Saturday, June 17, 2006

Weekly 6/17/06 - 5

Salon Weekly

~ In 4  Color Coded Sections

  • Table Notes
  • Announcements
  • Articles
  • Books, Reviews, Magazines

eekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation:  560
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us a
t the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
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To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.

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Section One: Table Notes

( PLEASE NOTE: These notes have not been edited by the speakers and should not be taken as an accurate expression of the speakers’ meanings.  ellen)

At the Table on Monday, 6/12/06
Shari Able, Cheryl Hayden, John Kelly, Brian Muldoon, Mira Rodwan, Gerry Kraus, Janet Kalven, Judy Cirillo, Steve Sunderland, Ellen Bierhorst, Vlasta, Elaine Ignatius. Mr. G., Neil Anderson

Muse Concert. (I went to the Saturday performance, sat next to Steve Sunderland who had attended the previous evening as well!   Shakilla Ahmed, Saba Chughtai MD, Muslim Mothers against Violence talked in the teach-in before the concert.  What a super idea that was!  They are gracious, approachable professional women, and they related compellingly to the audience as mothers, and as muslims.  Neither wear the traditional hajib (scarf) as a rule, but they showed us how strongly we react when they put the scarf on half way through the talk.  A powerful statement.  It showed me the fear that we associate with Islam and Muslim people.  It is their mission to bring a m ore realistic, human face to the Muslim Americans by talking to groups.  I think we could do more.  It is certainly in the interests of all of us to normalize the image of our Muslim neighbors.  Shakila said she would be happy to come to the salon and took my card.     Stay tuned for an announcement of when she will come.)

Why do Muslim women wear the hajib (scarf).
Steve: We could all wear the hajib.
In solidarity.
    Karen Dabdoub wears the hajib all the time.  Shakila and Sabat do not.
there are many answers by different Muslims.  \

Gerry: I went on Fri night, sat next to Steve.  Cindy Shehan spoke.  Inspiring music, words.  On Ch. 12 later the call in question was: Do you agree with Cindy S. or with Pres. Bush.  I called in, kept getting a busy signal.  Final tally: 70% agreed with Bush.   
    I wondered whether there was a bias.  they said they got 600 calls.   
Mira: I've called quite a few times; I keep calling until I get an answer.

Shari: re. the  hajib.  I had a neighbor in L.A. who wore one.  She said it's so that we should not be attractive to men.   
but today she lives on the W side of LA and has bleached hair.   

Steve: .01 % of Muslim women wear a burkah (that is the tent like dress)   Only 25% are middle eastern.  Majority are in indonesia; they wear it as adornment.  Brilliant colors.  Glorify beauty to honor Allah.   
... I asked my students to dialog with one of them wearing the scarf.  It was potent.  As though someone had taken a gun out and put it on.
    Shakila said she could feel the impact when she put on the hajib.   
    Students have written about what they felt when Shakila put the scarf on.  Said they went into panic.   
    We are  publishing a little handbook of these reactions.   

cheryl: I did an interview with a Muslim women who came in wearing a hajib, a veil, the burkah.  Once in the private room with me, she took off the gloves, the veil.   

Steve:  Muhamad believed in no restrictions for women. the Koran gives equal treatment for women.  He was a revolutionary, far ahead of the Christians and Jews in women's lib.   
Ellen Salman rushdie says in Satanic Verses when Muhammed came back to Meca from Medina he insisted that all the women be kept at home.   

Mr. G.: was N of Banf in the Canadian Rockies; class 3 rapids on the Kicking Horse river.  I had an accident in a raft.  But...had a wonderful time.

John : I have been struck.  Americans are not appreciative of people from other cultures.  If they are practicing different cultural practices, fear and suspicion.  Eurocentric; conformist.  Everybody has to do it the way we do.  ... we go into Irraq and make them worse off.  Because the USA went in to be the great white savior.   

Gerry I am still reading The Lemon Tree.  About Jerusalem.  Prejudice against the safardi jews (who came from middle eastern countries) on the part of the European Jews in Israel.   

Mr. G.: I came in late... but what's the problem with rejecting culture.  Each culture has its own inhuman aspects.  Why not errase all culture.
I remember Equal Rights for Women ammendment.  I saw many Republicn women violently against the ERA.   

Steve It is easy to judge other cultures on minimal information.  It is harder to inquire Who are you?  that kind of dialog does not appear in the media, in church, in synagogues...  What we do in the Salon is so rare; we slow down enough to ask, What does it mean?  "I fear these people...why is that?"  ...when there is a racial issue as well, people are even more judgemental.  So how do we develop a different etiquette for conversation.

Mr. G  it seems there is a conflict between wanting to accept other cultures, tolerant.  VS the whole human rights issue.  Do you put cultural respect first or Human rights respect first?   

Mira Because global warming is going to help us across the world look at ways that ecology happens on the planet...there is a certain amount of cooperation that will be necessary if we are to survive.  When times get tougher we are going to have to share our gardens, tools, rides... People can cooperate.   

Steve  I was talking in Indonesia to a beautiful woman, wearing the whole hajib.  I said I thought it was so neat for her as a beautiful woman to be the principal of the school.
She said You misunderstand  our culture.  I am too dark skinned to be beautiful here; I am the token dark person in a leading position. the Sudan, the darker yoiu are the more high class.   
    In some African countries dark was better, in others, light...this was before the europeans arrived.

Ellen: gender work roles... but always it is the male jobs that are more high status.
Margaret Mead.
Steve Margaret Mead faked her data.   
... Iriquois council of women chose the chief.

Janet: women did gathering, men did the hunting.  More calories came from the women's work, yet the men's work had more prestige.  that is a pattern one can see duplicated in American contemporary life.   

what would we do if we had a guest who for instance wanted his wife to sit behind and serve himn at this table.

what about cultures that practice clitoral mutilation.

Steve: what would we do if a guest wanted his wife to sit behind him.

John I was working at a social agency. ... ice cream party; the women were serving me, one of the few men.  Someone wanted me to serve myself like everyone else.   

Steve: how many would over rule Eleln's insistnce that someone would let his wife sit at table?  I would.  (No one else raised their hands).\

Mira If we were confined to clifton for some emergency, in order to survive we would pick people to do jobs based on their ability.  From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.   

Gerry some people would take advantage.  Not all are community minded.
Mira even Adlai Stevenson said we are all in t his boat together.
Steve but if I am to be comfortable in this boat I need to be here as myself, not have to act like you.  Would you say that your rules are more important than my culture?
    Would you demand that I have to change myself in order to be in your community?
Gerry rousseau said in a myth, everybody came from the jungle, and as a price for joining society each had to give somelthing up.  
Steve: would you say that my religious faith is equivalent to the jungle.  What if all we had to eat was pork?  And I as an "x" can't eat that.
Neil  the left was in for a rude awakening when b. was elected.  The Right said "I don't want to accept multiculturalism."  They were resisting the humanist globalist values the Left had been trying to bring in for 50 years.  ...  Spectrum of values in our country.  There are Right wing people here, and they aren't going to change.  We have to find a way to get along.
    Maybe struggling to bring into being a value system that embraces different...
    the orthodox value system that was in place was bankrupt.  Square thinking.  We waged a war against orthodoxy of all types, against hierarchy of all types.  We did such a thorough job in this we may have shot ourselves in the foot.   
    the Right people say we wallow in relativity, we lefties.  Say we have no footing.  This bites us when we go to frame an argument against the Nazzi  perons.  We welcome everyone to the  table.  But when the pathological case shows up, what do we do.  This is one of the weaknesses of pluralism.  We don't want to admit to hierarchy, because we have said that is universaly bad.  Maybe that is a mistake.   
    Tribalism around the world ... nationalism.  We are trying to become global citizens.   

