Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weekly 8/28/08 - 5

Next Week at the Wednesday Night Pot Luck Salon we will have Tom Lohre present his innovative method for teaching children to make paintings.  Come and see.  Ellen

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

          • Table Notes
          • Events & Opportunities
          • Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
          • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
          • Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner  

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  650.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon .  
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio.   To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color.  FOR ARTICLES, send me,
in Times New Roman, Navy color.   to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 8/27/08
Bob Witanowski, Mary Biehn, Bill Limbacher, Rob Nendahwaab, Shawn Charton,   Ellen Bierhorst, Mr. G.,  Ginger Lee Frank, Alan Jozwiak, Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Bill Limbacher, Judy Cirillo, Elaine Bradford, Derek Lester, Julia Yarden,
Sophia Yarden
Preamble read by Derek

(Chaos at the table)
Shawn: there are people at the table who talk while others are talking.
Derek I suggest that lengthy announcements should be submitted on an index card.  
Brooke  I have been finding it hard to get into the conversation recently.  Talking stick...  Moderator.
Bill  sometimes it bothers me when people collect plates and napkins during the conversation.
Bob huge mess...  An early start is good.
Julia we could rinse our own stuff and put into the dishwasher.
Ellen  My priority is #1 great conversation, #10, clean dining room and kitchen.

Brooke:  I will need a jump start today.

Shawn: Hillary’s best line “No way, no how, no McCain”.  It makes sense that Bush and McC are meeting in theTwin cities because you can’t tell them apart.  

Gerry  The Montana gov. Schwitzer was really good.  I read about him in The Uprising by David Sarota.  And I found about Sherrod Brown in that book.  He is very special.  
Carolyn  Tomorrow at 9 pm on Fountin Sq, an Obama Acceptance Speech party with broadcast on the giant screen.  
Judy There is free Salsa dancing there also at 7 pm.  It’s great.  Until Sept 14.
Alan On sept 6 a Salsa Dancing festival at Sawyer point.

Shawn no matter what you think, Democrats must get together and vote so we don’t have another Republican in the White House.  
Ginger the complete texts are online, you can read.
Michele has really softened up... This is a great country.  It is beginning to look like politics as usual.
Gerry a great line of Hillary:  I hope you are not voting for me because I am a woman but because of what I stand for, and what I stand for is the same as Barak Obama.

Marvin:  How many people here had displayed a US flag in the last 12 mos.  6 out of 16.
Second.  Hillary Clinton was wearing pants when she delivered her speech.  What does this mean?
Carolyn: more comfortable than wearing pantyhose.  

G:  everybody is violating the rules about speaking.
Shawn:  I saw Michelle O. scowling at Hillary...
Julia: no intent, and exhausted, and paying close attention to Hillary’s words.  

Rob: I went to Fernald yesterday... Is now a very cool nature preserve.  Ponds, birds, raptors.  Used to be a nuclear plant.

Shawn I was not impressed with Michele’s dress.  
Rob I am not walking any of it ; I figure that NPR will tell me what I need to know.
Bill:  I say if Michele has to invoke log cabin, mother, flag, to get her husband elected, then Go for it!

Elaine Michele’s dress was turquoise, the color of healing.  Hillary wore orange, the color of stimulation.
Judy two weeks ago I saw Nancy Pelosi say, “My first duty is to be a good mother.”
Elaine did I hear that Cindy Sheehan is running against Nancy Pelosi —San Frncisco.  (Yes).
Mr. G. Remember after Hillary failed in health care and she came in carying a plate of cookies.  
Gerry What do you think Bill Clinton will be saying tonight?

Shawn they are all intent on the party line, “Everyone should vote Democrat.”
Judy Did you see Bill so proud of Hillary.

Shawn wht about the McCain ad showing Hillary saying she has a lot of experience, and Obama just has a speech in 2002.
Ginger:  an ad that Bob circulated... Slurrs against Barack.
Rob on NPR, a book, “50 scientific ways to persuade people”.  Showing negative effects, more persuasive.  So we will be seeing negative ads in this campaign because it works.

Brooke Obama has a lawsuit against McClain; is responding several ways, right away.  Not like Kerry.  The Swiftboat.  
Ginger;  they are also going to be trotting out Obama’s half brother living in poverty in Africa.
Shawn Why is McCain doing so well, his ads are dumb!
Brooke  Many of his ads are very smart, well thought out...  It is almost Sept.  the election is so close.  I ‘d like to see us discuss What are we going to do to win this election?  Personal commitments.  Maybe we can commit our energy... Phone bank... Everybody bring their cell phones.  
Julia It’s time to focus on the real issues.  Right now I don’t want either of them.
Bill the issue of race.  People won’t talk about it.  We need to address that.  In that booth, race will be a factor.

