Thursday, November 23, 2006

Weekly 11/23/06 - 5

Special next Wednesday 11/29:  Eric Russo will come and talk and show video on the alarming oppression that we are under by the
IRS and the Federal Reserve Bank.  Remember when he presented on Catherine Austin Fitts and  her  That was super.  See announcement below in Maroon section.
Come to the WEDNESDAY night salon.  

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements
  • Articles

  • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  c. 600.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon .  For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio.   To Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color.  FOR ARTICLES, send me,
in Times New Roman, Navy color.   to
,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
sixth year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers.  Reader
beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations.  E.B.)

At the Table on  Wednesday, 11/22/06: Janet Kalven, Linda Gruber, David Rosenberg, Daisy Quarm, Marvin Kraus, Joyce Alpiner, Spencer Konicov, Gerry Kraus, Steve Sunderland, Bill Messer, Ellen Bierhorst, Julia Yardin, Derrick Lester

(Opened with round: “Come follow, follow, follow...”)


David: I am thrilled to be getting married  next month.
Daisy: I’m also thrilled that I am getting married…
Marvin: I am thrilled that Daisy and David are getting married.  Muse put on a wonderful concert … Garrison Keillor will be here , Prairie Home Companion show live at Music Hall.  We are going (AND BRINGING ME WITH! I’ll give you a review  next week.  Ellen)
Joyce:  I am grateful to be here living in Cinti near my daughter and granddaughter and Spencer is new and special in my life.  And my son is coming to visit me with his girlfriend after many years of isolation.
Spencer: I am grateful to have found Joyce, an entertaining and interesting part of my life… and I have an offer on a condo I am selling today.
Gerry: I am grateful I found Marvin 48 ½ years ago … and at my tender age to be able to ski.  That Marvin and I are healthy, and don’t owe anyone any  money.
Steve: I am grateful to this group as an oasis in the desert … to hear the news…  Feel blessed to be here and to come together and create a set of topics to think about, talk about, and maybe take action about.  Last week a speaker at NKU, XU and UC: Resa Aslan, author of “No God but God”, a  Muslim scholar who presented a bold idea that Islam is undergoing a “reformation” period.  A hundred year period of change going on.  Questions: Who are the authorities of the religion?  Imams, scholars, or individuals?  A bold and amazing idea.  Usually when a scholar comes to UC the attendance is slight; we had over 2000 people to hear him.  The questions were vigorous.  I was heartened.  ‘Since 911 we have become in the west aware of this force: the reformation includes translating the QU'RAN into English… Muslims are the second most affluent minority in US… Muslims are turning to Muslim televangelists for teachings.  One televangelist in particular, out of Egypt … it is happening all over the world.  Osama bin Laden represents the new minority who are saying people should follow him, though not the Qu'ran, not the Imam.  It is a “Protestantization” of Islam.  Main line traditional Muslims are upset; the terrorist type attacks are all banned by the Qu'ran and by Sharia (Islamic law).  
Gerry: I want to bring everybody’s attention to Time mag. cover story on the pope going to Turkey soon.  Talked about the  role of Islam in today’s society.  Didn’t say anything about the reformation you are talking about.
… When the pope was in Germany recently he referenced a 14th cent. Muslim who said something about Islam and violence going hand in hand.  (!)
Probably available online.  
Spencer: I can email the article from Time…
Steve: I have been at the Freestore this week. Largest number of recipients… yesterday over 2000.  Many grateful people.  Remarkable outpouring of donations.
Bill:  I am grateful that so many people have things to be grateful for.  I left US on Nov 7 and I am grateful for the (election) news on the 8th and 9th as I was in Prague, finding out that the Republicans decided not to pull the electronic strings to change the election.  
Ellen my daughter’s pregnancy; seeing my sons this weekend; Democratic victory; saw Borat… thought it hilarious.
Janet I am grateful for being 93; to belong to this fascinating group; to belong to my writing  group, also fascinating, Women Writing for a Change, for the lovely weather, for Springrove Cemetery, the nicest greenspace around.  Some of the most magnificent trees.  
Spencer I am grateful to be here with a great revolutionary feminist like Janet.  
Janet  I was alive during WWI; when women got the vote.
Linda for good health, good friends, that my schedule allows me to come back to the salon, for all the support that is in my life.


