Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: events compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 613. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 5/7//08
Elaine Bradford, Sandy Blair, Rob Nendewaab, Mr. G., Duane Shaw, Paul Valerius , Mary Biehn, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Mira Rodwan, Ellen Bierhorst, Ginger Lee Frank, Alan Weiner, Sergio Contreras
Elaine read the Preamble; Mira sang a song about Lincoln.
Ellen Standing Women this Sunday at 1 for 5 minutes. (See below.)
Ginger celebration of birthday of Israel at Fountain Square. Free. Food, music.
Mr. G. “the visitor” film, beautiful, with drumming.
Alan concert, Cinti. choral society on Memorial Day about 911. In Blue Ash, on Memorial Day.
Mira folk and protest songs sing along at St. John’s this Friday 7 – 9 , 320 Resor Ave 45220.
Ginger Bill Moyers, “Beware the simplifiers”, about Rev. Wright. Excellent. Notion of limits on the freedom of speech.
Mr. G. Sam Harris article on free speech on the internet has led to religious hatred world wide. “free speech” to mislead. Now limits against “inflammatory” or “offending” items in newspapers.
Ginger reads Bill Moyers:
... People see Jeremiah Wright through their own lenses. ...far more complex than the sound bites you have heard. “Shocking anger” at the Nat’l Press Club. ...Pulpit in (black churches) was a safe place to exress anger. ...if my ancestors had been enslaved, transported, whipped, ... White Americans heard an attack on the America they loved. I did not. ...Wright served in the marines... Wright said he wouldn’t put it past the government of introducing HIV to attack blacks. ... But really it did happen that black men with syphillis were told they were given medicine while actually they were just allowed to die for the sake of scientific knowledge.
John McCain sought the endorsement of Rev Hagey who said Katrina was God’s punishment of New Orleans ...
White preachers are given leeway. Wright is judged differently. (read the entire piece at
Life Extension, TV program (on video), with Barbara Walters
Rejuvenation technology, Dr. McGray (?).
Cryogenic preservation of dead people who pay 75000 each.
Dr. David Sinclair has discovered something that relates to aging in the cells. Something from red wine. Mice live 30% longer. Sirtris. On the market now (I think).
Dr. Weiser, cloned endangered Ox...
Rebuilding damaged body parts. Injecting stem cells. They go to the place where they are needed.
Human organs have been grown in the lab, transplanted into people.
This dr. thinks we can prolong life for several hundred years.
The CR Way, living a calorie restricted diet. For life extension.
Human Growth Hormone injections can help, but has a lot of risks.
Others recommend good diet, exercise, meditation...
Ray Kurzweil... Takes huge amounts of vitamins.
Paul Newman age 82, doing racing cars
100 year old people... Driving cars, working playing trumpet professionally. ... National Centenarian Awareness Project.
Love of life, spiritual belief, ..able to change.
Takes courage. Life threatening illness survival.
Discrimination against the old.
Sex in old age.
Important to keep learning new things.
People dying shortly after retirement.
Elaine: Attitude to Blaze a new trail.
Ellen Geo Bernard Shaw, You have to expect to live a long time.
(New people introducing themselves:)
Paul I’m 63. Everyone creates their own reality.
Sandy Elaine invited me. Also a real estate agent. My passion is dancing. (salsa?) Oh yes! Going to dance at J.B.’s. Wednesdays. Sundays at Rhino’s at Chester Rd, lessons 7 – 8. Downtown...
~ End of Table Notes~
Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
On Mother’s Day, 5/11, at 1 pm we will have a brief STANDING WOMEN demonstration at the Lloyd House. One minute of bell ringing (bring a bell), then read the brief proclamation (see below), then five minutes of silence and one minute more of bells. Come, it’s a beautiful thing. Park on Lafayette Ave.
Standing Women will stand again (at the lloyd house! 3901 Clifton Ave. Corner Lafayette) on May 11, 2008, 1 pm local time.
Last May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, in 75 countries and on all continents of the world stood together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they could find to stand in a global wave of humanity in support of a better world for our children.
