Friday, October 20, 2006

Truncated Weekly 10/20/06 - 5

Oooo... Creepy!  I sent out the regular weekly last night, but it was not received by anybody.  Don’t know why.  Short messages go out and are received... I am sending merely the truncated version of the “real” weekly, below.  Maybe my server thought... Something, and censored it (?!)  Will investigate, and let you know.  Sending only the masthead and Richard’s article, below.

Election season is heating up.  Don’t miss important articles in Blue section about Blackwell’s skullduggery to purge progressive voters from the rolls, sent in by Richard Blumberg.  Also, read about Absentee Balloting in the Maroon section.  Also, read about the smoking issues that will be on the ballot...I like what Jim Kessner says in Tri State Treasures in Maroon section.  And...Gerry Kraus is bringing us a wonderful  new candidate for Ohio legislature KIM HALE...come meet her.  Might be this Wed.  
Come to the WEDNESDAY night salon.  Now permanently on Wednesdays.

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color-Coded Sections:

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements
  • Articles

  • Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation:  575.  Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email Join us a
t the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio to Submit
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color to
articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line:
"Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color. Saves me
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Thursday evening.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (575 as of July 8, 2006... Now in our
sixth year),

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).

lackwell Hacks the Voting Rolls!
From Richard Blumberg
The short version is this. Ken Blackwell, in the guise of "testing" the ability of the state's new Diebold voting machines to purge voter rolls of improperly registered voters, sent out a long, complicated letter to probable Democratic voters two months ago, which contained, buried deep within, an action item that they had to complete in order to verify their voting status. Hundreds of thousands did not understand the letter, or did not think that it applied to them. On October 1st, a legal 60 days after the notification letter went out, those voters were purged from the rolls. Note that this happened after the primaries; they received no challenge when they went to vote in the primaries. When they go to the polls November 2nd, however, they will be told they are ineligible, and will have to use a provisional ballot; when those run out, and you can be sure they will run out quickly, the disqualified voters will not be permitted to vote.

The full story is told here:

Please follow the link and read it. 

Here's what I think you can do:

1. Tell people about it. You can be pretty certain that the Enquirer will not do that.

2. Make a stink. Call Blackwell's office and demand to know whether the story is true. Raise your voice in complaint.

3. Go to the Board of Elections and either get an absentee ballot or ask to vote early. It is your right. If you are challenged there, you will have time to re-register. Note: take ID - your driver's license and everything else you can gather. Tell everyone you know to do the same.

If you run into problems, write to the paper about it. Go back to the website referenced above and add your comments to the story, telling about your experience.

It doesn't matter that the polls show Brown with a double digit lead over DeWine or Strickland leading Blackwell 2-1. If Blackwell's rigged the vote, the polls will mean nothing.

To the best of my knowledge, I've never sent an email like this. This situation demands it.

Please act.

With love and sorrow,


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