Mr G  my imagery as  you spoke: the Us, where pluralism exists, not just here at this table.  ... say what you want, you have to say the "right" thing or you won't advance in the organization.  The filtering  goes on, to filter out what those in power don't like.   
    Ellen mentioned the word acceptance.
    I dson't know what the word acceptance means.  She doesn't accept the guy wanting his wife to sit behind.  he doesn't accept her.   
    people in power are tryhing to organize their "win".   
    ... Mallory is getting a little flack these days, and from Tarbell.   

Gerry the charter says the mayor presents candidates to the council for evaluation re. manager.  Mallory unilaterally chose the manager.  So he said, OK, I will present the candidate nexdt week.  The charterite party members are objecting on the basis of the city charter.   
Brian Mallory rattled a bunch of people yesterday on Main street walking with the candidate, as though he had been chosen already.  People angry.

Steve  ...we don't know what the processes are for acceptance and includion.  I don't hink we have ever faced acceptance of black people, mexicans, women.  the American schools, media, schools.  We don't know what acceptance is.  To me acceptance means for people to be visible in their own voice, in the group process, where the rules of the process are visible to all.  I think democracy is just in the stage of being born.  I don't want to give up on the revolution of the sixties.
    I hear the Right saying Let's return to gated communities, to segregation, to separate education.
    We are still a white male english language system.  The seeds of being multicultural opportunity place is still to be developed.
    to sit in this room and invite all to have a conversation, this is new.
Neil consider in the build up to the Iraq war, there were  world wide protests.   
Janet without the internet, it would not have happened.
Neil  maybe.  they went ahead with war anyhow, but millions of people protested all over the world.
Gerry (stollen presidental election in '04)   

Neil democracy helps people deal with the tension inherent in touching the membrane of the different.  ... sure to be friction in the world.  Even violence.  But democracy provides at least for the possibility of different membranes can touch.  ...  
... yesterday I ran into an obnoxious man in a bar; southern Babtist, here for six weeks.  He got more and more drunk.  He started making advances to the woman next to me, asking about Gay marriage.  Soccer is a sissy game. etc.  he claimed to be racially tolerant.  I asked him What do you think of me?  He said he thought I seemed like an intelligent guy and very nice.  ...I think he was testing me for weakness.  He was getting to be so obnoxious.  Finally I said to him, "I  like you, too.  Why don't you tell me about yourself?  What do  you do in Alabama?"  I got him off on work, unions.  I changed the weather a little bit.  For me to take on his ideas in a frontal way, it would have been a waste of time.

Mr G you fished for something where you could meet, and you did.   

Neil (?) he was a pro union working man who had moved up into management.   
Judy Just want to say, you have to walk a mile in his moccasins.   
Neil Michael Moore giving tips on how to talk to your conservative brother in law.  Have to accept that you won't get him to change his mind.  Talk about liveable wage, health care for all Americans, ... show these are problems that affect the quality of his life.  Meet himn where he is at.  that is  tough for the Left to do that.  but they can  , the Right can organize, can take an idea from flyers to legislature.  Know how to marshal the money.  Create think tanks.  Almost insectoid in its efficiency.  We could use a little bit of their savvy.   
Mr G  I think they learned the hard way over the last decades to accept the existance of hate in the culture.  ...I think we Left people have not incorporated how to deal with hate in the context of acceptance.  the Republicans came into power on hate: hate abortionists, gays, pagans, progressives.   

Brian: an announcement:  starting tomorrow 7 days for SIDS.  Jean robert at Pigalles lost a baby to SIDS.  Ends on 19th.

~ end of table notes~

From Ellen:  
    I am working like a bee cleaning out the house and sprucing up for the sale.  We will be having a large “estate sale” later this summer.  Watch for that.  Good stuff.  Had a  huge pile out for the garbage people Thursday... Me and two men worked furiously to load it all, took about 15  minutes!  David Rosenberg bush hogged the back yard with his tractor and that’s looking hugely better.  Anyone have a small chain saw?  I need to cut down the ovegrown redbud in the front so folks can see this marvelous house.  Meanwhile, spread the word among folks who might want to buy this amazing place.  Probably less than $800,000.  Historic Register.  

Hugs to everyone,

Section Two: Announcements

Sunday, June 18
From painter and salonista Yvonne VanEijden
HI Ellen I thought you may like this. May be also Neil!!! (and others) liefs yvonne

Subject: Sunday Studio Hop!


KEY in to ART
Weston Art Gallery
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Studio Tours : 2–5 pm
Gallery Party : 5–8 pm

Couples $50 - Individuals $25
Children under 12 FREE!

Price includes tour shuttle, party admission,
food, games & 2 drink tickets.

All guests should come to the Weston Art Gallery first to receive a party wristband for admission to the studios.

Music by
The Faux Frenchmen
& other family favorites
in the Weston Art Gallery

Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives.  These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings.  Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy.  And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Suggestions for submitting Tri-State Treasures are at the bottom of this email; please help me by formatting your submissions, as described below.
Sincerely,  Jim

