Jackie Millay will present next Wed at the Salon on her energy healing practice. This lady can connect with the Energies and the Spirits. Come experience her!
+ We are planning another famous Lloyd House Dancing Party with "The Dialtones" live band. (date To Be Announced), 8:00 pm, bring food, wear costumes. (looks like it is going to be a toga party! see http://www.howtomakeatoga.info/ or: search google "toga image" for ideas.
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The Lloyd House Wednesday Night Salon WEEKLY
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)
(in order, top to bottom, left to right: Vlasta, Mira, David, Miriam, Jackie, Ellen.)
At the Table: Vlasta Molak, Jackie Millay, Ellen Bierhorst, Mira Rodwan, Miriam Gosling, David Cort
Discussion of what causes ulcers. (Info. from the web: It's been discovered, in 1989, that it is a bacterial infection and can be cured. Much of the population has the bacteria, but are asymptomatic until an extreme stress weakens the immune system, causing the ulcers to develop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicobacter_pylori)
Vlasta: my birthday party at my house
Saturday July 16, 5 - 10 pm come to my house to celebrate my birthday and see the off-the-grid house, and my rain garden with vegetables. Pot Luck. 8987 Cotillion Dr. 45231. Finneytown.
Also Mary Ann Lederer is celebrating her 70th birthday this Sunday 2:30 - 4:30, vegan pot luck, Clifton U. Methodist Church.
MIriam: story about her husband David losing his old Studebaker in a swamp in N. Carolina.
He was an Englishman, an architect. I used to call him Peter Sellars.
Jackie: next Wed. I will be here and will make a special presentation about my work. I am using the West Room at the Lloyd House for Harmonic Pulse Wellness sessions combining quantum touch, Reiki, ... crystal healing. Stimulates your immune system, etc. I will bring some crystals.
Vlasta: today the county commissioners did not vote to give 300,000 $ to the Bengals to have large screen TV. ...
The hospital levy issue is such a scam. They collect 56 million / year for indigent care. There is money left over. CCCDC wants to get at that money, to build a center for the homeless. Deluxe shelter for 65 people on Dalton St in Industrial zone. The city council approved it.
City Council wants to close five health clinics. They serve the poor. To save 8 million / year. Winburn and Young are opposed and want the hospitals to pitch in to cover this amount. They reason that if the poor can't go to the city clinics they will wind up in the ER units and that will cost many times as much.
Ellen The state of Vermont has just started a universal health care program that covers all Vermonters. Like Medicare for all. Reason is that they cannot afford the cost of the system like we have. http://hcr.vermont.gov/
Vlasta teachers and principal in Atlanta were caught fudging the test scores of their students so as to qualify for federal school aid ...
~ end of table notes ~
Warm hugs to all,
Mary Ann Lederer, a remarkable Cincinnatian, lauded in City Beat (see full article below in blue section)
Dear Friends of VeganEarth and friends of mine,
As part of my 70th birthday celebration, my friend Gail interviewed me for a story about my life, which City Beat has published in this week's issue. Here is a link to the story online, if you'd like to read it,http://www.citybeat.com/cincinnati/article-23614-painting-a-better-world.html, or you can pick up the paper a lot of places around town. They asked Gail to edit it down to fit the space they had available, so some details that you might enjoy--including my expression of gratitude to the many people who helped me make it to 70, and a mention of Farm Sanctuary and Cinci Freedom--didn't make it into the final story. Therefore I am also attaching Gail's original submission in case you'd like to read the whole piece.
You are invited to join me in celebrating my birthday at the monthly potluck on Sunday, July 17, 2:30pm (more info to come). Thanks.
Mary Ann Lederer