- Remember, turn off your lights from 8:30 to 8:30 pm Saturday for EARTH HOUR. http://www.earthhour.org
- On Tuesday, 31 march, the monthly Lloyd House drumming circle...catch the beat. See below.
- Hold your hat for the Yellow Submarine Lloyd House Party on Sat Ap.4 ! See below for details.
- Passover is a Wednesday this year, so we WILL be having a Salon Seder, April 8. Details below. Reservations requested.
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 650. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every Wednesday of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
eighth year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday this week:
D., Laura Hoppenjans, Jeff Cobb, Spencer Konicov, Vlasta Molak, Ginger Lee Frank, Rob Nendahwaab, Gerry Kraus, Marvin Kraus, Marilyn Gale, Dennis Kinsley, David Rosenberg, Ellen Bierhorst, Carolyn Aufderhaar. Adrienne Cooper. Mira Rodwan.
(front) ginger lee frank, Ellen, Vlasta, Spencer, Jeff. (Back Row:) Carolyn, D., Adrienne, Rob, Gerry, Marvin, Dennis, David.
David read the preamble.
D.: The city is exploring privatizing the water system. Or selling it. Creating a regional water entity. This is a very serious thing. We are likely to pay more for our water later. Not a rumor. A commission was set up to study this; will report to city manager. He will make a recommendation to city council. The committee is favorable to selling the system. I’ll try to send you an article about this. (see below in Articles section).
David: The Food Congress. About a week and a half ago, a Saturday. The culmination of several years’ work at U.C. On food issues. The organizer is a young man named David Mann, a masters’ student. So about 100 people interested in a regional food system got together and talked. What was so exciting to me is when I gave a lecture about this 30 years ago and only 4 people showed. We’ll see what happens. They formed some committees. Ginger was there.
ginger: the city is in the process of creating a comprehensive plan , first in 30 years. The UC folks feel food has to be part of the plan. Urban Gardens; Roof top gardens (proponent is M.S.D.), Lots of interest in food issues. We used the same model as the Dalai Lama’s conference seen in the movie. They came up with six ideas to pursue and elected people for each of them.
David: my farm is kicking off a C.S.A. We are having a food tasting event this Sunday at New Thought Unity church on E McMillan at 1:30. Focusing on living foods. Wooden Shoe Garden can provide fresh green food. (see below in Announcements)
Adrienne: I took a trip to the Caribbean. “A Taste of Health”, Neil Barnard, Will Tuttle, Colin Campbell (The China Study) ... Macrobiotics. Wonderful classes all day long. Terrific food. We went to Cozumel, Grand Camin Island, ... Rotan Honduras where we saw a wonderful botanical garden like a rain forest. I went snorkeling for the first time.
Rob: I bought a phone/internet system that can contact Verizon from my RV anywhere.
I’ll be heading for the West Coast, northern. Via a circuitous route.
1 Sky: Jeff Cobb Climate Change Advocates of Cincinnati
An umbrella org. (1sky.org) founded by Bill McKibben... Climate Change Issue
- National legislation to cap greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions in the US
- 5 million green jobs (Obama already has 2 million in his package)
- moratorium on building new coal burning power plants
"Make or Break Your Earth! Climate Change in 2009”
There is “only one truly existential threat” facing humanity, according to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: climate change. And 2009 is THE definitive year to address it. The failed Kyoto Protocol will be replaced by a new treaty in Copenhagen in December of this year. Kyoto was supposed to lower greenhouse gases enough to prevent 'dangerous climate change', yet CO2 emissions are RISING. The Kyoto Protocol failed because the three largest greenhouse gas emitters (US, China, and India) failed to ratify it. China and India refused to ratify the Kyoto treaty because the US did not ratify it. The ‘Big Three Emitters’ have to ratify the new treaty and live up to the emissions reductions and other goals it will set down, and those reductions goals have to be in accordance with what the science says we need, or we run the risk of climate change that will be the death of our species.
A very strong US negotiating position will be necessary for the treaty negotiations in December, to ensure that the treaty will address climate change with the intensely urgent depth and breath necessitated by this unique threat to our very existence, and to ensure that we can bring India and China into ratification and implementation of its strong, bold, decisive measures. To create that optimum negotiating position, before December the US has to pass federal legislation capping carbon emissions in accordance with the recommendations of the climate scientists of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Until the US can show with its actions that it’s addressing climate change in a serious, decisive manner, we have no hope of convincing anyone else to do so. Recently the European Union choose not to commit with hard numbers money it had already agreed to pay by this date that is needed to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts among poorer nations, because they are waiting to see what the US will do about it's emissions. All eyes are on the US.
