Dennis, Angela, Alyssa, Anne (behind Alyssa), Brooke, Agee, Mira, Nendahwaab (mostly hidden), Marilyn, Mr. G, Ginger Jacques Paul Ellen
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every Wednesday of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
eighth year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday this week:
Dennis Kinsley, Brooke Audreyal, Angela Suarez, Alyssa Hosking, Anne Hosking, Ginger Lee Frank, Tim Fields, Mira Rodwan, Agee, Nendahwaab, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Marilyn Gale, Mr. G. , Ellen Bierhorst, Jacques Valerius, Paul Valerius
Preamble read by Ginger.
EARTH DAY: poem read about the Loons by Mary Oliver.
Angela, Tim and Agee help out at Mike and Birdie Murphy’s farm near Mayesville, KY. They have a community in Anderson, IN. We have 40-60 of us in the viscinity.
Ginger: was at City Hall for council meeting; folks from Imago were coming out. Price Hill has been declared Cinti’s Greenest Community.
I asked re.Urban Gardens. Crowley wanted to call it “farms” project and that set out red flags in the zoning dept. Codes don’t allow farming. Today council got a waiver for these 15 plots of land to have gardens. Vegetables. Want to get going now. Is pased by council today. Hurray!
Photos by Michael Wilson at Iris Book Café 1331 Main St. in OTR. 15000 books for sale. The former Kaldi’s guy. Opens Fri Ap 24, Final Friday on Main St.
Brooke: there is stimulus money available to non profit and other organizations.
I want to get that word out. (see in Announcments section below, Sen. Kearney’s link.)
Nendawaab: this may be my last salon. Taking my RV to the W coast, don’t plan to come back. (We will want to hear from you.)
Jacques: they have discovered a planet with oceans 20 light years away; want to send probes to check it out.
Nendahwaab: Heard this on NPR. Brittish talk show comment, “Is America tolerant enough for a black pres?” And the retort was, “I think so, after all, there’s been a retarded cowboy in the White House for 8 years.”
Mira: on PBS, last night, “Poison Waters” on program “Front Line”. Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound are among the worst.
Brooke: ... And fish having reproduction problems... Chicken “factories”, Purdue contracts out their chickens to factory farms and the poop goes directly into Chesapeake Bay. Purdue takes no responsibility. Agribusiness has blocked legislation to regulate this pollution.
... There has been developed a porous parking lot surface. Much better for the environment.
Ginger: a “containment lagoon” of animal excrement burst and flooded Chesapeake Bay for years... The dead zone at the mouth of the Mississippi R. Caused by that.
Alyssa: the dead zones are perfect breeding grounds for jellyfish, which are overpopulating the oceans.
Ellen: krill, the size of a lentil, threatened.
Jacques: the blue whale eats only krill.
Paul: Jacques want to work, has cullinary training at High School level, but has two felony convictions and cant get hired. Can anyone help? Jacques Valerius 513 751 8765.
(suggestions offered: volunteer at DropInn Center, Our Daily Bread etc. and build up good references.)
Earth Day, sharing resources, what can we do personally.
Enright Ecovillage
Holocaust Rememberance Day
(all topics)
Brooke: I had a hurricane damaged roof blew off this fall. How could I get funding for green or alternative roof. I have hurricane relief money to cover most of it. Call: 513 681 8820.
Rob: you can get photovoltaic film . Check with Green Energy Ohio.
Anne: St. Elizabeth Hospital has just put in a green roof.
Angela: We are now involved I another project on Baltimore St. Trying to save historic building. Affordable housing. 1625 Baltimore; Old church corner Liddel. Near Beakman. Beautiful structure. Contact Rich Spirit Barthwick <>
Alyssa: Holocaust Remembrance. There was a big guy, obese, Dracula hair, he was Jewish. Said, “Walk in those ovens some time and stand there.” It was scary. I read “The Painted Bird” about a little boy who was Jewish, was passed around during the Holocaust. Makes me wonder about God.
Anne: I’ve been listening to Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Kingsolver. Challenge to eat local only. My freezer is full of chopped pepper ... She doesn’t mention dry apple pies. Says they are changing the definition of “free range” chicken... A tiny door, for 20,000 chickens in a shed. What it takes to get certified Organic.
Agee: I believe Rich Spirit is a coming into his own now. I am thinking of staying on with Rich. He has to bring the church building up to code. It has been condemned.
Nendahwaab: I got excited last week when the EPA decided to regulate greenhouse gasses emissions. The UN gathering in Copenhagen on climate change in December. is working on this. Unfortunately, Obama and Driehaus still believe there is something as “clean coal”. (quotes from the Tao de Ching) “beware of the ten thousand things.”
Anne: Howard Storm, near death experiences... I met him, did some presentations in nursing setting on NDE. I live in Pendleton Co. KY.
Alyssa: I am living near Ft. Thomas right now. I miss living in the country. ... I want to be a “free range human”.
Brooke: spread the word about The Loving Café in Pleaseant Ridge
Vegetarian and vegan.
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
Shirley Reischman says, “See Slumdog Millionaire and help fund Indian Slum Children’s School, only $5”
Friday, APRIL 24, 7:00
Hello Everyone,
Cincinnati yoga School in Pleasant Ridge (On Ridge, just N or Montgomery Rd.) has adopted a school in India for “untouchable” slum children. Will was telling us how when he visited India a few years ago, he met the school’s founder who asked him if he, being a ‘rich American’, could support the school for a year. Will asked him how much money he was talking about, thinking it would be thousands of dollars a month and knowing he wasn’t anywhere near rich. The founder said it would be $60 a month. Just think, an entire school of hundreds of children supplied with teachers, books, supplies and everything they need for only $60 a month! This even includes their medical care! So come see the movie, Slum Dog Millionaire, for $5, and help raise the money to support this school for the entire year and several more. The building used to be the Mason’s Hall and the ceiling is filled with star lights. It’s a delightful space.
FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE*********************************
Grab some pillows and a blankey and lay down under the CYS stars
for this multi-award winning movie / shown on our BIG Screen w/Surround Sound!
Popcorn and Vitamin Water provided
APRIL 24, 7:00
Admission $5.00 / proceeds go towards Sunday (4/26) fundraiser...see below
Who wants to do 108 Sun Salutations?
Who wants to chant 108 Gayatri Mantra?
An Educational -and possibly controversial-
Fundraiser / Prayer Vigil
Complete with Slum Dog Initiation
No, this is not to glorify poverty, but to acknowledge, honor and hopefully emulate so many noble souls that have had to live in wretched conditions, and yet, thru it all, still exhibit the most noble of characters. And we don’t have to go far to give you examples; right from the very school that CYS runs in the slums of Chandigarh we will introduce you to our very own teachers/exemplars.
