WEEKLY Section Two: Activities and Opportunities
I-75 Interchanges at Mitchell, Hopple to be Changed: PUBLIC MEETING Today,Thursday
Revive I-75 Public Meeting
Your are invited to attend a meeting and give the City of Cincinnati your
ideas about how to "Rework, Renew, and Revive neighborhoods in the I-75
corridor" in anticipation of the reconstruction of the interstate in the
Clifton area. Specific issue to be discussed; The interchanges at Mitchell
and Hopple, the I-74/75 interchange, and the Queensgate area. For more
information, go to: www.reviveI-75Cincinnati.com. A flyer is attached.
When: 6 pm- 8 pm November 12, 2009
Cincinnati State (33520 Central Parkway)
Advanced Technology and Learning Center (ATLC Building)
Auditorium, 2nd floor
(There is parking available at the Central Parkway Garage)
Network Chiropractor Mike Nichols coming to Salon
Wed Nov 18
“Eating a Whole-Food Diet,” presented by Dr. Michael Nichols, of Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic and Advanced Clinical Nutrition. Owned and operated by Drs. Julie and Michael Nichols, Gateways to Healing specializes in a non-force style of chiropractic called Network Spinal Analysis, the doctors refer to it as ‘chiropractic without the crack’. They also work with patients to help their health issues through specific nutritional help. Gateways to Healing has won CityBeat’s Best Alternative Health Provider for 3 of the past 4 years. Dr. Michael has an extensive background in the health and healing industry, having worked over the past 20 years as a personal trainer, massage therapist, nutritionist and chiropractor. Gateways to Healing is celebrating its first year in its new location at 3239 Jefferson Ave., in Clifton. You can learn more about them by visiting www.GatewaystoHealing.com
Fabulous opportunity. Check out ad here: http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/roo/1444587803.html
Second Floor Room
Available Nov 1 at the Historic Lloyd House
Large (18 x 18’) room with adjoining full bath, 3 large windows, gas grate fireplace in fascinating Victorian Castle in Clifton Gaslight. Has arm chair, chest of drawers, and double bed size loft which could be removed if you have your own furn. Many perqs: fabulous common rooms include dining room, music/living room, zendo meditation room, spacious veranda, off street parking, laundry in basement, sauna. Share kitchen on 3rd floor with 3 other adults.
Multi-cultural house, live music parties, monthly drum circle, yoga practice weekly, Tai Chi weekly, pot luck salon every Wed. night. Must be at least 25; no smoking; no pets; solid financial credentials. $450/month house dues. Call Ellen: 513 221 1289
David Rosenberg and Tom Heyn, Lloyd House Friends
Play music at Rockdale Temple tomorrow
Please join us in welcoming Rabbi Tom Heyn to our Rock Shabbat ensemble. This man can play! The service is this Friday at Rockdale Temple at 6:15. Bring your friends; you’ll be in for a real treat. Hope you can join us. David
Memorial Sculpture Benefit for Esme Kinne
(Teenager who was killed near Woodenshoe Hollow last spring)
Dear Friends,
Please forward this to anybody who might be interested.
Join us SAT. November 14th, from 7 pm to midnight for a Dance Party Fundraiser for the
Esme Kenney Memorial Sculpture Project
At 554 Evanswood Place, in Clifton.
The suggested donation is $25 for adults and $15 for people under 18.
$30 and $20 the day of the party.
All minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Please make your checks out to “Friends of SCPA” and write Esme Kenney in the memo line.
Mail your checks to Sean Mullaney, 554 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220.
Check out the beautiful new website http://www.rememberingesme.org/
Please see the attached artist’s statement from Jessie Henson and the photo montage of the future sculpture.
We can’t wait to see you dance!
Sean Mullaney and Dianna Schweitzer
RSVP today!!!
