- Hold your hat for the Yellow Submarine Lloyd House Party THIS Sat Ap.4 ! See below for details.
- Passover is a Wednesday this year, so we WILL be having a Salon Seder, April 8. Details below. Reservations requested. Call me if you want to come: 221 1289
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every Wednesday of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
eighth year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday this week:
Rob Nendahwaab, Elaine Bradford, Ginger Lee Frank, Alyssa Hosking, Anne Hosking, Josy Trageser, Vlasta Molak, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Judy Cirillo, Denis Kinsley, Mustafa Lahmar, Bill Limbacher, Paul Valerius, Adrienne Cooper, Mr. G., Hazel Cohn, Ellen Bierhorst, Aurelia Franklyn-Burkett (Welcome Alyssa, Anne, Josy and Hazel!)
Bill: I spent last 2 months in Wilmington volunteering for the Peace Resource Center of Wilmington Coll. Digitizing the bibliography of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and A bomb literature and put it on the web. I have accepted a fed. Job with the US Census.
Vlasta: (wonderful plans, nearing approval. Stay tuned. Stimulus money.)
Judy: - 10,000 Villages, a wonderful store in O’Brianville, gifts from 3rd world countries. April 25, 26 seminars on Container gardening and Herb gardening.
- St. John’s UU church is collecting used eyeglasses for the homeless.
Elaine: 2 months ago the Salon fed 250 people at the Drop Inn Center. Want to do it again? If you are interested in doing it with my family call me at: 513 310 9441. Maybe on Saturday Easter, April 11.
Vlasta: I am leaving April 19 until June 8; going to India. Etc.
The movie “The Reader” and the controversy
The effects of the Truth and Reconciliation Act on modern S. Africa since we have a native of S.A.
“The Soloist” movie; a musical genius homeless man. It’s been on 60 Minutes.
(But they leave out things from the book, like all that info. About the homeless in Los Angeles. The movie just tells the story of the man who is the main character.)
New Ways to deal with the homeless.
Rob: many homeless live in RVs now, and they are setting up RV parks for homeless. They give them a place to live and THEN start working on their problems. In warm climate areas there are camp grounds ... They provide transportation.
Vlasta: Wu Wei, a Taoist concept. An Effortless flow of life. When things start happening without effort because of the previous work that was done.
The concept of “clean coal”.
Vlasta: they want to make it into a slurry and make that into a gas...
(PASSING THE TALKING STICK: Talk about anything you want; no single topic)
Hazel: I know someone who went to the Truth and Reconciliation commission but she never got the catharsis she would have loved. Her father was a Dr who worked in Soweto and he was murdered in the riots. Stoned to death. He was white. He was a wonderful man; she was 12 at the time. She grew up in a Jewish home. It was very hard for her... She went to the T & R Commission, and gave her story.
I do know someone who wrote a cantata, Phillip Miller, taking a lot of the testimonies and set them to music. It has been performed in NY. Called “Rewind, a Cantata”.
A great thing to see. Tears at your heart strings to hear these people telling about the dreadful things that happened.
Bill: some of the stories were like a Tsunami of horror, and maybe her father’s story paled in comparison...
Hazel no, she just wanted it known that her father was an unsung hero.
Another topic suggestion: Compassion, what is it. (we did that 2 weeks ago.)
People’s ideas about what is “idiot compassion”. Buddhist think you have to recognize that vs. true compassion. We must recognize the idiot compassion within us. E.g. You are at a traffic light and a beggar comes and you give him some, but he uses it to kill himself by buying cheap moon shine. So that is idiot compassion because it causes negative results.
Definition of compassion: Your pain in my heart.
Mr. G.: a quick story. 2 weeks ago we were talking about the young girl who was killed. Many here were wanting to express their sympathy, yet all I could see was racism. We never got as upset here at the table over black people getting murdered. I would like to talk about compassion and forgiveness. I think the Dalai Lama is a waste of time, but I care about what the people at this table think about compassion and forgiveness.
... History matters. What is the need to forgive? Some people think we should forgive and forget negative stuff...
Adrienne I love the topic of forgiveness; I have a lot to forgive and it causes me difficulty.
Judy I think it was true that if it were a black family there would not have been as much public sentiment. ...
Ginger (from dictionary) sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it = compassion.
forgiveness: to cease to feel resentment against an offender. To give up claim for accommodation.
Paul: if you want an African American to come here to the salon, I can bring my bi-racial son here next Wednesday.
On forgiveness: my father and I had a not-good relationship when I grew up. He used to say, “I’ll do your thinking for you; you be quiet” I was determined to prove him wrong. I reached a point in life where it didn’t matter any more. Any thing in life is love or a call for love, from a Course on Miracles. Love gets distorted. Before my father died, I hugged him and told him I loved him, and for the first time in my life he said he loved me. I forgave him. I felt clean. It was a wonderful feeling. It was all just love that got distorted.
I have an aunt with Alzheimer's. I went to visit her 3 times this week. It’s very moving. She’s losing it. She wants to leave with us when we go to leave. It tears you apart. Com+passion, you feel this passion, this pain. ... This is a classy nursing home, but there wasn’t even a battery in her hearing aid! We fixed them and cleaned the was out of them, and she was delighted.
Mustafa: I am from Libya; here to study masters degree in engineering. First I must learn English.
Bill: I like Hazel’s definition of compassion (above). When I was home working on this bibliography, there is a whole bunch of lt in Japanese. I was editing the synopsis. I was crying over even the abstracts! What would it be to read the whole stories!
Aurelia: this is my first time at the salon. I heard about it when I came here to do some holistic work and I saw the card. (?) I was here to do an Alchemical Hypnotherapy. I work in Mason.
Vlasta: I want to talk about Mr. G’s comment about the Dalai Lama, a very sweet old man. In the movie you could see him chuckling over the egotistical guys... The D.L. Forgave the Chinese, but he has not forgotten what they did. A great man. Striving some kind of accommodation with the Chinese so his people don’t get exterminated culturally , physically. ... Recently I wa speaking to a monk ... The Chinese talked to the DL during the Bush administrations I and II, but not during Clinton years. So this monk liked the Bush administrations. So bush was not all bad; Clinton not all good. I think the DL a bodhisattva.
