(Sorry for late delivery this week. Technical difficulties with fuse.net! ellen)
+ We are planning another famous Lloyd House Dancing Party with "The Dialtones" live band. Saturday July 30, 8:00 pm, bring food, wear costumes. Theme to be announced! (looks like it is going to be a toga party! see http://www.howtomakeatoga.info/
or: search google "toga image" for ideas.
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If you should ever stop receiving the Weekly,
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The Lloyd House Wednesday Night Salon WEEKLY
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)
Ellen David Vlasta Mira
At the Table: David Cort, Vlasta Molak, Ellen Bierhorst, Mira Rodwan
Discussion: Vlasta's opera singer son was here visiting, and gave a little concert for Mary Ann Lederer's birthday on July 4.
The Real Estate properties have been re-evaluated. Vlasta and Ellen are both going to appeal. They more than doubled the vlaue of the Lloyd House.
... Cookie Vogelpohl, founded Our Daily Bread. Feeds the poor in Over The Rhine.
David: I have a pure bred Beagle puppy, 9 weeks, that I would like to get rid of because he is too much for me. CAll 497-6190
Vlasta: Saturday July 16, 5 - 10 pm come to my house to celebrate my birthday and see the off-the-grid house, and my rain garden with vegetables. Pot Luck. 8987 Cotillion Dr. 45231. Finneytown.
... I used to be in a writing group, older people, including Vivien Klein for her book on civil rights in Cincinnati. Another guy Lester Horowitz wrote a book about Morgan's Raiders, The Longest Ride. He self published in China, made a big profit. It was successful. They meet weekly on Mondays 9:30 to noon at Joseph Beth Book Store, upstairs. They have a website.
Ellen: My son Judah is launching a fascinating new business. See announcement below in Articles.
Vlasta: I am writing a book about Jesus in which he stages his death and then goes to India to live as a Buddhist monk.
I am reading
... Yellow Wind by David Grossman, 1988 , interviews with Palestinians in villages and refugee camps. How they actually think.
Ellen: I am also reading David Grossman... see below under Books.
~ end of table notes ~
Warm hugs to all,
CORRECTION: from last week's table notes. Johanna says that Swedish massage was not unpopular in Sweden, just that it was called "traditional massage" and that Anma was sweeping the country with a wave of enthusiasm when she was there.
It is my great pleasure to ask you to support an inspiring and intriguing project. (Yes, this is a request for money.) ELLEN.
David Judah Sher,