Nancy Pelosi
Changing Birth Rates
Bill two days ago the socialist party in France had a primary.  A woman took the election, a  woman named Royal. Has a good chance at being the first woman President of France.

Nancy Pelosi

New Democratic Speaker of the House.  
Congressperson from San Francisco.
Went to Trinity College and is Catholic.
Grew up in Maryland.
Had 5 (or 6) kids.  Her father a big politician.  Mayor of Baltimore.  
Is Italian.
Is 65.
Is well preserved.
Daisy I think it is just terrific that we have a  woman speaker of the house; I don’t expect her to be better than the men.  I do think she’ll push some different agendas.
Gerry she wanted Murtha to be the assistant  speaker and lost.  
Daisy I don’t think she is particularly progressive. She is left of the center in the Dem. Party.  Is very anti war.
Bill she voted for the war though.
Gerry she took it graciously when the other guy got elected over Murtha (to be her second in command in the House).  
David One of the things that is going to happen that people sort of predicted is that there will be a major change on Iraq policy. Bush  doesn’t have a rubber stamp congress to fund the war anymore.
Joyce: yesterday in Hawaii he said we would fight to the end.

: bush has continued, t hough, to push forward a number of extreme people.  Like an anti-contraception guy to head of family planning.  … he still has a veto.
David seems like he will make the Republicans look awfully bad.  
Bill most people don’t follow judicial appointments.


Spencer on NPR: teen pregnancy is down, but single women in late twenties and thirties are having way more babies.
Daisy some are in relationships, just not married.
David I am wondering if people are electing abortion less. I think people are taking abortion differently nowadays.  When I was a  young man in the 70’s people had abortion in an ethics  neutral way.  I don’t think that is the case today.
Bill there are whole states in which there is not even one doctor who will perform one.  
Marvin are we experiencing a rejection by  women of the idea that men are vital to the existence of American society?
Daisy I t hink it is (that women are thinking it is) better to be without a man than with one you don’t like.  Rather than saying, “I’ve go t to have some man to have a child.”  Today women are marrying  only if they  think they could have a positive relation with the man.  So women are either choosing to have babies alone or just to not marry the father of your child.
Gerry used to be economically impossible to survive without a man.
Daisy When I was a child, the illegitimate children were shunned.
Gerry when I was growing  up, it was scandalous if a woman got pregnant. … a sophomore in college got pregnant, had to leave school at the end of the year.
Joyce I think men are also making choices not to marry the women they get pregnant, and the women are going ahead and having the baby.
Daisy a lot of couples I know have a baby and later get married.
Ellen:  It seems to me that the young men today don’t have the zeal, the ambition that they used to have.  I remember as a student at Vassar visiting friends from Walnut Hills who were at Yale, and reflecting how much more dynamism there was among the young men than there was among the women of similar background and abilities.  … leadership roles in walnut Hills h.s.--prresident of the class, editor of the Chatterbox, Remembrancer, Head of Student Council-- mostly  had passed to the girls in Anna’s class 1987.   I remember seeing a special TV report on Manhattan’s Chinatown in the 70’s: An elder of that community said, “When the young men have no hope, you are in trouble.”  The failure of the American Dream, the conquering colossus.  U.S. As the savior of the world, the great golden future of prosperity and modernity.  That is dead.  But the women, the girls, are still connected with the  sources of grandeur they have always been concernd wih: have healthy children! Feed them!  Keep them well!  So they still have that dynamism, and maybe it is the reason why the women seem more fit today than the men,  more involved and motivated…
Marvin: men today don’t know how to deal with the women of today.  It is not true any more that men are presumed to be dominant.
Joke: when you go to a Jewish wedding, how do you know which denomination it is?  Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist?  At an orthodox wedding the mother of the bride is pregnant.  At the conservative wedding the bride is pregnant.  At the Reform wedding the rabbi is pregnant. At the Reconstructionist wedding, the groom is pregnant.  
Gerry they were interviewing the micro banking man from Bangladesh.  He likes to lend to women but it took years to persuade the women that they could handle money.
David In peasant society, women raise most of the food. … the men are trying to get cash out of this global economy, unsuccessfully.  But in terms of keeping the population alive it is the women who do most of the work.  … the role of the male in post industrial society has changed drastically; probably even worse in countries who are suffering in globalization.
Bill I don’t think men’s roles have changed that much; but women’s roles have.
Gerry just the last 20 years, huge change in communications.
Spencer: in (Eastern) Europe Jewish men studied, and the women ran the businesses.
Had lots of children.
In America, it changed.
Linda I just see it as a shift from male dominated society … the question we have is how do we inspire  society now?  Not the conflict among genders, parties, religions; how do you live a human life.  How do we  re define this?
Bill I don’t see this as a negative at all.  I remember being a feminist in the 60’s. At that time, one man could dominate a circle of women in a discussion.  Men had to learn to shut up and learn from the women.… I think  it is very healthy , the end of the American machismo thing, conquering the world, nationalistic fervor.  Rather, some planetary shared male-female aspiratons …
Daisy I am not sure there are not involved men at Walnut… I know very  involved boys at Walnut Hills… a  walk out, a march to music hall a few  years ago…
David smart men are learning what to be against, but not what to be for.  What kind of opportunities and vision does this society have for the present and for the future?  Nebulous at best.  
Marvin In today’s world men have to learn that today women are full fledged people.  Learn it from women in t his new society.  Who better to teach them how to behave than the women who emerged f rom a second place position?
Bill that was one of the valuable things about being a feminist male thirty years ago, forty years.  The great opportunity to learn from women… I also disagreed with another thing Ellen said; the American dream collapse having a male association around it.  When I look around, see these people, start upcompanies in  80’s and 90’s, silicone valley, computer wizzards...every single one of them are  men.  
Daisy now there are higher rates of Harvard biz school grads starting their own businesses that are women than men.
Julia most of the small businesses are run by women. The big corps. are run by men…