Josy: my first time here, and I don’t have a sense of everyone yet, but I am terribly energized to be here. I have a lot to say to everyone about everything. I like to sing... On the subject of forgiveness; very difficult. Seems to me equal to putting something out of my mind. The family was through murders by the Germans, put up against the walls; I myself have been whipped... Some days I can not think about it; other times it comes back. (?) Italian family moved to France; my family asked to leave during WWII. I was born on the border of France and Italy. On the coast. Been here for 50 years.
Anne: I am from N KY. Thoughts on the forgiveness thing. Usually it involves having been treated in a way that creates hatred. The opposite of Love is not hate, it is indifference. So the thing is to just let it go... Sometimes the hurt is so deep you must lance it again and again like a boil, what you are left with is scar. It is still there but it doesn’t hurt any more.
I was in the Dalai Lama’s presence; Berea College. We passed him on the side walk. There is a feeling. Much cheerfulness. Always smiling; very peaceful.
Alyssa: compassion. ... The video about factory farming. I feel compassion for America because we are the most industrialized country and we are setting the standards, other want to copy us. We need to back track our industrialism; it is ruining our country. I just want to alleviate our exploitation of nature through our materialism. We are all about “having” rather than “being”.
My ultimate goal is to survive... Have the skills... Sustainability. Want a garden in my yard.
Ginger Lee Frank: From Alyssa’s point of view, the work of pursuing the sustainability for the planet is the best damned job you could have.
I was thinking about the definitions of compassion and forgiveness from the dictionary. The connection between the two.
Forgiveness... Giving up a claim to requital. That’s only about you. The definition does not have to do with the other person, but only about you, the injured party.
I don’t know if it is possible to give up the resentment over something you keep remembering. Maybe the scar tissue does form... There might be many mechanisms.
Compassion: feeling others’ distress, with a desire to alleviate it. Like feeling your pain in my heart.
I want to recommend “The Class”, a French film about a multi ethnic community in France. ... You may not enter a French public school class wearing a badge of your ethnicity. That’s what the movie is about.
The “Reader” movie; a remarkable performance by the actors... Kate Lindsey took a character who was not that sympathetic and make us feel compassion; the character was not very intelligent, she intelligently helped us to understand that character. Compelling performance.
Elaine: We are fortunate that we can speak so openly here. I too agree, “everything is either love or a call for love”. We speak about our experiences, movies, ... But what we have come to share is our vibration of humanness; this is what we are learning from one another. ... The freedom to speak what comes thru our hearts.
The fascinating word “namaste”, the divinity in me bows to the divinity in y ou.
Teachers with elevated divinity can introduce us to the possibility of forgiveness. “the Reader” was brilliant. Some of my co-workers think they are superior; one of them walked out of the beautiful movie because there was a sexual relationship between a young man and the older woman. His sharing at the end of the movie taught a huge lesson.
Hazel: I want to talk about the Dal. Lamma. What I think is “idiot compassion”. In Buddhism there are 4 noble truths. ... For many people compassion, like Alyssa, is to be a vegetarian, not to eat animals. Yet if the Dal Lam is offered meat, he eats it. I think his behavior is idiot compassion. I think his ego gets in the way too much to be a bodhisattva. I have openly challenged him on vegetarianism and my question was completely overlooked.
His claim is that he doesn’t want to embarrass his hosts, so he eats. (?) He came to S. Africa; people wrote questions, and everyone’s question was answered except mine. He did not openly answer, “Are you a vegetarian and if not, why not?” It was not answered.
Mr. G. Hazel’s point ... People are still defending the DL in the face of such action. His being in the movie was self promotion...
Ginger: I thought the film showed some of his ambivalence towards the Chinese... It was weird; he waffled. So he was a human being. ... Al Gore’s film; the most inconvenient truth is that his family is in the beef business; didn’t mention the connection between why the rain forest is being burned because of meat production.
Vlasta: Some people choose to be vegetarians because of health or compassion and some choose not to. Some like meat, some feel it is good for their health. As a scientist I can address all these... Yes it takes more land to produce food as meat. The Dalai Lama was a vegetarian for a long time but his physicians recommended he eat some meat. This young Buddhist monk was sick for a while; his physicians recommended a little meat, and since he has been doing it his health has improved. ... We are all different. Certainly factory farming is an abomination... I don't see anything wrong with traditionally raised chicken, cows.
I lived in a small town in Croatia; my mother brought home live chickens. They were killed in a very humane manner...
I have killed many mice, instantly... They did not suffer.
bill: I am a carnivore. I eat bison, from the Sioux in S Dakota. I eat Tonka Bars, cranberry and bison meat. Revitalizes their culture. I do see the conflict in values.
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
See our CRAIG’s List Ad for Lloyd House Vacancy:
April 1 2009 avail.
2 rms + private bath in Gaslight Clifton Historic Castle, 3rd floor. Huge, Multicultural house (4 other adults plus you). Other (shared) rooms: living room/music room, grand piano, zendo meditation room, big dining room, spacious veranda, TV room with wood burning fireplace, weight room, laundry rm, sauna. You share kitchen with 3 others. Furnishings available. High speed wyFi. Beautiful environment, awesome vibes, great people. Weekly pot luck salon, yoga and tai chi classes, monthly drumming circle, vegetable garden, off street parking, seasonal parties w/ live music. Two mi. N of U.C. Great for mature grad student or visiting prof. No undergraduates, no smoking. Available 1 April 2009. $460 includes utilities. Call Ellen 513 221 1289.
This Saturday:
Yellow Submarine Party at the Lloyd House!
+ D.J. (dancing!!!) + Karaoke + Pot Luck
Another fabulous Lloyd House party hosted by Ellen, Carolyn, Kati, Derek Lloyd House Housemates:
Saturday April 4
Wear a Hat
Funny hat? Amazing hat? Beloved hat?
