Note: the Weekly hereafter will be published as a rule on Fridays, so get stuff to me by Thurs. evenings. Ellen
Come to the WEDNESDAY night salon. Now permanently on Wednesdays.
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Announcements
- Articles
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation: 575
Growing out of the ( August to start on Wednesday) Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
to Submit events for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line "Weekly-Events:(description)", in times New Roman Maroon color
to submit articles, send (not attachment) email, subject line: "Weekly-Articles-(description)", in Times New Roman, Navy color.
Saves me a lot of work that way. Send submissions by Thursday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (575 as of July 8, 2006... Five years old this month).
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes
(Note: these notes were taken by me, Ellen at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table on Wednesday, 13 September 2006: Marvin Kraus, Janet Kalven, George Graham, Alan Scheidt, Gerry Kraus, Mira Rodwan, Mr. G., David Rosenberg, Mike Murphy, Shari Able, Ray Ash, Mary Biehn, Ellen Bierhorst, Brian Muldoon, Neil Anderson
George read the Preamble.
Mira: tomorrow at Clifton UM Church, Iraq veterans speak out about the war.
Mira: Bill Messer brought these, "" photographs; 42 countries represented. Junior Gallery 2159 Central Ave Cinti 45214 or Opening 9/16/06 7-11pm.
Brian: got a job at UC, Athletic Dept, working with L.D. athletes. Might be tutoring Wed. evenings.
Cranley is having a kick off party tonight at new office in Cheviot.
Tucker's rest. Celebrating 60th birthday. Party at Greenwich this sat. nite.
Tucker's is at 1637 Vine st, bottom of the hill, near Findlay Mkt.
Alan: entertainment section Sunday enquirer, also today's CityBeat, good overviews of the fall arts scene. Lots of great things.
This Sun Cataccoustic concert. Sat 7:30 downtown, Sun 3:00 at Annunciation Church. Remarkable performances
Ensemble Theater tonight opening "Mack and Mable" by the guy who wrote "Hello Dolly". I believe his best musical.
Ink Tank on Main St. Hosting writer's weekend last weekend this month; free workshops offered. Their website:
Keynote Ira Glass of "This American Life" at Memorial Hall. I interviewed him…watch for article in CityBeat the Wed. before.
Marvin: Fri nite Gerry and I saw "As you Like it" by the Shakespeare Festival; marvelous production. I would highly recommend. I can't give as good a review as Alan's. Wonderful reviews!
Mike on Intentional
Of mice and Men:
ELLEN: (paraphrased later) I’d like to hear your ideas on this: why did this play last week make me uncomfortable, not edified, while Woody Allen’s film “Interiors” from the 70’s, also a sad story, thrilled me. (see my essay on this below in Articles section plus Anna Sher’s response. Anna is my biology prof. daughter in Denver, a salon lurker).
Ray: I really believe true art connects with your spirit rather than your senses; channels into a different part of yourself. …You become a secondary participant. … Like Wagner operas.
George the beauty of your imagination and your life experiences come out, because you are resonating with what the author is saying…everyone's response is unique. The greatest surprise is when it happens to you and you never e xpected it to happen. Ask yourself, "Why did this magical connection happen?"
Shari I agree that "Interiors" was wonderful, Woody Allen's best. … I once played the girl who gets killed in "Of Mice and Men". In the Woody Allen film there is hope for the other characters; in Mice and Men there is no hope for anybody. Not as much of a trapped feeling.
Alan it is an apples and oranges comparison. The movie, seen in 1978, and a piece of live theater. Maybe you hooked in interiors more because the people were intellectual, upper middle class characters. Dealing with issues you deal with professional, and possibly personally.
Gerry to some extent it is the way the playwright or director interprets the whole story. I am looking forward to "Of Mice And MEN". I DON'T REMEMBER IT AS BEING AS HOPELESS AS YOU ARE SAYING. So maybe it is about the interpretation.
Mr. G. everything said resonated with me. I was there too on opening night. …As sensitive as y ou might be, it may go over your head. Let's take Mice and Men: it was ugly, sad… but one thing, if you ever identify with that character, trying to p rovide a voice for the inside pains that we all have. A playwright and a troop are trying to express that voice. So that is a transcendent feature. The ugliness of being different; the futility… things have changed a little since that time. There are people like that big guy who do not have it as rough as he did.
Mike: but the first one was a conference at Twin Oaks of a dozen communities. Birdie and I were in search of: letter to the salonistas: we are looking for an intentional community, established or one we could help found. … Sustainable practices raise food, builds houses sustainably, well insulated, use energy wisely, … mindful of peak oil …connection to other people so we'll have Internet, phone. Market garden. Orchard for fruit and nut trees… There are c ommunities which already have most of these features. Apprentice programs. Common meals. Studying together. …place to raise children… music… sing songs until the embers die.
I've already experienced this at Sirius Community where I lived for years.
At Twin Oaks, the conference. But there was no community space for folks to gather. At the conference we all ate at picnic tables there, and we shared community. But their ordinary life seemed to lack focus. Our tour guide showed us around. They don't pioneer the energy innovations. They have 85 people, 39 years. They have 15 businesses. Including hatteras style hammocks. Soy food business. Also they create indices for books that have been written by others. Lots of other businesses. Businesses jointly owned and run. It is an income sharing community. Housing, food, clothing, medical provided, plus $75 / month.
Alan: are they pursuing a communist ideal?
Mike you could say. She explained they have drifted from the Walden Two by B.F. Skinner ideas. (?) Nobody works off the community. There are ten or fifteen children.
Mira last I heard there were only women there.
Mike there is a women's house but the community do have men. I saw about 60% men.
The Sirius Community in Amherst, Massachusetts. Dog Star. Founded by findhorn "graduates". Meditation. Assumption there are nature spirits. We are part of a system that has consciousness on many levels, not just the human level. The animals, earthy, stones, stars all conscious. This is different from Twin Oaks. No spiritual aspect of Twin Oaks.
Sirius: meditation, sweat lodges, changing. 30 folks there, 7 or 8 children. They were hosting a Breathwork conference while we were there. … no businesses owned by the community; businesses are owned by individual members. Many people have jobs off the property…carpenter, computer consultant etc.
I lived there '85 - '95. When I arrived there were only 10; grew to 20 in the ten years. We had a market garden then, not now. They collect fry oil from town and run 3 or more bio diesel cars. Also have a transformer that will run on veg. oil and supp0ly most of the community electricity. They have a windmill for electric generation.
Have an attached greenhouse. Community center 8 side octagonal dome with two wings. Dining room, meeting room, commercial kitchen, guest rooms.
David do you want to describe these things or do you want to discuss aspects…?
Mike I'd like to have a discussion.
David Contrast the two.
Mike Sirius seems to do more stuff together than at Twin Oaks. They don't have a common purpose. Disappointing, because they have a great potential.
Mr. G. Is that lack of leadership?
Mike: it is deliberately leading to let people find their own way. (at Twin Oaks).
Mr. G what bothers me … hard for me to imagine that you get a realistic view from one person's description. … Did you hear of any examples of hands on, group monitoring or controlling what one person do.
Shari I find it hard to believe that they are running all these businesses and not have a lot of meetings.