Spencer:  in very ancient days, it was only men who were literate.
Julia record of literate women back into old testament times;  the judge Deborah.

: the first joke my son told me in second grade. “Mommy, is god a man or a woman?”  “Son, God is neither a man nor a woman. “ “Black or white?”. (“Neither Black nor white.”)   “Gay or straight?”(“Neither Gay nor Straight.”).  …   “Well, Mom, then is Michael Jackson God?”
Derrick  what makes you presume there is a God?  Do I need proof there is no elephant in the room?
Spencer to believe in something that is not so,  is to believe in a fantasy; if you knowingly believe in a fantasy, knowing it is a fantasy, that’s good.  That’s why I am comfortable with my belief in God.  
Janet Well, that is not a position acceptable to any theist.

(Closed with round: We  have come too far.)

~ End of Table Notes~

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Announcements

Friday November 24 and Sat Nov. 25:  ANNUAL BUY NOTHING .
Consumer’s revolt.  Just spend no $$ on Friday or Saturday. For details see:

Nov. 29, Wednesday, at the Salon
Eric Russo to show movie on Fed. Reserve and IRS:
Hi Ellen,

so nice to talk to you yesterday.  Per our discussion, here is a blurb on the movie that I would like to share with your group.  It is called, "From Freedom to Facism," produced by Aaron Russo, no relation.  Aaron directed such movies as "The Rose"  and " Trading Places."  Since no distributor would touch this film, Russo initially relied on independent movie houses and organizations to premier the film, which has happened throughout the country since last March.  Now, he has made the film avaliable on DVD, which I recently purchased.

The basic theme of the movie is this.  The true power of this country is not with our executive, legislative or judicial branches of government, much as we would like to believe.  Rather it is the coporate banks and their leaders that call the shots through an institution called the Federal Reserve, and it is the IRS that is their enforcer.

Both of these groups have systematically stripped the wealth of this nation for the last 93 years.  They have also stripped us of our power, because it is they who are above the laws of this land.  They are accountable to absolutely no one. They are above all of our nationally elected leaders and they are above the Constitution itrself.  They are the ones that Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Lincoln warned us about.  It is what cost Kennedy his life after he signed an executive order in June, 1963 abolishing the Federal Reserve.

The movie inspires us to become aware, and instructs us how to take action.

The movie is 1 hour and 47 minutes.  I would like to share it with you on November  29th.