We’ll have a professional D.J. “D.J. Kim”. We are asking $5 tip for the D.J.
Bring all your friends, children, old people, neighbors...
Pass this along via email.
Time: 6 pm (EARLY!) for dinner, Pot Luck. Bring something good. Food, Drink.
Music starts at 7, ends 10 pm.
Did I mention Dancing? Dancing! Spring silliness.
Ellen Bierhorst, http://www.lloydhouse.com ~~~513 221 1289~~~ The Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220
Come at 5:45. Don’t be late. Wear white or as much white as you can. Think about what sort of bondage you need release from and prepare a version you don’t mind sharing with us. Moses is going to lead us into freedom.
Food: please do not bring anything with wheat flour, yeast, baking powder or baking soda (leavening agents). Wine is great to bring.
PLEASE phone me: 221 1289 if you plan to come so we can prepare table and ritual foods. When you do, I’ll let you know what food to bring.
... We might drink as much as a bottle of wine or sparkling fruit juice for each three people.
Chag Sameach,
P.S. No, of course not. You don’t have to be Jewish! All God’s children got bondage.
New Vegan Restaurant: LOVING CAFE
6227 Montgomery Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45213
Pleasant Ridge, just E of Ridge Rd., on S side of street
> Loving Cafe’s hours are Tuesday – Saturday from
> 11am-7pm, with an offering
> of a variety of
> entirely plant based fare, meaning free of all animal
> products. The menu
> brings carbon savings in the form of veggie protein
> entrees, raw salads,
> organic smoothies, fair trade teas and fresh baked goods.
> Additionally,
> dishes like the Savory BBQ Skewers, served with fried rice
> and fresh
> vegetables, allows the hungry environmentalist to save
> 1,000 gallons of
> water compared to consuming its animal-based counterpart!
> In addition to a green menu, Loving Cafe’s environment
> was created using
> many found,
> reclaimed and reused materials. Many of the fixtures in the
> cafe came from
> local buildings around Cincinnati. The marble tabletops are
> taken from a
> stairway of a home in Walnut Hills; the counter and table
> bases came from
> the old Cleveland Machine Company building in Northside,
> the old doors used
> to face the counter came from a home in Roselawn and the
> shelving in the
> storage room came from a closed Office Depot. And for
> take-out food, the
> containers, cups and utensils, are composed of
> biodegradable materials that
> decompose within 3 months.
> At Loving Cafe, you’ll find a comfortable place to enjoy
> a meal with friends
> and family, confident that you’re replenishing your
> individual health,
> environment and community, as well as that of local
> farmers, vendors and the
> global fair trade market
> Loving Cafe will open its doors on March 17 to honor St.
> Patrick’s Day in
> truly green style. The public is invited to come for tasty
> vegetarian food
> then as well as the following weekend on Saturday, March 21
> at 3:00 p.m. for
> the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Opening
> Party!
> For information:
> http://www.thelovingcafe.com
Yoga with Phoenix at the Lloyd House in 3rd flr Zendo
A Morning Cup of Yoga! With professional teacher Phoenix Wilson
When: Fridays 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Where: THE LLOYD HOUSE third floor Zendo
Leave your car in the back or on Lafayette Ave., bring a sticky mat if you have one, let yourself in the front door, leave your shoes in the foyer and find your way to the third floor. We’ll see you there!
Date: Starting January 30th 2009
Cost: $ 13 each class or $ 77 for the 7 week session
Greetings and Happy New Year!
Start your day and weekend with a clear mind, invigorated body and renewed spirit.
This class is open to new and experienced students.
Instructor, Phoenix Wilson, RYT , 859-341-9642 phoenixwilson@mac.com <mailto:phoenixwilson@mac.com> , please call or e-mail if you are interested in or have questions about the class.
(See my pieces on wellness in my website http://www.lloydhouse.com ... Useful pieces about insomnia, eating disorder, visiting family at holidays, and the newest, how husbands fear their wives...etc.)
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Information about League of Women Voters' Coal Moratorium program that I mentioned last night erroneously calling it "Clean Coal" program:
"Coal Moratorium: A New Economy for Ohio" program on Wed. April 29, 2009, 7-9 PM. The LWV (League of Women Voters) is calling for a coal moratorium -- a ten year freeze on the construction of new coal-fired power plants. More information check out www.lwvcincinnati.org <http://www.lwvcincinnati.org/> last item under upcoming events.
Wasn't that a great program on Diane Rhem this morning on healthy food for healthy bodies and a healthy environment! If you missed it, try accessing it on the Internet.
Gerry Kraus
I took this workshop last month and it was superb! Excellent for any human. Ellen.....
Friday morning Yoga class with professional Yoga teacher Phoenix Wilson (she’s terrific!) starting 1/30/09, $13, ($11 if you buy a series of 7). 9:00 – 10:30 am.
YOGA practice group at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi practice group Sundays 10:15 a.m. Led by Jackie Millay. Experience the chi with this gifted leader. Beginners welcome. Qigong and Tai Chi forms. Ellen
Cool New Yoga Teacher offers FREE classes
(I know Linda... Like her a lot. Her husband David Loy is a Buddhist, prof. at X.U.)
NEW YOGA CLASS for any age or level of fitness. Starting April 8th, 6.30 to 7.30pm at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 3711 Clifton Avenue, 45220. (This is the 1906 Clifton Elementary School building, corner Clifton & Woolper & McAlpin). Please bring a mat. Offered free but a $5 donation to the center much appreciated. For more information contact the center or Linda Goodhew at goodhewlinda@yahoo.com
Also check out this center's schedule for free Tai Chi classes and many other art/music/dance/wellness courses for children and adults: cliftonculturalarts.org
Mark your calendar; Plan to attend; Ask for a brochure earthspiritrising@imagoearth.org; Register http://www.earthspiritrising.org/... these are the Powerful Dreamers. David Korten, et al.... Envision our world a different place...then see how you can bring it to being. ellen
June 12-14, 2009
Xavier University Cintas Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
EarthSpirit Rising: A Conference on Ecology,
Spirituality and Living Economies
examines economic models that are based on Earth's living systems.
highlights initiatives that support and expand local and regional production of food, energy, goods and services.
explores the cultural and spiritual dimensions of a transformation to living economies.