By the end you will want to cast off any lingering ideas you may have ever entertained about so-called "success". Rather, our untouchable examples will demonstrate how true wealth is not counted by how much one has, but by how much they are able to help. It is our hope that this event will help us all to redouble our quest to find truly noble signs of success in our lives, while also proclaiming our appreciation and unity with other noble slum dogs.
By joining us for this fundraiser to promote Innate Nobility Awareness (INA) education. This is the focus of the free elementary school that CYS runs in India. This education is not just to employ. INA edifies and ennobles, it mines the gems of character, it uplifts and fulfills.
To help heal and prevent a myriad wounds of those who are considered of "untouchable" caste, a "slum dog"; and to deconstruct the lingering remnants of caste prejudice.
At CYS / and soon repeated at our school in India.
Sunday April 26
1:00 - Opening Prayer / Global Poverty Statistics Trivia :(sorry, this game isn't fun):
1:15 - Karmic Apathy - the lingering devastation of a supposedly eliminated caste system
1:45 - Hope: How the education of one poor child can uplift an entire village
Choose to do 108 repetitions of the SS posture sequence
(slowly in 9 sets of 12 w/ 5 min breaks between sets)
Or chant Gayatri in 9 sets of 12 ~ in sync with those performing SS
Or switch back and forth between Chanting and SS
3:50 Slum Dog Initiation / Oath
4:00 - Final Donations and Closing Prayers
Attendance is Free / Donations are not mandatory
If you have a MacBook Pro with Movie Editing Software AND would like to help bring work to a whole talented crew of Indian documentary makers ...who lost their jobs because their production company had to close down ...Please get in touch with Will at or call 513-284-6723.
These film makers are also from the slums of Chandigarh who were hired by a Canadian media company. This company meant well, but couldn’t afford to continue. However, because of their training with the company this crew has endless job opportunities to make it on their own... they just need this equipment.
In the interim they are stuck without work and in danger of losing what little they have, while there families are depending on them.
They couldn't even think of affording the equipment, nor is CYS able to buy it new for them. So we are hoping for funding or that someone has a used MacBook Pro to donate or sell at a merciful price.
See our CRAIG’s List Ad for Lloyd House Vacancy:
April 1 2009 avail.
2 rooms (furnishings optional) + your own Victorian bathroom on third floor of this historic 15 room mansion, 2 miles N of U.C. campus on Clifton Avenue. 4 Adults and you share music room w/ grand piano, zendo meditation-yoga room, off street parking, weight room and sauna, basement laundry, huge dining room, gracious veranda, TV room with wood burning fireplace. What's not to like? Four multicultural housemates share 2 refrigerators in the 3rd floor kitchen (Ellen uses first floor kitchen.) We have weekly pot luck dinners w/ discussion on Wednesday nights, weekly yoga and Tai Chi, monthly drumming circle, and about 3 gala parties every year...last one was "Yellow Submarine Party" + pot luck + karaoke + professional D.J. , dancing. A blast! Available immediately. $460 contribution to house expenses, (this includes heat, electricity and high speed wireless internet). No smoking. No pets. Single adults only... no undergrads. This is perfect for visiting prof., grad student, any adult in transition. Must have wonderful mental health and good vibes. Rock solid financial reliability. Contact Ellen via email.
Wed. 29 April 7 pm Mt. Auburn Presby. Church Free Talk
Talk on Moratorium on Coal Power
Called for by League of Women Voters. Speaker Nachy Kanfer, National Coal Campaign rep. for Sierra Club.
More info: 281.8683
Yoga students wanted to continue Lloyd House Friday Morning Yoga Class
What is important in a yoga teacher is that she creates an atmosphere in class that allows/promotes your getting into a yogic space...a state of mind. I have experienced many good teachers... Phoenix is outstanding! Second, she leads you in a flow of movement or asanas that not only glide together without wasted or jerkey moments but also, of course, ends in your feeling stretched and refreshed in your whole body, having had a vacation from your usual tensions and worries, and renewed in spirit. Phoenix’ class is terrific. Won’t you help us grow this class so we can keep her at the Lloyd House? P.S. The Zendo space at the Lloyd House is marvelous and magical, with its huge houseplants, curved wall, brilliant natural light and vibe of many years of meditation there. Come try it! Ellen.
A Morning Cup of Yoga! With professional teacher Phoenix Wilson
When: Fridays 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Where: THE LLOYD HOUSE third floor Zendo
Leave your car in the back or on Lafayette Ave., bring a sticky mat if you have one, let yourself in the front door, leave your shoes in the foyer and find your way to the third floor. We’ll see you there!
Date: Starting January 30th 2009
Cost: $ 13 each class or $ 77 for the 7 week session
Greetings and Happy New Year!
Start your day and weekend with a clear mind, invigorated body and renewed spirit.
This class is open to new and experienced students.
Instructor, Phoenix Wilson, RYT , 859-341-9642 <> , please call or e-mail if you are interested in or have questions about the class.
(See my pieces on wellness in my website ... Useful pieces about insomnia, eating disorder, visiting family at holidays, and the newest, how husbands fear their wives...etc.)
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Weekly lurker and wonderful musician Janice T. (Sunflower) announces the release of her third
Native Flutes recording.
* * It's here! * *
WASHITA SANDSTONE ~ Just you and the flutes ~
pure & clear, like good water & clean air ~
The most complete information is available at:
My site will be updated shortly: <>
Performance schedule & ordering info!
Let me know the best way for me to get one to you!
April Drum Circle at Lloyd House
“Every person, even when they don’t think they have rhythm, carries within them the rhythmic drum of their own heartbeat.” Tony Showa, Native American drummer/drum maker.
It's time for another rockin’ drumming night raising the collective vibrations!!! Dancers most welcome!
Please join us on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, from 6:45 to 8:45 at the Lloyd House, 3901 Clifton Ave. Bring a drum or just come.
Best to park on Lafayette Ave. Bring snacks if you’d like.
CAll with any questions.
Jackie Millay
H 541-4900
C 405-1514
The group at the March Drumming Circle, taken by Kabir ...and here is Kabir with synthesizer.
Front row: Jackie, Jeff, ?, Ellen, Margalit
Middle row: ??, ??, David, ??, ??,
Back: Les, Rich Spirit, ??, ??, Don B., ??
Healing old Trauma with Ed Gutfreund
Ellen, nice to see the photos of the party. I enjoyed being there and
having some time to visit with you.
I am wondering if you would be willing to put this flyer in your
events/opportunities section? I will also soon be announcing another
concert/conversation date which is set for June 15. Thanks, Ed
Friday morning Yoga class with professional Yoga teacher Phoenix Wilson (she’s terrific!) starting 1/30/09, $13, ($11 if you buy a series of 7). 9:00 – 10:30 am.