(Will someone take notes at the showing and write a review for the Weekly?  Ellen)

Mental Health for the Holidays [Every Thursday in December, 5:50- 7:30 pm]: Holistic psychologist Ellen Bierhorst offers an open group, “Surviving and thriving during the holidays: December Mental Health Institute at the Lloyd House” for support and education around common problems and individual issues, including: holiday blues, overeating and overdrinking, family reunion and anniversary issues, parenting, loneliness, insomnia and more.  Couples and families welcome.  $10.  Drop-ins welcome.  No appointment necessary.  The Lloyd House, 3901 Clifton Avenue, Cinti. 45220.  Parking on Lafayette Avenue.  More info @ 513 221 1289,, &
This is an opportunity to have access to Ellen in a freely affordable way, for those who would love that, but don’t feel like or can’t afford a full-dress psychotherapy appointment.  It most likely will be a small group—could be just you and me.  Feel free to come to one or all of the Thursday evening sessions.  

Tri-State Treasures
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email.  Please help me by providing all basic information and formatting your submissions as described below.

Sincerely,  Jim

Vote For AirTran Service to Cincinnati: If you live in the Cincinnati area, consider contacting AirTran Airways, one of the largest low-fare carriers in the US, to encourage them to extend service to CVG. AirTran Airways offers low-fare, quality jet service with more than 600 daily flights to 50 destinations. The airline is asking customers where it should extend service next; Cincinnati is on the list of possibilities. They report they're gauging community support with a decision being made by the end of the year. Vote now on AirTran's website @
. Why should AirTran locate service at CVG? CVG is a world-class airport with a new north-south runway. CVG has the highest average airfares in the nation; a low-fare airline will bring competition & competitive pricing. Our region has a strong, stable business base with 9 Fortune 500 headquarters & 16 Fortune 1000 headquarters. AirTran has a previous history of operating at CVG (1995-1998). Read more @
Click for Free Soup: Please keep clicking to get thousands of can of Chunky soup donated to the Cincinnati freestore foodbank. Bookmark the site & vote everyday. Tell your friends, even if they're not Bengals fans.
Deadra Hart Concert [Friday-Saturday 24-25 November @ 9 PM - 1 AM]: New York City vocalist Deadra Hart returns to Cincinnati this holiday weekend with New York drummer Fred Kennedy to perform with her father, pianist Jim Hart. Performing in the art deco elegance of the Palm Court Mezzanine, this is the perfect setting to relax after the Thanksgiving dishes are done (or just leave 'em in the sink) for some great live music: Jazz, Latin, & Standards. No cover charge or minimum. At the Palm Court of the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel, 35 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.421.9100,, &
O'Bryonville Animal Rescue Holiday eBay Auction [Friday 24 November - Friday 1 December]: Leave the holiday shopping crowds at the mall. Do your shopping from the comfort of home & help the cats at O'Bryonville Animal Rescue. Your items will arrive in time for the holidays. All proceeds go to the cats. We’re sure to have some great items for that unique someone on your list, so be sure to put in some bids. Free. Online at More info @ 513.871.PAWS, &
Pastels by Nina [Reception: Saturday 25 November @ 4-6 PM]: Original works including pastel & pencil drawings by Nina Tolley, with live music by pianist Rachel Kramer. Exhibit runs thru 30 November & will be on display during Muse Concerts 17-19 Nov. At St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info & appointments to view exhibit @
CWS Classes - Morning Garden Music & Parents & Tots [Enrollment begins Monday 27 November]: Enroll for 2 exciting winter term programs brought to families by the Cincinnati Waldorf School. Morning Garden Music is ideal for parents with babies 3-18 months of age & meets in 2 locations: CWS main campus (745 Derby Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45232) & their new Indian Hill location (Turner Farm 7550 Given Road, Indian Hill, OH 45243). P&T is an enriching class filled with art, music, & movement for parents & their toddlers 16-36 months old; held at the main campus. More info @  513.541.0220,, &
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers [November 28 - December 8; see website for evening show times]: Almost daily screenings of this powerful, important documentary about the profiteering that permeates the Iraq war. If you haven't seen it, you should. This is important stuff for an informed public to understand. In the final speech of his presidency, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned "we must guard against the... militaryindustrial complex" through an "alert and knowledgeable citizenry." This documentary describes what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war. Director Robert Greenwald takes the viewer inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows, & children who have been changed forever by profiteering during the reconstruction of Iraq. "Iraq for Sale" describes the connections between the huge profits made by private corporations in Iraq and the decision-makers who allow this to happen. $2 for UC Community with ID; $4 for general public. Not rated; 75 minutes. At Tangeman Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.556.0943,, &
Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt Display [Wednesday 29 November - Friday 1 December]: Remembering those who have passed on. Free & open to the public. Atrium Tangeman University Center, University of Cincinnati. More info @ 513.556.6115 &
Christmas Yet To Come [November 30-December 23]: World premiere. Know Theatre transforms Dickens’ classic story into a contemporary, cutting edge rock musical where the cutest little girl is Christmas Past and a gorgeous drag queen is Christmas Present. Christmas Yet To Come will feature live rock music, intense narration, and pop modern dance. In collaboration with Cincinnati’s most exciting contemporary dance company, Exhale Dance Tribe. At Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.621.2787,, &