We invite women and their families everywhere to take this "stand" with us again, on May 11 at 1 p.m. local time for just 5 minutes, to rekindle the world with our common vision.
We stand for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them. We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat. A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies. A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence-in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world. This is the world of which we dream. This is the cause for which we stand.
To learn more and register your standing, go to the Standing Women website at http://www.standingwomen.org
The vision we hold together can become a reality when enough of us come forward and take a stand...
With hope and thanks from the women of Ohio
JUNE 28-29
Taking Torture to TASSC
Following UN Torture Abolition Day there will be a 24 hour vigil sponsored by Torture Abolition Survivor Support Coalition opposite the White House, on Saturday 28 to Sunday, June 29; Washington, D.C.
As our nation struggles with the realization of our complicity in the use of torture for political purposes, sisters of the Ursuline Society are inviting friends and concerned citizens to join us in peaceful public protest.
Inspired by the experience of Ursuline Sister Dianna Ortiz, who founded a Center for receiving other torture survivors, we choose to witness to the injustice of these practices, to state our moral outrage, and to demand a change of national policy.
Sister Dianna, founder of TASSC, in her book, The Blindfold's Eye, recounts her experience of torture as well as her effort to work with the US government in identifying the details of her case.
Google TASSC for information on this ministry.
Contact Sr. Pat Brockman for details on this venture at 513.541.4559,or pcbrockman@gmail.com.
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior (alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR,
Pure Movement Classes at Growth In Motion
When: Mondays at 6:30pm and Wednesdays at 9:30am
Where: Growth In Motion Studios 4019 Red Bud Ave, Cinti OH 45229
Cost: $20 per class or $48 for 4 classes FIRST CLASS IS FREE FOR NEW STUDENTS!!
Spring is finally here! Refresh, renew and reenergize your body and mind from the grey and bleak winter that we have endured. Come to Spring Pure Movement classes with master teacher Fanchon Shur!
Fanchon, guides students to a sense of freedom, strength, flexibility and expression. Classes offer personal attention to individual alignment for authentic creativity.
More Info: (513)221-3222 or fanchon@growthinmotion.org, www.growthinmotion.org <http://www.growthinmotion.org>
Every Sunday morning an open weekly Tai Chi practice session at the Lloyd House in the third floor zendo at 10:15 am. Everyone welcome. Group is led by Jackie Millay She is excellent! Only three of us. Come join us. Raise the chi, warm yourself up. Come summer, will relocate back to Burnet Woods. ellen
DOROTEA VISMARA HOFFMAN (Weekly lurker, fabulous Clifton musician) again organizes summer all-ages music program:
Summer music program Accent 08
announces stellar faculty
Now in its 7th year and following an exciting 8-city tour of Italy last summer, Accent 08 will run from June 15 – 21. An intensive week of master classes, coaching, and performances for students as young as 12 through the undergraduate and graduate levels at college, Accent 08 is under the direction of Dorotea Vismara Hoffman. Guest faculty this year will include
Neal Gittleman, conductor (Dayton Philharmonic)
Timothy Munro, flute (eighth blackbird)
Mark Ostoich, oboe (CCM)
Michael Maccaferri, clarinet (eighth blackbird)
Karen Schneider, horn (CBO)
Philip Collins, trumpet (CSO)
James Culley, percussion (CCM)
Matthew Duvall, percussion (eighth blackbird)
Michael Chertock, piano (CCM)
Lisa Kaplan, piano (eighth blackbird)
Frances Karp, piano (concert artist)
Howard Karp, piano (University of Wisconsin)
Rodney Stucky, guitar (CCM)
Alison Acord, voice (MU)
Duccio Ceccanti, violin ContempoArtEnsemble
Timothy Lees, violin (CSO concertmaster)
Kypros Markou violin, conductor (Wayne State University)
Jennifer Roig-Francoli violin (Apollo's Fire)
Matt Albert, violin and viola (eighth blackbird)
Dorotea Vismara Hoffman, viola (CCO)
Deborah Price viola (The Chamber Music Connection)
Vittorio Ceccanti cello (ContempoArtEnsemble)
Parry Karp cello (university of Wisconsin)
Nicholas Photinos cello (eighth blackbird)
Jack Body, composer
Joel Hoffman, composer
Michael Ippolito, composer
Jennifer Jolley, composer
Shawn E. Okpebholo, composer
Steve Reich, composer
Frederic Rzewski, composer
Wenhui Xie, composer
Leah Branstetter musicologist.