YOGA practice group at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Subject: Byron Katie is bringing THE WORK to Cinti!
I thought you might find this of interest -
Byron Katie, founder of The Work, has one job: to teach people how to end their own suffering. When Katie appears, lives change.
As she guides people through her simple yet powerful process of inquiry, called The Work <> , they find again and again that their stressful beliefs—about life, other people, or themselves— radically shift.
“Suppose you could find a simple way to embrace your life with joy, stop arguing with reality, and achieve serenity in the midst of chaos. That is what Loving What Is offers. It is no less than a revolutionary way to live your life. The question is: are we brave enough to accept it?”
Erica Jong
author, Fear of Flying
Katie is presenting her workshop here in Cinti, April 24-26! . (And Fri. evening intro is FREE!)
Her technique is for lay persons & professionals alike. You can even download her basic stuff FREE from her main website ( <> )! I personally found her book, Loving What Is, tremendously helpful.
" In a letter from Helsinki, Finland, J.V. writes:
"...two groundbreaking Stanford University pain syndrome experts consider Byron Katie's approach the best form of Cognitive Therapy. In the new revised 5th Edition of A Headache in the Pelvis (pp. 326–330), which came out in May 2008, Stanford psychologist David Wise, Ph.D., and neurologist Rodney Anderson, M.D., refer to Albert Ellis' Rational-Emotive Therapy and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy and then write (in their italics): 'The best form of Cognitive Therapy, in our opinion, is offered in The Work of Byron Katie, who provides an approach to disarming catastrophic thinking by means of a process that one can do oneself. This is the approach that we recommend.' They then describe the procedure, adding: 'Our description of this process is rarely sufficient to become proficient at it. We discuss this method in our monthly 6-day clinics. Information specifically about this cognitive therapy work can be found at <> and in the books of Byron Katie." Wise and Anderson are practical, in-the-trenches therapists who work daily with severe pelvic pain and other chronic syndromes. They recommended Byron Katie's method already in the 4th edition of the book (pp. 298–301).' " (from her main website at <> )
Information about League of Women Voters' Coal Moratorium program that I mentioned last night erroneously calling it "Clean Coal" program:
"Coal Moratorium: A New Economy for Ohio" program on Wed. April 29, 2009, 7-9 PM. The LWV (League of Women Voters) is calling for a coal moratorium -- a ten year freeze on the construction of new coal-fired power plants. More information check out <> last item under upcoming events.
Wasn't that a great program on Diane Rhem this morning on healthy food for healthy bodies and a healthy environment! If you missed it, try accessing it on the Internet.
Gerry Kraus
Tai Chi
Tai Chi practice group Sundays 10:15 a.m. Led by Jackie Millay. Experience the chi with this gifted leader. Beginners welcome. Qigong and Tai Chi forms. Ellen
Mark your calendar; Plan to attend; Ask for a brochure; Register these are the Powerful Dreamers. David Korten, et al.... Envision our world a different place...then see how you can bring it to being. ellen
June 12-14, 2009
Xavier University Cintas Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
EarthSpirit Rising: A Conference on Ecology,
Spirituality and Living Economies
examines economic models that are based on Earth's living systems.
highlights initiatives that support and expand local and regional production of food, energy, goods and services.
explores the cultural and spiritual dimensions of a transformation to living economies.
To register go here:
Salonista Josy T. offers to rent her Riviera Apt.!
WE TRAVEL FOR PLEASURE Robert Louis Stevenson reminds us.
I INVITE YOU TO COME TO FRANCE and enhance your summer's pleasures thinking, strolling, meditating, writing,swimming, napping , drinking and by all means eating in Menton, on the French Riviera. Http://
WELCOME ! My fully renovated beachfront apartment, built in the 17th century, is located in the center of Menton's Vieille Ville, the vibrant, "CLASSE " historical district of Menton. Our street, once a Roman road called the Via Aurelia, developed over the millennia into the Rue Longue . It's painted walls in Mimosas, Siennas, Ochers and Tuscan Reds are borrowed from nearby Italy.
MENTON IS THE ARCHETYPAL MEDITERRANEAN TOWN, perched on the French-Italian border,at the end of the Maginot Line, it provides the traveler with the delights of both France and Italy. This smallish town of 30,000 is nestled between Monaco (10 minutes by train) and the Italian Riviera (a 20 minute walk) with the Nice airport 30 train-minutes away. Open to the sea and protected by an amphitheater of mountains which block off Mistral and Tramontane, it enjoys a subtropical "micro-climate" allowing for seven exceptional botanical gardens to flourish. The Tourist Information Office in the Palais D'Europe, Ave. Boyer, will provide you with information and schedules.
We are one flight up. A large living room with a 16 foot high frescoed ceiling is the apartment’s richest feature. Three large 5 foot tall windows allow magnificent , unencumbered views of the Mediterranean sea and mountains as far as Bordighera and San Remo . We can be on the beach in two minutes, using steps originally built to suit the local donkeys.
LIFE IS SIMPLE, WE WAKE UP EXPECTING A SUNRISE and walk to our small bakery for hot croissants or pains au chocolat, (a croissant roll with one or two melted chocolate bars tucked in.) For a double vacation treat we like to start our days with caffeine AND chocolate, based on the assumption that we’ll possibly walk off those calories during the day. Arrival in Menton is an exciting experience, do come!!
For contact information, excursions,fees, minibus me, Josiane at 513-522-6304.
- Readers Respond
- From Jenefer: the Pro-Peace, Pro-Israel Jews
- Steve Sunderland on the disadvantaged
“Jacques sure sounds like an angry man”... Absent Salonista responds to table notes:
on 4/16/09 3:26 PM, Spencer Konicov at wrote:
Just read the notes. I agree that talking about divorce would be a good topic. There are plenty of us who have pains from the tearing apart of a relationship. When I return I will support your desire to talk on the subject.513-861-5688/513-745-0090/800-237-1611
I was a friend of you both and you were a real friend of Bev and I.
According to Werner Weinberg, a holocaust survivor and a close member of my misbacha, only when he talked in public was he able to heal his soul and go on with his life fully and joyfully. Werner told me that he was in analysis for years, and then he started talking in public and ten minutes in front of a audience was more healing than a year of psychoanalysis.
Sincerely yours
Spencer Konicov
RE/MAX Unlimited
Ellen responded: Ooo, great response, Spencer. May I print?
Jacques is a young, black guy with a white father. We gave him lenience.
And Spencer wrote back his permission:
Sure, go ahead and print.