Muse Concert this Weekend, Sat & Sun
MUSE Fall Concert - Hope Sings Eternal --The Women Gather
Saturday/Sunday - November 14th @ 8 pm/ 15th @ 3 pm
The Women Gather, celebrates the resiliency and healing strength of women. MUSE collaborates with local writer and poet Kathy Y. Wilson and multi-instrumentalist Liz Wu, in a program of poetic words and prose combined in unique ways with contemporary music; rhymes and rhythms to buoy our lives.
Watch an interview and song segment on cetconnect.org
The words and music of gifted women writers and composers imagine a world in which collaborative struggle and love can lead us to positive change and closer community ties.
MUSE is at it again, programming music by women composers to stimulate and soothe, reflect and respond, to entertain and inspire you, our loving audience. Check out our website for more information: www.musechoir.org
Eat, Drink and Socialize to benefit MUSE
Monday, November 23, 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Max and Erma's Restaurant
2631 Edmondson Rd., Norwood, Rookwood Commons
20% of everything you spend all day goes to support MUSE! Both carryout orders and inside dining are included. You must have a flyer with you when you place your food or drink order. Flyers are available from MUSE members or Click Here for coupon.
Ten Thousand Villages - Shop for the Holidays, and for MUSE.
December 5, 10:00 am - 5 pm
Ten Thousand Villages
2011 Madison Rd., O'Bryonville
MUSE receives 15% of all sales. Just mention MUSE when making your purchase.
We look forward to seeing you out and about this month at our upcoming performances! Check our website for all the the latest information on MUSE! www.musechoir.org
MUSE, Cincinnati's Women's Choir
PO Box 23292 Cincinnati, OH 45223 (513)-221-1118
Grand Opening of Coffee House on Ludlow
Run by Salonista Bernadine’s daughter
Mayan Ruins at Aquarius Star & OM Café – This is the grand opening of Aquarius Star. There will be food and drink samples and two bands, starting at 7:00PM. It’s across the street from the Esquire Theater.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Aquarius Star & OM Cafe
329 Ludlow Ave
Cincinnati (Clifton), OH
Adorable House for sale on Amazon Ave,
Just behind the Lloyd House
Hi Ellen,
Here's a little "verbiage" about my wonderful little house.
I am a regular (more or less) at the Salon and have decided to sell my wonderful, cozy little house to move on to Portland, Oregon where I'll be close to family. It's one block North of Ellen's on Amazon Ave. (The street of Clifton Meadows club and swimming pool). It's a 3 bedroom,brick house, built in 1931. It has a cottage feel, and has the wonderful old molding and trim of the houses of that period. There's a finished, walk out basement with sliding glass doors, a separate office, one and one half baths, great back yard with a many tiered deck- fun place for parties! You can see it at www.comey.com. Enter 320 Amazon Ave to get to it. I am very motivated to sell. Make an offer!
Judy Cirillo
Dear Amazing Members of the Martin Luther King Coalition Chorale (formerly Voices of Freedom),
(And anyone who loves to sing gospel music)
(And anyone who loves Dr. King)
(And anyone who wants to improve intercommunity rrelations in Cinti.) ellen
MLK Chorale Back in Session !
(for nearly 20 years Cathy Roma, now with the help of Todd O’Neal has been leading the big gospel chorus for MLK Day. It’s a blast! Mixed race group, very grand leadership, wonderful spirit and music. All singers at any level, any age ... No audition. Come. Ellen.)
We have consolidated our practices, almost like when we first started 18 years ago. I believe we are entering our 19th season together.
We will gather on Tuesday, November 17 at 7:00 at the House of Joy. (church in College Hill on Hanilton Ave, used to be a movie theater. Parking lot behind the building, access off Cedar.)
I know you know--the social and cultural climate in which we live needs our vibrant voices raised in song for peace and for justice. We acknowledge the continuing influence Dr. Martin Luther King's words and deeds has on our lives. Bishop Todd O'Neal and I look forward to gathering once again as we keep hope alive with our attitude of yes we can.
