Special Presenter at the Salon on Wednesday, August 12: CINCINNATI HEALTH CLINICS
Debbie Dreyfus, nurse manager of the Elm St. (City of Cincinnati Public) Health Clinic will tell us all about these clinics. I’ve been a patient of the Northside Clinic (another of the city clinics) for about ten years and am thrilled with the quality of care. Ellen.
The Lloyd House Wednesday Night Salon WEEKLY
A Newsletter published every Thursday from the Lloyd House in Cincinnati
Email subscriptions: 603
To unsubscribe, send me an email with “unsubscribe - #” in the subject line. (The # is the number 1 – 13 indicating which email group you are in. I need this to find you.)
Our Salon blog is an interactive site: http://lloydhouse.blogspot.com
If you would like to respond, amend, or correct anything in this Newsletter, please consider using that. I will receive a copy of anything posted there.
FIVE SECTIONS, including:
- Table Notes of the discussion at this Wednesday night’s Salon, as recorded by Ellen
- Events and Opportunities
- SPECIAL SECTION: Health Care Reform
- Articles of Interest
- Book, Film, Theater, TV, Music, Radio, and Restaurant Reviews
- Tri-State Treasures, compiled by Jim Kesner
Submissions: you must have the email copy to me by Wednesday night midnight. Copy the format you see in this Weekly please. (Times New Roman font, text 14 pt, headlines 20 pt. Maroon for Opportunities and Events, Navy for articles.)
The Wednesday Night Salon has been meeting each week of the year (no break for holidays, weather) since July 2001 in pursuit of good talk. Bring a dish at 5:45 pm and join us. We are usually about 10 people of varied erudition and age. We like to talk politics, environmentalism, social issues, literature, the arts, ad any blamed thing we want. Sometimes we have a special presenter. We emphasize good fellowship and civility always. Way fun! Everyone welcome. 3901 Clifton Avenue 45220.
Ellen, Vlasta, Marvin, Yvonne, Lauren, Roy, Mira, Gerry, John, Marilyn, Ginger
SECTION ONE: Table Notes
These rough notes have not been approved or edited by the speakers and contain inevitable misunderstandings and misquotes. Also, opinions expressed are NOT necessarily Ellen’s.
At the Table this Wednesday:
Lauren Hanisian,Ellen Bierhorst, Vlasta Molak, Mr. G., Yvonne Lake, Lauren Hanisian, Roy Jones, John Kelly, Ginger Lee Frank, Marvin Kraus, Marilyn Gale, Gerry Kraus , Mira Rodwan
(Thrilled to welcome back Roy Jones, absent at the Table for about 4 years! He’s looking very well.)
Preamble read by Ginger Lee Frank, with Vlasta contributing an inspiring reading.
Announcements at Table:
The T Party at the UU church forum on Health Care reform (see below in purple section)
Iran news.
Mira: Thurs Aug 6 8:00 at Ted Berry park on river, candle vigil/walk to remember Hiroshema.
Wonderful article in CityBEat on Peter Seidel, salonista.
Vlasta I’ll be teaching 2 courses at Hartwell rec center: Enjoying the Health Lifestyle. 6:30-9 Tues Aug 11; Tues Aug 18. $12
“How to live like a milllionaire on a limited income”: free stuff... Tues Aug 25 6:30-9. $12 Call 821-5194 to register.
Vlasta: the city is doing terrible things with the budget. Mayor is using city $$ to travel the world, ... The mayor and manager have caused the budget deficit: they should resign. They are cutting essential programs. Cinti Recreation Commission ...
Gerry nothing has been cut; they are recommending...
Vlasta: city pools are being cut in their hours... The police dept eats up 2/3 of the budget. Are we a criminal city?
Ellen, Ginger: decriminalize drug use.
John The library is proposing a small levy on Nov 3 election. It is very low, about $2/year for a $200,000 house.
... The stimulus package was going to pay for 2 sherif deputies for the next 2 years. I heard then that 130 police were being laid off.
Marvin: Chief Striker said, re the lay offs, “we can handle it”.
Gerry: the FOP (police union) don’t want to compromise like all the other unions. ...
Marvin: at the recorder’s office, people said they are required to take off 6 furlough (unpaid leave) days. This year. Can choose their days. Health benefits are retained.
Vlasta: and the mayor wants this 200 million streetcar.
Ginger: the referendum is so broad it would eliminate light rail as well.
Gerry: I don’t know where they will get the money for the trolley. I am in favor of it.
Mira the Portland streetcar was a good thing.
Ginger: cities who have brought back streetcars have benefited. ... At a meeting Monday Larry Falkin said the city would save more money on recycling if they ... (?)... However, if you will recycle 30% of our trash, we wouldn’t need as many garbage workers and trucks, so would save money. ... Public services are holding the city hostage. ... Councilman Bortz asked about automating trash collection; the city has been looking into it for 2 years.
Vlasta: I spoke with the man who collects garbage in my neighborhood. He gets $18/hour starting, now up to $24/hour, loves his job.
Gerry: Obama said we want to be building wind generators in Elkhard IN.
Roy: the auto industry thought “we make the best, we don’t need to change” for 40 years ...
Ginger: the US auto industry made much better cars than the competition in Europe.
Gerry The consumers imagine that they get free trash pick up. It’s not free!
Ginger: one proposal is to charge for trash collection, but to pick up recycling free. ... 37% of citizens do recycling.
(Gerry is co chair of the recycling committee of the Environmental Council.)
There was a new item about recycling to be discussed, the Mayor refused to put it on the budget, saying that we couldn’t afford. But Falkin didn’t make it clear that it would also save money.
Ginger there is a proposal to put a microchip on each recycling bin so they will know which routes and which households are recycling.
Gerry the trash is done by routes. The faster they work, the shorter their day.
Marvin: how much is the annual budget of the city. How many city employees are there? I venture to say we will find out we end up paying 2 people for every job that is performed because of all the retired lpeople who are being paid 85% of their salary. It’s too much.
Gerry: no. I know lots of people who worked 30 years for the city.
Marvin: should get rid of all the incompetent people on the public pay roll.
Mira: it was heartbreaking to see the disruptive anti-reform people packing the meeting. They gave the Rush Limbaugh line. They claimed in Norway they give a euthenasia shot to people sick at 60. Claimed in Canada you have to wait in long lines for care. Not true!
Vlasta: I tried to get a dermatology appt here and there was a 6 months wait, told me to go to the ER. Our own system is horrible.
Marvin I had to see a dermatologist and was seen right away. (but because you were refered by a dr.)
Roy: Fox news reported that in Norway people get counseling on end of life decisions, but imply it is mandatory euthenasia.
Gerry: cover of Time, “Dr. Obama”.
Vlasta: on Diane Rehm show... Somebody said We have too much socialization for big businesses, and too little for the little guy.
