at and we will discuss how grass roots work can defeat the huge lobby force of health insurance companies/medical equipment manufacturers/pharmaceutical companies that want this ridiculous system as is to continue. Come join us and help. ellen
Dennis, Janet, Alan, Carolyn, Mira Paul, Spencer, Ginger. (in background leaning over the salad, Mr. G.)
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every Wednesday of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
eighth year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday this week:
Dennis Kinsley, Janet Kalven, Mr. G., Mira Rodwan, Ellen Bierhorst, Spencer Konicov, Alan Jozwiak, Paul Valerius, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Brooke Audreyal
Preamble read by:
Janet’s 96th birthday
Health Care on Diane Rehm.
Janet and Dennis’ hearing loss. Gary is borderline. Multiple speakers’ problem.
Dennis introduced his Russian wine.
Dan Hershey is ailing. Send cards; make calls.
“Food Inc” at the Med School auditorium, Kresge, corner Eden and Sabin. Hugely important documentary. 4:30 tomorrow Thurs 21 May.
Mira: announcement. 2 wks ago there was a big sing along for Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday. We will have one here at St John’s on May 30.
Marriage and divorce, healing and pain
Single payor health care
Pedophilia of priests
Single payer health care
The president’s position on what to do with the detainees from Guantannamo
“Physicians for a National health Care program” founder on the show. Dr Himmelstein.
Roger Hickey: Campaign for America’s Future
Himmelstein: every American would have health insurance paid for by taxes, like Medicare expanded to cover all Americans. We’d still have private hospitals and physicians. Paying for health care would no longer be a problem for any American.
Susan Dethert (sp?) of Lehrer news hour health affairs: things that have prevented this. We have a tradition to have employers pay for health insurance since WWII. A private insurance interest group is very powerful and large. Now we have 50 million uninsured.
Roger Hickey: single payer would be much more efficient. Canada, England and other countries have it. In the US there would be some form of reform, but there will probably be a public insurance option. With that, people could keep their private insurance, but others could choose a public insurance.
Diane: what about the savings of the Single Payer system.
Roger: We could save up to a trillion dollars over next ten years if we had a choice type option.
But 400 billion each year savings in bureaucracy could be saved by single payer plan... Much much larger, enough to pay for insurance for all the uninsured. The public option savings were only 9% of what you’d save with single payer.
The private health care insurance industry costs hugely...
Diane the Pres. Says that if we were starting from scratch, he’d prefer a single payer plan.
Bernie Sanders: Sen from Vermont. I support single payer, administered by each state. We are running out of options. The uninsured, the underinsured. 60 people die each day because of inadequate insurance... Bad job on disease prevention.
All the evidence suggests that single payer system is the most cost effect way to get comprehensive care for everyone.
My proposed bill ... Ends absurd processing costs and huge profiteering of the health insurance companies.
Chances of passage: the medical lobbyists are companies, medical equipment companies, drug companies. However, more and more americans want single payer system.
The insurance companies would go out of business. We would retrain people to make a positive transition. ...
I would like as a compromise for Medicare type program to be available for everyone over 40 or any age.
Diane there is no other plan proposed that would have this kind of savings. What could be done to convince congress that this is what we should do?
Roger: we need an outcry of public pressure. Most physicians prefer it...
Sen Shimmer has a compromise plan with a public option ; no public subsidy for the public option. Medicare is heavily subsidized. People look at Medicare’s track record... It is in financial trouble. Schimmer’s plan prevents the new plan from adding to that liability.
We just heard that it was impossible to get single payer passed. Long New Yorker magazine article on the evolution of national insurance plans. Always built on whatever was there before. Always accidental. In England, it was WWII and the fact that they had to build many facilities to deal with war casualties, so all hospitals are owned and run by the gov’t.
In Canada, it is sales tax that pays insurance and the doctors are independent; they negotiate the drugs that are paid for in ... Hospitals are independent and private.
Ginger: the British system builds on a class system. There are private “Harley Street” doctors that are outside of the National Health care system.
Spencer That’s a small number for the ultra rich.... My father got sick in Liverpool in 1980 and went to the dr and was treated for free.
Carolyn I know someone who had an accident in Scotland and she got excellent care for free.
Ginger: I know I had to pay for the meds... But whatever I was charged was very little. ... A friend in Germany tells me that they are trimming fat more and more. Disallowing more things; more complicated paperwork.
... I am in favor of single payer.
Ellen Like Don Rucknagle of the Single Payer Action Network, I believe that the Obama choice plan will ultimately mean that the public option will grow and shut out the private insurance companies. So the choice plan of Obama is best because more palatable than the single payer plan, and would eventuate in the same thing.
Spencer: during the second World War, when enemy combatants were brought to this country and imprisoned. They worked on farms.
