Salon Weekly
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation: 504
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
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To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.
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Saturday 5 November 2005
At the table Monday , At the Table on Monday, _10/31/05_: David Rosenberg, Spencer Konicov, Roy Euvrard, Brian Muldoon, Gary Weiss, Dan Hershey, Pam Smith, Vlasta Molak, Cliff Phillips, Alan Bern, Ellen Bierhorst, Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus, Elizabeth Motter, Mira Rodwan, William Messer,(who came here on his bike! WAY COOL) Steve Sunderland, Neil Anderson, Chris Smitherman. Damon Lynch III , (Welcome Pam, Cliff, William and Damon!)
Topics Nominated:
Council Candidates
Mayoral Election
Alan: tons of local produce in Michigan; abundant, top quality. Why not here?
David: it has been the policy of big business to
Gerry: cc of the who and what of elections by LWV. In libraries.
Also need poll literature pass out people. Call Gerry : 861 3939
Absentee voting at the Bd. of Elections on B¹way next to the old Times Star building, opposite the jail. (at about 7th St.)
Mira: need info. on school board, judges, mayor, council.
Marvin: free series at UC on Jews and War in the twentieth century. (See Lichter series.)
Roy: how will absentee balloting help end corruption?
Mira: on CET tomorrow at 8 an hour mayoral debate.
Chris Smitherman: ... serious issues. I¹ve learned a lot these two years. It is difficult to be honest in a body that isn¹t always honest. Today for example environmental justice ordinance debate. Bogged down in nonsensical details, and at the same time many neighborhoods have been devastated by the absence of environmental action by the city. I asked Council to home in on the people. They are being negatively impacted by industry and need us to protect them. ... ordinance is bogged down; won¹t be passed by this council. Businessmen are all against it.
We have a budgetary problem that impacts retirees. Shortfall averages 23 k / yr. City employees: there are 4,500 retired city employees. The city has been downsizing so fewer workers paying into the system.
The retirement fund portfolio has been losing money. The budget assumes a rate of return at 8.5%; but this year only got 2%. This means $100 million deficit. Smith Barney and other financial advisors are being paid 9 million to manage the fund.
City got $54 million from Anthem when Anthem stock went public. City took it all, put it in the general fund, when by rights 20 million should have gone into the pension plan for retired employees. 15 million are still sitting in three banks, getting zero interest. I wanted this put back into the pension fund but John Cranley as committee chair vetoed it. This is unethical. ... 60% of the shortfall is going to be paid for by tax payers. If we don¹t fix, in Œ07 there will be an $80 million shortfall.
So we need to move the Anthem money back into the pension plan.
The police dept lacks accountability in our city. (At this point there was a cry of assent at the table.) On my website an audit outlines corruption in police dept. The overtime piece is a part of it.
The independent auditor says the police dept intimidated the auditor and their staff.
My colleagues sit there and bring no accountability to the chief of police for these things. They are intimidated.
Roy: statistics comparing crime in city with surrounding areas? I think the reports of crime in the city are way exaggerated in the service of ³blockbusting², i.e. getting people to move out into new housing developments in the county.
Chris: people who are leaving Cinti. are doing so for lack of culture, or opportunity, not crime.
Chris: there is also a continuing movement to bleed off power from Council. ... Fountain Square: the Enquirer called it $43 million, and this was not true. More like ..billion.
3C DC.
A G Lafley. heads it.
New Market Tax Credits, federal money, supposed to be for poor neighborhoods.
Fountain Square does not exactly qualify as a poor neighborhood.
Dan does this get better with a strong mayor?
Chris better if a good council. Council needs to be able to caucus. Need people including poor people represented on council. Council controlled by business community and by FOP. Intimidation.
Can¹t have racial reconciliation in the city with this situation. Have to share the wealth. 97% of the wealth is going out to the suburbs. Madness! Need a strong council. Courageous.
Ellen: Who would be your dream team among all the council candidates?
Chris: Gerry Kraus, and Damon Lynch, me, Laketa Cole. (Wendell Young. not a bad pick. Has substance. ) (not Cecil Thomas). Samantha Herd. David Crowley. But Crowley not so great on Environmental Justice.
(Eve Bolton?) don¹t know enough to say. Not Sam Malone. (Nick Spencer? I know he was a Republican for Kerry. ellen)
Do not vote for 9 people. Vote for your five or six strongest people. This concentrates your vote.
Steve: Samantha doesn¹t know the city.
Chris: She worked for Tyrone Yates, learned the city then. Since he went to State government she has been in Columbus. ...
Jef Berding was the architect of the whole Bengals deal. You wouldn¹t know that from reading the newspaper.
William is casting five votes better than six, if the sixth is a luke warm?
Chris yes
William: I am concerned about freedom of speech on Fountain Square. It is protected if it is a ³Public Forum². Is fountain sq. a public forum even as it will be rebuilt?
Chris: I don¹t think there is danger of losing that public forum space.
I have serious problems with 3C DC controlling Fountain Square.
Selection of City Manager is a hugely important selection. We did a terrible job with Valerie Lemme. I don¹t like Rager. I think Pepper is going to appoint him no matter what he says to the public.
Rager is a very bad deal for us.
I think Sen. Mallory is a great mayor choice. Pepper is not a consensus builder.
David: I have Jewish friends who like Mallory except he won¹t distance himself from anti Semitic people like Nate Livingston.
Chris I have never heard any anti white or or anti jewish statements by Black Fist.
David I have friends who had worked with them and had heard such statements.
Roy there were some very cruel things said at those meetings.
Chris ... The group Westwood Concerns come to council meetings and just spew out hate. They have endorsed Pepper, who does not distance himself from Westwood Concerns. They are against blacks, ACLU, affirmative action.
Steve the Black Fist was at Gabrielle¹s Corner when the gay play was there ... they are terrible.
Chris: they are not even a group. Tiny number of ³members², sporadic meetings, etc. Whereas Westwood Concerns are 300 people, have regular monthly meetings.
Damon Mark has denounced anti-Semitic rhetoric. The problem was him seemingly embracing the endorsement. He put it on his web site. We have to think broader. We know Mark is not anti Semitic.
David Mark could repudiate the endorsement, and
Damon: he has repudiated those views.
Roy last two elections, the non incumbents who spent the most, won. How can we take (the factor of, the influence of ) money out of the election of council? Less than 20% of the primary contributions for mayor race came from (contributors who live) inside the city!
Chris: issues 2,3,4,5... vote for. ... I am not supportive of district representation (i.e. electing council members to represent a specific district rather than all being elected ³at large². The districts drawn were not fair. I don¹t think districts take (the factor of) money out of the race. Pepper would certainly dominate the downtown district. The media has to open up the access (of candidates to media exposure). $50,000 gets you only a short blip on TV. Radio is $45 per spot. They need to lower the costs. On the WHIZ the rates are $ 160 a min. during the political season, less than usual rate. That¹s the spirit.
Gerry with those blips, they don¹t say anything. You have to educate the people who are going to vote. I have sent out 38,000 meaningful flyers. If nobody reads it, maybe the city deserves what they get.
Damon we had campaign financing reform a few years ago. It lasted only one election. Because the big money smeared it. (So voters voted it down, obedient to the campaign of the big money against it.)
I would like to see a hybrid of districts and at-large representation. You cannot meet the people in a totally at-large race (like we have now). We should have a few seats at-large, the rest of the seats representing specific districts. We are one of the few cities this big with a nine x system (i.e. all members elected at large. Each voter votes for up to nine candidates.)
Gerry I prefer the at- large system. All the district systems I have seen have not been that representative.
David campaign financing is the first most important issue. Second is the trend towards privatization of ³the commons² (air, water, air waves, streets, utilities). I want to see this issue to enter into this debate. (Ellen: the neo conservatives want everything to be handled by private for-profit corporations rather than owned by the people as a group and shared.)
Dan There is always an imbalance of money among candidates. The challenge is to have a smart frame for each candidate.
(A suitable and appealing frame can overbalance a ton of money.)
Steve: thanks to Chris for going to Louisiana with Hurricane relief. Extraordinary. (Ellen: Damon also went down with trucks with hurricane relief). Thanks to Damon for his work on the Collaborative... put seeds of hope. ... We are not, as a city, really aware of the truths behind the Timothy Thomas issue, and other issues. ...
Marvin Everyone who runs for council is required to file reports showing who contributed to the campaign and how much. After the election I intend to study everyone¹s financial report to see where the money came from. One of the things Gerry is doing is running a limited budget campaign with selected promotion. She is being endorsed by voters. It will be interesting to see what happens. No endorsement by Dems, Enquirer, Sierra Club. Just by the Lloyd House Salon . By the people. I will propose some campaign finance reform legislation. I don¹t think candidates should have to put a single penny of their own money to be spent on campaign. Instead the cost of informing voters should go to the city.
Chris there has been a great effort to distance me from African American leaders. A push for me not to work with Pastor Lynch, with Mark Mallory. A systematic approach to make African American leaders distance themselves from each other.
(Ellen: many white people are threatened by the idea of Black unity.)
Vlasta I was impressed with how you (Chris) dealt with the police chief two years ago when he was being so obnoxious to you.
Chris I was told, ³Why did you take on Striker?!² Advised to stay low.
Another white leader told me to give my good ideas to the white councilmembers because the city would swallow them more easily. I told him no.
David ... progressives and African Americans tend not to vote.
Chris they haven¹t voted because they don¹t have anyone to vote for. Have been a confused. disenfranchised community. I think an Af. Amer mayor would be incredibly healthy for us as a city.
In city hall I see white men in power. To put Mark Mallory in there makes it a new game. The whole thing will change.
I have been inside the mayor¹s office only one time in two years, even though we are ostensibly of the same political party.
If Mark is mayor, I will have access.