To register go here:
- On Regional Food Congress, w/ grad student David Mann (no relation)
- PLANS AFOOT to sell off cincinnati water works!
Please see email below for more information about the Congress. Please email if you have other questions.
Begin forwarded message:
Hi Everyone,
Please take a few minutes to fill out an evaluation survey if you attended the March 14th Cincinnati Regional Food Congress: <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=6ZWWEbFG_2bKtPWHAizZzFjw_3d_3d> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=6ZWWEbFG_2bKtPWHAizZzFjw_3d_3d
Many good ideas were put forth at the Food Congress. We all agreed that a healthy, sustainable, and equitable local food system is the aim, but we also identified dozens of ways to bring that about. In order to better focus the energies of the group, a quorum voted on vision elements which could guide future action. Here are your prioritized vision elements of the Congress attendees:
1. Create policies to support local and regional food systems
2. Promote more flexible and stable local and regional food distribution systems
3. Ensure healthy food access for all neighborhoods
4. Promote gardens in all forms
5. Encourage community-based production of value-added food products (e.g. community kitchens)
6. Encourage living as a community / community development to support local foods & coalitions
A steering committee was nominated and tasked with:
1) initiating projects that work towards this vision and organize volunteers to carry them out
2) working with other groups/organizations in the Region focused on one or more of the vision elements
2) determining the future of the Food Congress itself
In the coming weeks, I will call together the steering committee to plan our steps forward. The larger list of participants can expect to receive invitations to events including: discussion groups, speaker presentations, political actions, potlucks, etc.
Don't forget to fill out the evaluation, which also includes the ability to sign up to help with one of the vision elements: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=6ZWWEbFG_2bKtPWHAizZzFjw_3d_3d
Let's keep the momentum from the Food Congress going!
Food Congress Organizer
Hi Ellen,
The members of the steering committee:
"Create policies to support local and regional food systems" - Braden Trauth (Local Permaculture Guild)
"Promote more flexible and more stable local and regional food distribution systems" - Michael Taylor (Real Food Remedies) & Randall Ball (Paradise Found LLC)
"Ensuring healthy food access for all neighborhoods" - Lauren Niemes (Nutrition Council) & Jennifer Even (OSU Extension: Hamilton County)
"Promote gardens in all forms" - Michelle Dillingham (Office of Vice Mayor Crowley)
"Community-based production of value-added food products (e.g. community kitchens)" - Val Taylor (Cincinnati Locavore Blog)
"Encourage living as a community / community development to support local foods / coalitions" - Deborah Jordan (CORV Guide/ Enright Urban Eco-village)
(emphasis added...these are good people I know. Ellen)
David Mann
Food Project
Community Design Center
University of Cincinnati
Howard M. Konicov sends alert re. Cinti. Water Works: PLAN LOOKS BAD
...fyi, I received this from multiple sources this week, H
=== x ===
Dear all,
This type of structural change in the Cincinnati Water Works is an important civic issue in Cincinnati. The city has been cashing out of a lot of her assets in the last few years --going back to Luken (& his former city manager Valerie Lemmie, who just raised our utility rates in her new role on the Public Utility Commission of Ohio).
Generally in these schemes a few well connected people make a lot of $, there is a brief windfall, & then higher costs & structural deficits as far as the eye can see.. .
In a very short time, the City of Cincinnati has gone from winning financial management awards as one of the best fiscally run municipalities in the USA to chronic structural fiscal problems.
Howard M. Konicov
MSES/MPA IU School of Public & Environmental Affairs;
Bachelor of Arts in Economics Washington University in St. Louis
Former EAC Chairman 2002-2003
Executive Director The Synthesis Foundation
Cincinnati Water Works might be sold
To hkonicov@gmail.com
fyi, H
Howard has shared a link to an event with you. To view the event or to reply to the message, follow this link:
Books,Movies, Reviews It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. and going to movies. What? Is it good? Ellen.............................................
An Historical Novel-Or Could it be a Musical?"
is now out and available !
An upbeat novel with Cincinnati characters and a story which is fully annotated yet easily readable for high school students on up! Take a look at outskirtspress.com/letfreedomsing for much more information and a picture of the cover..Also available at amazon.com
(Salonista) Vivian Kline
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net.
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
Seeking Host Families for High School AFS Exchange Students [thru May]: If your caring, flexible family would like to enrich the 2009-10 school year by hosting the 15-18 year old student of your choice from 1 of 40 countries, consider hosting with AFS Intercultural Programs. Year-long or semester students would attend your public high school, St. Xavier or Mount Notre Dame. Dedicated volunteers offer ongoing support. Two parent, single parent or empty nest families are welcome. More info @ 513.961.2592, www.greatercincyafs.org & www.afs.org/usa.
The Mike Wade Sextet with Edwin "Eddie" Bayard [Thursday 2 April @ 7:30 PM]: Mike Wade on trumpet is joined by Edwin "Eddie" Bayard on tenor, Dan Karlsberg on piano, Brandon Meeks on bass, Melvin Broach on drums, & Charlie Schweitzer on percussions. Admission is $5; free if jazz club member or if you come to happy hour (5-7 PM). Free parking. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.6789, waltb31@gmail.com & www.jaspersmtlookout.com.
Something Different for Passover [Thursday 2 April @ 6:30 PM]: Zell Schulman will discuss what's new to make Passover different & special for you & your family & friends. Learn about new cookbooks, recipes, Passover products, ideas & ways to celebrate the Passover Seder & the whole Passover week. Giving up something can be a challenge, but also an opportunity to try something new for the most celebrated of all the Jewish holiday's. Ms Schulman will sign her cookbook Passover Seders Made Simple (Wiley Publishers). Sponsored by Biggs Superstores. Goodie bag with coupons, info & recipes given away. At Joseph Beth Booksellers, Rookwood Commons, 2692 Madison Road, Cincinnati OH 45208. More info @ 513.396.8960 & www.josephbeth.com.
