The Lloyd House Wednesday Night Salon WEEKLY
A Newsletter published every Thursday from the Lloyd House in Cincinnati
Email subscriptions: 623
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If you would like to respond, amend, or correct anything in this Newsletter, please consider using that. I will receive a copy of anything posted there.
FIVE SECTIONS, including:
Table Notes of the discussion at this Wednesday night's Salon, as recorded by Ellen
Events and Opportunities
Articles and Letters
Book, Film, Theater, TV, Music, Website Reviews
Tri-State Treasures, compiled by Jim Kesner (currently we cannot receive. Sorry)
Submissions: you must have the email copy to me by Wednesday night midnight. Copy the format you see in this Weekly please. (Times New Roman font, text 14 pt, headlines 20 pt. Maroon for Opportunities and Events, Navy for articles.)
The Wednesday Night Salon has been meeting each week of the year (no break for holidays, weather) since July 2001 in pursuit of good talk. Bring a dish at 5:45 pm and join us. We are usually about 10 people of varied erudition and age. We like to talk politics, environmentalism, social issues, literature, the arts, ad any blamed thing we want. Sometimes we have a special presenter. We emphasize good fellowship and civility always. Way fun! Everyone welcome. 3901 Clifton Avenue 45220.
Dwight, Dani, Allen F., Sharon, Byron, Vlasta, Marvin, Gerri, Mr. G., Liz, Alan, Dennis, Robert
Lauren, Steve Marvin, Christian, Alan J. Ellen
SECTION ONE: Table Notes
At the Table: Dani Long, Dwight Wilson, Bentley Davis, Judy Clark, Sharon O'Neill, Allen Feibelman, Liz Burkhart, Viddle, Dennis Kinsley, Mr. G., Robert Nicolais, Steve Robinson, Ellen Bierhorst, Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus, Mira Rodwan, Julia Yarden, Sophia Yarden, Maria Yunker, Christian Huelsman, Alan Jozwiak, Byron Moody, Lauren Hanisian, Vlasta Molak, Alan Weiner (Welcome! Sharon, Liz, Robert, Steve, Maria and Christian!!)
Julia: my daughter Sophia is being honored in the Marvin Lewis stay-in school program, is a third grader. A average! She will be honored at a Bengals game on June 12.
KANGEN WATER with Allen Feibelman
How we process knowledge and come to conclusions. Today, toxic world. I am considering being a Kangen distributor. So much information to process about health, and so much at stake.
My story: I am in an online metaphysics study group. A member was sick. The moderator whom I respect a lot raised money to buy the Kangen filter for our sick member. I ended up getting the machine as well. There is a lot of bad press on the web. The machine costs $4000. I gave the distributor a really hard time. I kept pushing her. She fielded all my questions; I was impressed.
The machine is an electronic device; takes tap water, changes it electronically, thru electrolysis, I will get to the science.
It blew my head off.
On June 22 I was 9 mos post knee injury. I was hobbling along. I had done P.T. Dr. Nutritionist. Nothing worked. Standard Process. After 6 days I felt "champagne" in my cells. Having all this energy. Less sleep need. Knee started feeling different. I was incredulous. On day 8, I was awake early, started walking. Jogging, running, sprinting, 3.5 hours in my bare feet.
I put my mom on it without telling her what it is. She had the same kind of experience as me. Started swimming more; arthritis much better. Moving better. After 1 month she bought her own machine. She called that afternoon, "I feel like Samson!" Calls the second day, "I just ran to the kitchen."
So now I had stars in my eyes. It is an MLM (multi level marketing) scheme. I found the research shows that 90% of the MLM's exploit the purchasers. ... I met the founder.
How do you scrutinize the information? I have a degree in biology. I have a disparaging view of most of the health industry. ... If you put 10 EmpireStateBuildings and the chemical notation of the metabolic pathways of a human body in 6 point type would cover more than all of this surface. Most health products take one little piece...
I went to the sales meeting; I met the president. I was wondering how the MLM could have integrity. It's a Japanese Horatio Alger story. Grew up barefoot in tiny village. The Japanese lifespan and health is way better than ours. They understand the importance of maintaining alkaline body. The side product of the water treatment machine is water that kills bacteria. 400,000 Japanese homes has this very machine. One out of 6 Japanese homes has a similar machine. Their cultural emphasis on health.
The founder is the only machine of its type ever used in Japanese hospitals.
The science behind it
Water has unusual qualities. Expands on freezing. Ice floats. Oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms on each end. O is neg charged; H is pos charged. Hydroxide ion. Can form bonds with other molecules.
