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The Lloyd House Virtual Salon Newsletter
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)
(See at the end of this email for introductory material)
(What kind of gathering/sharing/learning together would you like to happen at the Lloyd House? Ideas wanted. e.)
Hi Everyone!
taken just now, working on the Virtual Salon
The TWO political soirées on Tuesday night were a blast. We had a good turn out, fabulous refreshments (thanks to Sue Ransohoff) and great conversation. Luke Brockmeier (candidate for Dem. nomination for Ohio Statehouse) gave a terrific stump speech, impressing me even more than when I interviewed him last week. AND... I was really thrilled by the State of the Union Address. Now that's leadership! Just shows that despite our broken electoral system, riddled as it is with huge campaign giving from the 1%, the wealthiest Americans, and from giant corporations, we still managed to see a really smart, graceful, visionary leader rise to the presidency.
I was fascinated to meet John Schmidt who is working on the campaign for our Democratic nominee for Hamilton County Sheriff, JIM NEIL. See http://www.neilforsheriff.com/. What a thrill to have a chance to replace Simon Leis (retiring) with a Democrat! See his fund raiser dinner (looks tasty!) below on Feb 1, next Wed. Jim is coming over to introduce himself this evening, after the Virtual Salon goes out, so I'll let you know what I think next week.
Just learned that a scary cancer threat is benign. (Thyroid) A few weeks of sweating it out. My hat is off to all of you who have survived cancer, and you also who have survived a 'near miss'. As Mark Twain reportedly said, "I have survived many terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened."
Hugs to everyone!