Applications are now being accepted, but space is limited. For more information on Accent 08, please visit the web site at ccm.uc.edu/musicx/accent <http://ccm.uc.edu/musicx/accent>
YOGA at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
- Kieth Kuhn, chief librarian of Cinti., dies at 57
Yesterday I attended the funeral of Kieth Kuhn, beloved partner of Mark Rebstock. Keith was Director of Library Services for the Cincinnati and Hamilton Co. Public Library, recipient of numerous awards in his profession and for his decades of service to non-profits in the city including the Williams YWCA, of which he was president. He died of pneumonia with mers, an antibiotic resistant infection. He had been in excellent physical condition and was a clean liver. Keith was an outstanding servant of the public good and gifted in friendship. His death is a surprise and a shock to the many who love him.
This man was a super example of what Chicago Mayor Richard Daley meant about gay people serving and enriching the community, being good people.
When a heterosexual person dies, especially a parent, we look at his place in the chain of life, the weave of society. The funeral service alludes to that, implicitly at the least. But folks don’t know how a gay man fits into the larger scheme. They need to understand. The silence at the funeral about Keith’s gay identity is a pain on my heart. Yes, thank God, Mark was alluded to as Keith’s “partner” (I wish it was “spouse”... After 14 and a half years, they deserved that.) And Mark gave the lovely eulogy. Mark was mentioned in the obituary announcement, although at the end of the train of siblings, not first, as it would have been had they been given the status of a marriage.
We are moving, in our society, slowly, towards more visibility and integration of the gayness of our 10% of neighbors, siblings, co-workers, friends. But I almost had the feeling that because the family and friends and minister at the funeral loved and admired Keith, they were willing to overlook his gayness. Overlook it with a bit of embarrassment. Come on! That’s not good enough. If he had been an accomplished amateur musician, it would have been mentioned. If he raised prize-winning poodles, that would have been mentioned. If he had been born in a foreign land, that would have been mentioned. The silence about his gay identity at the funeral was a clear communication of discomfort.
Gay people do fit into the weave of society. We are already here, all around, adding flavor, variety, and a rich bouquet of talent to the mix. Thanks, Keith, for your beautiful life as a gay man in Cincinnati. Yours was a class act!
June 15 is gay pride day in cincinnati, with a parade from Burnet Woods Band Stand to Hofner Park in Northside, all along Ludlow avenue. Bands. Floats, groups, signs. How about everybody come to that and support gay visibility and give tribute to the contribution gay people make to our city?
Ellen Bierhorst
Books,Movies, Reviews
It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. What? Is it good? Ellen
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net.
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
StoryCorps Comes to Cincinnati [Thursday 15 May - Saturday 7 June]: StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit project whose mission is to honor & celebrate one another’s lives through listening. In partnership with Cincinnati Public Radio, the East MobileBooth will stop in Cincinnati & will be parked in front of the Cincinnati Museum Center, 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203. By recording the stories of our lives with the people we care about, we experience our history, hopes & humanity. Since 2003, tens of thousands of people have interviewed family & friends through StoryCorps. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD to take home & share, & is archived for generations to come at the Library of Congress. Millions listen to these award-winning broadcasts on public radio & the Internet. StoryCorps is one of the largest oral history projects of its kind, creating a growing portrait of who we really are as Americans. Make a reservation @ 800-850-4406 or online. The MobileBooth is fully wheelchair accessible. More info @ www.storycorps.net.