Salonista Kate Kelly to present here:
HI Ellen
I love being able to catch up a bit with your goings on, when I am too busy to get there in person. You know, I just had a thought. I have been very involved with my seminary training in the past two years - a rich experience, way beyond description in a few words. I wonder if the salon folks would like to hear about this organization. One Spirit Alliance is more than a seminary - they have a kick ass spiritual counseling program as well as a Conscious Leadership Institute (for those with heart and passion to make a difference in the world who do not speak the God language). Individual courses and trainings are available for distance learning on podcast, so it is something people can do from here. One Spirit Alliance is a huge point of light in the world. What do you think?
love, Kate
We have invited Kate to come present at a Salon soon. Stay tuned!
Jenefer Ellingston, Weekly lurker in D.C. Sends this on the Jewish Pro-Peace, Pro-Israel Movement
Hello Ellen,
Excuse me if I overload you ... by sending this along. I put faith in J-Street ... that they may find the path to peace and justice for all.
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 10:46:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Isaac Luria, J Street" <>
Subject: Change Israel politics on campus
JJenefer --
48 hours ago, we announced that J Street is bringing its pro-Israel, pro-peace message to college campuses. The response, particularly from students, has been overwhelming and positive.
We asked our supporters to contribute enough now so we can hire two new campus organizers. Thanks to hundreds of generous donors, we're now only $10,000 short of our goal with about 12 hours before our deadline. Will you help us close the gap with a generous gift of $50 right now?
Click here to put us over the top.
Today, The Washington Post took note of our first year's success, saying J Street has "quickly made its mark" and that we blend "old-style politicking with a media-savvy approach aimed at altering the U.S. political debate over Israel and other Middle East issues." [1]
Our growing influence prompted The Economist to call us "vigorous" and to say we are "on a roll." [2] Just last week, The New York Jewish Week said we "struck a real nerve in the Jewish world" and that we are now "in the game in a serious way." [3]
Now, as we expand our efforts in our second year by taking over a small program that has served as the student voice of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement for several years, we need your financial support. With your help, it will expand dramatically to scores of new universities.
Click here to make a gift of $50 to J Street's college fund.
The battle lines over Israel on college campuses today are all too clearly drawn. On one side of campus, a group may be shouting that Israel can do no right while on the other a group may be yelling that Israel can do no wrong.
Students (maybe your children or grandchildren) are tuning out - disconnecting from Israel, even the Jewish community. A whole generation of students is left looking for a way to be pro-Israel while staying true to their values.
It doesn't have to be this way. With your help, we can challenge the polarized atmosphere on campuses - not to mention well-funded right-wing groups that stifle debate while demanding unquestioning support for Israel.
Click here to make a $50 gift to J Street's college fund right now - and jump start the pro-Israel, pro-peace student movement.
J Street believes that if America is going to play a role in promoting a peaceful future for Israel and the Middle East, then students today need a safe space to reconcile their support for Israel with the Jewish and democratic values on which they were raised.
And as we begin our second year, I hope you'll help us invest in the leaders of tomorrow with a gift to J Street. Just click the link above to get started.
Thanks so much for your support.
- Isaac
Isaac Luria
Campaigns Director
J Street
P.S. If you're a student and would like to get in touch with our campus organizers about bringing a pro-Israel, pro-peace message to your campus, email us at
[1] "Year-Old Liberal Jewish Lobby Has Quickly Made Its Mark," by Dan Eggen. The Washington Post, April 17, 2009.
[2] "Will the relationship change? Yes it can." The Economist, February 12, 2009.
[3] "Bashing J Street," by James Besser. The New York Jewish Week, March 30, 2009.
J Street is the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.
Join our Facebook group.
Read our blog.
Follow us on Twitter.
To ensure that J Street messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book.
To contact J Street, just reply to this email. You can also write to us at
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A compassionate country, Al suggests, must look at everyone as a citizen with the freedom to participate in the full range of life. Seeing a person as helpless, totally disabled in key ways, inadequate for participation in life's opportunities, is to rob citizens of their power, their identity and their ability to contribute to the quality of life for themselves and their country. Seeing all citizens as possessing essential qualities of compassion, creativity and resourcefulness makes for a different set of expectations for citizenship. What Jefferson meant in terms of participation in society can be fully experienced with a redefinition. I urge all to rethink whether their ideas about citizenship include people we label, "disabled," "homeless," "elderly," or, "prisoner." A new breath of fresh air is blowing sweet life into the definitions of a compassionate country. Are we open for the discussion?
Say what you will about the generosity and innovativeness of American organizations but may I suggest that readers look northward to Canada for a model of a national policy of compassion. I recently visited Vancouver, British Columbia, to examine an organization dedicated to increasing the compassion, safety and peace in families with children with "disabilities." The agency is PLAN( <> <>), a twenty year effort to answer the questions that families have about the quality of life of someone who has gifts, challenges, and obstacles to a full life due to a combination of physical and mental limitations and social policies that are blind, deaf, and crippled in their willingness to change their focus.
PLAN, started by Al Etmanski, a peace activist and a parent of a child with gifts and challenges, and a group of amazing thinkers, seeks to answer the question: "Who will provide a good life for our children when we die? Will they have the kind of engaged, respectful, compassionate and loving kind of world even if there is no family member alive?" PLAN has designed two major answers to these questions: First, consider people as having real gifts that can be shared with a network of people who care. Sharing gifts, talents, and responsiveness becomes the glue in creating a network that can transform the present and the future for an individual, even a person with Down syndrome, even a person with autism.
The second answer involves money. PLAN has developed, in coordination with the Canadian government, a family saving plan. The family contributes a certain amount of money and the government matches and multiplies it. In time, a real nest egg is created for the person to use for a crisis, for short and long run projects and just for living what Al calls, "the good life."
Books,Movies, Reviews It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. and going to movies. What? Is it good? Ellen.............................................
Another Salonista, Shawn Charton, has new book out:
Thanks so much for mentioning my book in the weekly. It is an e-book available in 16 different formats including PDF. Given another $2000.00 I'll have it made into a paper copy but publication is expensive. The first $2000.00 was hard enough to come up with. The link to the website where it can be ordered is below. Also it is available in the Barnes and Noble e-book division.
The subject is "Messiah" (the oratorio) and it seeks to address the politics of the time, namely the Reformation. Also, it is an attempt to seek out the librettist's point of view and reasons for it. Basically, despite its popularity Charles Jennens was VERY unhappy about the work prompting him to state that he would "NEVER put a work in Handel's hands to be thus abused" again - which he didn't until coerced. There is a large scale analysis of the form of the work and a basic understanding of how the religious politics of England at the time shaped the work from Handel's and Jennens' perspectives.
dserede <= Tiki sends his love. Got a lovely note from Francesca. Her book is about to be published as well. How's the house? Any inquiries on selling?