European Country Briefing: Austria [Thursday 2 April @ 5:30-7:30 PM]: The ECB Series is a quarterly program of the European-American Chamber of Commerce (EACC), featuring briefings on European countries. This Austria program includes: "The European Union in 2009 & Beyond" by Dr. Robert Zischg, Consul General of Austria; "Austria: Small is Beautiful - How to Target the Market of Austria & the Surrounding Area" by Mr. Franz Roessler, Austrian Trade Commissioner in Chicago; & "Austria - The Gateway to Central & Eastern Europe" by Mr. Gisbert Mayr, Director of Invest in Austria. $35 for EACC members, $45 for non-members, $50 for walk-ins. At the Cincinnatian Hotel, 601 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.852.6510, eacc@europe-cincinnati.com & www.europe-cincinnati.com/index.php?id=1063.
Musical Theater Senior Showcase [Thursday-Saturday 2-4 April @ 7 PM (Thu) & 8 PM (Fri-Sat)]: The CCM musical theater graduating class presents a local preview of the showcase they will present before casting agents & directors in New York City. This year’s event, An Odyssey, looks at the classic work by Homer through the eyes of the Millennial Generation. The April 2 performance is a benefit for the Friends of CCM & includes a reception & dinner by the bite. Admission is $100 & $150. The April 3 & April 4 performances are free, though reservations are required. At Patricia Corbett Theater in the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music. More info @ 513.556.4183, boxoff@uc.edu & www.ccm.uc.edu.
Films for "Fashion in Film" [Thursdays 2 & 16 April @ 6 PM]: What better way to appreciate the Taft Museum exhibit "Fashion in Film" than with exemplary films? This exhibit, which runs thru Sunday 26 April, features sumptuous costumes spanning 4 centuries of clothing design & 4 decades of filmmaking. Tom Zaniello (film scholar, professor & head of Honors Program at NKU) will introduce & discuss the mise-en-scene of each film, & how costume design is such an essential ingredient in movie-making. The films are "Emma" (1996) with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam & Alan Cumming on April 2; & "Murder on the Orient Express" (1974) with Albert Finney & Lauren Bacall on April 16. Film screenings are free; you may reserve a box dinner for $12. At Taft Museum of Art, 316 Pike Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & lunch RSVP @ 513.241.0343 & www.taftmuseum.org.
Different Directions - An Artist's Perspective [opening reception Friday 3 April @ 6-9 PM]: Every artist has a story to tell or a vision to communicate. Six new solo shows reveal the journey of creative language for artists Anna VanMatre, Paul Pomeranz, Mike Calway-Fagen, Tammy Gambrel & Alton Falcone. A new series of works by Anna VanMatre, "DeNatural Disaster," will be on display in the Duveneck Gallery on the 2nd floor. In celebration of US Army veteran & POW Paul Pomeranz's 1st solo exhibit, the opening reception is free. Music provided by CCM Jazz Trio. Food & bar. At the Carnegie Arts Center, 1028 Scott Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.491.2030, vanmatre@cinci.rr.com & www.thecarnegie.com.
Creative Spirit [opening reception Friday 3 April @ 5–9 PM]: This special exhibit features the art of Ilana Debikey, George Debikey & their son Oliver Debikey. Born into a world of art, Oliver Debikey brings an interdisciplinary approach to his art & thrives on exploring new styles & techniques to create singularly unique glass pieces that offer both tactile & visual pleasure. Ilana Debikey’s art is poetry in motion; she expresses her emotions with lines & colors thru mixed media. Classically trained in ceramics & sculpture in Italy, George Debikey incorporates intricate patterns, colors & repetitive motives in sculptural pieces that are inspired by nature. Exhibit runs thru Saturday 2 May. At 5th Street Gallery, 55 West 5th & Race Streets, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.579.9333, info@5thstgallery, oliver@debikeystudios.com & www.5thstgallery.com.
Lisa Biales & Michael G. Ronstadt Duo [Friday 3 April @ 9 PM - 12 AM]: Lisa Biales, "the Norman Rockwell of singing," performs with cellist/songwriter Michael G. Ronstadt. Hear great music & eat delicious food. Free. At 12 South Beech Street, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ 513.523.7835 & www.michaelronstadt.com.
Constellation Workshops [Friday-Saturday 3-4 April @ 6-9 PM (Fri) & 4-7 PM (Sat)]: Use this amazing process to move energy around almost anything. $75 for one session; discount for a pair of sessions. At Het Heret Transformation Resources, 11223 Cornell Park Drive #401, Blue Ash, OH 45242. More info from Beverly @ 513.489.9777.
Karuna Reiki® Master Training [Saturday 4 April @ 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM]: Training & initiation to the final level of this healing system & its 4 symbols. Learn how to initiate others into Karuna Reiki®. Must have Usui Reiki Master IIIb level for 1 year & Karuna Reiki® Level I & II Practitioner training to qualify for this level. Facilitated by JoAnn Utley. Nurses: 8 contact hours. Massage Therapists: 7 contact hours. Registration required; $400 tuition; $150 deposit & registration due by March 28; credit cards accepted. If you have taken this with JoAnn before, you may review for $150 & the cost of new manual if needed ($23). At Synergy Holistic Health, 7413 Hwy 42, # 3, Florence, KY 41042. More info & register @ 502.777.3865 & jutley5122@bellsouth.net.
The Wayne Martin Puppets ‘Spring Into Easter’ [Saturday 4 April @ 11 AM]: This colorful production is overflowing with beautiful “large-scale” hand puppets & marionettes. The Easter Bunny is joined by a trumpet jazz-playing bullfrog, a classical singing Diva Chicken, break-dancing eggs, & dozens of others in this fast paced musical spectacular for all ages. $7 for adults; $5 for kids. At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info @ 513.241.6550, Jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
Composting 101 [Saturday 4 April @ 11 AM]: Learn how to convert yard, garden & kitchen waste into soil-building compost with Corina Bullock of the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati. Free. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513.721.7275, info@parkandvine.com & www.parkandvine.com.
