Elaine and Mira with Jelly Roll; John and Mike in background
Jubilee! Tremendous joy here over the election. Ellen
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 11/5/08
Alan Jozwiak, Dennis Kinsley, Jan Kinsley, Michael Radeke, Spencer Konicov, Judy Cirillo, Mr. G., Ellen Bierhorst, Karen Radeke, JohnGilkso (base guitar), Tim McDonald (drums... Of “The Dial Tones”.) Mira Rodwan, Alan Weiner, Elaine Bradford, Caeli Good, Marvin Kraus, Gerry Kraus, Brooke Audreyal, Alan Skadberg , Bob Wiatnowski, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Bill Limbacher, Jelly Roll, Dana Herman, Adam Rechnitzer, Claire Rechnitzer, Carmel Rechnitzer, Chaim Rechnitzer, Alma Rechnitzer. Jason Herman. Jonathan Rosenberg and Heather.
Ellen: I was in tears...!
Mira I was moved to see Jesse Jackson in tears.
His eyes were streaming... I thought one of those people should give Jesse Jackson a hug! Also greetings from Janet Kalven. Atia Huff our colleague on the Peace Vigil, sends word thart what we need now is to change the established Dem. Party in Cinti and reclaim our power as democrats. The way is to elect precinct executives, who can vote on the party leadership. The current director is in cahoots with the Republicans.
Karen: this victory means new hope.... I cried last night. This is a new atmosphere... The air is lighter today.
Brooke: pretty exciting. NPR had some teenagers... One of them had said, <Rosa sat so martin would walk; martin walked so Obama could run; Obama ran so our children can fly~” > Choked me up.
I was disappointed that McConnel in KY was re elected, and Schmidt. Was glad that Chabot lost.
Alan: I was canvasing a little, knocked on doors in Delhi. An angry mom came up to me ... She ordered me off her street. ... I think they will get over their anger...
Mr. G.: This Saturday Roxanne Qualls will speak on implications of this election at Molly Malones’ at Ridge and Montgomery from 10 to 12. On Mtgomery next to Pleasant Perk coffee shop.
The election means to me: I am one for whom race was a factor. After the last 8 yrs it would be hard for me to vote for a White person. Had my first decent night’s sleep last night in 8 years... As Karen said, “the air felt lighter”. ... If I were Bush I’d be tickled pink to walk away from all this mess... I still lack faith in the American people ... It is crazy to not make 60 Democratic senators...
I am so proud that so many people turned from red to blue ... Such a large number who voted for Obama... Proud to be an american... Have to go beyond race. Obama never brought up race as an issue. He is extremely bright, creative and practical.
Bob: announcement... The passing of Dallas Fish; memorial at Northern Hills Fellowship (UU) Sunday 16th at 2, pot luck, bring a story and a dish.
Bill: I think I know what Michelle meant “I’m proud to be an American”... Haven’t felt that for decades! It means a new beginning for the whole country. Someone new to look up to. Only 3 years older than me. Someone of my generation... He is 47. I am very happy.
Brooke: we were watching ... And mysteriously nothing being said of Ohio, on and on. The first announcement was that he had won Ohio! I felt for the first time, I’m proud to be from Ohio. Even Hamilton Co went for him.
Marvin: Mira asked how to take over the party. I once wanted to take over the Republican Party to run as precinct executive, and there was only one other Republican in the precinct, Dennis! (Republican today?) No.
Dennis: I am quite satisfied with the results. I don’t make a secret of it ... I ‘m not convinced that Obama is the person I want as pres but I am certain that Sarah Palin is not ... I don’t have regrets for not having voted for the presidential candidate. I am not quite a believer... But I can say he is getting better the more I see him.
Jan: I did vote for Obama. Really really proud of the US that we can actually elect a black pres... In the ‘60’s I marched in the civil rights movement... I registerd voters in the South, and I feel it worked. ... May be able to pull together everybody.
Dennis while Jan, my wife, was helping the pickters and marchers I was arresting those ... In Dayton.
Marvin: this election... Today a parent of a Black child can honest say “You can be president...” And also can say to a daughter, “You alsom might be president...”
Ellen When are we going to have a Jew in the White house?
Marvin: ... Obama is funny, said, “98% of the plumbers in AmericN support Obama”
It was reported that G. W. Bush said This is a great day for the United States. Isn’t that something!
Brooke Condoleza Rice also...
Mira: McCain’s concession was gracious...
