Thursday, December 06, 2007

Weekly 12/6/07 - 5

Next Wednesday we plan to show “Nutricide”, the 90 min. movie about the codex alimentarius, a WTO scam to crush free food choices etc.  Very important.  Come.  Ellen

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

          • Table Notes
          • Events & Opportunities
          • Articles, Letters
          • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
          • Tri-State Treasures: events compiled by Jim Kesner

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  613.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon .  
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio.   To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color.  FOR ARTICLES, send me,
in Times New Roman, Navy color.   to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 12/5/07
Santa, Dallas Fish, Derek Lester, Shari Able, Spencer Konicov, Steve Sunderland, Judy Cirillo, Ellen Bierhorst, Mira Rodwan, Ginger Lee Frank,  Gwen Marshall,  Bob Witanowski, Audrey Borisy,  Julia Yarden, Sophia Yarden, Badger Johnson
Carolyn Aufderhaar, Bill Limbacher.  Brooke Audreyal.  (Welcome Audrey and Badger!)


Derek: grizley bear story.  80 rounds of a moose rifle to kill.  
Steve: a charging bear is terrifying.  Story of three people ripped up in Glacier Nat’l Park.  
Ellen Second night of Hanukkah.  (lighting of hanukkiahs.)
 ... I am reading Team of Rivals about Ab. Lincoln...
Steve  My Face is Black by mary Frances Barry, answers the question Why did the blacks after the civil war not achieve economic success... What about the ex slave soldier veterans not getting pensions ... Consistent efforts of all branches of government...
From 1865 to 1930 there was a movement to provide pensions to Black veterans and heros ... Including Harriet Tubman.  

Derek  “Nutricide” film, to be screened next Wed on the Codex Alimentarius, Int’l trade law already passed not yet implemented.  Governs food we are allowed to eat...declared toxic many foods we want to eat.  Extremely important.   Christine Bauchman (sp?).  This is a World Trade Organization thing... Requires all food not from local producers to be irradiated.  Antibiotics manditory for all cattle.  

Ginger ... About the FDA.  1/5 the annual budget, $400 million comes directly to pharmaceutical companies paying to have a rush approval for a drug.  Also 20% of drugs approved are subsequently found dangerous and withdrawn from the market.  Conflict of inerest.  

Barrie:  Ground swell of support for Ron Paul.  Amazing.  ON Dec 16, the anniversary. Of the Boston Tea Party, 100,000+ people will each donate $100.  

Steve This Saturday at 4 pm in West Chester at Lakota East school admin buildg. A discussion of the play censored, “And then there were none” or “Ten little indians”.  No racial content.  Originally published in the thirties “Ten little”  there has been tremendous discussion, ... See today’s Enquirer.  If you want to come, I will send the address and it will be in the Weekly (see below).  

Mira Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, by Leary, a sociologist.  Brilliant work.  Understanding the effects of slavery.  Is at the library.  
Considering going to hear Joanna Macy lecture?  I know where the lecture is, free, Friday.  Schmidt Hall, second floor, Conaton Board Room.  

Bill : I need a ride afterwards.  
Carolyn  I have a host of spider plants which detox. The air.  

Ron Paul... Libertarianism
Iran ... They no longer are a nuclear threat nor have been since 2004 ... The intelligence services have made this public.  Steve  We don’t know... What is really going on.  


Badger:  we have a giant war machine that needs to keep going or else it rusts.  I think we should stop it. The economic powers want it to keep growing.  
Gwen the US has a weird economic thing going...we aren’t manufacturing anything yet they still want our dollars.  Must be because of the economic dependency on the war machine.  Jacks up our standard of living.  Only thing we make that others want to buy.

Shari interesting part is that someone let the information out.  ...we went into Iraq for WMD that weren’t there.  Same story about Iran.  

Ginger: my sense is that the intelligence agencies were so pissed off that their info. Was misused for Iraq. ... Unusual to see the intelligence services go counter to the presidential direction.
Steve:  Start back with 9/11/01.  We were attacked; thousands died.  Still in that shadow.  A dangerous world.  Right to have an intelligence agency speaking truth to government.  Scares me about his late disclosure is that it was known for 3 years (no WMD in Iran) and yet we have been sabre rattling for 3 years.  Disconnect between executive and the intelligence, at least on the surface.  Is there a threat in Iran to the US?  Or have we created a bugaboo.

Santa our biggest threat is sitting in the White House.  He will be removed.  A series of leaks will crescendo and result in  his removal.  And troops will be removed asap as well.  

Audrey            Cheney would be worse!
Barrie: the plan in flux is to put Gore in.

Ginger  we have seen the executive branch taking over all the roles of the government, e.g. Having its own intelligence service.  Chenny,Wolfowitz et al.  It is a consolidation of power on a scale we have never before seen.

Spencer  ... War Powers?  I don’t think we are at war.  The more we fight the more enemies we create.  Exactly like Orwell’s 1984.  Always a war.  ... No other country attacked us.  Should not be a war.  ... We’ve been buying.  

Ginger Guilliani is still doing best in polls of Republicans because he is seen as tough on terror.  
Many are saying we should impeach Chenny and then Bush.  

