Sunday, December 20, 2009

Table Notes, 12/16/09

Hosted in Ellen's absence by Mira Rodwan. Many thanks! Stay tuned for Egypt Trip report. ellen

(ATTN: Dear Ellen---Happy Hanukkah!---Mira)--- the song: Oh How Lovely Is the Evening When the Bells of Peace Are Ringing ll: Peace on Earth :ll
--the guests: Mira Rodwan, Byron Moody, Vlasta Molak, Mr G, Badger Johnson, Jonathan Rosenberg, Raven Lunatic, Carolyn Clark

--the topics:
~~(MBR) Today, on the Diane Rehm Show (NPR), a reporter from the New Yorker magazine spoke about the lack of responsible reporting in the U.S. due to the media monopolies --- (gone are the muckrakers: IE Edward R. Murrow, Cronkite, Woodward and Bernstein)---
~~the Copenhagen Summit/global warming issues were discussed:
(Julia) American companies are establishing green-energy plants in China---& not here.
~~the large, rich, energy-guzzling nations voted not to give the small, poor countries "a pass"-- the island nations and poor countries with beaches and seaports --- who have not contributed CO-2 emissions --- will be the first ones swallowed up by the ocean, but will not see reparations so they could prepare for their survival as the arctic glaciers melt---
China considers itself a "developing" nation so they should not be expected to pay their share toward climate change measures--- and the large, developed nations HAVE emitted 50% of the greenhouse gases until now.
Americans have become auto-addicts.
~~(CC) In Germany, the workers ride bikes to the offices and factories and park them in large basement garages filled with only bikes and NO cars.

---RE; speaking out to local government:
~~(DrM) addressing the Hamilton County Commissioners: --casinos will replace banks as our money handlers--
--the EPA rejected the MSD (sewer district) proposal since it would not solve the problem of sewage draining into the river during a rain. There is a difference between wanting to be green and knowing how to do it. Our GAIA Foundation can teach you how.
Or the county may lose when taxpayers realize this proposal will result in a major cost increase in their bills.
---Jonathan: speaking at City Council re: the many large budget cuts affecting public health, safety, parks, recreation, sanitation, and our environmental programs: "Think before you cut the arts and these public programs --- What will this city become for our next generation and the next?"

~~RE: China is doing our manufacturing for us while they are not hiring our workers.
(CC--responding) The Chinese are hiring our scientists---quoting:
John Hennessy, President of Stanford (interviewed by Charlie Rose /PBS--3/2/09): We must conquer the battery problem --- the U.S. has not funded energy research --- not sought to solve the auto CO-2 emissions problems. IOur engineering professors are being hired by Saudi Arabia to design a better battery. (Charlie Rose--3/10/09) Energy Secretary Chu: "Perhaps in 2 to 3 years we will have a deep-charging battery with 3-times the power."
In early April (on C-span) Henrik Fisker, CEO--Fisker Automotive spoke: "one company in China (Build Your Dream) employes 5,000 auto engineers and 5,000 battery engineers that work on the development of a super-battery for cars, trucks and buses and they are hiring American engineers".

~~RE: the politics of health care:
--(CC) Senator Mary Landrieu (D--LA) has made a deal in exchange for her vote supporting the "public-option" and the President's bill Louisiana will receive $1.5 million.
(Mr.G) --on the state of American politics --- "our social policy and how our system can do very little to improve things for the better"-- according to Ezra Klein, columnist with the Washington Post -- interviewed by Charlie Rose (12/15) --- "the problem is Congress --- the filibuster has changed how Congress works -- the minority can make the majority fail -- Congress can over-ride the Presidents ideas and vetos".

~~RE: suggested future guest/speakers for the Salon:
--(CC) Shawn Hesse of Green Cincinnati + Immersion Design who was a recent guest of David Surber, host of MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE (on ch 12 & Public Access-TV) --- spoke on a study by the Brookings Institute listing the nation's top 100 cities (per-capita) with the most greenhouse emissions and the least programs to use sustainable energy...showing Cincinnati at #73 (23rd from the bottom) --- he spoke about the Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ) and the 2007 plan-of-action by Larry Falkin (Director) "88 Recommendations"-- (contact
--(DrM) suggested engineer Mike Fremont (husband of Marilyn Wall--with The Sierra Club)
--(Jonathan): invite Peter Huttinger-- he is campaigning to preserve the Civic Garden Center, which is looking at deep budget cuts; they are helping the Urban Gardens, which encourage inner-city families to plant and eat fresh vegetables--- especially needed since most have no transportation to go to a super market.
--(CC) suggesting Tyrone Yates -- Ohio Representative--District 33 -- who was interviewed by Brian Garry via Public Access TV -- speaking out against the proposed Cincinnati trolley; the Farm bill, and the casinos -- listing common sense reasoning -- concerned that the voters were misleaded and basically uninformed. to contact: webmaster@lis.state.oh.US & (Rep.Yates is writing a book on JFK)
notes by Carolyn Clark

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