Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weekly: Summer Solstice 2007 - 5

I have been in bed with the flu, all weekk!  Sorry to be late with this, but know you want to read the table notes and hear about Leonard Orr’s talk.  E.
See in the Articles section my notes of the Leonard Orr talk last Sunday.  Fascinating.

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

          • Table Notes
          • Events & Opportunities
          • Articles, Letters
          • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  613.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon .  
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio.   To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color.  FOR ARTICLES, send me,
in Times New Roman, Navy color.   to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader
beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)
At the Table on  Wednesday 20 June 2007
(I have been laid up with the flu—Arrgggh!-- and could not attend the salon.  Chad Benjamin Potter took our notes .  Many thanks!  No energy to correct the notes... My appologies.  Love E.)
Ellen is sick tonight. Vlasta is telling us something, but I didn’t get it. pPresent: Himelvat, Vlasta, Mary Dallas Dan, Messer, geri, marvin, Chad Benjamin Potter Judy Cirillo, Janet Kalven Barrie Konicov, Spencer Konicov, shari able
/vkasta is having aparty at her house on Monday Call her at 521 9321 or email at drmolek@
Barry:  the event here with Leonard Orr was a great suceess
Bill:  there is a great program on art streaming right now on pbs.  Check the listing for this
Topics: resignation of robb Portman?
The banks
Sheri’s experience at Las Vegas
County jail
Sheri:  I was invited to my thirteen year old granddaughter graduation from the eight grade Pasadena christain school.  Mother is the math teacher.  She an her brother get free tutition.  Mother is ex-daughter in law, the father is my son. Granddaughter was validictorian gave twenty minute speech, in the speech, I counted at least 32 references to “Jesus”.  Noone was thanked but jesus, for birth, for food, for wonderful teachers, right path, etc.
I thought this was a little over the top.  When finished, I turned to son and asked for his opinion about the speech. “don’t worry, elise knows what she’s doing and knows how to please an audience.”
I don’t know which is worse, a heart-felt speech or a audience pleaser?
Marvin:  this is a temperal thing.  You must live a long life so you can see how your granddaughter evoles into someone differently than who she is now.  You can wait or irritate yourself, wring your hands and be unhappy.
Bill:  I remember in confirmation class, I told them that I didn’t wish to be confirmed because I didn’t know enough about my or other religions.  Rabbi told me about a jewish congregation of athetist in Detroit.  He said, look bill, you can change you mind the next day. You can change from hour to hour. The confirmation is not for you, it’s for your family and for the congregation.  Do this for them.
Spensor:  her speech sounds a little like marc Anthony and ceacer.  You should have a conversation with you granddaughter and get to know her.  Find out what she really believes.
Janet:  as I understand it, a bar mitzvah is about accepting adult responsibilities in society.  Confirmation was more of a watered down version.   It was more of a social thing to do. The ceremony didn’t have anything to hold me to the faith.
Vlasta:  It seems to me that you are a little peeved about your Christian granddaughter.  It seems to me that Spencer’s idea about getting to know your granddaughter is the best option.
Shari: I called my daughter-in-law to set up a lunch with my granddaughter, I’m still waiting to hear back from her.
Geri:  Yes.  You should independently try to contact your granddaughter.  
Barry:  It’s an interesting topic but has nothing to do with the anti-christ who was a male.  My suggestion is this, get the king james version of the bible and read it.  Learn that everything he taught was about monotheism – one ness.  I am in you, you are in me and we are in god.  This is nothing more than oneness.  You should read it and be prepared to discuss it with her.  you must enter the relationship where she is.
New Topic:  The Jail
Geri: a year ago, there was a ballot issue to raise the sales tax in order to raise revenue for a new jail.  It was voted down soundly by a great majority of the couty.  This spring, two of the three couty commissioners decided to raise the sales tax on their own by including a provision that some of the money would go toward rehabilitiation to combat the revolving door theory of the jail system.
Side question: move
Donald Spencer: great liberal was discouraging people from signing the petition to put the issue on the ballot for this fall.  I went to the website to investigate.  900 million would be raised 200 to the jail, 200 to the expansion of juvinile jail and another 150 to renovation of court system less than 1 million to renovation
 Read in city beat letter from glen marshall said that she wouldn’t have know exactly what was on the ballot unless she was working on the campus.  The resolution that the commissioners passes was to have a half percent raise is only for crime prevention.  10% is for rehabilitation.  There isn’t even an exact amount
So should we sign the petition to put it on the ballot and is this the best way to deal with crime in Hamilton county
I met someone that said they are going to make the new jail large enough so they can rent out some of the rooms to prisoners from other counties.
Some of the money is going to go to pay county police officers to help the city police officers to curtail crime.
Bil: part of the complication is that the two people who put it forward are opposed by Dewine. One of the reasons to make this happen so quickly is because they are spending a great deal of money sending Hamilton county prisoners to other couties.
I wrote a letter to pepper about the cheir police on tv explaning that 95% of criminals are drug related.  Reminded me of prohibition.  If drugs are the problem, then why not treat drugs like alcohol.  Licence drugs and treat people with drug use as people.  
Janet:  It would be much better to legalize it and tax it!
Bill:  Yes.  If legalized, it would take down the amount of people in the system and the cost
Marvin: locally, city council cannot make a law that the state law says is illegal.  However the city can make something illegal that the state says is legal.  If you want to change the law, you have to go to the state level.
The levee is for the building of a new jail
Barrie:  do they have the authority to raise the
My first objection is that they
If you want to improve the quality of the prisoners, think about who you are putting in jail. When you take a father away from a family, the chances of the family children will end up in jail.  For every person you put in jail you are taking a teacher out of the classroom.  The Jail is about money.  Phone calls in the system cost about $1 a minute.
Daniel:  The aronoff center got voted down, we got the aronoff. The stadium got voted down then built.  One of the biggest plagues of the city is this backroom decision making opens the door for more of the same.  We must bring these decisions into the light so that we can make informed choices
Shari:  in new york times, you can go to regular jail or you can elect to go to an upscale jail where they charge you 40-70 a night. You can use cell phone, family can deliver food, can hae your own foam mattress, single occupancy.  These were for non-violent crimes
Marvin:  this tax increase will cost approximately $100 a year for each individual.
Geri:  I’ve always believe that an ouce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.  If a fraction of this fund was used for activities that would help prevent crime, we would be better for it.
The City Beat article breaks down the list of those opposed to the tax measure.