Steve We are so paralyzed with fear about what is doing that someone as preposterous as Ron Paul is gaining support.  When we are threatened, we look to preposterous solutions.  If we instantly withdrawn from Iraq, ther ewill be terrible repercussions elsewhere in the world.
    How recover from the fear of 9/11.
Brooke  We need to focus on what we do want rather than on what we fear.  What we attend to grows.  
Bill Tactics:  tell Musharif  “We are going to get Osama bin Laden”.  Bring him back here for trial.  Have a world wide fair trial.  Will help us recover from our fear from 911.  Begin the healing process.

Audrey  would it create more problems?
Ginger  Kucinich says we should rename the Pentagon The Dept of Peace.  

Judy this tremendous fear.  It was created because the administration wanted war.  The Cole was attacked, but we didn’t go to war and get hysterical.  Consider the numbers who died in Iraq vs. the people killed at 9/11.  The administration just fans our fear.  


Derek there is a good argument that two airliners could not have toppled the World Trade Center.  Jet fuel is not hot enough to melt those steel...
HI rise buildings have all been designed to withstand airplane impact.  

Ellen Noam Chomsky has said not to go with conspiracy theories about 9/11.
Steve:  what would be the impact of believing in conspiracy?

Derek:  it caused justification for the war; enlistments went up; huge amounts of gold in the cellar went missing.  Just before 9/11 enlistments were at all time low.

Julia ten years of FBI investigation, evidence that CIA was laundering drug money through the Int’l Monetary Fund with assistance of World Bank,  

Ginger Arab countries believe that the Israelis engineered 9/11 to get US army involved in the middle east.  

Gwen interview with the janitor... Ws going up steps opening fire doors for firefighters.  Saw that the front door had been blown out by explosion.  ...something very bad happened that day.  ... Osama was created by us.  We said he was the villain.  

Derek no matter what you do you cannot get jet fuel to burn hot enough to melt iron.  ... I will try to pout together to a couple pages of verified facts for two weeks hence.  

Mira there was a big report on PBS station about the construction of the WTO... Suction of the fire down the central core.  

Dallas why bring in the jets if they did explosives?  All that trouble?  
Derek how do you get that many explosives in the building unless it is the government.

Steve in 1964 I was in National Student Association, and discovered that the CIA was totally infiltrating our organization.  At first we thought the announcement was bogus.  ... We came to believe it.  Was it preposterous or true?  That one was true.  

Ginger it is like the Pearl Harbor thing... Did FDR engineer Pearl Harbor in order to get us into the war.  

Badger Dallas ?
Dallas  if all that was needed was explosives in the basement, why go to all the trouble to have planes?

Badger  the answer is that our brains are wired for storytelling.  War machine wants us to circulate fear stories.  

Ginger  ...seeing is believing.  Planes, we saw it, track down.  

Spencer  (Spencer left the table and went online to research the collapse.  Found an authoritative engineering article... See below in blue Articles section for an excerpt and the link.  Ellen)  WTO was steel columns in center, not concrete.  All we have to do is to heat steel and make it pliable.  ...90,000 gal. of jet fuels not unusually hot fire.  Not capable of melting steel. a jet engine, cinqtrometric (?) pressure... Combustion... Fuel/oxidant... Diffused flames low intensity of heat.  So the steel didn’t melt.  Max temp 1,000 C degrees, insufficient  to melt steel.  

Brooke  so negative, wallowing in fear.  Even before Bush was inaugurated he said he wanted War in Iraq.  ... Let’s move ahead.  
Derek  yes... Can’t ignore it either.  

Spencer  enough temp. to get steel to bend.  Outer rack bent in one place, fell onto next lower floor ...  
Ginger:  egg crate construction.  Lightweight perimeter tube design.  Lightweight steel structure, vulnerable to pancakeing.  

Ellen  I can’t evaluate engineering issues.  Have to trust experts.  I trust Noam Chomsky to have evaluated these data.

~ End of Table Notes~

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Events & Opportunities

Yoga Free at the Lloyd House

Weekly yoga practice session Wednesday mornings.
9:15 meditation
9:30-10:30 yoga exercises with Nina Tolley.  However, Caveat! Nina insists I tell you that she is  not a yoga teacher, only a student (though one with long experience) and cannot correct your postures or prevent injuring yourself.  

In the third floor meditation room, “the Zendo”.  Bring yoga mat; cushion or whatever for meditating.

Starting this Sunday there will be an open weekly Tai Chi practice session at the Lloyd House in the third floor zendo at 10:15 am.  Everyone welcome.  


Beautiful and Charming, spacious first floor office space at the Lloyd House, fully furnished including bodywork table, chairs, love seat, rugs, armchairs, wood burning (gas ignited ) fireplace.  Rookwood even.  Available by the hour.  Share waiting room.  Powder room.  Outside entry.  Terms: contribute 20% of gross to the house.  Call Ellen 221 1290


Here is the URL of an excellent, absolutely excellent,
Folk radio station on the Internet, WUMB in Boston:  <>

I hope you like it enough to share,  Howard Konicov

(See Tri-State Treasures,  the compilation of cultural events by Jim Kesner, at the bottom of the entire weekly.  It’s juicy! E.)