David.seems like Twin Oaks has made an incredible accomoplishment. Trying to run a small business myself, I know how hard that is. They pay their own way … have socialized food and medicine, money left over, truly amazing. Sound pragmatic. … don't subsidize energy ideas that will be a drain on the community … pay their own way. I am really impressed.
Mr. G: how can you draw these conclusions.
/George: how are they governed?
Mike at Sirius the community meeting once a week to talk about everything. All adults there. Plus Core Group. 6 or 8 people that were self selected when I was there, I was invited in. These are those who take the greatest interest in what goes on. There were folks who wanted to be in the core group who were not accepted.
Ray common ideal, shared mission?
Mike I wish I knew more about Twin Oaks in that regard. But at Sirius the purpose was to have, express the highest and best of every person who lived there. Live lightly on the earth. "Namaste". Attitude.
Ellen formed by a charismatic leader?
Mike Bruce is a very likeable guy. Contractor. … Two brothers born on Cape Cod; one went Marines, one to Peace Corps. That one was steeped in Alice Bailey, theosophical… the marine went to Findhorn. Bruce. Brother and m other went over to investigate, and were impressed as well. The brothers married women there. Gordon and Corinne were doing a hippie type tour of US … found a great place… people came forward and gave thousands of dollars. Raised $30,000, got the rest for land contract. $500 payment per month. Miraculous times scraping together the money. Then the other brother and his wife came. Started in 1978.
It was an act of faith.
Gerry Why did you leave?
Mike I was working for $5/hour…not my way. Then worked as Respiratory therapist for a while. Long commute. … My wife didn't want to live there… I left.
I think about going back. They have reverence for life, trees, land, nature spirits. Having … they use consensus process. Or modified consensus.
I like including the sacred in the affairs in Sirius. If we have to cut down trees, we go out and explain it to the trees first.
Ellen: how could Mike move towards this goal?
Mr. G.: different for small or large group.
Mike say, ten people. Provided they had interaction with the surrounding community. Want an educational group.
Janet with some religious communities there is a rule that when they get above a certain size they have to subdivide. Depends on how much participative decision-making. Can't have 100 people for that.
Ray you need land, a place. I have a son in Boulder interested in starting a community wit h five of his friends. They have mission statements and all kinds of structure, but no money to buy land.
Mike land is a secondary need. Don't begin with land. Start with people, develop some bonding. Sirius had bonding at Findhorn before they got to Mass.
Shari you need to make a decision how the bonding process affects the financial life of the community. Decide whether to have outside jobs or not.
Mike the ecovillage in Ithaca began as a group of eco activists walking from California to Washington DC. Lot of problems were solved on their trek. When they were done they couldn't disband.
This is a community here at the salon … we have a certain amount of bonding.
Alan as I listen I remember Wilde, "The earth is incomplete without utopia". My advice (for would-be founders) would be to continually ask What are my motives? Am I doing this for others? To be in charge? … Ask Why do I want to do this?
Mira: did you read the CityBeat issue on Imago. I have been with these people since mid eighties. Right now there is more cohesiveness there… even though some have lost their homes on Enright… and Imago EarthCenter.
Alan Recommend A Timeless Way of Building. The best places and communities come naturally, evolve rather than being forced.
~ End of Table Notes~
Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Announcements
˘˘∫Don’t eat that spinach salad!
Vivian Klein sends this:
Just heard on NPR that bagged, washed, spinach may be badly poisonous. Had exactly that in my refrigerator, unopened, and now thrown away. Want to warn others..Vivian
Lloyd House Spaces Available
@ THIRD FLOOR TWO ROOM + BATH SUITE: furnished with beautiful teak bedroom set and two durrhi rugs. Share third floor kitchen, share basement laundry. Off street parking. High speed wireless internet. Fabulous public areas including: living/music room, dining room seats 14, spacious veranda, zendo meditation/movement hall, basement weight and work out room, sauna etc. $440/month housing expenses contribution. Call Ellen now: 513 221 1289
@ Second floor bedroom, gas fireplace, three large windows (2 East, one South), share huge b athroom with laundry, shared kitchen on third floor.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer. Dining room seats 16+. Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture. Easy access to (Monday...soon to be Wednesday) night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment. Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility. Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish. Know anyone who might like to explore this? No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking. Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here. $400. contribution to house expenses. Call Ellen: 221 1289
Oct 10 is the last day to register to vote if you are not registered now. Get registration form at branch library, post office, school...
Anyone can now vote Absentee
(and ACLU recommends it for everyone to protect your vote).
Do it NOW. Here’s how:
Your written application for the absentee ballot need not be in any particular form, but it must contain all of the following information:
- Your name;
- Your signature;
- The address at which you are registered to vote;
- Your date of birth;
- One of the following:
- Your Ohio driver’s license number; or
- The last four digits of your Social Security number; or
- A copy of the your current and valid photo identification, military identification, current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and current address. (Note: You cannot use as proof of identification a notice that the board of elections mailed to you.)
7. A statement that you are a qualified elector;
If the request is for a partisan primary election ballot, your political party affiliation; and
If you want the ballots to be mailed, the address to which you want them mailed.
Application deadlines: See “ Absentee Deadlines” below.
By mail: Unless you are a member of the U.S. armed forces, you must mail your properly completed absentee ballot application bearing your original signature to the board of elections of the county in which your voting residence is located. The board must receive your request by noon on the Saturday before the election. However, you should submit your request as far in advance of the election as possible.
Rabbi James Rudin to speak at Wise Center
On Monday, September 18, 2006, from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Wise Center, Rabbi
James Rudin will be the featured speaker on the vital topic: Pluralism vs.
Puritanism: Fighting for America's Soul.
Isaac M. Wise Center
8329 Ridge Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 793-2556
Candidates Invited to Iraq focus Townhall Meeting
With Sr. Alice Gerdeman
Hey folks,
On Monday, Sept 18 - IJPC will be sponsoring a townhall meeting that focuses on the local impact of war in Iraq at St. Monica St George at 6:30pm.
Congresswoman Schmidt will be sending an aide, Congressman Chabot's office is determining whether to send an aide from his office or from the campaign office, Victoria Wulsin will be attending, and John Cranley's office has said that it looks difficult but they are trying to rearrange his schedule so that he can attend. Below you will find the original letter that we sent to him on August 11. We encourage you to call his campaign office today and urge him to attend the Town hall meeting. . . Below find his phone # and email . . . .
Cranley for Congress
Phone: 513-241-1777
August 11, 2006
John Cranley
37 W. 7th Street, Suite 804
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Dear Democratic Candidate John Cranley ,
The Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center (IJPC) invites you to participate as a panelist at a Town Hall Meeting on Monday September 18, 2006 at 6:30 pm. The event will be held at St. Monica-St. George Parish Newman Center, 328 West McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The focus of this meeting will be on the impact of the
war in Iraq to our community.
The IJPC has invited representatives of our community to speak who are concerned about the impact of the war in Iraq as it affects the availability of federal funding for widely supported programs, such as health care, education, and social services.
As an incumbent or candidate for the 1st and 2nd Ohio Congressional Districts, we hope that you will attend and take advantage of this opportunity to listen to the concerns of your constituents. We believe the testimony that will be presented must be considered when making future decisions regarding the course of the war in Iraq.