Elaine: I am grateful for the emotional expression of all those involved. ... His speech... Turned to his children, told them, Yes, getting the puppy but the look was serious, as to say, “I will no longer be just your daddy, but as president... Your life will change. “ giving up family life, to be of service. That is movement. The controversial presidents don’t tend to live to old age...
Gerry bullet proof glass...
Spencer Kennedy managed to be father and president at the same time.
Alan S: most historic election I’ve ever seen. Proud. I voted for Nader.
Bob a thing about Nader, the Dems and Repub do run Washington. Ralph would be a good challenge to that. Think we’ll find that O. has lots of good friends in lobbiest ... I think he was the most presidential in his presentation, and consistency. McCain was changing week to week.
Spencer John McCain, maverick, .. Didn’t seem to have the ability to persuade anybody in any direction . 48% dwho voted for him, many would have voted for a yellow dog if it was the Rep nominee.
To me it was easy choice. Who can build a coalition? I am more afraid of street violence than abroad. Because we’ve taken the wrong approach on many issues... Our jails are filled because of crimes that dammage themselves rather than others, like drugs and prostitution.
This morning when I got up to walk, walking S on Paddock Rd, saw two girls in beige overalls, the new In thing.
Gerry: the way things happen in D.C. Will change too. Obama has this huge network. Phone messages. Email. He will be able to call upon this network of supporters, so doesn’t depend on lobbiests
Judy: I worked long and hard on the campaign. One thing so wonderful was it brought races together. There was a bond with balck... Never seen African Amer people so excited.
Dennis I am appaled at the lack of people canvasing for political issues. I’ve lived down the street on Clifton Ave 17 years, and only one person has ever come to my door canvasing. I welcome that. I am appalled.
(At t his point we struck up the band and danced for joy. Mike, Jelly Roll, Karen, John and Tim were marvelous! “The Dial Tones”!
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
Did you announce the Roxanne Qualls lecture on political implications of the election?
The Saturday 10-12 noon, immediately following the election at Molly Malones, near corner of Ridge and Montgomery in Pleasant Ridge? Mr. G.
Betsy at the College Hill Coffee Company
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's going to be a great night
Hope you and your friends can make it
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Join Freedom singers
Rehearsals 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:30, at Freedom Center (free parking bottom of Walnut St.)
Cathy Roma and Todd O’Neal directing.
Wonderful Spirituals music.
This is the mega chorus that sings every MLK day at Music Hall. Wonderful intercommunity brotherhood service.
YOGA at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Suellyn walks from Lloyd House to Obama Rally Sunday
Hi Ellen,
Thanks for calling me back today and connecting me with Farooz and Susan. It was a party of six who walked down and had pizza at Dewey's and then on to the rally. It took an hour and a half for us to get from where we got on line on Clifton just south of MLK to wend around onto campus and to the stadium. But we got to see and hear the next president of the United States along with 20,000 other enthusiasts. And as we walked down the road to MLK on the way out Obama waved directly to us... about 10 feet away.
Glad I went... very tired.
Suhith reflects on election
I remember listening to Mr. Obama’s Iowa caucus victory speech in amazement and in awe. Awe at his oratory. Amazed because a state that is 91% white with a per capita income of less than $ 20,000 a year had voted for a little known African American political neophyte.
I pictured myself driving thru rural Iowa. I pull into a gas station. I see a middle-aged white farmer in his overalls getting out of a red pickup truck (no gun rack). I am somewhat suspicious of how he will treat me. Then I realize that it is this man who voted for Barack Obama.
The Iowa caucus results were also a celebration of the liberation of this white man--liberating the oppressed also liberates the oppressor. This was something to celebrate.
By the end of the Democratic Primary season I had learned more about Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama supports the government methodically and deliberately killing citizens--the death penalty. Mr. Obama would give immunity to telecommunication companies that spy on ordinary citizens--his yes vote for the "FISA bill". He would strengthen the for-profit health insurance companies by requiring all citizens to buy health insurance. He would prefer to stop killing Iraqis and start killing Afghans and, for good measure if he feels like it, he will kill some Pakistanis. Yet, I celebrated his Democratic Primary victory and will celebrate his victory of the Presidency. His victory is not only a celebration of a black man’s achievement in America; it is also a celebration of that white farmer’s liberation.
On January 21st 2009: IMF will still be dominated by the USA. The primary motivation of our health care system still will be profit. Yong mothers around this country will still continue to struggle to find quality day care. When we add up the prisoners in the red states and the blue states we still will have more prisoners per capita than any other nation. American bombs will be killing Afghans. President Obama will be representing these policies that crush people.