Section Three: Articles

  • Call Senators to protest “Protect America Act”
  • Conspiracy to cover up 9/11 conspiracy?  Scientific evidence re. WTO colllapse

(Fascinating dialog about the Protect America Act, S. 1959 since my call in last week’s Weekly.  Some readers questioned whether this was a case of “crying wolf”, but I was persuaded in the end that it is a very real wolf, with sharp fangs and claws.  Please check it out and call senators.  Senators’ phone numbers available online.  Or go to League of Women Voters webpage and send a canned email letter, or pen one yourself.  Mine is below.  Ellen)

From Jenefer Ellingston (our Green activist in D.C.):
Dear Ellen,
A note to say I saw the notice about H.R. 1955 (fascism unveiled) and it is now in the Senate as S. 1959.
The notice begs everyone to call/write their senators to kill this bill., so, I'm sure your group will do their share.
If the Senate refuses to kill the bill,  then it's all over. I mean there is motive left to petition for or protest ...etc.
Otherwise, I hope life in the Salon and on the domestic level is still a stimulating, rewarding adventure.
 I have lost the will to fight - no more protesting, lobbying, petitioning ....  until next year.

From Shirley Reischman:
Hi Ellen,
It takes about three minutes to call the two senators.  As soon as they answer, when you say you want them to vote against the bill, the ask for your zip code and that’s it.  Whether you want to do it or not is up to you.  I want to tell you a bit more about my reasoning.  
If you care more for safety than for liberty, then you would consider this a good bill.  For myself, I care more for liberty.  I care a LOT about the bill of rights.  Currently, raw milk has been made virtually illegal in California.  In Maryland, parents were jailed for refusing to vaccinate their child.  There are common homeopathic remedies, used world wide, that are now illegal to possess in the US.  It is illegal in some states to treat cancer with anything other than surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.  Parents of vaccine damaged children can no longer bring suit.  Slowly but inexorably, our rights are being taken away from us. And we begin to think that this is normal.  The deterioration has progressed at a much faster pace during the Bush administration than in prior administrations and particularly since 9/11.  I studied what happened in Germany between WWI & WWII, the rise of Hitler, the loss of rights for Jews and other minorities.  It didn’t happen all at once.  It was a slow process.  The people wanted to be safer, they wanted their jobs to be safer, they wanted someone else to blame their problems on.  So we want to blame our problems on terrorists and be safe at the expense of our rights.  I think it has to stop.  

From shirley again:
Hi Ellen,
Below is my concern with the bill.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shirley Reischman []
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 12:16 AM
To: Clark Echols
Subject: RE: Urgent Action Required!!! S. 1959 - Free Speech - Terrorism and the U.S. Constitution.

I don’t trust their definition of violence.  In fact they haven’t defined it at all.  When a group meets to protest something, will they call that violence because they don’t like it and because, yes, sometimes groups do get unruly?  Will people crossing picket lines be considered violent?  Will an act of defiance be considered violent, like when we had to pass the sheriffs to get our raw milk last year when they were trying to stop the Schmitmeyer’s from packaging it?

on 12/5/07 4:27 PM, Shirley Reischman at wrote:

If you still had any doubts about the erosion of our liberty, this e-mail from the League of Women Voters, a non-partisan group, should be enough to convince anyone.


-----Original Message-----
From: League of Women Voters of the United States []
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:29 PM
To: Shirley Reischman
Subject: ACTION ALERT: We Must Restore Civil Liberties

ACTION ALERT: We Must Restore Civil Liberties Earlier this year, Congress gave sweeping new surveillance powers to the Executive Branch, including widespread warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, in the so-called Protect America Act. Now, the Senate is poised to reconsider the Protect America Act. We must make sure that this legislation reinstates protections for civil liberties and reestablishes checks and balances in government. We need you to contact your Senators to insist that they vote to repeal the Protect America Act and to limit the ability of government agencies to obtain information about American citizens without the appropriate judicial constraints. Take action today to protect Americans against government spying programs! <> The Protect America Act was rushed through Congress earlier this year with little public debate. It is critical that the Senate pass legislation that reinstates needed checks and balances. This legislation must ensure that government agencies obtain individual warrants before wiretapping the communications of American citizens and not provide retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that have provided government agencies with information on their customer's records. Send a message to your Senators to urge them to vote to repeal the Protect America Act. <>   TAKE ACTION <> 1. Contact your Senators now <> , by phone or by email, and tell them to repeal the Protect America Act. Tell them that widespread warrantless wiretapping of Americans is unacceptable in a democracy and any legislation to reform the Protect America Act must clearly state that the government must obtain an individual warrant when it wiretaps the communications of American citizens. Tell your Senators that Congress must also guard against providing retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that have provided government agencies with information on their customer's records. 2. Send this alert to other concerned citizens in your state - your grassroots network, your friends and coworkers. Encourage them to contact their Senators today! BACKGROUND Learn more <>  about what the League has done to protect civil liberties. Sign up to receive <>  Action Alerts directly by email. Don't miss an opportunity to take action! It's easy to sign up and the League will never share your email with others: <> . For additional information, please contact LWVUS Grassroots Lobbyist Christina Vamvas at   

 League of Women Voters

My letter emailed to Senators V. and B. today:
I am alarmed at the erosion of our civil liberties in the Protect America Act.  Please vote to repeal the Protect America Act.  We should have no wiretapping without individual warrants.  Doesn't this remind everyone of "1984"?  We must not become a police state out of fear of terrorists.  Sincerely, Ellen Bierhorst

Senator Brown’s reply:
Dear Ms. Bierhorst:

Thank you for expressing your views on the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program.