Rob I’ve been volunteering with Driehaus, Obama.  Putting up yard signs.  There are t hings you can do.  If you don’t know what the issues differences are, check the websites.  Most people don’t do research...  A close race.  Ohio is one of the deciding states.  We need to get off our asses.

(Ellen:  Let’s start phone banking on Wednesday evenings starting at 7.  Those who want, can leave the table an hour early and spend an hour phone banking.  Come and bring your cell phone next week.)

 I will get 10 phone lists and 10 scripts.  

Ellen... The Obama children talking live at the convention...

Marvin did anyone listen to Ted Kennedy.  What did you think?
Ginger I thought it was good.
Marvin  I thought he was going to expire right there!  All the press build up.  I was expecting his speech slurred.  But he stood the whole time, spoke clearly. Kept emphasizing health care for all. This was moving.  He was able to feel for people sick like he was and couldn’t afford the care that he got.  Do we forgive Mary Jo Kopecknick?  

Julia: Condemnation... Maybe that is not the way to go.  Remember Nobel who invented dynamite; Carneigi... Guilt, built libraries.  ... The question asked in the public utilities hearing:  When is enough enough for the corporate energy suppliers.  Our nation is an embarassment of riches.  In the 1600’s the Dutchmen who had cleaned up in the Tulip trade decided to lift their fellow countrymen.
Derek they also noted that it was unfair how they had gained their huge wealth.  
Julia  It becomes obviously wrong for some of the people to have huge wealth while others are destitute.  I gave testimony at the energy commission hearings today because the public utilities are bankrupting America.  Contact the Ohio Public Utilities Commission: Ohio Dept of Devel’t,  
Janet Cesner 800 282 0800 or Don Skaggs at 800 848 1300.  Tell them a significant chunk of the money from the Fed. Energy fund must be allocated for renewable and alt. energy sources.  

And Also HEAP needs to be funded more fully.  The energy cartels are what keep HEAP starving  (they are the program that helps poor people pay their energy bills.)  

Rob I belong to Green Energy Ohio, GEO, see their website.  Duke has a really bad reputation.  Poor people apply for help and their aps. Are not being processed.  ... The dominant culture here has been authoritarian, Right Wing thinking.  Stronger here than in europe.  Our attitudein US seems to be “If you are wealthy, you deserve it, you are good.”

Bill  What caused the Dutch to come to feeling “enough is enough” in the 1600.
Gerry I read the book.  I am ashamed to say, the richest people were Jewish.  
Ginger  Maybe they realized that to stay in business there must be a functional populous who can afford to buy your goods.  ... And we are starting to see people like Gates, saying “Oops, we’ve made too much.”  
I just came back from Ontario and counted over 80 windmills.  
Currently we are having to turn off our windmills because there is too much power going into the grid.
If we had the right technology, only N and S Dakota could supply 50% of all the power needed in the US.  

Julia at the hearing today, they omitted saying that most of the power comes from coal.  
... The fed have upped the fed. Poverty level...  So we have been empovrished by our power bills.  
... The reps. From Duke power were at the hearings, and they refused to stand up and identify themselves.

Brooke:  NPR cited Cincinnati as one of the poorest in the nation.  

Rob  In MI they are putting up wind generators like crazy.  The problem is the grid.  It is inadequate.  ... There are refrigerator size batteries you can put in the basement that can level out the different periods of load.

... According to fed. Law, if you generate electricity e.g. From your solar panels the power co. is required to buy it from you and at top dollar.
Gerry in Maine we saw a lot of wind turbines.

Shawn there is a new solar panel material that rolls up like paper.
Rob solar panel manufacturing has changed radically in the last 2 years.  

~ End of Table Notes~

    Hugs to everyone,

    Section Two: Events & Opportunities

    Work Election Day as a Voting Machine Tech Worker:  do this as a civic service.

Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (the “ralph nader” of voting machine scams) reports that voting machine companies are hiring temp workers for election day tech support.  She says there is no better way to safeguard the voting process and “spy” on possible irregularities than to take these positions.  See her article below in the navy section “Articles”, this  issue of the Weekly.  

    Did you wonder what had become of the “radiation danger” symbol on foods in the supermarket?  Did you think no foods were now being irradiated?  Wrong.  Here is the benign-looking symbol that means food were irradiated:
The Radiation logo:

This means that the food bearing the logo has been irradiated.  Having read the Wikipedia article on Safety of Irradiated Food I have decided to avoid any such food.  Note that irradiated elements in processed foods, foods in combination with other foods, are not required to bear the logo.  I avoid processed foods. Ellen
See Related Article below in Blue section.