Dennis: these are a different breed. There is a federal pen. In Iowa or Montana that is waiting and empty.
Spencer: there has never been an escape from a federal pen.
Dennis we pay rent for the space at Guantanamo Bay. It would be cheaper to put them in Montana. ... I don’t see why we should delay.
Spencer it is the blatant lies of the Republicans.
Dennis: I don’t care what the Republicans say.
Alan: why was this fed facility in Montana created and why is it not being used?
Dennis: about convictions in fed courts. We are not getting of as many convictions as anticipated.
Spencer: the problem is that they claimed that since it was outside the US, the constitution does not apply. If they are enemy combatants, they should be treated as any other POW. And have to prove that they are enemy combatants. If they are they should be held until the end of the hostilities.
Ginger: are we saying we don’t know why they aren’t being moved to the Montana facility?
Spencer Congress has asked for clarification of Obama’s policy; he hasn’t announced it yet.
Ginger: when we do what we have done in Iraq (which is wrong) then they hate us greatly and we create “enemies” like this.
Spencer: so if we are a country of law we should act like it.
Dennis: are we reluctant to send these people back to their countries of origin?
Mira I think we should invite their families to come visit them. They have been there for 8 years, some of them. Then maybe the could go home. Yes they could still be considered a threat, but there is never any insurance of no danger from anyone, like this soldier who killed 5 of his fellow soldiers.
Dennis: there should be a trial for them.
Ginger: if they are on US soil then they might be subject to different rules of jurisprudence.
Paul are they all from Iraq?
Spencer no they are Muslims from various countries.
Dennis: my impression that the previous administration’s friendly journalists are suggesting that they have some rights that we have never given to POWs.
I don’t understand the issue. If no one wants these people...
Alan with the War on Terror you never have an end to hostilities, just ebb and flow.
Spencer: we need to look at them individually. Were they just bounty hunter’s turn-ins? Or were they terrorists?
Brooke if we have not declared war on any country then there cannot be POWs, so they should be given trials.
Mira: don’t we believe that there may be some who are innocent?
(general table: yes)
Alan: we don’t want trials because some of them have been held with no evidence, and we’ look really bad to have this come to light.
... It is a political hot potato.
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
The UC, Department of Environmental Health is sponsoring a prescreening of the documentary Food Inc.
Our auditorium only holds 650 people, however with the interest that we are receiving throughout Cincinnati, the movie will now be released at the Esquire Theatre in Clifton on July 10th.
This movie is done by the same folks who put together An Inconvenient Truth and Charlie Wilson’s War. More information on Food, Inc can be found at . A trailer can be seen here ). The movie describes our food industry, and talks about the role (or lack of) USDA and FDA.
Our greatest natural resource is
the minds of our children." Walt Disney
"Bad Winter Party"
May 29th.Friday.
"Bad Winter Party" to benefit
TheHeartOfTheMind Entertainment Sanctuary (this is Rich Barthwick’s old Church building just over the Hopple St Viaduct off Westwood Northern. Sure to be a great time. Ellen) 1625 Baltimore Ave.
Bands include
The Electric Generals...........New Band
OKay Lindon
Spirit and Son...............Tribal, rockin, medetative, groove ---------- shake it up!
$5 donation at the door. Probably start at 8:30pm with 1/2 hour of drumming.
Rich Spirit Borthwick
10,000 drummers, hands a blazin
- Come for another fabulous Lloyd House monthly drumming circle! (always last Tuesday of the month)
Non-threatening. Zero tolerance for perfectionism. Friendly.
Bring snack if yu like. We get off!
Will probably be on the veranda... Follow your nose through the dining room.
Park on Lafayette (after unloading drums )
Take shoes off at door.
Dancers and musicians of every ilk warmly encouraged to come.
back: don, rich
middle: laura, Jackie, Crol, Jerry, Jacques
Front: don, Margalit, Ellen, Don, Paul
- Come for another fabulous Lloyd House monthly drumming circle! (always last Tuesday of the month)
Non-threatening. Zero tolerance for perfectionism. Friendly.
Bring snack if yu like. We get off!
Will probably be on the veranda... Follow your nose through the dining room.
Park on Lafayette (after unloading drums )
Take shoes off at door.
Dancers and musicians of every ilk warmly encouraged to come.
back: don, rich
middle: laura, Jackie, Crol, Jerry, Jacques
Front: don, Margalit, Ellen, Don, Paul
Starts next Wednesday, 5/27...
I decided to extend the registration date of the Becoming Safely
Embodied workshop series to May 27. Would you mind putting the new
flyer in with your events. Thanks, Ed
(Ed is terrific. I am sure this will hugely reward your time and money.ellen)
Just a reminder to save the dates. If you want to take the weekend workshop for the discounted rate, you must sign up by this Friday 5/15.
Shirley Reischman
1st Chance to see Robert Moss...