Bi-Okoto Holiday Festival Performance [Friday-Saturday 1-2 December @ 7:30 PM]: See the Bi-Okoto Drum & Dance Theatre perform "African Roots: The Rhythms of Our Land." $18 for adults; $12 for children. At Harriet Tubman Theater, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @
513.221.6112,,, &
Book Sale from the Collection of Oscar Treadwell [Saturday 2 December @ 1-4 PM]: Through a generous donation of his family, books from the collection of Oscar Treadwell, beloved aficionado of poetry & jazz, will be sold by The Friends of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County. Each item will include a specially designed bookplate indicating that it is from the library of Oscar Treadwell. At the Program Area of the Main Library (South Building), 800 Vine Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.369.6035 &
AccentFest Fall 2006 [Saturday 2 December @ 6 PM]: An evening of music performed by talented young musicians. The Accent Program presents an end-of-the-year festival solo recital with works by Vivaldi, Bornemann, Suzuki, Jones, Hoffmeister, Bach, Reger, & more. Free & open to the public. Reception after the recital in the CCM café. At Mary Emery Hall 3250, College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ &
CWS Holiday Faire [Saturday 2 December @ 10 AM -1 PM]: Shop, eat, & be entertained at the Cincinnati Waldorf School’s annual Holiday Faire. Purchase unique, handmade items from local vendors. Bake sale & holiday crafts for children. Magic Meadow gift store, your home for Waldorf-inspired unique toys, crafts, & gifts will be open with a huge selection of holiday gift items for the entire family. Free admission. All proceeds go to support CWS. 745 Derby Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45232. More info @  513.541.0220,, &
Peace & Merriment [Sunday 3 December @ 2 PM]: The Riley School of Irish Music celebrates its 10th Anniversary with a free holiday concert of traditional Irish music. Students, faculty, & well-known local ensembles will come together to play music on harps, flutes, fiddles, tin whistles, banjos, mandolins, concertinas, & guitars. Refreshments will be served. Free admission; donations will be accepted. At the Columbia Baptist Church, 3718 Eastern Avenue, Columbia-Tusculum, Cincinnati, OH 45226. More info @ 513.588.0036,, &
Global Holiday Festival [Sunday 3 December @ 11 AM - 5 PM]: Enjoy this day-long celebration of global cultures & holiday traditions. The celebration will include storytelling, cultural activities, games, freedom dialogues, & more. At the Grand Hall, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info @
513.333.7500,, &
See That Justice Is Done [Monday 4 December @ 7:30 PM]: Joyce Kinley, president of The Amos Project, a group of over 40 church congregations committed to living their faith through public action, will reflect on conditions in Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky at the next meeting of the Neighbor to Neighbor organization, for residents of Pleasant Ridge, Kennedy Heights, Silverton, & other nearby neighborhoods.  At the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church, 5950 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45213.  More info @
The Hawkshaws [Monday 4 December @ 7:30 PM]: The Hawkshaws… a real hawk rendered gargantuan by tree-frog hormones injected by a midget scientist bent on world domination. You gotta check this out. A staged reading: 90 minutes, 12 characters, 2 actors, 1 night only. In 1927, two hawkshaws (private eyes) take on a case that will answer the questions surrounding the true story of the appearance & disappearance of the giant killer hawk of Chicago, as performed by 2 actors playing 12 characters in 90 minutes. Written by Talon Bunn. Starring Charlie Clark (See What I Wanna See) & Matthew Gunnels. Directed by Gregory Gerhard. Free; donations appreciated. House & Underground Bar opens at 6:30 PM. At The Underground, Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.300.KNOW,, &
Free Tuesday @ the Freedom Center [Tuesday 5 December @ 2-5 PM]: Target sponsors free admission for guests to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
Continuing Treasures:
Celebrating 20 Years of the Duncanson Artist-in-Residence Program [thru Thursday 30 November]: Named for Robert S. Duncanson (1821–1872), the internationally renown painter of the 8 landscape murals at the Taft Museum of Art, the Duncanson Artist-in-Residence program recognizes outstanding African American artists. This year's celebration brings 17 of 19 past artists for 20 days of programs, school outreach, events, workshops, performances, & an exhibition. Programs are free & take place at Taft Museum of Art (TMA, 316 Pike Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202) unless otherwise indicated. RSVP indicates reservations are required. More info & RSVP @ 513.241.0343 ext 39, &
Opening: 20 Years & Evolving [Friday 3 Nov @ 6-8 PM, thru 30 Nov]: Exhibit features works by visual artists Tyrone Geter, Tarleton Blackwell, Melvin Grier, & Thom Shaw. Free to TMA members; $10 general public. Carnegie Visual & Performing Arts Center, 1028 Scott Boulevard, Covington, KY 41011.
Taft Thursdays for Teachers: Printmaking with Thom Shaw [Thursday 30 Nov @ 5-8 PM]: Back by demand, Thom Shaw invites educators to join him in his studio to see & participate in his woodblock printing process. $8-10. RSVP. At TMA.
The Perfect Anomaly [thru 30 November]: This exhibit featuring Cincinnati artist & musician Cynthia Matyi will emphasize the artist's versatility in a retrospective of over 40 original oil paintings. The art includes loose, colorful landscapes & unique works with intricate patterns & intertwining elements that creatively depict spirituality, fantasy, humor & reverence for our natural world. Refreshments & live Irish music at the opening. Free. At Christ Church Cathedral, 318 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.621.1817,, &
Ushering for the Holidays: Work as an usher for “The Christmas Carol” @ Playhouse in the Park (2-30 December) or for “The Nutcracker” @ Music Hall (15-26 December) & see the shows for free. More info from Steve @ 513.345.2242 for “The Christmas Carol” & from Sue Sommer @ 513.353.1581 for “The Nutcracker.” Mention that John Donato asked you to call. Open to friends, relatives, & responsible teenagers. Bring a small flashlight; a Santa hat is optional. Ask about required attire.
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; specify "Tri-State Treasures."