Pristine water in nature is structured. Water molecules arrange themselves in hexagonal shapes. Like water in healthy living tissues. But every process to make beverages destructures the water. Structured water crosses cell wall easily. Destructured water does not. So mostly, we are dehydrated at the cellular level.
Healthy bodies are alkaline. Most modern influences, foods are acidifying. Meat, dairy, acid beverages, and stress all are acidifying.
So we try to eat fresh and local and organic.
Kangen water is 10.5 ph
Tap water is about 7.
Kangen water is anti oxidant.
3 Qualities: structured, alkalinized, and anti-oxidizing.
When the body is acidified, dehydrated, oxidized it gets sick.
Lifetime cost is $.25/gal considering all costs.
You can try it free through me for a couple weeks.
Enagic corp makes it. Kangen.
If you google it, you see virulent attacks.
Julia: we would die if our body didn't take care of the secondary metabolites. Digestion takes more of our effort than hard work or hard thinking. We cannot digest anything without pure water. Pancreatic enzymes alone require a liter of pure water a day. The body is 70% water. The body is also an electric system; negative at the center, positive at the extremities. If we sit a lot in front of TV it has an effect on your electrical system. Positive ions make you have positive polarity. The right charge electrically of the cells are how the cell functions, having cell wall that does it's job. Tissues need to have negative polarity.
Vlasta: I am a chemist, physicist, toxicologist at NIOSH. These explanations seem weird and not scientific. When you current thru water, you get hydrogen, and also ...
The Japanese had lived longer until they started our diet, and now their longevity is declining. Also the Chinese same thing... It is the diet, not the water. ... Our bodies are 85% water. I could go through each point and ... Maybe it helped his leg, but it sounded to me like an attack of mania after drinking water...
Alan: with ordinary meters we can measure Kangen water and tap water. You can alkalize tap water...plenty of minerals in our water.
Current data is that Japanese do live longer.
Viddle: will you have a longer life with ionized water?
Allen: yes
Christian: when you are using a machine ... This fountain of youth claim... Seems very dependent on technology rather than bringing it back to a natural type condition. Energy consumption?
Allen: do both natural ... And also technology.
Steve R: how many watts'? (Allen, no). What's in this machine. Doesn't sound like it should cost $4000?
Allen: excellent question. (?) no, cannot just add soda to the water...
You want very high numbers, e.g. High microclusters. Medical grade platinum make up the electrolysis plates.
Steve: how long does the water remain altered?
Allen: fresher is better. The three properties degrade at different rates.
Alan: I have studied biology and chemistry. ... I think I am chronically dehydrated.
Allen: this water changes you. I started drinking this water and I "can't get enough", I like it so much. Your body craves it. Other things change: people spontaneously stop drinking soda. Others stop desiring meat and dairy.
Gerry: given the stomach is highly acidic, how does this alkaline water work with digestion?
Allen: when you consume alkaline food, the body excrets the HcL, acid. ...
Mira: my mom used to tell me Adelle Davis said "don't drink water with your meal". ... I've been advised by some to only drink distilled water. I am wondering about minerals...
Allen: the water allows the body to work better. ... Minerals:
Busy. State legislature in session just a few more days; rushing thru stuff.
The Payday Lenders fix: they are charging fees to cash checks which are exploitative. The State House passed a fix. Rep Mallory from here was against it, one of the few Dems. Now held up in the Senate. Senate is controlled by Republicans.
Other bills in process: Republicans and Dems have proposed schemes to fix the redistricting problems. Very likely that it will continue in the same way it has been. Still Gerrymandering. The Nov elections determine who draws the lines for the future.
Gerry Kraus: PUBLIC ART
Shephard Fairey, the artist, exhibit at the CAC here, on display thru fall. He has many wall paintings outside. Brings up the whole subject of What is the purpose of public art? The dir of the CAC: fosters important public dialog. Yesterday, Mr. Fairey has put up about 19 murals all over the greater city area. A week ago the one in Covington was whited out because the people thought it was inappropriate to have a child with a gun. Also the people in Madisonville whited out another mural.
Dennis: ... A painting of a man urinating on the head of Jesus on the cross. Offensive.
Gerry: that's the question.
(ellen thinking: where are you Bill Messer when we need you? Bill is a champion of no censorship of art.)
Mira: I think artists are in the vanguard ... Like the fauvist painters in France... Wake people up. The mural in Covington just showed children holding assault rifles, but not pointed at anyone. It should raise conversation among people on the street.
