Saturday, October 15, 2005

Weekly 10/15/05 - 6

SPECIAL GUEST Monday 10/17 will be Subodh Chandara, and Indian Ohioan, running for state att'y gen'l.  In favor of legal reforms including the Reform Ohio Now innitiatives (Vote Yes on Issues 2,3,4, & 5).  Subodh will explain these to us.  come meet this distinguished and interesting Ohioan.  Read his biography below in blue, articles section.  Please come and give him a good reception at the Salon.  e.

Salon Weekly
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  504
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
to submit articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
Saves me a lot of work that way.

To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list. 

(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).  

Saturday  15 October 2005

Last night I attended the 50th (!) annual NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner with about 300 of Cincinnati's movers and shakers, the power elite of the Black community, plus people like the mayor and many candidates for office.  The amazing keynote address was given by Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III of the great Abyssinian Baptist Church, Adam Clayton Powell's pulpit in Harlem.  If you have never heard first class oratory in the style of the American Black Preacher, you need to.  This guy was amazing.  Thanks to Bishop E. Lynne Brown of the CME church and president of the MLK Coalition for hosting our MLK table.  Also interesting, the current president of the NAACP Cincinnati Branch is Edith Thrower, who I know from the Coalition last year.  Good to have a woman up there.  She's not the first.  Ellen.
At the table  Monday , , 10/10/05:  Nancy Dawley, Roy Euvrard, Vlasta Molak, Steve Sunderland, Mike Murphy, Alan Bern, Robyn Repasky, Ellen Bierhorst, Dan Hershey, Gary Weiss, Janet Kalven, Mira Rodwan,Chad B. Potter,  Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus

Topics Nominated:
Weston A. Price¹ advice concerning animal fat being good.  
Is it insulting for us to play as background music the CD of Alan¹s group Brave Old World?  (Alan, no because I know that you listen at other times with concentration.)
Energy Expo (Mike M.)
Roy: yesterday my dau. ran in Chicago marathon, 114th out of 2,000 in her age range of women.  3 hrs 34 min.  Will run in Boston Marathon in April!
Mike: petition to stop the Shawnee Forest (near Portsmouth) Burn.  Maybe is just benefiting the loggers.  
Steve: The movie ³Proof².  Esquire.  About mental illness and authentication of what one is experiencing.  Heavy but well done.  Anthony Hopkins.  

(Robyn read the preamble.)


Ellen: to support the MLK Coalition what if we buy an ad?  Smallest one is only $50 (business card size).  (lively discussion ensued including the following proposals for the text.  
³In the spirit of MLK, we support the Geneva Conventions ... even when our government does not.²  

³Prosecute War Criminals wherever they are found.²  

³We support the World Social Forum²

³Martin Luther King Jr., were he alive today, would be calling for the impeachment of the president as a war criminal.²  

General interest in  buying an ad.  Deadline is Dec. 2.  We will Table this now and consider it for two weeks.

Peace and Hunger concert at St. John¹s.  Last Friday.  Great time.  Clark Montessori steel drum band, bucket boys, Drums for Peace.  

Dan: Joan Didion article in NY Times, plus Alan Ginsburg.  

Far Right
Harriet Meyer, former pres. of Dallas Bar Asso.  Nomination by President as  Justice.
On Diane Rheem show;  she is Bush¹s personal atty currently.  Would this be conflict?
Would she have to recuse herself on so many cases.

Marvin: the porches of Northside and porches in general.  
Update on Gerry¹s campaign for City Council seat:  going very well., Yard signs all over town.  Even got a call from Tom Luken, (about a SORTA matter.)  
Gerry: upcoming City Beat will have a story on non-incumbant candidates for council: there are 24 of them.  

Roy: when will we change the way elections run?  For instance, we should limit contributions to those who are eligible voters in the race.  Also have districts so that each council person would represent one specific block of voters.  Right now Council represents Indian Hill where the campaign money comes from.  And they are not even in the city.  

Marvin:  At UC, sponsors the Lichter Lecture series in Jewish studies, in November, Wed nov 2, nov 9, 17: THEME: Jews  and war in the twentieth cent.  (See below in Announcements)

Mira: wants report on anti semitism in Germany from Alan who has just returned.

Gary W: Gorbichov is going to be here around Oct 25; free; at Miami U.  


Alan:  not much to say about anti semitism in Germany these days.  I don¹t see a lot of change.  In gen¹l the right wing is playing the game of looking respectable; have recruited women.  There is a respectable right wing.  They are against foreigners, Jews, ...
The SPD, the ruling party, Schroeder, did a ³Clinton²... moved so far in the direction of the right that there wasn¹t much difference  from the Christian Democrats (the business party, the ³Republicans².)  This opened up a lot of political room on both sides of the middle.  There is a new party, ³The New Left²... they got nine percent of the vote for the first time.  Green party got less.  In the end, the two main parties have formed a coalition.  Angela Merkel will be the premier, an East German, a Helmut Kohl protégée.  She stands for business, going along with the US.  
   It is amazing that she has survived vicious attacks from many including her own party members.  Is only fifty one.  
   Unemployment is very high in Germany right now.  There is a general feeling that there is no way to go on as it has been.  The population is aging and not having kids.  By 2020 over 2/3 of population will be over retirement age.  No one knows what to do about that.  The social expectations are built on having a strong work force.  
   One interesting conversation: I had an accordion student, high level Green party politician, a woman.  ³The only way to fix the economy is to eliminate taxes on businesses because those business will leave German otherwise.²  I said, ³So the rich won the game and there is nothing to do but let them screw us?²  She said, ³ Right.²  

(P.S. My brother, Gene Bierhorst, an attorney and business man says when I read him this over the phone: ³ Both are wrong.  There are many business taxes that burden businesses that are different from individual taxes.  For instance, health care should not be a tax on  a business.  The government should do that.  Let the widget maker focus on that, not on health care issues.  So I think a lot of business taxes are burdensome and should be removed.  So tax businesses appropriately, and tax rich people.  
   Another one that someone might want to eliminate is the payroll taxes.  But I think payroll withholding tax is good.  I say you should still do it because it is efficient.  If the government had to go after each individual to get the tax it would be unworkable. With Information Technology that is easier.
   Incidentally, in Japan the inheritance tax is  100%.  I have wondered if this means there is NO WAY you could gift your way around it.  Does anyone know?² ellen )

Roy: also 12 percent unemployment in France.
Alan as high as 30 per cent in some parts of Germany.  
Roy Germany is still the world leader in total exports in dollar value.  But because of high wages, and being highly automated.-- that¹s why so much unemployment.

Mike: the world economy is expressed in dollars... this is an advantage to us.  I have heard that China is keeping the US economy afloat.
Alan: Book ³The War Against the Truth², canadian.  A war correspondent, Iraq.  Apparently Iraq was (before the U.S. invasion) at the point of going to a Euro based economy.  Was about to make it the exclusive currency they would accept.

Roy:  Recommend ³The Pity of it all²  Jews in Germany.  Moses Mendelsohn to Hitler.  What China is doing; we buy goods from them, and then they buy treasury bills so we can buy more.  
Mike: we are printing currency...
Roy: after WW II, Breton Woods Conference.  There wasn¹t enough gold and silver; everyone agreed to back world currencies with US dollars.  Not gold.  The whole world economy runs on dollars.  

Mike: China seems to me to be the real sleeper.  The smartest player.  How are they going to win?  Is that true?

Gerry:  The US is getting a big deficit in Iraq, then spending a lot on Katrina recovery, and now the pres. pledged sixteen billion dollars for relief of Pakistan.  

Vlasta  The Chinese can live on very little.  There are thirty five thousand Chinese who have moved into Zagreb, capitol of Croatia.  They run the native small businesses out of business because they can undercut.  They can survive on so little.  Bush is in a dream world.

Roy China is in a dilemma.  They are holding a lot of dollars.  If it dumps, it will devalue itself.  They have to prop up the US because if the US collapses, the whole world economy collapses.  Recently they let the yen float, rather than being pegged to the dollar.  But within limits.  

Alan there was a long discussion in Harpers with Krugman and Lapham a couple months ago consistent with what you are saying.  A panel discussion .  

Steve: I  heard today for the first time that the Katrina redevelop. will cost over a billion dollars.  We could nuke the Ohio and flood down town, and get some fed. money...   Seriously,
How much money can we afford as a nation on these humanitarian interests?  

Roy: stocks sometimes get super inflated; you don¹t want to be the last person to sell in a decline, because then you lose.  Like that now; the dollar is over inflated, everyone wants to dump them, nobody wants to be the last one to dump, but you don¹t want to be the first.   The twenty nine crash is nothing compared to what is about to happen.

Gary:  Chomsky... the US is third in monetary strength after Europe and China, in one order or the other.  The total volume of money that your cluster controls.  US, Euro, China/Asia.  

Mike:  two thoughts.  ... in my reading of mostly Marxist lit,... ten dollars, ten loaves of bread, then every loaf worth one dollar.  So size of economy is not only how many units of money, but also how many units of goods.  ... Labor theory of Value .  Now since Nixon, dollars are backed by goods, not gold.  Seems like China, with their work ethic, can pack more labor units per produce than anyone else.  What does this then mean?

Marvin:  real vs inflated value.  In my work I charge an hourly rate.  My rate is only twice as much as what it was fifty years ago.  I don¹t understand what is happening with the rest of the economy.  Suddenly paying three dollars a gallon for gas.  Is it possible that the real value is twice as much as a year ago?
Then you see salaries like two million a  year.  Do they need that?  
People pay eighty dollars to see a football game.  What is the real value?  Are we paying some inflated thing, or real value.

Vlasta: real value is what people are willing to pay.
Alan:  I am not an investment banker but I understand that huge parts of our economy are based on predictions , on bets on the future value.  Like buying and trading ³futures².  You asked about real value.  They aren¹t concerned with value, but with the growth of capitol.

Dan  of course all of us experts are right.  (laugh).   A few years ago we were worried about Japan buying up all our stuff, (real estate, corporations) before then, Europe.   ... what does concern  me is the rise and fall of US as a super power.  A few years ago Germany was rivaling the US.  ... Now Japan is in a sad sate.  My bigger question is the decline of the US.  Maybe it is time for another civilization to become preeminent.  

Steve:  I wanted to raise the point that whatever the prices are here, to be in Indonesia where nine thousand rupees equal one dollar; and people cannot eat two meals a day .  the third world looks at our troubles like paying for gas and they wish they were us.  
This winter there will be a hunger crisis in Cincinnati.  
A world in pain.  Not just US in decline.  New Orleans, Band Ache, Kashmir.