Thursday, June 4, 7-9 pm
DIVINE DREAMING:Dreams in the History of Religions
Evening Lecture
Robert will explore the role of dreams and visions at the core of all religions, since the beginning of time.
Where: The Glendale New Church 845 Congress Avenue, Cinti. OH 45246
Cost: $20/person or $35/couple
For more information or to register, call 513.772-1478, email <>
2nd Chance to see Robert Moss...
Friday, June 5, 7pm
The Secret History of Dreaming
Book Talk and Signing
Robert will offer a FREE talk about his most recent book, The Secret History of Dreaming.
Where: Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Rookwood Pavilion
2692 Madison Road | Cincinnati, OH 45208
3rd Chance to see Robert Moss...
Sat June 6, 10-5 AND Sun June 7, 10-4
The Healing Power of Story
Weekend Workshop
What BIG Story is hunting you?
From dreams and shared journeys, spontaneous theatre and entertainments, youll harvest personal stories,
charged with energy and meaning, becoming author of your own life script!
Where: Women Writing for (a) Change, 6906 Plainfield Rd, Cinti, OH 45236
Cost: $225 before 5/15, $275 thereafter -- HURRY! Register now and SAVE $50!!
To register: Contact Robin at 513-659-3356 or <>
Who is Robert Moss?
Robert Moss is the pioneer of Active Dreaming, a fun and practical way to share dream stories. He was born in Australia, and his fascination with the dreamworlds dates from his childhood, when he survived three near-death experiences and first learned the ways of a traditional dreaming people through his friendship with Aborigines. He leads popular seminars all over the world and conducts a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming and a lively online dream school. He is also a bestselling novelist, journalist and independent scholar. He has been a professor of ancient history at the Australian National University, a syndicated columnist and a magazine editor. His seven books on dreaming include Conscious Dreaming, The Three "Only" Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination and The Secret History of Dreaming. His novels include The Firekeeper and Fire Along the Sky which bring alive the shamanic dream practices of the Iroquois. His website is <>
Ed Gutfreund gathers us in
The healing social life is found when in the mirror of each human soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the community the virtue of each one is living. - -Rudolf Steiner.
Once again, you are invited…
To an afternoon of music and community conversation…
I have arranged with the musical friends who performed for you in March to do music again for your inspiration and enjoyment. (Bobby Fisher, Steve Hayes, Mary Schulz, Jeff McLemore, Skip Kroner, Mark Davis, Mike Frick) The wonderful response to the March concert and community conversation prompted another this next event which may evolve to a seasonal gathering. So, mark your calendars for Sunday June 7, 4:00 pm. We will celebrate the beginning of Summer, with its picnic season and summer nights of community connections. I would like you to come and participate!
We will keep the format of three sets of music alternating with a community conversation based on the generous work of Peter Block’s A Small Group. I believe quality conversation is right up there with good music as a highly influential experience. This concert will be a chance for additional and different music. The conversations will offer you an opportunity to meet new people, to make connections, and to find ways to recognize, celebrate, and bring forth the positive possibilities available to you at this time. Many who attended in March told me they left grateful for what they exchanged with those in their small groups.
After a final set of music we will again share food and the conversations can continue. Please bring some easy finger food for the potluck.
I am looking forward to seeing friends again as well as new people who are interested in bringing their wisdom and hope to this feast of community. Please pass this email on to others who might want to participate in the joy of this gathering.
See you in a few weeks,
Ed Gutfreund
Date: Sunday, June 7.
Time: 4:00-6:00 or so. Donations will be accepted to cover expenses.
Place: St. Bernard Church Annex building
745 Derby Ave. (Spring Grove Village, formerly Winton Place.)
Cincinnati, OH 45232
Please RSVP to reserve a place. There is limited space for this event.
Email <> , or call 513-319-4432. Remember to bring a little food to share and something that makes a sound (shaker, keys, drum, your voice).
Support Health Care Reform... Sign petition to support Obama’s plan
Ellen --
Monday morning, an unlikely gathering of health care industry and union leaders emerged from the White House, announcing a historic agreement to lower medical costs and save the average family up to $2,500. This kind of broad coalition would have been unthinkable in the past, when the old politics of division and short-term self interest held sway. But this is a new day.
Yesterday afternoon, President Obama announced the three bedrock principles that any comprehensive health care reform must achieve: (1) reduce costs, (2) guarantee choice, and (3) ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. And he set a hard goal for getting it done by the end of this year.
For those determined to oppose reform, the President's announcement means lobbyists are already scrambling across D.C. For the rest of us, it means there's no time to lose. As we speak, Congress is negotiating the details for health care reform, so the first step is showing where the American people stand.
