Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fwd: Virtual Salon 12/29/11 ~ 1

Begin forwarded message:


Note:  I never unsubscribe anyone unless they request. 
 If you should ever stop receiving the Virtual Salon,
 it's because of a glitch in the email address. 
 Please send me an alert and I'll resubscribe you.  ellen

The Lloyd House Virtual Salon Newsletter 
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)

(What kind of gathering/sharing/learning together would you like to happen at the Lloyd House?  Ideas wanted. e.)

Hi Everyone!
  taken just now, working on the Virtual Salon

Tuesday I attended the meeting of the "sages" (older people) who support Occupy Cincinnati.  Meets every Tuesday at noon at the Aquarius Star Café on Ludlow in the Clifton Village.  Randall Ball was there (this group was his idea) and Jim Prues.  Lively discussion.  I learned that the Occupy Cincinnati General Assembly meets 4 x /week in OverTheRhine at 6:00 pm at Brian Garry's space, 1542 Elm, M-W-F, and Saturday at 3 or 4 pm somewhere in Cincinnati where there is an 'Action'.  Fun discussion.  Anyone can join, as anyone can attend the Occupy Cincinnati "GA" (General Assembly).  See Articles section for more on our discussion (about the state of young men today).  "Occupy" in its several forms (GA, Sages, Motion Group...) is the liveliest and most interesting thing around right now.  I would LOVE to recruit someone close to the GA to write us a weekly low-down!  
Hugs to everyone!


Local Artist Anne Straus has show on Pendleton St

(Anne works in cloth, oils, ceramics, found junk... her stuff is way powerful and 'lift-off'.  ellen)

Early good news for me that I want to share with you:
Marta Hewett Gallery has taken some of my encaustic paintings.  Right now I have 2 paintings in her front window.  If you are going to Final Friday at Pendleton*, please stop in the Pendleton Annex and have a look. (Her address is 1310 Pendleton St. and phone number is 513-281-2780.).  Otherwise, she is open daily.  I am happy to have these paintings on view in Cincinnati.
Hope 2012 brings good news to each of you too.
Anne Straus

* Every month the artists of the Pendleton have Open Studios all evening.  Snacks provided.  Way fun.  On last Friday, so it is this week, New Year's Eve-Eve.

Shinny Old Soul, music group: Greg Morris writes:

Oh you know it I expect, but it bears repeating given the significance
of the event -
This Friday, 30th December
Shiny Old Soul with special guests
The Apricots
Juneys Lounge
Historic Southgate House
Newport, Ky
9p - 2a

Them's the "whats" and these is the "whys..."
It's the 2nd last night that the Southgate House will be open as an
original music venue (been going since 1976)
It's SOS's last show of 2011
Molly Morris' band, The Apricots are playing with us
Jay Ensminger will be sitting in on piano & saxophone
T.J. Crenshaw will likely be there with his slide guitar
Derek Garteiz of Mayan Ruins has kindly offered to record the
performance for posterity
It's gonna be fun!
You know it's spooky like....
Regardless of your adventures this holiday weekend, be safe & happy & kind.

"The Pie is mightier than the Spoon, but the Spoon is pretty mighty too"


From: "D Decker" <>
Date: Dec 27, 2011 1:09 PM
Subject: Come Meditate w/me on New Year&apos;s for World Peace
To: "D Decker" <>

Dear Friends, 

2012 is drawing near and I wish for you to join me on an inward journey to bring in the New Year in the spirit of Peace.  With the Cincinnati School of Metaphysics, I am leading a 20 Hour and 12 minute long meditation starting at 6:00 AM, Saturday December 31 and ending at 2:12 AM, Sunday January 1.  This event will be hosted at the World Peace Yoga Studio on Ludlow Ave. in Clifton. 
This space is open for anyone, especially those who desire to silently sit, pray, reflect, resolve and receive guidance from their highest self before entering into the New Year.  I will be there for the full duration, however you can join in at anytime for as long as you would like.
In addition, we will be coordinating a Candle-Lit Peace Walk through Clifton starting at 11:30 PM, Saturday December 31.  At midnight the Universal Peace Covenant will be read with the public.  *All event details are included below and in the 2 attachments.  Please continue reading:*

December 31-January 1
20 Hour 12 Minute Meditation for World Peace

Meditate for peace! Om-in 2012!*

This event lasts for 20 hours and 12 minutes (20:12)--
Starting: 6:00 AM Sat, December 31, 2011
Ending: 2:12 AM Sun, January 1, 2012
LocationWorld Peace Yoga & Motion Studio
                 268 Ludlow Avenue in the Clifton Gaslight District

At least one person will be meditating at all times during the event.
You can join the meditation at any time, for as long or short as you

You don't have to be a meditator or know how to meditate--teachers will be
available to help.  All are welcome to add their peace prayers and their
silent attention to the growing stillness, and receive from the growing
peace.  There will be a space for instruction and preparing, and a separate
space only for meditation.  Children who can stay quiet are welcome *only
with adult supervision*.  This event will be synchronized with 16 other
School of Metaphysics branches around the U.S.   If you can't join us in
Clifton, you can meditate on peace wherever you are during this time.