    Please pass this on to ... Everyone.  Ellen

Residential or office space~
We have a vacancy at the Lloyd House   

This is a two-room suite on the third floor, with private bathroom.  Large closet.  Shared kitchen with 3 other housemates.  Monthly housing contribution: $460 includes heat, water and wireless high speed internet.  Off street parking.  Share many other spaces including zendo meditation room, living/music room w/ grand piano, spacious veranda, dining  room, yard, weight room, sauna...  The Lloyd House is a gem, beautiful stone Victorian castle.  Multicultural environment—5 adults including me, Ellen.  

    Give me a call!  513 221 1289  Ellen Bierhorst


Hey friends -
At our peace meeting this week, we talked about a variety of helpful, effective actions we can take. A full report will be forthcoming. One thing a number of our small groups agreed on was it is important to talk with people & equip folks with tools to make a difference on issues of peace. . . Now we have an opportunity to join this historic action. We need 25,000 volunteers across the country to make this goal ! Can you join us?


September 20, 2008 - National Day of Action: Be part of one of the most ambitious and innovative anti-war activities to date!

On Saturday, September 20, thousands of volunteers across the U.S. will knock on a Million Doors for Peace.

United for Peace and Justice is partnering with Pax Christi, US Action/True Majority, Win Without War, and other organizations to make this day the biggest peace action of 2008.

Volunteer doorknockers will ask people to sign an antiwar petition directed to Congress. Our message: End this immoral war, bring our troops home, and invest in America's future. In addition, we will encourage people to join local anti-war groups, engage in voter education work, and become a part of the organized antiwar movement in their area.

In order to reach a million people in a single day, we must organize at least 25,000 volunteers in all 50 states. Peace groups have never implemented such an elaborate communication and organizing plan before now, but with new and traditional communications tools available, we anticipate success with this groundbreaking, grassroots project. This project will not end on September 20, but it will be a new beginning of a more organized grassroots movement for peace and justice.

Training materials, petitions, local groups to canvass with in your area, and handouts will be provided.

Click here to join Million Doors for Peace


Go to this site

And print out little coupons to give to restaurants urging them to “go green”.  Check It out.  

Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one.  In practice over 30 years.  513 221 1289
  • Get a fresh perspective.  Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships.  Clear away the messes of the past.  Become empowered to launch your new life.  Heal trauma, change, loss.  Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
  • Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
  • Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
  • Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour.  Some pro bono work available.)
  • Compassion and good humor.
  • Rapid results.
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.

FREE MATH TUTORING w/ Spencer Konicov’s son Howard
Dear all,

I don't know if this would interest any of your family or not but we operate a free math enrichment camp on Saturdays in the Fall.  Please ask parents who are interested to contact me.

The criteria for eligibility are that the kids have to be in 1 of the 24 most challenged public schools in Cincinnati and they have to qualify for the free/reduced lunch program.  Our program is all active learning based, it includes Yoga & Montessori & Brain Gym & health/organic food cooking activities along with a sports measurement activity.

We were rated the best in the city by the District.  We provide transportation & lunch!!

I'll attach some information; please share it if you are so inclined.

Thank you, much appreciated,

Howard M. Konicov
(513) 751-3591

Mr. K's Math Enrichment College Consortium

> Hello, Ohioans.  Thought you might be interested in this.
> -------------------------------------
> Your Own Private Ohio:
Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This  
> November
> Some of the most serious election protection problems can be  
> discovered and fixed before the presidential voting begins.
> -------------------------------------

Thanks to bob Witanowski for this.  


Monday September 1 to Tuesday September 23
Our friend Dave Pavlick is at it again. In 2006 he made a 600 mile walk around western Ohio, promoting the Health Care For All Ohioans Act. This year he is making a similar trek around the eastern half of the state (see Upcoming Events for itinerary). He will leave Cleveland on September 1 headed for Painesville and 22 days later, on Sept 23, he will return to Cleveland, having walked approximately 560 miles.

Dave, a single-payer activist, has been happily married to his wife, Taffy, for 30 of his 55 years and is the father of three grown children. He is a former Marine, and worked for the Sheriff’s Department for 26 years before being appointed to his current position as a servicing representative for the United Auto Workers. He is an active member of his church, Trinity Lutheran. Dave is involved in this movement, and doing this walk, because he believes it is what he can do to follow the Biblical admonition to “love your neighbor as yourself.” He is walking so that all Ohioans will have equitable healthcare—not health insurance—healthcare.

