Thursday, August 09, 2007

Weekly 8/9/07 - 5

Salon Weekly
> ~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
>>>> * Table Notes
>>>> * Events & Opportunities (plus Jim Kesner¹s Tri-State Treasures listings)
>>>> * Articles, Letters
>>>> * Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 613. Growing
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR
ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes
(Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or
corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings
and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the Table on Wednesday 8 August 2007:
Table notes 8/8/07

Justin Jeffre
Gwen Marshall, Justin Jeffre, Mary Biehn, Shari Able, Mira Rodwan, Mr. G.,
Ellen Bierhorst, Ginger Lee Frank, Chad Benjamin Potter, Ware
Carleton-ford, Judy Cirillo, Vlasta Molak.


Justin Jeffre: Roxanne Qualls announced today that she will be assuming
Tarbell¹s seat on City Council. Tarbell is term limited. Joan Kaup and
Melanie Bates are both running as charities also. Pundits wonder why not
give his half term to one of them since Qualls has name recognition already.
I am collecting signatures to run for council also. You read Bill
Moyers quote in the preamble. I am interested in the media reform. MOnthly
paper, Cincinnati Beacon, a new alt. paper. Free; Sitwell¹s, Arlins, all
over the city. Locations at . We have over a hundred
locations. Ten thousand printed per month. (? City Beat?) Occasionally
they are good, but still a void. Blog at (? Steve
Novotny, Independent Eye?) Steve is really busy now. Writing a lot for the
CityBeat. 12 pp. Cost about $1200/printing.
I am running on Green party along with Chris Smitherman.
(why green ?)

Gwen: I am co founder of local Green party. Charter only runs local
candidates. Green runs regional, national candidates. Charter doesn¹t have
a set of principles other than ³good gov¹t². Ten points: Environmental
responsibility; fiscal responsibility, grass roots democracy, social
justice/equal opportulnity, non violence, decentralization, community based
economics, economic justice, feminism and gender equity, respect for
diversity, personal and global responsibility, future focus and
Also well defined platform for peace; against this war.
single payer universal health care. Support SPANOhio.

Chad: this Sat. at eight p.m. Ware and I are performing again at Leaping
Lizard Gallery, Covington, Main St. 726 Main. Two pieces every hour and
half hour. starts 8, ends 9:30. ³Very Sticky², the complete version. Also
a new piece.

Mira I heard part of interview of Mike Ravel on diane Rehm. surprised and
delighted to hear, brave things ... most of the Dem. party is bought by big

Judy I will be doing a program on the School of the Americas, (training
torturers, terrorists) starting Oct first, monday evenings, three weeks in a
row, seven p.m. at St. John¹s UU church. Free. Will show very moving
films. what they do. Why it should be closed. Demonstration in Nov. in
Georgia every year. ³America Watch².

Gwen County
commission, budget thing. Tomorrow 1 to 2 public input, also Fri. ten to
11. Court St. just W of Court House, in Co. Admin. Building, N. side,
corner Maine. Garfield Garage is best parking.
ginger Mariemont cinema will speak and intro. documentary on Simon
Wiesenthal, tomorrow 7:30, $5.
Vlasta Monday night sustainable pot luck continues, my house six thirty till
ten, 8987 Cotillion Dr., 45231

- Justin¹s candidacy for council
= our two party system
- DVD of Shari Able¹s documentaries.