In December of 2005 it was first reported that President Bush had authorized the NSA to monitor communication between U.S. citizens and terrorist suspects outside the United States without first obtaining a warrant. Serious questions arose about the legality of this program and its compliance with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA).  

Congress recently passed revisions to FISA expanding the authority of the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to conduct surveillance of foreign targets.  Under this legislation, which I opposed, the administration is permitted to conduct surveillance on individuals overseas, including American citizens, without a warrant.  Upon initiation of surveillance, the administration has 120 days to submit information to the FISA court on measures used to select targets; however, the court’s review is limited to determining whether the government followed its own procedures. This legislation expires in 180 days, at which point it would require congressional reauthorization.

While I agree that developments in technology require some modifications in our intelligence laws, this legislation overreaches and infringes dangerously on the basic rights of American citizens.  The United States needs to ensure that its citizens are safe and secure, but the administration has provided little evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of the surveillance program and the necessity for such an assault on our civil liberties. As congress considers further revisions to FISA, I will certainly keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me.

Sherrod Brown

(Ellen’s note:  It is easy to be persuaded by compelling argument presented well in a movie like zeitgeist (  If the argument seems to have a lot of detailed data and all hangs together, we tend to be persuaded.  However, it is important to seek out the views of qualified experts.  They can, of course, be wrong, however, they are in a much better position to evaluate engineering data, if they are engineers.  I trust MIT engineers more than I trust the authors of Zeitgeist.  Ellen)

Spencer’s summary:  (BTW Spencer is an engineer.)  
Short summary of the collapse of the Trade Center
A basic engineering assessment of the design of the World Trade Center dispels many of the myths about its collapse. First, the perimeter tube design of the towers protected them from failing upon impact. The outer columns were engineered to stiffen the towers in heavy wind, and they protected the inner core, which held the gravity load. Removal of some of the outer columns alone could not bring the building down. Furthermore, because of the stiffness of the perimeter design, it was impossible for the aircraft impact to topple the building.

However, the building was not able to withstand the intense heat of the jet fuel fire. While it was impossible for the fuel-rich, diffuse-flame fire to burn at a temperature high enough to melt the steel, its quick ignition and intense heat caused the steel to lose at least half its strength and to deform, causing buckling or crippling. This weakening and deformation caused a few floors to fall, while the weight of the stories above them crushed the floors below, initiating a domino collapse.

Excerpt from online article: WTC Collapse, Analysis found by Spencer
..... “Many structural engineers believe that the weak points—the limiting factors on design allowables—were the angle clips that held the floor joists between the columns on the perimeter wall and the core structure (see Figure 5). With a 700 Pa floor design allowable, each floor should have been able to support approximately 1,300 t beyond its own weight. The total weight of each tower was about 500,000 t.

As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below (with its 1,300 t design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour. If it had been free fall, with no restraint, the collapse would have only taken eight seconds and would have impacted at 300 km/h
.1 It has been suggested that it was fortunate that the WTC did not tip over onto other buildings surrounding the area. There are several points that should be made. First, the building is not solid; it is 95 percent air and, hence, can implode onto itself. Second, there is no lateral load, even the impact of a speeding aircraft, which is sufficient to move the center of gravity one hundred feet to the side such that it is not within the base footprint of the structure. Third, given the near free-fall collapse, there was insufficient time for portions to attain significant lateral velocity. To summarize all of these points, a 500,000 t structure has too much inertia to fall in any direction other than nearly straight down.”
... EXCEEDINGLY WELL DOCUMENTED., see below..(ellen)
1. Presentation on WTC Collapse, Civil Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA (October 3, 2001).
2. D. Drysdale, An Introduction to Fire Dynamics (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1985), pp. 134–140.
3. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 10–67.
4. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 6-62 to 6-70.
5. Steven Ashley, “When the Twin Towers Fell,” Scientific American Online (October 9, 2001);
6. Zdenek P. Bazant and Yong Zhou, “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse?—Simple Analysis,” J. Engineering Mechanics ASCE, (September 28, 2001), also
7. Timothy Wilkinson, “World Trade Centre–New York—Some Engineering Aspects” (October 25, 2001), Univ. Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering;
8. G. Charles Clifton, “Collapse of the World Trade Centers,” CAD Headlines, (October 8, 2001);

Thomas W. Eagar, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems, and Christopher Musso, graduate research student, are at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For more information, contact T.W. Eagar, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 4-136, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4301; (617) 253-3229; fax (617) 252-1773; e-mail

Section Four: Books/Movies/Magazines/Reviews

Come on... send me names of books and stuff  you are enjoying.  ellen
Terry Pratchett has a new one!  “Making Money”, staring Moist VonLipwig.  Hillarious and also trenchant social commentary, this time about our banking and monetary system.  


Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email.  Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below.  Thank you.