Roy what happened to Issue 5, the national search for police leadership.
Chris this is connected to the Col. Twitty issue. We have four lawsuits pending by police against the city. Striker has undermined Issue 5; Demossey is a Capt. ... Striker puts him in the assist. chief position. He has had it for 2.5 yrs., ...
when Reger (Reiger? the city mgr.) got the job, he instructed the solicitor (who is a woman) to settle the lawsuit.
Sentinels ... Gerhardstein ... are involved.
Judge Niehouse. to rule on the settlement.
So Issue 5 has been undermined. Enquirer is not reporting any of this.
Chris ... insubordination of the police chief to the council, who are or should be his bosses... Council members have to have the courage to stand up to him. ... Jeff Burding (one of the candidates, actually endorsed by City Beat. ellen) is not going to deliver anything to poor people. ... My opponents are trying to marginalize me as radical...
Ellen my neighbor said he was against Damon and surprised to see his signs in my yard because, ³ Damon was out there enflaming the violence after the Timothy Thos. shooting.²
Damon: if there was anyone out there trying to quell the violence it was me. Night after night. We were in the streets advising calm. We were almost the only ones who could be there because we were known.
... the Collaborative Agreement. that was me.
The CAN commission; I was originally one of the chairs. ... The mayor wanted me to apologize for the letter we sent around the city and nation reporting that our police were killing black people, and women.
There was a sense of ³how dare you claim that! How dare you File a lawsuit against the city for this!².
People don¹t know how it happened. After Timothy Thomas was killed,
I was in my office, asked to come out, there were 600 people in the street. People marched, I was in the back, but people kept pushing me forward. Information about all this is at my website, :
Framing ... until Chris I was the most hated Black person in the city. I lost white friends because of the events of 2001. Paternalism. ³How dare y ou.² We still haven¹t gotten that change.
Fangman, FOP have been calling for Smitherman to resign! This election is key. Will we return to status quo?
Gerry: The Enquirer asked me as a candidate about Managed Competition (privatization). I responded saying I needed time to study the issue and they called me back, ³You don¹t want to say that!² Finally they did publish it. I told them I needed to research the question first.
Damon we need as citizens to support reformer council people like Chris. ...
Fangman calling for Smitherman to resign. Insubordination!
David one of the reasons I come to this group ... we can get info. out on the grapevine in a timely manner, so the public can be in the know about inside scoop. The Salon Weekly is powerful in this way (because it is distributed to 500 e-mail subscribers). (David then called for us to think about how this effect can be enhanced. )
End of Table Notes.
Ellen¹s Thoughts: The power of this table (and the Weekly) is the power of trust. Most people now are starting to realize that we are manipulated by the mass media and that the mass media, the TV, radio, the newspapers, are controlled by Big Corporate Money, not by the human beings who serve them in the roles of board members and CEOs. The public spirit of those human beings have been largely dazzled and bought off by the fantastic material rewards and power the corporation gives them. People get this. So there is little trust in most channels of communication. The Salon, obviously, has no corporate backing, has no ax to grind save the welfare of the people in this city. We trust each other. I trust Chris Smitherman for two reasons: people like Gerry Kraus and Steve Sunderland whom I know well and trust deeply say he is the real deal. Second, I trust him because he comes here and looks me in the eye and in the moment, talking with him, I see his integrity and intelligence. He inspires me. People are interested to know that I trust Chris Smitherman, because they know I am interested in the welfare of the folks, the quality of life of our community here. And I have no other private agenda.
I trust Damon Lynch because I look in his eyes and listen to his responses to me and I feel that heart connection. He strikes me as very smart, actually humble (what a concept!) and as having the real deal values. And I trust Damon because Paula Jackson (priest of Church of our Savior, hailed all over as a grand leader and personal friend of mine and of the Salon) says she knows he is The Best.
My point is that building nexus of trust is what we need in order to improve the government and culture of our city. Further, the existence of the Salon, meeting consistently every week for 4 years is a force for that trust hugely larger than the 15 or so who gather here each week, and larger by far than even the 500 folks who subscribe to the Weekly and actually do read it. There is enormous influence of this precious elixir, trust.
I am urging you to build communities of trust. Turn off the TV and bring your neighbors together. I stand ready to help anyone start a salon. Email me, or phone 221 1289. If we are to survive as individuals, as a city, as a civilization through the protean change that is only now beginning to occur on this planet here at the end of the petroleum era, we must have good information and smart policies. The recipe: build trusting communities.
and... cast all your votes for dancing!
For, you know what? Here¹s a secret: we love one another.
Don't miss the way cool article you want to read in blue section. It might be one of these:
- Book Review by Ellen: The Ethical Slut, on polyamory
- touching testimonial on Harriet Russel, Bd. of Ed. candidate by Isaac Sher
- Julie Murray on David Crowley and Environmental Justice
- Howard Konicov, environmental leader, endorses Mallory, Lynch, Kraus, and others
- Deborah Wilcox's angry response to my Bd. of Ed. picks
- Eileen Reed's response to my non-endorsement of her Bd. of Ed. candidacy
- Jeff Berding ... bad egg running for Council?
- Paul Brown on "Intelligent Design"
- Take Action Now: Ohio Voting Reform group RON...
Hugs to all,
Confused about the council election? See Our Lloyd House slate. and Check out League of Women Voters page:
Also, you can pick up a newsprint tabloid size "Who and What of Election 2005" by the League of Women Voters at libraries and other spots around town. Free.
Our Endorsements: For Mayor: Mark Mallory
For Council, vote only for five: Smitherman, Kraus, Lynch, Cole, Herd
Bd. of Ed.: Russel, Ingram, Haase, Cranley
Issues: Yes on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8.
No on 9.
Dist. 1 Judge: Cheryl Grant
Introductory Talk
with Shirley Reischman (my wonderful ) homeopath
Wed. Nov 16 at the Lloyd House
7:00 pm
What is homeopathy and how dies it work. Fun and informative class. Presentation is 1 to 2 hours long, covers the history, philosophy of homeopathy and the indications for the 33 most commonly used over-the-counter h omeopathic remedies.
All first time attendees at the talk who choose to consult Shirley will receive a $100 discount off your initial service.
Shirley Reischman is a classical homeopath with over 20 years of experience.
Seating limited, so pre-register by calling Shirley 513 531 3060
I attended this "Segoe Symposium on Smart Growth" presented by the U.C. planning department in honor of Ladislas Segoe (1894 - 1983), a founder of professional planning and prof. at UC, prime architect of the Cincinnati Master Plan -- the first officialy adopted plan for a metropolitan area in the US. Presenters discussed local transportation options. I got this:
- Local transportation is hugely important. The average Cincinnati resident spends 20% of their disposable income on local transportation, the fifth highest rate in the nation. Wow!
- The proposed bridge over the Little Miami would be horrible for our metropolitan area for many reasons including terrible destructive impact on the beautiful, wild Little Miami, one of only two scenic wild rivers in Ohio (official designation).
- Light rail (think streetcar, elevated railway, subway type trains) is the way to go, as well as buses. But the light rail proposed in the little Miami connector idea would be bad.
- The presenters were Planning Prof. Carla Chifos, Larry Shartman of the Sierra Club, John Schneider, Alliance ofr Regional Transit, UC Economics Prof. Haynes Goddard, and UC Biology Prof and canoeing enthusiast Michael Miller.
- All presenters agreed.
Sierra Club hosts IMPORTANT MEETING about light rail here Wed. Nov. 2
7 - 9 pm
rm. 4400 DAAP @ UC
Clifton - Corryville Neighborhood Meeting
See pdf file on public transportation options, on Sierra Club website at:
This whole thing relates to the bridge over the Little Miami River, that important conservation issue, and also economic issues.
At the forum will be speaking Dr. Haynes Goddard, economics prof., U.C., Dr. Michael Miller, Prof. Biology, U.C., and John Schneider, Chair of Alliance for Regional Transit.
For more info. Call Sierra Club Miami Group (local chapter) 513 861 4001 or
Marvin Kraus and Gerry Kraus send us this heads up:
Jews and War in the Twentieth Century
The Lichter Lectures for 2005
Free, Open
Reservations call: 556-0351
Wed. Nov 2 Tangeman University Center Rm. 400B
Reception 6:15, Lecture 7:00
Ronald W. Zweig: "Fantasies of Wealth and the Madness of Genocide: The Story of the Hungarian Gold Train, 1944 - 2004."
Wed. Nov. 9 Yaron Peleg: "Imagining Jewish Warriors: The Soldier in Israeli Cinema"
Raymond Walters college, Muntz Theater 119, Muntz Hall
Reception 6:15, Lecture 7:00
Thursday, Nov. 17
Thomas A. Idinopulous, "Hollywood's Failure to Respond to WWI, the Holocaust, and Anti-Semitism"
Tangeman University Center Rm. 417
Reception 6:15, Lecture 7:00
Salonista Steve Slack Organizes Native Plant Restoration Effort
Cliftonites and others will be removing invasive plants from Burnet Woods
Park Saturday November 5 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and Saturday November 19
from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Dress for the weather, bring work gloves and your own bottled water. The
Park Board Crew will be there as well. Come by and see what's going on even
if you don't prefer to work.
Call Steve Slack for more information at 961-7711.
Nov. bulletin from Tim Swallow of the Progressive Alliance:
Greetings from the Progressive Alliance!
Updates in this email:<~> PA activities
<~> Events calendar
<~> Volunteer opportunities & positions available
To keep it short, these are summaries - see full
details at
Please share this with your friends and associates.
Hope you can participate in one or several events!
Best Regards,
Tim Swallow
<> Each year People Working Cooperatively (PWC)
provides winterization assistance to elderly and disabled
low-income homeowners in Cincinnati.