Universal Hour of Peace* Candle-Lit Walk
11:30 PM to 12:30 AM, same location

While some of us continue to meditate, a group will meet at World Peace
 to celebrate the Universal Hour of Peace with a candle-lit walk from
the yoga studio through the Clifton Gaslight District.  We will conclude
with a public group reading of the Universal Peace Covenant.  Join us in Clifton or WHEREVER you are, in dedicating this hour to peace as we enter 2012. If you want to have a meaningful New Years Eve, this is for you.  Join others in making peace by receiving from the Source of peace.

*The 17th annual Universal Hour of Peace is a global event.  You can
participate along with people around the world *wherever you are*, from
11:30 pm to 12:30 am in your time zone.  Pray, meditate, sing, resolve,
give thanks...Dedicate this hour to peace in *whatever way you choose*.   We
encourage you to read the Universal Peace Covenant at midnight.
participate along with people around the world *wherever you are*, from
11:30 pm to 12:30 am in your time zone.  Pray, meditate, sing, resolve,
give thanks...Dedicate this hour to peace in *whatever way you choose*.   We
encourage you to read the Universal Peace Covenant at midnight.

**For more information, contact the Cincinnati School of Metaphysics by
phone at 513-821-SELF (7353) or email at

Peace Be with you All Ways,

Diantha Decker
Peace Ambassador
Cincinnati School of Metaphysics
14 Sheehan Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45216

 Saturday, December 31, 2011

UNITY JAM 6 (A New Year Celebration)
Time: 9pm-2am
Where: Blue Wisp Jazz Club
When: Saturday, December 31, 2011
Doors will open to the public at 7pm.
There are six great local bands in the lineup:

TASTE OF CINDY RUINS STRAVINSKY LAPPS & THE IMAGE AFRO-BEAT BAND LAND BAND address:Blue Wisp Jazz Club318 E. 8th StreetBetween Broadway & Sycamore
in downtown Cincinnati, OH

Tickets to the event will be sold for $15 in advance and $20 at the door.
For ticket information, call 513-266-2070 or email

Additional information about the event can be found at:

Let's come together to JAM and bring in the New Year in UNITY!

Cincy Unity Jam was started in December of 2009 to bring people together
to celebrate peace in unity through music and art.

Positive Image Arts is a multi-cultural performing arts company that was
established to promote cultural diversity and contribute to building a
peaceful and respectful world in which to live.

Positive Image Arts is teaming up with Blue Wisp Jazz Club to bring UNITY
JAM 6 to the people of Greater Cincinnati on the 31st of December, 2011.
It is a night you don't want to miss as we bring in the New Year!

Dear Occupiers in Motion,  

Imagine a dance procession that leads a march to a beautiful song of hope
We've begun choreographing just that, so come ready to dance!  

If you want hope to survive in this world today, then every day we have to pray on,
work on,
teach on,
fight on,
sing on,
dance on!

A body in motion tends to stay in motion and this movement will not be stopped. 

Our dance action frameworks for connecting people to each other and with the national Occupy Movement 
will be further formed at the next meeting -

Please join us on New Year's Day 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

4019 Red Bud Avenue, Cincinnati

Will you be there and 
"be the change you want to see in the world"?

Fanchon Shur  (she needs RSVP... fanchon Shur <>)

(3) By local artist Diana Martens:  Beautiful acrylic spheres, hemispheres with otherworldly designs scored in them;  really neat and unusual.  Ellen

 Ellen, I am thrilled to pieces that my artwork is on display and for sale at the newly opened Upper Eden in Mount Adams!  It looks great if I do say so myself.  The hours of the store, (in a normal week),are Tuesday through Sunday noon to 7:00 PM.          So if you need a little outing the address is 1120 St. Gregory Street.  It is right next door to UDF.  