The IPCC are the UN scientists from all over the world who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for providing clear scientific evidence that climate change was real, man-made, and needed to be addressed. Their recommendation was a reduction by 80% of carbon emissions from 1990 levels by the year 2050. One of those scientists has written an updated report published in January 2009 that strengthened that recommendation based on the scientific data since 2007. The updated goal is reducing carbon emissions to zero by 2050 if at all possible to prevent runaway, irreversible, catastrophic climate change. Meaning no
-fired power plants, no vehicles using engines that burn fossil fuels, nothing on the face of the Earth that didn't naturally emit carbon dioxide prior to the industrial revolution by the year 2050 or as close to that as possible. This will require nothing less than an 'extreme makeover' of the entire global energy infrastructure.
Tough, comprehensive federal legislation addressing climate change has to be driven by the science, the numbers, the physics and chemistry, not driven by Congress lining their pockets with fossil fuel lobby money, or voting based on what they think will get them re-elected. There are about 65 lobbyists per member of Congress, and according to the Center for Public Integrity, “an increase of more than 300% in the number of lobbyists on climate change in just five years…. Washington can now boast more than four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.” It’s a good bet most are NOT working as environmental lobbyists. It will likely be an 'all hands on deck' situation to make sure Congress acts in accordance with the science.
Congress has to listen to the scientists first, citizens second, and lobbyists never, to pass the kind of climate change laws that will give the US negotiators the strongest bargaining position possible in December at Copenhagen; all to ensure that your Earth remains yours. :0)
And that's where 1Sky.org comes in. 1Sky.org’s slogan is ‘1 Climate. 1 Future. 1 Chance.’ That slogan has never been more true than in 2009. December in Copenhagen is mankind’s 1 Chance to address climate change. It’s Ground Zero for the Earth. What will you be doing between now and then?
2009 is a make or break year politically because of the world conference (like the Kyoto conference) in December. If the US, India and China go along with a protocol this time, it will be very important. I am a precinct capt. To get people organized; to contact congressmen. “Follow the science.”
I will be going around to groups like this telling people that we are at the crisis year, 2009.
(reads the document below)
Incidentally EarthHour is this Sat at 8:30 pm. 1 hour, power down. Thanks for help from Ginger Lee Frank and Larry Falken.
2009: the existential crisis of the world.
Ginger People have been hearing doomsday messages for a long time. ... Need to have a positive message at the end... “we can do it.” Hillary Clinton at confirmation hearing said Climate Change will be a huge priority for her as Secy of State.
Gerry: EPA has already put a stop to mountain top removal mining. ...
Ginger: the Obama administration has considered having gov’t with NO lobbyists in future.
Jeff: Sherrod Brown has voted NO on a climate change measure before because he was concerned about jobs impact.
Rob: the recession is actually helping to open doors to change...
Spencer: you need to simplify the message. Pictures are better than words. ... We know how much carbon dioxide was in the atmosphere 1,000 years ago. You can show a “thermometer” showing ...
David I think you are not wanting to give a talk to convince people about the science. You started by saying 2009 is most important ... It is important because there is this confluence of governments to address this issue and so it is one of our best chances to take action. People already know the science; you need to talk about the politics.
Rob: explain why we need to take this action NOW rather than wait another 8 or 10 years.
Ginger: Urgency, yes. ... “here’s what you can do”.
Rob: this is a time of change. This is a way to make this world a better place.
David: make a linkage between economics and environment; you will get a lot of attention. The current economic crisis is actually an environmental crisis.
Ginger: this economic problem is an environmental opportunity.
David: that is being said. What is not being said is that the eco crisis is an eiviro crisis in disguise. Because of the way we are treating the environment it gets more and more costly to do business as usual each year. The systems that give us air, water, topsoil are astronomically expensive and we are not even figuring that in. The best economists are saying, “What is going to help our economy is “growth”. That is not realizing the finite nature of the planet.
Ginger: we have to save the world but it won’t be as we know it.
Marilyn on the history channel today, the end of times, the rapture... Apocalyptic people. They talked about the prophecies all coming true. It was chilling.
