Monday, December 06, 2004

Salon: Robbins cancels but not the table-5

John Robbins had to cancel due to flu.  Plans to be here Monday 12/20 instead.
Pot luck tonight as usual.
Special Note: this week, Dec. 6, John Robbins (energy engineer, consultant, expert) will come to present at the salon.  Don't miss this. We will pass the hat for John, (give at least $5) to cover his practicing his profession for us.  He will tell us Why we should conserve energy, and What are the public policies or other mass actions that currently mitigate against conservation, and What is the big picture re. changing those.  By popular demand he will explain his approach to retrofitting the Lloyd House, and why folks might not choose to go that route (but abandon ship instead)  The big guzzler is those cold stone walls with R value 3 or at most, 5, when minimum acceptable is 15 by law or 19 (what should be the law).  John likes R 25 to 35! (Don't speak R values?  Regular window glass has R1.  A quilt has R 3).   See John's website beforehand and read as much as you can to prepare to get the most out of this.

Anyone else having trouble receiving this week's edition of the weekly?  Neither Fanchon nor I can receive it, although I can send it.  This is all I can successfully send.  ?? RSVP

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