At issue is how much care a healthcare dollar can buy. Every other industrial nation provides healthcare for its citizens at a cost of approximately $3000 per person per year. In the United States we pay approximately $6,000 per person, yet 47 million in the country still are without health insurance, 1.5 million of whom are Ohioans. The reason is not hard to understand. Insurance companies receive up to 30% of the health care dollar, distributed between a wasteful bureaucracy and very great profits. In addition, every healthcare provider must have an administrative staff that can cope with the regulations and forms of hundreds of insurance companies. Together, half of the healthcare dollar is wasted

SPAN Ohio intends to fix that in this state and, in the process, to provide an example for the remainder of the country to follow. But we need money as well as signatures to accomplish that. The insurance industry will be spending millions to convince the public that they can fix what is wrong with the system; your contributions to SPAN will be used to give the public the facts, which show that the insurance industry IS what is wrong with the system. So will you make a contribution by sponsoring Dave’s walk? Can you give $23.00, a dollar for each day of his walk? Or $46.00, to commemorate the 46 Ohioans who will die unnecessarily during Dave’s walk for lack of healthcare? Or can you sponsor any number of the 560 miles Dave will be walking? You can charge your donation to your credit card via Pay Pal through our web site, or send a check payable to SPAN Ohio, c/o Barb Walden, 31100 Cedar Rd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124-44

YOGA at Lloyd House.  Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am.  Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.

This year we (Gratitude Yoga Studio) are bringing you something special at Burnet Woods:  WORLD PEACE YOGA!
10:30 am -11:00 am:  Seated Meditation»
11:15 am - 12:15 pm:  World Peace Yoga»
Gratitude in Motion


  • Overseas military personnel supporting Obama
  • Dangers of Irradiated Food

Larry Falkin, director of Cincinnati’s Office of Environmental Quality,
Spoke at Earthsave 8/24/08
Larry is a personable guy, who came to the Earthsave pot luck with his wife and two kids.  ... Of all the cities in the country that have environmental/climate change ordinances or offices, Cincinnati is the only one to officially recommend that people reduce meat consumption as a powerful means of reducing greenhouse gasses that produce climate change.  He had a wealth of tasty facts to share.  For instance, of the 8 million tons of CO-2 equivalence produced by the city, 26% is f rom transportation (busses, cars...) and 74% from our buildings (heating, cooling, power).  In this particular analysis they did not look at the contribution from food or garbage.  
    But they did learn that the greatest impact in reducing CO2 emissions could be gained by having Duke energy stop burning fossil fuels to make our power.  AND second to that would be to have the population eat less meat.  In fact, if you look at the CO-2 and other greenhouse emissions for the whole world, 18% comes from meat production.  However, if you factor in the methane produced by the meat industry, that percentage would be many times greater.  
    We are hoping that Bill Messer, who has been active in the environmental commission for the city and wrote the Recommendation #80, the one about meat, and who is a faithful salonista... That he will write for us an article about Larry’s talk.  
    We are also hoping that Larry and family will attend the salon.


According to a nonpartisan research group, Center for Responsive Politics, Obama has received six times as much money from troops deployed abroad as McCain.  

Link to entire article:

The info. was verified by a political checking site, “” .  

 The big Business of Poverty.. on Bill Moyers       

Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:34 am        (PDT)    

 I have heard that there have been some people being paid for each signature they get for that Campaign from the Pay Day Lenders.... floating around farmers markets and other public events. WATCH OUT... be careful of what you are signing...

Caeli Good

August 8, 2008

BILL MOYERS:There's always been money to be made from people who have no money. That's because low income families turn to fast, easy, and pre-approved credit to make ends meet. But once they've signed on the dotted line, they often find their troubles have just begun. According to the Federal Reserve, the amount of money owed by households earning $30,000 or less between 1989 and 2004, soared to $691 billion — that's an increase of nearly 250%.

These households are what one entrepreneur describes as "low-hanging fruit" — just waiting to be plucked. Nothing new about this.

Loan sharks have been around to prey on the poor for centuries, but now the sharks are trying to spiff up their image, relocating from back alleyways to friendly-looking storefronts.

They hide their sharp teeth behind promises of ready cash to people who need it now. BUSINESSWEEK magazine dubbed this industry "the poverty business."


GOV. TED STRICKLAND:We will not tolerate individuals being exposed to exorbitant rates, which does contribute to the cycle of indebtedness.

BILL MOYERS: The new cap is set at an interest rate of 28 percent. Sound high? Well, that's down from -brace yourself — 391 percent.

But the poverty business isn't taking Ohio's new law lying down. Under the innocuous-sounding name of Ohioans for Financial Freedom, the industry is circulating this petition to overturn the law. They have already raised $850,000 to try to drum up enough signatures. All of the money comes from a single donor, the payday lenders' lobbyist, the Community Financial Services Association.

MAN IN CFSA AD: I got one when my car broke down.

WOMAN IN CFSA AD: I used one when I had a larger than expected water bill, but it wasn't a decision I took lightly.

BILL MOYERS: CFSA has been especially active in urban, African American communities — that's a primary target for predatory lenders. On our website at, you can link to a startling investigation in the current online issue of MOTHER JONES.

The magazine reports that the CFSA and the subprime credit card company CompuCredit, have co-opted several prominent civil rights organizations to bolster their efforts to fend off stricter regulation. Seals of approval for payday lending have come from CORE — that's the Congress of Racial Equality, the National Conference of Black Mayors and local chapters of the National Urban League.