Gail Fiebig is a fabulous massage therapist.  I (Ellen) see her 3 times a month myself.  She will give  you a luxurious, expert, deep-as-you-want-it massage for an hour for only $55.  I have known Gail for 40 years.  She was my midwife.  She is strong, has wonderful hands, super pleasant to be with, and completely professional.  I recommend her!  Call for your massage or for a gift massage for your loved person:  532-2588

(4) Alexander Technique Intro Group Class:

Claire Rechnitzer's Alexander Technique Group-Class at UC's Communiversity is enrolling now for the winter session. Offered as an introduction to the principals and practice of the technique, the small group setting allows participants the opportunity to learn from observation as well as getting some individual hands-on experience. Informal, conversational atmosphere where all your questions are welcome. 
Claire has been teaching this class for a couple of years now, and has been fortunate to always get an enthusiastic group of the nicest people she could wish for!
This six-week class meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00pm, starting on February 7th at the Victory Parkway campus. $129, free parking, and limited to eight participants - so enroll now. How about enrolling someone you care for as an uplifting holiday gift?
Information about the technique and the instructor at
Information about enrollment and the venue at

Did you watch our awesome video ( yet? In literally less than two minutes, you can be inspired by all the incredible fun and adventures that happened at CCAC this year. Watching it made me smile (and dance a little, when no one was looking).



 Claire RECHNITZER wrote:

  • Hi Everyone,
    Some of you are regular or occasional attendees of the free weekly Alexander Technique practice sessions at the Lloyd House - Sundays from 3:45 to 4:30pm. If you haven't participated yet, please join the fun! (
    Claire and Ellen
    Claire, Alan, Fanchon, Gene, Anita, Dolly
    A.T. Sunday Practice 11/20/11 watching the movie DVD "Move Well Avoid Injury" ~

FREE Alexander Technique Practice session every Sunday 3:45 - 4:30 at the Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Ave. 45220.  Open to all (students, teachers, the general public)

 Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. ~ Alexander Techniqu
e ~ ~ 513 221 1289 ~ Cincinnati

    Fantastic introductory fee deal :  First lesson free; second through 4th lessons only $10.  After that, only $50/lesson if you buy a package of 4 at a time, prepaid. *   The real fee is $78 per lesson.  I am interested in "turning on" as many people as possible to this wonderful learning.  Good for pain, for performance improvement in the arts, athletics, ... And finally, good for personal development.  It has definite geriatric benefit as well.  

    You can read about my own experiences and find links to other sites here: 

    Call and ma
ke an appointment or to discuss it with me.  513 221 1289.  
* However, it is my commitment to 
adjust fees for anyo
ne truly wanting lessons who cannot afford even this modest fee.  Try it and see.  Ellen

GET THIS!:  fabulous animation showing you how to sit in front of the computer:

And here is another fabulous short video on posture for health and power:

Oh and P.S.:  I've started posting videos on YouTube on a variety of subjects.  You can search by my name.  Fun.  
Ellen Bierhorst

Greetings, friends

Following is a list of upcoming events involving Park + Vine,
including the buy local-themed Shift Your Shopping Bike Rides and Park
+ Shine: A Mini Craft Show. If you have any questions, let us know


B.Y.O.B. = Bring Your Own Bag: through Dec. 31
Bring your own bag to Park + Vine and take 10 percent off purchases of
$20 or more starting with "Small Business Saturday" Nov. 26 through
Dec. 31. Come back as often as you like. If you forget your bag, buy
one from our stash and take 10 percent off your purchase, including
the bag itself! Applies to all merchandise except Beco, bumGenius
cloth diapers and ERGO Baby Carrier.

Second annual Vegan Chili Cookoff: Jan. 29
Imagine tofu, tempeh, seitan and textured vegetable protein starring
in a chili at your Super Bowl XLVI gathering. Gather ideas, sample
chili, show off your prowess (with at least one-gallon of chili) and
win prizes at second annual Vegan Chili Cook-off 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday,
Jan. 29 at Park + Vine. Up to 20 chilis are featured. Everyone who
attends gets a ballot and votes in three categories. It's $10 to enter
and $15 for tastes. Kids under 10 are free. Drinks, including coffee
and craft beer, are separate. Fire up your crocks! Online registration
opens Jan. 2, 2012.

Danny Korman
Park + Vine
1202 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH  45202

Sent by Kate Gallion to a bunch of Occupy newslists (see below)*


"We (local Occupy movement group) have officially signed on for the National Occupy The Courts Day of Action
Friday, January 20.

Please take a moment and visit the website below- which contains a complete organizing toolkit, media kit, art, posters, petitions, documentaries- it's an amazing gift for organizing this very important action. 

We will be applying for permits for a rally, march- and access to the courthouse itself- all as recommended by OTC/ We are seeking solidarity and partnership with Labor for this event, in the hopes of turning out big numbers and having a significant public awareness drive before and after the event itself. Outreach also includes neighboring Occupy movements.