Roy: the Republican party is in shreds. Squabbling amongst themselves. In the disarray, fringe elements can come in easily.
The democrats and liberals have never been in this much disarray. They have no rules.
John: the police officer who arrested the black Harvard prof referred in an email to “banana eating jungle monkeys”.
Mira the health insurance companies are paying millions for lobbyists to lobby against Health Care Reform.
Lauren: I am completely ignorant about city issues. I was feeling “I don’t care how the garbage is picked up as long as it is.”
... Health Care Reform: I am frustrated with these Blue Dog Democrats. Can’t they just go along?
Gerry: Is there anything we can do?
Yvonne: in D.C. I went for demonstrating... In the ‘70’s. So that’s what I know: Demonstrate! ... Now it is different; the police are getting violent with demonstrtors.
Gerry: before Iraq War, we were here with 3,000 people demonstrating. There were no “tanks”.
Roy: that’s because they had increased the buffer zone, so the demonstrators were so far away...
Yvonne: in 1990, in E Village, big demo on Thompkins Park... The police were awful... Arresting innocent people....
Roy one thing about the liberal mentality ... We like the BBC, the NPR... Dispassionate news, facts. So we are not by nature people to shout down the disrupters.
... Each time government is reformed or changed, the gov’t immediately “inoculates” itself against the modalities that have brought about that change so the subsequent movements for change cannot use those tactics, they won’t work.
Marilyn Kohlberg’s levels of moral development... Civil disobedience is the highest level. ... I work in an ER. That system is being clogged. ... There is a complex issue. We have to change our health system, but it is not clear what to do. ... Drs charging huge fees ... Insufficient emphasis on real prevention.
John: they should have tort reform, which would save a bundle. So you could not sue doctors for more than a certain amount.
Ginger in other countries, a lot of doctors
Marvin: does ny one know about eleemosynary? 50 years ago, every hospital was not for profit, a “eleemosynary” institution. But all of a sudden they became for-profit. What happened?
John: I don’t like the proposed reform bill; there would be a government panel determining what treatment is paid for.
Roy I’d like to have that verified somehow.
Ginger that’s OK with me; I think it is in the bill.
Ellen: (we asked the three people who had not spoken in the melee to share and their contributions were great: Lauren, Yvonne, Marilyn. That was great. What about that?)
Lauren and Yvonne: I didn’t speak because I was entertained by your back and forth.
SECTION TWO: Events and Opportunities
From St. John’s UU Church:
Join us tonight for a candlelight remembrance of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and other nuclear tragedies. Be strengthened by a display featuring victories and the power of organizing for a nuclear free world. Mark your calendar for August 9 for a nonviolent communication event "Speaking Peace: What you say next could change your world" . Finally, please join us for the August 11 Open House/ Fundraiser for Peaslee Neighborhood Center. Help keep this vital community resource alive!
Remembering the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 64 Years
Never Again
Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Theodore Berry International Park, 1101 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
A reflective, candle-lit walk through the park remembering the tragedies and searching for courage and hope.
Sponsored by Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center; 513-579-8547
August 9
"Speaking Peace: What you say next could change your world"
Jeff Brown speaking at St. John's Unitarian Universalist Church
August 9th at the 10:30 am service
320 Resor Ave
Cinti, OH 45220-1698
"Speaking Peace: What you say next could change your world"
Jeff Brown, certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, will share with us his passion for adding more compassion in our everyday lives, especially when we open our mouths. Nonviolent Communication or Compassionate Communication inspires an empathetic presence and an ability to acknowledge our interconnectedness through our universal human needs. Hopefully you will feel more inspired to walk the walk and talk the talk of your values and "live out" peace!
Community Potluck following the service in Krolfifer Hall, St. John’s UU Church in Clifton from 12:00-2:30
**Children Welcome**
After we nourish our bodies, we will begin with a multi-generational connection piece led by Jeff Brown (around 12:30), followed by separate learning activities on Compassionate Communication for children and adults.
Any questions, please feel free to contact Maria Yunker, 513.484.6493
Parking Information:
The church parking lot is reserved for visitors, families with small children, older members, and those with handicapped parking permits.
Additional parking is available in the Fairview-Clifton German Language School directly behind St. John's. Enter the lot from Clifton Ave. and use the walkway from the school lot into the St. John's parking lot.
Aug 11
Fund Raiser/Open House at Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Sponsored by CRISPAZ and OTSE (two of Peaslee's tenants)
When: Aug. 11, 2009 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Where: Peaslee Neighborhood Center 215 East 14th Street in Over-the-Rhine
You will enjoy:
• Complimentary soft drinks and snacks
• Tours of the Peaslee Center and all its programs
• Tours to the offices of Peaslee tenants, all dedicated to works of social justice
Come celebrate Peaslee’s 25th Anniversary Year!
Learn about this great community resource that serves as an anchor to education and empowerment through youth-based arts and music programs in Over-the-Rhine.
Bring along your friends and family to this fantastic event as we mark the beginning of another 25 years of service for the center.
There is no admission, but we would be grateful if you could donate at least $1 for each year of Peaslee’s service to the community (any donation will be greatly appreciated!)
For information, please contact Jenn Summers at the Peaslee Center: 513-621-5514 or Dennis O’Connor at CRISPAZ: 513-381-4520.
You may send donations to: Peaslee Neighborhood Center
215 East 14th Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Brenda Tarbell, exquisite ceramic artist
Next show on Aug 2 – 28 (opening Aug 8) in Owenton KY, 1 hr away
(Fanchon Shur to present a dance work all about Tremor. She has a pronounced hand tremor, sometimes interfears with things like cell phone , typing, writing, even eating. This is a healing of our upset about such things. Ellen)
a dance work to celebrate ourselves created and performed by
Fanchon Shur and friends
august 9, 2 pm
2150 Leiter Road
Miamisburg Ohio
Sycamore Hospital Kettering Med. Center
I am a movement analyst and a dancer/choreographer. I see the Essential Tremor from a vantage point quite different than the medical profession's take on it.
i will be sharing my study of how the tremor is related to energy flow, and how subtle techniques for managing the tremor actually cause great pleasure.
It is very important to spoof our tremors because they are so crucial to our lives in a culture where you have to write, cook, carry, type in order to get by. SHAKING OUR LIVES! is a humorous dance which is meant to ignite all our joyous impulses, and it will also bring us together as a community in a new and refreshing way.
The dance will not only be joyous, but it will tap that deep place within us all that needs to be accepted and supported as we courageously find ways to carry a hot cup of coffee, sign our name, find the natural swinging and melting that make our movements graceful, as well as the ways we exacerbate our tremors even more.
This will be entertaining, rousing, and welcoming.