The Progressive Alliance is sending a team to help with
the PWC "Prepare Affair" On Saturday, November 12.
Although the sign-up deadline has passed, we have room
for a few more people.
Click on the Prepare Affair graphic on our homepage - - or reply to this email if you would like to
help out for a few hours on November 12.
<> REFORM OHIO NOW has mobilized to inform Ohio
voters about the need to pass Issues 2, 3, 4 and 5
on election day. Want to know more about ballot initiatives
and the non-partisan organization behind them? Visit for details and calendar listings; or
call 513.477.2651.
All events are in Cincinnati unless otherwise noted.
Details at
MON NOV 07, 7 PM: AlterActive Speaks, a community
conversation addressing what's possible in Cincinnati.
"Room for All: Stimulating affordable housing in diverse
neighborhoods." Playhouse in the Park.
Call 513.421.3888 or visit
TUE NOV 08: Election Polls open 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.
SAT NOV 12, 10 AM: Breakfast Club, Clermont County
Democratic Headquarters, 513.732.2378, info.
MON NOV 14, 7-9PM: Sustainability as a Path toward the
Goals of UC|21, TUC Great Hall, University of Cincinnati.
TUE NOV 15: GOP Bad Apple Tour & National Organizing
Kickoff. Time and Location to be announced.
WED NOV 16, 7 PM: Movie: "Wal-Mart: The High Cost
of Low Price," 20th Century Theatre 3021 Madison Rd.
Want to make a difference? Volunteer opportunities and
paid positions with various causes, campaigns, NPOs
and NGOs are listed in the PA Community Forum,
Just posted: Many new full-time paid positions with non-
profit & political orgs + numerous volunteer opportunities -
program manager and executive director positions, etc.
<> Election-related needs:
The Hamilton County Democratic Party needs election
day assistance: poll workers, supervisors, HQ vols. Also
need help weekdays Oct 31- Nov 7. Call 421-0495 or email for info.
The Warren County Board of Elections is in urgent need
of Democrats to work the polls on Tuesday November 8,
from 6:30am-7:30pm. Compensation is $85. If you are
able to work, please call the Board of Elections at
513-695-1358 and ask for Vicki Sullivan.
Reform Ohio Now needs help with voter education
regarding Ohio Issues 2, 3, 4 and 5. Opportunities with
phone bank, literature distribution, canvassing, yard signs.
Materials available 24x7 at the IBEW Hall, 1216 McMillan
Street, intersection of Victory Parkway & McMillan in
Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. Call 513-477-2651 for more info.
We are an independent educational organization
working to increase awareness of progressive values
and encourage citizen participation in the electoral
process in Southwest Ohio.
With an open meeting space that is broad both
geographically and ideologically, we focus on
relevant projects, collaborative efforts and
information sharing for the purpose of electing
progressive candidates who will implement positive
policies for a better America.
Visit to learn more about
volunteer opportunities with area campaigns and
causes, and with the PA; to learn about issues
and share your opinions about topics of the day.
Timothy Swallow
Progressive Alliance of Southwest Ohio
859.781.8151 voice
859.781.8152 fax
From New York City
West African Drum & Dance
Magbana Drum and Dance NYC, was established as a professional company in 1997 by artistic director Michael Markus. It is his vision to entertain and educate people from all walks of life about the power of the drum and the movement it inspires. Company members are from diverse backgrounds, and together they create music and movement fusing world percussion with traditional West African drum and dance, martial arts and contemporary dance. Titled after the Guinean nickname for taxi, Magbana has audiences jumping out of their seats at a variety of venues from the east coast through the mid-west. The ensemble has performed and taught at theaters, schools/universities, community centers, museums, festivals and private/corporate functions.
With Cincinnati¹s
Tribal Belly Dance Ensemble
York St. Café
738 York St.
Newport, KY
859 261-9675
Admission only $12.00
Show starts at 8 PM with Gaiananda, open Belly Dance followed by Magbana
For info on the show call David at 513 608-0056
West African Drum & Dance Workshops
Sunday Nov. 6th
1 3 West African Drumming $ 25
3:30 5 West African Dance $ 25
For more info and to register call Suzanne at 513 312-9628
Hosted by Gaiananda and
The Center for World Rhythms & Movement
4719 Vine St. (St. Bernard) Cincinnati, OH 45217
Please support belly dance and cultural performing arts wherever you live!
Sing for Community! Sing for Martin Luther King!
The MLK Chorale will start up this week on Tuesday 11 Oct. with its first rehearsal. (IT WAS A BLAST! REHEARSALS EVERY SECOND WEEK UNTIL MLK DAY. COME!) Please come join with 150 other Cincinnatians of all different communities to celebrate the heritage of Dr. King, raise spirit, get to know one another, and have a blast! We sing every other Tuesday at 7:00 from now until MLK Day when we perform (we rock!) at Music Hall for the premier celebration in the city. No audition needed. If you are at all interested in joining this, please come to the first rehearsal Tuesday, at the House of Joy (used to be Holywood Cinema) on Hamilton Ave. in College (near Cedar). Dr. Catherine Roma and Bishop Todd O'Neal directing. Let's get it on! I've been doing this for about ten years and loving it. Have formed some good friendships. We especially need men singers. If you can't read music, come on down! If you can read music, come on down. Beautiful music, beautiful time, beautiful spirit, beautiful people. Love.
Nov 5, 6
ReSounding Voices of Feminism
MUSE + Women Writing for (a) Change
Sat, 8 pm Sun 3 pm
St. John's U. Church on320 Resor Ave 45220
$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others
Free Childcare
Northside Celebrates Voting
³The ultimate political party²
Saturday, November 5
A celebration of the privilege of voting because what we don¹t celebrate we take for granted.
Meet candidates
Hear platforms
Learn about the issues
Listen to great music while having a good time!
4 bands- Although this event is a celebration it is also about voting. So the bands will have three hour time slots but only 15 minute sets with 15 minute breaks. In the breaks candidates and representatives for and against the various ballot issues will be offered time to present their platform and answer questions from the audience.
11 am Dead Flowers -- psychedelic funk
2 pm Crankbox -- rock
5 pm Back for the second year ‹ DJ Heck/Fully Loaded -- reggae
8 pm Back for the second year ‹ Bodhi Fannin and Anam Cara -- Celtic
(Including Salonista Paul Ravenscraft on guitar)
³The most important political office is that of the private citizen.²
Louis D. Brandeis
For more information, please contact the event coordinator.
Heather Sturgill
4304 Hamilton Ave.
h- 681-8666
c- 885-8666
Reform Ohio Now will be hosting an
Election Night Victory Celebration @ Milton's Tavern
next Tuesday night from 8:00 PM-12:00 AM.
brian muldoon
Tantric Yoga at the Lloyd House
Thurs. Nov. 10
7-9 pm
(Recommend you speak to Paul if this is your first Tantra experience)
Join us Thursday evening, November 10, as we
Remember to remember the body.
And mark your calendars for December 15, our next evening experience.
You are invited to an Ipsalu Tantra Evening Experience on Thursday, November 10, from 7:00-9:00 pm at the historic Lloyd House in Clifton. The address is 3901 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. Use the main entrance; no need to ring the bell, just come in. The experience will be held within the zendo on the 3rd floor.
This program is open to newcomers as well as experienced explorers. Individuals are welcome; couples are welcome; those attending with friends or partners of either gender are welcome.
There will be a registration fee of $10 per person, paid at the door.
We recommend that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will not restrict your movement. Please bring a pillow or mat for sitting, if you have one.
Please park on Lafayette Avenue. Parking behind the Lloyd House is reserved for Lloyd House residents, as is the space in front of the entrance.
Email for any additional information.
Discover your ability to experience inner calm and profound joy, wherever you are.
Paul Ravenscraft,
Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga Certified Mentor and Teacher
Day of the Dead Altars exhibition at Mockbee
Artists exhibit installations in tradition of El Dia De Los Muertos Cincinnati,
OH - September, 28, 2005 - Approximately twenty-five area artists will exhibit
works that draw upon the rich Latin American tradition of altars or "ofrendas"
(literally offerings) to commemorate All Souls Day or El Dia De Los Muertos
(The Day of the Dead).
The exhibition will be held at the Mockbee, a non-profit organization funded in
part by The City of Cincinnati, located at 2260 Central Parkway, Cincinnati,
Ohio. It is being organized by a group of artists and art supporters who are
intrigued by the growing influence of Latin American art and expression in
Cincinnati and its ability to enrich our culture.
An opening reception for the artists will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2005
from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. The exhibition continues through November 12, 2005.
Creating altars in homes and cemeteries featuring offerings (ofrendas) of
favorite foods and objects important to the deceased are thought to entice
departed loved ones to return and visit. This Latin American tradition has long
been embraced by the art community for its passionate, exuberant forms of
cultural expression. Working as individuals, and sometimes in collaboration,
the artists will draw upon their own experiences as they interpret this
vernacular art form. Some of the installations will be vibrantly colorful and
brilliantly lit with candles, following a traditional model, and others will
utilize video, sculptural elements and paintings to invoke our emotional
responses. In addition to established artists, altar installations are being
created by young people in the Bond Hill Recreation Center Teen Art Program and
students in the art program of the University of Cincinnati, Clermont. A short
video of a Day of the Dead celebration, filmed by Jay Bachemin in a cemetery in
Michoacan, Mexico will be shown in the gallery during open hours.
There will be an interactive altar installation open to everyone where visitors
may leave messages for loved ones, light candles or leave objects of special
significance. A special event for children of grade school age is planned for
Saturday, November 5 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Volunteers will be on hand to help
children create traditional Day of the Dead crafts such as decorating sugar
skulls, making paper flowers and elaborate paper cutouts.