Here is a big picture map of how Direct Action begins. We will have an online  sign up tool for work details soon. Below are some  needs/subcommittees:

Education- teach-ins, film screenings, petitions, article writing, speeches

Outreach- posters, leaflets, bumper stickers

Social networking- all media, all networking 

Event work crews:  
*art, banners, costumes
*music and entertainment- includes PA and sound, musician services, chant leaders
*crowd control, logistics, route and information points, action facilitators.

For all participants: the time to shape this action is now!
 Let us learn for the past actions, and use our best energy in the planning. We want to present an organized, tight day of presence. NO "DAY OF" BLOCKAGE and INTERFERENCE, please. 
That's an old scenario that doesn't help our presentation. This action is probably the most significant public statement of the entire Occupy movement. Let's give it our best.

It is our hope to use the upcoming GA's afterhour for  working committees on this issue- starting Jan 2."

*The various Occupy lists for our local people are these:
I suspect that if you want to be in the loop, getting info, these would be the way, aside from attending the GA (General Assembly) on M,W,F 6 pm 1542 Elm St. in OTR - overTheRhine.  ellen

Women Writing for a Change will host a FREE sampler on Saturday, Jan. 7, at 1 pm at our writing center in Silverton. This is the perfect opportunity to see for yourself what Women Writing is all about, decide if you'd like to join us for a core class, or bring a friend who's always wanted to check us out. 

The sampler will be led by facilitator Diane Debevec and is open to both men and women. To register, visit our website at, and click on "Programs for Adults."

Classes for the winter term will begin the week of Jan. 16. Those, too, are available for registration on the website.

Emilie Davis
Executive Director
Women Writing for a Change

Intentional Communities and Transition Towns discussion

First UU Church, Reading and Linton (S. of MLK)  Friday Jan. 6, 7 - 9 pm
Woman's City Club and First UU Church and the OEQ present
Discussio with Nancy Sullivan of Enright Ridge Ecovillage.  "Building Transition Towns and Intentional Communities"

(2) Hi, Ellen.
It was great to see you today. It's been quite a while.  I would love it if you would pass the word on about these upcoming Family Constellation workshops. After five years of doing workshops off and on and expanding my training quite a bit, I am feeling ready to try a variety of formats, and really would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word!
Anne Becker

Upcoming Opportunities in Family Constellation Work
Facilitated by Anne Bernard Becker, M.A.


The Theory and Practice of Family Constellation Work  
A free informational event
Wednesday, January 11   7:00- 9:00 p.m.     
What is family constellation work? What are its roots? How does it fit with psychotherapy, energy healing, and spirituality? This presentation will address these basic questions, as well as the core discoveries about family systems that have emerged out of this approach since its inception:  the role of personal vs. group conscience, balance of give-and-take, entanglements, the bonding of victim and perpetrator, the "Orders of Love". There will be ample opportunity for your questions throughout.
Location: Aquarius Star/Om Café, 329 Ludlow   45220    (Clifton Gaslight District)


Workshops with a focus on chronic illness   
Thursday, January 19    6:30 to 9:30
Sunday, February 26     1:00 to 4:00
For each of these workshops, there will be two constellations set up.  Each client will bring a support person. Others are encouraged to register as representatives or engaged witnesses. Through setting up a constellation, we will explore the relationship between the presenting illness and the client's family's history, and the role the illness may be playing in balancing the system. This can create a healing movement for the client.  For representatives/witnesses, this is a powerful way to gain an experiential understanding of this work in its most serious engagement with our human suffering, and its potential for physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Location:  Anne's home in Northside (Cincinnati 45223)            
Cost:  sliding scale $75.00 to $125 total for client along with one support person
                               $30.00 for other participants


Family Constellation Workshop   Saturday, January 28     10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
This full-day format is the most powerful way to experience the remarkable flow of energy that builds through a series of family constellations. Each constellation unfolds in its own unique way, yet the participants often find catharsis in the universality and sacredness of our common human experience.
The Cincinnati Dharma Center   16 Moline St.  45223 (Northside)
cost:  $65.00 per person


Seeing Your Partner with the Eyes of the Heart: a Family Constellation Workshop for Couples (better than roses or even chocolate) 
Saturday, February 11 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You will witness the pervasive impact of the hidden family loyalties that attracted you and your partner to one another and yet also drive you apart, perhaps in the form of emotional withdrawal, subtle tension, ongoing conflict or addictive behaviors. You will bring a new kind of consciousness to your relationship, one that can open you to loving and respecting
one another more freely than was possible before.
Limited to three couples. Please register early.
cost:  $95 per couple      
The Cincinnati Dharma Center  16 Moline St.  45223 (Northside) 


Testimonials from Participants in Anne's Workshops
I have been surprised and pleased by the power of the healing my wife and I have both
experienced through Constellation work. It approaches personal healing from a direction thatno other method I know can duplicate. I routinely encourage those I am helping to heal, toparticipate in Constellation workshops as well. It is like a healing multiplier!--Pastor Brian Eastman, Spiritual Church
Through constellation work, the oppressive cycle of pain that has been carried forward through
the generations of my family has been broken. In a short time, the work has freed up thelimiting energy that had bound me to this suffering, freeing me mentally, emotionally andspiritually, allowing me to effortlessly be the authentic person I had been trying relentlessly foryears to become.