I celebrate Mr. Obama’s historic achievements with mixed feelings. If you ask me why I have mixed feelings I will simply quote Eugene V. Debs "When I rise (from the ranks) it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks."
After the celebrations we will have to continue to work to liberate the oppressed. And hopefully, one day I will be able to celebrate the liberation of the American President.
Suhith Wickrema
November 2, 2008
Good Wash Post article sent in by Steve Sunderland: themeaning of the election:
Washington post art. Sent by Steve Sun.
dear ellen, in red are the errors in your transcription.
some of us who allow you to use our name in these meetings need to feel secure that the intent is accurate. so here is my corrected statement, with the original underneath. corrections are in purple.
Fanchon: I have been in fight and terror mode since 14 when my bro in law ran for council. I rode in the sound car, and passed out posters. ... Then I was pres. of the h.s. UNESCO support organization . I addressed the city of L.A. Board of education about UNESCO. Then the anti communist thing became stronger, a cancerous growth on our society. My sister and her husband were active leftists. Our friends were the black listed writers, the Hollywood Ten. So I was afraid we’d get a knock on the door. ..In L.A. City college.. I promoted and chaired a dialogue with the Students of L.A. City College about segregation as the open member of a Marxist study group, and none from the group defended me when i was attacked by the paper. I was smeared in the school paper with absolute lies,
Fear. I was thrown ito it too soon, I was too soon. No support other than my immediate family. So my heart goes to Obama beause he is getting the main stream, his good heart. And the fact that I can go out and see intermarriage, gay people out, ... This is so incredible. And it is amazing that Barack Obama is going to be our president! Let us honor how much fear the older people have gone through to get to this place.
Ginger: what about how fear is being used.?
Fanchon: I felt Powell was clear when he said McCain should have gone farther in his statement..Powell said ". Shouldn’t the muslim american also be honored, shouldn’t their child be able to hope to be president?"
Fanchon: I have been in fight and terror mode since 14 when my bro in law ran for council. I rode in the sound car, and passed out posters. ... Then I was pres. of the h.s. UNESCO support organization . I addressed the city of L.A. Board of education about UNESCO. Then the anti communist thing became stronger, a cancerous growth on our society. My parents were active leftists. Our friends were the black listed writers, the Hollywood Ten. So I was afraid we’d get a knock on the door. .... I promoted a debate about segregation when no one did.
Then later at L.A. Community College, had a Marx study group.
Fear. I was thrown ito it too soon, I was too soon. No support other than my immediate family. So my heart goes to Obama beause he is getting the main stream, his good heart. And the fact that I can go out and see intermarriage, gay people out, ... This is so incredible. And it is amazing that Barack Obama is going to be our president! Let us honor how much fear the older people have gone through to get to this place..................
Books,Movies, Reviews
It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. What? Is it good? Ellen
Hey, Ellen!
Thanks for including my e-mail in your weekly update. Already got a response from one of your gang. Sweet! And speaking of potlucks...one of the nicest discoveries I've made recently is a nearby Quaker meeting, which has, among other things, a monthly bookgroup/potluck. I'm attending tonight and the book in play, Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, reminds me a lot of Joseph Campbell's writings and a great ABC news documentarry from about 10 years back (by the late, great Peter Jennings) about what we do/do not know historically about Jesus and the times he lived in. I am not a Quaker per se, but I am drawn to their philosophy, which I discovered a few years bac via A Quaker Book of Wisdom by Robert Lawrence, one of the most profound books I've ever read. I also like their silent meditation form of worship and the fact that their services/gatherings are called "meetings." As you may know their doctrine closely parallels the recovery program/12 Steps ideals and I've been told that this is because AA grew out of the Oxford group which originated with the Quakers. Not sure if this is absolute fact, but the connections seem valid.
Hope you are well. Please pass on my Touchstone e-mails as you please and let me know if anyone wants added to the distro list. And, absolutely see the films W, Choke, and, especially, Rachel Getting Married. I would love to be at Lloyd House to discuss those, in particular W, which (despite the tepid reviews) is Oliver Stone's best film to date. All three have as a core theme addiction & families, and Rachel should be required viewing for anyone whose life has been touched by addiction, family (or weddings!) in any way. Especially addiction counselors, therapists, addicts of all sort and their families. Great return to form for Jonathan Demme (Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia, etc.) and a break-out performance by Anne Hathaway who is now on a fast track to an Oscar I suspect.
Peace & love, my friend,
Alan Scheidt <alanlivesarts@yahoo.com>
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net.> . <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net.>
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
Today the world is a better place.