To confirm your attendance or for more information, please contact Kristen Barker at 513-579-8547. Thanks for considering this invitation. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Alice Gerdeman, CDP
Coordinator, Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center
Tucker’s Restaurant 60th Birthday Celebrations
(tucker’s is an OTR institution. Join in here! Ellen)
In honor of Tucker’s Restaurant 60th Birthday this September 19th, two events are scheduled:
Tucker’s Restaurant 60th Birthday Bash & Benefit
Saturday, September 16 8 PM – 2 AM
The Greenwich 2442 Gilbert Avenue Walnut Hills
Music: Mercurochrome, Fairmount Girls, (in)camera
Lagniappe, DJ Al Catone
Food, Birthday Cake, Champagne Birthday Toast
Admission: $10.00
All proceeds will go to SID Network of Ohio in memory of
Adam Tucker Cappel, Joe/Carla Tucker’s 1st grandchild
Tucker’s Restaurant 60th Birthday Celebration
Tuesday, September 19 12 PM
Tucker’s Restaurant 1637 Vine Street Over the Rhine
City officials proclaim “Tucker’s Day in Cincinnati”
Mrs. Maynie Tucker, 59+ years worker at the restaurant, receives
“Key to Cincinnati” from Mayor Mark Mallory
Reception to follow the ceremony
Months ago, the events committee began the planning process with the guiding principle that the 60th birthday celebrations will be joyous occasions promoting the restaurant, it’s rich history and the Tucker Family’s longstanding commitment to the people of the Over-the-Rhine community.
Joe/Carla Tucker, the current owners of Tucker’s Restaurant, along with Maynie Tucker – matriarch of Tucker’s, are available for interviews (print/TV/radio). Please contact Brian Muldoon – 375-6100 to set-up a scheduled time with the Tuckers.
John Robbins to offer class on energy
From: John F. Robbins []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: Energy & Solar Classes at Great Oaks Institute
Solar Energy At Home
I'm offering home energy and solar classes this upcoming school season at Great Oaks Institute (GOI) in SW Ohio. They are each 21 hrs of class time, seven sessions of 3 hrs each. I offered to drive to Live Oaks (Milford) or Diamond Oaks (Dent), so both sides of Cincinnati will have somewhat better access this year. GOI set the times, dates and specific locations, not me. So if you want the solar class offered at the Diamond campus or on a different night in the future, call and tell them that. Or let me know. See the classes advertised for the next two quarters at the Great Oaks' website: .
Home Energy Efficiency
(Kathy is a dear friend and entirely credible! Ellen)
A Workshop on The Work of Byron Katie
Saturday, September 23, 10:00-5:00
400 Pike St. (downtown by Taft Museum)
From Kathy Stewart, salon lurker
Never heard of The Work of Byron Katie? Neither had I until 18 months ago.
Now I use it on a daily basis. What is it? A process of inquiry, a way to question the beliefs, judments, and opinions that put you at odds with reality: with yourself, with others, with the way things are.
What it's done for me: My husband says I'm far more tolerant, less judgmental, and more lighthearted. My experience exactly. Maybe for the first time ever, I really love my life, love myself, and take greater pleasure in the ordinary and everyday.
I've done The Work several times today already. Here's an example: We're camping out in Utah (I'm using the library computer here in Moab to write this announcement), and I had plenty of negative thoughts about my fellow campers this morning. "They shouldn't smoke and drink all that beer" was the first thought I investigated. Is it true? Can I absolutely know it's true that they shouldn't drink and smoke? Can I ultimately know what's best for their path? Can I absolutely know I'd be happier if I got what I wanted? How do I treat them when I believe that thought? (I distance myself from them, I consider myself better than they are, etc etc etc . . . in other words, I am at war with them in my head. This is the beginning of all hostility: the mind.) The questioning continued: Who would I be without that thought, that they shouldn't drink and smoke? (I'd be seeing four people having a lot of fun together, enjoying themselves. I'd be at peace with them.) The final step is to turn the thought around: I shouldn't drink and smoke! Yep, I'd been drinking in all kinds of nasty thoughts about them, and really smoking/fuming over it.
So in just a few minutes, I completely changed my attitude about them and was free to enjoy the day.
Byron Katie says, "All war belongs on paper," in other words, our thoughts should be exposed to inquiry before we act. Works for me . . . it'll work for you, too.
Hope to see you. Meanwhile, check out for more info.
More next week . . . by the way, the presenter is Martha Creek from Louisville.
Study group at the Lloyd House, Saturdays at 3 pm
(except not Sat. 23 Sept)
We have completed reading The Decline of American Power by Wallerstein, and moving on to Alternatives to Economic Globalization by Mander and somebody else. Join us! Ellen, David rosenberg, Mike Murphy, Daisy quarm.
Richard Bumberg: Protect Internet Freedom!
Ted Stevens is trying to pass a telecom reform bill that would shackle digital TV and radio with broadcast and video flags, and require mandatory labelling of websites. I've told my senator to stop the bill - could you?
Above courtesy EFF; below from me:
There's a lot of bad stuff happening, and a lot of bad legislation being introduced, but this one is particularly pernicious; it will not only hinder the flow of free speech across the Internet, but it will hinder the ability of the US to compete productively in a global environment. It is analagous to giving control of the Interstate Highway System to the trucking industry and giving them the right to collect tolls.
To take action on this issue, click on the link below:
If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.
MLK chorale now morphed into
Voices of Freedom chorus
Still under the direction and inspiration of Cathy Roma (of Muse, of St. John’s, etc.) and Bp. Todd O’Neal of House of Joy church in College Hill. Rehearsals started Sept 12, and will proceed every other Tuesday at 6:30 throughout the fall and winter. Next time is Sept 26.
singers needed! No audition! Men singers especially needed.
This is a fantastic opportunity to build interracial healing bridges in our city AND have a marvelous time as well. I have sung in the chorale for many years. The group will perform at the MLK Day celebration at Music Hall, of course, but also at the Rededication of Fountain Square on Sat. Oct 14 and at a Bengals game on Sat. Oct 22. In March at the Freedom Center on Internat’l Women’s Day, March 8. Then off for the spring and summer.
Parking: either at the Freedom Center garage (for a fee) or on Walnut street. Carpooling is great.
Cincinnati has historically been a city of singing, thanks to those old Germans and to the Black folks and the Appalachians. And the hispanics and the Italians and... It is one of our strengths as a city. Cathy and Todd are wonderful to sing for and with, and the spirituals music will lift your heart. Come give it a try. Great fun, important piece of civic activism. Ellen.
Constitution Under Siege
Conference at St. John’s Tues Eve Sept 26
Join us for a discussion on torture, rendition, spying and other abuses of presidential power carried out in the name of the so-called “War on Terror.”
Torture. Extraordinary rendition. This is America?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
7:00 p.m.
St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Road., Cincinnati
Free and open to the public.
Seating limited. To RSVP, click on the button above or call (216) 472-2220
The event will begin with a short screening of the ACLU’s new 10 minute video “Stop The Abuse” which chronicles those who have been detained in foreign countries, spied on and kept in detainments camps because they were suspected of terrorism. Civil liberties and human rights experts will then comment on the recent expansion of presidential powers, followed by a question and answer period with audience members.