 Little Pocket Poetry


"The Writer's Body of Work"

A series of six daylong BODY/WRITING Workshops for 2012

Workshop One: PRESENCE

9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Saturday January 28, 2012

Mount Notre Dame Spirituality Center

Large Meeting Room with Lots of Windows and Wonderful View

701 East Columbia Avenue

Cincinnati (Reading) Ohio 45215

 COST: $85 *

 Committed to revising their lives,  Susan Glassmeyer & Valerie Chronis Bickett,

are poets and teachers passionate about writing and deeply influenced by somatic, psychological and spiritual approaches to well-being including Sensory Awareness, Meditation, The Feldenkrais Method®, Massage, Bio-Psychosynthesis, The Alexander Technique and Constellation Therapy.


- "Occupy Sages" meeting ~ discussing the sad state of the  young men

by ellen
In the October issue of the Atlantic magazine is an important article about the shift in our culture over the last 40 years or so.  The men are in trouble.  Article is "All the single ladies" by Kate Bolick, and you can read it online here: 
Smart, eligible young women are having a really hard time finding quality young men to settle down with.  The young men are playing games and having sex (now free and plentiful) and not awake.  
"Recent years have seen an explosion of male joblessness and a steep decline in men's life prospects that have disrupted the "romantic market" in ways that narrow a marriage-minded woman's options: increasingly, her choice is between deadbeats (whose numbers are rising) and playboys (whose power is growing)."

I've been worried about the young men for 25 years now, since I noticed that in my daughter's class at Walnut Hills High School ALL the leadership positions were filled by girls.  Almost seems like since the sexual revolution and the women's movement we have seen more and more professions (medicine, law) coming to be flooded by more new grads who are women, and of course the college enrollment is now over 50% female... like that the boys are (many of them) wandering around not plugged in to the society, to anything important, to anything that fires them up.  [One of the reasons why the Occupy movement is so impt:  lots of young people - men and women - are really psyched about it.]  
As a mother of 2 boys and one girl, it was clear that girls start life interested in relating to the human group; not so with boys... they have to be seduced into 'the game'.  Heaps of parents have agreed with me on this.  I have to wonder if maybe we used to sugar them into participating by telling them, "hey, come play, you can be the boss just cuz you're male!"  Now that females are a lot more free to be whatever they can dream of being in life, and boys aren't automatically "the lords", maybe the young guys are just lacking sufficient enticement to get into the game.  
I was telling Randall and Jim at the Occupy Sages meeting (every Tues. at Aquarius Star in Clifton on Ludlow) that I think this is a very serious problem for our culture, our society, our country.  What's to be done?  
My 35 year old niece in NYC, beautiful, brilliant, funny and rich gave up on finding a partner ("Why can't I find a man I can stand!?") and decided to have a baby without benefit of marriage or partnership.  Just gave birth...healthy, fine boy.  More and more young women are doing just that. 
I don't think we can have a healthy society with part of our folks 'out to lunch'.  Worries me.  Love to hear your views.  ellen


write me your ideas, responses.  I'll publish it here.  ellen



"The Sanctuary" by Elif Batuman, The New Yorker Dec. 19, 26, 2011

At a place in southern Turkey which may have been the "Ur" that was Abraham's original home, Archeologists have dug up a sacred site (think Stonehenge but with carvings) that dates from c. 9000 BC, way older than the pyramids...  Fascinating article.  Here's an excerpt...

What fascinated me most was the hypothesis that neolithic hunter-gatherers were happier and had a higher standard of living than us today!  It is known that they were healthier, lived longer, and were taller.  Amazing.  The theory (of Daniel Quin [Ishmael} and Jared Diamond {Guns Germs and Steel} is that the change to agriculture was a terrible mistake and we have still to recover. 
Here's another excerpt:

 Read the article and let me know what you think.  Ellen

SIMON SAYS: book reviews by Anna


Happy New Year
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures will be taking a break (this) week to enjoy the holidays with family.  I wish you the best for the holidays and the new year.
Tri-State Treasures is a chronological compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner at
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them, and an explanation of my convention for expressing email addresses and websites is at the bottom of this email.  Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below.  Thank you.