Hamilton County Parks has great website.  Here’s their current offerings, virtually every day:
You can subscribe to the email “Evergreen” here:


.Wow, I just learned about something that happens each November in Chicago.  Get this: a wealthy philanthropist wanted to hear world-class scholars address interesting topics, so he funded this.  Tickets are cheap.  Each year there is a theme. This  one was War and Peace.  Dozens of the best people come and give lectures to thousands.  So exciting.  Check it out at:

. IT’S clearly a reason to visit Chicago in November.  Tickets sell  out so start planning for next year.  ellen

Section Three: Articles


  • Readers’ Responses from last Weekly, including:
    • Conservation biologist (Prof.) Anna Sher on  honeysuckle etc.
    • Himavat (the new salon swami) and (Rev.) Clark Echols (Swedenborgian minister salonsta) on “the messiah has already come”
    • Hell-raiser and Weekly lurker Jeanette Raichyk’s critical thinking on Michael Moore’s Progressive Agenda, capital punishment stats, etc.
    • (Prof.) Mary Carol Hopkins on the importance of the Weekly.

  • Honeysuckle and diversity

from Anna Sher Ph.D., U. of Denver and
Research Dir., Denver Botanic Gardens
(also my wonderful daughter who is cooking  up  my first grandchild --right now.  E.)

Of course I found Q's comments very interesting.  I'd like to make a note regarding the observations that "There is more bushy honeysuckle in Hamilton County than anywhere in world." and "By far largest species count for birds and for butterflies in the area are always in the Hamilton county park district"-  In the account, it is suggested that the great bird and honeysuckle counts are due to control of the Lonicera (Latin genus for honeysuckle), however I am sad to say that as an invasive species biologist, it seems much more likely to me that the opposite is true.  Both birds and butterflies LOVE Lonicera for its ample nectar and berries.  