I also read about a new energy source, cold fussion.
Rob: the argument is that it is better to save natural systems that take care of things than to have to replace them.
ginger: re. religion and religious groups. James Watt, one of our first secy of environment, believed with the revelationists, said, “Jesus can’t come back until the last tree has fallen.” I am so happy that the Bush people are gone.... There is another movement among fundamentalists called “Creation Stewards” who are pro-environmentalism.
Mira: and they don’t show the prejudice that some evangelicals show. ... We haven’t talked about poor people, guns, ... Right now the poor and the middle class are getting poorer more rapidly than the hard times are hitting the rich people. So we need to make sure we have some populism here. People need to have a sense of community.
Adrienne: we must start with taking care of ourselves; eat properly, exercise... Reduce medical bills. Not too many people are into that.
David: I’d like to frame the energy issue differently. I don’t think we have an energy problem. So much energy strikes the earth every day we’d all burn up without the atmosphere. We can’t run more energy thru life systems without them getting charred. That’s what we are going now. We are running ... Like striking a match to a pool of gasoline. Results in a burnt out desert. That’s what our fossil fuel age is doing in essence. Life systems work differently when energy is applied to them sometimes. By oxidizing the carbon that the earth has sensibly sequestered in the ground, we are like lighting that match. They are turning the organic matter in the soil to carbon by heavy fertilizer use... We are turning our soil into a desert by adding ... We have put too much energy into life systems and we are burning them up.
that isn’t to say life systems cannot accommodate greater amounts of energy. Prigogine, a scientist, discovered this principle of dissipative structures. Started as experiment with innert materials. He started adding energy to these inert mixtures. He predicted eventually they would burn up. He discovered instead that the mixtures reoriented themselves to accommodate more energy. That’s just what life systems do as well.
In the tropics.. More sunlight. Either turns into the Sahara desert, or a jungle of diversity. Only if they have diversity. So what is the big threat is that we are losing species daily; decreasing our diversity.
the only way to use more energy in a life system is to have more diversity.
Two things are important: the way we produce food makes more greenhouse gasses than the entire transportation sector. Chemical fertilizers. Monoculture.
Ginger: livestock and dair produce 20% of greenhouse gases. But if you add the deforestation associated with meat production it almost doubles.
David 40% of the greenhouse gases can be sequestered in the soil if we change our farming system. Healthy soil has tons of life in it. Microlife. Hundreds of thousands of species. Bigger than what we see above the ground. There is huge potential. Rodale institute. Robert Rodale was one of the big early proponents of organic gardening. Before Earthday in the 70’s, his was the only voice. They have a research center. So In only about 10 years by cultivating the micro organisms in the soil, changing farming systems to organic, “regenerative”, we could reduce by 40% the greenhouse gases.
Ellen: books?
David: The Aquarian Conspiracy intro to dissipative structures. 30 years ago. Easy to read.
Ginger: algae studied to produce fuel.
David: if ou want to help with global warming, what’s your biggest bang for the buck of your effort. Conservation is the biggest. Second has to do with the soil, and nobody is talking about the soil.
Jeff The latest scientific summary, The State of the World 2009 by World Watch Institute, written for the layman. Www.worldwatch.org, $25 gets a pdf file you can download. Chp 2 is written by a scientist who won Nobel Peace prize in 2007, says we must reduce farther than the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) says.
David Lester Brown started World Watch.
Ellen: al Gore’s group, WeCan. http://www.wecansolveit.org/
Jeff: 1Sky is working to organize the entire country for this one issue. Has a political focus. Al Gore’s group We Can is doing a lot of things.
Is trying to use the style of organization that was so effective in the Obama campaign.
Adrienne I’d like to know that within this climate change plan.... The floor of the ocean in the Caribbean is so beautiful... What about overfishing the oceans? Is that included in your action?
Jeff: The oceans take even longer to recover than the land... Will be thousands of years to be restored.
The US has to get our act together before December when the UN framework convention on climate change in Copenhagen. They are the Kyoto Protocol people.
My group is Climate Change Advocates of Cincinnati. We will help you to knock on doors or just send emails to your congress people asking them to support the three points: capping carbon emissions for emitters like industry etc.
5 million green jobs. Moratorium on (new) coal power plants. And eventually eliminate coal power plants.