Sincerely,  Jim
New Ongoing Treasures:

Meantime: Hana Jakrlová [thru Friday 16 March]: An exhibition of black & white "street photography" by Czech photographer Hana Jakrlová made throughout Europe at the turn-of the 21st century, from Iceland to Turkey, Finland to the Ukraine. Curated by William Messer. Free admission. Iris BookCafe & Gallery, 1331 Main Street, Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.260.8434, 513.381.2665 & Iris' Facebook page.
Calendar of Treasures:
Heather Ramsey with the Monika Herzig Trio [Thursday 22 December @ 8pm]: Heather Ramsey, national recording artist & co-founder of Isis of Indiana & the Midwest School of Voice, will join internationally renowned author, composer, arranger & Isis co-founder Dr. Monika Herzig for the Cincinnati release of their holiday collaboration, "Peace Like a River." Tickets are $12. At the Blue Wisp, 318 East 8th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.241.9477, waltb31 at &  
Santaland at Holiday in Lights [thru Friday 23 December @ 6-9pm (Sun-Thu) & 6-10pm (Fri-Sat)]: Families will feel the magic as they step into Santaland, surrounded by holiday cheer. Kids will meet a talking Christmas tree, give a "ba-hum-bug" to Scrooge, visit the Holiday Train Depot, see the new Holiday Elf Show (Mon-Thu only) & take a photo on Santa's lap. Dickens Carolers will fill the air with holiday music (Fri-Sun only). Kids 2-12 can play on the Sharon Centre's indoor Adventure Station. Nature's Niche Gifts & Books will be open with holiday gifts. Sweet treats & warm drinks. Free admission. Hamilton County Park District Motor Vehicle Permit ($10 annual; $3 daily) needed for entry. At Sharon Centre, 11450 Lebanon Road, Sharonville, Cincinnati, OH 45241. More info at 513.521.7275 &
White Christmas [thru Friday 23 December]: Based on the beloved, timeless film, this heartwarming musical adaptation features 17 Irving Berlin songs & a book by David Ives & Paul Blake. A couple veterans enjoy a successful song-&-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the 2 follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont lodge. The dazzling score features well known standards including Blue Skies, Happy, Snow & White Christmas. Tickets: $23 (adults), $20 (seniors & students). At the Covedale Center For the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info & tix at 513.241.6550 &
Abraham Lincoln's Big Gay Dance Party [Thursdays-Saturdays thru 24 December @ 8pm]: Ms. Harmony Green's 4th grade class presents a new take on their traditional Christmas pageant in a rural Illinois town. The production sets off a firestorm of controversy when it calls into question Honest Abe's sexual orientation - based on historical facts. This thought-provoking, laugh-out-loud funny, & uniquely American story unfolds, offering surprises at every turn. Tickets are $15-18. At Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix at 513.300.5669 &
Hallelujah Handel Series on WGUC [Sunday 25 December @ 9-10pm]: Cincinnati Opera & 90.9 WGUC will present an encore presentation of "Hallelujah Handel," a 4-part radio series hosted by Evans Mirageas, Artistic Director of Cincinnati Opera. The series, broadcast over 4 Sunday evenings in December, will explore the life & work of composer George Frideric Handel. Each program highlights a different facet of Handel's musical development: his apprentice years in Rome; his artistic life in London with legendary singers; his artistic & personal friendships with the royal family; the music he created. The remaining parts include:
    Part IV: The Messiah Phenomenon [Sun 25 Dec @ 9pm]
Listen to the series on 90.9 WGUC (90.9 FM or at More info at &
Kennedy Heights Art Center Winter Break Art Camps [December 27, 28, 29 @ 9:30am-2:30pm]: Single day camps with different themes each day for youth ages 5-14. Tuition is $25 each day. Child-care provided from 2:30-5pm for $5 more. At Kennedy Heights Art Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info at 513.631.4278, info at &
<> How to Make Your Own Dragon [Tue 27 Dec]: Are you a How to Train Your Dragon fan? Young Vikings will create 3-D papier-mâché dragons as wild & wacky as their imagination. Night Fury will have nothing on your dragon. Instructor: Kelly Langdon. Ages 5-12. 
<> Elf Tales From Around the World [Wed 28 Dec]: Take the stage to explore holiday tales from cultures around the world & learn acting techniques to perform the stories in skits. Instructor: Bet Stewart, Intuition Theatre. Ages 5-12. 
<> Making Creative Calendars for 2012 [Thu 29 Dec]: Create a personalized 12 month calendar for the 2012 year. Learn to design each month with a special theme plus create cool images for birthdays, holidays, moon phases & other special events. Instructor: Kim Watling. Ages 9-14. 
Solo Piano Recital by David Mamedov [Friday 30 December @ 7:30pm]: Enjoy an afternoon of wonderful classical music: Bach - French Suite No. 2 in C minor; Haydn - Sonata No. 23 in F major; Liszt - Mazurka Brillante S. 221 & Zyczenie (The Maiden's Wish); Prokofiev - Sonata No. 3 in A minor. David Mamedov is an award-winning musician who has finished his 1st semester at the Mannes School of Music in New York City. He returns to Cincinnati for his Annual Recital, & is excited to share his latest repertoire with all of you. At Ascension Lutheran Church, 7333 Pfeiffer Road, Montgomery, OH 45242. More info at maria-170 at