Please click below to sign a declaration of support urging Congress to follow President Obama's three core principles for health care reform -- and to enact them before the end of this year:
(The more signatures we have, the more powerful our message will be, so please add your name and then forward this note on to family and friends.)
The health care crisis is not new, but it's getting worse. For decades, real health care reform has been blocked by special interest lobbying and political point-scoring. We simply cannot go any further down this dangerous road of delay and denial. But we don't have to.
Yesterday's agreement marks only the beginning of the broad coalition we need. The most important reason this round of health care reform will be different is you. Last fall millions of regular people came together and did the impossible. Now, we've got to roll up our sleeves, join hands with those new to our movement, and do it again.
Congress is already hammering out the details of the health care package, and it could still go any number of ways. Our representatives need to understand that when the President lays out these three bedrock principles, Americans of every stripe are standing with him. Yesterday's diverse gathering was a powerful start -- and now it's up to us.
It's time to stand up. Please sign the declaration of support today:
Reducing costs, guaranteeing choice, and ensuring care for all are ambitious goals, but they are nothing less than what the American people deserve. And passing real health care reform this year is nothing less than what the American people need.
Thank you,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
P.S. -- Here are some excerpts from the President's announcement yesterday that lay out the three principles for health care reform and why we need it this year. Please forward this note to people who want to know where the President stands.
In the coming weeks and months, Congress will be engaged in the difficult issue of how best to reform health care in America. I'm committed to building a transparent process where all views are welcome. But I'm also committed to ensuring that whatever plan we design upholds three basic principles: First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down; second, Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan they have, or to choose a new doctor or health care plan if they want it; and third, all Americans must have quality, affordable health care.
These are principles that I expect to see upheld in any comprehensive health care reform bill that's sent to my desk -- I mentioned it to the groups that were here today. It's reform that is an imperative for America's economic future, and reform that is a pillar of the new foundation we seek to build for our economy; reform that we can, must, and will achieve by the end of this year.
Ultimately, the debate about reducing costs -- and the larger debate about health care reform itself -- is not just about numbers; it's not just about forms or systems; it's about our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. And I understand that. As I've mentioned before during the course of the campaign, my mother passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. And in the last weeks of her life, when she was coming to grips with her own mortality and showing extraordinary courage just to get through each day, she was spending too much time worrying about whether her health insurance would cover her bills. So I know what it's like to see a loved one who is suffering, but also having to deal with a broken health care system. I know that pain is shared by millions of Americans all across this country.
And that's why I was committed to health care reform as a presidential candidate; that's why health care reform is a key priority to this presidency; that's why I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is finally achieved in the United States of America.
Summer Sublet at the Lloyd House
Available June 28
1 room with full size sleeping loft + regular bed (queen) , desk, rocker, closet. Share bathroom in hall just outside your door. Furnished. Share kitchen with 3 others; in the fabulous historic Lloyd House (see Derek will be away June 28 through Sept 24 and wants to keep his room here but doesn’t want to continue paying $360 house dues each month.
Person must be congenial (24-7 good vibes!), cooperative, and financially reliable. Call Derek: 513 505 2081
Hi there friends,
I have been “approved” by my instructor to give lessons now, and until my graduation on June 9 when I will be officially certified, I may not charge. That means FREE ALEXANDER LESSONS Now. I am eager to start doing lessons, so please call me to schedule a time and by all means tell your friends and family.
Thanks for your interest in this wonderful work.
Ellen Bierhorst, Ph.D. Holistic Psychologist ~~~513 221 1289~~~ The Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220
(See my pieces on wellness in my website ... Useful pieces about insomnia, eating disorder, visiting family at holidays, and the newest, how husbands fear their wives...etc.)
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
YOGA practice group at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Register now! Save $25 if you register by May 25. This is a national conference, located here this year. Great opportunity! ellen
Mark your calendar; Plan to attend; Ask for a brochure; Register these are the Powerful Dreamers. David Korten, et al.... Envision our world a different place...then see how you can bring it to being. ellen
June 12-14, 2009
Xavier University Cintas Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
EarthSpirit Rising: A Conference on Ecology,
Spirituality and Living Economies
examines economic models that are based on Earth's living systems.
highlights initiatives that support and expand local and regional production of food, energy, goods and services.
explores the cultural and spiritual dimensions of a transformation to living economies.
To register go here:
- Obama’s drug war chief says “end it”.
- give money to healthcare reform initiative
- Opposition to “Animal ID” by the FDA
- How healthy is soy?
<> Tell the drug czar to make good on his promise to banish the war on drugs. <> <>
Reading yesterday's Wall Street Journal, my jaw dropped. President Obama's drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, "wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting 'a war on drugs.'"
I want to believe, but I'm skeptical. Aren't you?
If you're like me, you're wary of politicians, especially those at the helm of the drug war.