[ Jennens vs. Handel: Decoding the Mysteries of Messiah is FINALLY a reality. <>
Please tell your friends who might be interested to check it out. ]
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
All Edible Landscapes: Kreidler Design/Pairi-Daeza is focusing on minimizing grass lawns for their clients to conserve water & minimize use of gas-powered mowers. While Linda Kreidler has always designed in this way, it has now become more important than ever for many reasons. See several different landscapes she has created @ Click on "Shows" & then "Flowers to Devour" to see the design she showed at the Cincinnati Horticulture/Ault Park Flower Show, which focuses on farming your gardens. More info @ 513-624-0333 &
Celebration of CPS Green & Healthy Schools as Learning Tools [Thursday 23 April @ 5-7:30 PM]: Pleasant Ridge Montessori School is Ohio’s 1st Public LEED “Green” School. Enjoy student-led tours, a reception & presentations by Robert Kobet, National Chair for LEED for Schools, & Robert Knight, CPS’ Sustainable Design. Expected attendees include representatives from the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission, Greater Cincinnati School & Design Communities. Free for kids & CPS faculty; $20 for non-ALLY members & $15 for ALLY & PTO members at the door. Sponsored by Steed, Hammond and Paul, Inc. At Pleasant Ridge Montessori School (rear entrance), 5945 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info & register @ 513.541.4607, or send check/money order to ALLY, P.O. Box 23272, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @
Thelma Massey with the Randy Villars Trio [Thursday 23 April @ 7:30 PM]: Admission is $5; free if jazz club member or if you come to happy hour (5-7 PM). Free parking. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.6789, &
Mahayana Paths & Grounds Spring Retreat [Friday-Sunday 24-26 April @ 7PM (Fri), 9AM-8PM (Sat) & 10AM-4PM (Sun)]: Resident teacher Ven. Geshe Kuten Lama leads this annual retreat. To help all sentient beings, it is necessary to achieve Buddhahood. One the way to reach enlightenment is becoming a bodhisattva who travels 5 paths, divided into 10 grounds or bhumis. Ven. Kuten Lama will explain the elements of each & how they relate to each other. Five Paths: Accumulation, Preparation, Seeing, Meditation & No More Learning. Ten Grounds: Great Joy, Stainless, Luminous, Radiant, Very Difficult to Train, Obviously Transcendent, Gone Afar, Immovable, Good Discriminating Wisdom & Cloud of Dharma. Registration & introductions on Fri; teachings on Sat-Sun. Suggested donation is $105 per person; meals provided. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & registration @ 513.385.7116, &
Granny's Garden School needs volunteers [Friday-Sunday 24-26 April @ 9:30AM-7:30PM (Fri-Sat) & 9:30AM-6PM (Sun)]: Help children plant theme baskets during the Small Wonders Weekend at the Cincinnati Flower Show. A 5-hour shift will get you into the show for free. At Symmes Township Park, 11600 Lebanon Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.324.2873 &
Art of Healing [thru Saturday 25 April]: This unique exhibit, "The Art of Healing," features the art of over 50 individuals dealing with grief, serious illness, disability, addiction & mental wellness. Free. At the Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278, &
Vigils by Noah Haidle - live theatre [thru Saturday 25 April]: Letting go is tough, especially when you have your husband's soul locked in a trunk. This beautiful & funny play is about accepting the past & embracing the future. Presented by Know Theatre of Cincinnati. Tickets are $12, thanks to a generous partnership with the Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile Jr., US Bank Foundation. At Know Theatre, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.300.5669 &
World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day [Saturday 25 April @ 10-11 AM]: Come to play or come to watch. This free event is open to people of all levels of experience - or no experience - with Tai Chi or Qi Gong. There will be organized demos plus time & space for free play. This is the 11th annual event. Started by Bill Douglas, a Tai Chi teacher in Kansas City, the energy starts at 10 AM in New Zealand (the 1st time zone) & waves around the world, always starting at 10 AM, ending in China. Groups in over 70 countries will join the wave of positive energy, with the ultimate intention for world peace. Sponsored by the Cincinnati Taijiquan Club, Have Qi/Will Travel School of Tai Chi, & Qi Gong & Dragon Star Tai Chi Club. At Mirror Lake in Eden Park, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info from Ralph Dehner @
Community Shares Fundraiser "Guys, Griddles & Grub" [Saturday 25 April @ 7-10 PM]: Gourmet Grub from our Guys to you. Silent Auction with lots of surprises. GGG is a benefit for Community Shares, a partnership of 27 local non-profit orgs building social & economic equity & a healthy environment in Greater Cincinnati. Individual tickets: $35 in advance; $45 at the door; Host ticket $100; Patron ticket $250; Sponsorships begin at $500. At Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency, Plaza Level, 1740 Langdon Farm Road, Cincinnati, OH 45237. More info @ 513.475.0475, &
OAR Cat Spay/Neuter Clinic [Saturday 25 April]: Appointments are available for spay/neuter of cats at the OAR Spay/Neuter clinic in Madisonville. Drop off your cat on Saturday AM; cats stays overnight after surgery; pick up the cat Sunday AM. All surgeries are $45; male & female. Vaccines are available at extra cost with surgeries. Appointments are required; directions & times determined at that time. Traps available for strays/ferals. More info @ 513.871.0185, &
Art of Healing Exhibit [thru Saturday 25 April @ Saturdays @ 10am-4pm; weekdays by appt]: Explore the art of healing featuring the art of over 50 individuals dealing with grief, serious illness, disability, addiction & mental wellness. Free. At Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278 &
Canning 101 [Saturday 25 April @ 11 AM]: Want to eat local, but have no idea how to preserve the harvest? Interested in learning how to reduce your food mileage to almost nothing? Learn this & more at Canning 101: Preserving the Harvest. Topics include planning for family needs, basic tools, recipes & local resources. Seating is limited to 25. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP by April 22 @
Martin Janecky: New Glass Sculpture [Saturday 25 April: artist's demo @ 12-2 PM; opening @ 2-5 PM]: Premiere, Czech glass artist, Martin Janecky, will present exceptional blown & hot sculpted glass pieces. Bohemian influences are evident in Martin's moving, figurative works & beautifully sculpted instruments. At the artist's hot glass demonstration, watch Martin at the furnace as he shapes molten glass into an original work of art in Neusole Glassworks Studio (1st floor below the Gallery). Free. Exhibit continues thru June 13. At Marta Hewett Gallery, 656 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.281.2780, &