Janet  we are not living sustainably.  That¹s it.

Mira: the Avian flu is coming.  The nineteen eighteen epidemic was an avian flu.  According to some there will be no (species alive on) earth soon.  Species are dying by the hundreds per day.  Thane Maynerd talks about that.  No future to hand our grand children.  All these other problems will seem small.  


Marvin  how many of us have porches on our  houses?  On Sat. night Northside did an evening porch tour of Northside.  Had a route.  Horse drawn omnibus, lit up with luminaria.  Lots of stained glass windows.  People sitting on porches, grilling out.  What happened to our world when once people sat on porches.  
Janet: we sold hot cocoa at Chase commons.  There were two carriages, each held about twenty.  
Mira: we got our friend in an electric wheel chair up to the carriage.  She loved it.  
Marvin: houses built before nineteen thirty have porches, but after that, like ours, an English Tudor, no porch.  Many of these larger houses don¹t have front porches.  But in smaller neighborhoods they have porches.  The reason given on the tour was that in summer people slept on the porches.  Before air conditioning.  It was friendly.  
   When habitat for humanity were first building houses, they did not have porches, but now they do.  

Dan:  in NY you used to sleep on the fire escape or on the roof.

Steve: in the Bronx we hung from the trees, made love to the Bonobos.  

Marvin: we think there is a movement back to having porches.  
Roy:  Sometime I¹d like to talk about block busting in Cincinnati.  We are engaged in massive block busting.  All this hype about crime in the city is being driven by the realtors who want  you to move to Mason.  
Robyn:  I¹ve been burglarized twice since living in Price Hill.  Never before.
Roy was burglarized living in the country, Butler Col., but not in Mt Auburn in 8 years.
Steve:  The realtor who sold our house in Clifton was not willing to sell to a black person.  The bank hesitant to lend money to Northside.

Chad: moved to University heights,Wheeler, MacMickan. two years, leave car unlocked, no problem.  Mercedes.  Lexus.  I also believe that the crime story is a hype.  
Dan  related question, watch the eleven o¹clock news, rape, murder, robberies.  What does it mean?  They think we are interested.  ³If it bleeds, it leads².   Something is going on.  A fascination with violence.  

Gerry: we watch the late news, and it is just awful.  I leave the room.  Just because we watch it doesn¹t mean we like it.
Also, I stopped at the Herald office, Black Newspaper, in Avondale, in a two fam. house.  No sign on the door.  ³We don¹t have a sign so people won¹t think we have valuable things here and would steal it.²  
When I am elected to city council, want to advocate a PR office so that for every negative thing there is equal time

Nancy: if you don¹t like the news turn it off, so they know and give us something else.  

Ellen: this last month the Ohio TV stations were up for license renewal.  I put info. in the Weekly on how to write to the station owners and say what you don¹t like and make suggestions. I did.  Who else?  (No one at the table had done it.)

Alan  report from Pakistan news the other day.  A Pakistani reporter, detail, factual.  Then a pause, the CNN anchor asked, ³Would you say that the feeling is emotionally overwhelming.? ³  
It doesn¹t matter if y ou appeal to people¹s minds, have to appeal to people¹s guts.  People buy on the basis of what their limbic system tells them, not their rational minds.  That lesson has been learned well by business and politicians.  
   A paradigm shift from thinking that society is a group of rational people, to seeing that you can be more successful influencing people on the basis of limbic system, emotions.  
   Neil Postman Amusing ourselves to death shows this. Early advertisements appealed to reason.  Since thirty or forty years,  the appeal now is that identification with the aura of the product will give you happiness.  A wholesale embarrassing of the notion that people are influenced by irrational desire, and by any means you can, you want to appeal to that.

Mike:  the press is a sycophantic lap dog, like once the Pope ... We¹ve been turned into consumers, alimentary canals.  ... Listen to the BBC for an hour, any night.  Gives you insomnia.  

Mira at eleven o¹clock there is also on ch. 54, KY ed. TV, the BBC.  Quality reporting.  All night long on WVXU FM.  At least the five major commercial TV stations giving news, ³breaking², sensational news.  All start out with that.  

Roy The new coroner Owens announced there are more suicides than homicides in Hamilton Co.  This was not reported on the news.  ...  I stopped watching network news five or six  years ago; and they don¹t seem to know of my defection.

Gerry:  if people understand how they are being manipulated with the media, they will demand better coverage.  

Gary we need a substitute for the hogreve when he is talking. (Marvin was  hogreve this night.)
Chad:  about the chemical about the clean up article EOS, it is an internet hoax.  I went to the web site.  The product does exist but the company has not offered to donate.
Roy:  a few years ago, council passed something about funding section eight housing.  Now that we¹ve squeezed the city, the conspiracy is that we force people out of the city to the next ring.  Then out of that ring out from there.  The second tier.  All about forcing new construction.  
Gerry: N. Avondale went through that in the seventies; block busting.


DAn:  Susan Wooley¹s father Leland Clark, one of the super people at the medical center, died three weeks ago.  Invented a remarkable oxygen probe ... artificial blood.  Demonstrated a mouse could live breathing this liquid and survive.  
Ellen:  he co-invented the first workable heart lung machine, enabling open heart surgery.

Steve Sunderland will host the Lloyd House Pot Luck Salon (here, of course) next week in my absence, and since I won¹t be back until Monday 24 October, the next edition of the Weekly will be late.  Ellen

Don't miss the way cool article you want to read in blue section.  It might be one of these:

  • Bio of Subodh Chandara (running for Ohio Atty. Gen'l; coming to Salon Monday!)
  • Avian Flu: I'm taking the Homeopathic route
  • Is Bush Bankrupting the Gov't On Purpose?  Strategy to Privatize everything.
  • Garrison Keillor on Tom Delay scandal
  • Another blistering riposte from Jeanette about Paul Brown's hydrogen energy storage idea
  • John Conyers, congressman, on Reform Ohio Now
  • Take Action Now: ohio Voting Reform group RON...
  • Is David Crowley blocking the Environmental Justice Ordinance or isn't he?  Read  his response.
  • Mike Murphy writes on ... visiting intentional communities, etc.  
  • George Lakoff on Katrina

Hugs to all,

Katrina Relief Announcements in Green
below the
MAROON "Announcements" Section



Tantra Workshop at Lloyd House
with Paul Ravenscraft

Paul Ravenscraft" <>
Thursday 27 Oct. 6 - 9 pm.
Contact Paul if you are interested.  
Always wondered about Tantric Yoga?  Now's your chance.  Know about it already?  Come refresh your energy at a d eep level.  ellen.


Sing for Community!  Sing for Martin Luther King!

The MLK Chorale will start up this week on Tuesday 11 Oct. with its first rehearsal. (IT WAS A BLAST!  REHEARSALS EVERY SECOND WEEK UNTIL MLK DAY.  COME!) Please come join with 150 other Cincinnatians of all different communities to celebrate the heritage of Dr. King, raise spirit, get to know one another, and have a blast!  We sing every other Tuesday at 7:00 from now until MLK Day when we perform (we rock!) at Music Hall for the premier celebration in the city.  No audition needed.  If you are at all  interested in joining this, please come to the first rehearsal Tuesday, at the House of Joy (used to be Holywood Cinema) on Hamilton Ave. in College (near Cedar).  Dr. Catherine Roma and Bishop Todd O'Neal directing.  Let's get it on!  I've been doing this for about ten years and loving it.  Have formed some good friendships.  We especially need men singers.  If you can't read music, come on down!  If you can read music, come on down.  Beautiful music, beautiful time, beautiful spirit, beautiful people.  Love.


Tri-State Treasures

Tri-State Treasures
is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Sincerely,  Jim

Tri-State Treasures:


Silver Arm CD Release Party [Saturday 15 October @ 8-12 PM]: Join this Celtic band with their energetic instrumentals and haunting ballads for a great party on the 2nd floor of Jack Quinns to celebrate the release of "Links" their 3rd CD. Performances by the band & friends. Refreshments & sessions. At Jack Quinn's, 112 E. 4th & Court, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859-491-6699,,, &
Hand Papermaking [Saturday or Sunday 15 or 16 October @ 10 AM - 4 PM]: Looking for a creative, fun experience? There are still some openings in the upcoming paper workshops. The small class size (6 participants) affords a personal learning experience to explore the many possibilities of making your own paper. There will be a variety of colors of pulp, novelty inclusions, &  opportunity to make some beautiful sheets of paper that can be used for collages, bookmaking, notecards, & calligraphy.  $75 per day includes all materials. At Terrapin Paper Mill, 2318 Nicholson Avenue, Westwood, Cincinnati, OH 45211. More info from Margaret Rhein @ 513.662.9382 &
Underneath Cincinnati [Sunday 16 October @ 8 PM]:  Revel in experiencing where filmmakers get started; local films and filmmakers share their products & thoughts.  All in the magnificent ambiance of The Mockbee.  Still accepting submissions; send tapes to Underneath Cincinnati, PO Box 19928, Cincinnati, OH 45219.  At The Mockbee, 603 West McMicken, Cincinnati OH 45214. More info @ 513.929.9463, 513.544.7231,, &
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer [Sunday 18 October, registration @ 8 PM; walk starts @ 9 PM]: The American Cancer Society's family-friendly 5-mile walk in Downtown Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. The event raises money for breast cancer research, education, advocacy, & patient services. Free, but participants are encouraged to get monetary pledges to support their efforts to donate to the ACS.  Open to all ages & fitness levels. At Yeatman's Cove, 805 Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Low-cost parking available at the park's main entrance, located at the intersection of 801 East Pete Rose Way and Eggleston Avenue. More info @ 513.891.1600 &
Art of Conscious Eating [Friday 21 October @ 7-9 PM]:  Eat better, get more greens, fruits & grains in your diets, & sit down to a nice meal. Learn how to do this with busy schedules.  Give your body & life some loving attention: learn to make a delicious, nutritious 20-minute meal, & to sit down to enjoy it with your new friends.  Brenda Ghantous approaches cooking like she does everything else: with a great big heart & a healthy dose of humor.  Pre-registration required; $20 includes dinner.  Friendship Hall, New Thought Unity Center, 1401 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45230.  More info @  513-961-2527,, &
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The African Grey & The Macaws [Saturday 22 October @ 1-4 PM]:  Avian Education Rescue and Adoption Services Inc. presents Leah Matejka & Sue Kray from Cleveland Parrot Education & Adoption Center to speak about Greys & Macaws. Enjoy & afternoon with fellow bird lovers, learn about habits, needs, diet, relationships, & more. Enhance your feathered companions quality of life through knowledge & better understanding.  Registration: $20 in advance, $25 at the door; AERAS members: free in advance, $10 at door. At the Mason Government Bldg., 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, OH, 45040. More info @ 513.934.4412,, &
In A Whirl Of Jazz 6 [Sunday 23 October @ 5 PM]:  Jazz at CCM & Friends of CCM present their 6th annual jazz benefit concert & supper, featuring a concert performance by acclaimed bassist and jazz arranger John Clayton & the Clayton Brothers Quintet with CCM¹s Faculty Jazz Artists & Student Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Rick VanMatre. Following the concert, Friends of CCM will host a light supper in the CCM Atrium. Admission is $75 for the concert & supper; $20 for the concert only; $10 for non-UC students for concert only; $5 for UC students for concert only. Limited seating. At Corbett Auditorium, CCM, University of Cincinnati West Campus, Cincinnati, OH. More info & tickets @ 513-556-2100, 513-556-9484,, &
Political Leaders: Stewards of Public Trust & Integrity [Wednesday 26 October @ 8:30-10 AM]: Join Hawaii State Senator Les Ihara, Jr. & former Cincinnati Mayor Roxanne Qualls in a conversation about public integrity in politics.  Cincinnati resident & author Peter Block will facilitate the conversation.  Issues will include ethics, conflicts of interest, freedom of information, public participation, campaign finance reform, media accountability & reform, & government accountability. RSVP by Friday 21 October. At Old Saint George, The Library Room, 42 Calhoun Street at Vine, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info & RSVP @ 513.451.0166,, &

Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
To submit Tri-State Treasures, or to request your email address to be added or removed
 from the Tri-State Treasures list, send an email to and specify Tri-State Treasures.

To submit Tri-State Treasures, or to request your email address to be added or removed
 from the Tri-State Treasures list, send an email to and specify Tri-State Treasures.


Crowley Reception at cool house in Clifton

Councilman David Crowley is focused on bringing people back to Cincinnati
with re-investment, crime reduction, inclusiveness and economic opportunity.
He supports a diverse tolerant city and has been helpful in our effort to
preserve Clifton¹s nineteenth century look and feel.

Please bring your family and friends to meet the Councilman at our home on
October 25, 2005; 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Ask questions and enter a dialogue
with the Councilman on the key issues facing our City. Children are welcome.

Please let us know if you are coming so that Beverly and I can plan
refreshments. Please specify the number of adults and children.

Michael Ramundo
128 Lafayette Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45220


OCTOBER 27th CINCINNATI OHIO                drumming event

An Evening of Sound Healing With Toby Christensen, drummer

Contact Barbara Schacht at or (513) 233-7742

This evening workshop is a great way to connect to the Power of "Sound Attunement Therapy" (SAT) The focus of the evening is the removal of obstacles that are preventing you from creating the life you want and enhancing the energy that will bring in the success you desire.

Time 7 PM - 9:30 PM

Cost $25
see info on Toby at
For information contact Barbara Schacht 513-233-7742
Toby Christensen
web site


Cincinnati Earth Institute
Earth Friendly Events Upcoming

The Cincinnati Earth Institute would like to make you aware of the following area events related to its discussion course topics of simple living, sustainability, and globalization. Event details follow the bullet points immediately below.

-- 1st Friday Dinner Conversation at Imago Earth Center open to all; 11/4 topic will focus on “greening” our cities.

-- Festival of Faiths, Ecology & Religion Event - Saturday, November 12th, in Louisville, KY and will feature prominent speakers that will include Wendell Berry, Michael Dowd, Paula Gonzalez, Rev. Robert Edgar and Ambassador Thomas Graham.  Reservations requested.

-- 1st Friday Dinner Conversation at Imago Earth Center open to all; 12/2 topic will be “Bioregionalism”.


1st Friday Dinner Conversation - all are welcome!
Date: Friday, November 4th at 6:00 PM
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill
Registration: please register if requesting dinner buffet
Cost: none, except dinner buffet (suggested donation of $10/person)
Description: Following dinner, a discussion of how to “green” our cities will follow – principles, methodologies, technologies, challenges, and the good work already being done.
More Information: Call Louise Lawarre at 921-5124 or at

Festival of Faiths, Ecology & Religion Event
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2005
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Kentucky Center for the Arts, Bomhard Theater
Cost: Free and open to the public (box lunch available for purchase -$10)
Description: The goals of the conference are to make clear the connection between religious faith and care for creation and to begin a process of ecological education within the religious houses of worship by initiating discussion courses offered by the network of Earth Institutes.  This special day will include the following speakers:
 Ambassador Thomas Graham - will address the threat which nuclear, chemical and biological weapons present to the ecological integrity of the Earth and the effect these have on environmental issues.
 Rev. Michael Dowd - will address the deep link between religion and ecology as he explores the vital role of religion in shaping our relationship with the Earth.
 Rev. Robert Edgar - will look at how the world’s religions, when in dialogue with science and economics, can influence comprehensive solutions to both global and local environmental problems.
 Sr. Paula Gonzalez - will help us explore the possibilities of forming a coalition among the houses of worship in Louisville, working together for common action in the area of ecology. She will introduce the Earth Institute study programs for use in the faith communities throughout the city.
 Wendell Berry - Kentucky farmer, writer, teach and lover of the land will conclude the day’s event
More Information: More information regarding reservations to follow. Questions may be directed to Joe Mitchell at or John Hoff at

1st Friday Dinner Conversation - all are welcome!
Date: Friday, December 2nd at 6:00 PM
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill
Registration: please register if requesting dinner buffet
Cost: none, except dinner buffet (suggested donation of $10/person)
Description: Following dinner, “Bioregionalism” will be discussed - what it means to have a sense of place, to be rooted, to protect/restore the natural characteristics of our land and to work toward a mutual enhancing relationship between the land and those who live on it and from it.
More Information: Call Louise Lawarre at 921-5124 or at

Cincinnati Earth Institute •
phone 513.207.0038

Hellinger Family constelation workshop coming to Grailville:

> From:
> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:27:16 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Weekly 10/8/05 - 4
> There will be a two day workshop Nov. 12 and 13 at Grailville with Mark
> Wolynn, a wonderful Jewish Psychotherapist who heads the Pittsburgh Hellinger
> Family Constellation Therapy Institute  -$195.

Gerry Kraus (salonista) running for Council, has webpage up!

1 N ovember

Here is another opportunity to unite around the "Healing Drum" of Toby Christensen!

Tuesday, November 1st we are having a night of "Empowering The Community" . This will be a fun evening with lots of drumming, dancing, and healing. In thanks to all of you who have supported Toby's work here in the Cincinnati area, we would like to offer a 50% discount to anyone who attended a workshop or had a private session with Toby. Bring your drums, rattles, shakers, dancing feet, and friends to this "Empowering The Community" event!
Date: Tuesday evening, November 1, 2005
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
Fee: $10 for anyone who attended a workshop or had an individual session
$20 for newcomers
Location: Church of the New Jerusalem
845 Congress Ave
Glendale, OH 45246
Contact: Barbara Schacht
(513) 233-7742

from David Johnson:

Please come join us for a wonderful evening of music and dance at the York St. Cafe' on Saturday November 5th, 8 PM

Gaiananda Tribal Belly Dance Troupe <>

and from NYC

Magbana West African Drum and Dance <>

** Save the Date** December 9 and 10, 2005

  2nd Miami Valley/Durban-to-Dayton Community Summit On Eliminating Racism

Racism is still our nation's most vital and challenging issue. It is based on the feeling of superiority that comes from an erroneous belief that one person is entitled to privileges not deserved by others.
It manifests itself most often in institutional policies and practices that have a disproportionately negative impact on persons of color.
Thus, our community continues to be plagued by racism in every institution.
Institutional racism is the disproportionately negative effect of limiting racial minorities' access to or quality of  resources, goods, services and opportunities through the policies, practices or behaviors of institutions, businesses, organizations or governments.
Intent is irrelevant.
Programs or actions taken to lessen the effect or impact of institutional racism are NOT the focus of the Summit. The Summit is focused on eliminating institutional racism itself.
Please join us in our ongoing efforts to dismantle institutional racism by:
     (1) participating in the efforts of our community to systematically dismantle the institutional structures and practices that 
          perpetuate racial discrimination through a strategic planning process; and
     (2) using international human rights principles and law to advance the anti-racism work.
We invite you to browse through the different pages, read what the different caucuses are about, and decide what level of involvement you would like to have with the Community Summit.
This blog site is a secure place on the Web that our community can use to communicate with each other, share resources, and keep track of our effort. 
     Manager - The managers for the Summit quickplace site are:
                        Professor Vernellia Randall and administrative coordinator, Colette Harrison.
                               -  Professor Randall may be emailed by clicking here.    
                               -  Colette Harrison may be emailed by clicking here.
Posted to:     
Main Page


Retreat Space / Temporary Lodging
at the Lloyd House
prices to be negotiated
By the day...week...month.
Reference required

This is a new idea I just got.  Instead of a permanent housemate, we could have "bed no breakfast" guests.  Know anyone who needs this... a weekend getaway?  Mad at the spouse?  Want to meditate or write or heal?  The Lloyd House is quiet, comfortable, jolly.  Plus, massage available at special Lloyd House Resident rates with Neil Anderson, L.M.T.


2 Rooms Available at Lloyd House
Fabulous Clifton Gaslight Castle; warm, multicultural environment
2 miles from U.C.  1/2 mile from Mitchell Ave. exit I-75
Call Ellen: 513 221 1289

Third floor walk up.  One room with sleeping loft, private bath, share kitchen
Room has ethernet for high speed internet connection: $10/mo. extra

Also available Sept. 1: third floor two room suite, private bath, beautiful teak bedroom set, etc. etc.