Justin media reform is the key. big money has an undue influence...
contempt for democracy. Essentially we have money laundering and bribery
system. We need to focus on the environment. ... we have a t wo headed
corporate party. We need multiple parties.
Ballot access barriers for third party initiatives. Structures that
favor well funded big parties.
Judy: Why does the media have control of what to charge for political ads?
Mira: league of women voters... could mount a forum including third parties.
Justin: they have done a lot, but could do more.
Ginger does not the league include Charter candidates in their local
debates? What is their justification for excluding other third party
Justin they do include, in their newspaper ... could use modern
technology, Media Bridges etc.
Gwen two institutional ways of two party system. In placing names on
ballot. e.g. running for state rep, or governor. A major party candidate
only needs fifty signatures on the petition to run, but a third party has to
have five thousand. After our candidate is on the ballot with those five
thou, we cannot specify the party on the ballot.
(How does a party become large enough to be a recognized state party?) You
have to have a candidate for governor that gets five or more percent of the
vote. ... In local elections we are the same as the Rep. and Dems.
Ginger the argument that by voting Green you take votes away from Charter.
Can¹t both Charter and Green parties endorse the same candidate?
Gwen Yes. ... John Schlagetter ran twice, but no more because lost so much
money. He was a great candidate.
Vlasta Who makes those rules about getting on the ballot?
Gwen Sec¹y of State of Ohio makes some of the rules; the legislature makes
There is a whole game with these petitions ... they have to be validated ...
you cannot have more than three times the minimum needed. You have to guess
how many petitions to submit not knowing how many will be thrown out.
The Greens argue about whether to spend all this energy getting petitions
... the Greens tend to fuss with each other.
... I like Ted Strickland, our governor.
... our sec¹y of state is a corporate candidate.
Mira anyone know why Strickland did not come out against capital punishment.
Gwen I don¹t know. He does have good people around him.
Vlasta Why did two democrats yield to pressure from sheriff to rais tax to
build jail? Simon Leis threatened to take them to court. A judge ruled
that the commission has to build a jail.
Judy the commissioners like the new jail...a lot of rehabilitation... nice
modern jail.
Gwen the petition that passed May 30 had lots of good sounding things. but
it only said they will acquire land for the jail. Kahn¹s land on Spring
Grove. ... sales tax money to go to the jail fund ... some tax money goest
directly to the sherriff. No guarantee that the reform measures will
actually happen. ... I got a letter from Todd Portune asking us to come to
a meeting, but didn¹t say what time, where. ... they didn¹t tell us
necessary info. on the money, how much, ... how many are non violent
offenders ... The marijuana ordinance is responsible for filling our jail to
over capacity. ...
We need a candidate to run against Simon Leis? It has been proposed that
Paul Hackett run. I think he could win.
But candidate has to have experience as a law enforcement administrator.

Shari Able¹s DVD Documentary on Baba Muktananda. (Excellent work, Shari!
We look forward to seeing the rest of your documentaries.)
~ End of Table Notes~
Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Events & Opportunities

(I am going to this. Macrobiotics diet guy.)
³The Energetics of Food²

Join Charley Kabenji

In A Discussion and Exploration

Of The Question

What Makes A Food Healthy

For YOU?

When: Friday August 10th, 2007 2pm-5pm
Where: Highland Towers
1071 Celestial Towers #1203
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Cost: $30


Final Friday was just the beginning.
 ³Sticky² at Nicholas Gallery was such a hit that we are doing it again in
its full length version this coming Saturday, August 11th at the 
Leapin¹ Lizard Gallery in Covington, KY (726 Main St 
map&ct=image> ).
Come see ³Sticky,² the piece of acrobatic partnering with the regional
premier of Fanchon¹s new work "Saut du Lézard," a reptilian duet between the
performers and a German Wheel.
Both pieces will be presented during the 24.7 festival.  It's 24 hours with
7 artists.  
Salonistas Ware Carlton-Ford and Chad Benjamin Potter are again performing
in both pieces.Choreography by Fanchon Shur.
"Sticky" will be presented at 8 and 9pm and "Saut du Lézard" at 8:30 and

Leapin' Lizard Gallery
Covington, KY
Saturday, August 11th 2007 8 ­ 10pm

ANNA FERGUSON will come to the salon on Wed. 22 Aug. to tell about
³Gratitude in Motion², the new movement (Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.) studio on
Jefferson opposite Burnet Woods. She is passionate! Come hear.

I went to this last week. Teacher was Anna Ferguson. Excellent! There
were about 15 people. The previous week there had been 40. Ellen.
FREE YOGA class at Burnet Woods every Saturday through September 1st:

11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Bring a mat or towel, water & sunglasses
Adjoining the University of Cincinnati, Burnet Woods is located at Clifton
Avenue between Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Ludlow Avenue. The yoga
class will meet at the historic bandstand located in the park. It is one of
the oldest structures in the Cincinnati park system and a beautiful location
for yoga. Surrounded by trees, blue skies and green grass, we will embrace
the presence of nature in yoga. All levels welcome. Come anytime!