Real New York Style Jazz returns to Cincinnati [Thursday 6 November: happy hour @ 5-7 PM; show @ 7:30 PM]: Doc B Productions returns with outstanding jazz in Cincinnati. Jasper's is a 340-seat music venue with a full service restaurant & bar, state-of-the-art sound system & expert sound management by Duane from C&D Audio. Thursday evening jazz will consist of a "Jazz Happy Hour" & live jazz. Happy hour will feature recorded sounds of the best in contemporary & straight ahead jazz including the likes of Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Grover Washington, Gerald Albright & Chick Corea. As with past presentations by Doc, live jazz will feature the best in local & national jazz, including acts like David "Fathead" Newman, Billy Harper, Rachel Z, Leon "Ndugu" Chancler, Marion Meadows, Buster Williams, Steve Wilson, Reuben Wilson, Joey DeFrancesco & others. Admission for the live jazz is only $5; it's free if you come to happy hour. Jazz-in-Cincy Jazz Club members may bring old cards (valid or expired) to receive 1-year free membership to never pay admission for local acts, & no more than $5 for national acts. Contact Doc for details about the Platinum membership. At Jasper's, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208; free parking on site. More info @ 513.871.6789, waltb31@gmail.com & www.jaspersmtlookout.com <http://www.jaspersmtlookout.com> .
Viewpoint 2008 40th Annual National Juried Art Competition Awards Night [Friday 7 November @ 6-9 PM]: This outstanding competition is co-sponsored by Cincinnati Magazine. Exhibit Juror is Dr. Julie Aronson, Curator of American Painting & Sculpture at the Cincinnati Art Museum. The competition includes a painting by Richard J. Luschek II. Show continues on Saturdays & Sundays Nov. 8-9, 15-16, 22-23… @ 2-5 PM. At Cincinnati Art Club's Wessel Gallery, 1021 Parkside Place, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.558.1215, info@cincinnatiartclub.com, www.cincinnatiartclub.com <http://www.cincinnatiartclub.com/> & www.richardluschek.com <http://www.richardluschek.com> .
Terra Firma: A Survey of Approaches to Landscape [opening Friday 7 November @ 6-9 PM]: Landscape can be so very widely interpreted & expressed. Manifest presents a wide variety of contemporary works that explore the notion of landscape, including works of drawing, sculpture, painting & photography by 19 artists. Exhibit runs thru Friday 5 December. Refreshments provided by Café MoCA & the Echo Restaurant. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.861.3638, jason@manifestgallery.org & www.manifestgallery.org <http://www.manifestgallery.org/> .
The Art of Living - Art Retreat [Friday-Sunday 7-9 November]: A weekend of writing, movement & art to help women reconnect with their handmade lives. Grailville offers this retreat for women from all walks of life based on artistic practices developed for the Inside/Outside Arts Program, a multi-genre, hands-on arts program intended to serve the need & desire of women to recover, establish or enrich lives with depth & meaning. Facilitated by Gloria Esenwein (dancer/performer, choreographer & educator), Diane Debevec (artist specializing in oil & pastel landscape & waterscape painting), & Pauletta Hansel (Grailville’s co-director; poet, teacher & poetry author). Begins with supper at 6:30 PM Friday & ends after lunch on Sunday ca. 1 PM. Fees include all meals; partial scholarships may be available: $200: commuter; $250: double occupancy; $300: single occupancy. At 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.683.2340, grailville@fuse.net & www.grailville.org <http://www.grailville.org/> .
Roxanne Qualls Discusses the 2008 Election [Saturday 8 November @ 10 AM]: Former Cincinnati Mayor Roxanne Qualls will discuss the outcome & implications of the 2008 election, which will have taken place a few days earlier that week. Sponsored by Association for Rational Thought. At Molly Malone’s Restaurant, 6111 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, 45213. More info rrdavis@fuse.net <mailto:rrdavis@fuse.net> & www.cincinnatiskeptics.org <http://www.cincinnatiskeptics.org.> . <http://www.cincinnatiskeptics.org.>
CUP’s Charity Bash Featuring the Modulators with Guest MC Suzanne Beckner [Saturday 8 November 8-12 PM]: Beer, wine, food & great music for only $30 per person, split the pots, silent auction, all the fun you can handle – all to help the poor of our community. CUP is a coalition of non-profit organizations providing direct services to the poor. At St. James Hall in White Oak, 3565 Hubble Road, Cincinnati, OH 45247. Tickets by mail (check payable to CUP, PO Box 14548, Cincinnati, OH 45250), at the door or www.cupcincy.org (Donate Now, use “bash” in designation box). More info @ 513.471.4990 & cup@4u.net.