The painting in Northside, on the wall of the former Crazy Ladies Bookstore, the lady looked like the Burmese Nobel prize winner.
Mr. G.: I think it is a bit of a leap to say "We know why that painting was effaced."
Gerry: there were complaints about the painting.
Mr. G.: I think if it is going to cause someone death, then free speech should be curtailed, but only then. Rand Paul's comment: it is bad to curtail business freedom to hire and serve the whom they want; to discriminate. Liberals including myself were outraged.
Christian: when I first heard about the Covington mural being painted over: I wondered why the business owner didn't question the nature of the mural. (there was a legal agreement to let the artist go ahead with whatever.) A legal agreement should be followed.
... How do we define graffiti? When we do graffiti removal, is this the method we want to encourage? ... Is the exterior of a building part of the public domain?
Dennis: Marvin, if I have a business establishment, can I put up any kind of painting I want?
Marvin: as long as it does not incite to violence. The court has to decide what incites to violence.
Dennis: we do have legal remedies for such things.
Re. the painting of the man urinating on Christ, it was offensive to me. I suspect it would be to any b ody, not just Roman Catholics like myself.
Viddle: \
Freedom to publish should not be limited, even to pissing on Jesus' head.
Gerry: what if it incites to violence?
Viddle: the onus should be on those who do violent acts.
Allen J: the image itself. The image is very arresting. It is true. It is on exhibit at the CAC display. I think they deliberately put the mural near an elementary school. He wanted to get people to think. People didn't want to think.
Liz I think public art should be free for all. OK to write on a building. If someone wants to paint over that, it's OK too. I know the artist was commissioned, so he wasn't in the wrong. I get offended by people's speech a lot; I thought the child with the gun... If there is a piece of art that needs to be discussed, then the discussion should be organized, not just to take the art down.
Bentley: two things in play here. The buildings were privately owned. Were commissioned for the art. In the case in Covington, where the guy painted over his own building. That's offensive because he had given his permission. I am offended by his painting it over as much as the neighbors were offended by the painting.
In Madisonville, that was an act of vandalism. That's different. That is criminal.
Steve: is a simple first amendment issue. If you own a building, you should be able to paint anything you want on it.
Mira: in Northside there are more kids doing graffiti. People are worried about housing values going down. It is not always easy to say what is right and what wrong. In Northside there are so many graffiti things blossoming up on the streets.
The quality of testimony. Excellent.
~ end of table notes ~
Hugs to all,
You're invited to
SOS ART 2010
a community art show and event of sociopolitical expressions for
Peace and Justice
May 28 – June 6
@The Art Academy of Cincinnati,
1212 Jackson St, downtown OTR Cincinnati
I. Opening Reception and Artists Talk, Friday May 28, 6 pm-12 am
II. Program of Events, May 28-June 6 (see attached)
Looking forward to seeing you!
CELTIC ROSE Free Concerts
(harp and flute music. Gorgeous!)
Hello Dear Friends,
Three new concerts to tickle your ears and get your Celtic toes a-tapping!
Hope you can join us!
Thanks so much,
Pam Jurgens (Ellen's dear friend, harpist), Rose Reidmiller and Laurie Phenix
Friday, June 11 8-10 p.m. Tuesday, June 22 8-8:30p.m. Friday, July 23 8-10 p.m.,
Marty's Hops and Vines Music Cafe Marty's Hops and Vines
6110 Hamilton Avenue Fitton Arts Center 6110 Hamilton Avenue
681-4222 Hamilton, Ohio 681-4222
Zumba® Fitness Classes
[Wednesdays @ 6-7PM & Saturdays @ 12:30-1:30PM]: Clifton Cultural Arts Center in the Old Clifton School, 3711 Clifton Avenue @ McAlpin, Cincinnati, OH 45220. The Zumba workout program fuses Latin rhythms & easy-to-follow moves to create a 1-of-a-kind fun dance fitness program. The routines feature interval-training sessions where fast & slow rhythms & resistance training are combined to tone & sculpt your body while burning fat. Ages 12 & up. Wear exercise/comfortable clothes; bring a water bottle & lots of energy; some like to bring a towel. 1st class is free; then $10/class or $80 for 10-classes (pay in class). Instructor is (my friend) Ellen Sorkin. More info about Zumba (see Ellen's profile too) @
Building the Citizen Budget
For the past several months, CCR (Citizens for Civic Renewal) has been convening the Citizen Budget Coalition to develop a way to work with the City of Cincinnati Mayor, Council and Administration to include citizen input in the policy budget for 2011-2012.