~ End of Table Notes~

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Events & Opportunities

Ellen Bierhorst, Ph.D. Is a holistic psychotherapist with over 35 years experience.  Specialty area: Optimizing Mental Health ~ “Better than well”.  Also: healing trauma, strengthening families and relationships, alcohol and other addictions including food, and weight management, EMDR, GLBT, chronic pain and physical illness.  Clifton.  513 221 1289  www.lloydhouse.com


Residential space available at the Lloyd House: third floor single room with bathroom ... Can be furnished; has double bed size sleeping loft; also queen size bed on floor, desk, rug.  $350 monthly contribution.  Call Ellen 513 221 1289

Also is available by the night for guests from out of town.

Beautiful and Charming, spacious first floor office space at the Lloyd House, fully furnished including bodywork table, chairs, love seat, rugs, armchairs, wood burning (gas ignited ) fireplace.  Rookwood even.  Available by the hour.  Share waiting room.  Powder room.  Outside entry.  Terms: contribute 20% of gross to the house.  Call Ellen 221 1290

Section Three: Articles

  • Ellen’s  notes on Leonard Orr Talk last Sunday at Lloyd House:  Five Great Ideas

Leonard Orr talk at the Lloyd House 6/17/07
(My thoughts...truncated.  By ellen.    So I opened the door and there was this skinny middle aged man with relaxed demeanor, and easy, twinkley open eyes.  It was the great Leonard Orr.  Now a week later I think that being with Leonard really is a mind expander.  Leonard walks thru walls.  Maybe he has a personality disorder.  Maybe he is a great teacher.  In any case he is easy to be with, and his presence is very “light”.  I am considering hiring him to consult with me on my money and poverty hang up... The thing about the virtuous not being wealthy.  Leonard drives a brand new Prius.  He is a vegetarian.  He looks about sixty five; is actually about seventy.  According to Wikipedia he was the teacher who gave the world Werner Erhardt, as in EST aka Landmark aka the Forum.  I had wondered if he were Jewish.  Don’t think so.  Didn’t ask.  ... He has two children, 12 and 22, divorced from their mothr.  ... Do  you know the word “darshan”?  Just being with the Guru gives you a beneficial experience.  Guru Mai of Siddha Yoga gives darshan.  Well, I think we got darshan from our evening with Leonard.  I am tickled by the whole thing.  Ellen)

The following are notes I took during the evening.  I thought many of his topics were exactly what the salon has been interested in!:

Barrie Konicov: I have known for 30 years. Met in 1977 I Milwaukee… He will cause you to think,, will stretch your boundaries.  When they snap remember it’s good for you.