Even the WASHINGTON POST was caught off guard.

Charles Steele Jr., president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, invoked Martin Luther King Jr. as he argued against the proposed Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act. He defended subprime credit card lending.

The POST later had to issue a clarification that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference has a partnership with CompuCredit that includes plans to market "SCLC-branded" credit cards. Shameful.
Caeli M. Good <>

Bob is a discerning news consumer.  ellen

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( newsletter

Dear NaturalNews readers,
This is a NaturalNews Consumer Health ALERT - please forward

Starting today, your fresh vegetables may now be irradiated without your knowledge. The FDA has unleashed a new rule allowing food companies to secretly irradiate lettuce and spinach, and there is NO requirement that these foods be labeled with a warning label! The FDA is also looking to expand this to other vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and onions. Soon, ALL vegetables may be irradiated.
Why does this matter? Because irradiation destroys phytonutrients, including anti-cancer nutrients that are protecting your health right now. With this rule, the FDA is literally killing the food supply!
Today's feature story reveals full details about this crime against nature and the FDA's desperate measures to destroy the national food supply and sicken Americans. Read it here:
I've also posted a commercial-free podcast about this evil FDA plot. Listen to that here:

This is a crucial issue for the survival of America. No nation can survive the destruction of its food supply. The FDA is determined to do what all the terrorists in the world could not: Use weapons of mass destruction against the food.
Also today:
* U.S. surgeon murders patient to harvest organs
* Acupuncture boosts fertility
* Interview with David Wolfe on chocolate
* New research on chocolate's health benefits
* EPA conspiracy with the chemical industry
... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):
ealth: FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables
(NaturalNews) The FDA has announced that beginning today, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning...

Hi, Ellen--

In light of the comments on your recent e-newsletter concerning accuracy of transcription of conversations from the salon, I want you to know how much I appreciate being on your mailing list and just knowing that you invest so much of your life in the kinds of issues regularly discussed. I admit to being busy enough that I can't commit to weekly attendance, but that doesn't mean that I don't read the trascriptions with much interest. If there is an error here or there, let the critics volunteer to take notes once in a while! No one is perfect.
Dan Rettberg


Books,Movies, Reviews It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs.  I know you are reading.  What?  Is it good?  Ellen


SEPTEMBER 10, 2008
Local writer Carol Rainey will discuss her new book about six nuclear sites in the Ohio River valley and their effect on workers, residents and the environment, as well as the legacy of radioactive and chemical waste.  
Park + Vine store, 1109 Vine St. downtown
September 10, 2008, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Co-sponsored by the Park + Vine store and the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center.
For more information about the talk or the book, contact Little Miami Press (


Tri-State Treasures

Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to <> . <>
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email.  Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below.  Thank you.

Sincerely,  Jim


Emanu - East African Restaurant: Delicious food representing Ethiopia & Eritrea. Read review at <> . At 6063 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, OH 45213. 11AM-10PM Tue-Thu; 10AM-11PM Fri-Sat. More info @ 513.351.7686 & <> . <>
Cincinnati Theater Schedule: A free, bi-monthly CinStages directory provided by Acclaim Awards of shows being presented on (mostly) League of Cincinnati Theatre stages: <> .