Share: third floor meditation/dance/yoga room
first floor TV/VCR/DVD, iMac w/ high speed internet, dining room, veranda
Off street parking, spacious yard, gardens, sauna, workout room
2 hours per month building maintenance/yard care/housmates meeting
Laundry (indoor lines for drying) free

Minimum age: 25
Monthly house contribution: $350; $430 (more if you use A/C, internet)
Available 1 September, 2005
Other housemates include: me, Neil Anderson (our fabulous massage therapist), Alan Bern (musician, doctoral student CCM).  
No smoking in house.
I am looking for: rock solid good vibes 24/7.  Also rock solid financial reliability.  Also, prefer a person who will enjoy the Monday night Salon and is interested in building community here.  Eventually want to explore sharing ownership and all responsibilities.  
Please pass the word to any of your contacts who might know of folks looking for a place to live/work.  


Beit Miriam Israel Hanukkah trip

From Rabbi Natan Ophir

Departing Dec. 25, 2005
Returning Jan. 5, 2006
Experience light, joy and redemption of Chanukkah in Israel.  Each day will include prayer, meditation, yoga/chi gung, and kabbalistic learning on teshuva, redemption, holiness, Messianic timesŠ. What makes this trip most special is the people who chose to come on this trip are spiritually oriented, open-hearted people like yourselves. Within a short time, we will be come a loving and supportive family of friends, sharing this most special unique experience together.  The emphasis of this trip is personal healing and transformation. Please share this email with others.
Sun Dec. 25 Check in Jerusalem, Welcome Gathering,  Hanukkah Candle lighting and meditation, Visit the kotel, Chanukah party in Old City.
Mon Dec. 26 Visit Tower of David Museum, City of David, Archeological discoveries and implications for Messianic Era. Walking tour through the Old City, Welcome with Rabbi Avraham Brandwein and Reb Avraham Sutton.
Tue-Fri Dec. 27-
30 Spiritual, Meditative Fun filled Journey to the warm South.
Hike in the nature reserves of Ein Gedi, bathe in the beautiful waterfalls, float in the Dead Sea, enjoy mud packs and sulfur baths in the Dead Sea spa.  Meditate in the most awesome oasis Ein Avdat. Visit Bedouins and Sde Boker, the grave of Ben Gurion.  Climb or cable car to Massada.
Experience a most powerful meditation in the Massada synagogue.
Fri Dec. 30-31 Shabbat with Israelis in Jerusalem. A very special Melave Malka, Saturday evening New Year¹s celebration.
Sun Jan. 1 Travel the Time Elevator, Visit Yad Vashem.
Group meditation, processing  and learning.
 Mon-Tue Jan 2-3, Explore the 1st Temple ruins, Promenade on the Tayelet of Armon Hamatzav with the most gorgeous views in Jerusalem. Tunnel tours under the Temple Mount, Temple Models for 2nd 7 3rd Temple, Meditative learning on Prophecy
Special Gathering at Yakar with well known rabbis and scholars.
 Wed Jan 4 Visit Diaspora Museum and Tel Aviv.  Shopping.
  Thur Jan 5 Return trip.
The trip is spiritually guided and organized by Melinda( Mindy) Ribner, founder and director of Beit Miriam.  Melinda is a teacher of Jewish meditation and meditative Kabbalah for over 20 years, the author of New Age Judaism, Kabbalah Month by Month, and Everyday Kabbalah. She is a licensed psychotherapist and a spiritual healer in private practice and at Mind Body New York in Manhattan.
Melinda will be joined this trip by Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir, director of Beit Midrash Meorot at Yakar. Rabbi Ophir received his MA and Phd in Jewish philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he served 16 years as the University Rabbi. He teaches Kabbalah, Jewish thought, and meditation. 
Cost: $2600 includes round trip air fare, hotels, meals and an exciting touring/learning program. Reserve with a $300 deposit and secure your airline seat.
Land only is $2000.
Late Registration after Oct. 15, $2800.
Late late registration after Dec. 5 $3000.
Monies for the trip will be refunded fully if the trip is cancelled. 
If participants cancel with three weeks notice, full refund minus $150.
Participants are encouraged to have travel and health insurance.
 Mindy and Natan are happy to talk with you about this trip.
Contact Mindy at or  telephone at  212 799-1335  or 646 3824696 or Natan at 01197225636093 ( Jerusalem) or
This is the second Beit Miriam trip. A summer trip on Tu B¹Av Aug. 6-7, 2006 is also being planned on Kabbalah of Love, Soul mates, and the Divine Feminine and will be focused in Jerusalem and northern Israel.
Please share this email with all who may be interested in visiting Israel in a Beit Miriam way.

Nov 4, 5, 6
ReSounding Voices of Feminism
MUSE + Women Writing for (a) Change
Fri, Sat,  8 pm  Sun 3 pm
St. John's U. Church on320  Resor Ave 45220

$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others

Free Childcare

Nov 20 after church service, Sunday
simple lunch served
A Magical Music SING for kids and parents, an all-church event.  HootNany
St. John's U. Church on320  Resor Ave 45220

$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others

Free Childcare

Sunday Dec 11, 11 am
St. John's choir with area instrumentalists: Mozart Missa Brevis and a Bach Cantata
St. John's U. Church 320 Resor Ave 45220

Jan 28, Sat. 8 pm
Sonic Om: Indian Percussion and Dance music
with Kanniks Kannikeswaren and friends
St. John's U. Church on320  Resor Ave 45220

$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others

Free Childcare

9 April 3 pm
Proud and Peaceful: A concert featuring Piano, Voice, and Comedy: Alix Thio, John Wright, Steve Mallory and Terry LaBolt
St. John's U. Church on320  Resor Ave 45220

$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others

Free Childcare

From Paul Brown: Subscribe to this insurgency.  


 Esamizdat is a free subscription email newslink service. Its mission is to provide important news which generally goes unreported in most print, TV and radio news sources. To subscribe: send an email to with ³subscribe² in the subject line. To unsubscribe: send an email to the same address with ³unsubscribe² in the subject line.

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Please forward.

Govt by Temper Tantrum
Bush Teleconference with Soldiers Staged
Abortion Campaign Hindered by US
Bankruptcy Filings Soar Before Law
Climate Change Effects in Antarctic
What Part of Global Warming Don¹t We Get?
Suvivor's Guide to the Energy Crisis
Doctors Needed for S Asia
Grim Quake Truth
Struggle To Reach Remote Areas
Link Between Warming, Gases
Warmer Seas, Wetter Air, Harder Rain
Acid Rain And Forest Mass
US-Central Am Deal Fails
New Orleans Pumped Dry
NATO to Protect Pipelines
Grassroots climate change study
Pollutant linked to sperm damage
From Sewer Plant to Drinking Glass
Nature¹s Cycle Broken By Progress
Activists: Bush waffles on cleanup
Roche opposes generic drug
Indian Firm to Make Generic Drug
New Laws May Let Power Plants Pollute More
Quake Injuries Fester
Katrina Aid Blocked
8 million gallons oil spilled in state
> 15K deaths by asbestos cancers in 5 yrs
End of GOP
The Fallen Legion
Criminal Arrogance

See article on Ohio Voting Reform Activism below in Blue section, and take action!

- end of Announcements -
Katrina Relief Section



Lisa Shusterman sends on word about local Katrina relief effort in late Oct.

Subject: Katrina Donations
> Jason Leo (rector) from the (Clifton Avenue Episcopal) Calvary Church is making a trip to Jackson, Mississippi
> along with some of his congregants.  They are taking down much needed supplies
> to an area hit hard by Katrina.  Jason will be leaving on October 20th and
> will be gone until October 24th.  Several days prior to leaving, there will be

> trucks in front of Calvery Church on Clifton Avenue collecting much needed
> donations. Look for the signs as the time gets close.  Please bring what you
> can to make their trip as successful as possible.
> lisa
> (Jeanne Leo asked me to pass the word!)

Michael Moore Update: Katrina Relief



My staff has been down in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast for nearly a month now setting up and running our own relief effort with Veterans for Peace. The overwhelming response from so many of you has directly affected the lives of thousands of people. Here's what we've been able to do with your help:

** Over 500 tons of food, water, clothing, medical supplies, baby products, feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, power tools, and a boat and trailer for reaching those still flooded by water have been distributed directly to those in need

** Over 10,000 aid packages have been sent by you via UPS and FedEx to our camp and distributed

** Over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies have been sent and distributed

** Tractor trailers, dozens of 20 foot trucks, six school buses, and other vehicles arrived loaded with supplies.  Most stayed on to help distribute donations

** Over 200 chainsaws, 100 generators and 2,000 gallons of bleach have been distributed

** Over 100 people were walked through the FEMA application process

** Doctors, Physician's Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists, Registered Nurses, LPNs, Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians, and Social Workers have volunteered from across the country and joined forces to create several mobile medical units providing prescription medication, first aid supplies, diabetic testing equipment, insulin and tetanus shots for those digging through the rubble of their homes

** 14 people were reunited with their families

But beyond all these statistics are the personal testimonies of what my staff has witnessed. Electricity was provided to a family whose young son suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, allowing him to continue his treatment until electricity in his neighborhood was restored. A 60 year old woman on a respirator was found, still in her home despite a gaping hole in the roof. We patched the roof and gave her food and water. Supplies were delivered to the Houma Indians, who had received no help (not even a visit) from the Red Cross or FEMA.  A roof was put on their Cultural Center in Golden Meadows and a generator was provided to keep a years supply of seafood from spoiling in the sun. A man in Lefitte was found sitting on his porch, the house surrounded by four feet of water. A canoe-load of supplies was paddled to his doorstep by two of our volunteers. New Orleans evacuees joined our efforts. They served as our guides, leading us through now decimated communities and taking us to the ar eas of greatest need.

You can read more of these in the diaries <>  on my website.

The harsh truth that I must report to you is that the federal government and Red Cross relief efforts are still a disorganized, embarrassing mess with little or no help reaching most people -- this more than a month after Katrina. It is the freelance guerilla efforts like ours that are getting through. We aren't waiting for approval and we aren't stopping. We will make sure Bush and Co. pay for their failure later, but right now hundreds of thousands are homeless, hungry and in need of medical attention. And the rest of us have a responsibility to help them.

We have joined forces with Saving Our Selves Katrina (S.O.S.), an organization that began as a temporary coalition of pre-existing community organizations. They are doing amazing work with volunteers and believe that concrete aid from community church-based organizations must fill the gaps when the government fails us. They have become, with your help, a bright light offering immediate relief to the families who have lost everything.  Find out what SOS and other similar relief groups need, right now, from you <> .

Thanks again, everyone, for lending a hand. We won't give up and we know you won't either.