I hope you join me in
Fanchon Shur
Director, Growth in Motion,Inc
www.growthinmotion.org <http://www.growthinmotion.org>
4019 Red Bud Ave.
Cincinnati, Oh. 45229
Hey all!
Classes re-start this Sunday Aug. 2nd
at the Maitri Center in Northside!
~ hope to see you there!
12:30-1:30pm Polishing
1:45-2:45pm Tribal Fundamentals
3:00pm-4:00pm Moves & Combinations
You can park on Hamilton Ave right in front if you get
there early (or lucky) enough. The next cross street is Moline-
which has a few spaces; or if you've turned onto Moline,
you can continue and park on Langland. The other option
is to park off Knowlton Ave. - as the new space
is just one block away!
Call or write with any questions-
and hope to see you Sunday!
classes@keshvarproject.com <mailto:classes@keshvarproject.com>
www.keshvarproject.com <http://www.keshvarproject.com>
Special Presenter at the Salon on Wednesday, August 12: CINCINNATI HEALTH CLINICS
Debbie Dreyfus, nurse manager of the Elm St. (City of Cincinnati Public) Health Clinic will tell us all about these clinics. I’ve been a patient of the Northside Clinic (another of the city clinics) for about ten years and am thrilled with the quality of care. Ellen.
(this cheerful,intelligent, pleasant young man is a lloyd housemate this summer; has done yard work for me. Excellent. Highly recommend. Ellen)
My Name is Nathan Coppock, and I have experience in doing chores, along with masonry, horticulture and painting. I am a 21 yr. old rising senior at Guilford College majoring in Biology, and I am in town until the 14th of August and looking for work.
Wage negotiable, and very reasonable!
Have you dreamed of becoming a MUSE?
Are you yearning for a sisterhood like no other?
Have you always wanted to wear our signature color?
There are many reasons to audition for MUSE, Cincinnati's Women's Choir - including the opportunity to create amazing memories with extraordinary and diverse women dedicated to musical excellence and social change.
Here are what two of our newest members had to say about their first season with MUSE:
"I am so very glad to be part of MUSE so my children can see that music can be entertaining, but can also share an important message about unconditional love and support." - Kate Dennis, AI
"During the final few measures, I looked outward at my family. My aunt, with tears in her eyes, was clutching my mother's hand. My uncle's expression had softened. They made eye contact with me...and smiled." - Kathy Zdinak, AII
What will you say after your first season?
Be part of the movement that's been harmonizing for peace and justice for 26 years. Sign up today to audition, and lift up your voice with your new friends at MUSE!
Visit http://www.musechoir.org today for details about our August 29, 2009, auditions on our FAQ page, and fill out the form for our Membership Coordinator to contact you.
MUSE, Cincinnati's Women's Choir
PO Box 23292 Cincinnati, OH 45223 (513)-221-1118
What: U.S. Constitution 101 Presentation by Associate Professor of Law
When: August 18, 2009 6:30 PM
Grace Chapel
406 4th Avenue
Mason, OH 45040
In an effort to improve one's knowledge of our Constitution in a non-political environment you are encouraged to attend the following session open to the general public.
Many of us may not have ever read nor even ever discussed the U.S. Constitution in or or out of school. If you have children of middle school or high school age you may wish to bring them along.
On Tuesday, August 18 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm Lee Strang, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo will speak on the U. S. Constitution 101 at Grace Chapel, 406 4th Avenue, Mason Ohio 45040.
This is a free talk open to the general public but limited in space available.
He will address questions such as:
Where did the Constitution come from?
What is its purpose?
Why is it important?
How should we interpret the Constitution?
After his talk there will be a question and answer period.
Please RSVP Dave Hare at (513) 234 - 7923
This is a timely event, that I am sure will prove educational to us all.
Charles M. Galbraith
Warren County Development Coordinator
Libertarian Party of Ohio
Learn more here:
Laure Quinlivan
To make special presentation at Salon on 8/19. She is former TV investigative reporter; running for City Council. Check out her website:
She told me she is in favor of the trolley project. Come talk to her about it and all the issues.
Hi there friends,
- Now here’s an opportunity for you. I am now a fully qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique, and eager to give a lot of lessons this summer. All lessons will be free until the end of June, and then really cheap during July ($10), and pretty darn cheap during August ($20?). Starting sometime later I’ll be charging $78 for a 45 minute lesson, but still eager to make it affordable for you. So please call me to schedule a time and by all means tell your friends and family. 513 221 1289.
Don’t know what Alexander Technique is? Check out http://MissyVineyard.com or http://www.alexandertechnique.com for introductory essays and FAQ.
Thanks for your interest in this wonderful work.
P.S. Response has been wonderful this summer to this announcement! My calendar is full...a miracle. Fee for August is going to be only $20, so take advantage of this rare opportunity. If you call now and I don’t have space in the calendar, you can still have one free meeting, 3 $10 meetings, and 4 $20 meetings whenever it is that I can schedule your lesson. Get ‘em while they’re hot! This deal can’t last.
Bob Witanowski sends link to info on Biosphenol Danger and No-Danger.
Bob is a smart dude. If he sends this link I trust the info. This is the chemical in those plastic bottles. Ellen
Earn $80 or $120 in 2 hours; Focus Group on Steak House Dining out
Subject: Focus Group Opportunity for the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Our company, Spearfish, is looking for people to participate in a focus group pertaining to dining out
Contact Milly Hale @ 214-707-1435 with any questions and details if interested!
Focus Group Opportunity for the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Our company, Spearfish, is looking for people to participate in a focus group pertaining to dining out. This is just about giving your opinion, you will not be asked to buy anything!! Each individual will be paid $80.00 cash for the 1 1/2 focus group. Ideally, we would love to have one outgoing and well connected person recruit 7 friends, family, or co-workers that fit a specific criteria to participate. The organizer would be paid $160.00 cash and everybody else would be paid $80.00. My boss will provide dinner for several of the groups. We will be in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 10 & 11. We need people that regularly eat at steak restaurants in the area for lunch or dinner. We are also looking for people that have not eaten at these type restaurants in the past several months for dinner but have in the past. If you can think of anyone that you think would enjoy doing this please forward on! It is a fun experience with friends and the great part is you get paid cash for your opinion!!
Please check out our website at spearfishdallas.com
If interested please respond back to wblainehale@flash.net or call Milly Hale 214-707-1435 @ Spearfish
Your email address:
What area of town do you live in:
Daytime number:
Work Number:
Best time to contact you:
What industry do you work in:
Approx Household income:
Age & DOB:
Ethnic Background:
Marital Status:
Number of Children and ages:
How often do you dine out per week:
Where do you eat out most frequently:
Of the restaurants listed below which ones have you eaten at and how long ago: Outback Steakhouse, Texas Roadhouse, Saltgrass, Logan's, Longhorn's, etc.
