N.B. Yes, we WILL have salon on Christmas eve Wednesday. (“EVERY” Wednesday!)
Be with us this next week 12/17 at the salon for “Change is Coming” open forum. We will have the usual suspects around the table AND twenty extra people who registered on the Obama website to come. What are the changes we need in Cincinnati? In America? What can we do to bring this about?
The campaign wants to see photos of our event and some feedback about what we are thinking. I am psyched! Ellen
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 12/10/08
Ellen, Specer Konicov, David Rosenberg, Katsura Kuwahara, Judy Cirillo, Mr. G., Mira Rodwan, Steve Suderland, Joe McMillain, Ginger Lee Frank, Derek Lester
Ellen Judy Cirillo, Mr. G., Katsura, Mira, David, Spencer, Steve
Mark Straud did a wonderful thing. He put the word out about the year round food we are growing to the Raw Food community and we had 40 eople come to the meeting to start a CSA at our farm. And there are another 60 who are interested.
Community Supp. Agriculture is a partnership beetween farmers and eaters. I am convinced the most impt. Question to ask about CSA, is “Farmer, what do you need to survive? To prosper?” People really got it that what we need is more than better farmer’s markets. If we want local agriculture, then the people need to get together. And they have. So this is the first week, and it is all rosy and new. This next Sunday we’ll meet at my farm at 2:00, on WoodenShoe Hollow Le. Contact me at woodenshoegarden@fuse.net . (?) The first group are interested in sprouts and microgreens. ... Consideration of the distribution costs ... Need for a network for distribution so as to have economy of large scale. We might partner with other local farmers; we could ship in some food. Might even offer household products.
Ginger: ... And also good for the planet.
Judy: There will be a “Congress of local food systems”, David Mann (not our former mayor), early March, project of DAAP at U.C. Delegates from all the region; local land use, public policy, health, environment, economic devel, as they relate to food production and distribution. People invited to help plan, Thurs Dec 11, 2 – 4 pm at Community Design Center at U.C. 2728 Vine St. Open to all. If interested: food.project@UC.edu
Mira Brooke so deeply appreciates the donations made last week. Is back in tge hosp. for tests. May be slightly improved.
Ginger: Earthsave is having its winter party at 4:30 at Clifton U. Meth Church with Zeideko music by Laignap a week from Sunday. Also the Green Cincinnati Plan met; we are adding consideration of food to the equation to reduce our carbon footprint.
Judy: I went to Teranga, a Senegalese rest. 8440 Vine st. in Hartwell, excellent food and cheap.
Spencer: Fri night at Wise Temple a service with the Afro Hassidic group. 6:15.
Stve: Daniel Birenbaum interview; the orchestra of peace and fighting ignorance; has Israelis, Palestinians, Christians, etc.
I came fro Japan to study graduate degree in education here.
Enacted Nov 3, 1946 after WWII. Also known as “Peace Constitution”. It contains an article on the renunciation of war, Article 9.
Most other countries have a system of conscription. We have no conscription, no military. Now the Jap govt wants to repeal article 9 by may, 2010.
There is no provision for changing the constitution. They are now discussing that in the Diet.
The Socialist Party was against revising the constitution, article 9 intact.
Article 9: Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice... Forever renounce the use of war...land, sea, air forces will never be maintained. ...
This constitution was called the “McArthur Constitution” because he was the Supreme Comander of Allied Forces in Japan. SCAFJ.
It was drafted by Japanese under the supervision of MacArthur.
MacArthur was proud of Article 9.
Mr. G. How has the emasculation of this nation of warriors served to make it a peaceful countries. Also, Japan takes advantage of its friends’ military protection. ...Japan did send soldiers to Iraq in this war. How did this happen?
Katsura: actually we have a big army, “National Security Force”. Their excuse is that they are engineers, building bridges. But we have an army, with gus. The Chinese and Koreans are still fearful of Japanese military power. ...Asian countries can unite and be a real power in the world for peace.
(Quote from MacArthur on being proud of being a soldier but more proud of being a father because a father does not destroy, he only creates.)
Mira: is there a grass roots movement in Japan on both sides of this issue?
Kat. The Socialist Party in the Diet is opposed to change.
Mr. G. Do some of those who want to change the const. also want to change the U.S. / Japan treaty?
Katsura: ...
Ginger there are Americans who want us to stop protecting Japan.
Kat: Okinawa is covered almost with US military bases. Central location.
Stee: we have almost no information about the WWII on the side of the Asians. We do not understand the motives of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, etc. etc. My Japanese students say, “You have only the victor’s perspective on WWII.”
Kat: in our textbooks the govt does not discuss what we did in China. Most average Japanese only know the textbook version. In the US the Korean and Chinese are still talking about what Japanese did to them in the war. I was surprised, and ashamed to learn.
Mira Clint Eastwood made 2 movies, one from Japanese point of view, one from US point of view.