French Cooking for Pâques [Saturday 4 April @ 6-8 PM]: Whether you are skilled in French cooking or a beginner, join Alliance Française & Chef Philippe Audax, French Executive Chef at the University of Cincinnati, to learn hiss trade secrets. He will prepare a 4-course French menu for Pâques & provide recipes & instructions. French wine tasting is part of the evening’s festivities. $60 for AF members, $70 for non-members; includes tasting 4 wines. Menu: Paté de Paques, Roulade of zucchini with pepper sauce, Rack of lamb printanier, & Fondant au chocolate with crème anglaise. At EQ, the Cooking School, The Party Source, 95 Riviera Drive, Bellevue, KY 41073. More info & RSVP @ afpostmaster@france-cincinnati.com.
Michael G. Ronstadt, Cello/Guitar/Charango/Voice [Saturday 4 April @ 10 PM]: This is a chance to hear Michael perform his songs as they were originally written, as he performs a solo show. Free. Sponsored by Kofenya Coffee & Lisa Biales. At Kofenya Coffee, 38 W. High Street, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ 513.523.2195 & www.michaelronstadt.com.
Sands Auction 2009 [Saturday 4 April @ 7-11 PM]: Sands Montessori's biggest fundraiser of the year will feature live & silent auctions, local artists exhibits, delicious foods & drinks, & music by Azucar. Take a chance to win a Nintendo Wii game system with Wii Fit (no attendance required to participate in raffle). Presented by the Sands Montessori Parent Organization. Tickets are $30 single & $50 couple. At the new Anderson Center, 7954 Five Mile Road near Beechmont, Cincinnati, OH 45230. More info @ 513.363.5000, sandsmontessori@yahoo.com & www.smpo.net.
Golden Artist Colors Painting on Textiles Workshop [Saturday 4 April @ 10 AM- 3:30 PM]: An all day workshop in varied applications of paint on textiles by local Cincinnati artist Merle Rosen. Open to all levels: beginners-advanced. Receive free paint products & a literature packet with color charts. Practical & inspirational. $85. Limited space; registration required. At Blackbird Studios, 4115 Dane Street, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.681.2477, merlerosen@fuse.net & www.merlerosen.com.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Benefit [Saturday 4 April @ 8 PM]: Live music by The Generics. Plenty of big TV’s to watch the Final Four Games. Admission is $10. Hosted by Mike & Carrie Barron. All proceeds benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt. Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.533.2033 & www.bpbslaw.com.
Reiki Classes Levels I-III: Learn & be attuned to the gentle healing energy of Reiki. Level I class is Saturday 4 April (prerequisite: at least one full body reiki treatment); Level III is taught in 2 parts on Saturdays 9 & 16 May (prerequisites: Level II & 1 year practice). Space is limited. Presented by Pure Reiki, Inc. Taught in instructors' homes in Green Township, 45233 & 45248. More info @ 513.347.3099, 513.451.7007, elfriede@lookitup.com & jan613@current.net.
Introduction to Buddhism [Fridays April thru June @ 7-8 PM]: Buddhism is viewed by some as a philosophy, by others as a spiritual path, but for others it is a religion. The foundation of all of these is the mind & how we perceive & understand the things that occur in everyday life. This course will address the basic concepts of Buddhism in a relaxed & open manner that encourages dialogue & exploration. RSVP requested. Suggested donation: $75 per person. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & RSVP @ 513.385.7116, gsl@ganden.org & www.ganden.org.
Intuitive Development [Wednesdays 8, 15 & 22 April @ 7-9 PM]: Have fun jump-starting your spiritual growth, learning several meditation methods, pendulums, auras & all those other techniques you've wondered about. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 & patricia@patriciagarry.com.
Blessing of the New Holy Cross-Immaculata Steps [Thursday 9 April @ 3:30 PM]: Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk will bless the new Holy Cross-Immaculata steps which are the site of the 149 year old Cincinnati Good Friday tradition of Praying the Steps. At Holy Cross-Immaculata Church, 30 Guido Street, Mt Adams, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.684.0101, jamessteiner@hotmail.com & www.hciparish.org.
Reiki 2nd Degree Class & Attunement [Thursdays 9, 16 & 23 April @ 7-9 PM]: Once you're Reiki II, you can send healing energy across time & space - an amazing experience. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 & patricia@patriciagarry.com.
Redtree Art Gallery [opening Friday 10 April @ 6-10 PM]: Redtree Art Gallery presents their 1st show at their new location, featuring artists Teressa Barnhill, Scott Dannenfelser, Diane Debevec, Maureen Holub & Dick Macke. Exhibit runs thru 1-30 April. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 3210 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733, coreymarierandall@gmail.com & www.redtreegallery.net.
A Convergence of Sculpture [opening Friday 10 April @ 5-8 PM]: Original sculptures will be on exhibit by a diverse group of sculptors from a range of backgrounds & interests: Forest Atkins, Christopher S. Daniel, Deborah Davidson, Bill Feinberg, Nancy Gollobin, Harriet Kaufman, Ray Miller & Barbara Bartlett Patterson. The media include limestone, alabaster, steel, ceramics & wood. Closing reception will be Friday 22 May @ 5-8 PM. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. At the Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2950 Gilbert Avenue @ MLK Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45207. More info @ 513.324.2218, 513.309.4947, stowehouse@zoomtown.com & www.harrietbeecherstowe.org.
Juried Art Show for High School Students [thru Friday 10 April]: Studio E (St.Elizabeth Arts Foundation) is hosting the 1st gallery show in their new studio space. High School students from across the region are exhibiting original artwork the theme: "The Way I See It." At Studio E, 2nd floor, Studio 5, building next to St.Elizabeth’s Church, Carter & Lincoln Avenues, enter the Lincoln Ave door, Norwood, OH 45212. More info @ 513.578.3069, contact@stelizabetharts.com & http://tinyurl.com/dffgl2.