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center:  Cincinnati’s uniquely important & fascinating museum presents a variety of events.  Below are a few.  Unless stated otherwise, events are free with Freedom Center admission.  At the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 East Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11 AM - 5 PM.  More info @ 513.333.7500,, &
<> The Student, the Nun & the Amazon [Saturday 17 June @ noon]: Sister Joan Krimm introducing a video then leads a discussion on the life & work of Sister Dorothy Stang, the nun from Dayton, OH, who was murdered while working with the poor in the Amazon region of Brazil.  In the Hall of Everyday Freedom Heroes.
<> Father’s Day Celebration [Sunday 18 June @ 11 AM – 5 PM]: Free admission for all fathers.
<> Gospel Freedom Sunday [Sunday 18 June @ 2:30-3:30 PM]: Enjoy the music of choirs from area faith congregations in this weekly program that fills the Grand Hall with joyful music.
<> Freedom of…Participation [Thursday 22 June @ 5:30 PM]: The Freedom Center’s young professionals group, FreedomYP, hosts the 1st session of the “Freedom of…” Series: “Freedom of Participation.” Open to public; $6 admission, free to FreedomYP & Freedom Center members. YP organizations will discuss volunteer opportunities in the area. Guided tours of the Escape exhibit, special guests, live music, food from Macaroni Grill, cash bar. More info @ 513.333.7552 &
<> Dramatic Readings with Daryl Harris [Saturday 24 June @ noon]: Stories of freedom heroes come alive with Daryl Harris, actor & associate professor at NKU. Targeting children ages 3-12.  In the Hall of Everyday Freedom Heroes.
<> Double Dutch Show-Off [Saturday 24 June @ 1 PM]: Children ages 4-16 from the Powel Crosley YMCA demonstrate their amazing rope-jumping skills. In the Grand Hall.
<> Panel on Community Attitudes Towards the Freedom Center [Saturday 24 June @ 2 PM]: Join the Community Forum as part of a day of live broadcasting by radio stations WDBZ & WIZF.  In the Harriet Tubman Theater.
Historic Licking Riverside Grand Homes, Gardens, & Grapes Tour [Saturday-Sunday 17-18 June @ noon - 4 PM]:  Enjoy the garden lecture series, featuring some of the areas most recognized garden experts: Marvin Duren, Steve Foltz, Jim Hansel, Denny McKeown, Ron Wilson, & Tim Young.  See the wares of many local artists.  Visit vendors offering unique & charming garden related boutique items.  Many new homes & gardens never seen before.  Sponsored by Historic Licking Riverside Civic Association in conjunction with Baker Hunt Heritage Garden Fare.  Tickets = $20.  More info @
Seven Candle Ceremony- Managing Your Energy [Thursday 22 June @ 6:30 - 9 PM]:  How to keep your own energy-not give it away unconsciously or have it taken by others.  Address the importance for health, happiness, love, abundance, etc.; of having your energy circuits clear in present time & how to unhook energy connections to the past.  Perform the Seven Candle Ceremony to release past issues & trauma gently. $35. At WholeCare, 4434 Carver Woods Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242. More info & registration from JoAnn Utley @ 502.777.3865,, &
2006 Best of the Bottoms Art Show & Auction [Friday 23 June @ 6-9 PM; Live Auction @ 7:30 PM]: The Valley View Foundation is a volunteer organization who's mission is the preservation & stewardship of the last significant green space in Milford, the "Bottoms." Theirs goal is to both preserve the space & provide a unique educational experience for the public. Artwork to be auctioned was inspired by or painted in the Bottoms. Hors d'Oeuvres & cash bar.  Tickets: $50 per person. Sponsored by the Valley View Foundation. Show & auction @ the Krippendorf Lodge at Rowe Woods Cincinnati Nature Center, 4949 Tealtown Road, Milford, OH 45150.  More info @ 513.831.1711, 513.576.1023, &
Squeeze Play Accordion Band [Saturday 24 June @ 7-9 PM]: Squeeze Play is Cincinnati's only accordion band with over 12 accordionists. They also have woodwind players, a guitarist & a trombone player.  Come sit outside in Mecklenburg's Garden, listen to the music, & enjoy a nice dinner.  Dinner reservations are recommended; they usually sell out for these performances.  At Mecklenburg Gardens Restaurant, 302 East University Avenue, Corryville, Cincinnati, OH 45219.  More info @ 513.221.5353 &
The Totems with Bondaura Dancers @ Gajah Wong West [Saturday 24 June @ 8-10 PM]:  Three glorious forces merge to transport you to another place: the Totems bring their beautifully mesmerizing world music, the Bondaura Dancers provide belly dancing, all in the enchanting gardens of the Gajah Wong West, a spirited cafe that features Indonesian cuisine & desserts, spirited coffees, espresso drinks, cocktails, & specialty drinks.  Patrick McMahon, Richard Cisneros, Derek Garteiz, & Christian Hartman are the Totems, producing music on a variety of instruments that include flute, bass clarinet, bass flute, recorder, djembe, doumbek, congas, guitar, bass guitar, banjo, tambourine, chimes, gongs, cymbals, rattles, shakers, & other percussive knick knacks.  No cover.  At Gajah Wong West Indonesian Restaurant, 3935 Spring Grove Avenue, Northside, Cincinnati, OH 45223.  More info @ 513.591.3935,, &
Imago Summer Camps [Mondays-Fridays: 26-30 June 9AM-4PM & 10-14 July 9AM-Noon, 1-4PM, or 9AM-4PM]: Two of the Imago summer camps still have openings. Adventure Camp in June (ages 9-13) & Summer Explorers in July (ages 4-8) still have several spaces available. Imago camps are hands-on, exploratory, & learner-driven with days full of hikes, games, crafts, & activities. Scholarships available to help defer costs to those who qualify. At Imago, 700 Enright Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205.  More info @ 513.921.5124 &
Cincinnati Concert Band - Information & Discussion [Tuesday 27 June @ 7 PM]:  An information & discussion session will be held for downtown area adult residents who may be interested in forming an amateur concert-style community band.  There are many of these in the suburbs, but is it time that downtown Cincinnati had it's own? We just want to see what the interest level might be, no commitments - just discussion.  It will be in the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, Main Library-Huenefeld Tower Room (3rd floor).  For more info, please contact Jeff Evans @
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.

Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; specify "Tri-State Treasures."
— Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity.  Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
Tri-State Treasures are transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received by noon on Monday.
Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]:
Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
Fictional Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]:
The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200.  More info @ 513.111.2222,, &



Everyone expected House Republicans to give up efforts to kill NPR and PBS after a massive public outcry stopped them last year. But they've just voted to eliminate funding for NPR and PBS -- unbelievably, starting with programs like "Sesame Street."

Public broadcasting would lose nearly a quarter of its federal funding this year. Even worse, all funding would be eliminated in two years--threatening one of the last remaining sources of watchdog journalism.

Sign the petition telling Congress to save NPR and PBS again this year:

Last year, millions of us took action to save NPR and PBS, and Congress listened. We can do it again if enough of us sign the petition in time.

This would be the most severe cut in the history of public broadcasting.  The Boston Globe reports the cuts "could force the elimination of some popular PBS and NPR programs." NPR's president expects rural public radio stations may be forced to shut down.

The House and Senate are deciding if public broadcasting will survive, and they need to hear from viewers like you. Sign the petition at:


P.S. Read the Boston Globe story on the threat to NPR and PBS at:

Join in reading The Decline of US Power by Immanuel Wallerstein at the Lloyd House with Ellen, David Rosenberg, Daisy Quarm, Mike Murphy, and ...?  Study his WorldSystem theory.  He’s got it all together to understand our world today.  
 Wednesday evenings 7 – 8 pm. Order the book ($7 on Amazon) or just show up at the Lloyd House.  Jump in any time.  

Month of  June: Women’s Music Festival in Newport

Music Festival Two
"We be singin"
>>Womens Way is proud to announce another month long concert series being held at the
Monmouth Theater in historic Newport, Ky. We are broadcasting the entire series on NTG Radio a worldwide streaming Internet station at Be sure to listen to "Living Loud" a Womens Way production with Lizz Randolph each Sunday at 2PM Eastern and replayed at 8PM Tuesday Eastern.
>>We have been trying to catch up with the busy Emily Strand and we finally have! She will be bringing along a friend, Whitney Szabo on Saturday June 17th. Be sure to come over to the theater to enjoy this duo. You will enjoy their energy and music, plus we have some glow necklaces available. They are safer than lighters or will be fun.
>>Saturday June 24th we are so proud to offer you an evening with Tracy Walker, Katie Laur and Ma Crow and friends. We are having a jam is going to be fun and you never know who might just stop in. Be sure to join us.
>>Tickets are $13 in advance and $15 at the door
>>Order tickets at 513-923-1414 Visa, MC. Discover and Paypal
The Network 

June 26
Lecture on “the great Miami — the Other Scenic Riv er”
Land Conservancy of Hamilton Co. Summer meeting
Monday June 26   7-9 pm
Bicentennial Barn on the Great Miami River, 7941 E. Miami River Rd.
\7  pm
Learn about efforts to protect land near your home and across Hamilton Co and how land conservation benefits our quality of life.  
Take I 74 W to Rybold Rd. Exit #11; turn onto Harrison Ave, go 2.4 mi down Harrison, Turn R onto E. Miami River rd, go 1.5 mi. N to Barn.

June 26 Monday
Talk: Uniting the Environmental and Labor Movements for Change
Dialog with Larry Fahn, former president of Sierra Club, and Dave Foster, former dir. Of U. Steelworkers’ dist. 11.  
7 pm  
Schiff Family Conference Center at Cintas Center, X.U.  

Brueggeman Center program.  Call 745 3922.
Free, open.  

Weight Management Seminar

three hour seminar on food and weight management
at Lloyd House.  $60.  Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D.  Holistic Psychologist.
Topics include: addictive food patterns, trigger foods, the chemistry of food craving, the vicious cycle of dieting, self  nourishment vs. self “medicating”, the “hypnosis” of impulse eating, tools for recovery, who needs Overeaters Anonymous, Salt-fat-carbohydrates, addiction to the scales, the importance of group support, the role of exercise, etc.  
... times to be arranged.  Call 221 1289

Four Winds is the project of Vivien and Neil Schapera.  It’s about healing in the h olistic vein. Alexander Technique and more.