Sincerely,  Jim

Seeking Dynamic Nonagenarians: Are you an active person in your 90s? Connie Springer is a writer/photographer who has received a Cincinnati Individual Artist's grant to chronicle the experiences of active nonagenarians in narrative & photos. The project will be exhibited in 2008 & hopefully published as a book. She is especially seeking people of color to interview. You will receive free photographs of yourself & will have total editorial control over what is published. Contact Connie Springer @ 513.871.1677 &

Revered Buddhist Teacher Visits Local Monasteries [thru Sunday 16 December]: Experience the dharma festival during the Tsongkhapa day month with teachings from Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, a revered Gaden lineage teacher. All teachings are free; donations are appreciated. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1948 & is recognized as the 4th reincarnation of Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche. He has studied the 5 major sciences (Buddhist philosophical studies) & received his Geshe Lharampa degree (doctorate of divinity). Rinpoche has completed all his tantric studies, retreats, & is a living treasure vase of the wisdom of the Ganden Oral Transmission Lineage. He has shared his teachings around the world. Teachings: Dependant Origination by Je Tsongkhapa [Fri 30 Nov @ 7 PM @ Cincinnati GSL]; Vajrasattva Empowerment [Sat 1 Dec @ 2 PM @ Cincinnati GSL]; Teachings on Vajrasattva Meditation Practice [Sun 2 Dec @ 10 AM - 4:30 PM @ Cincinnati GSL]; Tsongkhapa Day (Tsog & Offering of Light) [Tue 4 Dec @ 7 PM @ Bloomington DGTL]; Mind Training in 7 Points [Fri 7 Dec @ 7 PM @ Bloomington DGTL]; Grand Initiation of Secret Hayagriva: Actual Initiation [Sun 9 Dec @ 2 PM @ Bloomington DGTL]; Longlife Offering (Tenshug) to Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche [Sun 16 Dec @ 9 AM @ Bloomington DGTL]. At GSL Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati OH 45251 & DGTL Buddhist Monastery, 102 Clubhouse Drive, Bloomington IN 47404. More info @ 513.385.7116, 812.339.0857,,, &

The Coming of the Light: Grailville
s Crèche Exhibit Opening & Art Project Workshop [thru Thursday 20 December; specific times & dates below]: Mark the 1st Sunday of Advent, Sunday 2 December, with the opening of the 2007 International Crèche Exhibit, Grailville's unique collection of over 50 Nativity scenes from around the world, including those by internationally known sculptor Trina Paulus. The opening celebration will be @ 2-4 PM to include songs, readings, & a family art project. RSVP & materials donation requested. The Advent season continues with Grailville's Crèche Luncheon Series on Tuesday-Friday 11-14 December & Tuesday-Thursday 18-20 December; additional days may be available for groups of 35 or more. A delicious holiday luncheon will be followed by a short presentation on the origin of the Nativity scene & the history & background of many of the Nativity sets in  the Grailville International Crèche Collection. The cost for a luncheon is $15 per person; advanced reservations required. The Crèche Exhibit is open to the public at other times by appointment. At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info & RSVP @ 513.683.2340,, &
A Treasure in Auschwitz - Film & Discussion [Thursday 6 December @ 7 PM]: Young Israeli Yariv Nornberg discovers the lively Jewish community that once existed in the town of Oscweicim, located outside of Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Yariv travels to Poland in search of treasure buried in the town, but ends up excavating much more about the town & his people's vibrant heritage. A poetic documentation of the importance of remembrance & discovery. After the film, teens from Netanya & Cincinnati, who traveled together on the Partnership 2000 Jewish Experience in Israel & Poland this past summer, will reflect on their journey of remembrance & discovery, sharing the emotions, insights, & connections they made to each other, their Jewish heritage, & the State of Israel. Free. Filmed in Israel & Poland; 55 minutes; produced in Israel; in English, Hebrew, & Polish, with English subtitles. In partnership with the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
s Israeli Film Festival & The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education. In Mayerson Hall, Hebrew Union College, 3101 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.487.3055,, &

Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra Holiday Concert [Thursday 6 December @ 7 PM]:
The Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra partners with the CMO vocal ensemble to perform a variety of Holiday Music, popular, traditional, & unusual. Admission is free. Seton Performance Hall, 3901 Glenway Avenue, Price Hill, Cincinnati, OH 45205. Well lit parking garage & lots attached. More info @ 513.941.8956,, &
Tracy Walker, Alexis Antes & Chris Collier in Concert [Thursday 6 December @ 8 PM]: Catch these 3 fabulous singer/songwriters performing their in-the-round concert as they share their songs, stories, & have fun with each other on stage. Presented by Womens Way. At Molly Malones, 112 East 4th Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.491.6659,, &
Holiday ART Market & Covington 1st Friday Gallery Hop [Friday 7 December @ 6-10 PM]: Get into the holiday spirit; shop for unique, unusual gifts of original art by 26 artists offering decorative artwork, pottery, handcrafted jewelry, glass sculpture, handmade cards, homemade soaps & lotions, photography, & more. Featuring live music by Mark & Teresa Turpin & a Holiday Wine Bar & hors doeurves. Also, take a complimentary carriage ride or the Magic Bus to the Covington First Friday Gallery Hop in MainStrasse Village. Park on the street or in the City Garage at 7th Street below Madison Avenue. In the Passionate Arts Center, 31-33 West Pike Street (between Washington & Madison Avenues), Downtown Covington, KY. More info @ &
Black Nativity [Friday-Sunday 7-9 December @ 7:30 PM (Fri), 2 & 7:30 PM (Sat), & 4 PM (Sun)]: From the poetry of Langston Hughes & one of his most spiritual pieces, this musical is a legendary Christmas event  to the world. Enjoy vibrant new costuming, beautiful pageantry, exhilarating choreographed numbers, heart touching & soulful singing, new dramatic scenes, & much more. A message of hope to all. Presented by Cincinnati Black Theatre Company, directed by Don Sherman. Tickets: $20; group rates available. At College of Mount Saint Joseph, 5701 Delhi Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233. More info @ 513.241.6060,, &
The Wild & Wacky World of Singing & Performing [Saturday 8 December @ 10 AM]: Opera singers never use microphones, have to sing over full orchestras, & still fill opera houses & music halls with music night after night. Ever wondered how they do it? Jill Dew will talk about this & more, dispelling myths & misconceptions about singing. (How do you sing from the diaphragm, anyway?) Peppered with interesting anecdotes about performing & maybe even a small presentation to boot. Jill has a Bachelor of Music & Bachelor of Arts from U. of Tennessee, & a Master of Music in Opera from UC-CCM. She apprenticed with the Michigan Opera Theatre & has sung in Eastern Europe with the Cincinnati Camerata & Cincinnati International Chorus. She has performed with the Cincinnati Opera Company, the Louisville International Choral & the Chattanooga Opera. She has given numerous recitals on stage & television, & has taught voice for 18 years including 7 years at UC-CCM Preparatory Department. Free. Presented by Association for Rational Thought. Molly Malones Restaurant, 6111 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, OH 45213. More info @ &
Fantastic Picture Frame Holiday Sale [Saturday 8 December @ 10 AM 3 PM]: A special treasure for artists & picture-framing enthusiasts: museum-quality picture frame 2nds at low prices from the Castner Picture Frame Company in Cincinnati, the 2nd oldest picture frame company in America - since 1882. The frames are unique & all sizes. Hundreds of classic Castner frame designs. Gold & silver leaf (1940-2006). Mostly frame 2nds; unique & beautiful. Over 400 wooden picture frames, cut & joined in standard sizes, ready for an artist unique finishing. Prices from $10-$100. You'll be amazed. Dress in comfortable attire; please pardon their dust; gloves will be provided. One day only or by appointment; cash & carry only, please. At Castner Picture Frame Company, 2135 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45214 (The Mohawk Brighton Bldg @ Central Parkway & Linn Street). More info @ 513.235.8316,, &
Holiday Open House at Highlands Nature Sanctuary [Saturday 8 December @ 1-4 PM]: Travel over the river & through the woods to the enchanting forest destination of the Highlands Nature Sanctuary, about 17 miles east of Hillsboro, OH, off U.S. Route 50. Walk the wintry landscape of the Etawah Woods Trail; explore the Appalachian Forest Museum; view the cedar-clad cliffs of the Rocky Fork Canyon; watch a short nature slide essay & enjoy the sounds of live flute music by Janice Trytten; children are invited to craft their own natural holiday ornament; tour the sanctuary's 3 overnight lodges for refreshments & children's holiday activities. More info & directions @ 937.365.1935,, &
Holiday Jubilee [Saturdays 8 & 15 December @ 11AM-3:30PM & Sunday 16 December @ Noon-4PM]: Holiday Jubilee returns with holiday music by school choirs, church choirs, orchestras, jazz bands, dance troupes, & ensembles from all over the Greater Cincinnati area. Presented by Pampers. In the Grand Hall, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
32nd Annual Memorial Hall Holiday Sale [Sunday 9 December @ Noon - 4 PM]: Nine nationally known artists will be selling ceramics, 18k loom-woven jewelry, batiks, hand-dyed silk clothing, wood-turned items, & handmade paper art & notecards.The show features pottery by Allan Nairn, Greg Seigel, Joyce Clancy & Mike Frasca who created the waterfall of ceramic books outside the main library. Also, batik art work & scarves by Arnelle Dow, wood-turned vases & sculptures by Bob Winland, loom-woven 18k gold jewelry by Stuart Golder who has work in the Smithsonian American Art Museum, hand-made paper art works by Margaret Rhein of Terrapin Paper Mill, & hand-painted silk clothing by Kymber Henson. Free admission, live music & refreshments. At Memorial Hall (next to Music Hall), 1225 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.662.9382.
Amahl & the Night Visitors [Sunday 9 December @ 7 PM]: One-act opera by Gian-Carlo Menotti. Directed by Dr. Eric DeForest & conducted by Dr. Patrick Coyle. Featuring Lauren Stieritz as Amahl & Laura Hoevenaar as The Mother. The 1st opera commissioned specifically for television, premiered on NBC Christmas Eve, 1951. Read more about the opera @ Free admission with a Free Will Offering to support the St. Paul Presents program. At St. Paul Community United Methodist Church, 8221 Miami Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243. More info @