For more information contact:
Gratitude in Motion 268 Ludlow Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 | 888-899-9642 |

Sun Style Tai Chi with Alan Hundley
I will be offering a 5 week course on 73 Sun. Cost: $65. Beginning
Thursday Aug. 16 for anyone who feels they would like to progress beyond the
31 Short Sun Style Form or would like to get more instruction on the 73. It
will be held at Gratitude in Motion in Clifton. Great opportunity to
Alan Hundley, LMT, LLC

513-281-8606 <>

Shirley Reischman to lead 8 week seminar on Exodus... Possibly at the Lloyd
(This is bound to be terrific. Both Shirley and Clark are salonistas,
wonderful people. Clark is pastor at the Swedenborgian church in Glendale.
Shirley is Cincinnati¹s only classically trained, Kentian homeopath. Has
helped me enormously. Ellen)

Spiritual Growth Campaign [starting the week of September 23rd, lasting 8
weeks, 1.5 hours per week ­ exact days and times to be determined by
participants]: Have you ever been held captive by your own ego, by an
addiction or a negative attitude? Then this workshop is for you. We will
explore the inner meaning of Exodus, emphasizing our own emotional and
spiritual journey from slavery into freedom, using small groups and
experiential activities. Open to all religious faiths. The cost for the
workbook and materials is $25.00. Scholarships available. These workshops
will be held at various locations in the greater Cincinnati area, including
Shirley Reischman¹s home in Pleasant Ridge. For more information, please
call Shirley at 513-531-3060, or Clark at 513-772-1478,

> Hi Ellen,
> When you send the notice out to your group, you can add that if enough people
> are interested, I will do a group at Lloyd House. I would need a minimum of
> 4-5 people to do it there. There is no upper limit to the number that can
> attend. Peter Block has done small group workshops with several hundred
> people and they did fine.
> Yours,
> Shirley
Ellen Bierhorst, Ph.D. Is a holistic psychotherapist with over 35 years
experience. Specialty area: Optimizing Mental Health ~ ³Better than well².
Also: healing trauma, strengthening families and relationships, alcohol and
other addictions including food, and weight management, EMDR, GLBT, chronic
pain and physical illness. Clifton. 513 221 1289

Yoga Free at the Lloyd House

Weekly yoga practice session Wednesday mornings.
9:15 meditation
9:30-10:30 yoga exercises with Nina Tolley. However, Caveat! Nina insists I
tell you that she is not a yoga teacher, only a student (though one with
long experience) and cannot correct yor postures or prevent injuring

In the third floor meditation room, ³the Zendo². Bring yoga mat; cushion or
whatever for meditating.

Residential space available at the Lloyd House: third floor single room with
bathroom ... Can be furnished; has double bed size sleeping loft; also queen
size bed on floor, desk, rug. $350 monthly contribution. Call Ellen 513
221 1289

Also is available by the night for guests from out of town. Think ³B & B²
without the breakfast. $100 minimum, $55/night.

Beautiful and Charming, spacious first floor office space at the Lloyd
House, fully furnished including bodywork table, chairs, love seat, rugs,
armchairs, wood burning (gas ignited ) fireplace. Rookwood even. Available
by the hour. Share waiting room. Powder room. Outside entry. Terms:
contribute 20% of gross to the house. Call Ellen 221 1290

Start thinking about going to D.C. For major peace march on Sept 15.

(peace people join forces with pro impeachment people for this important

Bush must be impeached for this criminal war
Cindy Sheehan marches, soldiers speak out, and momentum builds for September

We can organize, arouse public opinion and raise funds over the summer to
bring a massive turnout on September 15 in Washington DC demanding
Impeachment and an end to the war. If you want to be listed as an endorser
and supporter of the September 15th demonstration, you can do so by clicking
this link.

Marvin: anybody who owns their own property who is over 65 or disabled plus
othersŠ you are eligible for the homsestead tax exemption in Ohio. Apply
for it before Oct 1. $400 reduction on RE tax every year. Get application
online from Hamilton Co. Auditor website, or call the Auditor¹s office


Section Three: Articles

* Petition to save the Waldorf School...
* The War in Iraq...professors¹ dialogue

* Fluoride and various water filters
* Jill Bley, Weekly lurker, sends link to astounding pix. Of Minneapolis
bridge collapse:
* Our Brent Spence bridge 50 years old: project to renew at

Ellen¹s Walnut Hills classmate, friend and history prof. Evan Bukey... On
the war in Iraq, on immorality in leadership...