Footnotes: Guennadi Maslov Photography [thru Friday 30 May]: "Maslov’s work belongs to a different realm of photojournalism. By combining pairs of images, his Footnotes are more psychological insight than document. Deeply rooted in reality they are strangely enigmatic. The artist is concerned with social themes & the mysteries of growing up. Political undertones can be discovered in some images. But these themes are neither dominant nor critical. A smaller image in each pair is noticed & examined just a second after the mental absorption of the larger one. In most cases this footnote photo redirects the first impression considerably, enhancing it with an important layer, forming a new unity." ~ paraphrased excerpts from Tatjana Pavlova, Kharkiv Museum of Photography. Maslov, originally from Ukraine, lives & works in West Chester, OH. This exhibit is a sample of a large project that has been exhibited in several countries. At Blue Ash Public Library, 4911 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. More info @ 513.369.6051 & www.maslovphotography.com.
We Make the World Art Exhibit [thru Sunday 29 June]: Be inspired by this message of hope & action created by local & international elementary students as they use art to state “I make the world a better place when I…” Sponsored by YMCA Cincy After School. On Third Floor, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.333.7500, ETurner@nurfc.org & www.freedomcenter.org.
Fire 2008 - A Call To Artists [exhibit Saturday 21 June - Saturday 19 July]: The Kennedy Heights Arts Center is accepting submissions for an art exhibition dedicated to the theme of "Fire," their 2nd in the series of Earth's elements after Aqua 2007. Interpretation of the theme can be broad, diverse & imaginative. The exhibition art media will include but not be limited to sculpture, photography, paintings, pottery & glass. Artists 18 years or older are eligible. An Opening Evening Reception on Saturday 21 June @ 6-8 PM will have refreshments & entertainment; artists are strongly encouraged to participate. Early submissions by Saturday 24 May will be eligible for exhibit marketing materials. Artists must provide: application (www.kennedyarts.com), $35 fee, biography & statement on how their art fits the theme. At Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More submission & exhibit info from Eric Bertelsen @ 513.205.9352, 513.631.4278, ebertels@fuse.net & www.kennedyarts.com.
UC MainStreet Cinema: For a mere $4 ($2 for UC students or staff), see quality films recently shown at Cincy art movie houses. May screenings include(d) Juno, Vantage Point, Be Kind Rewind, The Other Boleyn Girl, Lars and The Real Girl, There Will Be Blood. At 265 Tangeman University Center, 2766 UC MainStreet, Cincinnati, OH 45221. More info @ 513.556.3456, 513.556.0943 & http://www.uc.edu/mainstreet/tuc/tuc_theater_3.html.
Celebrate As One Festival [Thursday 8 May @ 4:30-10:30 PM]: Check out this huge, free outdoor event in honor of Israel's 60th anniversary. Featuring a live band from Israel & about a dozen other local acts, there will be international music, street performers & food all evening. At Fountain Square, Downtown Cincinnati @ 6th & Vine, 45202. More info @ www.celebrateasone.org.
Faux Frenchmen & Much More In Concert [Thursday 8 May @ 7 PM]: The Faux Frenchmen & Tracy Walker are joined by Hot Buttered Rum, San Francisco’s high altitude blend of bluegrass, jazz, rock & Americana. Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 the day of show. Doors open @ 6 PM. At the 20th Century Theatre, 3021 Madison Road, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info & tix @ 513.731.8000, www.fauxfrenchmen.com, www.tracywalker.com, www.hotbutteredrum.net & www.midwestdomesmusic.tickets.musictoday.com.
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans [Thursday 8 May @ 8 PM]: Considered by many to be the best silent film produced by Hollywood, Sunrise takes a simple situation - the marriage of a peasant couple from a country hamlet that is invaded by a seductress from the city - & elevates it to the realm of fable, stripped of melodrama yet brimming with poetic impulses. (Dir. F.W. Murnau, 95 min, 1927, USA). At 800 Swift Hall, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ tyl550@gmail.com & www.ucreelcinema.blogspot.com.
Preserve Your Family Memories [Thursday 8 May @ 11 AM]: Learn how to record your family’s stories in books for future generations. Presented by Heidi Bright Parales, M.Div., Bright Concepts. At Sycamore Senior Center, 4455 Carver Woods Drive, Cincinnati, OH. More info @ 513.774.9882 & www.preservefamilymemories.com.