FourWinds Academy
In this update:

* Annual Summer Retreat ­ Join us for a daylong retreat in the park -- August 12th

* Medical Intuitive Training with Anita Owens­ 3 weekends: First weekend ­ September 30th /October 1st

Our Signature Event - FourWinds Academy Summer Retreat - Consciousness: The Gift of Being Human

August 12, 2006 ­ A day long retreat in a park setting
Location: Terwilliger's Lodge, Deerfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 (Montgomery)


Join us for a combination of whole group and smaller group faculty led meditations, experiences and discussions. The Gift of Being Human --a program with a distinct FourWinds Academy flavor!

• Current Room Meditation in the style of John of God ­ Lucy Morris/Paula Sellars
• The Alexander Technique - How Movement Affects Consciousness and Consciousness Affects Movement ­ Neil and Vivien Schapera
• Bringing Consciousness to Relationship: Become Aware of Your Hidden Agenda ­ Tom Shoemaker/Anita Owens
• Consciously Developing Intuition: Articulating your 'Gut Feelings;' 'Hunches' and 'Premonitions.' ­ Francine Haydon/Patricia Garry
• Conscious Relationships ­ Victor Paruta
• A Matrix for Conscious Choice: Fulfilling Your Heart's Desire ­ Lucy Morris/Paula Sellars
• The Seven Planes of Existence ­ Patti Kessler
• Consciousness and Soul Development ­ Tom Shoemaker/Anita Owens
• Conscious Conversation: Developing Your Listening and Communication Skills ­ Faculty

For more info, see

Medical Intuitive Training
Anita Owens
64 - hour course divided into 3 sessions: September 30, October 1, 2006; November 3, 4, & 5, 2006; Feb. 25, 26 & 27
9am ­ 5pm each workshop day, held at FourWinds Academy.

 Join Anita Owens, a naturally gifted medical intuitive, as she takes you through a systematic training, which will awaken your dormant intuitive skills and build your ability as a medical intuitive. Participants will receive a FourWinds Academy certification in Medical Intuition.

First Weekend, 2 days, 16 hours: Communicating with your Team ­ September 30 th , October 1st - Learn how to open your third eye and become clairaudient, developing the ability to hear your guides. Meet your medical lab guides, define the function of each guide and develop the way the three of you work together. This weekend will also cover key ethical questions such as diagnosis and boundaries.

For more info, see

FourWinds Academy admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.
Fundraising ID #31296

Subscribe / Unsubscribe

FourWinds Academy
157 Crossgate Drive Crossgate Square Cincinnati OH 45236

Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and  families.  Expert, caring, rapid service.  Most insurance plans will cover.    Call 513 221 1289.  Special areas of interest: issues of  young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss.  What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.

(JUNE TEENTH is the anniversary of the emancipation of slaves.  ellen)

Juneteenth Festivities June 3, 17,18  

June 17     Eden Park Juneteenth Festival Freedom Health Walk  --  Education Fair: Area Colleges & Univiversities, Traditionally Black Colleges & Universities    --  Sweet Potato Pie Bake-off: Cash Prizes by Glory Foods   --  Health Pavilion: Prevention information,  Non-invasive health screening  --  Lots for Kids!  - Story tellers  Readers  - Face Painting - Balloons  - Crafts -   Cincinnati Zoo  --    Freedom Quilt  -- Afternoon of Free Entertainment:   Jazz n Blues - Gospel – Reggae - R&B  -  African Dance   -  Line & Salsa Dancing - Join the World’s longest Electric Slide  

June 18  Eden Park June Festival Father’s Day Concert :  Bring Dad to Celebrate His Day -  An Afternoon of Inspirational Music & Dance by Area Choirs & Groups Presented by  Juneteenth Cincinnati –  631-7289


    Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,

The threat of global warming has finally burst into the public's consciousness
with last year's category 5 hurricanes and a steady stream of scientific
studies about the alarming disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

Now we're about to get another wake-up call: a riveting documentary called "An
Inconvenient Truth," which features Al Gore's acclaimed presentation about the
here-and-now realities of global warming.

I've seen Al's presentation and I can tell you it's well worth the price of
admission. It has enthralled audiences around the world and inspired them to
demand change.

NRDC has been fighting for more than a decade to win forward-looking policies
that can defuse the global warming crisis. But we need this film and many more
like it to alert America to the stark choice now facing us:  our government can
avert a global warming catastrophe by taking action right now, or condemn our
children to a future of drought, disease, floods and lost ecosystems.

"An Inconvenient Truth" opens in New York and Los Angeles on May 24 and
nationwide in June.

You can watch a trailer of the film and find a theater near you where it will
be playing by going to this link:

I hope you'll see it and spread the word.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

At the Mariemont Cinema in Mariemont on June 16, Friday .  Also at the AMC Newport on Levee.

Wednesday, June 21 Fundraiser Picnic for Todd Portune

6-8 pm
Fernbank Park
$25 (or more or less)  

 Date: Fri Jun 2, 2006 2:28 pm (PDT)
   From: "Elizabeth Motter"  
Subject: Todd Portune fundraiser

  A message from the Honorable Todd Portune:

Happy Summer!!
Dear Friend of the Democratic Approach
Hard to believe it is summer already.  Harder still to believe that I am
already well into my second year of my second term.  It has been a busy
one as you know.
On June 21st I am having a little get together at Fernbank Park in the
city of Cincinnati.  Fernbank represents a city and county collaborative
partnership.  It is a beautiful park that, I am proud to say, I was
privileged to have played a role in preserving and enhancing.
Our event, that will last from roughly 6-8 p.m. is serving as a
fundraiser as well.  I respectfully request a minimum contribution of
$25.00 although I will accept a lot less if that is what you can afford
and a lot more if that is also the case.
The reality is I need to raise money now to fight the fight that I have
been fighting.  These dollars are needed for more than a re-election
bid.  I am in a daily fight right now and it is costly to get the word
out about all of the things that Phil and Company are doing to each of
us and to those who have the least among us.
We are in a fight to save our county.  There are many things that need
to be done.  I have captured several of them in the attached "Leadership
Agenda" that I am passing along for your review.  To get the balance of
this agenda passed will require an awful lot of work and will require
the expenditure of some money by me and by others.
This will, therefore, be an important event and your contributions will
be meaningful and will serve to produce an immediate benefit.
Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail and the attached
invitation.  I look forward to seeing you there.
Sincerely and respectfully,

6/17  From Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Dear Friends,
The Senate is beginning to debate the "Defense Authorization" bill.  (It's really the War Re-authorization bill.)
Two amendments are being put forward and will be voted on VERY SOON that would require American troops to be brought safely home from Iraq by the end of 2006, and one other that would recommend (as non-binding sense of the Senate) withdrawal during the next 18 months.
I am URGENTLY PLEADING with you, our readers, to write your Senators urging them to support these amendments.
We don't expect them to pass right now, but an outpouring of support will strengthen the backbone of politicians who have not yet stood up against this self-destructive war.  As the old song says, "When two and two and fifty make a million, we'll see that day come 'round!"
I especially want to plead with those of our readers who are rabbis or otherwise active in or committed to the Jewish community.

As Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said a generation ago – "In a free society, some are guilty – but ALL are responsible."
Yet even now, as for the first time three-fifths of Americans in general and an even higher proportion of Jews support ending the war, no large Jewish organization is calling for approval of these amendments.
So grass-roots members of the Jewish community must take up that responsibility now. "May You who make peace in the ultimate reaches of the universe, teach us and help us to make peace among each other and all nations!"
To  send a letter to your Senators that supports these amendments, please click to --
This string of info may not fit on one line in this message. If not, please make sure what you insert in your browser is clean, without meaningless "salad" letters where the line breaks. If they do appear, please delete just the extra letters. Then click.
There we have supplied one version of a letter  -- AND 
Please also click the "FAX" option. It costs The Shalom Center more, but it carries much more weight – physically and politically.
These are the three major amendments:
 Sen. Russell Feingold (D-WI): amendment No. 4192 that requires the redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq by December 31, 2006, maintaining only a minimal force sufficient for engaging directly in targeted counter-terrorism activities, training Iraqi security forces, and protecting U.S. infrastructure and personnel.  

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): amendment No. 4293 mandating withdrawal of United States combat troops from Iraq by December 31, 2006, leaving only forces that are critical to completing the mission of standing up Iraqi security forces.

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA): amendment No. 4207, a sense of Congress that the United States should begin to downsize the US Armed Forces in Iraq with the goal of ending the presence of US Armed Forces in Iraq within 18 months from the date of the enactment of this Act, except for logistical and training personnel.
You might mention which amendment(s) you favor, and you might explain your own life-situation and value-system that is behind your writing.

Since this Advocacy process does cost The Shalom Center a bundle, we would appreciate, when you've finished writing your Senator, your making a tax-exempt contribution to support our work by clicking to  --
and clicking on the  DONATE NOW button on the right-hand edge.
Whether you donate or not, HELP END THIS DISASTROUS WAR!
Shalom, salaam, peace --  Arthur  

July 1
Nutrition Seminar by local D.C.

Hello Everyone,
Dr. Michael Nichols is giving a nutrition presentation based on the ideas of Weston A. Price.  If you are not familiar with his work, this is a must see presentation.  If you are familiar with his work, how about coming out to support Dr. Michael.

Shirley Reischman

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:01 PM

Nutrition 101
The Myths, The Facts, & The Basics

When: Saturday July 1st from 12 to 2 pm
Where: Gateways to Healing
821 Delta Ave., in Mt. Lookout
*Call 513-321-3317 to reserve your space
Cost is $10

What you will learn:
·        What are the basics: carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
·        What does the phrase, "You are what you eat," really mean for you as an individual?
·        What are the myths regarding cholesterol, satruated fat, trans-fatty acids, excitotoxins, and more?
·        Is there really a difference between organic and conventional foods?
·        Should you take supplements and if so, which are best?
·        How to lose weight by eating healthy.
Dr. Michael Nichols, BS, DC, FICPA
Over the past twenty years, Dr. Michael has worked as a personal trainer, nutrition counselor, massage therapist, an
d chiropractor.  He currently is the co-owner of Gateways to Healing, A Center for Wellness, with his wife, Dr. Julie Nichols.  He also is an instructor of anatomy & physiology at Cincinnati School of Medical Massage and at Antonelli College.  Gateways to Healing was recently voted 'Best Alternative Health Provider' by the readers of CityBeat magazine.


Gateways to Healing
A Center for Wellness
Dr. Michael Nichols, D.C.

Dr. Julie Nichols, D.C.

821 Delta Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226
Voted "Best Alternative Health Provider" CityBeat 2006

Lloyd House Space Available
Second floor bedroom, gas fireplace, three large windows (2 East, one South), share huge b athroom with laundry, shared kitchen on third floor.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer.  Dining room seats 16+.  Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture.  Easy access to Monday night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment.  Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility.  Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish.  Know anyone who might like to explore this?  No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking.  Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here.  $400. contribution to house expenses.  Call Ellen: 221 1289  

Deadline not until Oct 13
Art Museum Book Sale
accepting donations: books and catalogues on art, travel, fashion, graphic design, photography, cinti. history, architecture, etiquette, illustrated children’s books, cookbooks videotapes, Cds.  No paperb ack fiction.

Sale will be  Oct 27-29
To make donations call 513 639 2976

Section Three: Articles

  • Chabot voted against internet freedom   
  • Ramsay Clark: “Impeach Bush”
  • Blackwell is at it again: sign petition
  • Mike Murphy and Ellen talk about the Salon and its mission
  • Disturbing report of anti Semitism in France; response by  Barbara Glueck of AJC (American Jewish Committee) local chapter.

Chabot voted against Internet freedom

Posted by: "Elizabeth Motter"   myharpbelongs2u
Fri Jun 9, 2006 11:35 am (PST)
Call, call, and CALL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raise a stink, people. This is so, so, so, SO important.

Your member of Congress, Rep. Chabot, voted against the free and
open Internet. The fight now moves to the Senate.

*Please call Rep. Chabot today to express your outrage---and call your
Senators in support of Net Neutrality?*

Save the Internet: Click here

Dear friends in Ohio's Congressional District 1,

Your representative, Steve Chabot, dealt a blow to Internet freedom on

As millions of us raised our voices to defend the free and open
Internet^2 , Internet operators like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast spent
millions lobbying the House of Representatives to kill Net Neutrality. A
majority of the House members caved---voting for a telecommunications
law that would give these companies more control over what you see and
do online.

All eyes are now on the Senate, which considers this issue next. We
face a more friendly environment there, but we've got to act fast---the
telecom lobbyists are working on every vote.

*Can you call Rep. Chabot to express your outrage, and then call
Senators Mike DeWine and George Voinovich to demand support for Net

Here are the numbers:

Congressman Steve Chabot
Phone: 202-225-2216

Senator Mike DeWine
Phone: 202-224-2315

Senator George Voinovich
Phone: 202-224-3353

Please click here to let us know you called and to share how it went:

Tell your Senators to protect Net Neutrality by supporting the
bipartisan Snowe-Dorgan Internet Freedom Preservation Act (S. 2917).Now,
more than ever, it is time for the Internet to fight back to save
itself. By calling your Senator, you are helping to make that happen.

Thanks for all you do.

--Eli Pariser, Adam Green, Noah T. Winer, and the Civic
Action team
Friday, June 9th, 2006

P.S. After you call Rep. Chabot and Senators DeWine and Voinovich, are
you still outraged?

The best way to fight back after calling Congress is to help expand the
reach of our coalition. Ask 5 friends to join our fight for Internet
freedom by signing our petition to Congress:

If you are active in local organizations, ask them to join our coalition at:


1) Vote tally on COPE telecommunications law (which guts Net
Neutrality), June 8, 2006

2) "House Turns Deaf Ear To Net Neutrality,", June 9, 2006


Ramsey Clark on worldwide U.S. militarization
The case for impeachment is clear beyond question

Last week placed an ad calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read newspaper, USA Today. The impeachment movement has placed similar ads in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. If you believe the time to impeach is now, you can help support the campaign by clicking here.

Spreading the word with more newspaper ads, getting more people to vote for Impeachment, increasing our organizing and fundraising efforts - this can make Impeachment a major issue in the 2006 midterm Congressional elections. A committed effort over the next months can move Impeachment to the forefront in the elections and to the floor of the House of Representatives which has the "sole power of Impeachment," and onto the Senate for trial.

Ads in newspapers in Congressional Districts can help activate impeachment organizing to bring the issue home to members and candidates where their election will be decided.


A message from Ramsey Clark

The case for impeachment is clear beyond question.