We have to set an example for the world before this big meeting in Copenhagen. The whole world is looking to us.
ginger: the first and most important intervention is to reduce, eliminate meat production .
Ellen the grass fed/organic meat producers assert that their animal food operations are actually goo d for the environment. True?
Ginger: . It is the confined animal feeding operations that are terrible. It is better when the manure is worked back into the soil...
David: I don’t know the answers. My hunch is that if you have animals eat plants, all agriculture is about what animals get to eat what plants. Probably it is about the same if you feed possums or cattle.
ginger: the most inconvenient truth for Al Gore is that his family is in the Beef business... ... “meat the truth” film, answer to Gore’s film, ... Excerpts online; I am ordering the DVD ...
(End of table notes from last night; below, table notes from last week when I was in Denver and did not receive them from Elaine until after publication time.)
At the table Wednesday last week:
(I, Ellen, am in Denver visiting my daughter Anna and her family for the week. In my absence the ‘usual suspects’ gathered, ably presided over by the warm and gracious Elaine Bradford. Thank you Elaine!.)
In Attendance Wed. 3/18: Marilyn Gale, Roger Pomplas,Ginger Lee Frank, Nobody Special, Clarence Graves, Steffi Graves the News Calendar Editor Natural Awakenings Magazine, Curt Hawley Publisher- Natural Awakenings Mag., Alan Jozwiak, Spencer Konicov, Jen Dusold, Adrianna Dusold, Odessa Brown, Mira Rodwan, Adrienne Cooper, Jan Kinsley, Dennis Kinsley, Elaine Bradford, Vlasta Molak, Carolyn Aufderhaar (Welcome Clarence, Steffi, Curt!)
Spencer-I don't give a damn about the $145,000,000 in bonuses to AIG.
Marilyn- The Joan Borysenko workshop on Sunday was GREAT-Learned much, especially Forgiveness
Curt-Natural Awakenings Mag. Healthy Living Healthy Planet feel good, live simply, laugh more! Free publication distributed throughout the city even @ Lloyd House!!
Ginger-Grand Opening of Loving Cafe 3/17-3/21 @ 6227 Montgomery Rd. 45213 www.thelovingcafe.com <http://www.thelovingcafe.com> affordable healthy vegan cuisine
Vlasta- Dalai Lama Renaissance a film @ Esquire interesting www.dalailamafilm.com <http://www.dalailamafilm.com>
Mr G -on the film not sure he liked it - "Resurrect straw men so you can knock them down!"
Roger- Esme Kenney = appropriate outrage
Mr G not against outrage, would it have been the same if she was from OTR?
Hence we went to embrace the topic of the evening FORGIVENESS!
Roger -I am the homeroom teacher @SCPA of Esme- her parents are taking the loving approach- no execution,
Carolyn- resentment is the same as swallowing poison
Clarence- execute if guilty!
Mira- Beautiful of Family to forgive, but go to jail-not execute
Began to go wrong when thrown out of mental health hospital his family testified he needed to be kept, he is dangerous. he should not go free
Roger- this is not about racism as the memorial @ Aronoff was full and the majority were African American
Ginger- no groundswell if black child in OTR with equal loss of potential had been the victim. forgiveness, can people change? Oprah said "If he hits you once he will hit you again"
Spencer- tragic by repeat offender- in our society we take risks and take responsibility.
Dennis- we are a nation of law- they did their job as the inmate refused to testify out of fear of retaliation against Anthony
Vlasta- Dalai Lama is 14th incarnation of the Buddah of Compassion. Society needs to look in the mirror.
Mr G -Law does not protect people, stupid to testify.
Steffi- believe in forgiveness. cannot change what has happened but do what it takes to prevent this.
Dennis - saw religious beliefs sufficient for society's need for forgiveness .
jail is economically not feasible.
we pay.
Ginger- to join the European Union you cannot have Capitol punishment!!!
Elaine - closing remarks- Thank you Marilyn for the topic of Forgiveness- to Roger children are our teachers and he will help make a change with his students. At this time we are all
called to raise the vibration of compassion so we, our children and our grandchildren do not need to have this conversation.
Justice is not perfect.
TIKUN OLAM- Do your part to make the world more perfect!
Announcements: 2nd annual Natural Awakenings Natural Networking Event Tues. 4/7 from 4-8pm. featuring Iridology, chair massage, mini yoga&meditation, ask a doula, vegetarian treats, prizes!!!