For more information regarding this event and others visit our website at
To talk at St. John’s Unitarian to benefit Wmen Writing for (a) change. topic: “Urgent message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the world.”
Dr. Bolen is a Jungian analyst, author of such books as “goddesses in Everywoman”... A power hitter. How in the world did women writing get this big shot to come for them?
Thurs, Oct 12 7 pm, $25 if registered by Oct 1. Call 272 1171 x2 to register.
$30 at the door.
For $75 you can go to the reception and book signing as well.
Salonista, artist Diane Fishbein: Clifton to get Arts Center!
Ellen, oh you are going to love the arts center and it is going to happen. First the carraige house behind the new school target finished a year from Nov. then the old school building (where the fountain is) with tons of classes. we will be there a lot. diane
Vision Quest!
At three Rivers Retreat Center (That’s Alan Hundley’s place near Natural Bridge in Red River Gorge, Slade KY)
Sunday Oct 8 at 3:00 to Sun. Oct 15 at noon.
12 CEUs for social workers available.
Sponsored by IMAGO
$700 includes food, lodging, guidance by Ruth Traut, Angelo LaZenka.
With Alan Hundley and Jim Shenk behind this, it must be fantastic. ellen
Please come see this movie .... The link to RSVP is below.
WHAT: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
WHEN: Tuesday, October 10 08:00 PM
WHERE: Southgate House
24 E. 3rd Street
Newport, Kentucky 41071
HOSTED BY: L Chenault.
Tickets are FREE
For more details and to RSVP, please visit:
To find another screening of this film, please visit:
Buddhist Big Shot coming to Lloyd House in October
Fri. - Sun, Oct 13, 14, 15
Will give weekend workshop/retreat for professional caregivers, Buddhists and non-Bud. alike. Not a professional care giver? come anyway, all welcome. Topic: Life, Death and After Death
Speaker, Dr. Nicholas Ribush, M.D. and buddhist monk has been a national leader for 30 years. Linneage: Lama Zopa Rinpiche and Lama Yeshe; Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).
Friday evening $25, Saturday 10 - 5: $50, Sunday 10-4 $50, Entire weekend: $100 (such a deal!). Contact Molly Fitzgerald 513 947 8332
....mental continuity after death? ... Preparing for death...What h appens during and after death?... How life can benefit from awareness of death.
Erik Bendix, lately of cincinnati, Alexander Teacher, folk dance teacher, will be in town week of Oct 16 for private A.T. Lessons and Dervish Whirling Workshop. I attend this in the spring of ‘05 and it was truly marvelous! For anyone interested in dance, mysticism, meditation, healing ... Ellen
Sufi DervishWhirling workshop
There is a saying among dervishes that we are all dizzy on this spinning world, and that only by whirling can we see it straight. Turning constantly is a way to experience continual change in a way that brings us face to face with all we are attached to. The Mevlevi dervish tradition, founded in the 13th century by the great mystic poet Jellal-al-Din Rumi, developed whirling into a profound spiritual practice. This workshop is an introduction to that practice.
All you need for this workshop is a humble heart and a pair of socks. We will approach the practice a little at a time as we are each able. You can expect to get dizzy some of the time, but only as a step toward finding the true center you are spinning around, and of tasting what is constant beyond all that changes. This is a path of the heart. This workshop is once only, with a limited number of spaces available, so reserve your space without delay. Many thanks to Connie Michael for letting us use her lovely secluded studio, which she usually uses only for her own Eurythmy classes. She has asked that we not eat in the studio, so we’ll lunch outside or in nearby Clifton.
Date:……….Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
Times:………10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Location:…...179 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati
Cost:……….$54 per person
Instructor:….Erik Bendix
For information: e-mail
or call Erik at (828)298-5515
From Interstate 75, take the Mitchell Ave. exit onto
Mitchell Ave. north, take your first left turn onto
Kenard Ave., go past the big Krogers, then left again
onto Clifton Ave.. Got all the way up the hill and just
past the top take your first left onto Lafayette Circle.
#179 is near the far end of the circle. Do not park in
the driveway. Walk past the house and down through
the garden to the studio. Be kind to Connie’s dogs.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and families. Expert, caring, rapid service. Most insurance plans will cover. Call 513 221 1289. Special areas of interest: issues of young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss. What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.
Alan Hundley gives a terrific Watsu (massage/yoga in warm water pool) that is good for whatever ails ya’. Ellen.
Outdoor Garden Watsu Pool is open for a few more glorious weeks. If you haven't treated yourself lately to the magical water world of Watsu call for an appointment. 513-2818606.
Alan Hundley LMT, LLC
Three Waters
On 29 Sept Natural alternatives to fighting Cancer
Free talk
Recommended by shirley reischman:
Hello Everyone,
Christine Horner is a dynamic and knowledgeable speaker. I knew her as a caring physician and proponent of alternative health care while she lived in Cincinnati. This is a rare opportunity to hear her speak at no charge. Also James and I will have a booth at the health expo the evening of her presentation. I hope to see you there.
Please save the date and join us for an exciting, free festival that is coming up next month...
Mantra Wellness Center and EarthSave Cincinnati are proud to present...
Mantra Wellness Festival
Christine Horner, MD, FACS
"Natural Approaches to Fighting and Preventing Cancer"
Sponsored by Cincinnati Country Day School
Friday, September 29th
6-10pm (Dr. Horner speaks at 7pm)
At Cincinnati Country Day School
6905 Given Road; Indian Hill, OH
This wellness festival features over 40 vendors, live music, a vegetarian food court, a book signing and of course our keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Horner.
Dr. Horner is a native Cincinnatian who has been featured on Oprah's "Angel Network" and has been seen on local TV for many years. She spearheaded a national campaign to pass laws requiring insurance companies to pay for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery. Her book Waking the Warrior Goddess: Harnessing the Power of Nature & Natural Medicines to Achieve Extraordinary Health is winner of the 2006 Independent Publisher (IPPY) Book Award for best book of the year for health/nutrition/medicine.
For more information, please visit:
For more info contact us at or 513.891.1324
Mantra Wellness Center LLC * 4677 Cooper Road * Cincinnati, OH 45242
Mantra Wellness Center Mailing List : :
Your Old Paperback Books wanted by inmates of prisons.
Daisy Quarm just told me about this and took bags of my old sci-fi, mystery, and children’s books. Prisoners circulate them... Tape themselves reading the kids’ books and send the tapes to their ch ildren at home. Wonderful! No hardcover books, no romance novels, no books on religion. Email Daisy to find out more:
There are only 9 weeks left before the November 2006 elections and with so much at stake this year – from jobs and health care to national security – there is no excuse to not be involved.
On Saturday, September 30th, America Votes and our Partners are gearing up for a National Day of Action. We are working together to educate, register, and mobilize voters in critical battleground states. Join us as we work to make a difference and bring more voters to the polls. Click on the city closest to you to sign up today!
Cincinnati | Columbus | Cleveland | Lorain
(if these links don’t work, go to ellen)
We will be adding additional locations in the coming weeks.