Mayor's 801 Plum Concerts - Zach Brock & Arrival/Departure [Friday 9 May @ 7 PM]: Jazz violinist Zach Brock is heralded as "the one on whom to place your bets in jazz" & "the great bright hope for jazz violin." His wide-ranging accomplishments place him in the company of today's leading "indie jazz" innovators. He will be performing with his new sextet, Arrival/Departure. He is also touring with jazz legend Stanley Clarke. In 2009, Brock will be featured in "Passion," a film documentary about forgotten jazz violin pioneer Zbigniew Seifert. The Mayor's Concert evening begins at 5:30 PM with a happy-hour catered by "Cincinnati Cooks! Catering." Tickets are $20. In Council Chamber, Cincinnati City Hall, 801 Plum Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.352.3000, www.lintonmusic.org/Mayors_801_Plum.htm & www.zachbrock.com. Tix @ 513.621.2787.
Redtree Gallery Group Exhibition Opening [Friday 9 May @ 6-9 PM]: Refresh, Rebirth, Renew. Artists Cynthia Gregory, Annette Eberhardt, Uta Rietman & Billy Holodnak. Live music by Scott Metcalf. Wine & light bites. Exhibit runs thru Saturday 7 June. At Redtree Gallery, 4409 Brazee Street, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.321.8733, mbusch@redtreegallery.net & www.redtreegallery.net.
Carmina Burana & Balanchine's Serenade [Friday-Sunday 9-11 May @ 8PM (Fri), 2 & 8PM (Sat) & 2PM (Sun)]: Plunge into the world of fiery passion with the Cincinnati Ballet's new performance of "Carmina Burana." New sets, costumes & choreography by Mauricio Wainrot for this choral/theatrical work based on a collection of 13th century songs unearthed in a Bavarian monastery. The ballet addresses the range of human emotions & stages of life: innocence to passion, simple pleasures to worldly rewards. Composed & arranged by Carl Orff for a collaboration of dancers, singers (Xavier University Chorus) & orchestra (Cincinnati Ballet Orchestra). The program also features the breathtakingly beautiful "Serenade" by George Balanchine, set to Tchaikovsky’s "Serenade in C Major for String Orchestra" performed by the Ballet Orchestra. Join dancers, patrons, subscribers, & artistic director, Victoria Morgan, for a drink at the After Party at the Bankers Club (511 Walnut Street) after the Friday & Saturday night performances. In the Procter & Gamble Hall, Aronoff Center for the Arts, 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 513.562.1106 & www.cincinnatiballet.com.
Lamarckian Evolution: A New Look [Saturday 10 May @ 10 AM]: Epigenetics refers to stable & heritable (or potentially heritable) changes in gene expression that do not involve a change in DNA sequence. Evidence is mounting that it is involved in the development of many human diseases. However, it is still controversial if it plays a role in evolution. In 1809, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck suggested that new species could arise through changes in the relationship between the organism & its environment to produce new traits that become inherited in successive generations. This theory was widely discredited during the post-Darwin period. With a new understanding of epigenetics, Dr. Shuk-mei Ho will re-visit the scientific evidence for & against the Lamarck’s theory of “acquired characters.” Dr. Ho is Chair & Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine. Free. Sponsored by Association for Rational Thought. At Molly Malone's Restaurant, 6111 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge, 45213. rrdavis@fuse.net & www.cincinnatiskeptics.org.
Long Lost Stories [Saturday 10 May @ 11 AM]: The finale of the Saturday Morning Children’s Series features MadCap Productions unique style of puppet theatre, which combines giant puppets with actors. In the center of a forbidden attic sits a long-forgotten trunk. Two young explorers, Chris & Jessie, discover the trunk & are trapped by its secrets. Chris becomes the prisoner of the monster, to be freed only if Jessie finds a story the monster doesn't know. Can Jessie save Chris? Join in the adventure & let your imagination soar in this exciting treasure of tales from around the world including Germany, New Zealand, Denmark, Greece, & Italy. Appropriate age level is 4-12 years old. Single tickets: $7 (adults) & $5 (kids under 18). At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info @ 513.241.6550, Jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com/ccpa/.