Michael Moore <>



Subodh Chandra for Ohio Attorney General

Subodh Chandra just completed service as Director of Law of the City of Cleveland, a billion-dollar corporation.  Chandra led the work of an 82-lawyer department with both criminal and civil divisions. He also served as acting mayor in the mayor's absence.  As Cleveland's general counsel, Chandra slashed by nearly 90% spending on outside counsel, saving millions of dollars.  Under Chandra's leadership, Cleveland handled legal work in-house, and moved vigorously through in-house investigations to clean up corruption, including bribery schemes involving city inspectors and purchasing officials.  With a relentless focus on excellence and accountability, Chandra restored the reputation the department, and attracted top performers who helped make it the most diverse law firm in Ohio.

Chandra was hailed for his imaginative handling of Green v. City of Cleveland in way that was both just and spared the city from huge potential liability.  In that case, Michael Green was wrongfully convicted of rape in part because of the false testimony of a Cleveland forensic analyst.  Green, an African-American, served thirteen years in prison until DNA evidence exonerated him.  In an unprecedented move, Chandra agreed to re-examine over 100 similar cases to ensure that no others were wrongfully convicted.  In exchange, Green agreed to a modest civil settlement, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

Previously, as federal prosecutor, Chandra successfully fought health-care fraud and corruption‹work for which FBI director Robert Mueller recognized him.  Before that, Chandra worked in large firms in both Cleveland and Los Angeles, and served as special presidential counsel at the American Bar Association.  

Chandra is a graduate of the Yale Law School, where he was executive editor of the Yale Law & Policy Review.  He also graduated with honors and distinction from Stanford University.  Stanford awarded him the John Gardner Fellowship to work with Governor Richard F. Celeste to train young leaders from newly emerging democracies in Central & Eastern Europe in the skills required in democracy.

Chandra is married to Meena Morey Chandra, a civil-rights attorney.  They have triplet-toddler sons.


Scared about Avian Flu?

   In past years (since 1990) I have had marvelous results with drugstore-available homeopathic flu and virus remedy from Switzerland, "Oscillocossinum".  This year as well I will be taking a prophylactic flu remedy (homeopathic as well) every three weeks, and should I get sick anyway, another homeopathic remedy.  I feel calm and serene.  In addition Shirley has recommended other preventive steps.  See below, letter from our esteemed homeopath Shirley Reischman.  If you want to purchase the flu remedies, contact her:Shirley Reischman <> .  Ellen

Hello Everyone,

Flu is a lot like earthquakes.  We know that every so many years a bad one is going to come around and every so many years a really, really bad one is going to come around.  We¹re overdue for a really, really bad one. It could come this year or it could come anytime in the next ten years or so, but come it will.  

The problem with the avian flu is when it crosses species.  We all (have) some immunity to human flu viruses.  We have no immunity to other species viruses.  Flu viruses mutate easily.  If someone with a touch of the human flu comes in contact with another species that has the flu virus (like pigs or birds), the viruses commingle and mutate into a completely new virus that humans have never met before and therefore have no immunity to. Someone compared it to the Europeans coming in contact with a native tribe that had never been exposed to measles.  The entire tribe was wiped out from what to us would be a minor childhood illness.

There is no point in panicking and nothing is to be gained by labeling the people who try to predict such things as fear mongers.  There is every advantage to being prepared.  

There are several things to do.  

1.       The first step is to increase the ability of your immune system to fight off any invading virus.  

a.       This is the function of the homeopathic flu prevention remedy that I e-mailed everyone about last week.

b.       Get plenty of sleep, exercise and good diet, including the healthy omega 3 fats and no denatured foods.

c.       Take Sambucol (black elderberry syrup) on a weekly basis.

2.       Prevention

a.       Stay out of crowds and if you are with people who might be fluey, were a mask.

b.       Wash your hands frequently and keep your hands away from your ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

c.       Use a Neti cup daily with warm salt water. (This is a nose and sinus irrigation gadget, cheap, at HealthFood Stores.  I use a Water pic without the little stick attached.  Salt water.  Works fine. Ellen.)

d.       Throughout the flu season, gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide and use hydrogen peroxide ear drops weekly.

                                                                         i.     If the ear drops bubble, use them every 2-3 hours until the bubbling subsides.

3.       If you get sick

a.       Start the homeopathic flu remedy, either Influenzinum 200C or Oscillococcinum 200C (or alternate) at the first sign of not feeling well. Gelsimium and Bryonia are also two of the most frequently indicated homeopathic remedies for flu.  Make sure you have a supply of all four available in case you get sick.

b.       Increase frequency of H2O2 gargle, ear drops and also the Neti cup usage.  Also increase Sambucol to every two hours.

c.       Go to bed and stay there ­ get plenty of rest and do not spread it to others.

d.       Drink LOTS of fluids

e.       DO NOT take fever reducers.

                                                                         i.     The fever kills viruses and increases production of interferon, which also kills viruses.  The JAMA published a study about five years ago which showed that when you reduce the fever, you prolong the illness.

                                                                       ii.     Bundle up and try to increase the fever.  You can use a cool cloth on your head if the heat is too uncomfortable.

f.        Have a vaporizer available.  Use steam to help keep the airways clear.  People die from the flu because their airways clog up.  If you are having trouble breathing, seek emergency help immediately.




Is Bush Bankrupting the Government ON PURPOSE?

Published on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 by

Breaking the Bank: The Rightwing Road to America's Privatized Future

by Bill Willers


In September, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, in a comment perhaps not intended for publication, told Thierry Breton, French Finance Minister, that the US budget is out of control with the country being plunged ever more deeply into debt. The Economist reported Breton's disappointment "... that the management of debt is not a political priority today."

Breton was wrong. Accumulation of massive debt is the number one priority of the Bush Administration - a deliberate, managed move toward its goal of an ³ownership society² in which all aspects are privatized.

Since the introduction of the massive Republican tax cuts, many observers understood immediately that they were to plunge government into debt, thereby undercutting its ability to fund social programs such as Medicare and Social Security, and to administer public domain that has long belonged to all citizens in common.

In May of 2003, Princeton economist Paul Krugman wrote that "gimmicks used to make an $800-billion-plus tax cut carry a price tag of only $320 billion are a joke ... The people now running America aren't conservatives: they're radicals who want to do away with the social and economic system we have, and the fiscal crisis they are concocting may give them the excuse they need."

Krugman had plenty of company. Peronet Dispeignes reported in the Financial Times of London that the Bush Administration had shelved a report commissioned by the Treasury that showed the US facing a future of chronic federal budget deficits totaling at least $44.2 trillion in current US dollars, and that closing the gap would require the equivalent of an immediate and permanent 66% across-the-board tax increase. Bill Moyers, on his PBS show NOW, said "We are watching the country's future slip deeper and deeper into a black hole of red ink."

The corporate sphere has spent countless millions lobbying for deregulation of its activities, for maintaining specific legislators in office, and for the privatization of everything from health care to education to Social Security to federal lands, including national parks. The goal is ownership and control of every corner of society by a "private sector" primarily in the form of corporations. Over more than a century of legal maneuvering, corporations have been able to create for themselves the status of ³persons² in US law, so that the fortunes they lavish have, absurdly, become ³free speech². They have also acquired ownership of mainstream media and so have been able to obscure the significance and gravity of the situation while simultaneously perpetuating another widely believed absurdity, that of ³the liberal media².

A key mechanism for privatization is "outsourcing" to the private sector jobs that have historically been governmental. National parks, it seems, have been a trial area for this. Plans for the privatization of parks have lain obscurely on the rightwing to-do list for more than 20 years, and now the Bush Administration is allowing them to move ahead quickly. Terry Anderson, lead architect of a strategy to transfer America¹s public lands into private ownership over a forty-year span, advises President Bush on public lands matters.

Early in 2003, Interior Secretary Gale Norton announced her intention to outsource as many as 11,000 (72%) positions in the US Park Service. Shortly thereafter, President Bush declared that as many as 850,000 federal positions could become privatized. This is an attack on public ownership and of federal programs supportive of the poorer and middle classes that together constitute the bulk of society. While framed as an argument for fiscal efficiency, it is a recipe for a two-tiered society of a super rich minority atop a vast underclass of workers.

The Bush Administration's assault on government, under the banner of "cutting federal spending", is the cause of a FEMA underfunded into relative impotence and for inadequate levees in New Orleans. But even as we are learning that the cost of reconstructing the Gulf Coast will be (yet another) $200 billion, and that no-bid contracts (yet again) are being handed to Halliburton, news comes that to pay for it all will require "further cuts in federal spending". And things just don't add up.

Well, perhaps they do. Maybe they make even more obvious the Republican game plan to plunge government so deeply into debt that it can no longer offer support to the larger citizenry, and that this can only result in the corporate sector winning by default and becoming, in principle, like so many mediaeval landowners. Looking ahead, one sees the main controlling element of society not a government of, by and for the people but a corporate sector that controls life¹s essentials and charges as much as the market will bear. ³Nothing personal; just business.²

Rightwing strategist Grover Norquist's stated goal of shrinking government so that it can be, as he put it, "drowned in a bathtub", is now being fast-tracking at a rate that must surprise even him.

Bill Willers is an Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh.


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Garrison Keillor to Tom DeLay

sent in by Nikki Orleman

I'm at your service, Mr. DeLay

A word of advice from a friend: If your GOP pals turn on you, take them down with you.

By Garrison Keillor

Oct. 12, 2005 | My Dear Mr. DeLay:

I have been waiting two weeks for one Republican to leap to your defense and express outrage at a grand jury so callous as to indict a virtuous man, and nobody has. They've all been coy and cautious and whispering to the press that you are not their favorite guy in the whole world, so I am going to stand with you, sir, and cover your back. I don't like to see a man abandoned that way. When you're a Jet and the spit hits the fan, you've got brothers around. You're a family man. I am an old liberal and if we had a Hammer, we would support him in the morning, and in the evening, all over this land. You are the greatest political fundraiser since William Marcy Tweed, sir, and that Texas grand jury is trying to referee a football game by the rules of badminton.

Corporate money not used for political campaigns? The thought is preposterous on its face. Any schoolchild knows that politics is not about highfalutin debates and policy papers; it is about putting the screws to the fat cats and squeezing them until they squeak and then hiring agents to level your hapless opponent with a barrage of rotten fruit and dead cats as you yourself stand above the fray, Bible in hand, your arm around some orphans, eyes upraised to Old Glory, your face nicely lit. And you win the race and go to work flogging your timid colleagues and raising truckloads of dough and building your war chest and scaring the bejeebers out of people. That's how it's done.