Steve It is shocking that we don’t know any Japanese writers...
Joe: we are not taught all our history either... Like in War of 1812...
Steve people in Indonesia feel even now that the level of brutality of the Japanese was so unspeakable they still won’t even discuss...
Ginger: like the Germans, soul searching over the Nazzi thing. And the Japanese have not done this soul searching. ... The procedure in Article 96 for ammending the constitution is for the Diet to change it, then ratified by the populace in referendum.
Katsura: I am opposed to the amending of the peace constitution.
Spencer: the two countries I know w/o army are Japan and Costa Rica, and they have done very well economically. Both have national health care paid for by internal sales tax; exported goods do not include the cost of health care; that’s why our expoted goods are not competitive, because the costs of workers’ health care are bundled into the cost of cars, for instance.
Ginger one of the reasons they are considering this now, is that they see the US military are too stretched to adequately protect Japan.
Ellen: Why should we Americans be informed about this?
Kat: because the existence of a nation, Japan, with prohibition of war, is important to the whole world as a demonstration. (Like in the Gettysburgh Address... “So that government by the people...shall not perish”)
Today, China wants Japan to apologize for attrocities for 15 years around the time of WWII. If Japan not only refuses to apologize but also returns to militarism, it is like saying, “We are not sorry and we might just do it again.”
Steve I also think Japan has nuclear weapons.
... The US imposed a straight jacket on Japan, denying them the freedom of choice about military.
Spencer: is there discrimination against Koreans living in Japan? Can they be naturalized and vote?
Kat: there is discrimination and it is difficult to become a citizen.
Spencer: Id say Japanese are just like us. Tribal; all countries. It is only the threat of annihilation that will make people behave civilized. ... One more step: even the right to bear arms is based on that principle. So people haven’t changed; so countries haven’t changed. So when this constitution was imposed on Japan...
David: the other thing that makes people behave in a civilized way is prosperity. This constitution has served Japan pretty well. It would be wonderful if we’d cut our own military. We surely all agree that the pursuit of war is the biggest waste of materials and life! I think we are the police of the world because the other countries are happy to have us spend our wealth that way...they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Ellen: I am all for peace, but we have to acknowledge that a huge danger in human society is chaos, disorder, the breakdown of structures of trust in society. We have used force to maintain order. Can we trust humanity ...
Joe: If people had their needs met, they wouldn’t be as dangerous.
Mira Obama is trying to support the UN. Unusual and noteworthy. A sign of peace. I hope it can happen. ...compromises must be made, to avoid chaos... Who knows but what we may have a Dept. of Peace in a few years.
Ginger: when this const. was imposed on Jap. , it was an imperialist country with a god emperor. It is not the same country today. ...maybe it is appropriate to have each country responsible for its own protection. In order to have an “Article 9” that country has to have a protector...
...OUr country was born in social disorder...imposition of order has always been the excuse for tyranny.
Steve: those are the great questions: can we have peace without militarism; can we have prosperity without injustice; terrible poverty in Asian countries... I don’t know how we can get out of pax Americana
Ginger I hate war, but look at how many social changes for the better that have happened in times of war.
Spencer: not war when Kennedy said, ‘were going to the moon”
Ginger That had everything to do with the war. (cold war).
Spencer ...there is economic war...Japanese auto industry taking over the world auto market...
Ginger There was a time in the ‘80’s when American business men were studying samurai culture to learn how to be business men in the samurai manner.
Katsura, do the Japanese feel that Obama Is “theirs” as well?
Katsura I worked in the election, but then I went back to Japan and I asked about it, and they were not all excited about the election of Obama as I am.
Steve (we should not expect the world to be thrilled by the election of Obama...) Huge increase of starvation in the world just in the last 3 months... Due to the cutback of aid on the part of the rich nations.
David improper use of resources. Every country has the potential to grow enough food to feed their people.
Ginger: grain prices have gone up hugely...
Mira that is changing now that the corn as fuel has failed.
Steve Thanks to Katsura for helping us to have international discussion
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
We have invited 20 people from the Obama web engine to join us at the Salon And they RSVP’d, so they ‘ll be here. ...
Here’s what it says on the web invitation...
Change Coming Potluck (Change is Coming)
We will gather at the Lloyd House, 3901 Clifton Ave. 45220 (please park on Lafayette Ave) at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion "What can I do for change?" until 8 pm.
This is an extension of our regular weekly Wednesday gathering. Join us! It's going to take ALL of us to pull our society/world out of the "fire". Local community is where it's at. Ellen Bierhorst
I have now listened TWICE to each of these tremendously illuminating radio shows (see links below to listen yourself) and now feel I have a grip on things like the ‘Housing bubble’, the ‘sub-prime mortgage crisis’, the link between that mess and the national—ow global—commercial paper freeze up, and even, ta-da!, credit default swaps, unregulated CDS markets, and leverage. Then there is the difference between the Paulson Bail Out original plan of buying up the ‘toxic waste’ from banks, vs. the modification possibility to just purchase stock in the banks. If you haven’t a grip on all these things, you should consider investing an hour for each one of the shows (links below). ellen
Check this out, “This American Life” show produced by Alex Blumberg (son of Salonista Richard and Joan) explaining “the giant pool of money” and...