Floodwall: A Katrina Memorial [Thursday 28 August - Sunday 14 September @ 4-8 PM (Thu), 12-7 PM (Fri-Sat) & 12-5 PM (Sun)]: On the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Clifton Cultural Arts Center presents a public exhibition & the Midwest debut of Floodwall - A Katrina Memorial by Jana Napoli. The 100-foot long sculpture contains 350 drawers salvaged from discarded furniture in the neighborhoods ravaged by Katrina. It has been seen by over 1 million people in New York, Austin & Baton Rouge. Its cathartic impact has been likened to that of Jerusalem's Wailing Wall & Washington's Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Witness its testament to the resilience of the human spirit & the power of art to create healing & renewal. Suggested donation is $5; half of proceeds benefit New Orleans relief & YA/YA, Inc, a renowned New Orleans-based youth arts collective founded by Ms. Napoli in 1988. CCAC is not yet wheelchair accessible. In the Main Lobby of the historic 1906 Clifton Public School, 3711 Clifton Avenue @ McAlpin, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513-497-2860, & <> .
Young Professionals Happy Hour [Thursday 28 August @ 5:30 - 7:30 PM]: Come enjoy networking & mingling with other internationally-minded future leaders for an evening of fun & good conversations that celebrates the international diversity of the tri-state's young business community during this relaxing, after-work drink & bite-to-eat. Free hors d-oeuvres & cash bar. Presented by the Young Professionals Committee of the European-American Chamber of Commerce. Free admission with registration; $10 at the door. At Mulligan's Hyde Park Pub, 2680 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info & RSVP by August 26 @ 513.852.6510, <>  & <> .
Bringing Down a Dictator - film [Friday 29 August @ 7 PM]: Christ Church Cathedral's Social Justice Ministries sponsors the Justice + People Can Make A Difference Film Series; 4 movies to inspire the spirit of social justice that leads to successful social movements. This documentary follows a small group of young people as they help to mobilize Bosnia through a non-violent campaign to overthrow dictator Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s. Free admission. At the Christ Church Cathedral, 318 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.621.1817 & <> .
Cincinnati In Black & White With Voices - A 35 MM Retrospective [Final Friday 29 August @ 6 PM]: Tyra Oldham will exhibit photography revealing some of the 52 communities of Cincinnati accompanied by narratives & text. Tyra was selected as a 2007-9 City of Cincinnati Individual Artist Grant Recipient & is honored to share her photography. Tyra will host a Community Dialogue to discuss what was learned & experienced through touring, photographing & speaking with residents of the 52 Queen City communities. At Base Gallery, 1227 Main Street, Over the Rhine, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.617.9464 & <> .
Whole Foods Market at Park + Vine [Friday 29 August @ 6-9 PM]: Enjoy healthy appetizers, back-to-school coupons & a gift-basket drawing from Whole Foods Market during the Final Friday gallery walk. Clifton's Brutopia will be sampling its new Doerr's Alley Dark, a locally roasted coffee available exclusively at Park + Vine. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513-721-7275, & <> . <>
Birth – the play [Friday-Sunday 29-31 August @ 7:30 PM (Fri-Sat) & 2 PM (Sun)]: An inspiring play based on over 100 interviews by playwright & activist Karen Brody with mothers across America who gave birth between 2000-4. The true stories of 8 women, painting a portrait of how low-risk, educated women are giving birth in America today. A play for anyone who has ever given birth as a human mother, been born to a human mother, or propelled the seed that created a birth by a human mother. This play could be part of your story. It's amazing, funny, bold & awe-inspiring. You must see it to understand. Give yourself a birthday or unbirthday present by coming to this show. Directed by Bet Stewart; starring Suzanne Beckner. Sponsored by Birth & Beyond, a nonprofit org that advocates for women centered healthcare by providing options for women of all socioeconomic means & their families, thru education, resources, referrals, community relations & healthcare policy. More info @ 513.300.5669, <>  & <>
Vinoklet 10th Annual Art & Wine Festival [RSVP by Monday 1 September for Saturday 13 September event @ 4 PM]: In addition to the wine, the event features juried artists on the winery grounds, exhibiting unique fine art & fine crafts for purchase. Bands will perform starting at noon while musicians & entertainers will stroll amongst the art. Two grape-stomping competitions. Food prepared by the restaurant can be bought outside, & Vinoklet’s “grill to your perfection” dinners are available inside. Vinoklet Winery was voted Best Romantic Restaurant Cincinnati Magazine. Free admission & parking. At Vinoklet Winery & Restaurant, 11069 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45252. More info @ 513.385.9309 & <> .
Redtree Gallery International call to artists [Deadline Monday 1 September]: The show theme is "A Small Glimpse: life from the perspective of artists all over the world." Total size of artwork (including any frames) may not exceed 5″x 5″. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 4409 Brazee Street, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH  45209. More info @ 513-321-8733 &  <> <> .
Miami University Italian Cinema Series [Tuesdays 2 September - 9 December @ 7:30 PM]: Curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. Movies are in Italian with English subtitles, unless otherwise noted. Free & open to the public. In newly refurbished 102 Benton Hall with very comfortable seats, HighStreet @ Tallawanda Road, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @; map @ <> :
    Sep 2: Cabiria (Giovanni Pastrone, 1914)
    Sep 9: Ladri di biciclette (The Bicycle Thief, Vittorio De Sica, 1948)
    Sep 16: Stromboli (Roberto Rossellini, 1950)
    Sep 23: La strada (Federico Fellini, 1954)
    Sep 30: I soliti ignoti (Big Deal on Madonna Street, Mario Monicelli, 1958)
    Oct. 7: Il vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to Matthew, Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1964)
    Oct. 14: Per un pugno di dollari (A Fistful of Dollars, Sergio Leone, 1964)
    Oct. 21: Mimí metallurgico ferito nell’onore (The Seduction of Mimi, Lina Wertmuller, 1971)
    Oct. 28: La famiglia (The Family, Ettore Scola, 1987)
    Nov. 4: Mediterraneo (Gabriele Salvatores, 1991)
    Nov. 11: Lamerica (Gianni Amelio, 1994)
    Nov. 18: Il postino (The Postman, Massimo Troisi/Michael Radford, 1995)
    Dec. 2: La vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful, Roberto Benigni, 1997)
    Dec. 9: Le fate ignoranti (His Secret Life, Ferzan Ozpetek, 2001)
Salsa Classes [Thursday 4 September @ 7-8 PM]: Diana Hoffman from Kama Salsa Dancing joins Mango Arts in this 6-week salsa series that will take you through the foundation of footwork, musicality, momentum & more to get you out on the dance floor. No partner or experience necessary. $65 per person for 6-week pass. Wear comfortable clothes & leather-soled shoes or dance shoes. At Mango Arts, 651 Reading Road, Mason, OH 45040. More info @ 513.324.1648, & <> .
