EFT or "meridian tapping" works by interrupting the cycle, if only for a moment.  Doing the tapping gives a subtle experience of a balanced meridian system, a tiny flash of "feel good".  When this experience is felt consciously in association with some negative belief, that belief is weakened.  Some of the belief particles are "blown off", like iron filings blown off an electromagnet when the power is interrupted and there is a breeze.

If you would like to know more about the workshop, call me:  513 221 1289.
If you would like to register for the workshop, call me, I will screen you over the phone and when I receive your $30 deposit you will be registered.  
Deposits must be received by Saturday, 20 March.  

Spread the word.  We need at least 12 people enrolled to produce the workshop.  

Warm regards....  Spring is coming!  The Winter Akonite is blooming profusely in my front yard NOW.  


Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D., M.AmSAT
Holistic Psychologist and Teacher of the Alexander Technique
513-221-1289  ~ ~
3901 Clifton Ave. Cinti., OH 45220 ~

1 comment:

Natalie Hill said...

I love how you say: " 'It shouldn't oughta work!' says my rational, Aristotelian mind. But it does. Go figure."

Then you went on to try EFT and ended up using it with your clients.

One of the things I appreciate most in life is an open, inquiring mind. That's what you've shown me with your trying of EFT even though your Aristotelian mind said it shouldn't work.

I wish I was near you so I could attend your Salon come hell or high water!

Keep Open,

Natalie Hill