Peace, love, and gratitude
Dr. Catherine Roma and Bishop Todd O'Neal
Media Bridges / Community Access Cable TV Threatened:
Dear Friends and Associates,
There have been a number of times in the past few years when I and Media Bridges have asked you to pick up a phone, to fax a letter, to call your representatives. Your willingness to do so has been a testament to the value of Media Bridges’ services to the Non-Profit community and our partnerships with organizations like yours.
Now, at what may be the most crucial moment for community media centers, Media Bridges is asking for your help. There is legislation right now, introduced in the House of Representatives that would reclaim what has been lost and preserve the integrity of Media Bridges and community access centers ACROSS THE WHOLE NATION. Without your help, the future of community access in Cincinnati is very much a question.
This legislation is called the Community Access Preservation Act (CAP), HR 3745, introduced by Representative from Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin. Media Bridges is asking that you and your nonprofit organization support this legislation <http://tammybaldwin.house.gov/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=1588> in three distinct ways.
- Send a personal fax to your representatives. Go here <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/862/t/9155/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1556> , type in your zip code, tell congress who you are and why Community Access in Cincinnati is important to your organization, pop in your address and click “send”.
- Forward this link to your staff and your lists with a note as to why this is important.
- Take our cause to your Board and ask your organizational leaders to adopt a resolution (sample language attached) and submit it to congress.
Understand that protecting Media Bridges and Community Access with the passage of HR 3745 is the ONLY way to assure we will be around to serve your organization, and continue to help so many others.
As your organization considers whether to take steps in support of HR 3745, please consider the cost of doing nothing:
- public access channels for your community service messages will disappear-
- local voices advocating your organization are squeezed out of public discourse for lack of venue
- you must pay market rates for your nonprofit promotional videos.
The importance of nonprofits supporting this legislation on an organizational level is crucial, and will demonstrate to decision makers how many important agencies would be affected by the loss of community media centers and their services.
Please, take action now to preserve one of Cincinnati’s most valuable nonprofit resources.
If you have questions, contact the CS-ACM Public Policy Chair, Keith Aaron Gilbert, at keith@mediabridges.org
Also, in order to know our progress, please email me when you have contacted your representatives, and communicated our message with your board.
If any of you are uncertain about bringing this information to your board on your own, we would have no problem speaking with them directly, or even making a presentation to them about the importance of this coming national legislation.
Thank you,
Christian Appleby,
Nonprofit Services Coordinator
Media Bridges, Cincinnati
Pass The Community Access Preservation Act - HR 3745
Go to www.alliancecm.org/CAP <http://www.alliancecm.org/CAP> for more information
Media Bridges: Building Community Through Media
Christian Appleby
Program Coordinator
Media Bridges Cincinnati
1100 Race Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
513-651-1106 Fax
New Website for WholeCare (Jack Armstrong, D.C.)
We are so happy to announce our newly refreshed website…
Please check it out!
www.wholecarechiropractic.com <http://www.wholecarechiropractic.com>
I’ve been giving money to Jennifer Bruner’s campaign for Senator from Ohio.
She’s the Ohio Sec’y of State that helped our election be honest in ‘08, and helped elect Obama.
My brother Gene met her a couple of years ago in NYC, and thought she was sensational. How great to get her in the Senate!
Consider giving her some money at: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/jenniferbrunner?refcode=WomenCount
Local Website for Anyone Needing Help
Thanks to Shirley Reischman
This site offers many lists of resources available for people who could use
some help. Or if you find something on here to which you'd like to
contribute, I'm sure they'd love that as well!
Wildly Popular “NAKED CLOWNS CALENDAR” is back for 2010
Designed and masterminded by Salonista Chad Benjamin Potter.
Hello Friends!
The Naked Clowns just released a new video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60AIBs-hLYI> about the calendar on YouTube.
Check it out and be sure to visit www.nakedclowncalendar.com <http://www.nakedclowncalendar.com> to order this year's calendar!