  1. Spiritual psychology.  
I got the idea in the sixties to combine these two.  
Energy becomes what it thinks about.  
Need to heal the emotional mind.  Takes about a hundred years.  To heal mental body.
After that you notice the physical body.  Takes longer to get enlightened about physical body; takes 500 years. How stay alive long enough? There are a few tools…
            Psychology.  I became internat’ly famous in psycol. Circles with five biggies of human trauma.  Now eight.  I learned about them thru being a business consultant, “consciousness consultant”.  Developed a system to double income of a person … usually in less than thirty days.  You have to be self employed.  Have the mathematical opportunity.  If that, then if you don’t do that it is because of emot’l factors.  One day I did a talk and looked for the common denominators of all my clients.  I call them the Five Biggies (now six):  
-       birth trauma.  … had them write affirmations.  People then could double income in thirty days. Everybody has an income ceiling.
-       Parental disapproval syndrome.  Your parents disapprove of you exactly the way your parents disapproved of them…
-       Specific negatives.  Negative self sabotage.
-       Uncs. Death urge. Freud .  Breaking the Death Habit my most pop book. Healing the Death Urge.
The ave. life of a Fortune 500 company is 40 years.  Death urge of the managers, stock holders.  Article, “the Guru Syndrome”.    The guru will be “murdered” by your devotees. Because of their death urge. Mary Baker Eddy named it.  
I have ten million students, but only two devotees.  One is an Indian Brahmin man, a scholar.  He realized what Shiva discovered: True guru is the conscious self.  I always treat everyone as divine, and that has saved me.
- karma from past lives.  Best research by Ian Stephenson (Stevenson) at U. Va.  “Return from Heaven”  Carol Bowman.  Children who spontaneously remember their past life.  … Just recently I’ve met three families with children who were reincarnated within same family.  Carol Bowman’s mission is to help these families.
I didn’t believe in past lives originally.  Came to believe in working with clients.  
-       school trauma. Conformity.
-       Religion trauma
-       senility

Change beliefs thru auto suggestion.  Set our own goals, instead of having them given us by conditioning or accident.  Become architect of our own life and our own reality.

  In ’67 I unraveled my death urge.  Then reread books on immortality.  As a born again Christianity they taught eternal life.  I was disturbed that Christians did die.  Then read Autobiography of a Yogi.  There are immortal yogis.  How did they achieve that?  In ’77 I went to India.  Didn’t find any immortals.  But I found a guy who healed 5k people in one day.  At the end of the day he had all these diseases in his body. But next day had healed himself. He got my attention!
            He could also feed any amount of people on his birthday.  The pots never got empty.  We watched in the kitchen!
Then learned about the immortal.  9000 yr old Herakhan Baba.  How know they are that old?  When you meet a real immortal yogi, they are more intelligent, in a practical way, than the 100 most intelligent people you have ever met.  
            The 2000 yr old guys I know are easy to trace thru history.  You can find books about them in different centuries by Western scholars.
            Bartraharji.  Bhartrihari-ji.  Wrote a book about renunciation at 300.  Only non Buddhist book used in the training of Buddhist monks for 700 years.  Wrote on epistemology. He is the easiest to track.
            I learned spiritual purification: ridiculously simple and obvious.             Water:  Bathe twice a day.  They all do that.  I can remember the month when I decided to try that.  I got so much benefit I never stopped.  I spend an hour immersed in water twice a day.  I do breathing and meditation in the water. The water is cleaning and balancing your energy body.  Next time you bathe, mediate.  Cleaning your charkas.  Immersion is better than shower.  
I like to take a shower before and after my bath.  Snorkel, 20 on each side.  Connected breaths.  
Before I stand up I turn the water to cool.  Closes your charkas, keep your clean energy longer.