Northside Spring Art Sale [Saturday 10 May @ 11AM - 5 PM]: Local artists sell their work along Hamilton Avenue in Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223. Artworks mural dedication at Hoffner Park at 11 AM with Mayor Mark Mallory. More info @ 513.375.9071.
Artists' Yard Sale [Saturday 10 May @ 9 AM - 5 PM]: Two artists with lots of cool stuff: art, furniture, tools, instruments, vintage clothes, jewelry, kitchen stuff, books, music, yard items, & more fun stuff. Same day as Northside Spring Art Sale (preceding item). No early birds, please. Rain date is Sunday 11 May. At 4236 & 4243 Brookside Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ ursularoma@fuse.net.
Stronger, Safer, Smarter Paint [Saturday 10 May @ 10 AM]: Jeff Engler will give the inside scoop on Mythic Paint, the newest alternative to toxic volatile organic chemicals found in conventional paints. Park + Vine is the 1st Cincy store to carry Mythic Paint, which releases no polluting toxicants or odors. Attendees get $3 off each gallon of paint. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513.721.7275, info@parkandvine.com & www.parkandvine.com.
The Art of Family - Grailville Mother’s Day Weekend Celebration [Saturday-Sunday 10-11 May]:
<> Sat 10 May @ 1-4 PM: Writing Across the Generations is an intergenerational writing workshop for women 13 years old or older led by mother/daughter writing team Judith Blackburn & Kate Johnson, authors of My Soul to Keep. The workshop includes short readings & "free writing" on the mother/daughter theme. Registration required; $40 per person or $60 per intergenerational pair. Limited scholarships.
<> Sun 11 May @ 3:30 PM: An opening reception for The Art of Family: Mothering the Creative Spirit, an exhibit of paintings, mobiles, lettering & stained glass by Elizabeth Robinson, owner of Elizabeth Robinson studio, with selected works by her children, Emil, Kristen & Jacob, who make a life within the arts. Readings of poetry & memoir about mothers & daughters by Judith Blackburn & Kate Johnson. Free.
<> Sun 11 May @ 5:30 PM: Grailville's Spring Sunday Supper: A delicious Mother's Day feast using some of Grailville's favorite spring recipes. Dinner registration required. $15 (adults); $10 (kids under 13). All at Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info & registration @ 513.683.2340, grailville@fuse.net & www.grailville.org.
Inaugural Osteoporosis Awareness Walk 2008 [Sunday 11 May @ 1-4 PM]: Make Osteoporosis Matter. Procter & Gamble & the UC Bone Health & Osteoporosis Center will celebrate Mother’s Day & Osteoporosis Awareness Month by sponsoring Cincinnati’s inaugural Osteoporosis Awareness Walk. Come walk along the river, enjoy the weather, & talk with friends old & new. The Walk is free & will feature a self-selected walking route through Yeatman’s Cove, with free osteoporosis screenings & educational information on osteoporosis prevention & treatment. Walkers will receive a free water bottle, t-shirt & backpack. At Yeatman's Cove (on the other side of the purple people bridge from the Cincinnatus Statue), Sawyer Point, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info from Sandy Kesner @ 513.475.7405 & sandy.kesner@ucphysicians.com.
Contempt [Monday 12 May @ 6 PM]: A screenwriter (Michel Piccoli) is faced with the prospect of losing his wife(Bridget Bardot) while writing a script for a film that is to be directed by Fritz Lang and financed by a arrogant and dictatorial American Producer (Jack Palance) Godard's venture into commercial cinema is an star-studded and subversive classic. (Dir. Jean-Luc Godard, 103 min, 1963, France). At Meyer Gallery, Ground Floor Steger Student Life Center (next to UC Starbucks), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ tyl550@gmail.com & www.ucreelcinema.blogspot.com.
Education & Social Inequality in Kenya & the US [Monday 12 May @ 7 PM]: Dr. Kilemi Mwiria, Assistant Minister of Higher Education in the Government of Kenya, & Dr. Mark Gooden, University of Cincinnati Professor & Program Director of Urban Educational Leadership, share perspectives on this topic. Free. Presented by SOTENI International. Grand Hall, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513.588.6612 & randie@soteni.org.