In Laughter,
The Naked Clowns,
www.nakedclowncalendar.com <http://www.nakedclowncalendar.com>
Repower America: new tool for Global Warming Campaign
So Peter Schanz videoed yours truly for “the Wall”. Maybe I’ll make the cut. Check it out. Ellen
Dear Ellen,
When a clean energy economy finally becomes a reality in America, people will look back to the day that together, you and I launched The Repower America Wall. <http://www.repoweramerica.org/page/m/396e8b6b/6feb0286/cd4d9db/19ba47e2/1871046639/VEsE/>
The Wall is a place where literally thousands and thousands of people committed to a revolutionary new energy future for our nation and the world are coming together -- to express our hopes, share our resolve, and step up to a leadership role in building a grassroots movement for change like nothing America has ever seen. It's an opportunity for you to be part of the climate movement in a new way, in a way that takes us beyond ourselves.
By asking people from all over the country to share their thoughts and images on the Wall, we are fueling a campaign that brings together the power of national media with the strength and connection of on-the-ground organizing in a way that no one has ever done before. Your voice, and the voices of your friends, neighbors and colleagues, will become the language of our campaign on TV, in print, on billboards, online, and in brand new ways that you will help us invent as we create the Wall.
We know that the political will to transition America to a clean energy economy already exists. You are part of it. But now we must make sure our leaders know it too. The Wall will become our collective voice and thus transform the debate into action.
It's an ambitious strategy -- and it has to be.
Nothing short of every one of us joined together is needed to overcome the resistance of the powerful special interests blocking our path to a clean energy future, settling for the dangerous status quo.
But the time for politics is over. We have the power to force change in America.
Together, you and I will use the Wall as the foundation for all of our activism in the days and weeks ahead.
But first, I need you to meet me at the Wall.
Share your voice on The Repower America Wall right now. <http://www.repoweramerica.org/page/m/396e8b6b/6feb0286/cd4d9db/19ba47e2/1871046639/VEsF/>
The Wall is a revolutionary approach to standing up for what we believe in -- for what our country needs. It combines the power of your voice with the force of a multi-media campaign, to build a collective call for change so loud it's undeniable.
The messages you and many thousands of others leave at the Wall are the tidal wave that will break on Washington, and put us on the path to victory.
Our grassroots organizers in the states will use the Wall -- your Wall -- as proof that all of our friends and neighbors are as committed to clean energy as we are -- that we are joined together in this commitment.
Content shared on the Wall will be used to create ads and other forms of communication that will go directly to your elected officials so that everywhere they look they will see the very people they represent, their constituents, calling for action now on clean energy -- in the local newspaper, on television, on billboards, on the radio, and on important local and national websites. There will be no place to hide. The Wall will be everywhere.
When our opponents throw roadblocks in our way, we'll gather at the Wall to fight back.
And when key decisions are at hand, we'll light up the Wall to let politicians who side with powerful interests against clean energy do so at their own peril.
The time to demand a clean energy future for America is now. But we must stand together. Unless we do everything in our power to make our voices heard, the change we seek will not happen.
Stand up and be a part of the generation that makes future generations proud -- join the movement and share your voice on The Repower America Wall today. <http://www.repoweramerica.org/page/m/396e8b6b/6feb0286/cd4d9db/19ba47e2/1871046639/VEsD/>
This is just the beginning. Next week we will take this campaign to the airwaves with new Repower America national television ads featuring real messages from the Wall. By acting now to share your own personal message on the Repower America Wall, you can insure that you were there at the start.
What you and I do today will determine everything about our country's future and the world our children will inherit. The time for action is right now and the cause deserves your best efforts.
If you want to win and insure our clean energy future, I'll see you at the Wall.
Together we can make this happen.
Thank you,
Al Gore
RepowerAmerica.org <http://www.repoweramerica.org/page/m/396e8b6b/6feb0286/cd4d9db/19ba47e3/1871046639/VEsB/> | Unsubscribe <http://www.repoweramerica.org/page/m/396e8b6b/6feb0286/cd4d9db/19ba47e0/1871046639/VEsO/>
Check out local traffic conditions, live via webcam: so cool!
Thanks to Kati Krome
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