This year’s elections will have significance for years to come. We have a choice; we can sit out and let others decide our future for us, or we can get active now and make a difference. Legions of activists need to knock on doors, make phone calls, register voters, and organize in their precincts to mobilize the millions of progressive voters who went to the polls in 2004 but may stay home this year. Who do you want to cast the deciding vote?
The America Votes Ohio Team
P.S. Attend an America Votes open house near you to learn what AV is doing in your community. Click on a city below to sign up today!
Cleveland | Columbus | Cincinnati
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Suggestions for submitting Tri-State Treasures are at the bottom of this email; please help me by formatting your submissions, as described below.
Sincerely, Jim
Center for Independent Living Options: The Center for Independent Living Options (CILO) is the oldest center for independent living in Ohio, serving individuals with disabilities in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. A 501 (c) 3 non-profit org, CILO is governed, managed, & staffed primarily by professionals with disabilities. CILO serves adults & children of all ages with physical, sensory, cognitive, &/or psychological disabilities. CILO's philosophies of independent living, self-determination, & self-direction bring a unique perspective to disability issues. CILO breaks down barriers to create options & choices to empower persons with disabilities. CILO’s newest program is Art Beyond Boundaries, which promotes the full inclusion & participation of people with disabilities in the arts. The core of this program is a visual art gallery in downtown Cincinnati, at 35 East Seventh Street, for artists with disabilities to display their artwork. CILO, 632 Vine Street, Suite 305, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.241.2600 x11,, &
Tarot Reading, Intuitive Development, & 1st Degree Reiki Classes [September]: Three classes that will wake you up & increase your intuitive abilities, making life easier & more fun:
Ÿ Tarot card reading class - Wed 13, 20 & 27 Sep @ 7-9 PM
Ÿ Intuitive Development with Spiritual Coaching - Thur 14, 21 & 28 Sep @ 7-9 PM
Both classes taught by Patricia Garry. $90 for 3 sessions per class. In a Walnut Hills home, Cincinnati, OH.
Ÿ Reiki 1st Degree - Sun 24 Sep @ 10AM-2PM
Co-taught by Patricia Garry & Francine Haydon. At Enchanted Moments, 133 Main Street, Milford, OH 45150.
More info & registration for all classes @ 513.281.6864,, www.patriciag
Ÿ Strengthening Community: Bringing Your Gift to the City with Sobonfu Somé [Sunday 17 September @ 12-5PM]: Building & strengthening community requires all citizens to contribute their unique gifts. Exploring through ritual & teaching how to use your gifts to enhance your communities at work, home, & in your city. Registration is needed for this event. $85. At St. Francis School Auditorium, 14 East Liberty Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.621.5514 x 12 &
World-Class Collection of Enamel Art [Tuesday 19 September @ 7 PM]: Come see the inauguration of the largest collection of enamels on view in this country; maybe in the world! Woodrow Carpenter will open his new building which will house his enormous personal collection of enamels (some bought at Sothbys, some collected over his 91-years) plus 3 new classrooms for workshops, a library, & a sales outlet. This opening coincides with a national enamelist conference for artists who work in glass fused to metal. At 600 Colfax Avenue, Bellevue, KY 41073. More info @ 859.291.3800.
Dinner & Jazz with Pianist/Chef Ed Moss @ Schwartz's Point [Tuesdays: buffet @ 7 PM; music @ 8 PM]: Ever enjoyed the music of iconic Ed Moss & musical friends? Ever been intrigued by the historic flatiron building topped by the clock at Schwartz's Point @ Vine & McMicken? Do you like gourmet home-cooking in an eclectic atmosphere? Now, experience all 3. Next party is Tuesday 19 September when Ed welcomes Dave Greer's Classic Jazz Stompers from Dayton, with Ed on piano & Pam Ross rendering vocals. Begin the evening with special seasonal, complimentary dinner buffet prepared by Ed, who strives to provide: warm, congenial, pleasant & friendly atmosphere: "Gemütlich." Also available for private parties. RSVP required; $25-30 suggested donation. At Schwartz's Point, 1901 Vine Street @ McMicken Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45202. (Green lights at Vine Street doors indicate room is open; push hard on right-hand door.) More info & RSVP @ 513.651.2236,,, &
Introduction to Herbal Medicine [Tuesday 19 September @ 7 PM]: This 2 hour program will look at the current state of health & healthcare in the US, historical use of herbs, & how they can fit into our search for wellness. Presented by New Moon Wellness & Pamela Bronner RN, CRM, CHt. In Erlanger, KY 41018; call for address. Free. More info & RSVP @ 859.727.1062 &
MidPoint Music Festival [Wed-Sat 20-23 September] & Midpoint Fire-Up [Fri 22 September 6-8:30 PM]: 5th Annual MidPoint Music Festival kicks off the Midwest's biggest & best music festival. Over 300 national & international artists descend on the Queen City. Last year over 50,000 music fans came to Cincinnati's Downtown & Over-the-Rhine bars & restaurants to hear great bands. On Friday, Cincinnati Advance hosts Midpoint Fire-Up where you'll turn up the heat with a drink & dinner-by-the-bite from Vinyl & Washington Platform before a night of cutting-edge original music. Chat with fellow music enthusiasts & plan your night of shows while partying in a Midpoint Venue. The night's music starts with DJ Empirical ( $5 for Midpoint Fire-Up dinner-by-the-bite & cash bar; proceeds benefit Cincinnati Advance; does not include admission to Midpoint Music Festival. Cincinnati Advance Midpoint Fire-Up, Know Theatre, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Friday's bands for Midpoint Music Festival: Kim Taylor @ Know Theatre @ 10:15 PM; Triage @ Blue Wisp @ 12 AM; Ryan Adcock @ Kaldi's @ 12:20 AM; Fairmount Girls @ Guido's Corner Tap @ 10:15 PM; Jake Speed & The Freddies @ Arnold's @ 12:15 PM. More info @ 877.572.8690,, &; 513.300.KNOW,, & Cincinnati Advance is a non-profit org that facilitates interaction to stimulate growth in the Cincinnati area through cultural, social, artistic, & community building activities, events, & projects:
Middle Eastern Cultural Celebration [Thursday-Saturday 21-23 September @ 5-8 PM (Thu-Fri) & 1-6 PM (Sat)]: Working together can make a difference. Join in the celebration of our Middle Eastern friends & neighbors with 3 days of free music, dance & food prior to the arrival of hand-crafted rugs from Pakistan. Featured events: Tree of Life - World Music & Dance; Cooking with Grammy-Middle Eastern Cuisine; Schiel Dancing Stars - Belly Dance, Gypsy Rhythm - Belly Dance; Bondaura - Belly Dance, Henna Painters - Body Art. Presented by & at Ten Thousand Villages, 2011 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.5840,,
New Perspectives on the Ten Commandments [Thursday 21 September @ 6:30-8 PM]: Life is a journey, travel with purpose. This experiential group will reexamine the Ten Commandments, its relevancy for the 21st century, & how they appear in different faith traditions. Meet once a week for 9 weeks. Suggested donation is $25 per person; $40 per couple; sliding scale: includes all materials including the book "Rise Above It" by Ray & Star Silverman. At 7439 Montgomery Road, Suite 3, Cincinnati, OH 45236. More info & RSVP @ 513.531.3060 &
Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption Concert Series [Intermittent Sundays from 24 September 2006 - 18 March 2007 @ 3 PM]: The Series strives to present instrumental & choral music from the rich traditions of western liturgy & inspired classical music, presented in a suitable visual & acoustic environment. Donations support all series expenses & costs to preserve the Historic Matthias Schwab Organ (1859). In other words, the Cathedral Concert Series combines music of extraordinary range & quality in arguably the region's most magnificent space. At St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, 1140 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859-431-2060 ext 204,, &
Oriental Rug Event [Wed 27 September – Sun 1 October @ 10-6 (Wed, Thu, Sat), 10-8 (Fri) & noon-4 (Sun)]: More than 300 hand-knotted Oriental rugs are offered during this annual event to benefit Pakistani artisans. Sizes range from runners to 9’x12’. RSVP for the free Thursday seminar (7-9 PM); the rug primer will explain the ancient art of rug-making from setting up the warp to tying the fringes. At Ten Thousand Villages, 2011 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.5840,, &
Cincinnati Ballet New Works Festival [Thursday-Sunday 28 September - 8 October; Thur-Sat @ 8 PM; Sat-Sun @ 2 PM]: The new season kicks off with 4 exciting premieres in CB's incredible new performance studio, where the audience is right upon
the dancers to appreciate the power & athleticism of the artists. Jim Hart, principle pianist & assistant conductor for the Ballet, will perform the Schumann Symphonic Etudes (solo piano) on stage with 4 dancer couples in Lynn Taylor-Corbett's "Lost & Found." Ms. Corbett weaves postures & gestures of grief she saw in NYC after 9/11 into abstract, emotional, poetic ballet. Says Mr. Hart, "Schumann's Symphonic Etudes is basically in theme & variations form. The theme is serious in nature, but the variations are full of romantic flights of fantasy & bravura. This is some of the most passionate, romantic, & ethereal music that the composer ever wrote." Kirk Peterson's "Javelin," a piece for 10 men, is inspired by the ancient Greek Olympics, celebrating raw physicality. With music by Michael Torke, the theme centers on the aspiration of mortals to godliness. Viktor Kabaniaev's "Ozhedanye" is a lyrical piece for 8 women. Translated as "yearning" from Russian, "Ozhedanye" is an abstract piece with familiar movement given new meaning & uncommon movement explored, with music by Christos Hatzis. Luca Veggetti's "Traces" takes inspiration from the 14th century Japanese Noh theater, exploring the relation of movement to stillness, sound to silence, with music by Toshio Hosokawa. At the Cincinnati Ballet Center's Mickey Jarson Kaplan Performance Studio, 1555 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. More info @ 513.621.5282 &
Ongoing TSTs:
Cincinnati Waldorf School Observation Mornings [3rd Tuesday of each month]: Take a guided tour of CWS to see the school & observe a Waldorf class in action. Refreshments & Q&A session follow the tour. At 745 Derby Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45232. More info & RSVP @ 513.541.0220 ext 14 &
Miami University Italian Cinema Series [Tuesdays 22 August - 5 December @ 7:30 PM]: Movies in Italian with English subtitles, unless otherwise noted. Free & open to the public. In 46 Culler Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. See last week's TSTs for list of films. More info @
Plein-Air Landscape Painting Class [6 Saturdays 16 September - 21 October @ 9:30AM-1:30PM]: Richard Luschek teaches this class thru UC Community Education Department. Plein-Air is a French expression meaning "in the open air." See last week's TSTs for details. More info @ 513-556-6932,, &
The Light In The Piazza - donations go to Art Funds [September 5-17]: The League of Cincinnati Theatres & the Theatre Artists Project Fund will receive $5 from discounted single tickets to "The Light in the Piazza." In the Procter & Gamble Hall, Aronoff Center for the Arts, 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. See last week's TSTs for details. More info @ 513.621.2787,,, &
Four Winds Academy, the holistic training center run by Alexander Teachers Vivien and Neil Schapera in Blue Ash... see whole listing at
FourWinds Academy September 2006
In this update:
Certification Trainings: Medical Intuitive Training; Melody Level 1 & 2 Crystal Healing; and Crystal Surgery(with a special note for students who did the Saturday Series.)
Free Events for the Community: Healing Meditation; Drumming Circle (change in date and location – please note)
2007 Midwest Crystal Conference & Expo - March 23, 24, 25, 2007 -- YES! IT'S ON
Section Three: Articles
- Ellen on “Of Mice and Men”
- Alan Scheidt’s review “of Mice and Men” at
- Ginny Frazier: work for Green Schools
- Safety tips for women
- Salon Lurker Evan Bukey on Rivkin/world h istory; on Censorship of the arts, porn.
Ellen goes to the theatah:
“Of Mice and Men”
So last Thursday our esteemed and renowned arts critic/Thespian/salonista Alan Scheidt (see his review from cityBeat below) invited me to the opening of of Mice and Men at the playhouse. John Steinbeck’s drama about George, a homeless migrant farm laborer in California in the 30’s, and his oversized mentally retarded side kick Lennie. It was a hoot being at an opening. Spencer Konicov was there, and Mr. G., so the salon was represented fourfold. Are we cool or what! Paavo Yarvi was there... He is so sexy on the podium of the Symphony, I thought he was at least 6’2”. Paavo is only about 5’6”. I literally rubbed elbows with the conductor. Oh my.
The set was spectacular. With the special lighting for act I, it was a thrilling piece of installation art. Huge canvases 40’ tall by 15’ wide at least, stuck all over with sand and pebbles and rocks (they were foam actually, but 100% convincing) . Breath-takingly beautiful. It was the best thing all evening. I was delighted when the set designer Paul Short came and set down right beside me.
I saw Jody Grundy at intermission...our wonderful political activist in town. She and friends are gearing up for the election. I am still exhausted from ‘04 when we Kerry all-outs died in the Bush.
Lennie accidentally kills a person because he can’t release h is muscles when he gets alarmed, and has to be shot like a dog by his friend. And, believe it or not, that was actually the best thing for him. Alas, the torment of George does not come through... The love that he might have had for poor Lennie does not come through. Was that Steinbeck’s fault? If only I could have peeked into the soul of these people, I think the stomach churning and teeth grinding I suffered through in the suspense and action would have been well worth it. I guess the play left me on the surface of the events.
I am famous for walking out of plays and movies that make me uncomfortable. Once when Monty Sher and I went to see Woody Allen’s drama film Interiors we had to sit separately, and when Monty saw that it was not going to be up-beat he left the hall and looked for me in the lobby and on the street, and was incredulous when he couldn’t find me. Meanwhile, I was inside lapping up the movie! Why was that beautiful for me, whle Mice and Men was not ? I think it was the soul thing. This was the question I asked at the table that sparked a pretty interesting conversation.
I still say the set was gorgeous. Worth the price of a ticket to see. Did you know you could get a senior discount or a last minute bargain by going 15 min. before the curtain?