Nursery Open House [Saturday 25 April @ 9 AM - 5 PM]: Get an early start beautifying your home & garden, & save in the process. Preview the newest trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, hanging baskets, herbs & heirloom vegetables for spring planting. Browse a great new selection of pottery, garden statuary, concrete benches & fountains. More Specialty Plants & Landscaping, 4211 McKeever Pike, Williamsburg, OH 45176. More info @ 513.724.9900, &
Words of Peace Information Video Event [Saturday 25 April @ 4 PM]: This video event features Prem Rawat, known around the world to millions as Maharaji. His message is "World peace begins when peace is found within one's self." He discusses where you can find this peace. The focus is finding fulfillment & peace within oneself. Free. Sponsored by Cincinnati Words of Peace. At 4219 Hamilton Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati OH 45223. More info @ 513.981.0111, &
Green Up Day in Kennedy Heights Park needs volunteers [Saturday 25 April @ 9 AM - 1 PM]: Work with other friends of the parks to spruce up the park for the season, followed by a pizza lunch. Tasks include renovating perennial beds (moving shrubs, weeding, mulching), removing invasive plants (garlic mustard) & picking up litter. Bring your work gloves & favorite weeding tool. RSVP appreciated. At Kennedy Heights Park, 6037 Kennedy Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.351.0861, &
Asian Culture Fest with "The Cats of Mirikitani" & Tai Chi [Saturday-Sunday 25-26 April @ 12-5 PM]: The 4th annual Asian Culture Fest will highlight the rich histories, arts & traditions of China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan & Vietnam thru an assortment of cultural performances & activities. Enjoy demonstrations, storytelling, dance performances, workshops, cultural displays & an Asian marketplace. The festival will feature 2 screenings of the outstanding documentary "The Cats of Mirikitani" @ 3:30 PM (Sat) & 5 PM (Sun), about Jimmy Mirikitani, an artist held in an American internment camp during WWII, then stateless & homeless in NYC on 9/11. This is "An intimate exploration of the lingering wounds of war & the healing power of community & art." Free. The film is sponsored by the Cincinnati Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League. The festival will also feature Tai Chi demo's & a gamut of Classical Bharata Natyam dance form interspersed with fusion, semi-classical & folk dances. At Union Terminal Grand Rotunda, 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203. More info @
Vibrant Earth [Saturday-Sunday 25-26 April]: A springtime garden celebration: a 2-day festival featuring new handmade pots & other garden items, plus 2 free container gardening seminars. Sat @ 11 AM: “Vibrant Pots for Any Spot” - learn how to create glorious blooming pots for any location; presented by Lisa Nogar, Master Gardener & Karen Diller. Sun @ Noon: “Container Bounty, Grow Your Own Herbs” - learn the how-tos of growing pungent & aromatic herbs in your own container garden; presented by Mardie Hay, Master Gardener. At Ten Thousand Villages, 2011 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info & RSVP @ 513.871.5840, &
Crimes of the Heart [thru Sunday 26 April @ 8 PM (Thu-Sat) & 2:30 PM (Sat-Sun)]: This Pulitzer prize-winning play quickly became an American classic after its premiere in 1979. A delicious dark comedy, the play chronicles the reunion of 3 sisters as they gather at their grandfather's Mississippi home after a personal tragedy. The sisters try to come to terms with their past "crimes of the heart" while dealing with the current situation. This hilarious & heartbreaking tale takes a poignant look at what happens when bad things happen to good people. By Beth Henley. Directed by R. Terrell Finney, Jr. Tickets: $10 (Wed preview) & $15-28. At the Patricia Corbett Theater, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. More info @ 513.556.4183, &
In a Word: Literary Arts Series [Sunday 26 April @ 7 PM]: The 3rd installation of "In a Word," with author, storyteller & composer Rick Sowash. Rick will offer an evening of stories punctuated with laughter & music, drawn from his books Heroes of Ohio: 23 True Tales of Courage & Character and Ripsnorting Whoppers: A Book of Ohio Tall Tales. Free. At Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278 &
Friends of CCM Benefit: Pianopalooza IV [Sunday 26 April @ 7 PM]: The debut of CCM's new collection of Steinway concert grand pianos, featuring performances by CCM’s entire celebrated piano faculty, plus distinguished guests. Highlights include the CCM Philharmonia Orchestra performing Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" with 6 pianists. Tickets: $50 (performance, parking, sponsorship of a CCM student, program & invitation recognition); $35 (performance & parking); $20 (students). At Corbett Auditorium, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. More info @ 513.556.2100, &
MTR Comes Home [thru Sunday 26 April @ 6-9 PM]: Join musicians, refugees from area coal fields & students just back from PowerShift in Washington DC for an open mic session at the opening of “MTR Comes Home.” Commissioned by Episcopal Appalachian Ministries, this photographic exhibit by Kentucky photographer Don Amend brings home the true cost of electricity on both human & wild communities in Appalachia. It includes an image of a single mountaintop removal site over a large map of Cincinnati, illustrating the scale of the devastation in affected communities. Learn from Ohio Citizen Action how you can help stop this atrocity. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513-721-7275, &
Coffee Evaluation [Sunday 26 April @ 2 PM]: Sit down with Chuck Pfahler of La Terza Artisan Coffee Roasters & learn how to determine your own coffee preference. Topics include evaluating acidity, body & aftertaste. This is the 2nd in a series of 3 free workshops. More info & RSVP by April 24 @ 513.721.7275 & &
Framed Freaks - art [thru Sunday 26 April]: Matthew Hamby's satirical illustrations have been described as having a strange & gnarled style, & have been published locally in CityBeat & Cincinnati Gentlemen Magazine.Free. At NVISION, 4577 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.542.4577 &
Music & Dance by Noyse Merchants, Mayan Ruins & Zahara [Sunday 26 April @ 7 PM]: Medieval, Psychedelic, Tribal Music & Dance. Mayan Ruins join Noyse Merchants in the beautiful backroom of Northside Tavern for an evening of amazing music. Zahara will perform tribal dance. There will also be some open dancing. Noyse Merchants will have guest percussionists Christian Hartman & Liz Wu. Mayan Ruins will have guest violinist Annette Christianson on violin, Zachary J. Mechlem on dumbeks & Hindi slide guitar & Rob Dorsey will throat sing. The enchanting Zahara will dance. $5-$10 sliding scale. At Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513-542-3603, &
The Great Buck Howard - film [Sunday-Tuesday 26-28 April @ 3 PM (Sun) & 7:30 PM (Mon-Tue)]: John Malkovich is the Great Buck Howard in this 1st-run show-biz comedy that also stars Colin Hanks, Emily Blunt, Steve Zahn, Griffin Dunne, Ricky Jay, Debra Monk & Tom Hanks. A romantic comedy on one level, Malkovich's compelling performance results in an insightful film that captures the essence of an old-school stage performer as he tours America's smaller cities. Doors open early for socializing, food & beverage. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door. Presented by Cincinnati World Cinema. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 859.781.8151, &