Listen to 1 hr. show for free: http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=355
AND ALSO: another explanatory show about the wider economic crisis from the same people:
ALSO the same folks have a daily blog that explains as the news unfolds: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/
The EarthSave Annual
Holiday Vegan Potluck Party
4:30pm, Sunday, December 14, 2008
Clifton United Methodist Church
3416 Clifton Avenue
Enjoy Good Company and Good Food!
Live music with Lagniappe Cajun Band
Please bring a vegan dish to share
and your own plates, cups, utensils
Remember to take home everything you brought that is not compostable.
EarthSave educates people about the powerful effects our food choices have on the environment,
our health and all life on earth, and encourages a shift toward a healthy plant-based diet.
For more information call: 513-929-2500
Email: cincinnati@earthsave.org
Visit: http://cincinnati.earthsave.org
Everyone Welcome!
Neil Schapera, premier Alexander Technique teacher is now available at the Lloyd House on Thursday afternoons. Call him: 513 608 3695
We are fortunate indeed to have a senior teacher of the Alexander Technique in our area, and now especially fortunate to have him available for lessons at the Lloyd House. Neil is a “full spectrum” teacher, addresses all sorts of issues, but is especially experienced in the area of geriatric wellbeing.
Neil and Vivien came here from South Africa in 1993 with their two sons, now university students at U.C. They are recognized internationally as leaders in the technique. ... And they are my mentors in the teacher training course that I expect to complete, after 3 years, this coming June, 2009.
For more information about Neil and the Alexander Technique: http://www.schapera.com/
(See my pieces on wellness in my website http://www.lloydhouse.com ... Useful pieces about insomnia, eating disorder, visiting family at holidays, etc.)
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
YOGA at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Tai Chi practice group Sundays 10:15 a.m. Led by Jackie Millay.
on 12/6/08 10:15 AM, Alan Scheidt at alanlivesarts@yahoo.com wrote:
Alan Scheidt (absentee salonista) on “War on Drugs”
Basically, I am in full agreement with the "Minute on the War on Drugs" found on page 15 of the October, 2008 edition of Western Friend, in particular the idea that "drug use would be reduced more effectively with a public health model instead of a criminalization model." Although I do not advocate the use of addictive, mind-altering substances, I also feel that a sensible beginning can be made with the legalization of marijuana, something endorsed by many police who are part of non-police sponsored movements to legalize it as a first step to correcting the tragically misguided, horribly failed "war on drugs." I alo feel that this is an uphill, near-impossible task as the production and distribution of all drugs is mired in world-wide corruption which includes a complex and deep-seated connection between illegal drugs, political systems, economics and legislation. Wherever there are drugs two things are certain: commerce and legislation.
It also alarms me that both the treatment of addiction and the legal system that deals with addicts gives a near total pass to cigarette smoking, an addiction that annually creates more health problems, causes more deaths and creates more health-care costs than drug and alcohol abuse combined. For instance, in almost all rehabs cigarette smoking is not only allowed it is complicitly endorsed in much the same way it is in the armed services. ("Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.") It has been said that kicking cigarettes is harder than kicking heroin, and most drug treatment centers don't want to deal with this addiction while supposedly treating all the other addictions. That, and a majority of staff members--often recovering addicts themselves--are smokers.
Needless to say this e-mail is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes these issues. If any of you do attend the discussion regarding this query please feel free to share this e-mail.
- Alan Scheidt
Books,Movies, Reviews
It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading.What? Is it good? Ellen
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net> . <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net>
Tri-State Treasures is accumulating your ideas for unique Holiday Season gifts and events. As with all Tri-State Treasures, the goal is for this to mutually benefit the vendor and the customer. Events will be posted 2 weeks leading up to the event. Gift ideas will be posted once towards the top, then accumulated below under a new heading Holiday Gift Ideas.
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
Little Town of Spirals - a Celtic Children’s Book: Cynthia Matyi, a Cincinnati artist, musician & author, has released her 1st book, filled with whimsical & colorful spiraling illustrations & a lyrical story. “The inspiration for Little Town of Spirals came through my travels in Ireland. I was showing a young student how to draw spirals, & together we created the start of a magical town where spirals rose from chimneys, blossomed in flowers, & brought fun to so many places." This is a book for all ages, a keepsake book with its fine art illustrations, poetic nature of the story, & colorful hand-stitched binding. A unique & special gift, not found in stores. Order now to receive your copies before the holidays. From Celtic Designs & Music @ 513.871.4527 & http://matyiart.com <http://matyiart.com/> .