            CONNECTED BREATHING,  rebirthing. Breathwork.  People become cs. Of energy body.  
            Babaji, the 9000 yr old intro. Me to fasting. He tricked me into doing 87 day fast.  45 days fruit only once a day.  Next 30 milk only once a day.  Next 30 juice twice a day.  Next 3 days water as much as I want.  That is when I became cs. Of nutrition.  Before that a meat eater.  Since then vegetarian.  
            Next:  three days a week for a year.  Only liquids on Sun and Tues., neither food nor liquid on Mondays.  One day a week for a year, “air fast” no food or liquids.  
            Immortals go for years or centuries without food or water.  
            FIRE  built into their daily lives.  I didn’t get it until I burned out as a trainer and became unfunctional. The only thing brought me back was spending a year alone in forest with the fire.  This was ’81.  I realized I had relearned the death urge from my students worse than from my parents.  Fire burned away the most efficient.  
A simple dwelling with fire pit in middle.  Sleep and meditate by the fire.  
(?) usually bathe in a river.  Cold.  I have concluded warm water is terrific.  
A guy 120 yrs old, looked like 40.  Raw food diet. He had never had warm water. When he died I was shocked. Cause of his death was symptoms that rebirthers heal routinely.  Respiratory.  He never healed that part.  
            These disciplines are all pleasurable. Bliss.  Ecstasy.  
            EARTH PURIFICATION wholesome diet and exercise. Pleasure of the physical body.
            Ridiculously simple.  Bartraji stopped preaching about this after age 300.  People didn’t listen.  He does public demo. Every 300 years.  Next one around 2010.  He lives in Ciriska Forest in state of Rajasthan 4 hrs from Delhi.


In the sixties I was active in politics.  Why was not working?
California Democratic Council, … elected Pat Brown, in office 16 yrs.  Established a University in every pocket of conservatism in the state and so maintained liberalism in CA.  
            Had political clubs.  Most vital movement in US history.  Had club officers.  Club rep. to a council in each assembly district and each rep. district … As a result, they controlled all the elections.  They ruled the state for 40 yrs, prob. Still do. (Arnold S?  Ronald R?)  during Pat Brown last year he sabotaged the org.  So the Republicans won after him.  His son Jerry, who became Buddhist, became governor. Wasn’t sophisticated.  Only lasted one term. Was defeated by Reagan.
            Have a full time political rep for every 1000 people.  Only cost 10$ month. They keep track of all the levels of gov’t.  then council …  
500,000 registered voters in every cong dist.  500 districts.  500 neighborhood reps in each district council.  Have a m eeting.  
            I got elected as rep of my precinct…
            Got the idea of being an elected rep. at large.  Now people all over the world sign… $120/year.  Most I got was 12,000/ year.  Not enough.  When I get enough income I will spend full time doing politics.  
            Would like 60 people in D.C. area who deliver enlightening messages to our reps. Once a  month or more.  Each take 10 legislators each.  Metaphysical lobbyists.  And practical information.  

Fourth great idea.