Exhibition continues through November 12, 2005, with the hours of noon until
7:00 p.m. on the weekends and during the week on Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Fridays from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. Other hours by appointment. The exhibition
and related events are free and open to the public. Other programming details,
as available, will be posted on the Mockbee website:
Artists' Installations in the tradition of Day of the Dead Altars October 29 -
November 12, 2005 The Mockbee* 2260 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH
The Artists
Lauri Aultman Jay Bachemin Bond Hill Recreation Center Youth and Teen Artists
Jackie Braden Amy Brogard Pattie Byron Clermont College Art Students Chris
Daniel Scott Donaldson Arnelle Dow Mallory Feltz Kelly Frigard Gina Gartner
Tierney Hamilton Cheryl Hayden Kymber Hensen Jacquie Jones Jeff Judd Gloria
McConnaghy Kristin McCole Matthew Morris Elizabeth Otten Ursula Roma Kristin
Rose Milton Ruiz Bekka Sage Brandi Sanchez Lisa Siders-Kenney Sarah Smith
Matthew Stacy
*The Mockbee is a non-profit organization funded in part by the City of
Cincinnati Earth Institute
Earth Friendly Events Upcoming
The Cincinnati Earth Institute would like to make you aware of the following area events related to its discussion course topics of simple living, sustainability, and globalization. Event details follow the bullet points immediately below.
-- Festival of Faiths, Ecology & Religion Event - Saturday, November 12th, in Louisville, KY and will feature prominent speakers that will include Wendell Berry, Michael Dowd, Paula Gonzalez, Rev. Robert Edgar and Ambassador Thomas Graham. Reservations requested.
-- 1st Friday Dinner Conversation at Imago Earth Center open to all; 12/2 topic will be “Bioregionalism”.
Festival of Faiths, Ecology & Religion Event
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2005
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Kentucky Center for the Arts, Bomhard Theater
Cost: Free and open to the public (box lunch available for purchase -$10)
Description: The goals of the conference are to make clear the connection between religious faith and care for creation and to begin a process of ecological education within the religious houses of worship by initiating discussion courses offered by the network of Earth Institutes. This special day will include the following speakers:
Ambassador Thomas Graham - will address the threat which nuclear, chemical and biological weapons present to the ecological integrity of the Earth and the effect these have on environmental issues.
Rev. Michael Dowd - will address the deep link between religion and ecology as he explores the vital role of religion in shaping our relationship with the Earth.
Rev. Robert Edgar - will look at how the world’s religions, when in dialogue with science and economics, can influence comprehensive solutions to both global and local environmental problems.
Sr. Paula Gonzalez - will help us explore the possibilities of forming a coalition among the houses of worship in Louisville, working together for common action in the area of ecology. She will introduce the Earth Institute study programs for use in the faith communities throughout the city.
Wendell Berry - Kentucky farmer, writer, teach and lover of the land will conclude the day’s event
More Information: More information regarding reservations to follow. Questions may be directed to Joe Mitchell at or John Hoff at
1st Friday Dinner Conversation - all are welcome!
Date: Friday, December 2nd at 6:00 PM
Location: Imago Earth Center, 700 Enright Avenue, Price Hill
Registration: please register if requesting dinner buffet
Cost: none, except dinner buffet (suggested donation of $10/person)
Description: Following dinner, “Bioregionalism” will be discussed - what it means to have a sense of place, to be rooted, to protect/restore the natural characteristics of our land and to work toward a mutual enhancing relationship between the land and those who live on it and from it.
More Information: Call Louise Lawarre at 921-5124 or at
Cincinnati Earth Institute •
phone 513.207.0038
Gerry Kraus (salonista) running for Council, has webpage up!
Hellinger Family constelation workshop coming to Grailville:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:27:16 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Weekly 10/8/05 - 4
> There will be a two day workshop Nov. 12 and 13 at Grailville with Mark
> Wolynn, a wonderful Jewish Psychotherapist who heads the Pittsburgh Hellinger
> Family Constellation Therapy Institute -$195.
from David Johnson:
Please come join us for a wonderful evening of music and dance at the York St. Cafe' on Saturday November 5th, 8 PM
Gaiananda Tribal Belly Dance Troupe <>
and from NYC
Magbana West African Drum and Dance <>
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Thank you to those who edit their submissions to conform to the Tri-State Treasure format; it saves me a lot of time & effort.
Sincerely, Jim
Radio @ Its Best - Intelligent & Entertaining: Cincinnati is home to a wealth of public radio stations that offer a range of quality music, news, & entertainment. Two outstanding weekly programs may not be familiar to some listeners:
<> "This American Life" hosted by Ira Glass, selects a theme each week to describe & document contemporary American life through unusually observant & sensitive eyes from a variety of writers & performers in a range of styles: monologues, documentaries, short radio plays, found recordings, & original works for radio; music underscores many stories. - WNKU 89.7 FM Sundays @ 10-11 AM & WVXU 91.7 FM Sundays @ 4-5 PM (Note from Ellen: co-producer Alex Blumberg is the son of Richard and Joan Blumberg ... Richard gave the salon that excellent talk on Buddhism last winter.)
<> "Speaking of Faith" hosted by Krista Tippett, is a weekly national conversation about belief, meaning, ethics, & ideas. The program does not always have "religion" itself as a subject. Rather, it grapples with themes of American life - asking how perspectives of faith might distinctively inform & illuminate our public reflection. WVXU 91.7 FM Sundays @ 6-7 PM.
<> More info @ <> &
Tick, Tick . Boom! [Thursdays-Saturdays 3-5 & 10-12 November @ 8 PM]: The KNOWTHEATRE Tribe presents the regional premiere of a smart rock opera about turning 30, from the creator of RENT. Approaching his 30th birthday at the end of the 20th century, Jonathan must decide whether to follow his dream of writing the great American musical or give it all up. Is it time for him to leave behind his bohemian life in SoHo for the comforts of Park Avenue or a family in the suburbs with his girl in the green, green dress? In this semi-autobiographical musical, we are asked whether our aspirations are enough to get us through life at the end of the millennium. At Gabriel’s Corner, 1425 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.300.KNOW,, &
MUSE Concert [Friday 4 November @ 8 PM, Saturday 5 November @ 8 PM, & Sunday 6 November @ 3 PM]: MUSE (Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir) & Women Writing for (a) Change collaborate to present the fall concert ReSounding Voices of Feminism, performances of words & music that celebrate the richness of women’s experiences in today’s world. Tickets $15 (sliding scale $8 - $25). At St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH, 45220. More info @ 513.221.1118,, &
Northside Celebrates Voting: The Ultimate Political Party [Saturday 5 November @ 11 AM - 11 PM]: A celebration of the privilege of voting, because what we don’t celebrate we take for granted. Meet candidates. Hear platforms. Learn about the issues. Listen to great music - 4 bands - while having a good time. Although this event is a celebration, it is also about voting. The bands will have 3-hour time slots - 15 minute sets with 15 minute breaks during which the candidates & representatives for & against the ballot issues will present their platforms & answer questions from the audience. Dead Flowers (psychedelic funk) @ 11 AM; Crankbox (rock) @ 2 PM; DJ Heck/Fully Loaded (reggae) @ 5 PM; & Bodhi Fannin & Anam Cara (Celtic) @ 8 PM. More info @ 513.681.8666, 513.885.8666,, & <> .
Marsapalooza: The Return of the Red Planet [5-12 November @ 7-9 PM]: The Red Planet is back. Mars, always a crowd favorite, will be the featured planet as the Cincinnati Observatory opens its doors & telescopes to the public every night for a weeklong viewing extravaganza called Marsapalooza. Nightly classes about Mars, tours of the buildings, & viewing through the historic 1843 & 1904 telescopes (weather permitting). Venus & the Moon will also be observed. Reservations required for the classes which begin every night at 7 PM. No reservations needed for viewing. Drop in between 7-9 PM. Cost: $4 per person. At the Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.321.5186,, &
Sexual Assault In Israel & What Israelis Are Doing To Stop the Violence [Monday 7 November; reception @ 6 PM, presentation @ 6:30 PM]: The Alliance for Battered & Abused International Women, the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, & Jewish Family Services present Hilla Kerner-Soliman & Michal Ballas, directors of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel to present & discuss the topic. Hors d’oeuvres & wine at the reception. Free & open to the public. Limited seating; RSVP. At the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, 898 Walnut Street @ 9th, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info and RSVP @ 513.361.2146,, &
Why Choose Montessori? [Tuesday 8 November @ 7-8:30 PM]: Parents of preschool children may wonder about a Montessori education for their child. At this free program, three Master’s level, certified Montessori teachers from The New School will explain how Montessori Education uses developmental principles to promote learning. Attending this program is a good way for parents to get sound information about Montessori Education. Program is free & open to the public. Seating is limited; reservations are recommended. At The New School, 3 Burton Woods Lane, North Avondale, Cincinnati, OH 45229. More info & registration @ 513.281.7999 &
Le Trivia [Wednesday 9 November @ 6:15 PM]: Another gray November? Not anymore! Le Trivia is back, compliments of l’Alliance Française de Cincinnati, bringing a ray of sunshine in the clouds. Le Trivia features what unites Americans & Francophiles, what makes us share dinner, brainstorm, & have fun together, on that special night. Laughter & wit are universal, & so easy to share. Enjoy a cash bar then go to your table to compete for the top spots. A 3-course meal intertwined with questions, wine & cheese tasting, & other contests. A perfect fully bilingual Franco-American blend. At the end, answers are revealed, ranking is computed, & fabulous prizes are awarded to the winners. $45; $35 for members & students. In the Archway Ballroom, The Phoenix Restaurant, 812 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH, 45202. More info & registration @ 513.317.1839 &
11:11 Teachings of Creator [Friday 11 November @ 7-9:30 PM]: The 11:11 phenomenon is the 11 Universal Laws of Creator & the 11 Spiritual Laws of Creator. These sacred teachings & their symbols were given to Chief Black Spotted Horse, Chief of the Yankton Sioux Indian Nation, during ceremony. Learn what these sacred teachings mean & how they apply to our lives & our interaction with all of creation. Chief Black Spotted Horse is a Sundance Chief & Tribal Chief of the Yankton Sioux Indian Nation. He is an internationally known lecturer, presenter, & author. He has traveled the world & presented the ancient teachings of the 11:11 to many cultures. "One cannot harness the power of this dimension or this Universe if they have not harnessed the Power of Love." ~ Chief Black Spotted Horse. $20 at the door. At Friendship Hall, New Thought Unity Center, 1401 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.961.2527 or
Free Film Screening: Wal*Mart - The High Cost for Low Price [Monday 14 November @ 7 PM]: This documentary takes you on an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel, & shop. It looks at the effects that Wal*Mart stores have on small & family-owned businesses, communities, downtowns, & labor practices. It reveals how many cities & towns offer Wal*Mart top incentives to set-up shop, even as it negatively affects small businesses & communities. After the documentary, A Small Group will lead a conversation about how big-box retailers are changing the economy & social fabric of America, & discuss alternatives to these retailers & what we can do to support our local economy & independent businesses. This is one of many screenings around the country: part of the largest grassroots mobilization in movie history. Snacks & special drink prices will be offered. Limited seating; RSVP by November 11. At Kaldi’s Coffeehouse & Bookstore, 1202-1204 Main Street, Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, OH. More info & RSVP @ 513.451.0166,, &
Women Who Changed the Universe [Tuesday 15 November @ 8 PM]: Over the past 2 centuries, women have contributed significantly to some of the most profound changes in our view of the Universe. Yet only recently have they begun to enjoy full professional status in astronomy, even though true gender equity has proven elusive. Dr. David DeVorkin (Curator of Astronomy & Space Sciences, The National Air & Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution) will examine the contributions of women over the past 200 years, looking at how their talents & energies helped change the way astronomy is done, & enlarged our view of the Universe. How did they managed to make their contributions? How do the nature of their contributions actually reflect cultural norms? $10 admission; $5 for students. At the Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.321.5186,, &
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
To submit Tri-State Treasures, or to request your email address to be added or removed
from the list, send an email to and specify Tri-State Treasures.