The list of Bush's crimes is long. The “Shock and Awe” invasion was Bush’s war of aggression -- a crime identified as the “the Supreme international crime” by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Remember Falluja, the American Guernica, a virtual destruction of a defenseless city by superior military technology (36,000 homes, 8,400 shops destroyed in the final assault alone); Abu Ghraib, the shameful celebration of sick forms of sexual torture; Haifa Street, Baghdad, where a U.S. helicopter gun ship killed 13 unarmed people and injured 50 dancing around a burned out Bradley Armored Vehicle; Abu Shifa, a small village, where U.S. soldiers were accused of rounding up civilians, forcing them into a room, then opening fire, killing 11 people, including a 75 year-old, a 6 month-old baby, and five children under the age five; Haditha, where Marines murdered 15 defenseless civilians, and injured many more, most women and children; and tiny Guantanamo, where the U.S. has compiled human rights violations in four years that have been denounced by the entire world including the United Nations. Yet President Bush arrogantly refuses to close the Guantanamo prison, or return the land and sovereignty to Cuba while U.S. officials fret over three prisoners who committed suicide in one day to “embarrass the U.S.”

The grand total of civilian deaths in Iraq is probably more than 250,000, and rapidly growing. (The Lancet Medical Journal) U.S. military deaths exceed 2500, the seriously injured number more than 15,000 and the number who will suffer mental and physical impairment from the occupation of Iraq is in the unknown tens of thousands.  

What respect for human dignity! What reverence for life! What better way to make enemies?

The necessity for citizen action to secure impeachment is also clear beyond question.  The Congress will not act unless We, the People demand it and vote those out of office who fail to respond.

Our government is geared for war as directed by transnational corporations, domestic industries, and the corporate media.

Both branches of our One Party system, Democrat and Republican, favor the use of force to have their way.  Consider,

(1) Regime Change in Iran (1953) the Shah replacing democratically elected Mossadegh; Eisenhower (R);
(2) Regime Change in Guatemala (1954) military government for democratically elected Arbenz; Eisenhower (R);
(3) Regime Change in Congo (1961) assassination of Patrice Lumumba, Eisenhower (R)
(4) the Vietnam War (1959-1975), Eisenhower (R), Kennedy (D), Johnson (D), Nixon (R);
(5) Invasion of Dominican Republic (1965), Johnson (D);
(6) Contra Warfare against Nicaragua (1981-1988), resulting in regime change from the Sandinistas to corrupt capitalists; Reagan (R);
(7) Attack and occupation of Grenada (population 110,000)(1983-1987) Reagan (R);
(8) Aerial attack on the sleeping cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, Libya, (1986) Reagan (R);
(9) Invasion of Panama Regime Change (1989-1990), George H. W. Bush (R);
(10) Gulf War (1991), George H. W. Bush (R);
(11) "Humanitarian" occupation of Somalia leading to 10,000 Somali deaths (1992-1993) George H. W. Bush (R) and Bill Clinton (D);
(12) Aerial attacks on Iraq (1993-2001) Bill Clinton (D);
(13) War against Yugoslavia (1999) 23,000 bombs and missiles dropped on Yugoslavia, Bill Clinton (D)
(14) Missile Attack (21 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles) destroying the Al Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in Khartoum which provided the majority of all medicines for Sudan (1998) Bill Clinton (D);
(15) Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan, Regime Change (2001-present) George W. Bush (R);
(16) War of Aggression against Iraq and Hostile Occupation (2003)-present) George W. Bush (R);
(17) Regime Change in Haiti (2004) Democratically elected Aristide for three years of chaos and systematic killing, George W. Bush (R).  

There have been major aggressions every several years.

Remember that every Congress in the past half century has approved excessive military budgets and the last three have approved increases that have made the U.S. military budget larger than those of all other nations combined.

The U.S. will remain a military threat to the world until it vastly reduces its military expenditures.  The single highest priority for peace is cutting the U.S. military budget.  The United States government may have been able to outspend the Soviet Union into economic collapse in the Cold War arms race, injuring the entire planet in the process.  Now Bush has entered a new arms race and is provoking a Second Cold War with China. Yet what can China do, as the U.S. builds a first-strike oriented missile shield and uses Japan and a huge advanced military base at Pyongtaek on Korea's west coast, not 500 miles from Beijing?

The U.S. at this time is capable of striking any place on earth with a nuclear armed missile within one hour of the order to fire, launched from a Trident II, or other nuclear weapons system.  We are at this time spending billions on a new generation of nuclear weapons that can be used tactically, against four blocks of Falluja, or an alleged Al Queda camp in Pakistan.  At the same time, we threaten Iran and others for seeking to develop nuclear energy with the claim that they may build a crude bomb.  Yet the only defense a nation today has to U.S. militarism is the threat of nuclear retaliation.  The U.S. is seeking total dismantlement and prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction everywhere else, because it possesses the vast majority of all WMD’s and far superior delivery systems.

George Bush loved being a War President while he was winning - winning over the bodies of impoverished and defenseless people, that is.  Someone told him only war presidents can be great presidents.  He will love war again if his polls go up. 

President Bush would rather make enemies by the use of force to have his way, than seek agreement with friends by helping others and recognizing their rights and interests.  He prefers to go it alone, and then entice or coerce whatever help he can get from others, whether it is for Iraq, global warming, the prohibition of land mines, or the use of minors in war, addressing hunger, poverty, AIDS, natural disaster relief, or most United Nations activities, and absolutely, the International Criminal Court which might indict him.  He is spared defeat at the polls because he cannot seek re-election. 

He can be held accountable only by impeachment. The American people must not acquiesce to his crimes.

Consider that all the major candidates, Democrat and Republican -- Clinton, Edwards, Kerry, McCain, Frist, -- voted for the war and/or favor the Iraq Occupation.

To stop U.S. militarism, the U.S. must vastly reduce its military expenditures, 50% in five years and further down from there on. It must use those savings to combat poverty, hunger, sickness and unemployment at home and abroad.

The U.S. must seek friends by word and deed, rather than make enemies.  The harm George Bush has done to the way the rest of the world sees our country will take a generation to overcome, after we change our warlike ways.

But the only way to convince the world that We the People do not approve of the conduct of George W. Bush is to impeach him.  Otherwise we can only be seen as approving of his acts, or as powerless to prevent them.

And the only way we can deter the next, and future Presidents, from seeking war rather than peace is to impeach George W. Bush and his key advisors now.  Only then will political leadership know the American people will not accept more war.

Last week placed an ad calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read newspaper, USA Today. The impeachment movement has placed similar ads in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. The time to impeach is now. This movement has grown with your continuing support. Please make a donation to the campaign today so that the movement will grow in the coming months. Click here.

Ramsey Clark
June 15, 2006

Go to to get involved and support the campaign to impeach Bush.

Green Party Activist Jenefer Ellingston Calls for Ohio Voter Action
Blackwell is stomping the under-enfranchised...again!

Ellen,  you and your colleagues will have triple the effect that I have by signing this petition.
as ever, keep going,
Jenefer  (she means because she no longer lives in Ohio.  Is in D.C. Where she co-founded the  Green Party there. Ellen)
Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts
They’re at it again!
The Ohio Secretary of State has effectively shut down voter registration drives in the state.
Sign our petition urging Ohio lawmakers to rescind new, burdensome rules severely restricting our ability to register new voters in traditionally disenfranchised communities.