Favorite Steak House Restaurants:
How often do you eat at these type restaurants:
When was the last time you ate there:
Do you primarily eat at these restaurants for lunch or dinner:
Are you outgoing and well connected in the area:
Could you organize a group of 7 other people:
Contact Milly Hale @ 214-707-1435 with any questions and details if interested!
If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies
http://huntshomework.com <http://huntshomework.com>
Lloyd House Monthly Drumming Circle
Did you know that on the Final Tuesday of the month we have a super informal drumming circle here? Bring instruments of any variety. We rock! Dancing. No perfectionism tolerated. Ends at 8:45. Bring Snacks if you like, wine...
Roxanne, Michael, Ellen, Don (middle row- Yvonne, Jeanne, Paul, Kevin, Josie, David, (back row – Nancy, Tom, Scott
(Bonnie Tyler sent this; she attended the Monday night Driehaus town hall meeting at which there were well organized disruptive right wingers. And Please ATTEND NEXT DRIEHAUS FORUM to support Health Care Reform.)
I found the 912 project, a group also present at the Driehaus Town Hall Meeting on Monday. Another scary group. Go to their web site, www.cincinnati912project.com <http://www.cincinnati912project.com/> . Looks innocent enough at first, except for the Glen Beck part. Click on Free our Health care on the right of page, then click on Download a free healthcare flyer to print and pass out. Nothing but lies! And these people ARE organized. Also, check out the Talking points listed under the free healthcare flyer.
The next Driehaus Forum is:
From Hamiltoncountydems.org, "Also on Wednesday, August 26th, the Green Township Democratic Club invites interested citizens to a meeting with Congressman Steve Driehaus at 7:30 PM at the Nathanael Greene Lodge at 6394 Wesselman Road.
Current issues that affect your family will be discussed; for example, Health Care Reform, the American Clean Energy and Security Act, the Stimulus Bill, and the Employee Free Choice Act. Join us and invite a friend. If possible,bring a snack to share. Notice for this event is also below."
It will be very important to have as many healthcare reform proponents as possible there. Please do what you can to get the word out.
Bonnie Tyler
Keith Olbermann to Expose Congressional Opponents of Universal Health Care (last Monday night...get it on the web)!
Monday, August 3rd, 2009
We've just received an advance transcript of tonight's Special Comment by Keith Olbermann <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/> on his MSNBC show. It is nothing short of brilliant -- and if all of America were to hear what he is going to reveal tonight, we are certain the vast majority of Americans would be on the phone to their elected representative immediately, calling for an end to the private, for-profit, rip-off health insurance companies who have wrecked our country.
Here's a brief section of Keith's editorial tonight:
"Congressman Mike Ross of Arkansas. Leader of the Blue Dogs in the House. You're the guy demanding a guarantee that Reform won't add to the deficit. I'm guessing you forgot to demand that about, say, Iraq. You're a Democrat, you say, Congressman?And here's what Keith has to say about Senator Thune:
"You saw what Sandy Barham said? Sandy Barham is 62 years old, she's got a bad heart, and she's hoping her valves will hold together for three more years until Medicaid kicks in, because she can't afford insurance. Not just for herself, mind you. For her employees. She needs the public option. So do those six people who work at that restaurant of hers, Congressman Ross.
"And why should you give a crap? Because Sandy Barham's restaurant is the Broadway Railroad Café, and it is at 123 West First Street North in Prescott, Arkansas. Prescott, Arkansas, Congressman Ross. Your home town. You are Sandy Barham's congressman. Hers, Sir. Not Blue Cross's and Blue Shield's, even if they do insure 75 percent of the state and they own you."
"Senator John Thune of South Dakota? You gave the Republican rebuttal to the President's weekly address day before yesterday. You said the Democrats' plan was for '... government run health care that would disrupt our current system, and force millions of Americans who currently enjoy their employer-based coverage into a new health care plan run by government bureaucrats.'Don't miss his show, live at 8pm ET. Rebroadcast at 10pm and 1am.
"That's a bald-faced lie, Senator. And you're a bald-faced liar, whose bald face is covered by∑ your own health care plan run by government bureaucrats."
Repeated: Info on Health Care Reform:
From: Bob Witanowski <bobwit@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 00:56:35 -0400
Some of the best info (on Health Care Reform) is at Physicians for a National Health Plan – http://www.pnhp.org
Also HealthJustice.org <http://HealthJustice.net> and http://healthcare-now.org
(One of them ??) has a faxing service that many folks I know have found very useful for writing to elected officials in DC.. (I couldn’t find this...ellen)
Independent polls show between 60% - 75% of the American public and a solid 59% of U.S. physicians support single payer financing of health care. But the health insurance companies are spending $1.4 million dollars a day in DC trying to get health care planning to go their way - the same route that has brought us to this crisis. ...
Repeated: Insurance Corp Insider Executive Wendell Potter Blows Whistle on Health Care Industry
Wow, this is amazing. Watch the short clip linked below (youtube) and then also watch online the whole Moyers show. Please mobilize your networks to pressure congress not to listen to the health care industry’s lobby but to give us viable public option or single payer NOW.
------ Forwarded Message
From: Michael Moore <maillist@michaelmoore.com>
Reply-To: Michael Moore <maillist@michaelmoore.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 20:57:56 -0400
To: Ellen Bierhorst <ellenbierhorst@lloydhouse.com>
Subject: Bill Moyers Show Tonight Reveals Insurance Lobby's Secret Plan to Attack 'Sicko' and Michael Moore
Bill Moyers Show (last Friday) Reveals Insurance Lobby's Secret Plan to Attack 'Sicko' and Michael Moore
Friday, July 10th, 2009
ALERT: We've just been informed that Bill Moyers, on his show on 7/10, will expose for the first time the health insurance industry's secret campaign against Michael Moore and his film, "Sicko." It contains a stunning revelation and admission by a top health insurance executive -- the former head of publicity for CIGNA, one of the top health insurance companies in the country -- that the disinformation and attacks on Michael and the film were extensive and well-planned. Their job was to stop the movie from reaching a wide audience (and, more importantly, from having the widespread political impact the industry feared "Sicko" would have).
Wendell Potter, former Head of Corporate Communications at CIGNA (which provides health insurance to nearly 70 percent of the Fortune 100 companies) admits that, in fact, "Sicko" "hit the nail on the head" and told the real truth about how much better people in other countries have it when it comes to their health care.
The show was broadcast Friday (7/10) at 9:00 PM on PBS.
You can watch it online : their website has the full show soon:
Finally, the truth comes out. From one of their own. Amazing.