Modern Jewish Folk Music
The Moshav Band
Sunday Dec 4 20th Century Theater in Oakly on Madison Rd.
"rich with fiery rock, reggae, and folk influences..."
sponsored by the Jewish vocational Service
Get tickets in advance $18 in advance, $25 at door
Valet Parking Accessible
or call JVS 985 0515
** Save the Date** December 9 and 10, 2005
2nd Miami Valley/Durban-to-Dayton Community Summit On Eliminating Racism
Racism is still our nation's most vital and challenging issue. It is based on the feeling of superiority that comes from an erroneous belief that one person is entitled to privileges not deserved by others.
It manifests itself most often in institutional policies and practices that have a disproportionately negative impact on persons of color.
Thus, our community continues to be plagued by racism in every institution.
Institutional racism is the disproportionately negative effect of limiting racial minorities' access to or quality of resources, goods, services and opportunities through the policies, practices or behaviors of institutions, businesses, organizations or governments.
Intent is irrelevant.
Programs or actions taken to lessen the effect or impact of institutional racism are NOT the focus of the Summit. The Summit is focused on eliminating institutional racism itself.
Please join us in our ongoing efforts to dismantle institutional racism by:
(1) participating in the efforts of our community to systematically dismantle the institutional structures and practices that
perpetuate racial discrimination through a strategic planning process; and
(2) using international human rights principles and law to advance the anti-racism work.
We invite you to browse through the different pages, read what the different caucuses are about, and decide what level of involvement you would like to have with the Community Summit.
This blog site is a secure place on the Web that our community can use to communicate with each other, share resources, and keep track of our effort.
Manager - The managers for the Summit quickplace site are:
Professor Vernellia Randall and administrative coordinator, Colette Harrison.
- Professor Randall may be emailed by clicking here.
- Colette Harrison may be emailed by clicking here.
Posted to:
Main Page
Retreat Space / Temporary Lodging
at the Lloyd House
prices to be negotiated
By the day...week...month.
Reference required
This is a new idea I just got. Instead of a permanent housemate, we could have "bed no breakfast" guests. Know anyone who needs this... a weekend getaway? Mad at the spouse? Want to meditate or write or heal? The Lloyd House is quiet, comfortable, jolly. Plus, massage available at special Lloyd House Resident rates with Neil Anderson, L.M.T.
2 Different Spaces Available at Lloyd House
Fabulous Clifton Gaslight Castle; warm, multicultural environment
2 miles from U.C. 1/2 mile from Mitchell Ave. exit I-75
Call Ellen: 513 221 1289
Third floor walk up. (A) One room with sleeping loft, private bath, share kitchen
Room has ethernet for high speed internet connection: $10/mo. extra
Share: third floor meditation/dance/yoga room
first floor TV/VCR/DVD, iMac w/ high speed internet, dining room, veranda
Off street parking, spacious yard, gardens, sauna, workout room
2 hours per month building maintenance/yard care/housmates meeting
Laundry (indoor lines for drying) free
and (C) First Floor large office, share powder room, share waiting room/living room/ parking.
Rookwood fireplace. 18 x 18' (very spacious).
Has its own entry as well as access to public waiting room. Super for any kind of office, studio, body worker, practitioner, ...
Minimum age: 25
Monthly house contribution: $350; $430 (more if you use A/C, internet)
Available 1 September, 2005
Other housemates include: me, Neil Anderson (our fabulous massage therapist), Alan Bern (musician, doctoral student CCM).
No smoking in house.
I am looking for: rock solid good vibes 24/7. Also rock solid financial reliability. Also, prefer a person who will enjoy the Monday night Salon and is interested in building community here. Eventually want to explore sharing ownership and all responsibilities.
Please pass the word to any of your contacts who might know of folks looking for a place to live/work.
Nov 20 after church service, Sunday
simple lunch served
A Magical Music SING for kids and parents, an all-church event. HootNany
St. John's U. Church on320 Resor Ave 45220
$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others
Free Childcare
Sunday Dec 11, 11 am
St. John's choir with area instrumentalists: Mozart Missa Brevis and a Bach Cantata
St. John's U. Church 320 Resor Ave 45220
Jan 28, Sat. 8 pm
Sonic Om: Indian Percussion and Dance music
with Kanniks Kannikeswaren and friends
St. John's U. Church on320 Resor Ave 45220
$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others
Free Childcare
9 April 3 pm
Proud and Peaceful: A concert featuring Piano, Voice, and Comedy: Alix Thio, John Wright, Steve Mallory and Terry LaBolt
St. John's U. Church on320 Resor Ave 45220
$10 students and seniors, $17.50 others
Free Childcare
See article on Ohio Voting Reform Activism below in Blue section, and take action!
- end of Announcements -
Book Review: The Ethical Slut: A guide to infinite sexual possibilities
Dossie Easton & Catherine A. Liszt
Review by Ellen Bierhorst
This is about "polyamory" or open relationships. Idea is you can be sane, ethical and happy in a relationship style that includes multiple partners for sex. Typically one has a "primary" (relationship) that is a life commitment, and then one or more "secondary" relationships with varying degrees of sexual and emotional intimacy. The authors maintain that monogamy just isn't cut out for everyone, and if you are "a slut", (one for whom monogamy does not work) you can make above-board, clear agreements with your partner(s) that preserve self respect, honor your partner, and introduce fun and life into your existence.
The book is clear, comprehensive, and well done. Parts of it, like what is killing to a relationship (secrecy, blame, avoiding self knowledge...) or how to communicate (use "I statements" rather than "you statements", ... particularly avoid statements that begin, "You always....") are useful for anyone and everyone. It is fun to read. It could be ... revolutionary.
One of the authors is Lesbian, the other bi-sexual. The principles are the same for anyone interested in multiple partnering. I'm not sure it would work for me. I have a pattern of glueing onto anyone with whom I have sex as a "til death do us part" spouse. Can't imagine casual, recreational sex.
But what is interesting to me is what is NOT spelled out in the book. I think a lot of people of my generation (b. 1940) just assumed that your life partner/sexual partner and you are mutually responsible for each other's tender places, vulnerabilities. That sexual pairing is such an exposure of vulnerability, that in order for the participants to tolerate the intimacy that brings renewal and deepening, they must protect each other's vulnerability through iron-clad sexual exclusivity, among other things. Beneath the text of "The Ethical Slut" is the understanding that this agreement does not work. Rather, the management of my wounds / vulnerabilities is my business, not yours. If something happens in the relationship (e.g. jealousy) that hurts, this does not mean blame on the other partner. What? As long as you have adhered to your agreements and have been open and above board, no blame. Wow!
Another unspoken assumption that many people my age have taken is that the woman is responsible for the maintenance of the manly dignity of her partner. That is, it is an assault on the manly dignity of any man if his wife (forget "partner") has desire for another person, and much more if she acts on it. If she violates this injunction, she is bad and wrong and his pain is her fault. How amazing that Catherine and Dossie don't even deal with this notion! I would be interested to know if you also think that represents a new paradigm for relationships dawning here, ... not necessarily polyamory, but the idea that partners are not responsible for each other's wounded vulnerable areas, and that wives are not responsible to uphold their husband's manly dignity. Let me know.