20th annual flower and garden show Fri4/17-Sun 4/26
Ginger and I (Elaine) went to the Dalai Lama Renaissance Film and will update next Weds.
The dishes were all washed and Peace filled the Lloyd House!
Huge thanks to Elaine for hosting and for these notes!
~ End of Table Notes~
- Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
With pride and joy we invite you to join us for the
Please come to a living foods tasting featuring living foods from Phase One* of the Wooden Shoe Gardens (WSG) Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.
When: Sunday, March 29th at 1:30 in the afternoon
Where: New Thought Unity Center
1401 East McMillan Street
(in East Walnut Hills)
Culinary Olympics medalist Marc Stroud will be preparing some of the tasty and highly nutritious foods that will be part of our year ‘round CSA.
Bring you friends. We’re ready to start production as soon as we get ample membership.
RSVP to woodenshoegarden@fuse.net
* This CSA program will begin by offering microgreens and possibly other organically grown salad ingredients. Since this is a member controlled endeavor, the participants will determine what we will do next. Here’s a few of the ideas we are discussing: WSG organic sprouts; locally grown seasonal vegetables; greenhouse produced winter vegetables; a full line of shipped in organically grown fruits and vegetables; organic grains and other food staples. The sky is the limit. Please join us and help transform the food delivery system in the Greater Cincinnati Tri-State.
Monthly Drumming Circle at the Lloyd House
Tuesday 31 March (always the LAST Tues of the month.)
This group rocks! Come see. Zero tolerance for perfectionism (grin). Beginners through experts. WE have drums, or bring your own, and feel free to bring other instruments as well.
Park on Lafayette Ave (after unloading.) Snacks, libations are appreciated.
We start 6:45, end 8:45.
See our CRAIG’s List Ad for Lloyd House Vacancy:
April 1 2009 avail.
2 rms + private bath in Gaslight Clifton Historic Castle, 3rd floor. Huge, Multicultural house (4 other adults plus you). Other (shared) rooms: living room/music room, grand piano, zendo meditation room, big dining room, spacious veranda, TV room with wood burning fireplace, weight room, laundry rm, sauna. You share kitchen with 3 others. Furnishings available. High speed wyFi. Beautiful environment, awesome vibes, great people. Weekly pot luck salon, yoga and tai chi classes, monthly drumming circle, vegetable garden, off street parking, seasonal parties w/ live music. Two mi. N of U.C. Great for mature grad student or visiting prof. No undergraduates, no smoking. Available 1 April 2009. $460 includes utilities. Call Ellen 513 221 1289.
Hey, save the date!
Yellow Submarine Party
+ D.J. (dancing!!!) + Karaoke + Pot Luck
Another fabulous Lloyd House party hosted by Ellen, Carolyn, Kati, Derek Lloyd House Housemates:
Saturday April 4
Wear a Hat
Funny hat? Amazing hat? Beloved hat?
We’ll have a professional D.J. “D.J. Kim”. We are asking $5 tip for the D.J.
Bring all your friends, children, old people, neighbors...
Pass this along via email.
Time: 6 pm (EARLY!) for dinner,
Music starts at 6, ends 10 pm.
Did I mention Dancing? Dancing! Spring silliness.
Ellen Bierhorst, Ph.D. Holistic Psychologist http://www.lloydhouse.com ~~~513 221 1289~~~ The Lloyd House 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220
Come at 5:45. Don’t be late. Wear white or as much white as you can. Think about what sort of bondage you need release from and prepare a version you don’t mind sharing with us. Moses is going to lead us into freedom.
Food: please do not bring anything with wheat flour, yeast, baking powder or baking soda (leavening agents). Wine is great to bring.
PLEASE phone me: 221 1289 if you plan to come so we can prepare table and ritual foods. When you do, I’ll let you know what food to bring.
... We might drink as much as a bottle of wine or sparkling fruit juice for each three people.
Chag Sameach,
P.S. No, of course not. You don’t have to be Jewish! All God’s children got bondage.
New Vegan Restaurant: LOVING CAFE
6227 Montgomery Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45213
Pleasant Ridge, just E of Ridge Rd., on S side of street
> Loving Cafe’s hours are Tuesday – Saturday from
> 11am-7pm, with an offering
> of a variety of
> entirely plant based fare, meaning free of all animal
> products. The menu
> brings carbon savings in the form of veggie protein
> entrees, raw salads,
> organic smoothies, fair trade teas and fresh baked goods.