Yours truly, Webmaster
MichaelMoore.com <http://www.michaelmoore.com/>
Repeated: Blood Drive for Health Care Reform
- The Lloyd House team to support the president’s drive to get health care reform legislation through the congress this summer (before the summer recess that starts July 31) met and decided our service project would be a blood drive through Hoxworth blood bank. The service will be to promote blood donation in our name (Cincinnati Groundswell for Health Care Reform) and the aim is to increase the numbers of folks calling their representatives in Washington asking to control rising health care costs, guarantee choice of doctor, and assure high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans. We also hope to gather more volunteers willing to support this campaign by making phone calls, knocking on doors, writing letters to the media, etc. etc.
We would like to gather 100 blood donors in the next two weeks, and more in the weeks to follow. We’d like this to not only save lives but also to attract public attention for our purpose.
What can YOU do?
Write letters to the editor, e.g. enquirer: http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/EDIT0202/302160003
Go to http://my.barackobama.com and create an account; (2 minutes) then follow suggestions to volunteer, to attend events, to host an event. They walk you through. It’s easy and fun.
Tell everyone you know that it is important to stop the hemorrhage of our society through a broken health care system. Yes we can get meaningful progress this summer if we mount a groundswell effort to defeat the “no change” effort of the powerful health insurance industry lobby.
Give blood! Tell the person at the registration at Hoxworth that you are donating for “cincinnati Groundswell for Health Care Reform”. 513 451 0910 for centers near you and to make an appointment.
Return address
100 Main Street
Anywhere, US 10000
- June 9, 2009
The Honorable Congressperson
(Room #) (Name) House/Senate Office Building
United States Senate/House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20510
SEND VIA FAX or email. (snail mail is delayed for security checks.)
Dear Senator/Representative:
As one of your constituents, I urge you to support President Obama’s efforts to reform healthcare. If we don’t enact change, millions of Americans will continue to suffer under a broken system. My story illustrates the urgency of the situation. {INSERT PERSONAL STORY HERE, IF RELEVANT.}
In seeking your support, I understand that no specific bill or legislation is yet under consideration. I realize that this enormous challenge has no easy solution. And I realize that no one has all the answers. I certainly don’t. But there are a few non-negotiable points, I ask you to consider. One, any plan must reduce costs. Many are asked to pay thousands of dollars a month just for basic insurance coverage. Others can’t afford life-saving medication or treatment. Two, any plan must allow patients some reasonable measure of choice in their coverage and their medical provider. Some are satisfied with their present coverage. Why force them to change it? Three, and most importantly, any plan must be available to all Americans. Because of pre-existing conditions, many Americans are uninsurable, yet have incomes that make them ineligible for Medicaid. We must create a plan of public health insurance to operate alongside the private plans.
Healthcare reform is a moral decision. At this moment in history, modern medicine gives us the ability to extend, enrich, and preserve human life like never before. Yet countless of us are denied the fruits of this progress by an inability to pay or a lack of access. At the same time, millions –– perhaps even billions –– of dollars go to waste in our present, inefficient system. We have talked a long time about change. The time for that change is now.
Your name here
Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH) Class I
phone (202) 224-2315 Fax (202)228-6321 Web Form: brown.senate.gov/contact/
425 Walnut Street, Suite 2310
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
p (513) 684-1021
f (513) 684-1029
Toll Free 1-888-896-OHIO (6446)
Voinovich, George V. - (R - OH) Class III
phone (202) 224-3353 Fax: (513) 684-3269
Web Form: voinovich.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact....
Senator Jim Bunning, Kentucky Senator
District 4 - Ft. Wright (Main State Office)
1717 Dixie Highway, Suite 220
Ft. Wright, KY 41011
Main: 859-341-2602
Fax: 859.331.7445
Toll free: 1-800-283-8983 Web Form http://bunning.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm
Senator Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Senator
1885 Dixie Highway
Suite 345
Fort Wright, KY 41011
Phone: (859) 578-0188 Fax: (202) 224-2499 Web Form mcconnell.senate.gov/contact_form.cfm -
Jean Schmidt 2nd Congressional District
8044 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45236
Phone (513)791-0381 Fax: (513) 791-1696 www.house.gov/schmidt/contact.shtml
Steve Driehaus First Congressional District
441 Vine St. 3003 Carew Twr., Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone (513)684-2723 Fax: (513) 421-8722 https://forms.house.gov/driehaus/contact-form.shtml
John H. Boehner 8th Congressional District
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd. B, West Chester, OH 45069
Phone (513)779-5400 Fax (513) 779-5315 http://johnboehner.house.gov. <http://johnboehner.house.gov>
Geoff Davis, 4th Congressional District Kentucky
Fort Mitchell District Office
300 Buttermilk Pike, Suite 314
Fort Mitchell, KY 41017
(859) 426-0080 phone
(859) 426-0061 fax http://geoffdavis.house.gov/Contact/
(Our thanks to Joan Friedland for correcting the mistakes in this contact list and for adding the fax numbers!)
I attended the Lloyd house salon a few weeks ago while you were out of town as friends and I are exploring starting a salon in the north east area outside the city. I write to share some news of iran that I learned last night that I thought your salon might be interested in. I saw Joan Baez last night in Dayton and my friend Kathy who does international relief work was with us. Baez dedicated Joe Hill to the people of Iran who though the papers no longer carry the stories, continue their struggle. After the concert Kathy shared with us that her contacts in Iran had their offices raided last week. They got a message to her to say they had been raided and were being coerced into taking a pledge to the government which they refused to take. They have disappeared and no one had heard from them since. Kathy thinks it likely they have been arrested and jailed. She told us that while our media has dropped the story, the BBC continues to cover what is happening in Iran via phone messaging from contacts there. The embassy was raided and shut down. I don’t know what we can do for our brothers and sisters there. Certainly we can start with prayer. I think of the struggle to free Nelson Mandela that went on for years but people around the globe stood for what was right until the government had to listen. Please let me know if those in your salon have further information or know of actions to support the people of Iran.
Carol Mitchell
Shirley Reischman, a Libertarian and a smart good person and my revered homeopath sends this on LIBERTARIANISM:
Hi Ellen,
Here’s a really good page with links to quick and easy libertarian concepts. http://www.libertarianism.com/index.html
SECTION FOUR: Book, Film, Theater, TV, Music, Restaurant Reviews
Please send us notes of what you are reading or seeing. It’s entirely up to the readers to make this section interesting. We want to know what is turning you on!
( This is a charming group of poems telling a family history repleat with tragedy, tears, beauty. Valerie is a marvelous local woman, teaches at Women Writing for (a) Change. Ellen)
Valerie Chronis Bickett
With Support of an Individual Artist's Grant from the City of Cincinnati
PUBLISHER: Athanasia Unlimited
PRINTER: Thomson-Shore
ISBN: 978-0-615-26725-8
To See Cover: http://home.fuse.net/vcb/ <http://home.fuse.net/vcb/>
$13.00 + .85 (tax) + 2.38 (media mail)
Reading and Book Signing, September 8th, 6 PM, Northside Library
SECTION FIVE: Tri-State Treasures by Jim Kesner
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net.