Eco Cooking Classes [Saturday 8 November @ 10 AM - Noon]: Get tips on how to eat foods that are healthy & locally-produced from Angela Lucarelli of Urban Organic. The 3rd of 4 classes: Vegetarian Thanksgiving. Registration is $35 & includes vegan food samples, recipes & educational materials. Limited to 15 students, who receive 15% off Park + Vine items used in the class. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 859.512.6093 & urbanorganiccincinnati@gmail.com.
Celebrating Katie Reider - Benefit [Saturday 8 November @ 8 PM]: Singer Katie Reider's life was cut short by illness on 14 July 2008, but the impact she had on lives continues. Celebrate Katie's life & music with performers Jen Foster, Jayne Sachs Band, Whitney Barricklow, The Blue Umbrellas, Frozen Feet, Holly Spears & Chakkras. Hosted & organized by radio personality, Debra Randall (EveryWomon; WAIF 88.3). Raffle prizes include 1-year membership to The Cincinnati Museum Center, tickets to the UC Bearcats v. Syracuse football game, basket of goodies from WNKU & WVXU, Katie Reider commemorative watches, jewelry & more. Admission is $10. All proceeds go to Katie Reider's 365-Day Web Based Benefit Fund to help the family pay expenses that accumulated during Katie's 2-year illness. At Dirty Jack's, 5912 Vine Street, Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, OH 45216. More info @ 513.615.4537, shipe055@fuse.net <mailto:shipe055@fuse.net> & www.500Kin365.org <http://www.500Kin365.org.> . <http://www.500Kin365.org.>
Veggie Thanksgiving Cooking Class [Saturday 8 November @ 10 AM - Noon]: Pick up tips on how to create a healthy, locally-produced & plant-based Thanksgiving meal from local cook Adrienne Cooper. $35 registration includes food samples, recipes & educational materials. Limited to 15 students, who receive 15% off Park + Vine items used in the class. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP before Nov 6 @ 513.721.7275 , info@parkandvine.com <mailto:info@parkandvine.com> & www.parkandvine.com <http://www.parkandvine.com/> .
The Cholesterol Myth [Saturday 8 November @ 2 PM]: They say cholesterol is bad for you; that you need drugs to lower cholesterol. Hear the other side to this story & decide what you think about cholesterol. Led by Drs. Michael & Julie Nichols, with over 25 years experience in chiropractic, nutrition & wellness. Free. RSVP required, no children. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com <http://www.GatewaysToHealing.com> .
2nd Annual Walk/Run for SIDS Research [Sunday 9 November @ 2-4 PM]: Each year thousands of families are devastated by losing their baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), striking seemingly healthy babies without regard for race, gender or socioeconomic boundaries. SIDS claims more lives of babies than cystic fibrosis, childhood heart disease, childhood cancer, & child abuse combined. Join family & friends in remembrance of Austin Elfers who died of SIDS when he was 2 months old, & to raise funds for SIDS research. Participate in this relaxed gathering in a peaceful scenic setting, walking or running thru a forest & along a pond, followed by refreshments. At Miami Meadows Park, off State Route 131, Milford, OH 45150. More info & register @ 513.732.1343, cdelfers1@fuse.net <mailto:cdelfers1@fuse.net> & <http://www.freewebs.com/austin_j_elfers> www.freewebs.com/austin_j_elfers <http://www.freewebs.com/austin_j_elfers> .
Vote for 2008 Cincinnati Entertainment Award Nominees [deadline is Monday 10 November]: The public is invited to choose the winners in 16 of 19 CEA categories. New Artist of the Year, Album of the Year, & Artist of the Year will be determined by the nominating committee headed by CityBeat Music Editor Mike Breen. Winners will be announced at the 12th Annual Cincinnati Entertainment Awards on Sunday 23 November in the 1st public event held at the Emery Theater in Over-The-Rhine in 9 years. The CEAs will be held in conjunction with Cincinnati's celebration of the 65th anniversary of the founding of King Records. Vote & more info about the nominees & event @ http://cea.citybeat.com/ <http://cea.citybeat.com/> .