But Kerlikowske is the first drug czar to acknowledge what you and I already know: the war on drugs is actually a war on people. This is a significant opening. So let's send the drug czar a message: give us results that live up to your promises. <>
I was just on Capitol Hill yesterday and listened as Attorney General Eric Holder called for reforming the unfair sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine.
This means the nation's top two drug war officials are both talking about reform. They now have an amazing opportunity to stop the self-censorship that has kept us from having a vigorous national debate on drug policy.
It's your dedicated efforts that have gotten us this far. Your letters, your faxes, your emails and phone calls... they're making a difference. We have started to shift the drug war paradigm.
But Kerlikowske needs to make good on his statements to the press. Until we see demonstrable results, we're not going to let up for even a moment. Real human lives hang in the balance.
You and I deserve a government that tells us the truth -- we won't settle for empty promises. Take action today to demand a real end to the war on drugs. <>
Thoughtfully yours,
Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance Network
Dear Ellen,
Thank you so much for your contribution of $25.00 to the healthcare campaign fund.
President Obama has laid out 3 principles for real healthcare reform: reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure quality, affordable care for every American.
You've just made a vital contribution towards making these principles a reality.
Special interest lobbyists will do everything in their power to mislead the public and scuttle reform, and it's up to us to break through the noise.
Please forward this note on to friends or family who might want to join you in funding this urgent campaign.
If we all do our part, we can win this.
I urge the USDA to withdraw its proposed rule to implement portions of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), Docket No. APHIS-2007-0096.
I am a consumer especially interested in protecting local farmers. I am a member of a dairy herdshare program and I buy my meat through a local farmers’ co-op. The proposed rule would kill these programs that mean so much to my family.
The proposed rule mandates the NAIS Premises Identification Number (PIN) as the sole means of identifying properties for USDA animal health purposes. The proposed rule also mandates the use of the NAIS numbering system (i.e. the "840 numbering system") for eartags using official animal identification numbers. Tags using other numbering systems would be required to be linked to a NAIS PIN.
The draft rule is seriously flawed for multiple reasons:
1) Does not substantiate the alleged benefits to animal health. USDA makes general claims about the benefits of identifying locations where animals are kept, but the agency does not address the ability of existing programs to meet this purpose, nor how the proposed rule would improve the capability to identify locations.
2) Ignores the costs and burdens. The proposed rule would substantially increase costs for livestock owners and taxpayers. Costs include the development and maintenance of a massive database; purchase of 840-numbered tags by animal owners; changes by state agencies to make existing programs consistent with the rule; and increased federal government intrusion into the lives and daily activities of farmers and other animal owners.
3) Violates individuals' religious beliefs. Amish, Mennonite, and some other individuals have religious objections to the universal numbering system under NAIS.
4) Creates disincentives for people to seek veterinary care for their animals and participate in existing disease control programs. The proposed rule lists four animal disease programs-tuberculosis , brucellosis, scrapie, and Johne's - and will also impact others. These programs include provisions for veterinary care through vaccinations and testing. Animal owners who object to NAIS may avoid participating in these programs, thereby increasing health risks to the public and farm operations.
5) Adds to the confusion. This rule is the latest in a series of ambiguous and often contradictory documents that the USDA has issued on NAIS. This has created enormous confusion over the intent of the USDA and problems for both animal owners and state agencies.
Moreover, the proposed rule is a significant step towards implementing the entire NAIS program. Thus, the agency should address the fundamental question of whether it should be implementing NAIS at all. In addition to the problems with the draft rule listed above, there are many additional objections to the entire NAIS program:
1) No significant benefits: USDA's assertions that NAIS will provide benefits for animal health are not supported, and actually contradict basic scientific principles.
2) High costs for animal owners and taxpayers: These costs include: (1) the development, maintenance, and update of massive databases; (2) the costs of tags, most of which will contain microchips; (3) the labor burdens for tagging every animal; (4) the paperwork burdens of reporting routine movements; and (5) the costs of enforcement on millions of individuals.
3) Impracticality: The databases to register the properties, identify each animal, and record billions of "events" will dwarf any system currently in existence.
4) Waste of money: The USDA has already spent over $130 million on NAIS implementation, but has yet to develop a workable plan for the program.
5) Diverts resources from more critical needs such as disease testing, disease prevention through vaccination and improved animal husbandry practices, and disease detection in currently uninspected livestock imports.
6) Damage to food safety efforts: NAIS will not prevent foodborne illnesses, such as e. coli or salmonella contamination, because the tracking ends at the time of slaughter. Food safety is better served by focusing on programs such as increased testing for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or Mad Cow), improved oversight of slaughterhouses and food processing facilities, and increased inspections of imported foods. Programs such as NAIS that burden small, sustainable farmers will hurt efforts to develop safer, decentralized local food systems.