(don't worry if y ou don't understand city budgets...they have worksheets and explanations and possible cuts etc. that you can consider. You can also download them at Ellen )
The Mayor, Council and Administration have agreed that hearing from citizens would be useful. The Coalition has designed a process where citizens will deliberate in small groups and suggest how the City of Cincinnati should balance a $50 million budget deficit. To have your voice heard, sign-up for one of the three neighborhood meetings and/or the all-city meeting. Space is limited, so please RSVP today. Please pass this invitation along to your fellow citizens to assure diverse views are included. If you have questions, contact Steve Johns, Executive Director, Citizens for Civic Renewal at 458-6736 or
East Cincinnati - Monday, April 26th, 6:00 to 8:45 p.m. - Madisonville Rec Center
Central Cincinnati -Wednesday, April 28th, 6:00 to 8:45 p.m. - Avondale Pride Center
West Cincinnati - Wednesday, May 5th, 6:00 to 8:45 p.m. - Midway School
All Cincinnati - Saturday, June 5th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - Cintas Center
Advertisement: Try the Alexander Technique
FREE Alexander Technique Practice session every Sunday 3:00 – 4 at the Lloyd House. Open to all.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. ~ Alexander Technique ~ ~ 513 221 1289 ~ Cincinnati
I am having a blast here in my first year of teaching the Alexander Technique! Unbelievably, a full calendar since the launch of my practice in late June. This winter I was having so much demand for my lessons that I had to stop advertising and ask some well-progressing students to drop back to twice a month instead of weekly lessons. Now that spring is finally here I am feeling more energetic and again am daring to reach out to more folks.
Fantastic fee deal (limited time only): First lesson free; second through 4th lessons only $10. After that, only $40/lesson if you buy a package of 4 at a time, prepaid. * The "real fee" is $78 per lesson. I am interested in "turning on" as many people as possible to this wonderful learning. Good for pain, for performance improvement in the arts, atheltics, ... And finally, good for personal development. It has definite geriatric benefit as well.
You can read about my own experiences and find links to other sites here:
Call and make an appointment or to discuss it with me. 513 221 1289.
* However, it is my commitment to adjust fees for anyone truly wanting lessons who cannot afford even this modest fee. Try it and see. Ellen
From: Ramona Toussaint <>
Date: March 15, 2010 11:16:06 AM EDT
Subject: International Peace Gathering Event
ANNOUNCING: Hope Springs Institute International Peace Gathering
June 23-27, 2010
Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, Ohio (50 miles east of Cincinnati)
Planting the Seeds of Peace for the Planet! This extraordinary event features four days of learning, play and celebration. We start with a focus on healing - healing collective trauma, healing peace in Northern Ireland and healing the planet. Midweek we learn about action we can take - armed with art, the role of dissent and pilgrims of peace. As we move toward closure, we look at how we step into activism through a whole systems event and the final talk on feminism, activism and waging peace.
Our keynote speakers are—Member Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Flordemayo, Irish Peace Activist and Musician Kate Fitzpatrick, Atlanta Poet, Playwright and Community Organizer Alice Lovelace, Feminist, Pacifist and Transnational Consultant Alexandra Merrill, President International Trauma Institute Gina Ross, Bangalore, India OD Consultant Bhanumathy Vasudevan and Anti-War Activist Ann Wright. Performance artists—emma's revolution, Minton Sparks, Chauncey Beaty, Mariangela Mihai and MUSE Cincinnati's Women's Choir are also featured.
Peace Gathering website:
Peace Gathering blog:
Ramona Toussaint
Director of Community Outreach
513.531.7400 x114
Your Child. Our Center.
View parent and student testimonials at:
Be a Champion of an Individual's Potential.
You can help a child become a successful reader by passing along my contact information.
Upcoming SUMMER Vacancy at the Lloyd House
Third floor two room suite, has own bathroom. Monthly house dues: $460 includes all utilities plus high speed wireless internet. Kitchen shared with two others. Wonderful space! Please call Ellen: (513) 221 1289 Available June 23 to Sept 15.
Must be rock solid financially, over 25, non smoker, homo sapiens only.
Very jolly, juicy multicultural household in Victorian Castle. See
Also, We also have a vacancy now at the Lloyd House
Third floor single room + bathroom. $360/month house dues, all utilities included, high speed wireless internet included. Share kitchen. Many perks. Ellen: 221 1289 No smoking, nobody under age 25.
From Jenefer Ellingston: stop war now

Ellen, you don't have to agree that all wars are crimes, just agree that the US must get out of Afghanistan and Iraq, NOW.