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) [Tuesday 11 November @ 7:30 PM]: Culminating the Days of Remembrance, 70 years after Kristallnacht, join The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education for a poignant performance bringing together a remarkable group of musicians & stirring narration, showcasing the hope found in one of the darkest chapters of our collective history, the Holocaust. A daughter of Holocaust survivors & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Violinist, Sylvia Samis, will perform using a violin for the first time after more than 60 years of silence, that shares its destiny with the history of the European Jewry. Free. Co-sponsored by Isaac M. Wise Temple & Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. At Plum Street Temple, 720 Plum Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513.487.3055, info@holocaustandhumanity.org & www.holocaustandhumanity.org <http://www.holocaustandhumanity.org.> . <http://www.holocaustandhumanity.org.>
Spinal Care Workshop [Wednesday 12 November @ 7 PM]: Learn how to find & release tension in your spine & breathe more fully. Learn the benefits from Basic Care in Network Chiropractic. Led by Drs. Michael & Julie Nichols, with over 25 years experience in chiropractic, nutrition & wellness. Voted Cincinnati's Best Alternative Health Provider by CityBeat 2006-8. Free. Schedule a free exam. RSVP required, no children. At Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic, 3239 Jefferson Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.321.3317 & www.GatewaysToHealing.com <http://www.GatewaysToHealing.com> .
Cellist Michael G. Ronstadt in Concerts [Wednesday-Saturday 12-15 November]: CCM graduate alumni cellist Michael G. Ronstadt performs an array of styles to bridge the gap between genres (www.michaelronstadt.com). He has the following concerts:
<> Wednesday 12 November @ 9-11 PM at the Alexander House, 22 N College Ave, Oxford, OH 45056, 513.523.1200. The Gypsum Duo performs; go upstairs for great music & food. Michael on cello/guitar/voice & Sandy Suskind on flute/alto sax.
<> Thursday 13 November @ 8 PM at Midland Theater, 36 N Park Pl, Newark, OH 43055, 740.345.5483. Michael & Lisa Biales (www.midlandtheatre.org/mcoming.htm#Biales).
<> Friday 14 November @ 8-11 PM At Stella 12 Beech, 12 S Beech St, Oxford, OH 45056, 513.523.7835. The Gypsum Duo.
<> Saturday 15 November @ 10AM-3PM at Music Makers, Mt Washington, 6131 Campus Ln, Cincy, OH 45230, 513.231.2303. Michael gives a cello improvisation workshop ending with a 1-hour concert with participants. $25 per person includes lunch; group discounts. Must have played at least 3 years. Learn chords, strumming, walking bass lines, melody & free improvisation.
<> Saturday 15 November @ 8 PM at Oxford Community Arts Center, 10 S College Ave, Oxford, OH 45056, 513.524.8506. Michael (cello), Doug Hamilton (violin), Bill Littleford (guitar) & Dave Mackey (drums) join Lisa Biales for her CD release show. More info @ www.lisabiales.com/calendar.html <http://www.lisabiales.com/calendar.html.> . <http://www.lisabiales.com/calendar.html.>
French Society Thru Its Songs: World War II to 1970s [Thursday 13 November @ 7:30 PM]: Anne-Marie Mazzega-Bachelet, Ph.D. & Eric Bachelet give lectures in French that focus on the major historical events & social changes that took place in France from World War II until the 1970s, as reflected in the lyrics of French songs of this period. Listen to song excerpts as the Bachelets discuss the lyrics, historical context & accompanying changes in musical styles. Discussion & light refreshments follow the presentation. Free admission; $3 parking. Co-sponsored by the Alliance Française & the University of Cincinnati Department of Romance Languages & Literatures. At Valentine House (Language Immersion House), 2629 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info & RSVP @ afpostmaster@france-cincinnati.com & www.france-cincinnati.com/af/menu_4_2_en.htm <http://www.france-cincinnati.com/af/menu_4_2_en.htm> .
Riding the Deep Patterns of Change [Thursday 13 November @ 12-2 PM]: Be part of an exciting Community Conversation with Al Etmanski, author & founder of PLAN (Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network). Change that has spread, impact & durability requires a different mind set & set of actions than "change for change sake." Al will share his insights into 6 deep patterns that characterize change-making & help build inclusive communities. Free. Ample parking. The site is fully accessible. Feel free to bring your brown bag lunch. Beverages will be provided. At First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati, 536 Linton Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info & RSVP @ 513.451.0166, www.planinstitute.ca <http://www.planinstitute.ca/> & www.asmallgroup.net <http://www.asmallgroup.net> .