Bagdad Café (Out of Rosenheim) [Thursday 15 May @ 8 PM]: Out of Rosenheim (Bagdad Café) is a look into the minds and lives of some people most of us have met but few of us know much about. This movie exemplifies how one person in the right place can affect a community of lives. The Adlons seem to express the view that all change and "magic" comes from hard work and mutual acceptance. A well-crafted view of the lives of tourists everywhere and the difficulties they can face. A Whimsical and lovingly Photographed look at the vast wasteland that is too often ignored by much of humanity. (Dir. Percy Adlon, 95 min, 1987, Germany/USA). At 800 Swift Hall, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ tyl550@gmail.com & www.ucreelcinema.blogspot.com.
Migstema Spring Retreat [Friday-Sunday 16-18 May]: The annual spring retreat for GSL & DGTL monasteries, this year our resident teacher, Ven. Geshe Kuten Lama, will offer the initiation of our lineage founder, Je Tsongkapa, & a 2-day commentary on the meditation practice of Tsongkhapa guru yoga practice, Gaden Lhagyama. This is an excellent opportunity for those wishing to begin studying Buddhism; no knowledge of Buddhism is necessary to understand & benefit from this retreat. At GSL Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info @ 513.385.7116, gsl@ganden.org, & www.gadenusa.org.
Carbon Footprint & Renewable Energy [Saturday 17 May @ 10 AM - 5 PM]: Presentations by local leaders on details of calculating carbon footprints & activities to modify carbon emissions. At Harold C Schott Education Center, Cincinnati Zoo, 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.293.3241, james@greenenergyohio.org, & www.greenenergyohio.org.
Book Signing with Cincinnati Author Dorothy Weil [Saturday 17 May @ 2-4 PM]: Dorothy Weil's new novel A Good Woman is inspired by the true, tragic story of an elderly Cincinnati couple. At Barnes & Noble, 9891 Waterstone Blvd, Deerfield Twp, Mason OH 45249. More info @ 513.683.5599 & www.dorothyweil.com.
Clever, Compelling, Clay Art Studio Sale [Saturday-Sunday 17-18 May @ 11 AM - 5 PM]: Larry Watson’s whimsical, eclectic, “character pots“ are here for Spring. Experience the magic of the artist in his creative studio. Music & refreshments. Come hear the inspiration behind the pottery art that is an interesting as the work itself. Purchase a set of characters as unique as you. Visit neighboring Stonebrook Winery to make a special afternoon. At 1494 Upper Tug Fork Road, Alexandria, KY 41001. More info @ 859.635.5599, larry@watsonclay.com & www.watsonclay.com.
Attention Artists - Headshot Special [Sunday 18 May @ 12-6 PM]: Zeit Productions, a promotions company for artists of all kinds by artists of all kinds, is offering extremely affordable headshots & band shots as a launching special. Usually, headshots cost at least $150. Zeit is hosting a day of instant, on-site headshots for $25 each, or 3 for $60. Whether you are an actor, a musician, or someone looking for a professional photo - this is a great deal. At Leapin Lizard Gallery, 726 Main Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info & reserve a time @ zeitproductions@gmail.com.
Discussion of Oliver Sack’s New Book: Musicophilia, Tales of Music & the Brain [Sunday 18 May @ 2:30-5:00 PM]: The Science Book Club, a loose confederate of readers & non-readers of popular science, meets the 3rd Sunday of every month. This month, they will discuss Oliver Sack’s book. Free. Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ bsellers@fuse.net.
Yi Yi [Monday 19 May @ 6 PM]: This sprawling epic centers on the daily lives of a middle class Taiwanese family as they each are forced to deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Illuminating both the sorrow that is hidden in happiness as well as the humor inherent in sadness, this humane film is one of the seminal films of the Taiwanese New Wave. (Dir. Edward Yang, 173 min, 2000, Taiwan). At Meyer Gallery, Ground Floor Steger Student Life Center (next to UC Starbucks), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ tyl550@gmail.com & www.ucreelcinema.blogspot.com.