Evan¹s friend, Prof. Frank Nicosia I Vermont sent him this article, and they
had an interesting exchange...see below.

My Turn: The wrong conversation about Iraq

By Frank Nicosia

July 31, 2007
Democrats and Republicans, pundits, retired military, the media and
other critics of the Iraq war are having the wrong conversation about
how to leave Iraq. They and others, including most of the Democratic
candidates for president, focus on the Bush administration's lack of
"success." We should withdraw or "re-deploy" our troops, they assert,
because Bush's policy is not working, because there has been no
"victory." This is similar to to the discourse before and after the
American withdrawal from Vietnam some three decades ago.

The danger of framing the conversation in terms of a "failure to
succeed" is that the lessons that must be learned from past policy, from
these two wars, are not learned. And when the impulse to wage war
against another country that poses no threat to us once again takes hold
of our leaders, the only lesson they will likely draw from the past will
be how to "win" this time around. Planning will be better, they will
reason. This time we will "succeed."

Virtually missing from these conversations are the moral and legal
failures (crimes) of our leaders in opting for war in the first place.
That so many politicians, pundits, and media icons led the charge for
invading Iraq after the experience of Vietnam, and that most Americans
followed, is not surprising. For the question of the illegality and
immorality of American policy in Vietnam was soon lost in the resentment
and recriminations about losing a war many felt should have been won.
The rush to invade Iraq might have been avoided had Americans confronted
their recent history of legal and moral failure in Vietnam.

With all of the revelations about the decision-making process that led
to the invasion of Iraq more than four years ago, few now accept the
phony allegations about WMD, or fantasies about Saddam Hussein and 9/11.
Indeed, most Americans, even many in Congress, now realize that the
administration and its allies in both political parties lied to
Americans, that Iraq was a threat to no one, and that the war reflects
its promoters' imperial delusions. Yet, the demand for change in Iraq
policy is based almost entirely on the argument that Bush's policy is
not working. Moreover, the growing chorus of official dissent places
responsibility for that failure, for bloody carnage and civil war, at
the feet of Iran, Syria, and Iraqis themselves. What better way to avoid
accountability for our own failures, legal, moral, or otherwise? In this
line of argument, everyone but America is responsible for the mess.
Therefore, logic would have it that we can simply leave and do it
"right" the next time.

Earlier this year, retired Gen. John Batiste reasoned that the deception
used to go to war is irrelevant. He seemed content to decry the way the
war has been fought and the absence of "victory" rather than America's
unprovoked aggression in the first place. This is all reminiscent of the
aftermath of Vietnam when the criminal behavior of the Johnson and Nixon
administrations in waging the war faded from the discussion.

When German leaders were tried at Nuremberg after World War II, they
were not charged with incompetence, poor planning, and failure to win.
Rather, the charges were based on legal and moral principles that
prohibited wars of aggression and other crimes. They were meant to
punish the guilty, force the German people to confront their past and
learn the right lessons from it, and avoid another "stab in the back"
myth such as occurred after Germany's defeat in World War I.

If we are to avoid another failure to learn from history, as our failure
to do so after Vietnam made the Iraq folly more likely, Americans must
engage in the right conversation about this war. That conversation must
center on the lies our leaders used to take an unquestioning mainstream
media and passive American public into an illegal war of aggression. We
must leave Iraq not because we failed to win, but because we were
legally and morally wrong to go there in the first place.