And... a response from my daughter, biol. prof. Anna:
What irony- I just re-read Of Mice and Men just a couple of weeks ago (a single sitting, is a short book)- I had found it for sale for 25 cents at our library and so went for it. The love of George and his agony about killing Lennie DOES come through in the book- at least for me. His body language is described in great detail as he goes with the men 'to find Lennie', and how he put the gun down once before actually doing it, and how he tells Lennie his favorite story and makes him look a certain way so that he can die thinking happy thoughts... And then his behavior and way of talking (very flat) when the men catch up to him, and the loving sympathetic way that one of the men puts his arm around George, presumably because he can see his agony... None of this is in the play? I felt it was central to the story. Anna
From Ginny Frazier: Let’s work for Green and Healthy Schools!
Dear Friend, September 10, 2006
For millions of American children with asthma, the start of the school year can bring a rise in severe attacks and frantic trips to the emergency room. More than six times as many asthmatic children of elementary school age are admitted to the hospital in early fall than during the hot, smoggy days of summer, according to scientific studies. – The Cincinnati Enquirer, August 17, 2006
This past Spring, the Cincinnati Board of Education pledged, “to build and operate sustainable high performance school facilities that are environmentally and fiscally responsible, healthy places to learn that promote student achievement.”
(See http://www.cps BdMinutes.htm.)
Research and experience demonstrate that healthy and high performance “green” schools improve test scores, improve the health of children, teachers, and staff, and save a substantial amount of money through energy savings and reduced maintenance costs over the life of the building. This savings can then be reinvested into our school facilities or other areas to further improve educational outcomes.
CPS has already put into action its commitment to build green schools. Through its partnership with the Cincinnati Zoo, CPS provided partial funding for the construction of the zoo’s new “green” educational building, which houses CPS’ zoo academy. CPS also plans to build the first public LEED-certified* green school in the state of Ohio at the new Pleasant Ridge Elementary School.
Additionally, CPS has agreed “to provide training in high performance, sustainable design green features of the new buildings and to teach staff about maintenance and operations.” To address health-related issues that face our schools, CPS has further mandated that a wellness committee be organized at each school. This gives us a special opportunity to build and maintain healthy learning environments and optimize the indoor air quality in our schools.
In partnership with CPS, the Alliance for Leadership and Interconnection (ALLY) and the Woman’s City Club are sponsoring a Green and Healthy Schools Educational Program. We want to make sure that every Cincinnati Public School child and school employee is able work and learn in an environmentally safe and healthy school. This coming school year 2006-2007, we are planning a series of monthly educational programs, including a tour of Caywood Elementary, a green school in Kenton County, KY.
We are very excited about the commitment CPS has made to the health and well being of students, teachers, staff, and community residents. But unless green maintenance and sustainable operating systems are in place (such as integrated pest management, non-toxic cleaning, art, and office supplies), a green school will not reach its potential of being environmentally sound and healthy.
We must act now. According to recent studies, Greater Cincinnati has a higher asthma rate than the national average (The Cincinnati Enquirer, July 2, 2006), and children are more susceptible to indoor air pollutants, toxic chemical and pesticides, mold, lead in paint and drinking water, than adults. Since these problems contribute to absenteeism, learning difficulties, staff turnover and greater liability for school districts, we feel it is urgent to act now.
This year’s Green and Healthy Schools program will assist school design teams, wellness committees, and community leaders in thinking through these complex issues. To participate, we invite you to come to our first meeting September 21 at the Mayerson Academy at 4:00 pm to help us plan this year’s Green and Healthy Schools educational program. (See enclosed form and tentative program listing).
We look forward to having your participation in the year’s Green and Healthy Schools Educational Series as we inform ourselves and educate the community about the importance of healthy school environments.
Ginny Frazier,
Executive Director
Alliance for Leadership and Interconnection (ALLY)
Jeanne Nightingale,
Civic Affairs Director
Woman’s City Club of Greater Cincinnati
* LEED rating system = Leadership, Energy, Environment, Design
Green and Healthy Schools 2006-2007
Monthly Educational Series
Board of Education Auditorium at the Mayerson Academy
2650 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Dates: Every Third Thursday
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm
September 21 - CPS Goals and Objectives pertaining to “green” building design and use of LEED Green Building Rating System.
Presenters: Mike Burson CPS Director of Facilities, Steed, Hammond and Paul,
Architect and Pleasant Ridge Planning team members. (Meet in the banquet room)
“CPS will build and operate sustainable high performance school facilities that are environmentally and fiscally responsible, healthy places to learn and work that
promote student achievement.” (BOE May 8, 2006 minutes)
October 19– Tour of a Local Green School
A tour of Caywood Elementary School in Northern KY. To car pool, meet at Mayerson Academy
parking lot at 3:30 or meet at Caywood, 3300 Turkeyfoot Rd, Edgewood, KY 41017-2647. Tel: (859) 341-7062. Tour begins at 4:00pm.
November 16 - Children's Environmental Health & Indoor Air Quality Overview
January 18 - EPA Tools for Healthy Schools
February 15 – CPS Wellness Policy and Healthy School Environments
March 15 - Green Products Fair
April 21- Green and Healthy Schools Conference - Details TBA
Hosted by Cincinnati Public Schools
Sponsored by Woman's City Club and Alliance for Leadership & Interconnection
For more information call 513-541-4607 or visit or email
Please refrain from wearing scented products to accommodate those allergic to fragrances
> > Safety tips for Women!!
(some of these look useful and important...ellen)
> > We can now add to the list of victims the retired 77
> > yr. old TCU professor
> > from Ft Worth whose body was found last week in
> > Oklahoma--and the 11 yr. old
> > in Sarasota, FL. Because of these recent abductions
> > in daylight hours,
> > refresh yourself of these things to do in an
> > emergency situation... This is
> > for you, and for you to share with your wife, your
> > children, everyone you
> > know.
> >
> > After reading these 9 crucial tips, forward them to
> > someone you care about.
> > It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we
> > live in.
> >
> > 1 . Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest
> > point on your body. If
> > you are close enough to use it, do!
> > 2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans.
> > If a robber asks for
> > your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM.
> > Toss it away from
> > you....chances are that he is more interested in
> > your wallet and/or purse
> > than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN
> > 3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
> > kick out the back tail
> > lights and stick your arm out the hole and start
> > waving like crazy. The
> > driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This
> > has saved lives.
> > 4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars
> > after shopping, eating,
> > working, etc., and just sit doing their checkbook,
> > or making a list, etc.
> > DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you,
> > and this is the perfect
> > opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,
> > put a gun to your head,
> > and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO
> > a. If someone is in the car with a gun to your
> > head DO NOT DRIVE OFF,
> > repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Instead, gun the engine
> > and speed into anything,
> > wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the
> > person is in the back
> > seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the
> > car crashes bail out and
> > run. It is better than having them find your body in
> > a remote location.
> >
> > 5 A few notes about getting into your car in a
> > parking lot, or parking
> > garage:
> > A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car,
> > at the passenger side
> > floor, and in the back seat.
> > B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your
> > car from the passenger
> > door. Most serial killers attack their victims by
> > pulling them into their
> > vans while the women are attempting to get into
> > their cars.
> > C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of
> > your vehicle, and the
> > passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the
> > seat nearest your car, you
> > may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and
> > get a guard/policeman to
> > walk you back out.
> > better paranoid than dead.)