EACC Dinner Gala [Tuesday 20 May @ 7 PM]: Dinner & program, with Guest of Honor Ambassador Angelos Pangratis, Minister-Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to the US. Special Guest is Maurice Marchand-Tonnel, President EACC Paris, France. Registration & cocktails @ 6:30 PM. $110 (EACC member); $125 (non-member); $1,000 (table of 10). In the Hall of Mirrors, Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel, 35 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.852.6510, eacc@europe-cincinnati.com & www.europe-cincinnati.com.
Give Back to the Birthplace of Jazz [Wednesday 21 May @ 7-10 PM]: As a kick-off to the CincyDiversity Series, Zeit Productions features a night of New Orleans-style music with Creole appetizers. Music includes Erwin Stuckey (stride piano), The Queen City Zapatistas (marching brass band) & Lagniappe (Cajun/Zydeco). Valet parking is included. Part of proceeds benefit Give Back Cincinnati for their house-building efforts in New Orleans. $20. At 20th Century, 3021 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info & tix @ zeitproductions@gmail.com & www.givebackcincinnati.org/v3/nola_jazz.asp.
Opening Your Intuition: An Evening Meditation Class [Friday 30 May @ 7-9 PM]: This experiential class, taught by Rev. Jennifer Halls, focuses on recognizing, developing & embracing your intuition. Your abilities will expand as you learn to navigate the intuitive pathways within yourself. Through guided meditation & class discussion, you will learn to feel, build & use energy. You will begin to physically feel & connect to the unseen help that is always around us. These are some of the many ways to deepen your relationship with the divine within you. Cost is $35. Downtown Cincinnati. More info & registration @ 513-470-0907 & valouis@yahoo.com.
The Magic of the Magician: Tarot Workshop [Saturday 31 May @ 9:45 AM - 5:30 PM]: The first card of the Tarot, the Magician, gives a foundation for understanding the Tarot as a whole. The Tarot has a magical way of transforming perspectives & the Magician is the master of all its earthly elements & ways of Spirit. Explore the tarot from the Magiciansʼ perspective & open your intuitive senses. Rev. Jennifer Halls' intuitive teaching style is a practical way to approach the Tarot. This class allows the beginner to grasp the Tarot & the advanced Tarot practitioner to achieve more levels of understanding. Cost is $126. Florence, KY. More info & registration @ 513-470-0907 & valouis@yahoo.com.
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Manifest's 4th Annual Rites of Passage Exhibit Opening [thru 23 May]: Featuring 22 works by 11 emerging artists representing 8 national college undergraduate programs. Conceived & initiated in 2005, The Rites of Passage exhibits were developed to support student excellence by offering a public venue for the display of advanced creative research; to promote young artists as they transition into their professional careers; & to bring the positive creative energies of academic institutions together in one place. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.861.3638, manifest@manifestgallery.org, & www.manifestgallery.org.
Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne Museum [thru Sunday 1 June]: Forty of the finest examples of 18th-20th century American quilts from the Shelburne Museum’s permanent collection are on exhibit. The Shelburne is a unique museum, located in Vermont, & founded by Electra Havemeyer Webb, heiress to the Domino Sugar fortune & a pioneering collector of American folk art. The exhibit also includes several dazzling art quilts by Terrie Hancock Mangat who, along with her sister, Becky Hancock, founded St. Theresa Textile Trove in 1994 in Over-the-Rhine (now located on Hamilton Avenue in College Hill). Also featured is a special gift shop connected to the exhibit featuring work of art quilter Leslie Alexandria, who also has 3 contemporary pieces on display in the Art Museum Library. At the Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.639.2995 & www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org (go to 'Exhibitions').
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
— Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to jkesner@nuvox.net; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
— Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
— Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
— Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format; because my time is limited, formatted submissions typically have a better chance of being included in the email transmission. Thank you for your help:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com, & www.filmfestival.com.
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.
Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: http:lloydhouse.blogspot.com
Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LloydHouseSalon
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit
http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html .
You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: http://www.lloydhouse.com
> To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message
> to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of #
> type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It
> will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7or 8. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can
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