Beyond The Surface [opening is Friday 14 November @ 6-9 PM]: Printmaking, sculptures, photography & paintings from local artists Ryan Fields, Jim Crosser, Robert Glover, Jayde Rogenski & Billy Holodnak. Enjoy wine, lite bites & live music. Show runs thru Sat 6 Dec. At Redtree Art Gallery & Coffee Shop, 4409 Brazee Street, Oakley, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733, mbusch@redtreegallery.net <mailto:mbusch@redtreegallery.net> & www.redtreegallery.net <http://www.redtreegallery.net.> . <http://www.redtreegallery.net.>
Various Visions [closing receptions Friday-Saturday 14-15 November @ 5-8 PM (Fri) & 2-4 PM (Sat)]: Your last chance to view work by 4 artists: painters Karen Feinberg & Carolyn Bjornson, & photographers Virginia Cox & Susan Kemp. At Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2950 Gilbert Avenue @ Martin Luther King Drive, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, OH. More info @ 513.751.0651.
Traditional Annual Christmas Boutique by Little Sisters of the Poor [Friday-Saturday 14-15 November @ 10 AM - 4 PM]: Crafts made by the residents. Donations from many generous area crafters. Homemade baked goods & soups, Christmas decorations, gift ideas & more. All proceeds benefit the Home & care of their elderly Residents. At Little Sisters of the Poor St. Paul Archbishop Leibold Home for the Aged, 476 Riddle Road, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.281.8001 & http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl <http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl.> . <http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl.>
Desire & the Quest for the Beloved [Friday-Sunday 14-16 November @ 7:30-9:30PM (Fri), 9:30AM-5PM (Sat), & 9:30AM-1PM (Sun)]: Unique weekend workshop led by Trebbe Johnson, leader of vision quests, & author of "The World is a Waiting Lover: Desire & the Quest for the Beloved." Learn to develop conscious contact with your source of passion & the healthy self-love within you, to understand how important loves in your past were vital to your life's heroic journey, & go home with a plan to "court the Beloved" by turning fascination into action. Fall in love with your self & your unique path in life. $175 fee includes workshop, lunch on Saturday, & snacks. More info @ 513.314.3555, jh.wheatley@gmail.com <mailto:jh.wheatley@gmail.com> & www.visionarrow.com/workshops <http://www.visionarrow.com/workshops.> . <http://www.visionarrow.com/workshops.>
Doktor Kaboom! [Saturday 15 November @ 11 AM]: The Saturday Morning Children’s Series continues with a science comedy extravaganza. Doktor Kaboom is an uproariously funny, over-the-top scientist with a passion to share outrageous theories with you. Creatively blending Theatre Arts with the wonders of Scientific Discovery, Doktor Kaboom keeps his audiences riveted with interest & rolling with laughter. From chemistry to catapults, no area of scientific exploration or application is safe. $7 for adults; $5 for kids. At The Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info @ 513.241.6550, Jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com <http://www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com> .
Jazz for Lease All Star Jazz Concert [Saturday 15 November @ 7 PM]: ballet tech cincinnati celebrate its new World Headquarters & Community Theater with the 2nd Annual All Star Jazz Concert, Jazz for Lease, featuring the ballet tech cincinnati Jazz Jam House Band, Hank Stephens Experience & Jazz Greats Alfred Beasley, Eddie Brookshire, LaVieena Campbell, N Michael Goecke, Eugene Goss, Thelma Massey, William Menefield, Benita Price, Willie Smart, Erwin Stuckey, Ben Sweeney, Mike Wade, Ryan Wells & others. Jazz for Lease will be a fundraising benefit for ballet tech cincinnati to support its Raising the Barre Capital Campaign. There will be more fun with a Silent Auction, Balloon Pops, cash bar & delicious hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $30 after November 1. At ballet tech cincinnati, 6543 Montgomery Road, Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info & tix @ 513.841.2822, info@ballettechcincinnati.org <mailto:info@ballettechcincinnati.org> & www.ballettechcincinnati.org <http://www.ballettechcincinnati.org/> .
White Tara Initiation & Calm Abiding Meditation [Saturday-Sunday 15-16 November @ 10 AM - 5 PM]: We are living in the world of distractions that interfere with achieving spiritual & non-spiritual endeavors due to our inability to keep our mind calm & focused. GSl monastery will host Ven. Geshe Kunchok who will provide instruction on how to meditate like a monk. Limited seating. Registration requested. At Gaden Samdrup - Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & registration @ 513.385.7116, gsl@ganden.org <mailto:gsl@ganden.org> & www.ganden.org/AboutUs/UpcomingEvents/tabid/124/Default.aspx <http://www.ganden.org/AboutUs/UpcomingEvents/tabid/124/Default.aspx> .
Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master IIIb Training [Saturday-Sunday 15-16 November @ 9 AM - 5 PM]: Final level of Usui Reiki includes attunement to 2 powerful Tibetan symbols. Learn how to initiate others into all levels of Usui Reiki. Learn the advanced techniques. Symbols & techniques greatly increase Reiki energy. 16 nurse contact hours. $600; $200 deposit required by Nov 8; $565 if paid in full by Oct 25; review for $200 & cost of new manual ($20) if needed if you've taken this level before with any teacher & have certified . Facilitated by JoAnn Utley. At Synergy Holistic Health, 7413 Hwy 42, # 3, Florence, KY 41042. More info & register @ 502.777.3865, jutley5122@bellsouth.net & www.joannutley.byregion.net <http://www.joannutley.byregion.net> .
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Reefer Madness: The Musical [thru Friday 14 November]: Based on the 1936 propaganda film of the same name, Reefer Madness: The Musical is a hysterical political satire about the exaggerated effects of marijuana on American youth. The regional premiere. Tickets are $12. At Know Theatre Of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.300.5669, mvenzin@knowtheatre.com & www.knowtheatre.com <http://www.knowtheatre.com/> .
Miami University Italian Cinema Series [Tuesdays 2 September - 9 December @ 7:30 PM]: Curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. Movies are in Italian with English subtitles, unless otherwise noted. Free & open to the public. In newly refurbished 102 Benton Hall with very comfortable seats, HighStreet @ Tallawanda Road, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ matteos@muohio.edu; map @ www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/ <http://www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/> :
Nov. 11: Lamerica (Gianni Amelio, 1994)
Nov. 18: Il postino (The Postman, Massimo Troisi/Michael Radford, 1995)
Dec. 2: La vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful, Roberto Benigni, 1997)
Dec. 9: Le fate ignoranti (His Secret Life, Ferzan Ozpetek, 2001)
Going Greene: The Delta Queen & Greene Line Steamer Exhibit [thru January 4, 2009]: The collection of the Inland Rivers Library will be featured in this exhibit. Photographs & memorabilia from the Delta Queen & other steamboats from the Greene Line will be on display. At Cincinnati Room, 3rd Floor Bridge, Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.369.6959, Emily.Mueller@CincinnatiLibrary.org <mailto:Emily.Mueller@CincinnatiLibrary.org> & www.cincinnatilibrary.org <http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org.> . <http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org.>
St Mary's Cathedral Basilica Concert Series [Sundays from 28 September thru 15 March @ 3 PM]: Enjoy beautiful music in an amazing space. St Mary's Cathedral Basilica presents the 33rd Series of concert music. Most concerts are free. At St Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Madison Avenue @ 12th Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.431.2060, cathedralconcertseries@fuse.net & www.covcathedral.com/frame1.htm <http://www.covcathedral.com/frame1.htm> .
Tai Chi Classes with Ralph Dehner: Cincinnati's premier Tai Chi Health Master/Trainer provides a variety of ongoing classes in Clifton & Fairfield. Standardized Yang 24 Forms; the most popular Tai Chi forms in the world; great for students of all levels. Sun Short Style 31 Forms Tai Chi; gentle “moving meditation,” aka “Tai Chi for Arthritis,” easy to learn, reduces arthritis pain & reduces falls, reduces stress & quickly generates chi (energy). Yang 32 Sword Forms; this sword counterpart to 24 Forms adds a new dimension to Tai Chi practice. More info, locations, times & special rates @ 513.519.0559 & ralph.dehner@juno.com.
Pure Movement Classes of Growth In Motion [Mondays @ 6:30 PM & Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM]: Refresh, renew & reenergize your body & mind. Master teacher Fanchon Shur guides students to a sense of freedom, strength, flexibility & expression. Classes offer personal attention to individual alignment for authentic creativity. At Growth In Motion Studios, 4019 Red Bud Ave, Cincy 45229. More Info & rates @ 513.221.3222, fanchon@growthinmotion.org <mailto:fanchon@growthinmotion.org> & www.growthinmotion.org <http://www.growthinmotion.org> .
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
- Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to jkesner@nuvox.net <mailto:jkesner@nuvox.net> ; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
- Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
- Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
- Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format; because my time is limited, formatted submissions typically have a better chance of being included in the email transmission. Thank you for your help:
- Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
- A Fictitious Example:
- Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com <mailto:info@filmfestival.com> , & www.filmfestival.com <http://www.filmfestival.com> .
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http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: http://www.lloydhouse.com
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