Quarterly Local Peace & Justice Groups Get-Together Brunch [Saturday 11 April @ 10 AM - Noon]: Carol Rainey, author of One Hundred Miles from Home: Nuclear Contamination in the Communities of the Ohio River Valley, will lead a workshop on Nuclear Power. The nuclear industry has spent over $2 billion over 9 years to promote nuclear power as a viable response to global warming. President Obama initially included $50 billion in guaranteed loans to the nuclear industry in his economic stimulus package, but dropped it in response to environmentalist protests. Express ideas & concerns about nuclear power - for or against. Learn why so many environmentalists oppose it. Fact sheets & resource data will be available. Come at 9:30 AM to meet & greet. A potluck brunch will be at noon after the meeting; food & drink contributions will be appreciated. At Peaslee Neighborhood Center, 215 East 14th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (free parking lot next to center). More info & RSVP @ saad.ghosn@uc.edu.
Peter Pan [thru Saturday 11 April @ 8 PM (Wed-Sat*) & 2 PM (Sun)]: Based on J.M. Barrie's tale, this is the all time favorite musical of Peter - the boy who never grew up, spending his life in Neverland battling pirates. When he brings the Darling children to Neverland, he finally defeats his foe, Captain Hook, & befriends the Indian princess. A musical the entire family will enjoy. Music by Mark Charlap; lyrics by Carolyn Leigh. $21 for adults, $19 for seniors & students. * Sat 11 Apr has performances @ 2 & 8 PM. Audio description available at Sun 5 Apr performance. At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info & tix @ 513 241 6550 & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
Vigils by Noah Haidle - live theatre [Saturday 11-25 April]: Letting go is tough, especially when you have your husband's soul locked in a trunk. This beautiful & funny play is about accepting the past & embracing the future. Presented by Know Theatre of Cincinnati. Tickets are $12, thanks to a generous partnership with the Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile Jr., US Bank Foundation. At Know Theatre, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.300.5669 & www.knowtheatre.com.
Casting for Supernumerary Opera Roles [Monday 13 April @ 7 PM]: The Opera's 2009 Summer Festival is “Opera Goes to Spain.” Supernumerary or “super” roles are non-singing roles, much like extras in film & TV. All operas are performed in Music Hall with an average audience of 2,800 people. Supers will share the stage with internationally-renowned artists & have the chance to work with famous directors & conductors. Requires about 10-15 evening or weekend rehearsals. No experience necessary; all super positions are filled on a voluntary basis. Auditions will be held for: The Marriage of Figaro: 1 boy & 1 girl ages 6-8 years; Don Carlo: 10-15 men & 4 women of various ages; Carmen: 10-15 men, 10–15 women & 4 children of various ages. In the Large Rehearsal Hall, Music Hall (enter Music Hall from the Central Pkwy entrance), Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ supers@cincinnatiopera.org & www.cincinnatiopera.org.
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Signing Safari [Thursdays thru 2 April @ 11 AM]: Join your child in singing, signing, playing & rhyming during this 5-week series of 45-minute play classes. Cost for all 5 classes is $75. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ www.signingsafari.com.
Mythography: An Exploration of Narrative by 13 Artists [thru Friday 3 April]: We are fascinated with stories, legends, myths & fables. Stories help locate us &, form our personal identities. They often operate as larger metaphors for reality. Throughout history, visual artists have offered a unique contribution to the telling of tales. Manifest invited national & international artists to come tell stories in any visual creative medium. For this exhibit, narrative art includes comic art, sequential art, documentary, animation, video/film, illustration, performance, painting, sculpture, photography & drawing; 16 works by 13 artists from across the country comprise the exhibit. At 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Parking on the street & across the street in DeSales Business Parking Lot. More info @ 513.861.3638, jason@manifestgallery.org & www.manifestgallery.org.
Raymond Lane, Jr. Art Exhibit [thru Friday 3 April]: Raymond Lane Jr., a local artist, will host an opening reception for his original clay sculptures of Harriet Tubman. A unique chance to view this collection of 6 sculptures in uniquely historical setting. Children, students, teachers & adults are encouraged to attend this art opening that also includes events from the Underground Railroad. Free admission; donations welcome. Exhibit closing reception is Fri 3 Apr @ 5-8 PM. At the new Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2nd Floor Gallery, 2950 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.324.2218 & stowehouse@zoomtown.com.
Awakening: Path to Spirituality - paintings [thru Saturday 4 April]: This collection of paintings by artist Chuck Marshall is a sensitive & beautiful celebration of the positive power of diversity. More than 20 paintings range in subject from the “Sufi Storyteller” to “Parzi Ceremony” to “Christ in the Garden” to “Mother Theresa.” This exhibit explores themes of faith & mysticism, but ultimately reveals the oneness of the spiritual path. At Gallery 42, 105 East Main Street, #101, Mason, OH 45040. More info @ 513.234.7874, Gallery42fineart@gmail.com & www.gallery42fineart.com.
Double Vision - glass art [thru Saturday 18 April]: The glass art of Brook Forrest White, Jr & Susie Slabaugh White. Artists' demonstration Saturday 21 March (see above). At Marta Hewett Gallery, 656 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.281.2780, 513.281.0076 & www.martahewett.com.
Art of Healing [hru Saturday 25 April]: This unique exhibit, "The Art of Healing," features the art of over 50 individuals dealing with grief, serious illness, disability, addiction & mental wellness. Free. At the Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278, ellen@kennedyarts.org & www.kennedyarts.org.
Framed Freaks - art [thru Sunday 26 April]: Matthew Hamby's satirical illustrations have been described as having a strange & gnarled style, & have been published locally in CityBeat & Cincinnati Gentlemen Magazine.Free. At NVISION, 4577 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.542.4577 & http://nvisionshop.com.