P.S. for anyone interested in attempting polyamory, Paul Ravenscraft and Kate Kelly offer coaching. See
"Kate Kelly and Paul Ravenscraft; services: coaching by telephone, located in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana region. 1708 Chase Avenue; Cincinnati, OH; 45223. Kate Kelly MSN, ACT is a clinical specialist in psychiatric nursing, currently practicing as a lifecoach. She is co-author of two books on adult attention deficit disorder, "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!" and "The ADDed Dimension". Paul Ravenscraft, BS, MBA, TRM has extensive experience in alternative spirituality and alternative lifestyles. A licensed minister of an earth-based, interfaith church which he co-founded in 1993, he is an experienced pastoral counselor and healer. Paul brings personal experience in poly relationships to your coaching session. Paul and Kate are partnered in an open relationship. "We believe that fear-based rules for relating are counterproductive to both relationships and personal growth. That said, we also know that being human means we get scared from time to time. We are committed to helping you clear the obstructions to creating the intentional relationships you desire."
Testimonial re. Harriet Russel for School Board
by former pupil Isaac Sher (WHHS '93; my son)
From: "Isaac Sher" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 15:58:45 -0600
To: "Ellen Bierhorst" <>
Subject: Re: Bd. of Ed. Picks - 6 (Harriet Russel)
Just to throw in my two cents:
I had Harriet Russel for History/Poltics AP in my senior year of high school at Walnut Hills. Even among the outstanding professionals on WHHS's teaching staff, she stood out as a passionate advocate of THINKING. I deeply valued the time spent in her classroom, and would give anything to be able to sit down and speak with her again, regardless of subject, just to bask in her fierce intelligence. She not only recognized that high school students were capable of observation and thought, but demanded it of us, a demand that not one of her students ever regretted. I still remember many of her lessons with clarity. She did not confine herself to the safe material of decades gone by, she forced us to examine the current events of the day, that we might understand what was really happenning around us, and how we might take part in it, if we felt driven to do so.
I can think of no finer person to be at the helm of Cincinnati's board of education. I only regret that I do not live in Cincinnati anymore to vote on this myself.
Isaac J. Sher
Customer Service Associate, CNA Team
Hewitt Associates
Julie Murray, absentee salonista and local activist on David Crowley's record re. Environmental Justice
In a message dated 11/2/05 5:04:26 PM, writes:
<< My sources at the salon say David Crowley says he is for the EJO but ACTS
another way. That the ordinance is dead until after the election. I have
removed his signs from my yard. >>
Thanks, Ellen - this is what my sources say also, which is why I wrote to him
and put out the email to many others who wrote to him also. I will send you
his answer...I guess it makes sense "politically" - but he, like Tarbell,
seem to want to avoid anything that might possibly offend the rich and powerful of
the in putting this off till after the election. I decided to
follow this particular issue and stay on it the day after the election and until it
is passed.
I still think I will vote for Crowley - (I just read the current CityBeat
thoroughly and can't understand for the life of me why they are endorsing Cecil
as always, the issue is getting folks out to vote...let's hope for good
weather like we are having this week.
Thanks for all you do to nurture consciousness in Cinti. I am sorry that the
day and time of the salon really makes it impossible for me except on holidays.
Howard Konicov, environmental leader, endorses Mallory, Lynch, Kraus, and others
(emphases added by ellen)
Dear all,
Demographic information suggests: approximately 65,000 to 70,000 people will go to the polls in our city, more will be white than black, older than younger, female than male, middle to upper income than poor.
The person elected Mayor will need a minimum of about 35,000 votes. The nine members elected to City Council, if history is a guide should be guaranteed a spot if they receive 25,000 votes; and might require as few as 20,000 votes.
In my opinion, based on the tenor of the commercials in the mayoral campaign in the past week the Pepper campaign team has concluded that they will have very limited support in the black community and that the only way they can win is by polarizing the electorate and going negative in a strategy designed to peel away as many white voters, elderly voters, female voters, and upper income voters as they can.
The defining issues in this community are race & poverty. Thirty percent of the children in our city grow up in poverty . In half a year of following the candidates from one appearance to another the first moment of clarity that I witnessed was when Damon Lynch III spoke in Bond Hill and said that it was important that we educate and not loose the next generation of youth .
Damon Lynch III, would be a bright strong progressive independent voice on Cincinnati City Council and I ask that you to give him one of your votes.
The emphasis being on independent as the trend in city politics is toward giving moneyed interests much greater control. City Council is more rife with financial conflicts of interest, greed and corruption than at any time in my memory, as witnessed by the recent parade of sweet heart deals for a growing group of self proclaimed corporate ignoble.
Once again it will be important for individuals with environmental concerns to vote in large numbers. There are 20,000 individuals in Cincinnati associated with Environmentatl Organizations or causes. If you are not represented at the ballot box next Tuesday, the likelihood exists that environmental concerns will not be either .
Many people have asked me who I personally support for Mayor and for City Council and why. And based on my experiences working to turn back the Luken anti-environmental agenda these past four years I believe it is important to hold candidates accountable for their actions. In this context the most telling vote was to close the the City's Office of Environmental Management. David Pepper voted for its closure (as did David Crowley by the way). AND BY THIS ACT ALONE communicated his willingness to play politics with the health of the citizens of this city and the quality of life in this region.
I believe a Mayor Mark Mallory brings with him a track record for substantive public policy leadership on both environmental and nonenvironmental issues alike and ask that you support him and not the coordinated smear campaign against him.
In regard to City Council. The environmental communitees strongest vote and most consistent leadership is from Chris Smitherman . This is not even debatable. He has been a strong advocate on every Environmental issue. The Enquirer & television portrayal of Chris has been distorted at best. There is a concerted effort to isolate him on many issues with of course the irony being that he is the most independent candidate on Council. He is not a racist, nor has an antisemitic bone in his body. And such portrayals of him represent the lengths of desperation to which his detractors will go to reduce his influence.
Finally, I respectfully request that you additionally consider voting for (1) Gerry Kraus who has a 40 year track record in this community on environmental issues, including suing Queen City Terminal in 1986 to prevent benzene trains loading at their facility. (2) Cecil Thomas, who is a leader on the collaborative agreement, and finally (3) Nick Spencer, because he is a young professional leader who I admire for his commitment to action.
Finally, under no condition consider casting a vote for Jeff Berding without asking yourself what his corporate donor connections get for the some $150,000 plowed into his campaign. I think the answer is another 2 years of huge subsidies..
Thank you for your consideration.
Please remember to vote,
Howard M. Konicov
Former Chair, 2002/3 --City of Cincinnati's Environmental Advisory Council
MSES; Master of Science Environmental Science
MPA; Master of Public Affairs
Ohio Consumers Health Freedom Act
would allow alternative practitioners in Ohio
... a good thing.
Shirley Reischman writes:
Please support the Health Freedom Coalition of Ohio:
This bill is currently under consideration for the state of Ohio. It would allow people to go to any alternative practitioner they choose and would all alternative practitioners the expressed right to practice in Ohio. It¹s going to take a grass roots effort and letters to our representatives and senators in order to get this passed. You can find your elected officials here:
o Elected State Officials <>
o General Assembly Member Lookup <>
Shirley Reischman
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 15:43:40 EST
Subject: Re: Bd. of Ed. Picks - 5 Response From Dr. Deborah Wilcox,
Your remarks regarding the candidates running for the Cincinnati Board of Education and the progress of the Cincinnati Public Schools were extremely biased and not well researched and to say the least "politically mean spirited". I called Eileen Reed myself and had a conversation with her about the issues and remarks your raised on you web site. (I believe she meant on my email newspost. ellen) She provided me with data that shaded a completely different light on the plight of the students who attend Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS). I hope you make Eileen's perspective and data available to your web site constituency before the upcoming election.
Public schools in this country are in serious trouble, we have reduced funding for education to "buy a house by a school", and the schools are more segregated now then they were before Brown Vs Board of Education. These are just a couple of major factors about public schools systems in this country that are harming the nations children. We are sending American Children to "Apartheid Schools" for an education so they can learn how to live and work together across differences in a democratic society, that is pretty ironic, isn't it? And at the same time children along with teachers are being victimized daily by test driven curriculums, justified by the current "No Child Left Behind" Educational Policy that continues to perpetrate "Institutional Racism" on a daily basis. The children who have "no voice" in determining educational policy or practices are dying daily (emotionally, psychologically and spiritually), because of the immoral and irresponsible thinking and behaviors of adults (elders) called American tax paying citizens.
If you are going to operate a web site and convene dialogue Salons to engage citizens in conversations regarding complex issues that face the community and the nation, it would be good if you would present the issues and keep your inflammatory and degrading remarks about the candidates (who are in fact citizens themselves) who are running for office to yourself. Your ability to pass on "mean spirited" slanderous information to over 400 plus people is truly unconscionable and racist. I am extremely disappointed in your behavior as a citizen and as a practicing Psychologist. If you cannot facilitate open fair dialogue through your advocacy then I no longer want to be apart of your "Salon" activities.
Peace is the Way,
Dr. Deborah A. Wilcox
CEO/Principal Consultant
Confluency Consultants & Associates
Multicultural Education & Organization
Development Services
P.O. Box 41192
Centerville, OH 45441
937-212-0486 Cell
Eileen Reed's response to my non-endorsement of her Bd. of Ed. candidacy:
It is unfortunate that you don¹t have sufficient information before you ³inform² others, but I¹d be happy to provide you with some better information. Whether you support my candidacy or not is not an issue, providing accurate information is. That is what I did as a child advocate for many years.
Here are some of the facts:
In 2001, there were 4644 ninth graders in CPS. In 2005, a 1767 seniors graduated. If that is a 76% graduation rate, you will have to tell me now. There is no question that the graduation rate improved under Adamowski and Frailey and I sincerely hope that it does under Rosa¹s administration. First of all, I do support Rosa. Who would not support the superintendent. And what¹s more, if I get elected, I will hold her accountable without micromanaging the District. Most important, I support the children who are to be served by CPS. This is not about adults. This is about the children. And we would all do well to remember that.