Holiday Cookie Cook-Off & Tea Tasting [Sunday 9 December @ 3:30-5:30 PM]: Cookies & tea, what could be better? Share your holiday spirit in a festive, relaxed setting & help support a great cause. An esteemed panel of judges will crown one lucky cookie cooker as Cookie King/Queen at this cookie cook-off while everyone else drinks & eats the best of the best teas & cookies in town with friends, old & new. The winner will bask in the glory of Cookie King/Queen & win a $50 gift certificate to Essencha. Two runners-up will receive glass teapots & cups from Essencha. Essencha will donate half the proceeds of this event to ProKids (, who train volunteers to become Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) to be assigned to a foster child to help the child's needs including to move into a safe, permanent, nurturing home. Cost is $20/person. Presented by & at Essencha Tea House & Fine Teas, 3212 Madison Road, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info & reservation @ 513.533.4832,, &
Christmas in America [Tuesday 11 December @ 7 PM]: Free Inquiry Group (FIG) presents Conrad Goeringer, who has researched the rise of Christmas in America. In the early years of the Colonies & the Founding Fathers, Christmas was generally ignored & not celebrated. Conrad will present a fact-based, Humanist perspective about the growing prominence of Christmas as a religious, civic, & commercial holiday. Free admission, free parking at The Manor. At the Vernon Manor Hotel, 400 Oak Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info @,, &
Book Signing at the Cincinnati Observatory [Tuesday 11 December @ 6-8 PM]: Renowned Cincinnati photographer Robert Flischel will offer & sign copies of his latest book “The University of Cincinnati | Architectural Transformation: Tradition & Innovation.” This gorgeous coffee-table book features 192 pages of photographs by Flischel showcasing the architectural history of the UC campuses including the Cincinnati Observatory. The Observatory will be open for tours, Q&A, & stargazing (weather permitting). Admission is free. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Observatory Center. The Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.321.5186,,, &
An Introduction to Homeopathy [Tuesday 11 Decemb
er @ 6:30 PM]: Have you ever wondered What is homeopathy & how does it work? Now you can learn how to help your family & yourself with safe, natural & effective remedies in this fun & informative class. Presented by Shirley Reischman of the Center for Advanced Medicine. Love offering, & you must preregister. At Angelic Whispers Holistic Center, 11465 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45246. More info & register @ 513.782.0101 &
Essentials of Healthy Homes Practitioner Course [Tuesday-Wednesday 11-12 December @ 8 AM - 4:30 PM]: This training was developed to help you understand the connection between health & housing, & how to take a holistic approach to identify problems that threaten the health & well-being of  residents. Course is free & lunch is provided both days. CEU's available in some disciplines. Sponsored by University of Cincinnati & the National Center for Healthy Housing. Location near downtown Cincinnati; address provided upon registration. More info @ 513.681.4995 &, &
Grace Episcopal Church Healing Service [Wednesday 12 De
cember @ 6:30 PM]: The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky community is invited to attend a Healing Service that uses African Drumming, Reiki, & traditional laying-on of hands. Healing Services will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. At Grace Church, 5501 Hamilton Avenue, College Hill, Cincinnati, OH 45224. More info @ 513.541.2415,, &
Lebanon Symphony Orchestra & Chorus presents Handel's Messiah [Friday 14 December @ 8 PM & Sunday 16 December @ 4 PM]: Join the LSOC in the newly refurbished sanctuary of the Lebanon Presbyterian Church for the biennial tradition event that has earned the tri-state reputation as the Messiah performance you don't want to miss. Performed in it's entirety with soloists Marilyn Zelcer (Soprano), Laura Hoevenaar (Alto), Eric DeForest (Tenor), & Brent Turner (Bass). Limited seating; advanced purchase recommended, i.e., will sell out & tix go fast. Advance tix: $22.50 adults / $12 students; at the door: $25 adults / $15 students. At Lebanon Presbyterian Church, 123 North East Street, Lebanon, OH 45036. More info @ 513.228.0346 &
Manifest Art Opening Reception - 2 Exhibits [Friday 14 December @ 6-9 PM]: Trick of the Light: Contemporary Photography, guest curated by Dennis Kiel, Chief Curator, The Light Factory, Charlotte, NC. Artists were invited to submit recent photography-based work for an exhibit to reveal the power of light-based imagery to communicate, express, or evoke as visceral 1st-hand experience as any painting or sculpture exhibit might. Jury selection whittled 414 entries from 120 artists down to 15 works by 11 artists from 6 states & Japan. Funny Men: Illustrations by Ryan Ostrander & Gabriel Utasi. Two successful illustrators together for a tour-de-force exhibit of classic drawing-based illustration. Gabriel Utasi is staff illustrator at the East Valley Tribune in Mesa, AZ; Ryan Ostrander is full-time illustrator & graphic designer for The Cincinnati Post & has received awards from Scripps Howard News Service, AP Ohio, & named "Best Graphic Artist" 3 times by The Society of Professional Journalists. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.861.3638,, &
Redtree Gallery Art Opening [Friday 14 December @ 6 PM - 9 PM]: This show is based on the theme RED, open to each artist's interpretation. Live music, wine, & light refreshments. Exhibit runs from 5 January. At Redtree Gallery & Coffee Shop, 4409 Brazee Street, Oakley, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733,, &
Marsapalooza: The Return of the Red Planet [Friday-Saturday 14-15 & 21-22 December @ 8 PM]: A two-weekend viewing extravaganza with nightly classes about Mars, tours of the buildings, & viewing through the historic telescopes (weather permitting). Reservations requires for nightly classes starting @ 8 PM. No reservations required for viewing; drop in between 8-11 PM. $5 per person. At the Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.3221.5186,, &
Christmas Music - The Irish Way [Sunday 16 December @ 2 PM]: The Riley School of Irish Music celebrates its 11th anniversary with
Peace & Merriment,a free concert featuring traditional Irish & Celtic holiday music. Students & faculty of the School will perform on harps, fiddles, concertinas, flutes, bódhrans, mandolins, banjos, & guitars. Also participating will be members of local Celtic music groups including Silver Arm, Dark Moll, & Ceol Mhor. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted for this fund-raiser for the school, a local non-profit org dedicated to teaching the art of traditional Irish music.  At Columbia Baptist Church, 3718 Eastern Avenue, Columbia-Tusculum, Cincinnati, OH 45226. More info @ 513.871.4527,, &
Cincinnati Observatory Holiday Open House & Mt. Lookout Luminaria [Sunday 16 December @ 6-9 PM]: Take in the lights of the heavens while driving thru the luminaria in Mt Lookout. Gaze at stars through the historic telescopes (weather permitting), enjoy tours of the buildings, buy unique gifts at the gift shop, savor coffee & hot chocolate courtesy of Lookout Joe
s. At the Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208.  More info @ 513.3221.5186,, &