Dear Jenefer,
As you may know, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is at it again, abusing his power by disenfranchising already underrepresented communities in the coming elections. Election Protection 365 is not taking it sitting down.
Secretary of State Blackwell effectively shut down all voter registration efforts in Ohio when he enacted regulations a week and a half ago that severely restrict the operations of groups seeking to register traditionally disenfranchised voters. Under these new regulations, compensated voter registration workers must turn in the forms they collect directly to elections officials, and not to the group sponsoring the voter registration drive. This means that voter registration groups can’t keep good records – and that means they can’t do the necessary follow up to make sure the voters actually make it onto the voting rolls (and we all know we’ve seen problems with that in the past!).
As if that weren’t enough, these new rules also threaten criminal penalties for individuals registering voters if they do not exactly conform to complicated, burdensome procedures. The threat of criminal prosecution will have such a chilling effect that no one will want to risk engaging in voter registration efforts that expand democracy and empower their communities, and poor people, young people and African Americans will be shut out of our democracy.
On June 26, the Ohio Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) will have the opportunity to reject the Secretary of State’s new policy and they need to hear from you! Even if you don’t live in Ohio, your voice matters this type of blatant voter suppression in any state sets a dangerous precedent that all Americans have an obligation to speak out against.
People For the American Way Foundation is launching an online petition against Blackwell’s unjust regulations. Sign it today and an e-mail will go directly to JCARR members registering your opposition to this blatant voter suppression.
We’ve already had one victory in this battle. Due to backlash from civil rights organizations, the media and everyday citizens, Blackwell announced Thursday that he would rescind one part of the rule that had required certain registrations to be hand-delivered, and not mailed. While this is a step in the right direction, too many unnecessary burdens remain.
Shutting people out of the democratic process is not the American Way. Weigh in against this right-wing attack on voting rights by signing our petition today!
After you sign the petition, please forward this e-mail to your friends and ask them to show their support for voting rights by signing as well.
Together in the struggle,
Sharon J. Lettman
Vice President for External Affairs and Director of Election Protection 365
People For the American Way Foundation
P.S. You can also support our work to protect voting rights, ensure the fair administration of elections, and register new voters by making a secure online contribution today.
P.P.S. June 26 is my birthday, and I’d really like to celebrate a victory on that day. Tell JCARR to give me the birthday present I deserve – stop the madness!
(Happy Birthday, Jenefer!  We love  you still in Cincinnati.)

What is the Salon for, anyway?

Dialogue w/ Mike Murphy, Absent Salonista

From Ellen:
Hi  Mike,

You ok?  Your absence is felt on Monday nights.
Birdie?   I am remembering our last conversation.

Without your constant  encouragement, people forget about the library.  Such good stuff there!  

I need to clean out my house.  Have put the books in milk crates.   Moved the shelf unit out into back hall.  The Lesbian archives   needs tall book shelves.  I want to either give it to them, return  it to you, or sell it in a yard sale.  Your choice.  Let  me  know.

ellen ..............

Mike’s response:
Hi, Ellen--This past year, with a bout of pre-cancerous skin cancer, and other mortality-reminding events [like funerals], I got to thinking that time is a-wasting.  That I must get something done.  Here in Cincinnati, or return to Massachusetts.  Like start an intentional community dedicated to not just stewarding the land, not just co-housing, but exploring and expanding relationships, not just with humans but also with the non-human world, be it nature spirits or whatever, not just political, but in terms of worldview or cosmic view.    Action has been imperative.  Unfortunately, bright as Lloydhouse Salon is, it does not seem action-oriented.  So, I have sought out the farmers who are also personal friends of mine [like Julia Yarden, like Sallie Ransohoff, like Mark Dobbs, like Gretchen Vaughn,  etc--all Findlay Mkt people], and have shared with them my Sustainable Village Proposal and also my CSA Plus Bulk Foods Club paper.  So far, well received.  
     Perhaps I should confess increasing discomfort at Lloydhouse, as wonderful as you and all the folks are.  I feel there is too much discussion around a dinosaur political and economic system, such as nominal political democracy, which I see as blatant camouflage for an obviously plutocratic system.  Yes, I have had the opportunity to voice my views at your table, and I am forever thankful.  But I can't deny an increasing impatience, which leads me to bite my tongue.  We need economic democracy.  
     Philosophically, I am increasingly comfortable with the views of Zechariah Sitchin [The 13th Planet"] & Paul Von Ward ["Gods, Genes & Consciousness: Nonhuman Intervention In Human History"] as the most plausible explanation for our cultural religions and history.  This leads me to bite my tongue re religion.
     None of this is to put blame on you or the Salon, which remains perhaps the brightest ight in Cincinnati.  I can only confess that I am increasingly restless and discontented, and feel obliged to take my 'distemper' away from your beautiful table.     
     If I can't get satisfaction this year in Cincinnati, I'll probably return to Sirus Community & ConferenceCenter in Massachusetts.
     Birdie continues to have problems, perhaps the same, perhaps worse.  Hard to tell.  I'm doing my best to be a good friend to her.  She has a counselor over at Core Behavior on Glenway [who I have met with], and sees good folks at the Epilepsy Fdn [who I have also met].  
     Sorry to hear the books and bookshelf are in the way.  I'll stop by and retreive them.  I'll need the bookshelf to put the books in.  Thanks.  
     ps--You are welcome to share this with the table.
  From Ellen:
Is it OK to print in the Weekly?
Thanks for your  input. I understand your frustration.  Yes, the salon would be irritating if  you came in order to  work towards solutions.  On the other hand, if you were to come with the motive of h elping to lift awareness, to educate others, and also the motive of sharing fellowship, that might be another thing.  Many of us are activists, but in other settings.  The table is j ust for fellowship and sharing ideas.
From Mike:
Ellen---Yes, you may print it.
     I guess it is not so much that I want to work toward 'solutions' at the Salon as to have a genuine dialog.  Most often my comments are regarded as coming from the liberal reformer's perspective.  Or from a discredited radical [i.e., socialist] perspective.  Rarely has anyone asked what I mean by economic democrace, as you kindly did when we were loading the bookshelf.  
     Yeah, I'd like to help educate others, as well as myself.  That was what the library was part of.  But I have felt that my views on politics and religion are simply irritating to others, and so they politely avoid following up my comments or observations with any real inquiry or dialog.  
     Of course, it takes two [or more] for a dialog.  And if I am not there, how can my views be considered?  Also of course, others have views, too, which deserve a hearing.  
     What I'd like to see is a radical reconsideration of capitalism.  Just as we would urge a much-abused woman to reconsider keeping her abusing husband around.  
     And if capitalism is abusive, is there something better?  Like what?  This is where I re-introduce economic democracy, social ownership, a culture of stewardship.  The fact that so many folks at the table own stock on Wall Street blinds them, somewhat understandably, to the flaws of the system, and stops their ready consideration of practical options.  
     I feel the same way about religion.  That it is largely abusive orthodoxy that serves to assist the abusive politcal-economic system, and that there needs to be regular and systematic consideration of this possibility/probability.  That religion helps hold us down while we are raped.  Too often at the table I hear a Patty Hearst kind of reverence for our mental jailers: Judaism/Christianity/Islam.  These need to be examined as [possibly; I think definitely] part of the problem.  
     And, yes, you may print this, too.
     See you Monday.  
     Mike M          

Someone send me this agitated report of mounting anti Semitism in France  ... I sent it on to Barbara Glueck of the American Jewish Committee, ...see her response below. ellen