One-of-a-Kind Stocking Stuffer for Pregnant Women: "Meditations for Expectant Mothers & the Life Within" CD. An empowering exploration of your body's ability to bring new life into the world. Fanchon Shur's stirring narration with Bonia Shur's music reassures you for a peaceful pregnancy & fearless childbirth. More info & to buy @ www.birthmeditation.com <http://www.birthmeditation.com> .
Calligraphy - Studio Open House [Thursday 11 December @ 10 AM - 8:30 PM (Thu)]: Beautiful hand lettered calligraphy gifts. Inspirational & scriptural prints & originals. Framed & matted. Greeting & Christmas cards. Handmade paper, genuine vellum, 23k gold. Prices range from $1 - $500+. Come have a cup of hot wassail; bring a friend & receive a free print. Most items created by Holly V. Monroe whose mission is "to feed the soul by making meaningful words beautiful." At Heirloom Artists-Calligraphy & Illumination, 514 Lakeridge Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45231. More info @ 513.771.2737, Letters@HollyMonroe.com & www.HollyMonroe.com <http://www.HollyMonroe.com.> . <http://www.HollyMonroe.com.>
Caroling in the Gateway Quarter [Thursday 11 December @ 6-11 PM]: Members of the Cincinnati Men's Chorus serenade shoppers for Caroling in the Quarter as they go from shop to shop. Shopping goes until 9 PM & then the fun continues into the night with cocktails & caroling led by pianist Terry LaBolt at Below Zero Lounge. In the Gateway Quarter, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, dan@parkandvine.com <mailto:dan@parkandvine.com> & www.parkandvine.com <http://www.parkandvine.com> .
Brandon Meeks Quartet [Thursday 11 December @ 7:30 PM]: Brandon Meeks, the premier bassist in the Indianapolis area & one of the best in the Midwest will be joined by Mike Wade on trumpet, Eddie Bayard on tenor sax & Mark Lomax on drums. Admission is $5; free if jazz club member or if you come to happy hour (5-7 PM). At The Redmoor (formerly Jasper's), 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208; free parking. More info @ 513.871.6789, waltb31@gmail.com & www.jaspersmtlookout.com <http://www.jaspersmtlookout.com> .
Creche Luncheons [Thursday-Friday 11-12 & Monday-Wednesday 15-17 December @ Noon - 2 PM]: The Advent season continues with Grailville's International Creche Exhibit Luncheon Series. A delicious holiday luncheon followed by a short presentation on the origin of the Nativity scene & the history of the many Nativity sets in the Grailville International Creche Collection. Holiday shopping at the Grailville shop. Reserve early; limited seating. Prepaid reservations required. $15 per person; $10 for kids under 11. Grailville Retreat & Program Center, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, grailville@fuse.net <mailto:grailville@fuse.net> & www.grailville.org <http://www.grailville.org.> .
Free Advent Concerts by the Holy Cross-Immaculata Church Choir [Friday 12 December @ 7:30 PM]: Come hear the joyful advent sounds of the Holy Cross-Immaculata Church Choir accompanied by flute, drums, keyboard & piano, directed by Paula Chal. The choir has performed by invitation at St Peter's Basilica in Rome, Great American Ball Park, the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights & many other local & regional venues. Free; free-will offerings will benefit St Jude's Parish in Port au Prince, Haiti. At Mother of God Church, 119 W 6th Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ www.hciparish.org <http://www.hciparish.org> .
Redtree Art Gallery Opening [Friday 12 December @ 6-9 PM]: Mixed Up: all mixed media show. Wine & cheese reception with live music. This show runs Tuesday 9 December thru Saturday 3 January. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 4409 Brazee Street, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733 & www.redtreegallery.net <http://www.redtreegallery.net> .
Manifest Presents Two New Art Exhibits [Opening Friday 12 December @ 6-9 PM]: Like photography, printmaking is a genre of creative work that is underscored by its processes. National Exhibit of Contemporary Printmaking presents contemporary printmaking submitted by 13 artists that explores the range of methods & results currently being achieved within the bounds of such processes. Wild Kingdom is a solo exhibit of works by Jason Urban. The artist writes “My research has become an exploration of illusions” working across many disciplines anchored in printmaking, but pushed to the limits of installation. Works include etching & silkscreen processes combined with painting (www.jasonurban.com <http://www.jasonurban.com/> ). Refreshments will be served. Both exhibits run thru Friday 9 January. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513-861-3638, jason@manifestgallery.org <mailto:jason@manifestgallery.org> & www.manifestgallery.org <http://www.manifestgallery.org> .
Walnut Hills High School Jazz Ensemble [Friday 12 December @ 7 PM]: The Walnut Hills Jazz Ensemble will perform at the Blue Wisp. Cover charge for this event is $10. Part of the proceeds benefit Walnut Hills High School music programs. At Blue Wisp, 318 East 8th Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ www.thebluewispjazzclub.com <http://www.thebluewispjazzclub.com> .