We cannot stand by and allow the insanity of our Gov't . - Congress and Prez - to drag us to self-destruction.
Just urge your Congress person to sign.
(love to you)
ARE YOU FOLLOWING ON Facebook and Youtube and Twitter?
46 Congressional Candidates Oppose War Funding
Forty-six congressional candidates and 17 activist organizations released a statement on Monday opposing any more funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and inviting more candidates, incumbents, and organizations to sign on. The 46 candidates include 16 Libertarians, 15 Democrats, 14 Greens, and 1 Independent. They do not all agree with each other on many topics, including their reasons for opposing war spending. But they all back this short statement:
"The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost Americans over $1 trillion in direct costs, and over $3 trillion altogether. At a time when our national debt exceeds $13 trillion, we can no longer afford these wars. It's time for Congress to reject any funding except to bring all our troops safely home."
This announcement comes just as Congress is set to vote on whether to spend another $33.5 billion in an off-the-books "emergency" supplemental spending bill to escalate a war in Afghanistan that polls show a majority of Americans opposes.
Ask congress members, candidates, and organizations to sign onto the Coalition Against War Spending at
When you call your congress member at (202) 224-3121 let them know that they can vote against another $33.5 billion to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and vote against it no matter how many good things are packaged into the same bill, or you will vote against them in November.
Keep track of where your congress member stands at
Support Justice and Peace:
Or use Paypal.
Please help us inform you of activities in your town by logging in at
Then click on "My account", on "Edit", and on "Personal Information," and type in your state and zip code.
If you receive this from a friend, you can subscribe by registering at
We cannot stand by and allow the insanity of our Gov't . - Congress and Prez - to drag us to self-destruction.
Just urge your Congress person to sign.
(love to you)
ARE YOU FOLLOWING ON Facebook and Youtube and Twitter?
46 Congressional Candidates Oppose War Funding
Forty-six congressional candidates and 17 activist organizations released a statement on Monday opposing any more funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and inviting more candidates, incumbents, and organizations to sign on. The 46 candidates include 16 Libertarians, 15 Democrats, 14 Greens, and 1 Independent. They do not all agree with each other on many topics, including their reasons for opposing war spending. But they all back this short statement:
"The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost Americans over $1 trillion in direct costs, and over $3 trillion altogether. At a time when our national debt exceeds $13 trillion, we can no longer afford these wars. It's time for Congress to reject any funding except to bring all our troops safely home."
This announcement comes just as Congress is set to vote on whether to spend another $33.5 billion in an off-the-books "emergency" supplemental spending bill to escalate a war in Afghanistan that polls show a majority of Americans opposes.
Ask congress members, candidates, and organizations to sign onto the Coalition Against War Spending at
When you call your congress member at (202) 224-3121 let them know that they can vote against another $33.5 billion to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and vote against it no matter how many good things are packaged into the same bill, or you will vote against them in November.
Keep track of where your congress member stands at
Support Justice and Peace:
Or use Paypal.
Please help us inform you of activities in your town by logging in at
Then click on "My account", on "Edit", and on "Personal Information," and type in your state and zip code.
If you receive this from a friend, you can subscribe by registering at
Please send me your to hear what you are reading etc. ellen
Special Tri-State Treasures
"It's a Secret"
An Adventure restaurant experience:
Approaching their first anniversary, Sandy Kesner and Sasha Hart have been secretly creating evenings of sumptuous food and stimulating conversation for small dinner parties to entertain 6-8 guests of diverse backgrounds. They have created an underground restaurant called It's A Secret.
As a general rule, underground restaurants are informal, unlicensed eating establishments operating out of private homes. Adventures in fine dining are offered at a modest cost amidst food lovers. Underground restaurants are beginning to appear around the world.
Sasha and Sandy are interested in the farm-to-table movement, and the interaction and creativity between each other as chefs. They strive to create a unique dining experience for their guests and also bring different people together for the first time. This combination is a great recipe for a very special evening. The evening begins at 7 pm, leisurely progressing with a cocktail, then making its way to the table at 8 pm. The dinner opens with an amuse-bouche to tantalize the eye and palate before proceeding with the next three courses, all paired with exceptional wines.
The location alternates between Sasha's and Sandy's homes. They serve dinners quarterly, and the season dictates their menu selections. Their next dinner is July 11th, 2010, followed by dinners in October 2010 and January 2011. They accept a $45 donation per person for the evening. To learn more about It's A Secret or to make reservations, contact Sandy @ 513.533.0637 & or Sasha @ 513.861.0666 &
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