A Winter Art Show [thru Saturday 31 December]: An art exhibit featuring original & print works by local & regional artists with seasonal & holiday themes. Free. Sponsored by Row House Gallery & Custom Framing in Milford, OH. At River Hills Christian Church, 6300 Price Road, Loveland, OH. More info at 513.831.7230 &
Holiday in Lights [thru Saturday 31 December @ 6-9pm (Sun-Thu) & 6-10pm (Fri-Sat)]: The magic & wonder of the season brought together thru thousands of twinkling lights & holiday cheer. Enjoy a mile of festive light displays that wind thru wooded hills, all from the warmth of your car. Tune to Warm 98 radio FM for holiday music. $12 per car; $45 for buses or vans with more than 15 passengers. Park Vehicle Permit is NOT required. At Sharon Woods, 11450 Lebanon Road (Route 42), Sharonville, OH. More info including $2 discount at 513.769.0393 & &
Family New Year's Eve Nature Celebration [Saturday 31 December @ 6pm; ball drop @ 9pm]: Kids & parents can gather at Woodland Mound Seasongood Nature Center for fun & to welcome the New Year before everyone else. The celebration will be filled with crafts & activities for the kids. Special guests will include magician Phil Dalton, live animals & balloon sculptures. The highlight will be a special ball drop at 9pm to ring in the New Year, with sparkling grape juice toast & live music by the Boylan Family Band. Kids & adults will get goodie bags. This family-friendly event is ideal for kids ages 2-12; cost is $4 per person. Register by Tuesday 27 December; space is limited. Hamilton County Park Vehicle permit ($10 annual; $3 daily) is required to enter the parks. At Woodland Mound Seasongood Nature Center, 8250 Old Kellogg Road, Anderson Township, Cincinnati, OH 45255. More info & registration at 513.521.7275 &
Light Source: Guild Members & Friends Holiday Show [thru Saturday 31 December]: Kennedy Guild members & other invited artists present illuminating artwork inspired by light & more in the upcoming holiday show. The exhibition includes new work by juried painters & photographers, plus jewelry, ceramics, sculpture, fiber, wood & glass works. The gift shop includes more handmade treasures perfect for gifts. At Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info at 513.631.4278 &
French Conversation Group [Monday 2 January @ 6:30-8pm]: Enjoy a cup of coffee from all over the world while speaking French with a nice group of francophones. The group meets on the 1st Monday of each month, same time, same place. Sponsored by Alliance Francaise de Cincinnati; organized is Maria. All levels are welcome. No registration. At Coffee Please, 6930 Miami Avenue, Madeira, Cincinnati, OH 45243. More info at 513.293.2948 & afschool at
Charles Dickens-A Christmas Carol & Other Classics on View at the Main Library [thru Monday 2 January]: An exhibit featuring the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County's collection of Charles Dickens' 1st & early editions. Free. In the Joseph S. Stern, Jr. Cincinnati Room, Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.369.6900 &
Hamilton County Park District Winter Hike Series [Saturdays 7 January – 4 February @ 10am; register by Tuesday 20 December]: Challenging hikes along beautiful trails in 5 parks on consecutive Saturdays. Each hike will be four 5.5 miles of nature trails with a hot bowl of soup & beverages afterwards.
    Sat 07 Jan: Winton Woods - Bean soup with cornbread
    Sat 14 Jan: Sharon Woods - Chicken noodle soup
    Sat 21 Jan: Miami Whitewater Forest - Chili soup & crackers
    Sat 28 Jan: Woodland Mound - Chicken & wild rice soup
    Sat 04 Feb: Shawnee Lookout - Vegetable beef & barley soup
Register at by Tuesday 20 December. $5 per person, per hike; kids under 13 hike for free with registered adult. Space is limited. No pets or drop-ins. Valid Park Permit ($10 annual; $3 daily) required to enter parks. More info at 513.521.7275 &
A Cincinnati Christmas Carol: Behind the Scenes of Cincinnati's Favorite Holiday Theatre Tradition [thru Sunday 8 January]: Take a behind-the-scenes peek at Scrooge, Tiny Tim & the rest of your favorite characters. Presented in partnership with Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, the exhibit includes costumes, props, set designs, photos & much more. Free. In the Atrium, Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.369.6900 &
Growing Up at Farm Kid [Monday-Wednesday 9-11 January @ 9:30-11:00am]: What's it like tending to crops & taking care of the animals? How do farmers do it in the winter? Growing Up a Farm Kid is a great opportunity for preschoolers. Preschoolers accompanied by an adult may interact on the farm with crafts, visiting the farm animals, playing games, singing songs & reading stories. Kids will learn how the farm animals, the crops and people find protection from the cold to enjoy the winter weather. Camp themes: Downy Duck on Mon 9 Jan. Wooly Sheep on Tue 10 Jan. Patient Seeds on Wed 11 Jan. $12.50 per day/per child or $30 for all 3 days/per child; one adult is complimentary. Registration required by Thu 5 Jan. At Parky's Farm, Winton Woods, 10073 Daly Road, Cincinnati, OH 45231. Hamilton County Park Vehicle Permit required ($10 annual; $3 daily). More info & registration at 513.521.3276x100 &