Thus, invasive species management often has this challenging rub: when we talk about removing invasives to promote diversity, we are usually right in seeing a relationship between removing invasives and increasing PLANT diversity.  It seems logical that higher plant diversity should promote greater diversity at the 'higher' trophic levels (diverse food=diverse animals that eat it), HOWEVER, it all depends on what those plants and animals are.  If control of a heavy Lonicera invasion is replaced by 50 different ephemeral wildflower species (not unreasonable in some areas), the bird abundance and diversity may well go down- very few of these wildflowers do much for birds.  Butterfly diversity could do any number of things, depending on whether the replacing natives are good butterfly flowers or not.  

This conflict between what is best for the plant diversity versus bird diversity has come up many times in invasive species issues.  Another example are the species I work with, tamarisk (Tamarix spp) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia).  Some birds love these invaders of river forests, including an endangered species, the southwestern willow flycatcher.  As it turns out, this bird (As many others) care much more about the structure of the forest and branching patterns and the presence of water than the 'identity' of a species.  Many birds are generalists in this way, including those frugavores (fruit eaters) that enjoy honeysuckle and Russian olive.  So, there are sometimes heated debates about whether the invasives are really 'bad' if the birds love them.  

As an ecologist, I would argue that even if it turns out to be true that the bird and butterfly diversity in Hamilton County is due (even in large part) on all that invasive honeysuckle, it is still a good idea from a whole ecosystem perspective to get rid of it if at all possible.  Diversity of one group (e.g. birds) should not come at the expense of the rest of the ecosystem.”

Himavat on Messiah...
Re. Weekly:
Ellen: good one:
Noted, at end of "Reviews" section: "...what if the Messiah had come, and this were the perfect place to raise our consciousness?"
Brilliant, spot on.
(Himavat Ishaya teaches the powerful technique towards enlightenment he has received... contact him directly at Himavat Ishaya <>

And Clark Echols on Messiah...
On Nov 18, 2006, at 9:26 PM, Ellen Bierhorst wrote:

> What if we took the idea that the messiah HAD come, has come, and  
> this amazing, troubled world is the perfect place in which to rise  
> to our highest selves?  What a gas!  A really nice head trip, I  
> thought.  Rather changes my view from the dismal habitual one of  
> deploring the state of things all the time.  what do you think?   
> Ellen.

This is EXACTLY where I am at. In fact, us Swedenborgian Christians  
believe the second coming has happened as well!

Interesting weekly - which I cannot read all of every week :( . Now  
back to my sermon!

(Clark is planning to attend the next salon on Wed. 11/29 to hear Eric Russo’s presentation and video on the IRS and Fed. Reserve.  come meet him.  ellen)

Jeanette Raichyk’s intelligent and thoughtful response to Michael Moore and to  my Carter book review:

Other than circulating Mike Moore's high sounding rhetoric on his promises to conservatives, on which we can mostly agree, I would disrespectfully suggest that his 5th in the list namely...

5. When we make America the last Western democracy to have universal health coverage, and all Americans are able to get help when they fall ill, we promise that you, too, will be able to see a doctor, regardless of your ability to pay. And when stem cell research delivers treatments and cures for diseases that affect you and your loved ones, we'll make sure those advances are available to you and your family, too.

is in conflict with his 3rd to balance 'the checkbook' -- by any logical standard which examines the finances and performance of Medicare...

3. We will not spend your grandchildren's money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. It's your checkbook, too, and we will balance it for you.