VISIONS for Greater Cincinnati Luncheon [Tuesday 28 April @ 11:30 AM]: Guest Speaker, Kathy Merchant, CEO Greater Cincinnati Foundation; Ransohoff Civic Award to Dr. Carl F Evert. Primary fundraiser for the LWVCA Education Fund & its nonpartisan services, including the Who & What of Elections, & They Represent Us (TRU), directory of public officials. RSVP by Friday 24 April. Luncheon ticket is $100; Table Sponsor (10 tickets) is $1,000; LWVCA Member price is $75. Sponsorships are tax deductible. At Westin Hotel, Fountain Room on Fountain Square, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.281.8683 & &
Chickens in Your Backyard Tuesday 28 April @ 6 PM]: Get the basics on keeping chickens in the city, what types of shelters can be used, how to endear your neighbors & more. Free workshop with Michael Roman of Gorman Heritage Farm starts. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP by 27 April @ 513.721.7275 &
The New Realities of Book Publishing in a Digital Age: The Berrett Koehler Story [Tuesday 28 April @ 5:30-7:30 PM]: Join a community conversation with Steve Piersanti, President & Publisher of Berrett Koehler in San Francisco. Steve will talk about how nonfiction book publishing has changed in recent years, how the marketplace for books is changing & what book publishers are looking for in nonfiction book proposals. Learn about effective & ineffective proposals, the best ways to get a publisher interested in a book & the seldom-discussed secrets & lesser known truths in book publishing. Presented by A Small Group & Peter Block, best selling author & Cincinnati resident. Free. RSVP requested. At New Thought Unity Center, Friendship Hall, 1401 East McMillan, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info & RSVP @ 513.607.8346, &
Entrepreneurship: Becoming Your Own Boss [Tuesdays 28 April - 19 May @ 6:30 - 8:45 PM]: Learn the basics of starting & succeeding in your own business to convert your business ideas into a profitable business venture. Instructor, Bill Fioretti, has 25 years experience consulting to small businesses. Registration is $129. Sponsored by UC Communiversity. At University of Cincinnati Main Campus. More info @ 513.556.6932 &
Coal Moratorium: A New Economy for Ohio [Wednesday 29 April @ 7 PM]: Experts say we must stop burning coal fast to avoid the worst of global warming. The US League of Women Voters called for a 10-year freeze on building coal-fired power plants. What's this mean for Ohio, where 90% of electricity comes from coal & declining industry is causing great hardship? The League of Women Voters of Cincinnati sponsors this discussion on how a coal moratorium, coupled with energy efficiency & an aggressive green jobs campaign, will help Ohio lead the nation change to clean energy. Free. Presented by the League of Women Voters, Natural Resources Committee, Sierra Club, Womens City Club & Citizens for Civic Renewal. At Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, Social Hall, 103 William Howard Taft Road, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info @ 513.281.8683,, &
Wine & Food Tasting [Wednesday 29 April @ 6-8 PM]: Mango Arts & Bogaboo Moosetraks invite you to a unique cultural & culinary experience. Celebrate with a taste of Latin American & international cuisine masterly prepared by Liliana Gebran. Liliana's Catering will offer appetizers like shrimp ceviche with tostadas, Spanish omelet, mini corn cakes (arepas) with caribe cheese, black beans salsa with topopos & her delightful specialty Tres Leches Cake. Wine & refreshment will be offered. Mango Arts & Bogaboo Moosetraks will offer 20% off in-stock merchandise. RSVP. At Mango Arts, 651 Reading Road, Mason, OH 45040. More info & RSVP @ 513.204.5934, &
Redtree Art Gallery [thru Thursday 30 April]: Redtree Art Gallery presents their 1st show at their new location, featuring artists Teressa Barnhill, Scott Dannenfelser, Diane Debevec, Maureen Holub & Dick Macke. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 3210 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733, &
Best Little Plant Party in Town & Plant, Herb & Hosta Sale [Friday 1 May @ 6-9 PM]: Guests get the pick of unique & unusual plants while savoring organic wines, Christian Moerlein beers & food prepared by Midwest Culinary Institute, Washington Platform, Arnold's, Habit's, Chef's Choice & Lobsta Bakes of Maine. Music by Stoopid Rooster. Renowned Silent Auction. Tickets are $35 before April 24 & $45 at the door. Party kicks off 3-day annual Plant, Herb & Hosta Sale, which is free on its last 2 days (Sat 2 May @ 9am-3pm & Sun 3 May 4 11am-3pm). Sponsored by Cincinnati Magazine, Carl & Edyth Lindner & Cincinnati Parks. At Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, 2715 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.221.0981 &
Granny's Spring Plant & Herb Sale [Friday-Sunday 1-3 May @ 2-7PM (Fri), 9AM-5PM (Sat) & 12-3PM (Sun)]: Customers will be delighted by the vast selection of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs and brambles giving that curb appeal to any home or business. Special guests & workshops are being offered throughout the 3-day event. At Granny’s Garden School, Loveland Primary School grounds, 550 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.324.2873, &
Bike Art Show [May 1-31]: Opening reception is Friday 8 May at both locations for the Bike Art Show, a collaborative art show celebrating Bike Month, at two locations. All artwork either incorporates recycled bike parts or gets its inspiration from bicycling. Entry deadline for art is April 18. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 & Redtree Gallery, 4409 Brazee Street, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513-721-7275, &
Creative Spirit [thru Saturday 2 May]: This special exhibit features the art of Ilana Debikey, George Debikey & their son Oliver Debikey. Born into a world of art, Oliver Debikey brings an interdisciplinary approach to his art & thrives on exploring new styles & techniques to create singularly unique glass pieces that offer both tactile & visual pleasure. Ilana Debikey’s art is poetry in motion; she expresses her emotions with lines & colors thru mixed media. Classically trained in ceramics & sculpture in Italy, George Debikey incorporates intricate patterns, colors & repetitive motives in sculptural pieces that are inspired by nature. At 5th Street Gallery, 55 West 5th & Race Streets, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.579.9333, info@5thstgallery, &
Being Authentic Workshop [Saturday 2 May @ 10 AM - 4 PM]: An interactive workshop in which participants will learn heart-focused communication skills, how to safely remove the masks we hide behind, tools to help align with authentic nature & more. $55 for the day includes coffee/tea/juice & snacks. At The Church by the Woods, 3755 Cornell Road, Sharonville, OH 45241. More info & register @ 513.708.9621 or 513.827.8280.