MTR Comes Home [thru Sunday 26 April]: Join musicians, coal field area refugees & students back from PowerShift in Washington D.C. for an open mic session at this art exhibit commissioned by Episcopal Appalachian Ministries. Photographs by Kentucky photographer Don Amend bring home the cost of electricity on Appalachian human & wild communities. The exhibit includes an image of a single mountaintop removal (MTR) site over a large map of Cincinnati to illustrate the scale of devastation. Learn from Ohio Citizen Action how you can help stop this atrocity. Park + Vine will donate 10% of sales made the following day, Sat 28 Mar, to Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Appearances by Artist, Writer & Spiritualist Rex Oxley with his Natural Mandala [thru 30 April]:
<> Meditate on Rex Oxley's Natural Mandala [Sundays thru 30 April @ 10:30 AM]: The region’s only member of the United Churches of Spiritual Living will use the inspiration, creativity & earthiness of the mandala as the basis of Sunday talks while the Ohio artist's spiritual artwork is exhibited at Beacon of Life Spiritual Center. Artist Oxley will lead meditation workshops & talk about his meditative creative process in building the mandala.
<> Celebrate Mother Earth with a Mandala Meditation [Wed 22 Apr @ 7:30-9 PM]: Meet Rex Oxley & his Natural Mandala.
Miami University Italian-American Film Series [Wednesdays thru 29 April @ 7:30 PM]: Curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. Free & open to the public. In 102 Benton Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. This venue is a recently refurbished auditorium with very comfortable seating (& convenient adjacent parking) on the north side of High Street (Route 27 N from Cincinnati) at the intersection of Tallawanda Street. Map @ www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/. More info @ matteos@muohio.edu.
Apr 8: The Godfather (1972), Francis Ford Coppola
Apr 15: Goodfellas (1990), Martin Scorsese
Apr 22: The Freshman (1990) Andrew Bergman
Apr 29: The Sopranos, episodes from the TV series, David Chase
Italian Film Series: Italy Is Made; Now We Must Make Italians [Thursdays thru 30 April @ 5 PM]: A 2nd film series curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. All movies are in Italian, some without English subtitles, & will be presented in Italian; those with English subtitles are noted. Free & open to the public. In 40 Irvin Hall, East Spring Street north of South Oak Street, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ matteos@muohio.edu & www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/.
Apr. 2: Cuore, part I, Luigi Comencini (1984—TV mini-series)
Apr. 9: Cuore, part II
Apr. 16: Cuore, part III
Apr. 23: Tutti a casa, Luigi Comencini (1960)
Apr. 30: Tornando a casa, Vincenzo Marra (2001)
Cincinnati Authors & Illustrators @ Findlay Market [Sundays thru 10 May @ 1-3 PM]: Cincinnati authors & illustrators who have published thru Cincinnati’s Edgecliff Press & Edgecliff Kids will display & sign their books. Come visit with them about their books, buy a book that interests you & have it signed. Books by non-Cincinnati artists & authors will also be available.
Apr 5: Drawing Pete by Jerry Dowling - the stellar & controversial career of Pete Rose thru the eyes of a cartoonist.
Apr 19: Pre-Victorian Homes by Ronald Hartnagel - historic & vanishing homes from 35 years of photography.
Apr 26: Cliffie's Life Lessons by Pam Durham, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - children's lessons by Cliffie's grandmother.
Hobo Finds a Home by Hobo & Kevin Coolidge, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - a true story about a kitten's odyssey.
May 3: Right Angels & I thought Pigs Could Fly by Ari Buchwald - homage to the architectural details in Chicago, NY & Cincy.
May 10: Kid Trips, Cincinnati & Beyond by Barbara Littner David - favorite destinations in Cincinnati & thru the tri-state area.
Sundays at Findlay Market, 1801 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.348.9120, Ari@edgecliffpress.com & www.edgecliffpress.com.
Backyard Family Garden Project: The Project’s goal is to encourage families to develop vegetable & flower gardens in their backyards & share the surplus with their less fortunate neighbors. This collaborative effort of Granny's Garden School, Turner Farm, Gorman Farm, & Grailville is sponsored by Marvin's Organic Gardens, Blooms & Berries Farm Market, Natorp's, & Home Depot. $25 registration per family includes admission to a gardening workshop plus ample compost, seeds & plant coupons for a 3' x 10' backyard garden. Project is ongoing & will end Monday 1 June or when they reach the 100-family limit. At Granny’s Garden School, 550 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.324.2873 & www.grannysgardenschool.com.
Grailville New Veggies Garden Volunteer Day [last Saturday of each month, March-October @ 9 AM - Noon]: Learn about gardening for your backyard while volunteering in Grailville’s kitchen garden, where produce is grown to serve guests of the Grailville Retreat Center. This 60-year-old kitchen garden has been organically certified since 1992. No experience needed; help for a day or for the season. Volunteers are welcome to come on other days, too. Bring gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, gardening footwear & mid-morning snack if you wish. They'll provide tools. In case of severe weather, volunteer day will be cancelled. Grailville’s Garden Volunteer Days project is part of Granny's Backyard Family Garden Project (see above). At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info, monthly topics & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, ml.grailville@fuse.net & www.grailville.org.
A New Novel by Vivian Kline: Let Freedom Sing: Of 19th Century Americans. An Historical Novel Or Could It Be A Musical? This is a tale of real people who lived in Cincinnati plus many others, making this story an easy upbeat read for high schoolers on up. $14.95. More description & excerpts of the novel @ www.outskirtspress.com/letfreedomsing. Buy the novel from this site, @ www.amazon.com or directly from the author @ viviankline@aol.com.
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner.
Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to jkesner@nuvox.net; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from its owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
Because my time is limited, please help by submitting your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will help me immeasurably & enhance the probability the item will be incorporated into Tri-State Treasures:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com, & www.filmfestival.com.
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: http:lloydhouse.blogspot.com Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LloydHouseSalon ...........
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: http://www.lloydhouse.com > To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of # > type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It > will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst
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