This country was not built by nervous Nellies and Sunday school teachers but by bold marauders, dodgers, Sooners, buffalo hunters, forty-niners -- people who saw what they wanted and took it. You're one of them. Politics is about power. You grabbed hold of it and became King of the Republican Hill, a majority leader who knows that one can never have too much majority. I am disappointed by your attempts to beautify yourself. It's pitiful, sir, and demeaning to blow-dry your hair and try to project warmth through those drill-sergeant eyes and belt-sander voice. You're the man, sir, who redrew the map of Texas to squeeze more Republican congressmen out of it, and got Indian tribes to pay for you and yours to fly to Scotland first class and play golf, and who paid his wife as a consultant, etc., etc., etc. Personal warmth was not what got you to the dance. The rest of us tiptoe through the tulips, fearful of giving offense, but you, sir, are one brass monkey.

But politics is treacherous. Those Republicans who kiss your ring at prayer breakfasts and wave the flies away from your plate -- if they should sense that you are a wounded elephant, they will throw you out the window without blinking. Count on it, Mr. Leader. Behind those bland faces are neural synapses making intricate calculations. Don't worry about the Democrats, they are harmless, shaking their pointy heads and waving their small, plump hands. It's your friends who will do you in. Look at Julius Caesar. Look at Richard Nixon.

Nixon was done in by the ginks who forgot to burn the tapes, and so a great statesman suffered the ultimate humiliation of being quoted accurately when he was talking like a drunken bus driver about Jews and liberals. You, too, could be sandbagged by your pals, who may suddenly find it convenient to distance themselves from you as if you were not their daddy but just some stranger who came around every month and paid the bills and petted the dog.

Your best strategy is to Instill Fear Among the Flock. Yes, you've done certain things that don't look good to grand juries and Unitarian schoolmarms and amateur bird-watchers, but so have your fellow Republicans. They have shoved old ladies down the stairs and feathered their own nests, and you know it, and they know that you know it, and now you need to demonstrate that you will not bend one iota, no mea culpas and don't weep for me Argentina. You did not have sex with that woman, and you intend to go on Hammering, and if they let you down, you will sing like a canary and take those clowns with you.

Meanwhile, sir, I am at your side, your loyal pal and obedient servant.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(Garrison Keillor's ³A Prairie Home Companion² can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.)

© 2005 by Garrison Keillor. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

-- By Garrison Keillor


Blistering Riposte: Jeanette on Hydrogen Energy Storage
(see Paul's post below this one)

Ellen, there really is no point in discussing the issue with Brown.  He's bluffing and figures one isolated math/science reader can be dismissed.  I know how to compress gases, I have a compressor that we use in construction, but you compress 'gases', you don't compress 'excess pressures' as he was blowing on about.  

If you want another example of his either incredibly bad description of technology or simple hot air, look at another area of the quoted 'explanation' (and I use that term loosely).  In his original quote he said that the leaking hydrogen that made it to the outer chamber would be combined with oxygen from one source or another to 'produce electricity'.  Think about that statement.  When you *simply* combine hydrogen with oxygen you get WATER, decidedly not electricity.  That's basic chemistry, and the combination is a pretty loud event.  A nice *bang* in the usual science demonstrations.  His explanation violated basic chemistry.  Why are we taking the time to deal with this polecat who thinks he can bluff his way out of the gaffe about hydrogen being *easily* recaptured.  

In his latest weaselling below, he's now going to react the hydrogen in a fuel cell.  That's far from *simple*, depending on the method/type of fuel cell.  Either you're rather *carefully* passing the hydrogen through a high tech Proton Exchange Membrane at just about the boiling temperature of water, or you're cranking the temp up to 1000 deg Centigrade (about double the temperature on a self-cleaning oven that incinerates every trace of mess and anything else inside and requires a *pretty* sophisticated containment) while passing the oxygen (not just the mix in air) through a ceramic.  *This* is not simple 'purging' of a gas tank.  I mean really.  

I'll bet it's 'clear' to his other readers 'if not Jeanette'...  hmmm...  What a skunk.

OK, so now you have my thoughts.  And I still stand on my original statement that the hydrogen solution is not worth our time.  I'd be real careful on trusting this fellow's descriptions of a way through our future wilderness.

on 10/10/05 2:32 PM, Ellen Bierhorst at wrote:

Hi Jeanette,

hope you will take a look at the following from Paul Brown and give me your thoughts.

From: "paul brown" <>
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 09:11:43 -0400
To: "'Ellen Bierhorst'" <>
Subject: RE: Weekly 10/8/05 - 6

     I don¹t know what Jeannette¹s problems are, but it¹s not the science. I acknowledged that storage and ecological effects of hydrogen are significant problems which need to be addressed. The solutions I suggested would work for large-volume hydrogen storage and relatively short pipes, but not for long pipelines. I think proposals for pipelines are misguided for that reason. As for how the hydrogen is compressed, it¹s already compressed to higher pressures than I used in my example, routinely. The device used is called a compressor, in principle like the ones in our refrigerators. In fact hydrogen is commonly transported in tank cars and trucks under high pressure, and hydrogen cars are routinely refueled at high pressures. Continual flushing of the outer pipe or vessel with air, and reacting the hydrogen in a fuel cell is not unlike purging gas pipes or gas tanks before repairing them, with the added reaction process to prevent escape into the atmosphere. As for electrolysis under pressure, that¹s not necessary. The hydrogen bubbles into a chamber above the negative electrode, and the oxygen goes into a separate chamber over the positive electrode, or into the air. The hydrogen is pumped off at low pressure and compressed.

      I hope this is clear to your other readers, if not Jeannette. If your other readers have additional questions, I¹ll be happy to answer them.

Paul Brown


John Conyers on Reform Ohio Now

Someone called the cavalry!  It's my hero, John Conyers, rallying for RON.  Elizabeth Motter

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:    RON
Date:    Thu, 13 Oct 2005 05:52:04 -0700
From:    "Congressman John Conyers" <>
Reply-To:    <>
To:    <>

Help Free Ohio from Republican Corruption and Electoral Abuses

For the past couple months, we have witnessed a growing percentage of the population steadily distancing itself from the Bush Administration and congressional Republicans. There has been an even stronger movement away from Republicans in Ohio that is occurring on a much grander scale due to the Coingate scandals.
Reform Ohio Now

Ten Action Items

Coingate Articles

10/9 Article on Noe

As you may know, coin collector Tom Noe, a big contributor to President Bush and the Republican Party of Ohio, is the focus of 13 separate investigations for his mismanagement of a $50 million state fund that was supposed to help injured workers. A federal grand jury reportedly is investigating alleged money laundering by Noe for a Bush-Cheney fundraising event organized by Brian Hicks, the former chief of staff to Governor Robert A. Taft II.

Hicks has since been convicted of violating state ethics laws for accepting improper gifts from Noe. Governor Taft, himself, was convicted earlier this year on four criminal counts for violating ethics laws relating to his relationship with Noe ­ the first time that has ever happened to a sitting Ohio governor. Taft has an approval rating in the mid-teens ­ lowest in the country. All three of the leading candidates to succeed the term-limited governor have long-standing relationships with Noe and have accepted his contributions.

The Republican Party in Ohio, which holds all state-wide elected offices, is in serious trouble with the voting public. Ohioans are tired of the corruption that is rampant throughout Ohio The closeness of the OH-2 special election, in which Iraq War veteran Paul Hackett came within a whisker of winning in a district that Rob Portman carried with 72% of the vote, was due as much to the widespread disgust with the Republican Party in Ohio as it was to the growing opposition to the war.

As we have seen with the presidential election in 2004, what happens in Ohio affects the whole country. The culture of corruption that exists there is an injustice to our democratic system of government. It is crucial that we put an end to this abuse of power and the corrupt electoral practices that affect our whole country. That is why the vote in Ohio on November 8 this year is of historic national importance. A progressive grassroots organization, Reform Ohio Now, collected more than half a million signatures to put four amendments on the November 8 ballot.

These ballot initiatives would permit voting by mail, impose strict campaign contribution limits, require competitive congressional and legislative districts (and thereby put an end the scourge of gerrymandering), and would create an independent elections board instead of having the Secretary of State, a partisan official, oversee elections (the current Secretary of State is a fellow by the name Ken Blackwell‹remember him? He's running for governor next year).

These ballot initiatives are so important, not just because they will provide fairer elections, but because they will provide a national bellwether to measure the growing strength of the Democratic Party. Victory in these measures will lend momentum nationally, will provide Democrats up to 6 six new Congressional seats in the 2006 elections, and could help restore a Democratic majority to Congress. As many have noted, this is the most important election of the year.

Please act today to end the corruption and provide free and fair elections that affect all Americans.

*    Visit - the organization behind the initiatives to find plenty of resources.
*    This posting has a list of ten action items you can do to help at

Thank you for your help and your continued stand for a better democracy.


John Conyers, Jr.


Barbara Simon (Walnut H ills '58) Sends this ...

Reform Ohio Now needs y our help in Ohio Voting Reform!

Ten Things you can do

Hi, Chusti (my childhood nickname. ellen).  You probably already know about this, but I'm forwarding it to you just in case you don't.  I hope all is well with you.  David and I will be moving to Canada this coming January.

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Katherine Forrest" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:04:07 -0700
To: "\(list suppressed\)" <>

Subject: help drive a stake into the Ohio GOP

From the progressive MyDD blog ( [RON = Reform Ohio Now; see comments way down in the message]

Help Us Drive A Stake Into The Ohio GOP
by Pounder <> <>   

From the diaries--Chris

So you think you are an activist huh ? Well we need your help in Ohio once again.

The biggest election in 2005 is in Ohio: The Reform Ohio Now campaign, issues 2, 3, 4, and 5 <;t=facts#proposal1> <;t=facts#proposal1>  . This is our chance to drive a stake into the heart of the Ohio GOP, but time is running out.

How can you help ?

First, we only have about 8 weeks left, so please recommend this so as many people as possible can get a chance to stick it to the Ohio GOP - They deserve it !

1. First you can take a second and sign a petition <;t=action> <;t=action>  . Stop these "Patriot Pastors" Fundie whacko's

Dear Rev. Johnson,

You recently began mobilizing the Ohio  Restoration Project's "Patriot Pastors" to stop Reform Ohio Now's  good-government amendments.  

I respect your right to religious expression, but I ask you to take a look  at the dishonesty and corruption that have become hallmarks of our state  government.  3 out of 4 Ohio voters think we're going in the wrong  direction.  Is this a time to protect the status quo?