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
Stop Ad Flier Littering: I walk to & from work, 2 miles each way. It's great. During the walk, I pick up trash & recyclable litter. Recently, the ad flyer Shop Local Direct Values Your Weekly Personal Shopper had been systematically tossed towards private property, one house right after the other. These fliers, which litter neighborhoods & clog storm-water drains, didn’t include contact info. If you share my frustration with these unsolicited ad fliers being tossed on or towards your property: 1) Call the contact number on the flier & register your complaint. 2) If the flier doesn’t list contact info (contact for Shop Local Direct Values is 513.641.6509) & you live in the city, call the City of Cincinnati Customer Service Hotline at 513.591.6000; they will forward your complaint to the litter control officers. 3) Contact Cincinnati City Council members (www.cincinnati-oh.gov/council/pages/-4126-/) & urge them to amend the city Litter Code to 1) make it illegal to throw unsolicited materials on private property (it currently is legal) & 2) to require materials to include contact information (it currently is not required).
Artists' House & Studios for rent: Recently remodeled 5-room 2-story house, perfect live-in studio, large kitchen & private side yard, washer & dryer hookup, central AC. $500+utilities/month. Also, 2 art studio spaces with very high ceilings, natural light, central AC; a 1200 square feet space & a 3600 square feet space that can be shared or sub-divided into 3 spaces. $4-4.50/square feet/year. House & studios are in the Camp Washington Art District, close to UC & downtown. More info from Diann (D&B Realty) @ 513.699.6210.
Crimes of the Heart [Wednesdays-Sundays 5-23 August @ 8 PM (Wed-Sat) & 2 & 7 PM (Sun*)]: In Hazlehurst, Mississippi, the 3 Magrath sisters have gathered to await news of their dying grandfather. At 30, Lenny is unmarried & facing diminishing prospects, Meg is back after a failed singing career on the West Coast & Babe is out on bail, having shot her husband. Despite their grave yet, somehow hilarious troubles, they escape the past to seize their future. Winner of the 1981 Pulitzer Prize. *Only 2 PM show Sun 23 Aug. Tickets are $17 for adults, $16 for seniors & students. At the Showboat Majestic, 435 East Mehring Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.241.6550 & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
[Thursday 6 August @ 7:30 PM]: Tickets are $7; Jazz Club Members, CCM & SCPA Students are free. Free parking. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.6789, waltb31@gmail.com & www.theredmoor.com.
Positively Ninety - Interviews with Lively Nonagenarians - photography exhibit [Friday 7 August @ 6-8 PM]: An inspiring exhibit of photographs & writings about the amazing vitality of 28 nonagenarians by Connie Springer, writer & photographer. Exhibit runs thru Thursday 3 September. At Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road, Anderson Township, OH 45230. More info @ 513.688.8400 & larkspur@fuse.net. Enquirer article @ http://rodeo.cincinnati.com/getlocal/gpstory.aspx?id=100134&sid=151892.
Art on the Levee - opening reception [Friday 7 August @ 6-9 PM]: Chandelier Garden by Susan Mahan & Allison Sanders. Susan creates collages by painting, etching & block printing onto fabric & then cutting it into shapes that are assembled onto stretched canvas. The intricate details of her whimsical glimpses of nature’s beauty intrigue & invite viewers for a closer look. Allison’s work couldn’t be more different, yet is perfectly complementary, with 3-D steel & glass chandeliers that are as graceful & delightful as Susan’s collages. Adorned with stained glass, glass beads & chandelier prisms, the wire sculptures are a surprising combination of media that also invite inspection & discussion. At the reception, meet Susan & Allison while enjoying live music, food & art. Stonebrook Winery, located inside the Gallery, will be hosting a wine tasting. At Art on the Levee, inside the Gallery Building by the AMC ticket booth on Riverwalk Level, 1 Levee Way, Newport, KY 41071. More info @ 859.261.5770, artonthelevee@gmail.com & www.artonthelevee.com/Upcoming%20events.htm.
Michael Wilson: Photographs From & For... Heads Bowed Eyes Closed, No One Looking Around [thru Friday 7 August]: An exhibition of never-before exhibited photographs by the celebrated Cincinnati photographer Michael Wilson, made in the early 1980s for his 1st self-published book. These are small, vintage, black & white silver prints, accompanied by excepts of Wilson's poetic writing. The exhibition compliments the artist's mid-career retrospective at the Aronoff Center's Weston Gallery. Curated by William Messer at the inimitable Iris BookCafe in Over-the-Rhine, exhibiting local artists & serving local food, including Myra's soups, Shadeau breads, Coffee Emporium coffee, Essencha teas & Aglamesis ice cream. Plus thousands of books, CDs, vinyl & now films on DVD for rent. At Iris BookCafe, 1331 Main Street, OTR, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.381.BOOKS.
Holy Cross Immaculata Festival [Friday-Saturday 7-8 August @ 5:30 - midnight]: Bands are Chrome (7 Aug) & The Modulators (8 Aug). Casino, silent auction, fast food, booths, happy hour prices 5:30-7 PM. Kids Alley & Adams Rib Dinner on 8 Aug. Reverse Raffle; last ticket drawn wins $10,000; only 500 tickets sold. At 30 Guido Street, Mt Adams, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & raffle tix @ 513.721.6544, holymac30@fuse.net & www.hciparish.org.
Reiki 1 [Saturday 8 August @ 9:30 AM - 4 PM]: Learn this elegant & effective Japanese relaxation & stress reduction technique with Marion Corbin-Mayer, MA/RMT. Includes lecture, attunement & lots of practice (8.5 CNE). Certificate awarded at the end of day. Reiki 1, $125; reservations + $50 deposit required. At Creative Catalysts, Studio #231, Essex Studios, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.368.1994 & www.creativecatalysts.net.
One day Meditation Course for Beginners [Saturday 8 August @ 10 AM - 5 PM]: In a world of distractions, meditation is an effective technique to train the mind to remain peaceful & uninterrupted in a stable state of 1-pointed concentration over an extended period of time. Suggested donation:$25. Lunch & drinks offered. Gaden Samdrupling Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. Register @ 513.385.7116. More info @ gsl@ganden.org, www.facebook.com & www.gadenusa.org.
Permaculture Workshops [Saturday 8 August @ 9:30 AM - 4 PM]: This workshop topic will be water & how to plan for the best use of all your water resources to maintain yourself & your gardens. $65 includes lunch & optional tour of Grailville's constructed wastewater treatment wetland. At Grailville Retreat Center, 932 O'bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info & registration @ 513-683-2340 & www.grailville.org.