Cincinnati Park(ing) Day [Respond by Friday 5 September]: The 2nd annual Cincinnati Park(ing) Day will be Friday 19 September. Organizers call on citizens to join in this 1-day, global event in which artists, activists, & citizens collaborate to temporarily transform parking spots into public parks & alternative public spaces. Parking spaces show the fundamental elements of a good outdoor public space & may include seating, shade, & a place to watch people, exchange info, & view scenery. Each parking spot can be transformed into a park, playground, puppet show, or whatever you like. Open to the public; no entry fee; no commissions. Notify organizers before Fri 5 Sep so they can identify parking spaces, organizing materials & advise the community of their ambitious intentions. More info @ <> , <>  & <> .
Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra Outdoor Summer Concert Series [Saturday 6 September @ 7 PM]: The last of 4 concerts performed in different neighborhoods by the Cincinnati Metropolitan orchestra will include the CMO vocal ensemble. The concert will be comprised of a wide variety of summertime music including The Great Steamboat Race, Casey at the Bat, Carousel Waltz, Mamma Mia, Our America, Over the Rainbow, & more. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs for a musical evening outdoors. At the Delhi Park Tot Lot, 5125 Foley Road, Delhi, OH 45238. More info @ 513.941.8956 & <> .
Auditions for MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir [Saturday 6 September @ 12:30 - 6:00 PM]: Auditions are for the 2008-2009 season, their 26th season. MUSE is women of diverse backgrounds, experiences & perspectives dedicated to musical excellence & social change. Your talent, enthusiasm & presence are welcome. At St. John's Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.221.1118 & <> . <>
Music in the Woods [Saturday 6 September @ 7-11 PM]: Imago’s final hurrah to summertime is the 7th annual Music in the Woods Benefit. A grand party with friends, fun, great music, games, food, beverages, & a silent auction - all under the stars with a cricket serenade. This year, Jake Speed & the Freddies are back as the headline performers. All proceeds from the event will go to support Imago’s environmental programming. Tickets are $12 prepay; $15 day of event. At Imago, 700 Enright Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205. More info & tix @ 513.921.5124 <> . <>
Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation [Sunday 7 September; screenings @ 2 & 7 PM; reception @ 4:30-6:30 PM]: Eric Zala & Chris Strompolos were 12 when they began making their shot-by-shot re-creation of Raiders of the Lost Ark. They finished 7 years later. Their unique resourcefulness has yielded an entertaining & inspiring film that is a favorite of film festivals & has drawn praise from Spielberg. See a sneak peak @ <> . Despite publicity by Turner Classic Movies, The Today Show, & Vanity Fair, the film has been seen by few audiences. Copyright issues force Zala & Strompolos to be selective where they show the film. They also require that proceeds support non-profit orgs. All proceeds for this screening benefit Clifton Town Meeting, devoted to maintaining & improving the eclectic Clifton neighborhood. Clifton Town Meeting presents the Cincinnati premier of this full-length feature film for 1 day only. Mr. Strompolos will introduce the film & take questions after each screening. Ticketholders are invited to a reception. Tickets are $20 for adults; $10 for kids under 16. Screenings @ Esquire Theatre, 320 Ludlow Avenue; reception @ Ludlow Garage, 342 Ludlow Avenue; both in Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info & tix @ the Esquire, 513.861.5946, <>  & <> . <>
China - Much More Than Olympics - Land of Contrast [Sunday 7 September @ 12:30-2 PM]: A presentation by Wei Wei, who is Chinese & who has led over 50 tours to China. Free. Bring a salad to share. For grade school to senior adults. At College Hill Presbyterian, 5742 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224. More info @ 513.382-5897.
Outcasts, Criminals & Cathedrals [Sunday 7 September - Sunday 5 October]: Found object art & paintings by Ursula Roma. Meet the artist Sunday 14 September @ 3-6 PM; with snacks. Or make reservations for brunch from 11-2 at the Winds Café. At Winds Café, 215 Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. More info @ 937.767.1144, <>  & <> .
Quaker Quest [Tuesday 9 September @ 6:30-9:00 PM]: Simple, radical, a spiritual path for our times. Quakerism, the faith of early feminists like Susan B. Anthony, strong abolitionists like Levi Coffin, & countless anti-war activists since its beginning in 1652. What do Friends believe, think, and practice today?  How is Quakerism a spiritual path for our times? Join us for any or all of a series of monthly evening meetings on Quakerism on the 2nd Tuesday in June thru October. The September theme is "Quakers and Peacemaking." Free. Evening includes light refreshments & social, panel presents the theme, discussion, Q&A, & worship (in silence or deep listening). At Community Friends Meeting, 3960 Winding Way (near Xavier U.), Cincinnati, OH 45229. More info @ 513.861.4353 &
The Practice of Poetry [Tuesdays 9 & 23 September & 7 & 21 October @ 7-9 PM]: This bi-weekly writing workshop for women is led by Grailville co-director & poet Pauletta Hansel. It will provide opportunities to use creative writing as a tool to listen deeply to your heart’s wisdom. Attention will be given to the process of revising poetry, attentive listening & feedback to others. It will help you find new meaning in experiences & make room for inspiration & discernment in your spiritual & creative lives. Advance registration required: $85 for the series. At Grailville Retreat & Program Center, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.683.2340, & <> .
Cincinnati's Environmental History [Wednesday 10 September @ 5:30-7 PM]: Local writer Carol Rainey poured over countless newspaper articles on the 6 nuclear sites developed along the Ohio River valley in the 1950s for her new book One Hundred Miles from Home: Nuclear Contamination in the Communities of the Ohio River Valley ($19, Little Miami Press). Carol will discuss the human & environmental effects of these sites outlined in her book at a reception sponsored by the Intercommunity Justice & Peace Center. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513-721-7275, & <> . <>
Grey Gardens [Wednesday-Sunday 10-28 September]: From cult film to cult musical. Behind the closed doors of a dilapidated mansion, alongside 50 cats & piles of rubbish, live East Hampton's most notorious recluses: 2 beautiful & delightfully eccentric women who just happen to be the cousins of a Kennedy. Nominated for 10 Tony Awards in 2007, including Best Musical & based on the groundbreaking documentary by David & Albert Maysles, Grey Gardens features a book by Doug Wright, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of I Am My Own Wife. Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, 1127 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.421.3555 & <> .
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures

Open Painting Studio [Mondays @ 9:30 AM - noon]: Bring your art supplies & paint in community. $10, or $75 for a 10-session card with Marion Corbin-Mayer, MA / RMT.
Beginning oil or acrylic painting [Wednesdays @ 10 AM - noon]: With Clark Stevens. $120 per series of 8.  
Introduction to Wellness [Thursdays @ 6:30 - 8:30 PM]: Learn how to create Wellness in your life with Nikken technologies with Marion Corbin Mayer, MA / RMT. Free. All at Creative Catalysts, Gallery #231, Essex Studios, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info & RSVP @ 513.368.1994 & <> .
Pure Movement Classes of Growth In Motion [Mondays @ 6:30 PM & Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM]: Refresh, renew & reenergize your body & mind. Master teacher Fanchon Shur guides students to a sense of freedom, strength, flexibility & expression. Classes offer personal attention to individual alignment for authentic creativity. $20 per class; $48 for 4 classes. First class is free for new students. At Growth In Motion Studios, 4019 Red Bud Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229. More Info @ 513.221.3222, <>  & <> . <>
Verisimilitude; Art by Richard Luschek [thru Friday 29 August]: A selection of oil paintings by a classically trained painter living & working in Cincinnati. The show will include still life, portrait & local landscapes. There will be a lot of brand new work; so new, some will still be wet. One features Sandy Kesner in her garden. At the UC Clermont College Art Gallery, 4200 Clermont College Drive, Batavia, OH 45103. More info @ 513.558.1215, <> , <> , & <> . <>
Americans Who Tell the Truth - Exhibit Opening [thru Sunday 31 August]: This remarkable non-partisan collection of portraits of Americans past & present helps remind people of the dignity, courage & importance of some of America's truth tellers & to create dialogue that will help each of us figure out which truths we value most as citizens in a democracy. In the Third Floor Changing Gallery, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500, <>  & <> .

Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

  • Submit Tri-State  Treasures, or request your  email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email  to <> ; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
  • Email addresses are posted in  BlindCopy to protect their identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or  sold without explicit permission from the owner.
  • Tri-State  Treasures are typically  transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible  for best probability of being included.  
  • Please help me by submitting  your Tri-State  Treasure in  the following format; because my time is limited, formatted submissions  typically have a better chance of being included in the email transmission.  Thank you for your help:
  • Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief  description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique.  Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @  telephone, email, & website.
  • A Fictitious Example:
  • Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8  PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of  Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah,  blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main  Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, <> , & <> .

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  
Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
 Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group,
For Pot Luck  procedures including
 food suggestions, mission and history visit   . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:
> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
 to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7or 8.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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