Ongoing Treasures:
2nd Annual Manifest Exhibit of Works by Professors & Current or Former Students [thru Friday 13 January]: The relationship between art students & their professors can be powerful. All of us who have been students carry forward our professors' legacy in one form or another. And professors know the potency of studenthood. Refreshments served. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info at 513.861.3638, jason at &
Marta Hewett Gallery - "Devotion to Detail" [thru Saturday 14 January]: A combined show featuring multi-media works by 3 newly represented artists - Lyndsey Fryman, Raymond Papka & Eric Standley. Working in paper, ceramics & encaustic with found objects, each artist displays a commitment to deliberate decision making within the creation of their works. Although the 3 artists use different materials, they share a fondness for lush surface & rich detail. Free. At 1310 Pendleton Art Center-Annex, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.271.2780, marta at &
Numbered Nine [thru Monday 30 January]: A show of 9 local artists: Donna Bross- pastels & acrylics; Marianne Burke - contemporary art; Paula Cole - stained glass; Sue Friedmann - oil paintings; Rick Hoffman - pottery; Meg Jung - calligraphic art; Catherine Logsdon - acrylic paintings; Deby Raymond - mixed media; Donald Seither - oil paintings. Wine & cheese. Exhibit runs . At the Frances Kathryn Carlisle Gallery, Notre Dame Academy, 1699 Hilton Drive, Park Hills, KY. More info at mburke at
Alexander Technique Weekly Open Practice [Sundays @ 3:45-4:30pm]: For all Alexander Technique teachers, students & the curious. Led by Ellen Bierhorst. Free. At the Lloyd House, 3901 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info at & 

Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner
  • Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; send submissions as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
  • Event descriptions are typically published for 2 weeks leading up to the event.
  • Submit Tri-State Treasures or request addresses to be added or removed from the list by emailing; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
  • Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given or sold without explicit permission.
  • Please submit your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will greatly help me & enhance the probability your item will be included:
    Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info at telephone, email, & website.
    An Example:
    Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10pm]: The first & best film festival in Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films... Presented by Flicks Я Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info at 513.111.2222, info at &
  • I use the following notations to reduce the chance of being deemed a spammer by servers; sorry for the inconvenience:
        <> Email addresses herein are written with " at '" in place of "@"; when you want to use an address, reverse the " at '" back to "@".
        <> Websites are written without their "www" or "http://" prefix; when you want to use a website, copy & paste it into your browser.

The Virtual Salon Newsletter
A Newsletter published irregularly  from the Lloyd House in Cincinnati 
Email subscriptions: 623+

Our Salon blog is an interactive site:
If you would like to respond, amend, or correct anything in this Newsletter, please consider using that.  I will receive a copy of anything posted there.

FIVE SECTIONS, including:
Table Notes of the discussion at this Wednesday night's Salon, as recorded by Ellen 
Events and Opportunities
Articles and Letters
Book, Film, Theater, TV, Music, Website Reviews
Tri-State Treasures, compiled by Jim Kesner  

Submissions:  you must have the email copy to me by Thursday morning 9 AM.  Copy the format you see in this Weekly please.  (Times New Roman font, text 14 pt, headlines 20 pt.  Maroon for Opportunities and Events, Navy for articles.)

The Wednesday Night Salon met each week of the year (no break for holidays, weather) from July 2001 until the end of July, 2011, ten years ... in pursuit of good talk.  Now the newsletter will be published sporadically (who knows?).  Other events will be scheduled.  

unsubscribe from the Virtual Salon, send me an email message and 
in the subject line put "unsub Salon - #" and in the place of "#" put the numeral (1 - 15) found on this email to you in the subject line after the date. 


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