It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Drama [Friday-Sunday 12-14 December @ 8 PM (Fri-Sat) & 3 PM (Sun)]: Return to the wonderful home town of George Bailey as he & the residents of Bedford Falls come to life through the magic of live radio in this perennial holiday favorite. Step back in time as the Monmouth Theatre is transformed into the 1940s radio broadcast studios of WFAL. The show is performed by the cast & crew under the same conditions of a live radio broadcast to capture the look, sound, & feel of a live program from December 23, 1945, written by Anthony E. Palermo. Tickets are $15, seniors & students are $12. At the Monmouth Theatre, 636 Monmouth Street, Newport, KY 41071. More info @ 513.479.6783, www.cinstages.com/Onstage/proddetail.asp?ProdID=92408 <http://www.cinstages.com/Onstage/proddetail.asp?ProdID=92408> & www.falcontheatre.net/life <http://www.falcontheatre.net/life> .
Frostbite Follies [Friday-Sunday 12-14 December @ 8 PM (Fri-Sat) & 2 PM (Sun)]: The Showboat’s treasured salute to the holiday season, featuring a potent potpourri of holiday song, comedy, audience participation, improvisation & the annual Christmas-themed send-up of all things Cincinnati - the Queen City Toast. $15 for subscribers, $16 for students & seniors, $17 for adults. At Showboat Majestic, 435 East Mehring Way, Cincinnati Public Landing, OH 45202. Free & reserved adjacent parking. More info @ 513.241.6550, Jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com <http://www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com> .
Tickets for Boarshead & Yule Log Festival [Saturday 13 December @ 8 AM]: Boarshead Yule Log Festival is a free presentation of a medieval pageant complete with authentic costumes, beefeaters, peasants, sprites, fresh greenery & beautiful music including the audience participating in some singing. This wonderfully unique pageant based on the theme that good triumphs over evil is Saturday-Sunday 3-4 January. You must go to the cathedral for tickets; 2 tickets per person. At Christ Church Cathedral, 318 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.621.2627.
Children's Nutrition Talk [Saturday 13 December @ 2-4 PM]: Make 2009 the start of a new, healthier life for your kids. Start making better choices for your child's nutrition & get them on the road to superior health & wellness. Program is free; space is limited; call to reserve space. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com <http://www.GatewaysToHealing.com> .
Holiday Gift Guide to Support Walnut Hills H.S. Music Department: The Walnut Hills H.S. Music Department has arranged 3 opportunities for you to find & purchase gifts for family & friends, while supporting music at Walnut Hills. More info & required coupons @ www.walnuthillseagles.com/Departments/Music/HolidayGiftFlyer2.pdf <http://www.walnuthillseagles.com/Departments/Music/HolidayGiftFlyer2.pdf> :
<> 10,000 Villages - Saturday 13 December @ 10 AM - 5 PM: Buy unusual hand-made gifts from around the world at 10,000 Villages, & Walnut Hills gets part of each sale. All products at 10,000 Villages are made by artisans paid on a "fair-trade" basis. No Coupons required, just say you're from Walnut Hills. At 2011 Madison Road, O'Bryonville, Cincinnati, OH 45208.
<> Online Magazine sales @ anytime: Go to www.aphearst.com <http://www.aphearst.com/> to get the best prices available on renewals & new subscriptions to most magazines published in the US, & Walnut Hills gets 40% of the cost of the subscriptions. Use code WA8545, click the Check Code button, & specify the student's name, if appropriate, for the student to get credit for your order.
Connecting the Dots: Translating consumer needs into innovative products [Saturday 13 December @ 10 AM]: Ever wondered how ideas are born & translated into products you'll buy? Consumer Researchers at P&G use a variety of research methods to communicate with consumers; to turn what they hear into products you'll buy. This interactive presentation will give insights into the translation process for holistic product development. Karen Bishea Williams is an 18-year, 2nd generation P&G employee whose love for the process has helped shape & influence products for Duncan Hines, Folgers, Gillette & many more brands. Presented by the Association for Rational Thought. Free. At Molly Malone’s Restaurant, 6111 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ rrdavis@fuse.net.
Ice Skating with the Alliance Française [Sunday 14 December @ 12-3 PM]: Everyone is invited to join AF for a fun, casual, family event in downtown Cincinnati. Ice skate on the newly renovated Fountain Square ice rink. Also enjoy a visit to the nearby Duke Energy Holiday Train Exhibit (139 E. 4th Street) & Holiday Windows of the downtown department stores. Skating is $2.50 admission; $2.50 skate rental or you may bring your own skates. $4 parking all day in the Fountain Square Parking Garage beneath the Square. At Fountain Square, bordered by 5th & 6th & Walnut & Vine, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ afpostmaster@france-cincinnati.com, www.france-cincinnati.com/af/menu_4_2_en.htm <http://www.france-cincinnati.com/af/menu_4_2_en.htm> & www.myfountainsquare.com/icerink <http://www.myfountainsquare.com/icerink> .