and hence he seriously weakens his credibility as having a viable program able to accomplish those grand promises...  The lack of insurance coverage and the weakness of the Social Security system are not the problem.  It is the Medicare nightmare that is sinking the ship for all of us.  Just this past week, the incredibly blind, techno-crazy allopathic hospitals and MDs came very close to killing my brother-in-law and succeeded in killing my niece's husband.  In my brother-in-law's case, they cut his fluids because he had a croupy cough so they insisted on thickened liquids so he wouldn't choke when his body's history patently indicates that he has a majorly elevated need for liquids.  And in their hubris and reliance on high-priced treatments, they piddled away a whole week with MRIs and CATscans and were unable to see any cause for his growing dementia, ignoring the already diagnosed weakness in his hemoglobin (red blood cell count).  His blood count was so low that his blood was smothering his brain cells resulting in erratic behavior which they simply 'solved' by sedating him repeatedly and putting him in the psych ward.  And once in the psych ward they refused to transfer him to an appropriate ward even after it was clear that they had misdiagnosed him.  My niece managed to get a look at his file and saw the hemoglobin numbers and demanded a transfusion which is how he was saved from the hospital.  She unfortunately couldn't manage to save her own husband simultaneously who was likely killed by his cancer therapy.  With medical care like this, both Medicare/insurance covered, exactly what do you suppose is the likelihood of #5 ever being doable, much less being consistent with #3.

And then there are the quotes from Jimmy Carter's book that are totally bewildering...  I like Jimmy, a lot, but it is totally meaningless to say things like...

  •    There are fewer capital crimes in states who do not have the death penalty.
   90% of the world’s executions take place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.A.!  

The first one could very conceivably tell us that states with more capital crimes feel threatened enough to seek safety in the death penalty and conversely states that have fewer capital crimes feel safe enough without the death penalty...  What exactly is this statement supposed to prove.  You would need at the very least SOME indication of time sequencing in order to demonstrate any other causality, which I seriously doubt exists.  It's more likely that there is a common cause for both forms of violence.

The second one, while definitely shocking is totally lacking in perspective.  It needs a comparison number for the %age of the world's population to show just how far out of proportion this execution figure is.  Just how much of the world's population is China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA in the time frame in the statistic, presumeably very recently.

I find it a lot more scary to have read in one of the bigname financial publications online recently that a survey of CEOs of major corporations all consistently had been subjected to physical abuse as forms of parental discipline when they were children, and they credited their strength as leaders to this early training.  It says our total upper decision making group is quite capable of applying violent methods to get the behaviors they deem appropriate.  And it seems likely that they will direct promotions to top ranks in proportion to this same mindset.  Admittedly, it's further likely that we need to know the childhood histories of more of our leadership before acquiescing in any of the ideas and plans being made in our name... liberal or conservative or third whatever or media or commercial/financial dealmakers, global or local.  

If we adopt your attitude on seeing the dangers as challenges to be welcomed, we need to rethink our national goals and ideas of successful operation of society and then find people to take the leadership roles of what I suspect will be more human scale and not entirely impressive -- in our current standards -- socio-cultural organizations.  Something for salonistas to vision asap...
JRaichyk, deservedly the alarmist.

And, MaryCarol Hopkins on Weekly readership:

Dear Ellen,

Never fear--just because your questions don't get answered doesn't mean this missive is not read!  I read it lots of it lots of the time, sometimes a week or so late.  I forward it or parts of it to friends. I take note of upcoming events, sometimes participating and sometimes just wishing I could.  I take joy in knowing that such interesting things are going on in our city, so that when I have time there'll be something exciting and someone stimulating out there for me.  I greedily read the articles and opinions.  I can't attend on Wednesdays because of other obligations, but there will never be a certain when everyone can attend, so I'm just happy to know that it will be there for me when I finally retire!  

It's a great community forum and treasure--please keep it up!

(Indeed,  it would seem that many people read and value the Weekly, judging by the spirited responses to last Issue.  Yes!  ellen)

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

the Ladies of Covington Send their Love a novel that was suggested by Patsy Morrison (WHHS ‘58, lifelong friend and salon Weekly lurker) is a charming story of three sixty-somethings who find new life and direction in “Act V”.  It has been argued by  more people than just myself that healthy elders are emerging as a powerful force for hope and change in  our society these days, while the younger adults are so overwhelmed by breadwinning and family responsitilibies that they cannot participat in community to the degree our parents did.  

So... I know you are reading this.  What are YOU reading?  Please write and tell me. so if you are shy, I’ll print it anonymously.  Just write!  

The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.

We of the
Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.  

Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site:
  Also, we have an Interactive Yah
oo Salon group,

For Pot Luck  procedures including
 food suggestions, mission and history visit   .

You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website:

> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck
Salon list,
send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #".  In the place of  #
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> delete it.  Thanks!   ellen bierhorst     

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