Saturday Night Movies on Fountain Square: Antz (7:30) & Spiderman (9:30) [Saturday 8 August]: Bring your blankets, chairs & pillows to the Square every Saturday night thru 12 September for 2 free movies on the giant LED Board. Adult beverages, soft drinks & movie snacks available for purchase. Concessions will include Skyline, Graeter’s & kettle corn. No outside alcohol, glass containers or pets. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble & Toyota. At Fountain Square, 5th & Vine Streets, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. Schedule & more info @ www.myfountainsquare.com/movies.
Stress & You [Saturday 8 August @ 12:30 PM]: Learn how to beat stress naturally with techniques & diet. Free. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic & Advanced Clinical Nutrition, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com.
Cincinnati Yoga School Yard Sale [Saturday 8 Aug @ 8 AM - 1 PM]: The Cincinnati Yoga School is holding their 1st annual yard sale. All proceeds go to the CYS sponsored Austin Wright Memorial School in Chandigarh, India. This school serves children of the schedule caste (historically referred to as "untouchables"). The curriculum focuses on virtue, the innate capacity, power & nobility of the soul, peace in dignity & faith in perseverance. At Cincinnati Yoga School, 6125 Ridge Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.247.9642, info@cincyoga.com & www.cincyoga.com.
Canning 101 [Saturdays 8 August, 12 September & 10 October @ 10 AM]: Gretchen Vaughn of Greensleeves Farm discusses topics including planning for family needs, basic tools, recipes & local resources. RSVP @ greensleevesfarm@gmail.com. Seating is limited to 25. At Park+Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Camera Obscura - opening [thru Saturday 8 August]: Half of Prairie has been converted into a walk-in camera obscura which artists Peiter Griga, Andrea Millette, Laura Fisher, Josh Pfeifer, Aaron Walker, Phil Spangler & Jess Linz have used to make photography, video & installation works. This work along with the camera itself, will be on view at the opening. At Prairie, 4035 Hamilton Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.557.3819, info@prairiecincinnati.com, www.prairiecincinnati.com & www.cincinnatikidsview.com.
Superheroes Rise Up [thru Saturday 8 August]: An art exhibition developed by artists from Visionaries & Voices & Redtree Gallery with a theme that revolves around iconic images of classic & modern Superheroes. Since Superman’s debut in 1938, many superheroes have been created & written into comic books that have crossed over into TV & film, inspiring generations with their physical strength & good morals to do well & be better humans. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 3210 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733 & coreymarierandall@gmail.com.
Hueston Sailing Association’s 4th Annual Sailing School [Saturday 8 August @ 12-4 PM & Sunday 30 August @ 12-4 PM]: Learn to sail. School is a 2-day event & will include both on & off water instruction in rigging, launching & sailing a sailboat. HSA will provide instructors, boats & lifejackets. $30 per person; free for members. Class size is limited. More info @ 937.499.4343, 937.687.1049, midview@wildblue.net & www.huestonsailing.com.
Babywearing Bliss [Sunday 9 August @ 2 PM]: A free workshop on safely & comfortably carrying a baby from birth thru toddler years. The 2nd Sunday of each month. Megan Seaman-Kossmeyer, co-leader of the Cincinnati chapter of Attachment Parenting International, facilitates this monthly exchange. Experiment & ask questions about the different kinds of carriers (wraps, ring slings, pouches, mei tais & soft-structured). Browse their selection after the class. At Park+Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Dining in the Gardens [Sunday 9 August @ 6-9 PM]: Featuring Mark Medcalf, chef owner of the Veg Head. The menu will be determined by what is ready to harvest in the gardens. Guests will participate in every aspect of the meal from harvesting, cleaning & preparing the food to setting the table & picking bouquets to cleaning up afterward. Suggested donation is $15 per person; children under 5 are free. Seating is limited, so register early. At Granny's Garden School, 550 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info & registration @ 513.324.2873, schoolgarden@fuse.net & www.grannysgardenschool.com.
Park + Vine Eco Book Club [Monday 10 August @ 6 PM]: Discuss “The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply” by Vandana Shiva with others interested in reading books about the fate of our planet. Receive 10% off this & other selected titles. RSVP to Lee Ann @ coffeelaw1@aol.com. Next up: “Paper or Plastic: Searching for Solutions to an Overpackaged World” by Daniel Imhoff (Sep 14) & “The Economics of Waste” by Richard C. Porter (Oct 12). At Park+Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra Summer Concert [Tuesday 11 August @ 7 PM]: This year's concert theme is "On the Streets of New York." A wide variety of music will be performed by The Cincinnati Metropolitan orchestra, joined by the CMO vocal ensemble. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs for a musical evening outdoors. Free. Rain location nearby. At Tower Park, 950 South Fort Thomas Avenue, Fort Thomas, KY 41075. More info @ 513.941.8956 & www.GOCMO.org.
Hawaiian Huna: Tools for Living in Harmony with Yourself & Your World [Wednesdays 12 & 26 August @ 7-9 PM]: Explore the philosophies & practices of Hawaiian Huna, the way of the adventurer. Over the course of 6 sessions, you’ll discuss the Huna interpretation of the body, mind & spirit & explore ways to understand & interact with each. You’ll investigate the 7 principles of Huna which include awareness, freedom, focus, presence, love, confidence & effectiveness; & you’ll practice techniques for living these principles in everyday life. Sessions will include Hawaiian philosophy, active meditation techniques, working with nature, Hawaiian breathing techniques (piko piko), Polynesian “energy healing” & more. Material for this series is based on the work of the highly acclaimed Huna teacher & author, Serge Kahili King. Learn the gentle, harmonizing ways of Hawaiian Huna. $30 per session. At Moye Spiritual Life Center, 1000 St. Anne Drive, Melbourne, KY 41059. More info @ 859.441.0700 ext 327 & www.practicalwellness.org.
Friends of the Public Library End-of-Summer Book Sale [Wednesday-Sunday 12-16 August]: At Friends Warehouse, 8456 Vine Street, Hartwell, OH. More info @ 513.369.6035 & friendsofplch1@fuse.net.
Assumption Picnic [Friday 14 August @ 5:30 PM]: One of the most spectacular views of the Ohio river, on both sides of the bend, just off I-275. Added allure, the upcoming Alliance soccer teams will meet for their 1st encounter. Bring family & friends of all ages. Weston Shelter, Parky's Wetland Adventure wet playground at Woodland Mound Park, 8250 Old Kellogg Road off Nordyke Road, Cincinnati, OH 45255. More info @ www.greatparks.org/parks/woodlandmound.htm, www.france-cincinnati.com/af/Menus_AF.htm & http://francaisdecincinnati.forumactif.net/.