7) Discourages involvement in farming or animal husbandry: Because of costs and government intrusion, some people will choose not to stay in farming or go into farming. This will result in less competition, greater reliance in foreign imports and poor quality at higher prices.
I urge the USDA to withdraw the proposed rule to implement portions of the National Animal Identification System, Docket No. APHIS-2007-0096.
Important article on soy products.
Shirley Reischman
Books,Movies, Reviews It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. and going to movies. What? Is it good? Ellen.............................................
Tri-State Treasures
I will be away for a few weeks, so have added additional items further out on the calendar. See you in June. Until then, Enjoy!!
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
Dreams & Their Interpretation [Thursdays 7, 14 & 21 May @ 7-9 PM]: You'll talk about your dreams, work on the images & symbols human subconsciouses are presenting, & open up the dreams to provide more support for growth. Lots of fun, since dreams are often full of jokes & puns. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 &
Pecha Kucha Night Cincinnati - Volume 02 [Friday 8 May @ 6:30 PM]: Pecha Kucha Night Cincinnati will feature designers, architects, artists, sculptors, poets, photographers & philosophers. Pecha Kucha (pronounced Peh-Chak-Cha) is a global phenomenon. It is a public forum for creative people to informally share their work & ideas. The name Pecha Kucha (loosely translated as "chit-chat") is the Japanese term for the sound of conversation. Each PK presentation follows a 20x20 format: 20 images & 20 seconds to describe each. The result is 6 minutes & 40 seconds of exquisitely matched words & images that transform presentations into compelling beat-the-clock performance art. Tickets are $10. Doors open @ 6PM (tickets at the door); Pecha Kucha presentations @ 6:30-8PM; discussion continues at Courtyard Cafe 8-10:30PM followed @ 10:30 by live music. At Art Academy of Cincinnati, 1212 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @
Food, Inc - film [Thursday 21 May @ 4:30 PM]: "Food, Inc. is to the food industry what An Inconvenient Truth was to global warming. Written by authors Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma) & Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), the film illuminates & exposes the food production system relative to corporate monopolies, government support and health & environmental risks. It alternates charming & frank slaughterhouse imagery to address issues ranging from factory farming, genetically modified crops, increased diabetes, illegal immigrant worker exploitation, e-Coli outbreaks, corn subsidies to reduce meat & fast-food prices & relationship between food corporations & Fed regulators. Presented by the Center for Environmental Genetics. Free. After the screening, a discussion will be led by a panel that will include UC faculty with expertise in toxicology, industrial hygiene, nutrition, obesity & advocates for local foods & fighting food-borne illness. The film was produced by the team who made An Inconvenient Truth and Charlie Wilson’s War. 94 minutes. In Kresge Auditorium, Medical Science Building, University of Cincinnati Medical Campus, 231 Albert Sabin Way @ Eden Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45267. More event info @ 513.558.3625 & More movie info @, &
A Convergence of Sculpture [Closing reception Friday 22 May @ 5-8 PM]: Original sculptures will be on exhibit by a diverse group of sculptors from a range of backgrounds & interests: Forest Atkins, Christopher S. Daniel, Deborah Davidson, Bill Feinberg, Nancy Gollobin, Harriet Kaufman, Ray Miller & Barbara Bartlett Patterson. The media include limestone, alabaster, steel, ceramics & wood. Free, donations appreciated. At the Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2950 Gilbert Avenue @ MLK Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45207. More info @ 513.324.2218, 513.309.4947, &
OAR Cat Neuterathon [Saturday 23 May]: Appointments are available to neuter male cats only at the OAR Spay/Neuter clinic in Madisonville. Drop off your cat on Saturday AM; pick up the cat Saturday PM. Special price for neuter this day only: $30. Vaccines are available at extra cost with surgeries. Appointments are required; directions & times determined at that time. More info @ 513.871.0185, &
FreestoreFoodbank Hunger Walk & 5K Run [Monday 25 May: registration @ 7 AM; race @ 9 AM]: The Hunger Walk raises funds to help the FreestoreFoodbank's 450 (non-profit) member agencies provide food & services to people in crisis in their 20-county service area. At Lytle Park @ Pike & East 4th Street, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513-482-FOOD &
6th Annual Cincinnati Fringe Festival [Tuesday 26 May - Saturday 6 June]: 12-days of explosive & experimental art. The festival features 33 productions, more than 150 performances, a Visual Art Gallery & a Film Fringe, in venues in Over-The-Rhine. Individual show tickets are $12, 6-Show Voyeur Pass is $60, Full Frontal All Access Pass is $200. Fringe Headquarters is at Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.300.5669 &
Park + Vine Eco Book Club [Thursday 28 May @ 6 PM]: Discuss “Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale & Why We Bought It” with others interested in the environment & reading books about the fate of our planet. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. RSVP to More info @ 513.721.7275, &