The last twelve years of my life have been spent analyzing data on the conditions of children in Cincinnati and across the state. Unfortunately, people tend to believe whatever they are told. That, however, doesn¹t make it true. A recent national study compared data from across the United States found that only 19% of Black males in Cincinnati are graduating from high school. It may now be approaching 30% and I¹m happy for that, but I must tell you as the parent of 6 African American children, three of whom are male, I will never be satisfied until the entire truth is known and not covered over for political purposes. If that ruffles feather, so be it. I wasn¹t an advocate for children all these years for no reason. Children deserve a voice and I vow to continue doing that work. If you don¹t acknowledge a problem then you can¹t devise decent solutions to address it.
One last thing, because this is of particular importance to me. Alton Frailey was probably the most superb superintendent CPS has seen. Steven Adamowski set the tone beautifully and Alton breathed life into it. If the numbers are as you say, then we should be thanking Alton profusely. Because the greatest strides FOR CHILDREN were made under his administration. And that is how I measure the effectiveness of a superintendent. It is truly unfortunate that this Cincinnati community could not seem to embrace a competent Black man who had such an impact on student achievement. I am not sure where you got your information from, but I was there and experiencing it and seeing the obstacles that were placed in his way when he made dramatic changes. As we used to say, ŒWho¹s for kids and who¹s just kidding²
I just wanted to set some of the record straight. This is a democracy and people will make their choices. Bless you all and be sure and vote for whomever you choose.
Best regards,
Eileen Cooper Reed
From Ellen: Here is the CPS website that has correct graduation information for the district.
Jeff Berding Bad Egg running for Council?
Portune outspoken in his criticism
Monday, May 2, 2005
Candidacy creates rift for Dems
By Kevin Osborne
Post staff reporter
A major rift is forming within the local Democratic Party, with a popular Hamilton County commissioner opposing the possible party endorsement of a Cincinnati Bengals vice president who is seeking elected office.
After weeks of behind-the-scenes bickering, a Democratic nominating committee Saturday recommended that Jeff Berding be endorsed in his bid for Cincinnati City Council.
Berding's endorsement, however, is opposed by Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Portune.
Berding is the Bengals' sales and public affairs director. He was involved in the campaign for the 1996 half-cent sales tax increase to build a $458 million stadium for the team, a deal that has since alienated many voters and strained the county's finances.
Portune has called the stadium deal "the biggest financial boondoggle and 'bait and switch' in our history."
Four years later, Berding campaigned for Hamilton County Commissioner Bob Bedinghaus, the Republican incumbent who negotiated the stadium lease, against challenger Portune in the heated 2000 campaign.
Although it was known at the time that Berding supported Bedinghaus, Portune said he recently learned more about the extent of Berding's involvement. It included e-mails and advice on strategies to directly criticize Portune, instead of offering only general support for Bedinghaus.
Bedinghaus lost the race. Like Berding, he now works for the Bengals.
The 2000 race was considered crucial, allowing Democrats to elect a county commissioner for the first time in nearly 40 years.
Last spring, Hamilton County commissioners filed a federal anti-trust lawsuit against the Bengals and the National Football League over circumstances about the stadium's construction, seeking at least $200 million in damages.
Attorney Stan Chesley, a prominent Democratic fundraiser, is representing the county against the Bengals.
The trial is set to begin in mid-September.
In an e-mail to the nominating committee last week, Portune proposed that Berding either drop out of the current Council elections and run in two years, when the trial is over, or run without seeking the party's endorsement.
"Mr. Berding's role in the questions of fact before the court likely will be an element of the trial," Portune wrote. "Mr. Berding's withdrawal of his candidacy this cycle avoids the attendant controversy and affords both him and us the ability to discern the impact of those issues on any future candidacy outside of the pressures, publicity and scrutiny of a campaign and an election."
Berding's other troubling connections, Portune said, include:
Berding's close relationship with former County Prosecutor Mike Allen, a Republican. Allen employed Berding's wife, Anita, as a part-time prosecutor while Allen's office was representing the county in various actions against the Bengals.
Berding's authorship of a letter trying to force some former Bengals club seat ticketholders to pay for tickets they don't want.
The ex-ticketholders are involved in a lawsuit against the Bengals about their right to decline the purchase, and Berding wrote letters threatening to turn their cases over to collections agencies unless they paid as much as $81,000.
Those types of issues should be resolved before the Democratic Party endorses Berding, Portune said. The second option - withholding an endorsement - isn't without precedent, he added.
"The party refused to endorse numerous strong Democratic candidates for Council their first time out, David Crowley and Laketa Cole being the two most recent examples," he wrote.
Berding's candidacy, though, is strongly supported by Hamilton County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Burke, Cincinnati Mayor Charlie Luken and Bengals owner Mike Brown, among others.
"With the exception of the fact that five years ago when he helped Bedinghaus, Jeff has a long history of working in Democratic campaigns," Burke said.
Berding, 38, of Westwood, has worked on Democratic campaigns that include former Gov. Dick Celeste, former Ohio Attorney General Anthony Celebrezze Jr. and former U.S. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum.
"Jeff is solid on every issue that is important to Democrats, from rights for workers to how to deal with those less fortunate," Burke said.
Noting the $75,000 that Berding raised for his campaign in four months, Burke said, "That's what it takes for Democrats to win."
During Saturday's closed-door nominating committee meeting, Burke refused to allow the committee to vote on endorsement recommendations for candidates individually, members said.
Burke insisted that the committee vote on two different slates of six non-incumbents.
The recommendations still must go before the full Cincinnati Democratic Committee for a final decision. That meeting hasn't yet been scheduled, Burke said.
Some nominating committee members questioned the appropriateness of allowing Burke and committee co-chairwomen Jenny O'Donnell and Bernadette Watson to vote, each of whom supported the slate.
Further, those committee members disliked how one member opposed to Berding was kicked off the committee recently for allegedly talking to the media, while O'Donnell commented to the media before the CDC's final vote.
Berding downplayed Portune's concerns. "Commissioner Portune is entitled to his own opinion, but obviously the nominating committee, in their hard work and careful deliberation, chose to recommend me," Berding said. "The nominating committee worked for over a month to put together the strongest slate they could, and I appreciate they had confidence in my campaign."
Paul Brown on "Intelligent Design"
The Clock is Ticking
by Paul B. Brown, PhD
This is not a facetious question. Right now, in Dover, Pennsylvania, a court case which could only occur in the US is unfolding. The school board is being sued because it ordered schools to read a statement to biology classes that the theory of evolution is not established fact and that gaps exist in it. The statement mentions intelligent design as an alternative theory and recommends a book on the subject.
At issue is the question whether schools should be required to teach intelligent design as a plausible alternative to the theory of evolution. That decision should hinge on whether the concept of intelligent design is a scientific one, supported by the same weight of evidence as evolution. It rests on the assertion that the complexity of biological organisms could not arise by evolution.
Intelligent design is not a theory. It is an unfounded objection to a theory, claiming that such complex structures as the mammalian eye could not arise through the processes of small genetic variations and natural selection. There is no evidence for this contention, and plenty of evidence against it. A recently published book, The Plausibility of Life, by Kirschner and Gerhart, summarizes that evidence and is reviewed in ³Missing links,² This evidence alone should be enough to ban intelligent design from science curricula. In today¹s antiscientific US climate <> , it may not be.
Intelligent design is a thinly disguised version of creationism. In some biology textbooks ³intelligent design² simply replaces the phrase ³creation science² found in earlier editions. Creation science is based on the stories of Genesis. They imply the universe is only a few thousand years old, in spite of geological and cosmological evidence that it¹s billions of years old. This myth suggests all species were created at the same time, contrary to geological and paleontological evidence. If true, it would imply that present species aren¹t the result of descent with modifications, in defiance of evidence from biochemistry and molecular biology.
Creation science bears none of the other hallmarks of a scientific theory, such as the ability to generate useful predictions. All three branches of our government are now dominated by people who could not have been elected or appointed without the support of adherents of creationism. The faithful have been duped by cynical leaders who seek power and wealth. Those leaders justify their actions with appeals to faith rather than reason.
Overpopulation, global warming, and the current mass extinction are dismissed by our current government with lies and appeals to faith. We now face declining oil supply and increasing demand. Fact-based science can¹t find us much more oil. Can faith-based creationism?
As England¹s dependence on fossil fuels skyrocketed during the machine age, a pressing need arose for ways to find oil and coal. Peter Ward, in The End of Evolution, describes how William Smith observed that fossils, rather than rock types, could be used to judge the ages of geological strata. By looking at fossil types, geologists could judge the likelihood of finding coal or oil. The reason this worked, of course, was because different species existed at different times. They weren¹t all created at once, they evolved over very long periods of time. During one geological era, fossil fuel-producing materials were deposited, contemporaneously with the organisms whose fossils geologists now associate with fossil fuels. But creation ³science² tells us this can¹t be so.
How ironic that our president¹s and vice president¹s fossil-fuel cronies depend on evolutionary phenomena to find energy resources. Evolutionary phenomena that the faithful vehemently deny.
There are many other religions around the world. Their adherents have no problems with evolution, and they¹re intellectually equipped to deal with overpopulation, climate change and mass extinctions. Only some branches of one religion are intellectually incapable of dealing with the problems we face. They are the swing voters who empowered the current US government. Soon our only hope may be for the rest of the world to save us all from the consequences of Christian fundamentalist ignorance.