RON's amendments would put the people back into the process by making  politicians more accountable to voters.  These reforms don't favor one  party over another; they simply ensure that neither party can rewrite the  rules to stay in power.

I urge you to reconsider your stance and let Ohioans decide on these  amendments for themselves. The Ohio Restoration Project should join Reform  Ohio Now - and help restore trust and faith in Ohio's government.  


2. If you live in Ohio - Sign up to Volunteer <;t=action> <;t=action>  . Canvassing, phone banking, all that great grass roots stuff - it's literally the donkey work to success. Even if you can only spare a couple of hours - spare it <;t=action> <;t=action>  .

3. Wherever you live, Donate to the Reform Ohio Now Campaign <;t=donate> . We are up against some REALLY big money determined to maintain the corruption and gerrymandered districts (RON is worth an extra 6 congressional seats!). If all you can spare is $10 - spare it for Ohio.

4. Letters to the Editor. Anyone can do this. Before you write a diary, write a letter ! We really need to educate Ohio Voters about Issues 2 thru 5 and LTE's are a great way to do that - let's flood those news rooms. The DNC has a pretty neat tool - just hit this link <> <>  , enter your zip code and write your letter ! Couldn't be easier. IF you live outside of Ohio - here is a list of Ohio Zip codes <> <>  .

5. If you have a Blog - Blog it ! Grow Ohio <> <>   has a ton of info, and you can always check the Ohio lefty blogs aggregator <> <>   too to keep up to date. Every time someone googles RON it better come up with our responses ! Also put up a link to RON - graphics here <;t=action> <;t=action>  .

6. Video Design Guru's. Make a 30 second Ad for Reform Ohio Now !

7. If you are an Ohio Blogger - send me an email if you want to join the netroots effort !

8. If you are a member of a group - talk to them about endorsing RON <;t=action> <;t=action>  . Some of the current endorsements can be found here <;t=about> <;t=about>  

9. If you are in Ohio, or have family and Friends in Ohio - Talk to them about RON - tell them how important it is.

10. Download the RON flyer, print it out and stick it in high visibility areas - libraries, stores, everywhere. Flyer here <> <>  .

So there are 10 simple things to do, a little something for everyone.

This is the kick off for a co-ordinated netroots wide effort - see kos's post here <> <>  

Let me know in the comments what you are signing up for, and please recommend this so that others have a chance to get involved in taking back Ohio.

You guys and Gals ROCK. Thanks !

Diaries <> <>   :: Pounder's diary <> <>   :: Wed Sep 21st, 2005 at 09:50:31 PM EDT <> <>   :: Extended Entry <> <>   (727 words in entry) :: 8 Comments <> <>   

A comment:

My LTE... (none  / 0 <;showrate=1#4> <;showrate=1#4>  )

...which was printed today in one of the suburban  Columbus papers.  To the editor:  I am mystified as to the reason Rev. Russell Johnson and the "Patriot  Pastors" plan to oppose the election-reform measures proposed by Reform  Ohio Now.  These measures would allow early voting, limit campaign  contributions, place creation of legislative districts under the control  of a nonpartisan panel, and create an independent election oversight  board, yet Rev. Johnson claims that they would "take the process out of  the hands of the people."  I can only speculate on Rev. Johnson's theological justification for  supporting gerrymandering, pay-to-play politics, and election oversight by  partisan officials.  I am unaware of any reference to these topics in  the Bible, and I cannot recall any sermons about them.  Perhaps I  should try a different church.  Of course, it is possible that Rev.  Johnson's reasons are not theological, but political.  Rev. Johnson and I might not see eye-to-eye on matters of faith, but we  should be able to agree on the need for honest and responsible government.   It is disturbing that Rev. Johnson has chosen to oppose measures  that would go a long way toward changng the political climate of this  state for the better.

by KTinOhio <> <>   on Wed Sep 21st,  2005 at 10:25:29 PM EDT <> <>   


Is David Crowley in the pocket of big money ... or representing our
interest in Environmental Justice?
See David Crowley's response to me below the small print reprise of last week's item:
(David Crowley is the white haired guy, owns bar in Mt. Adams...  not to be confused with
the very young, short John Cranley who came to the Salon last winter.)

Is David Crowley Blocking the Environmental Justice Ordinance?

From Gerry Kraus:
Ellen -- CUFA (Communities United for Action) has been trying for two years to get an Environmental Justice (EJ) Ordinance passed.  Finally at an Environmental Forum for Candidates a few weeks ago 7 of those councilll members sitting on Council now, stated that they would support an EJ Ordinance.  Two weeks ago Chris Smitherman introduced an EJ ordinance. Instead of going  forward with passage, David Crowley, set up a Committee to further study this issue.  The members of CUFA's EJ Committee believe Crowley is now trying to stall passage of the EJ ordinance because he heard (in a letter that I saw) from  the Chamber of Commerce that the Chamber does not want an EJ ordinance of the City's books.  

With an EJ ordinance neigbhorhoods with a lot of polluting industries (like Winton Hills-Winton Place and lower Price Hill)  can require a public hearing  on any new pollulting industry. with all interested parties having an opportunity to address the issue.

----- Original Message ----- indus try wishing to locat in an
From: Dave Scharfenberger <>  

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 6:01 PM
Subject: Environemetnal Justice Ordinance

The Community Development, Education & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee meets on Monday, October 3rd, at 11:00 A.M.  I recently sent an email to Councilmember Crowley and other members of City Council questioning the need for a committee to re-write the Environmental Justice Ordinance (See below).  We originally had expected the Solicitor’s Office would work with us to re-draft the ordinance.  I am concerned that the committee is just putting off consideration of this ordinance.  Also since John Phillips had offered to work with the City on the ordinance, why hasn’t he been contacted.  These are some of the questions that we said that we wanted City Council to address.  Please come to the meeting to help us raise these questions.   Also encourage others that you know to send an email to Councilmember Crowley and other members of Cincinnati City Council to pass the Environmental Justice Ordinance within the next thirty days.

Marilyn Evans,
Communities United For Action
Letter sent to Councilmember Crowley:

Dear Council Member Crowley,

Since, David Altman is already biased against the Environmental Justice Ordinance, and has stated that the ordinance is bad!  Why is he chairing the EJO committee?  There is an environmental attorney, John Phillips, who put the EJO together, who has been available to you upon request, and who has been waiting for further information to structure the EJO.  Is this committee chaired by David Altman an attempt to kill the Environmental Justice Ordinance?

(please reply)

If this committee is a legitimate effort to promote environmental justice in all communities then Communities United for Action will participate and send Linda Briscoe as our representative to the EJO committee.     

Marilyn Evans

Executive Director

My email to David

From: Ellen Bierhorst []
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 1:21 PM
To: David Crowley
Subject: Re: Environemetnal Justice Ordinance

Dear David,
This sounds pretty damning (of you) to me.  Would you care to respond for our weekly (circ. 504)?
Ellen B.




Thank you for taking the time to forward this message to me. The empty accusations and inferences made below about my role in the development of an Environmental Justice Ordinance in Cincinnati could not be further from the truth.

I have worked with you and others who care deeply about the environment on many issues such as the restoration of Title X, the preservation of the Environmental Advisory Council, recently the City's response to hold those responsible accountable for the styrene leak and others. In fact just today we had a discussion in my committee about using alternative fuels for City and County vehicles that will help reduce pollution and waste.

Let me be clear--I believe in Environmental Justice. I want to see legislation passed that will have an impact on our community. The legislation that was put forward, though well intentioned, will not. If anything it will hurt the cause and could set us back light years. I want legislation that works, is enforceable and won't be thrown out because of the first legal challenge. Among other things the proposed language is unconstitutional. If it were challenged, which I am certain it would be, our attorney's have indicated that the whole program would be struck down by the courts. Some may be willing to gamble but I am not, the environment deserves more respect. I want legislation that will make a difference and I know that there are several leaders in the environmental community who agree.

Further the legislation put forward will require that businesses in the City would have to come directly before the City Council and have a hearing as to whether or not they can operate. This is not the role that City Council does or should be playing. Some other agency needs to be created, or an existing agency needs to be used, to ensure that the regulations are being followed. I think that last thing that most folks want is City Council serving in a judicial capacity on these matters, we don't serve in this manner on any other issues. Experts who know something about the technical aspects of pollution should be making these decisions--not politicians.

These are just a few of the serious and fundamental problems with the proposed ordinance which is why we need a group of talented folks to come up with a system and procedure that can work and most importantly that is enforceable.

I am glad to say that the respected environmental attorney David Altman has agreed to chair this working group. He is very excited about the possibilities as am I. Further my office has gotten a tremendous response from several groups who want to be involved in this process. We will ensure that they all have a seat at the table. This working group is not a stall tactic it is a way to enhance the democratic process. We are finalizing the membership and I can tell you that there will be some very well respected folks serving on this committee and they believe in what we are trying to accomplish.

I appreciate you taking the time to send your concerns to me and I hope this information helps to clarify my position. I honestly believe that working together on the facts rather than making empty assumptions will allow us to find some real solutions on this issue.

David Crowley  

(He invited me to join the working group, but only gve two days notice, so I could not attend.  I wish Gerry or Marvin or someone would evaluate David's position re. the illegality of the proposed ordinance and report to us.  ellen.)