Frank Nicosia of Middlebury is professor of history at St. Michael's
From: []
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:55 AM
> To: Nicosia, Francis R.
> Subject: Re: FW: Prof. Nicosia "My Turn" in The Burlington Free Press
> Dear Frank,
> I sent your article to a number of friends. The consensus
> that 1) Cheney should be impeached 2) A National Military Tribunal be
> convened
> to try the following individuals for crimes against peace: Wolfowitz,
> Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, Frummn, Feith, Rice, Perle and most Neo-Cons.
> for
> myself, I propose that General Shinseki be awarded the Congressional
> Medal
> of Honor.
> Evan
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Nicosia, Francis R. wrote:

> Amen - we agree! I don't know much about Shinseki, but the only
> I would give medals to are those who know the difference between a war
> of aggression (and refuse to support them) and a war of self-defense.
> Best,
> Frank
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 7:13 PM
To: Nicosia, Francis R.
Subject: RE: FW: Prof. Nicosia "My Turn" in The Burlington Free Press

It's not given to us to peer into the hearts of other men. But
Shinseki and the other 14 senior officers who sacrificed their careers
opposing the invasion, whatever their motives, deserve recognition for
their courage.
Anita and I will both be in San Diego and hope to see you there.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 19:58:03 -0400
From: "Nicosia, Francis R." <>
Subject: RE: FW: Prof. Nicosia "My Turn" in The Burlington Free Press

I certainly do agree that they deserve recognition. I guess I am only
trying to apply the same standards to our guys that we applied to the
German military after the war. They were good standards, even if we
really didn't follow through with most of them as we should have.

Fluoride and various Water Filters:

Ellen, I was sending you this and previous research not so much for the
newsletter but for your information (and as a test of information claimed at
the last salon); but you can do what you wish with it. The first two sites
are opposed to fluoride removal, so I tend to believe their critique that
reverse osmosis filtration removes significant amounts of fluoride. Mr.
Ginger Lee Frank

There are four main types of [water] filters: activated charcoal, in either
faucet units or under-the-sink units; cellulose fiber sediment filters in
under-the-sink filters; reverse osmosis under-the-sink systems; and
distillation, which uses heat to distill water. Although each type reduces
fluoride to some extent, activated charcoal, reverse osmosis and
distillation reduce the most: 81%, 84% and 99% respectively. "Children
drinking water filtered through these systems may not be receiving adequate
dietary fluoride and may require dietary fluoride supplements," cautions the
state Division of Health. -- Neil D. Rosenberg, From  the Journal
Sentinel, April 04, 2005

It has been consistently documented that reverse osmosis systems and
distillation units remove significant amounts of fluoride from the water
supply. American Dental Association booklet, Fluoridation Facts

Here's an apparently internally contradictory response. Opposition's
Response  The fluoride molecule is smaller than the water molecule,
therefore, it cannot be removed by filtration &lsqauo; only by distillation.
Reverse osmosis, however, will remove 80 to 90% of the fluoride. ("Intake
and Metabolism of Fluoride," G. Whitford, from Adv. Dental Research, June

What Chemicals do Reverse Osmosis and Distillation Remove/Reduce?

Reverse osmosis will generally remove any molecular compounds smaller in
size than water molecules. Such compounds include salt, manganese, iron,
fluoride, lead, and calcium (Binnie et al, 2002). Reverse osmosis is
extremely efficient at stripping minerals from water, and it is highly
valued as a water purification process in the printing industry, in which
mineral-free water must be used. 

Although reverse osmosis supplies useful, mineral-free water for printing
purposes, it does not provide the healthiest drinking water.  , Because it
removes minerals according to physical size, reverse osmosis is
non-selective in its removal of dangerous and beneficial minerals. Clearly,
mineral contaminants like salt, fluoride, and lead should be removed from
drinking water, but minerals like iron and manganese, because they are
essential to natural body processes and important components of drinking
water, should be left in that water. Iron builds and maintains healthy red
blood cells while manganese helps in regulating protein, fat, and
carbohydrate metabolism. Manganese, like calcium, is also an essential
component in the building of bones and the clotting of blood. Though many
foods contain these minerals, drinking water can and should be a major
source for their intake.

Will a reverse osmosis device remove fluoride?  Maybe or maybe not. 
Although many reverse osmosis devices can remove up to 99% of fluoride, the
filters and membranes inside of a reverse osmosis device vary from model to
model and from manufacturer to manufacturer.

I also found one discussion of the molecular memory of fluoride in water
from which it has been largely removed. Interesting.