Luminaria: Cincinnati Observatory Holiday Open House [Sunday 14 December @ 6-10 PM]: Come to the Observatory for refreshments, tours of the restored buildings (awarded the Cincinnati Preservation Association's Restoration Award), & to view through their historic telescopes (weather permitting). Purchase items related to astronomy & the Observatory at the gift shop. At Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.321.5186, observatory@fuse.net & www.cincinnatiobservatory.org <http://www.cincinnatiobservatory.org> .
ECO 2nd Annual Members' Event [Sunday 14 December @ 12-2 PM]: Meet new friends, Environmental Community Org staff & its dedicated volunteer board. Enjoy refreshments, a brief presentation on ECO's latest projects, & pick up some holiday entertaining supplies & gifts. Park + Vine will donate 15% of all sales to ECO. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, dan@parkandvine.com <mailto:dan@parkandvine.com> & www.parkandvine.com <http://www.parkandvine.com> .
Temples Treasures & Time [opening Wednesday 17 December @ 6-9 PM]: Found Object Art & Paintings by Ursula Roma. Unique, beautiful art for that special gift. Madison Guitar Trio performs. Wine, cheese & fun. Exhibit runs thru Sunday 8 February. At Sidewinder Café, 4181 Hamilton Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ www.ursularoma.com <http://www.ursularoma.com/> & www.ursularoma.blogspot.com <http://www.ursularoma.blogspot.com/> .
Fine Art Photographer Bill Davis - Exhibit & Talk [Thursday 18 December @ 6 PM]: Bill Davis shares his impressions about visiting & exhibiting in Ukraine, & discusses his work & making productive int'l contacts between the US & Eastern Europe. View his photographs starting @ 6 PM; his presentation is @ 7 PM. His presentation will be well illustrated by slides, publications & photographs. Cincinnati native Bill Davis has traveled to work & live in South & North Korea, Germany, Prague, England, Russia, Italy, Slovenia, North Africa, Ukraine, Spain, France, Australia & Poland. His images are in public & private collections locally & around the world, representing the spectrum of format & technique of contemporary photography. Mr. Davis teaches Photography at Western Michigan University. Presented by Cincinnati-Ukraine Partnership. At Mariemont High School, 3812 Pocahontas Avenue, Mariemont, OH 45227. More info @ 513.241.8833, maslov@earthlink.net & www.cincy-ukraine.org <http://www.cincy-ukraine.org/> .
Green Drinks Holiday Party [Thursday 18 December @ 5:30-7:30 PM]: Embrace your inner-treehugger at Green Drinks Cincinnati's Shop Green event. Enjoy a little camaraderie while shopping for the benefit of Imago Earth Center. Park + Vine will donate 15% of sales to the 16-acre wildlife preserve & education center. Josie from Mayapple Creations will demonstrate eco-friendly wire wrap jewelry featuring recycled sterling silver, Fair Trade recycled glass, & local woodland materials. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, dan@parkandvine.com <mailto:dan@parkandvine.com> & www.parkandvine.com <http://www.parkandvine.com.> . <http://www.parkandvine.com.>
“Black Nativity” The Birth of A King [Friday 19 December-Sunday 21 December]: Cincinnati Black Theatre Company presents Black Nativity “The Birth of A King." From the poetry of Langston Hughes, this musical is a legendary Christmas event, the Black community’s gift to the world. This year they proudly present vibrant new costuming, beautiful pageantry, exhilarating choreographed numbers, heart touching & soulful singing. It’s a message of hope to all. This is one of Langston Hughes’ most spiritual pieces. A favorite Holiday tradition. Tickets are $20; group rates available. At the Xavier University Gallagher Student Center Theater, 3800 Victory Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45207. More info & tix @ 513.241.6060, cbtcsherman@hotmail.com & www.cincyblacktheatre.com <http://www.cincyblacktheatre.com> .
Holidays on Ludlow [Friday 19 December @ 6-9 PM]: Clifton's local businesses & community orgs invite you & your family for a night of complimentary carriage rides, music, shopping, giveaways, food, refreshments & good cheer. The event will be in the heart of Clifton's Gaslight District. Carriage rides will begin on the corner of Telford & Ludlow. Free parking in the Gaslight Business District Parking Lot on Howell Avenue after 5 PM. On Ludlow Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.281.7653.
Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour [Tuesday 23 December @ 7:30 PM]: Inspired by the rich spirit of an ancient culture, Divine Performing Arts brings to life classical Chinese dance & music in a gloriously colorful & exhilarating show. For 1 show only, its masterful choreography & graceful routines will light up the stage, with gorgeously costumed dancers moving in stunning synchronized patterns. State-of-the-art backdrops conjure up celestial palaces & blossoming landscapes, while a live orchestra combines the best of Chinese & Western composition. Ancient legends of virtue are brought to life alongside modern tales of courage. Soaring songs by masterful vocalists will move & inspire. Based in New York, DPA is independent of China's government & includes artists that practice Falun Gong meditation. DPA seeks to breathe new life into traditional Chinese culture & provide audiences with an experience of sublime beauty. Tickets start at $30; senior, student & group discounts. At Cincinnati Music Hall, 1241 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.621.2787 & http://www.divineshows.com/cincinnati/ <http://www.divineshows.com/cincinnati/> .
Pure Movement Classes [Mondays @ 6:30 PM & Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM]: A holistic approach to healing, fitness & creative expression to center, strengthen, stretch & energize the body & mind. Personalized attention to body needs for everyone. $20 per class; $48 for a series of 4 consecutive classes. First class free. Taught by Fanchon Shur. At Growth in Motion, Inc., 4019 Red Bud Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229. More info @ 513.221.3222, fanchon@growthinmotion.org & www.growthinmotion.org <http://www.growthinmotion.org> .
Holiday Gift Ideas
Stocking Stuffer for the Mature Woman: A miniature hand fan for those times when menopausal women’s “inner child is playing with matches.” The inventor is from Northern Kentucky. The fans are made of recyclable materials & lead-free paint. Two sizes for $9 & $10. More info @ www.thebittybreeze.com <http://www.thebittybreeze.com./> . <http://www.thebittybreeze.com./>
Women Artists Datebook, 2009: This is the 16th edition of this beautiful datebook. It is spiral-bound, 5"x7" & available from Syracuse Cultural Workers, an org promoting peace & social change. "Art & poetry [that] inspires us to overcome fear & self-doubt, to use our minds & hearts to direct our creative energies in the year ahead." The datebook includes a black & white image showing the strength of women thru the generations by Cincinnati photographer Connie Springer. $14.95 for one; price decreases with larger orders. More info or order @ 800.949.5139 & www.SyracuseCulturalWorkers.com <http://www.syracuseculturalworkers.com./> . <http://www.syracuseculturalworkers.com./>
The Natural Mandala Fine Art Print: A museum quality, archival print of the 6-foot square mandala rendered totally in organic material. This unique image speaks deeply to the essence of our divine spirit nature. As a gift, this image means someone cares deeply for your emotional & spiritual well-being by encouraging a meditative practice. Created by Rex Oxley. 6 sizes, beginning at $150. More info, ordering & 20% discounts until 1 Jan @ 513.367.1456, rexoxley@msn.com <mailto:rexoxley@msn.com> & www.naturalmandala.com <http://www.naturalmandala.com/> . Contact Rex for 20% discount thru 1 Jan.
Lightboxes by Matthew Shelton [thru 1 February]: Painstakingly handcrafted lightboxes, illuminating intricate pin-hole patterns & colored light gels, to place the viewer in a meditative state where they might find a moment of peace & renewed sense of connection with themselves & their surroundings. Free. At NVISION, 4577 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.542.4577, contact@nvisionshop.com <mailto:contact@nvisionshop.com> & www.nvisionshop.com <http://www.nvisionshop.com> .
Give Homes to Cats & Dogs: President-Elect Obama described his wish to give his daughters pets from the local shelter. Cincinnati has outstanding shelters & pounds overflowing with kittens & puppies, mature cats & dogs that would love nothing better than to give you unconditional love in exchange for a home. Save The Animals Shelter is one good shelter (513.561.STAF & www.staf.org <http://www.staf.org/> ). The O’Bryonville Animal Rescue has cats & kittens for adoption plus low cost spay/neuter clinic (see next item below). Find others at Yahoo Yellow Pages under "Animal Shelters."
Fresh High Quality North Carolina Fraser Fir Christmas Trees [thru Sunday 14 December]: Trees are 5-9 feet tall & cost $40-90. Delivery available within a limited area. Also wreaths, pine roping, poinsettias, cut greens, fire wood & handmade holiday arrangements. Proceeds support community programs of the Civic Garden Center. Noon-7PM (Mon-Fri) & 11AM-4PM (Sat-Sun). At the Civic Garden Center, Oak Street & Reading Road, Avondale, Cincinnati, OH. More info @ 513.221.0981 & www.civicgardencenter.org <http://www.civicgardencenter.org.> . <http://www.civicgardencenter.org.>
Living Words Pottery: Hand formed stoneware for the home & for gift-giving, with an eternal difference. Each piece has been carefully crafted & bears God's living words. Four colors. Safe for microwave, dishwasher & oven. 38 forms; one-third of them are priced under $20. More info, colors & directions @ 513.542.2442 & www.LivingWordsPottery.com <http://www.livingwordspottery.com/> .