I copied from the newsletter of today of Leah Lekarev ( <> , <> , please send it to everybody you know! Joanne  (I do not know who Joanne is.  Ellen)
Once again, the real news is conveniently not being reported as it should. At present, in my Hebrew class, there is a woman who recently made aliya from Paris with her family. I have spoken with her about anti-Semitism in France and she confirmed that it is very, very serious and getting worse every week. She and her family fled Paris and came to Israel, fearing for their lives - literally. This is first hand, my friends.
To give you an idea of what's going on in France where there are now between 5 and 6 million Muslims and about 600,000 Jews, here is an email that came from another Jew still in France. Please read! Will the world say nothing - again - as it did in Hitler's time?
He writes, "I AM A JEW -- therefore I am forwarding this to everyone on all mye-mail lists. I will not sit back and do nothing." Nowhere have the flames of anti-Semitism burned more furiously than in France:
In Lyon, a car was rammed into a synagogue and set on fire. In Montpellier, the Jewish religious center was firebombed; so weresynagogues in Strasbourg and Marseilles; so was a Jewish school inCreteil - all recently.
A Jewish sports club in Toulouse was attacked with Molotov cocktails, and on the statue of Alfred Dreyfus in Paris, the words "Dirty Jew" were painted. In Bondy, 15 men beat up members of a Jewish footbal team with sticks and metal bars. The bus that takes Jewish children to school in Aubervilliers has been attacked three times in the last 14 months.
According to the Police, metropolitan Paris has seen 10 to 12 anti-Jewish incidents PER DAY in the past 30 days. Wake up, world! Walls in Jewish neighborhoods have been defaced with slogans proclaiming "Jews to the gas chambers" and "Death to theJews."
A gunman opened fire on a kosher butcher's shop (and, of course, the butcher) in Toulouse, France; a Jewish couple in their 20s were beaten up by five men in Villeurbanne, France. The woman was pregnant; a Jewish school was broken into and vandalized in Sarcelles, France. This was in the past week.
So I call on you, whether you are a fellow Jew, a friend, or merely a person with the capacity and desire to distinguish decency from depravity, to do, at least, these three simple things:
First, care enough to stay informed. Don't ever let yourself become deluded into thinking that this is not your fight. I remind you of what Pastor Neimoller said in World War II: First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
Second, boycott France and French products. Only the Arab countries are more toxically anti-Semitic and, unlike them, France exports more than just oil andhatred. So boycott their wines and their perfumes. Boycott their clothes and their foodstuffs. Boycott their movies. Definitely boycott their shores. If we are resolved we can exert amazing pressure and, whatever else we may know about the French, we most certainly know that they are like a cobweb in a hurricane in the face of well directed pressure.
Third, send this along to your family, your friends, and your co-workers. Think of all of the people of good conscience that you know and let them know that you and the people that you care about need their help. The number one best selling book in France is "September 11: The Frightening Fraud," which argues that no plane ever hit the Pentagon.
Is it any wonder that Aliya from France to Israel has increased dramatically?”
Barbara’s response:
I have attached a recent American Jewish Committee report which answers your question about troubles in France.  I have not looked into the other incidents cited in the message you sent, but I imagine you could "google" them to see if they're true.
AJC does not recommend boycotting, because it will backfire in two ways:  hurting French Jews and hurting Israel.  The French Jewish community, whose leaders attend AJC meetings frequently, would not like retaliatory boycotts against their businesses.  Similarly, AJC works very hard to break the Arab boycott of Israel and would hate to see French businesses join it.
The best course is to pressure the French government into improving security and policing.  The French Jewish community and AJC are working to that end.  
Best wishes,

----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Isaacson <>  
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 6:40 PM
Subject: Anti-Semitic incident in Paris

The Marais district of Paris was the scene of a disturbing anti-Semitic
incident last weekend -- yielding a prompt official response. AJC's (American Jewish Committee) Paris
representative, Valerie Hoffenberg, provides details in the attached memo. (below.  E.)

Jason Isaacson



Interested parties                                                                               June 1, 2006
FROM:             Valérie Hoffenberg (Paris)
RE:                        Anti-Semitic incident in Paris involving la Tribu-Ka (the Ka Tribe)
On Sunday, May 28, 2006, a group of 30 young black men claiming to belong to the extremist movement “la Tribu-Ka,” an anti-white and anti-Semitic group, marched in the Jewish area of the Marais in the heart of Paris, verbally threatening the Jewish community.
They shouted at the crowd – “Who is Jewish? Is there a Cohen among you?” – and asked if there were members of the Jewish Defense League or Betar (two militant Jewish movements). They said that they were ready to fight with them.
Shoppers in the historic Marais neighborhood, one of the busiest districts in Paris, were left in shock.
The French Office of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNCVA) issued a statement, reporting that the gang was “performing Nazi salutes, looking for a fight with the neighborhood’s Jews, threatening and intimidating them.”
Thankfully, their provocation was left unanswered, the crowd remained calm, and one of the local shopkeepers called the police. The police quickly broke up the march, ran identity checks on 19 of the young men, none of whom were armed. Since no apparent offence had been committed, the police had to let them go. Security was stepped up in the area.
They did not attack or injure anyone, but the tension was high in this traditionally calm neighborhood, a favored destination for Jewish families on Sunday afternoons. But the French Jewish community is nonetheless very concerned and wondering when this circle of violence will stop.
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy immediately reacted to this incident: the following day he consulted with a delegation of Jewish leaders led by Roger Cukierman, president of the CRIF, and, among others, Eric de Rothschild, president of the SPCJ (the security service of the Jewish community), Pierre Besnainou, president of the European Jewish Congress, and Joël Mergui, vice-president of the Central Consistory and president of the Consistory of Paris.
Sarkozy indicated that he had written a letter to the Minister of Justice “to urge the Ministry to take some legal action against the ‘Tribu-Ka,’ and to ban and close down their website.” The Minister also declared that he will ask the police to investigate the possibility of bringing down the group on the basis of a 1936 law that allows for the dissolution of groups that resemble private militias. However, such dissolutions are still exceptional procedures in France.
The Minister expressed his “complete determination” to fight against the emergence of anti-Semitic groups and he reiterated the commitment of the State to ensure the security of all the Jews. He asked that Jewish institutions continue to alert the authorities of any anti-Semitic act that they are aware of, but he also urged them to try to calm those in the community who might be tempted to react to the provocation.
Sarkozy visited the Rue des Rosiers (the main Jewish street in the Marais area) on Wednesday to meet with shopkeepers and local residents. He once again reaffirmed his solidarity with the Jews.

For three years, there has been a growing tension between the Jewish community and an extremist fringe of black youth. The anti-Semitism of the comic Dieudonné, who is seen as a hero in the black community, has without any doubt contributed to the spread of anti-Semitism among this population. Lack of integration, economic jealousy, and what has been commonly referred to as the “competition of memories” (a reference to what the black community has often felt as a competition between the memories of the Shoah and that of slavery), are also part of the problem.

Tribu-Ka, an organization created in December 2004, is opposed to all contacts between blacks and non-blacks. Tribu-Ka’s leader, Kemi Seba, formerly known as Stellio Gilles Robert, is a former member of the Nation of Islam in Paris and has in the past been indicted for incitement to racism.

Since the establishment of Tribu-Ka, tensions between its members and the Jewish community have increased, especially with the members of Betar and the JDL. They accused the Jews of being the descendants of slave-traders, an accusation repeated by the comic Dieudonné Mbala Mbala, who is viewed as an inspiration among Tribu-Ka members.

In February 2005, a dozen young men and women belonging to the Tribu-Ka infiltrated a meeting of the Jewish-Black Friendship Association and vigorously advised the Jews to cease all contacts with their “Khemite brothers” (the blacks).

Ten days earlier, members of Tribu-Ka walked into a sports club where a group of young people were practicing Krav Maga, and where members of Betar and the JDL generally train. Fortunately that night, there no Jews were there. Disappointed, the Tribu-Ka members left; they told the youths to warn the members of JDL and Betar that they were after them.  
When they walked down the Rue des Rosiers last Sunday, the Tribu-Ka members said they wanted to confront militants from Betar and the JDL, which are known to be based in the Marais neighborhood. On television the following day, they claimed that they wanted to fight against those Jewish groups, and that, “if feeling hatred towards the members of the Betar was being anti-Semitic, then yes, they were anti-Semites.”

Section Four: Books/Magazines/Reviews

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