> > 6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
> > Stairwells are horrible
> > places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This
> > is especially true at
> > NIGHT!
> > 7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under
> > his control, ALWAYS RUN!
> > The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4
> > out of 100 times; and
> > even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
> > RUN, preferably in a
> > zig-zag pattern!
> >
> > 8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic:
> > STOP IT. It may get
> > you raped or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer,
> > was a good-looking,
> > well-educated man, who ALWAYS played on the
> > sympathies of unsuspecting
> > women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
> > asked "for help" into his
> > vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he
> > abducted his next victim.
> > ************* Here it is *******
> > 9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that
> > her friend heard a crying
> > baby on her porch the night before last, and she
> > called the police because
> > it was late and she thought it was weird. The police
> > told her "Whatever you
> > do, DO NOT open the door."
> > The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had
> > crawled near a window,
> > and she was worried that it would crawl to the
> > street and get run over. The
> > policeman said, "We already have a unit on the way,
> > whatever you do, DO NOT
> > open the door." He told her that they think a serial
> > killer has a baby's cry
> > recorded and uses it to coax women out of their
> > homes thinking that someone
> > dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified
> > it, but have had several
> > calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries
> > outside their doors when
> > they're home alone at night.
> >
> > Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a
> > crying baby ----This
> > e-mail should probably be taken seriously because
> > the Crying Baby theory was
> > mentioned on America's Most Wanted this past
> > Saturday when they profiled the
> > serial killer in Louisiana.
> >
> > I'd like you to forward this to all the women you
> > know. It may save a life.
> > A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I
> > was going to send this
> > to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your
> > mothers, wives, sisters,
> > daughters, etc., you may want to pass it onto them,
> > as well.
> >
> > Send this to any woman you know that may need to be
> > reminded that the world
> > we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it's
> > better to be safe than sorry.
> >
> >
> > Shannon LaForge
> > Courtroom Deputy to Judge Robert Junell
> > U.S. District Court for the Western District
Prof. Evan Bukey (Walnut Hills 1958) on World History:
(hearing we had Prof. Ellis Rivkin at the Lloyd House for the Wallerstein group...)
Never heard of Rivkin, but if he's at HUC he must be pretty smart. That
said, his ideas sound as if they were formulated 60 years ago. During WWII
FDR - and most Americans - wanted to dismantle the British Empire,
Churchill struggled to keep it. By 1946, the US had withdrawn most of its
military forces from Europe, terrifying the British for fear of the
ever looming and dangerous Soviet threat. In 1947 the US adopted the
policy of containment, which - thanks to the Korean War - spread to Asia.
Even so, Eisenhower remained wary of huge overseas commitments and refused
to intervene in Vietnam throughout his presidency. Meanwhile, the British
and French had reestablished the empires, but got a big sock-in-the-eye at
Suez. Thereafter, London decided to dismantle its global imperium and by
1965 had, for the most part done so. France fought on to go down to
disaster in Algeria. In the meantime, in 1960, the Kremlin decided to
expand the Cold War into the Third World with all kinds of disastrous
consequences for the peoples of Africa and Asia once we, too, joined the
In 1989 the Cold War ended, but we were stuck in the Middle East.
Thereafter, we fought the Gulf War and under the Clinton administration
greatly expanded our military presence in Central Asia. This raises the
question of our interest in global hegemony, a charge accepted virtually
everywhere outside the US. One authority calls us an "empire in denial."
I'm not so sure. The major advocates of American control were the Neocons,
whose arguments were pivotal in Bush's decision to attack Iraq. But they
are now discredited and seeking cover. My own feeling is that Americans
are lousy imperialists. If global hegemony were the goal, Ivy League grads
would be training to become military officers and colonial administrators.
All that said, the power of US corporations is enormous. Look at Wal*Mart!
Does this make any sense?
Evan on censorship of the arts:
I read the minutes of the very interesting discussion on
pornography. Once again, I found myself in agreement with your
observations. While it's true that a good many female stars have
made substantial sums of money as "sex workers," some even claiming to
enjoy their jobs, there is something demeaning to women in visual porno.
There's no point in going into graphic details. I'm sure you know what
I mean.
Looking back developments in our lifetime, I recall that the
Supreme Court decison legalizing the publication of Lady Chatterly's
Lover, Tropic of Cancer etc. referred specifically to literature. But
the decsion did not produce an efflorescence of erotic novels, with
notable exceptions of very funny books by Phillip Roth and Erika Jong.
Things have clearly got out of hand, with serious societal consequences.
But there seems to be no way to reverse the commodification of sex. What's
happened reminds me of the transition from radio to television,
specifically how disappointed our generation was to see dramatic kids'
shows on TV, in my case the Lone Ranger. As someone remarked at the time,
he/she preferred radio because the pictures were more vivid. That's the
way I feel about porno.
What do you think?
Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews
From Evan Bukey:
For what it's worth, my favorite novel is Great Gatsby. I try to read
it at least once a year. I'm overwhelmed by Fitzgerald's lapidary prose,
his penetrating understanding of human nature, and his breathtakingly
accurate portrait of his age. My mother, also a big fan, used to say: "Yes,
that's exactly the way it was." And as your tablemate, Alan notes, there
are indeed passages that make you want to weep.
love and kisses,
A new book by renowned physician and dietary expert Dr. Joseph Mercola seeks to expose what he calls a "U.S. government hoax" regarding avian flu. The book, entitled "The Great Bird Flu Hoax: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About the Next Big Pandemic", hits a number of topics important to organic consumers, including:
The real culprit in the spread of bird flu (hint: it's related to factory farms).
Who is really profiting the most from the bird flu panic.
How you can help protect yourself and your family from the bird flu by simply and easily modifying your body's natural defense system.
How major meat and other food producers are using the threat of terrorism to enforce oppressive federal regulations to snuff out their small farm competition.
The one common risk factor that nearly everyone infected with bird flu has (you probably don't have it).
New legislation being pushed through by big pharmaceutical companies.
Preorder your book here and receive a 35% discount:
From Ellen, 9/15/06:
I am reading Bill Clinton’s autobiography...actually listening to him read an abridged version on CDs while cleaning in my kitchen. I just got through the M onica debacle. Slick Willie comes off pretty good, I think, though a bit thin psychologically. This is not a deep tome of introspection. But how could it be? The Clinton’s are still running political campaigns and managing public image. It is an excellent review of 90’s public events for me, who was a conscientious news abstainer throughout the eighties and nineties, picking up my news from you around the table. Since 2001 I have been a guilt-ridden news abstainer picking up my news around the table, since I cannot seem to bring myself to spend time soaking up news even from The Nation or Harpers, both of which come to the house. Rather be reading about the Alexander Technique, or chuckling over a Terry Pratchet novel of the Diskworld, I guess. ... Interesting when he spoke about meeting Milosoveick (sp?) and b eing struck by his cold, cold eyes.
I was disappointed that he doesn’t talk more about how he seduced himself into having sex with Monica. That would have been interesting... The heady wine of personal power, the lust for young femininity, believing you are like a god because you are treated so... Any of that would have been so interesting. Oh well. Later, perhaps.
What are you reading now? If you are not, why not? Really, I want to know. ellen
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
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