Ten Thousand Villages: The store sells quality, hand-crafted products from diverse cultures around the world, conducting business with a compassionate mission to provide vital, fair income to artisans; to one day see all artisans in developing countries earn a fair wage, be treated with dignity & respect, & be able to live a life of quality. As you consider the gifts you'll buy this holiday season, consider those with meaning that positively impact thousands of people around the world. Not only will you receive a beautiful handmade product, you will be investing in the life of another person. Just three gift examples:
<> Snowman Ornament in a Pomegranate Shell (Peru) - a trio of hand-formed, painted snowmen inside a round ornament created from a painted dried pomegranate shell ($8).
<> Recycled Rolled Newspaper Nativity (Philippines) - handmade by women's artisan group that transforms old newspapers into this religious characters by rolling the paper into tubes, with hand-carved faces ($94).
<> Movable Bicycle Chain Menorah (India) - since the cost of metal has skyrocketed, artisans of Noah's Ark International have learned to recycle unlikely materials like bicycle chains to fashion this unique menorah ($24).
At 2011 Madison Road, O’Bryonville, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.5840 tenthousandvillagesofcincinnati@fuse.net & http://cincinnati.tenthousandvillages.com.
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
OAR Spay/Neuter Clinic [December surgery date is Saturday the 20th]: O'Bryonville Animal Rescue Spay/Neuter Clinic is open to the public. Operations will be 2 weekend days per month until 2009, when they'll reevaluate the schedule. Spay or neuter is $45. Vaccines, microchipping, parasite treatment, ear tipping & nail trims offered at the time of surgery. Volunteers are needed to keep the clinic in operation (pardon the pun). If you are interested in registering cats as they are brought in, cleaning instruments, making surgical packs, helping to wake the cats from anesthesia, cleaning cages, or caring for ferals in traps, please contact Barb @ tuchfabj@yahoo.com. You’ll be helping to reduce the population of homeless cats & working toward a time when every kitten is wanted & loved. At 5619 Orlando Place, Cincinnati, OH 45227. More info @ 513-871-PAWS & www.TheAnimalRescue.com <http://www.TheAnimalRescue.com> .
A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant [thru Sunday 28 December]: A cast of children tell the story of L Ron Hubbard & the Church of Scientology in this indie rock musical by Kyle Jarrow. Songs cover everything from engrams to Dianetics, set in the style of a traditional Christmas pageant. Opening night party is Saturday 29 November @ 8 PM. Tickets are only $12, thanks to the generosity of the Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile Jr./US Bank Foundation. At Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.300.5669 & www.knowtheatre.com <http://www.knowtheatre.com> .
Citizens of the World - Photography [thru opening Saturday 3 January]: Take a break from the work week or holiday shopping to celebrate the 1st show of Lyn Marsteller’s vivid photography. Lyn’s artistic & humanistic eye has captured surprising slices of daily life in 14 images from countries that include Cambodia, China, Croatia & Zambia. Awakenings Coffee & Wine owner, Pierre Wevers will be pouring a selection of remarkable wines at very special prices that evening. At Awakenings Coffee & Wine, 2734 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.8131 & lynmarsteller@cinci.rr.com.
Coat Drive [thru Saturday 3 January]: Help keep our community warm this season. Donate 2 or more new or gently used coats & receive your choice of either a Chiropractic or Personalized Nutritional Examination ($150 value) in return for your generous donation. All donations accepted. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com <http://www.gatewaystohealing.com/> .
Going Greene: The Delta Queen & Greene Line Steamer Exhibit [thru January 4, 2009]: The collection of the Inland Rivers Library will be featured in this exhibit. Photographs & memorabilia from the Delta Queen & other steamboats from the Greene Line will be on display. At Cincinnati Room, 3rd Floor Bridge, Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.369.6959, Emily.Mueller@CincinnatiLibrary.org <mailto:Emily.Mueller@CincinnatiLibrary.org> & www.cincinnatilibrary.org <http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org.> . <http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org.>
St Mary's Cathedral Basilica Concert Series [Sundays thru 15 March @ 3 PM]: Enjoy beautiful music in an amazing space. St Mary's Cathedral Basilica presents the 33rd Series of concert music. Most concerts are free. At St Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Madison Avenue @ 12th Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.431.2060, cathedralconcertseries@fuse.net & www.covcathedral.com/frame1.htm <http://www.covcathedral.com/frame1.htm> .
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
- Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to jkesner@nuvox.net <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net> ; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
- Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
- Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
- Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format; because my time is limited, formatted submissions typically have a better chance of being included in the email transmission. Thank you for your help:
- Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
- A Fictitious Example:
- Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com <mailto:info@filmfestival.com> , & www.filmfestival.com <http://www.filmfestival.com> .
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say. We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.
Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: http:lloydhouse.blogspot.com
Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LloydHouseSalon
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit
http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: http://www.lloydhouse.com
> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7or 8. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can
> delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst
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