Since 1913 a small grp of people manipulated congress to pass Fed. Reserve act during Christmas recess.  Most of congressmen were not there.  
            W. Wilson later said that signing that act was the worst mistake of his presidency.  But nobody since has gotten enough will to change the game.
            Constitution gives the power to print money to congress.  Money is a means of exchanging wealth; ideas, goods, services.  We have all the wealth ultimately.  We have the right to create any money system we want.  Congress
George Washington printed all the money for several years but didn’t understand money.  But the system didn’t work in rational way. Only those whose did business with Fed. Gov’t.  Generated Boxer Rebellion.  His system then cancelled.  
Reestablished gold standard money; everybody then equally poor.  
            Better: print money, give everybody an equal supply.  
            Even Better: renew money to everybody every month.  Amount based on the gross produce.  
            Present system: printed by bankers, loaned to society.  To get so you must borrow it.  They take 5% off the top.  They manipulate the money supply.  They cause recessions, depressions, and they own everything of value in all the major countries. … the bankers flaunt their power. … Nobody knows what the prime rate means.  They want to devalue the money; why?  If it is  worthless, you have to borrow more.  They get a percent. Of every real estate loan.  
            Today over 10% of all R.E. loans are in foreclosure.  Last`` year increased 35% over previous year.  This is accelerating.  \
Complimentary Alternative Money Systems
Local money systems, like in Ithaca NY.  Most successful system.  You can pay for rent, clothes, food,  medical services.
Started by a retired person.  You have to have at least one full time professional.  The guy who started it, for humanitarian motivation.  
You pay one dollar in, get one hour (ten “dollars).  Now everybody gets twenty per year.  
Gave grants to orgs. Non profit to hire people to do good work.  
As a result, minimum wage rose to ten dollars an hour.  
Only 11,000 in circulation, but is spent many times a year, so
The currency can’t leave town.  
            The ghost town phenomenon.  Jobs disappear.  Dead town.  When the money leaves town, the people have to have a way to get it back. There isn’t a way to get it back in conventional economics.  But if they printed their money, it jump starts the economy.
            National level: three yrs ago the pres. Of Brazil guaranteed 100/mon. income.  Eliminated hard core poverty.  The economy of Brazil took off like a rocket.  
            In Spain they guarantee 300/mo.  In france500/mo, and Germans and Italians. They have been practicing this for decades.  
            USBig.org (basic income guarantee)… thousands of professors preaching the idea of establishing this idea here.  
            I am establishing a local money sys. In VA. There are 200 systems in the US. Many different systems.  
There is a silver based system, over 20 million in circ.  “American Liberty Currency”.  ``````

Ask  yourself What is A thought that controls your life.  The most valuable knowledge you can have about yourself.  Ask which of the eight biggies controls you the most.  


About local money: how get?
You print it.  
In Ithaca: you pay one dollar and you receive 20.  You spend it at any of 2000 members, and in Ithaca all the merchants who are not members will also take it.  
What feds say? Local money income  is taxable.  
(Primer?)  The truth about money by me.  
Can join my system, (application in the booklet on Neighborhood Representation)
(In Cinti. There was a movement to start an Ithaca type system.) (After several meetings there was no one who would step up and be the leader.  So it failed.)  That is the problem all over the world.  Paul Glover in Ithaca was retired, could work on it full time. Takes off when you have 100 or ore members.  When 1000 members it can be self perpetuating. Can print the money t pay your full time coordinator, say 2000/mo.  At first need someone who can do it without pay.  
(how long take?) Depends on the system.  In many cases communities get a grant to pay the person.  
In Ithaca they got a grant to pay wage for part time person for a year.  I consulted with them.  Told them to print money to pay the person…
            I noticed that all the business people would gladly take local  money, but they never saw any, because there wasn’t enough in circulation, due to fear.  
            The manager of credit union borrowed 30000 local money; moved his building.  Hired workers.  Paid in local money.  
            They need to give all members $20/mo.  
            The power to print money is an awesome power. When you learn to use that, you have tremendous power.  
(death urge? Does our nation have one?) Yes.
(Randall Ball:) twenty years ago, you (Leonard) walked in to a Seattle church of 700 people… “I don’t listen to anyone on nutrition unless they are 300 year old.”   Profound.  
Order by mail from the list on the back of the pamphlet (Leonad left several pamphlets here...come pick one u p.).  
(Barrie: the death urge is super important.  Watch how you complete this thought:  the wages of sin is... death.  Hence, religion teaches that you are sinner, and hence you will die.  So ingrained you cannot see it.  You see the Dem. Party is based on fear of death.  You will find  your death urge in Chap II in Genesis.  Last sentence is about death.)

Section Four: Books/Movies/Magazines/Reviews

Come on... send me names of books and stuff  you are enjoying.  ellen
During my illness I have discovered iTunes has books you can download and play on  your laptop or iPod.  If  you have a dumb Windows machine yu can download books for free from the p ublic lib.  I have listened to Terry Pratchett’s Wee Free Men, a discworld novel.  Hilarious, and also full of pithy wisdom.  I love Pratchett.  
Also Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle, a memoir.  She grew up with dysfunctional parents in abject poverty and idealized neglect. Fascinating.  Ellen.

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:   http:lloydhouse.blogspot.com
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
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For Pot Luck  procedures including
 food suggestions, mission and history visit
http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:  http://www.lloydhouse.com

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