Court Overturns EPA¹s Refusal to Veto Permits for NY Power Plants <>
What Part of 'Global Warming' Don't We Get? <>
America's Most Aggressive Debunker of Legitimate Scientific Research <>
Bird flu 'to hit Africa next¹ <>
Green-building program confronts critics <>
Clinton: collect $Bs from oil companies for energy research and heating this winter <,0,5477607.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork>
Automobile apartheid <>
Fill Our Prescriptions Now <>
Union of Concerned Scientists: Scientific Integrity <>
Bacteria Clean Up Waste <>
DNA Illuminates Evolution, Disease <>
China Ups Bird Flu Efforts after Week's 3rd Outbreak <>
Suspected Hemorrhagic Fever in Pak Quake Zone <>
Hybrid Refueler Truck Could Cut Energy Use <>
Pacific NW warming up faster than elsewhere <>
Enviros Last Stand On Alaskan Drilling <>
Tories ask Ottawa to intervene in B.C. court case over US plant <>
L.A. County Beaches Were State's Most Unhealthful This Summer <,0,3509021.story?coll=la-home-headlines>
Measure to ban genetically altered crops causes split <>
Russian Scientists Work on Smallpox Vaccine <>
Bill targets lands for mining sales <>
Test results show heavy metals, petroleum products <>
Amazon 'illegal loggers' arrested <>
House Panel Favors Expanded Drilling <>
In Latin America, the Battle over Legalizing Abortion Is Heating Up <>
Congressional Committee Votes to Put 5.7 Million Acres of Public Land Up for Sale <>
Tropical Cloud 'Dust' Could Hold The Key To Climate Change <>
A 'green' spurt for US businesses? <>
Record heat raises climate fears <>
Mediterranean to suffer most in Europe due to warming <>
Evacuation of 1,700 from Cree reserve on James Bay <>
Clear Skies Back to Haunt Us <>
Gore Says It Is Not Too Late to Combat Climate Change <>
EPA Studies Ways to Cut Warming Pollution <>
Large Corporate Purchasers Driving Green Power Growth <>
Devastating Exodus of Doctors from Africa and Caribbean <>
Is the United States Becoming Hostile to Science? <>
Katrina Survivors are Losing the Battle <>
Kansas Fight on Evolution Escalates <>
The God Who Wasn¹t There <>
Battle-hardened Indian villagers take on Coke <>
Our air is killing us <>
Clean water vow by PM could cost billions <>
Fears grow on easing fuel curbs for utilities <>
Tallevast plume 'moving fast' <>
Marin toxic waste sting nets 4
Organic farmers protest congressional action <>
Five die, thousands evacuated as powerful storm batters south India
Mangroves shielded parts of coast from tsunami <>
Decades of Dumping Chemical Arms Leave Risky Legacy <,0,2199000.story>
Nano could be a huge future health crisis <>
Greens Moving into Ranching
Claiming Public Lands
Mining limit studies too costly, feds say
Plants and animals are in danger from behaving as if winter is already over
Green rules are spreading out of London <,6903,1604405,00.html>
Growing Number of Water Systems Owned by Handful of Publicly Traded Utilities <>
Power plant shutdown bringing gloom to N. Arizona
Transition From Oil to Take Time <>
Wal-Mart to Go Solar to Save Energy <>
Powerful Hurricane Beta Crashes Ashore In Nicaragua <>
Arctic Undergoing Holistic Climate-Change Response <>
Senate Backs $8 Billion For Bird-Flu Plan <>
Picky Female Frogs Drive Evolution of New Species in Less Than 8,000 Years <>
Russia Proposes Caspian Security Force <>
Alito Has Endorsed Abortion Restrictions <>
Planned Parenthood Opposes Nomination of Alito to Supreme Court <>
Melting ice and worse storms causing real and immediate problems <,1413,113~7244~3112207,00.html>
Scientists to meet next month to lay out 10- to 15-year polar science agenda <>
Millions suffer worst year for hurricanes since records began <>
The clock is ticking.
Paul Brown is a professor of Physiology at West Virginia University. He can be contacted at Previous columns and other resources can be accessed on the Web at <> . For a free weekly email subscription, send an email (no message necessary) to To unsubscribe, send an email (no message necessary) to
Copyright 2005 by Paul B. Brown
Barbara Bluestein Simon (Walnut H ills '58) Sends this ...
Reform Ohio Now needs y our help in Ohio Voting Reform!
Ten Things you can do
Hi, Chusti (my childhood nickname. ellen). You probably already know about this, but I'm forwarding it to you just in case you don't. I hope all is well with you. David and I will be moving to Canada this coming January.
------ Forwarded Message
From: "Katherine Forrest" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:04:07 -0700
To: "\(list suppressed\)" <>
Subject: help drive a stake into the Ohio GOP
From the progressive MyDD blog ( [RON = Reform Ohio Now; see comments way down in the message]
Help Us Drive A Stake Into The Ohio GOP
by Pounder <> <>
From the diaries--Chris
So you think you are an activist huh ? Well we need your help in Ohio once again.
The biggest election in 2005 is in Ohio: The Reform Ohio Now campaign, issues 2, 3, 4, and 5 <> <> . This is our chance to drive a stake into the heart of the Ohio GOP, but time is running out.
How can you help ?
First, we only have about 8 weeks left, so please recommend this so as many people as possible can get a chance to stick it to the Ohio GOP - They deserve it !
1. First you can take a second and sign a petition <> <> . Stop these "Patriot Pastors" Fundie whacko's
Dear Rev. Johnson,
You recently began mobilizing the Ohio Restoration Project's "Patriot Pastors" to stop Reform Ohio Now's good-government amendments.
I respect your right to religious expression, but I ask you to take a look at the dishonesty and corruption that have become hallmarks of our state government. 3 out of 4 Ohio voters think we're going in the wrong direction. Is this a time to protect the status quo?
RON's amendments would put the people back into the process by making politicians more accountable to voters. These reforms don't favor one party over another; they simply ensure that neither party can rewrite the rules to stay in power.
I urge you to reconsider your stance and let Ohioans decide on these amendments for themselves. The Ohio Restoration Project should join Reform Ohio Now - and help restore trust and faith in Ohio's government.
2. If you live in Ohio - Sign up to Volunteer <> <> . Canvassing, phone banking, all that great grass roots stuff - it's literally the donkey work to success. Even if you can only spare a couple of hours - spare it <> <> .
3. Wherever you live, Donate to the Reform Ohio Now Campaign <> . We are up against some REALLY big money determined to maintain the corruption and gerrymandered districts (RON is worth an extra 6 congressional seats!). If all you can spare is $10 - spare it for Ohio.
4. Letters to the Editor. Anyone can do this. Before you write a diary, write a letter ! We really need to educate Ohio Voters about Issues 2 thru 5 and LTE's are a great way to do that - let's flood those news rooms. The DNC has a pretty neat tool - just hit this link <> <> , enter your zip code and write your letter ! Couldn't be easier. IF you live outside of Ohio - here is a list of Ohio Zip codes <> <> .
5. If you have a Blog - Blog it ! Grow Ohio <> <> has a ton of info, and you can always check the Ohio lefty blogs aggregator <> <> too to keep up to date. Every time someone googles RON it better come up with our responses ! Also put up a link to RON - graphics here <> <> .
6. Video Design Guru's. Make a 30 second Ad for Reform Ohio Now !
7. If you are an Ohio Blogger - send me an email if you want to join the netroots effort !
8. If you are a member of a group - talk to them about endorsing RON <> <> . Some of the current endorsements can be found here <> <>
9. If you are in Ohio, or have family and Friends in Ohio - Talk to them about RON - tell them how important it is.
10. Download the RON flyer, print it out and stick it in high visibility areas - libraries, stores, everywhere. Flyer here <> <> .
So there are 10 simple things to do, a little something for everyone.
This is the kick off for a co-ordinated netroots wide effort - see kos's post here <> <>
Let me know in the comments what you are signing up for, and please recommend this so that others have a chance to get involved in taking back Ohio.
You guys and Gals ROCK. Thanks !
Diaries <> <> :: Pounder's diary <> <> :: Wed Sep 21st, 2005 at 09:50:31 PM EDT <> <> :: Extended Entry <> <> (727 words in entry) :: 8 Comments <> <>
A comment:
My LTE... (none / 0 <;showrate=1#4> <;showrate=1#4> )
...which was printed today in one of the suburban Columbus papers. To the editor: I am mystified as to the reason Rev. Russell Johnson and the "Patriot Pastors" plan to oppose the election-reform measures proposed by Reform Ohio Now. These measures would allow early voting, limit campaign contributions, place creation of legislative districts under the control of a nonpartisan panel, and create an independent election oversight board, yet Rev. Johnson claims that they would "take the process out of the hands of the people." I can only speculate on Rev. Johnson's theological justification for supporting gerrymandering, pay-to-play politics, and election oversight by partisan officials. I am unaware of any reference to these topics in the Bible, and I cannot recall any sermons about them. Perhaps I should try a different church. Of course, it is possible that Rev. Johnson's reasons are not theological, but political. Rev. Johnson and I might not see eye-to-eye on matters of faith, but we should be able to agree on the need for honest and responsible government. It is disturbing that Rev. Johnson has chosen to oppose measures that would go a long way toward changng the political climate of this state for the better.
by KTinOhio <> <> on Wed Sep 21st, 2005 at 10:25:29 PM EDT <> <>
end of articles
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 15 people) Meets Mondays at 5:45,
EVERY MONDAY, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of
respect, sympathy and compassion for one another
in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.
Here you can post your responses to the weekly:
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We have 45 members as of 7/05.
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit .
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- end of Salon Weekly -
Hey Ellen! I came to one of your salons in october, I really did enjoy myself and will come by in the summer when I visit cincinnati. I have a blog on lj, it's not that interesting, mainly posts about what is going on in my life for friends and family to read, but feel free to check it out.
oh here is the link if you want to check it out
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