Waldord School threatened:
Hello Friends,

Attached is a petition circulating to collect signatures which will be
brought to the Cincinnati Waldorf School's Board of Trustees. I hope you
will consider signing it in support of preserving undeveloped woods and
meadows on Winton Road. Here is a brief history in case you are not up to

Six years ago the Cincinnati Waldorf School purchased 18+ acres of
undeveloped woods and farmland on Winton Road with the intention of building
a "green" building as a future home for the school. At that time the school
board prepared to launch a capital campaign to raise necessary funds for
construction. Unfortunately, political issues within the faculty and
administration (unrelated to the land purchase) took precedence and halted
progress. It was decided to put the project on hold until the school had
recovered from this shake-up. Over the last six years the land has been
tended and fenced by parent volunteers and students. It has served as an
outdoor classroom. Students have created trails and mapped tree species,
they have built an observation deck and other structures of natural
materials. Students, teachers and parents have enjoyed the serenity and
beauty of the land that has been named the "South Meadow".

Recent budget deficits at the school have prompted the current board of
trustees to consider the sale of the property to a "big box" developer. A
group of parents formed a committee to investigate the possibility of
forming a separate foundation which would buy the land from the school and
then raise funds to build a new school on it. This proposal was presented to
the board for consideration, however, on July 25th the board voted to sell
the land to a corporate developer. After this vote, two parents (Sean
Mullaney and Dianna Schweitzer) came forward with a third proposal - they
offered to buy the land from the school outright (for more than its original
purchase cost) and offer the school right of first refusal for a three year
time period. The Mullaney-Schweitzers did not present this proposal to the
board until after the vote because they didn't want to interfere with the
foundation proposal's chances of being accepted. The board considered this
new proposal and voted again to sell the land to a corporate developer.

The "Mullaney-Schweitzer" proposal serves multiple purposes, and many of us
believe it is the right decision. It would provide immediate much-needed
cash for the school. It would preserve the land (the Mullaney-Schweitzers
would never sell to a "big-box" developer). And it would buy 3 years of time
for the school to get fundraising underway toward fulfilling the vision of
constructing a new "green" school building on the South Meadow.

Please take a moment to read the attached petition. If you would like to
have your name added, please respond to this email and you will be added to
the list. We have limited time, so please respond quickly if you would like
to support this effort.

Thank you,
Nicole Gunderman

TO: The Board of the Cincinnati Waldorf School

RE: The Sale of South Meadow

DATE: August 6, 2007

We, the undersigned, strongly urge you to reconsider your recent decision to
sell South Meadow
to a corporate developer and accept the Mullaney-Schweitzer offer for the
following reasons:

1) We believe that selling a substantial green space, which is adjacent
to the last working farm
in Cincinnati, to a corporate, ³big box² developer is in direct
opposition to the core values of
the Waldorf philosophy.

2) We believe that selling the land to a corporate developer in this
manner and at this juncture will jeopardize the school in terms of:
a) reputation of the Cincinnati Waldorf School and of the Waldorf
b) acting against the established long-range plan for the Cincinnati
Waldorf School with no apparent majority support or alternative plan.

3) We believe that accepting the Mullaney-Schweitzer offer will provide
the school community with sufficient time to reevaluate its long-range plan
and make these far-reaching, vital decisions using a healthy, respectful,
community-building process that won¹t divide and diminish the Cincinnati
Waldorf School and its standing in the community.

4) Accepting the Mullaney-Schweitzer offer will remedy the immediate
financial crisis of the school while allowing continued use of the land and
leaving all future options open.

Section Four: Books/Movies/Magazines/Reviews
Come on... send me names of books and stuff you are enjoying. ellen

Alan Bern recommended a book, Hell¹s Gate: A soldier¹s journey, by an
American who fought in VietNam and subsequently became a Buddhist and has
traveled the world working for peace. I have ordered it from the public
library. Maybe someone else will get to it before me and send us some
notes. ... I hope. the other side of my bed is growing heavy with books
waiting to be read. At least I didn¹t go an buy them. Ellen

I (ellen) was tremendously impressed by Watership Down, ... Only just
discovered that the author has other works: ³...Adams' other works include
Shardik (1974), Plague Dogs (1977), The Girl in the Swing (1980), Maia
(1984) -- which takes place in the same world as Shardik, although I didn't
feel it was as strong a work as that earlier novel -- and Traveller (1988).

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to

We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group,

For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history


You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so
I can
> delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst

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