Spiralia - the ballet [Friday-Saturday 29-30 May @ 8PM (Fri) & 2PM & 8PM (Sat)]: This world premiere, presented by Claudia Rudolf Barrett's ballet tech ohio, is based on the book Little Town of Spirals by Cincinnati artist, musician & author Cynthia Matyi. The story revolves around a child who creates a magical town where spirals rise from chimneys, blossom in flowers & bring fun to so many places. Silver Arm, the Cincinnati band of traditional Irish & European music, will portray the band in the play & providing the live music. The author is a member of the band. Order the book @ A portion of the book proceeds support the Little Town Foundation to help provide vocational training to abandoned children in Moldova. Download a children's coloring page from the book at the Foundation's website @ At Aronoff Center for the Arts, 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.871.4527 & &
Night of the Wild Carrot [Saturday 30 May @ 7-9 PM]: Explore the exciting life of the carrot at this benefit for Integrative Learning Center of Mid-America. Savories, sweets, wine & sparkling water. Wildish carrot fun with raffle of original artwork & gift certificates. Tickets are sliding donation of $20-$70. Purchase online @ Hosted by Cincy Fun Group. At Feldenkrais Within, 4124 Hamilton Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.541.5720 &
Bike Art Show [thru Sunday 31 May]: Opening reception is Friday 8 May at both locations for the Bike Art Show, a collaborative art show celebrating Bike Month, at two locations. All artwork either incorporates recycled bike parts or gets its inspiration from bicycling. Entry deadline for art is April 18. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 & Redtree Gallery, 4409 Brazee Street, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513-721-7275, &
Deals on Wheels [thru Sunday 31 May]: Queen City Bike has teamed up with local business owners to encourage Cincinnatians to bike up a storm in May for National Bike Month. “Deals on Wheels” is a chance to get special offers all through the month of May just for biking to some of your favorite shops & restaurants. Park + Vine is offering 20% off all foodie & drink items & 10% off all other items. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, &
Divine Dreaming - Dreams in the History of Religions with Robert Moss [Thursday 4 June @ 7-9 PM]: In this lively presentation, learn how dreaming has been integral to all religions since the beginning of time. Hosted by The Glendale New Church. Cost is $20 per person or $35 per couple. At the Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45246. More info @ 513.772.1478, &
The Secret History of Dreaming Book Signing and Talk with Robert Moss [Friday 5 June @ 7PM]: In a high-octane talk, learn how dreams, coincidence & imagination have driven great lives & great events, from war to healing, from science to religion. Free. At Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Rookwood Pavilion, 2692 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.396.8960, &
Healing Power of Story - Weekend Workshop with Robert Moss [Saturday-Sunday 6-7 June @ 10AM-5PM (Sat) & 10AM-4PM (Sun)]: Foremost dream expert, author & teacher, Robert Moss, will lead a lively workshop designed to help participants discover their bigger story. From dreams & shared journeys, spontaneous theatre & entertainments, you will glean personal stories, charged with energy & meaning, becoming author of your life script. Weekend tuition: $225 before 15 May; $275 after. At Women Writing for (a) Change, 6906 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236. More info @ 513.659.3356, &
Gracias a La Vida: We Live, We Learn [ Saturday-Sunday 6-7 June @ 8 PM (Sat) & 3 PM (Sun)]: MUSE sings with gratitude in their 26th annual spring concert celebration of living & learning. Just back from the Dominican Republic, MUSE will spice up the stage with the invigorating rhythms & harmonies of Latin America, adding zesty humor & a dash of old favorites. Joining MUSE, Cincinnati-based Canela (Spanish for cinnamon) is a trio ensemble that plays fun, exciting Afro-Cuban Jazz, incorporating sounds of the Caribbean, performing rhythmic & danceable music. Sliding scale: $8-$50; suggested price: $15. Free childcare with RSVP by May 30. At New Thought Unity; 1401 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH. More info & tix @ 513-221-1118 &
Reiki 2nd Degree Class & Attunement [Wednesdays 10, 17 & 24 June @ 7-9 PM]: Be part of spreading Reiki healing everywhere, & taking good care of yourself. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 &
Learning about The Goddess [Thursdays 11, 18 & 25 June @ 7-9 PM]: Become acquainted with your personal Goddess, & learn about Goddesses around the globe. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 &
2009 Butterfly Show “Flowers With Wings” [thru Friday 12 June @ 10 AM - 5 PM]: Spread your wings this spring with the 2009 International Butterfly Show as Krohn Conservatory celebrates the treasures of India. Among many exotic species of butterflies & flowers from this beautiful nation, the show trumpets the rich cultural contributions & innovations India has provided humanity, including language, democracy & mathematics. It will showcase India’s spiritual depth & social endowment. Celebrate India’s amazing story & her “flowers with wings.” $6 for adults, $5 for seniors (age 50+), $4 for kids age 5-17. Volunteers needed. Presented by Macy’s Foundation & PNC. At Krohn Conservatory, 1501 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.421.5707, &