Always exhilarating to hear from Mike Murphy
the wild Irish Poet-Radical

Ellen--Attached is a link to some <>  books, incl one on 'saloning'.  Maybe you are in it!!  If not, you should be in a revised future edition.  
    Yes, I do indeed want to go to The Farm, and others.  For years, I  have been postponing visiting these in hopes of traveling with several like-minded souls.
So, you're on!!  When?  I'll check with those communities I listed.  When it happens, I'd like to take a vehicle like David's window-van, the Dodge Ram.  More comfortable, roomy.
Ask around.  We'll put something together.  
    Next August, I expect there to be a gathering which I'd like to go to, a gathering I wish I had gone to this PAST august.  Decided too late.  It is a gathering of representatives of 'egalitarian community' representatives.  Same like 'intentional,' but genuinely egalitarian.  Not just neighbors, but a community, a team!  East Wind in Tecumseh in southern MO lis one such.  So, I think, is Earth Haven.  They are entreprerneurial without being capitalistic, so far as I can see.  Means owner-operated businesses, or worker-controlled.  That's part of what attracts me.  
    Anyhow, one trip gets a look-see at several.  
    Self-help is clearly a path we need to put more thought and attention into.  The disasters that are being visited upon this planet, by short-sighted and selfish national policies or by nature rearranging herself or combinations thereof, are calling forth a healthy do-it-yourself response in humans everywhere.  Your salonista Harvey who is organizing a new veterans group is an example.  The local AEA is another.  The frantic attempts to survive and save others and create a sustainable corner of society--whether in New Orleans, Nicaragua, Indonesia or Pakistan--are variously fumbling examples of people taking their lives literally and practically and desperately and creatively into their own hands.  This is a path we must all take, sooner or later, and it is wise for us all to take the time to consider beforehand 'the bathtub' [a la New Orleans], or fault line--[It is worthwhile recalling the New Madrid earthquakes, numbering some 1800 major and minor shocks according to the accounting of a man in Louisville, that lasted from Dec. 15, 1811 til sometime in March, 1812--two or three of which were estimated later to have been of magnitude 8.6 or so.  Could such a flurry of quakes come again, ripping the continent from the Gulf to the Lakes??]--or volcano or terrorist attack such as Vlasta noted in her study of such possibilities, that we live in or on.  Not so far-fetched.  Look at that leaking Lunken Airport railroad car during Katrina.  Or that toxic barrel packed warehouse at Winton and Spring Grove.  Living next door to the 35-track Hopple Viaduct switching yard, and down stream from that warehouse, I think of these things all the time.  Hilltops are vulnerable, too, as we see in Pakistan.
    My point is that clearly we cannot wait for the gov't or the corporations to look out for us.  We clearly must be up and about seeing to it and doing it ourselves, one way and another.  Begging gov't is out.  WalMart and other corporations--local and global--may be two steps ahead of gov't, but they are not enough. Nor is the military the answer, whether fighting terrorism or floods or bird flu, tho they can be helpful doing physical things like stacking sandbags or moving supplies or removing wreckage.  Let the people do the thinking.  Let us prepare plans for this catastrophe, that disaster, the next attack or system inadequacy.   Doing it yourself is in.  Communities are in. People dreaming plus dialoging plus networking plus doing is increasingly essential.  
    I'll research the Earth Haven, NC,  gathering which I expect will be next August.  I'll also check with East Wind and The Farm.  
    ps--You are welcome to print this.  Or not.  

Mike Murphy

George Lakoff on Katrina

Thanks to Mira Rodwan for sending in this:

Framing Katrina

Hurricane Katrina revealed the failure of conservative philosophy; liberals need to stand up for their approach to governing

By George Lakoff <;section=root&amp;id=972>  and John Halpin <;section=root&amp;id=1307>
Web Exclusive: 10.07.05

Hurricane Katrina exposed far more than rank incompetence and negligence by Bush administration officials. It showed Americans, in full force, the intellectual bankruptcy of modern conservatism. With millions of Americans displaced in the hurricane’s aftermath, and thousands needlessly injured or dead, the nation witnessed the pillars of modern conservative ideology -- less government, lower taxes, a strong defense -- crumble. Conservatives have lectured Americans for three decades about the evils of government and the need for a stronger nation. Turns out, the biggest threat to America’s future and security is the complete dominance of government by a conservative ideology incapable of understanding and addressing our greatest needs.

Whoever succeeds in framing Katrina will have enormous power to shape America’s future. Progressives started out with the framing advantage, because empathy, responsibility, and fairness are what progressives are about. Conservatives started out with a big disadvantage, because they promised to protect us and they failed.

But the conservatives filled the framing gap so quickly and effectively that, if progressives don’t respond immediately, conservatives may be able to parlay this disaster into an even greater power grab than they made out of September 11.

Here’s where the Katrina framing war stands.

Conservatives understand full well the importance of framing. They are busily framing Katrina to advance their right-wing agenda and expand their power. Their message is simple: The hurricane proves that conservatives were right all along.

  • Katrina showed what happens when state and local officials become dependent on the federal government and fail to take responsibility for making security their top priority. Conservative commentators have, additionally, used Katrina as demonstrating the inadequacy of government in general and as providing a rationale for shrinking it further.
  • Katrina reveals the dangers of environmental organizations that sue to stop levee-raising projects in order save an obscure species. Katrina proves that we must expand our domestic oil and gas production by opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and eliminating environmental protections.
  • Katrina showed that the nation needs capable corporations like Wal-Mart and Halliburton to take responsibility for delivering services, massive cleanups, and large-scale rebuilding. Prevailing wage laws and environmental regulations must be suspended so private companies can do their work.
  • Katrina showed the importance of individual responsibility. Those who failed to take individual responsibility to get out suffered greatly or even died. Those who stayed behind to loot or act in otherwise unlawful ways revealed the underbelly of urban liberalism and government welfare.
  • Katrina sets our priorities straight: rebuilding homes and businesses rather than spending on government entitlement programs like the Medicare drug benefit, Medicaid, the Centers for Disease Control, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, global AIDS funding, and so on.
  • Katrina’s drain on the economy makes tax cuts all the more necessary as a spur to economic growth.
Whenever conservatives have their back to the wall, they redouble their efforts and turn disaster -- literally and figuratively -- into ideological and political gain. Right-wing leaders are using this moment as another chance to solidify power by appealing to the general conservative principles that have been developed and disseminated for decades.

By contrast, progressives for the most part don’t understand deep framing -- framing at the level of values and principles. Progressives are trying to win but they are fighting on the wrong battlefield altogether. They are telling truths -- lots of them, of all kinds. A buckshot load of truths, mostly aimed at Bush.
  • Bush lacked leadership.
  • Bush was told in advance and didn’t respond in time.
  • Bush had sent the National Guard to Iraq when its ranks were needed at home.
  • Bush loaded the Federal Emergency Management Agency with incompetent political hacks like Michael Brown.
  • Bush took money from levee reconstruction and used it for the war and to render tax cuts.
  • Bush failed to preserve the wetlands that would have mitigated the storm surge, reversing Clinton policy.
  • Bush has refused to address global warming, which contributes to the frequency and severity of hurricanes.
These truths might temporarily tarnish the Bush administration, perhaps making his ratings go down a few points for a while. But without the power of deep frames to hold them together and back them up, these truths will disappear from the public debate and they will fail to advance the broader truth: that Katrina proves the failure of conservatism.

What have we learned that can help progressives frame the discussion going forward?

Government is not the problem. Conservative government is the problem. The Bush administration’s actions have only reinforced the need for smart government that protects the public good, not an anti-government ideology that puts private interests above common needs. Relentless budget cuts and misplaced policy priorities left vital government response capabilities uncoordinated, stripped of critical funding, and in the hands of political novices. These were the results of deliberate decisions by our nation’s conservative leaders following the failed principle that less government is always better. When America needed its officials to step up to the challenge of a massive disaster, conservative government let us down.

Conservatives claim to be the promoters of a strong defense, but ended up delivering only weakness and uncertainty. For years, conservatives have championed their supposed strength and resolve, but then withered in the face of a calamitous national event. They have failed to protect our nation and prepare it for adversity. Four years after 9-11, the nation’s Army is severely overstretched and under-recruited. The nation -- and our National Guard and Reserves who are supposed to help us here at home -- is bogged down in Iraq. Terrorist networks are growing across the globe. Chemical plants remain unguarded. And our newly created Department of Homeland Security can’t handle the aftermath of a hurricane. Even leading conservatives are voicing concerns about what would happen to our people if the nation were to suffer a biological or chemical attack in the current security environment. This is not what the country thinks of as a strong defense.

Taking care of the wealthy first does nothing to ensure shared sacrifice and mutual responsibility for America’s future. For the first time in history, a wartime president and his allies in Congress have sacrificed the nation's well-being to their ideology by asking nothing from those that have prospered so much from the collective work of all Americans. After cutting taxes for the wealthy after 9-11 and before the war in Iraq, conservatives now have the audacity to claim that Katrina should actually speed up the move to repeal the estate tax for millionaires. The culmination of 30 years of conservative dreams and proposals has produced little more than a destabilized economy racked by corruption and misplaced priorities that favor the needs of the few over the national interest.

To help Americans think about values, progressives must place these truths in the larger context. We must use them to demonstrate the strength of progressive philosophy compared with the failings of conservatism. We must communicate these truths as part of a positive, values-based vision of government and society, not just to prevent another Katrina tragedy but to stop the conservative juggernaut in its tracks and save our nation from the far greater disaster of conservatism itself.

What should progressives say?

The tragedy of Katrina was a matter of values and principles. The heart of progressive values is straightforward and clear: empathy (caring about and for people), responsibility (acting responsibly on that empathy), and fairness (providing opportunities for all and a level playing field from which to start). These values translate into a simple proposition: The common wealth of all Americans should be used for the common good and betterment of all Americans. In short, promoting the common good so that we can all benefit -- and focusing on the public interest rather than narrow individual gain -- is the central role of government. These are not just progressive values. They are America’s values.

Katrina shines a light not only on the failure of conservative values but especially on their fundamentally un-American character. Since the days of the colonies, when the commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia were formed, Americans have pooled their common wealth for individual aspirations.

Today’s right-wing conservative values are just plain un-American in this context. This is a country where people pull together in the face of disaster. They don’t just tell one another to sink or swim. Sink-or-swim conservatism is not in the American tradition, or the American heart. Empathy, mutual responsibility, fairness, and community -- all progressive values -- are part of this heritage. As Katrina showed, Americans hold a deep sense of shared fate and want an effective government that represents these values, does its job, and serves the people valiantly. Americans want to act responsibly and contribute. Katrina proved it. Those are the central progressive values. Americans have them.

It is time for progressives at all levels -- from our political leaders and policy-makers to our public intellectuals to our activists to ordinary Americans who care about their country -- to articulate our values, fundamental American values, and repeat them proudly and consistently. The truth is that conservative values have failed America and are threatening the well-being of our nation.

America is, and has always been, a progressive country. We care. We act responsibly. We want a level playing field for all to succeed, and a sense of national community. That is what makes us progressives.

These are the deep truths that need to be told starting now. There can be no delay. Conservatives from the administration to Congress to think tanks to FOX News are busy framing Katrina their way. Once it is framed, it is hard to reframe. Now is the time to speak out.

George Lakoff, the Goldman Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, is a senior fellow at the Rockridge Institute and the author of Moral Politics and Don’t Think of an Elephant. John Halpin is a senior adviser at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C.

end of articles

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- end  of Salon Weekly -

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