Metro 101: A New Users Guide to Taking Transit [Saturday 2 May @ 11 AM]: Are you considering taking the bus, but you’re not exactly sure how to go about it? Do questions such as “How does one read a bus schedule?” & “Who invented liquid soap & why?” impale you on the horns of doubt? Get the answers for these & other looming questions from Dave Etienne at Metro 101–A New Users Guide to Taking Transit. Free workshop. One lucky attendee will win a Zone 1 Metro monthly pass. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @
Classy Songs for Kids of all Ages [Saturday 2 May @ 11 AM]: The Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra offers fun classical music for all ages plus "The Space Painter" juggler Tom Sparough, who will amaze all with his kid-friendly juggling & sense of humor. Sing along with the orchestra & a big children's choir. Free. Concert length is shorter to be kid-friendly. At the Seton Performance Hall, 3901 Glenway Avenue, Price Hill, Cincinnati, OH 45205. Park in adjacent Seton lot & parking garage. More info @ 513.941.8956, &
Saturday Night at the Movies on Fountain Square [Saturdays from 2 May to 12 September; previews @ 7PM; movies @ 7:30 & 9:30PM]: It's the drive-in without the cars! Bring your blankets, chairs & pillows to the Square every Saturday night this summer for a free movie or 2 on the giant LED Board. The 1st film offering is "Run, Fat Boy, Run." Adult beverages, soft drinks & movie snacks available for purchase. Concessions will include Skyline, Graeter’s & kettle corn. No outside alcohol, glass containers or pets. 2nd screenings begin Sat 30 May. No movie Sat 23 May 23 during “Taste of Cincinnati.” Sponsored by Procter & Gamble & Toyota. At Fountain Square, 5th & Vine Streets, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. Schedule & more info @
Cloth Diapering Cuteness [Sunday 3 May @ 2 PM]: Join an informal class on all aspects of cloth diapering the 1st Sunday of each month. Our two in-house mamas tailor each discussion to the specific questions of present parents. Afterward, browse the best selection of cloth diapers in Cincinnati & take advantage of Park + Vine’s package discounts. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513-721-7275, &
Laugh at Lunch [Mondays beginning 4 May @ 12-12:45 PM]: Free Laughter Yoga Club. Laughter yoga is a fun, new exercise anyone can do. Laughter is the best medicine. Pack a lunch & feed both body & soul. At The Scout House at Harry Whiting Brown Community Center, the corner of Sharon & Willow Roads, Glendale, OH 45246. More info @ 513.771.0333, &
Cinco de Mayo on Fountain Square [Tuesday 5 May @ 5-9 PM]: Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "Fifth of May") is observed around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage & pride. Featuring live music from Cincinnati’s favorite Latin band, ¡ZUMBA!, dancing & real time Spanish television coverage on the LED Board. Free admittance; food & drinks available for purchase. Sponsored by Tecate & Dos Equis. Abuelo's Mexican restaurant will be grilling fajitas & other traditional Mexican dishes. At Fountain Square, 5th & Vine Streets, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. Parking in the Fountain Square Garage. More info @
Reiki 1st Degree Class & Attunement [Wednesdays 6, 13 & 20 May @ 7-9 PM]: A different day, to open up the opportunity for health and healing to more of you. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 &
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Italian Film Series: Italy Is Made; Now We Must Make Italians [Thursdays thru 30 April @ 5 PM]: A 2nd film series curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. All movies are in Italian, some without English subtitles, & will be presented in Italian; those with English subtitles are noted. Free & open to the public. In 40 Irvin Hall, East Spring Street north of South Oak Street, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ &
Apr. 23: Tutti a casa, Luigi Comencini (1960)
Apr. 30: Tornando a casa, Vincenzo Marra (2001)
Cincinnati Authors & Illustrators @ Findlay Market [Sundays thru 10 May @ 1-3 PM]: Cincinnati authors & illustrators who have published thru Cincinnati’s Edgecliff Press & Edgecliff Kids will display & sign their books. Come visit with them about their books, buy a book that interests you & have it signed. Books by non-Cincinnati artists & authors will also be available.
Apr 26: Cliffie's Life Lessons by Pam Durham, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - children's lessons by Cliffie's grandmother.
Hobo Finds a Home by Hobo & Kevin Coolidge, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - a true story about a kitten's odyssey.
May 3: Right Angels & I thought Pigs Could Fly by Ari Buchwald - homage to the architectural details in Chicago, NY & Cincy.
May 10: Kid Trips, Cincinnati & Beyond by Barbara Littner David - favorite destinations in Cincinnati & thru the tri-state area.
Sundays at Findlay Market, 1801 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.348.9120, &
A Convergence of Sculpture [Closing reception Friday 22 May @ 5-8 PM]: Original sculptures will be on exhibit by a diverse group of sculptors from a range of backgrounds & interests: Forest Atkins, Christopher S. Daniel, Deborah Davidson, Bill Feinberg, Nancy Gollobin, Harriet Kaufman, Ray Miller & Barbara Bartlett Patterson. The media include limestone, alabaster, steel, ceramics & wood. Free, donations appreciated. At the Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2950 Gilbert Avenue @ MLK Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45207. More info @ 513.324.2218, 513.309.4947, &
Different Directions - An Artist's Perspective [thru Friday 26 June]: Every artist has a story to tell or a vision to communicate. Six new solo shows reveal the journey of creative language for artists Anna VanMatre, Paul Pomeranz, Mike Calway-Fagen, Tammy Gambrel & Alton Falcone. A new series of works by Anna VanMatre, "DeNatural Disaster," will be on display in the 2nd floor Duveneck Gallery. At the Carnegie Arts Center, 1028 Scott Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.491.2030, &
Introduction to Buddhism [Fridays April thru June @ 7-8 PM]: Buddhism is viewed by some as a philosophy, by others as a spiritual path, but for others it is a religion. The foundation of all of these is the mind & how we perceive & understand the things that occur in everyday life. This course will address the basic concepts of Buddhism in a relaxed & open manner that encourages dialogue & exploration. RSVP requested. Suggested donation: $75 per person. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & RSVP @ 513.385.7116, &
Grailville New Veggies Garden Volunteer Day [last Saturday of each month, March-October @ 9 AM - Noon]: Learn about gardening for your backyard while volunteering in Grailville’s kitchen garden, where produce is grown to serve guests of the Grailville Retreat Center. This 60-year-old kitchen garden has been organically certified since 1992. No experience needed; help for a day or for the season. Volunteers are welcome to come on other days, too. Bring gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, gardening footwear & mid-morning snack if you wish. They'll provide tools. In case of severe weather, volunteer day will be cancelled. Grailville’s Garden Volunteer Days project is part of Granny's Backyard Family Garden Project (see above). At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info, monthly topics & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, &
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner.
Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from its owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
Because my time is limited, please help by submitting your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will help me immeasurably & enhance the probability the item will be incorporated into Tri-State Treasures:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222,, &
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, ...........
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: > To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of # > type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It > will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst
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