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Martin Janecky: New Glass Sculpture [thru Saturday 13 June]: Premiere, Czech glass artist, Martin Janecky, will present exceptional blown & hot sculpted glass pieces. Bohemian influences are evident in Martin's moving, figurative works & beautifully sculpted instruments. Free. At Marta Hewett Gallery, 656 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.281.2780, &
Different Directions - An Artist's Perspective [thru Friday 26 June]: Every artist has a story to tell or a vision to communicate. Six new solo shows reveal the journey of creative language for artists Anna VanMatre, Paul Pomeranz, Mike Calway-Fagen, Tammy Gambrel & Alton Falcone. A new series of works by Anna VanMatre, "DeNatural Disaster," will be on display in the 2nd floor Duveneck Gallery. At the Carnegie Arts Center, 1028 Scott Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.491.2030, &
Introduction to Buddhism [Fridays thru June @ 7-8 PM]: Buddhism is viewed by some as a philosophy, by others as a spiritual path, but for others it is a religion. The foundation of all of these is the mind & how we perceive & understand the things that occur in everyday life. This course will address the basic concepts of Buddhism in a relaxed & open manner that encourages dialogue & exploration. RSVP requested. Suggested donation: $75 per person. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & RSVP @ 513.385.7116, &
Michael Wilson: Photographs From & For... Heads Bowed Eyes Closed, No One Looking Around [thru Friday 7 August @ 8AM-10PM (Mon -Fri) & 11AM-10PM (Sat-Sun)]: An exhibition of never-before exhibited photographs by the celebrated Cincinnati photographer Michael Wilson, made in the early 1980s for his 1st self-published book. These are small, vintage, black & white silver prints, accompanied by excepts of Wilson's poetic writing. The exhibition compliments the artist's mid-career retrospective at the Aronoff Center's Weston Gallery. Curated by William Messer at the inimitable Iris BookCafe in Over-the-Rhine, exhibiting local artists & serving local food, including Myra's soups, Shadeau breads, Coffee Emporium coffee, Essencha teas & Aglamesis ice cream. Plus thousands of books, CDs, vinyl & now films on DVD for rent. At Iris BookCafe, 1331 Main Street, OTR, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.381.BOOKS.
Saturday Night at the Movies on Fountain Square [Saturdays thru 12 September; previews @ 7PM; movies @ 7:30 & 9:30PM]: It's the drive-in without the cars! Bring your blankets, chairs & pillows to the Square every Saturday night this summer for a free movie or 2 on the giant LED Board. Adult beverages, soft drinks & movie snacks available for purchase. Concessions will include Skyline, Graeter’s & kettle corn. No outside alcohol, glass containers or pets. 2nd screenings begin Sat 30 May. No movie Sat 23 May during “Taste of Cincinnati.” Sponsored by Procter & Gamble & Toyota. At Fountain Square, 5th & Vine Streets, downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. Schedule & more info @
Grailville New Veggies Garden Volunteer Day [last Saturday of each month thru October @ 9 AM - Noon]: Learn about gardening for your backyard while volunteering in Grailville’s kitchen garden, where produce is grown to serve guests of the Grailville Retreat Center. This 60-year-old kitchen garden has been organically certified since 1992. No experience needed; help for a day or for the season. Volunteers are welcome to come on other days, too. Bring gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, gardening footwear & mid-morning snack if you wish. They'll provide tools. In case of severe weather, volunteer day will be cancelled. Grailville’s Garden Volunteer Days project is part of Granny's Backyard Family Garden Project (see above). At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info, monthly topics & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, &
Architrecks Guided Walking Tours of Cincinnati [thru October]: Enjoy award-winning, pedestrian-friendly tours of interesting Cincinnati neighborhoods & their rich history. Venues include Downtown, Mt Adams, Over the Rhine, Findlay Market/Brewery District, Clifton & Northside/Cumminsville. Tours are led by trained guides. All proceeds benefit the Cincinnati Preservation Association. More info & fees @ 513.721.4506, &
Laugh at Lunch [Mondays @ 12-12:45 PM]: Free Laughter Yoga Club. Laughter yoga is a fun, new exercise anyone can do. Laughter is the best medicine. Pack a lunch & feed both body & soul. At The Scout House at Harry Whiting Brown Community Center, the corner of Sharon & Willow Roads, Glendale, OH 45246. More info @ 513.771.0333, &
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner.
Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from its owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
Because my time is limited, please help by submitting your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will help me immeasurably & enhance the probability the item will be incorporated into Tri-State Treasures:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222,, &
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say. We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, ...........
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: > To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of # > type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It > will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can delete it. Thanks!
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