Nude in Contemporary Art - opening reception [Friday 14 August @ 6-9 PM]: Manifest Gallery presents its 1st Annual N U D E International Competitive Exhibit, exploring the uncovered human form in current art. Manifest invited artists to submit works in any medium, any style or genre, & of any size. Over 600 works were submitted by 265 artists. The resulting juried exhibit consists of 25 diverse works by 20 artists from 13 states & 3 countries. Refreshments will be served. The exhibit runs thru Friday 11 September. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.861.3638, jason@manifestgallery.org & www.manifestgallery.org.
The Who’s Tommy [Friday 14-15 August @ 8 PM]: Peter Townshend’s tale of a young boy’s journey from pain to triumph may be the most electrifying evenings of rock & roll ever to play in a theatre. The classic '60s rock opera by The Who was translated to the stage as a high-energy, one-of-a-kind theatrical event. Tickets are $15. At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info & tix @ 513.241.6550 & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
8th Annual Gala of International Dance Stars [Saturday 15 August @ 8 PM]: Featuring the best dancers from the best companies & the best choreography in the world, this year’s Gala will astonish & amaze the audience with the artistry & athleticism of the dancers, the diversity of the cast, dance styles & music, & will bring them to their feet in rousing standing ovations. Tickets are $42-62. Register to win a pair of free VIP tickets @ www.ballettechcincinnati.org/contestentry.htm. At Aronoff Center P&G Hall, 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.621.2787 & www.ballettechcincinnati.org/2008-2009/2009Gala/gala2009.html.
Healthy Family Eating [Saturday 15 August @ 12:30 PM]: Learn what foods are healthiest for your family, how food affects your body & how to eat healthy on a budget. Free. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic & Advanced Clinical Nutrition, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com.
Inside Out: New Glass Work by Hiroshi Yamano [thru Saturday 15 August]: View stunning works in glass by Japanese master, Hiroshi Yamano. Yamano's signature sculpture incorporate glass blowing, hand cutting, polishing, sculpting, engraving & applications of copper & silver leaf. Free. At Marta Hewett Gallery (2nd floor), 656 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.281.2780, marta@martahewett.com & www.martahewett.com.
Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra Outdoor Summer Concert Series [Tuesday 18 August @ 7 PM]: This year's concert theme is "On the Streets of New York." A wide variety of music will be performed by The Cincinnati Metropolitan orchestra, joined by the CMO vocal ensemble. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs for a musical evening outdoors. Free. Rain location nearby. At Presidents Park 281 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017. More info @ 513.941.8956 & www.GOCMO.org.
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Fun Ecstatic Dance of the Heart [Sundays @ 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM]: You are invited to an experience of Community: Fun freestyle dancing based loosely on Gabrielle Roth's 5 rhythm wave dances. Live & recorded music. Bring your drums, rattles & shakers. Wear comfortable casual clothes & bring your own water for hydration. Be still or dance a jig or sweat your prayers. Enjoy community. Presented by Grace In Motion. Sliding scale of $7-10. At Grailville's Oratory (the beautiful big barn), 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info at 513.729.7074 & graceinmotion@hotmail.com.
Earth 2009 [thru Saturday 22 August]: A multi-media art exhibit that uses, celebrates & comments on our home planet is featured in the galleries & on the grounds. Free. At Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278, www.kennedyarts.org & www.kennedyarts.com.
Mimockery - art exhibit [thru Wednesday 26 August]: Artists Jules Itzkoff & Robby Burgess explore the ideas of Mimockery, a system where nature imitates technology. The artists have collaborated on 10 mixed media paintings, each depicting different mimockratic traits & philosophies, from perennial super models to flowering hypertext. At Park+Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Artists' Books on Display [thru 31 August]: Two exhibits of books created by artists are on display: Bookworks 10, the annual exhibit of regional artists' books sponsored by the Cincinnati Book Arts Society, & More Than Words: The Book as Art, the Keith Kuhn Memorial Artists' Book Exhibit. Presented by the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County. Free. At the Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ www.cincinnatilibrary.org.
Significant Books - annual sale [thru 31 August @ 10 AM - 6 PM Mon-Sat]: One of our few independent bookstores in Cincinnati is having their once-a-year-sale. Month of August = 50% off all books. At Significant Books, 3053 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.7567.
The Artist's Way Intensive [Tuesdays 21 July thru 1 September @ 7-9 PM]: Wish you were more creative? Explore Julia Cameron's award-winning book. Invest 7 weeks to identify & blast thru your blocks to a creative life. Marion Corbin-Mayer has taught this material since 1998 & has witnessed its positive effect on people's lives. No "talent" required, only an open mind & a desire to shift your thinking. $15 per session or $95 for series of 7. Space limited to 10; reservations required. At Creative Catalysts, Studio #231, Essex Studios, 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.368.1994 & www.creativecatalysts.net.
Can't Win For Losing - art exhibit [thru Sunday 13 September]: NVISION hosts a large mixed media group art exhibition encompassing the shop's 2 floors. Featured artists include Eric Lee Cope, Tony Frisell, CT King, Marty Vincent, Mercedes Roling, Nina Wright & Ryan P. Young, showing a variety of prints, graffiti art, photography, found object art & fashion design. Free. At NVISION, 4577 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.542.4577 & http://nvisionshop.com.
Grailville New Veggies Garden Volunteer Day [last Saturday of each month thru October @ 9 AM - Noon]: Learn about gardening for your backyard while volunteering in Grailville’s kitchen garden, where produce is grown to serve guests of the Grailville Retreat Center. This 60-year-old kitchen garden has been organically certified since 1992. No experience needed; help for a day or for the season. Volunteers are welcome to come on other days, too. Bring gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, gardening footwear & mid-morning snack if you wish. They'll provide tools. In case of severe weather, volunteer day will be cancelled. Grailville’s Garden Volunteer Days project is part of Granny's Backyard Family Garden Project (see above). At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info, monthly topics & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, ml.grailville@fuse.net & www.grailville.org.
Architrecks Guided Walking Tours of Cincinnati [thru October]: Enjoy award-winning, pedestrian-friendly tours of interesting Cincinnati neighborhoods & their rich history. Venues include Downtown, Mt Adams, Over the Rhine, Findlay Market/Brewery District, Clifton & Northside/Cumminsville. Tours are led by trained guides. All proceeds benefit the Cincinnati Preservation Association. More info & fees @ 513.721.4506, info@cincinnatipreservation.org & www.cincinnatipreservation.org/architreks.
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner
Submit Tri-State Treasures or request addresses to be added or removed from the list by emailing jkesner@nuvox.net; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given or sold without explicit permission.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; send submissions as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
Please submit your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will greatly help me & enhance the probability your item will be included:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10 PM]: The first & best film festival in Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films... Presented by Flicks Я Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com & www.filmfestival.com.
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