Ongoing Tri-State Treasures

A Slave Ship Speaks: The Wreck of the Henrietta Marie [thru December 31]: This is the 1st major traveling exhibit devoted to the transatlantic slave trade, focusing on the Henrietta Marie, the most complete slave ship ever discovered in the western hemisphere & the only one to be fully identified, recorded, archeologically examined & preserved.  This exhibit examines the economic & social forces that drove the slave trade & provides insight into its impact on the material life & culture of Europe, Africa & the Americas. This exhibit uses artifacts & the ship
s records as touchstones for the entering the daily lives of the Africans on board, the seamen who manned the ship, & the traders who ran this notorious enterprise. National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
Pure Movement Dance Class: All In One [Mondays @ 6:30-8 PM & Wednesdays @ 9:30-11 AM thru December]: Motion is Life. Taste It. Feel It. Honor It. Offering cardio aerobic based movement class supported by personal attention to individual alignment & exploration of authentic expression. All classes have a stretching & strengthening warm up that expands your range of motion. The class achieves a balance between dynamic arousal & meditative peace. Four consecutive classes @ $12 per class. Individual classes @ $20. Free introductory class with Fanchon Shur, Growth In Motion Inc. master teacher. At 4019 Red Bud Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229. More info @ 513.221.3222,, &
Documentary WORKS: Social Activist Documentaries of Barbara Wolf [Monday-Saturdays thru Thursday 24 January]: Films by local documentary filmmaker Barbara Wolf are screening during normal business hours as part of the film@mediabridges series. The films: "The Earth Covenant" describes a covenant being made between the peoples of the earth to take responsibility for the environment in the absence of comprehensive governmental action. "Peace March 2004" presents the Cincinnati protest as part of a larger national demonstration on the 1st anniversary of the US initiating bombing of Iraq. "Degrees Of Shame" examines the situation of adjunct (part-time) faculty teaching in Americas institutions of higher learning, suggesting they are the information economys migrant farm workers. "Know Theatre Corpus Christi Protests" documents protests outside the theatre during the play's entire run. "These Old Buildings Raised Our Many Children" was made in 1995 for & with long-term residents of Over-The-Rhine, looking at the effects of massive community redevelopment on their lives. "This Is My House" highlights transitional housing associated with the Drop Inn Center which was threatened by the proposed new SCPA. These films are presented by Media Bridges. Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8AM-9PM, Friday: 8AM-6PM, Saturday: 9AM-5PM. Free. In the At Media Bridges front lobby, 1100 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.651.4171 &
Julian's Stanczak Exhibition [thru 3 February 2008]: The exhibit of work by this internationally significant artist coincides with the unveiling of his design for Fifth Third Bank's 6th Street Façade facing the CAC. In addition to the models & preparatory drawings, a collection of Julian Stanczak's work from throughout his career provide a context for his newest monumental project. Polish-born Stanczak trained under Josef Albers & Conrad Marca-Relli at Yale University's School of Art & Architecture. He brought this background to the Art Academy of Cincinnati where he taught from 1957-1964. Stanczak's work is characterized by scientific precision & the illusion of pulsating motion. Using repeated line patterns, his work studies the optical behavior of colors in close proximity to each other. His work earned him the moniker "Father of Op Art." At Contemporary Art Center, 44 East 6th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.345.8400,, &

Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption Concert Series [Intermittent Sundays thru 9 March 2008 @ 3 PM]: The Series presents instrumental & choral music from the rich traditions of western liturgy & inspired classical music, presented in a suitable visual & acoustic environment. Donations support all series expenses & costs to preserve the Historic Matthias Schwab Organ (1859). In other words, the Cathedral Concert Series combines music of extraordinary range & quality in arguably the region's most magnificent space. Concerts include Musica Sacra Chorus & Orchestra, Vocal Arts Ensemble of Cincinnati, Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols, An Epiphany Epilogue, Concert in Memory of Dr. Louis Schwab, & JS Bach's 323rd Birthday. At St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, 1140 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859-431-2060,, &
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity.  Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received by noon on Monday.
Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200.  More info @ 513.111.2222,, &



The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,

For Pot Luck  procedures including
 food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

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Salon list,
send a REPLY message
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> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email.  It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.  This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can  
> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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