> Additionally,
> dishes like the Savory BBQ Skewers, served with fried rice
> and fresh
> vegetables, allows the hungry environmentalist to save
> 1,000 gallons of
> water compared to consuming its animal-based counterpart!
> In addition to a green menu, Loving Cafe’s environment
> was created using
> many found,
> reclaimed and reused materials. Many of the fixtures in the
> cafe came from
> local buildings around Cincinnati. The marble tabletops are
> taken from a
> stairway of a home in Walnut Hills; the counter and table
> bases came from
> the old Cleveland Machine Company building in Northside,
> the old doors used
> to face the counter came from a home in Roselawn and the
> shelving in the
> storage room came from a closed Office Depot. And for
> take-out food, the
> containers, cups and utensils, are composed of
> biodegradable materials that
> decompose within 3 months.
> At Loving Cafe, you’ll find a comfortable place to enjoy
> a meal with friends
> and family, confident that you’re replenishing your
> individual health,
> environment and community, as well as that of local
> farmers, vendors and the
> global fair trade market
> Loving Cafe will open its doors on March 17 to honor St.
> Patrick’s Day in
> truly green style. The public is invited to come for tasty
> vegetarian food
> then as well as the following weekend on Saturday, March 21
> at 3:00 p.m. for
> the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Opening
> Party!
> For information:
> http://www.thelovingcafe.com
A Morning Cup of Yoga! With professional teacher Phoenix Wilson
When: Fridays 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Where: THE LLOYD HOUSE third floor Zendo
Leave your car in the back or on Lafayette Ave., bring a sticky mat if you have one, let yourself in the front door, leave your shoes in the foyer and find your way to the third floor. We’ll see you there!
Date: Starting January 30th 2009
Cost: $ 13 each class or $ 77 for the 7 week session
Greetings and Happy New Year!
Start your day and weekend with a clear mind, invigorated body and renewed spirit.
This class is open to new and experienced students.
Instructor, Phoenix Wilson, RYT , 859-341-9642 phoenixwilson@mac.com <mailto:phoenixwilson@mac.com> , please call or e-mail if you are interested in or have questions about the class.
I just signed a pledge of support for President Obama's plan to renew and strengthen America's economy.
Watch the video announcing this new initiative and pledge your support now:
Thanks! Ellen
(See my pieces on wellness in my website http://www.lloydhouse.com ... Useful pieces about insomnia, eating disorder, visiting family at holidays, and the newest, how husbands fear their wives...etc.)
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Chronic Illness and Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR.
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior(alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Information about League of Women Voters' Coal Moratorium program that I mentioned last night erroneously calling it "Clean Coal" program:
"Coal Moratorium: A New Economy for Ohio" program on Wed. April 29, 2009, 7-9 PM. The LWV (League of Women Voters) is calling for a coal moratorium -- a ten year freeze on the construction of new coal-fired power plants. More information check out www.lwvcincinnati.org <http://www.lwvcincinnati.org/> last item under upcoming events.
Wasn't that a great program on Diane Rhem this morning on healthy food for healthy bodies and a healthy environment! If you missed it, try accessing it on the Internet.
Gerry Kraus
The Organic Consumers Association does not support HR 875 in its present form, given the fact that, if the Bill's regulations were applied in a one-size-fits-all manner to certified organic and farm-to-consumer operations, it could have a devastating impact on small farmers, especially raw milk producers who are already unfairly targeted by state food-safety regulators. Although the OCA deems this Bill as somewhat well-intentioned, we are calling on Congress to focus its attention on the real threats to food safety: globalized food sourcing from nations such as China where food safety is a joke and domestic industrial-scale and factory farms whose collateral damage includes pesticide and antibiotic-tainted food, mad cow disease, E. coli contamination and salmonella poisoning. And, of course, Congress and the Obama Administration need to support a massive transition to organic farming practices.
Click here to learn more and take action <http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_17194.cfm>
We'd like to invite you to join us for our first LEVEL I ANIMAL COMMUNICATION CLASS of 2009!
This class is designed to be both informative and experiential. Students will come away with both knowledge and experience in basic animal communication skills. We keep our class sizes small so that each student gets individual attention and instruction. You'll learn to communicate with animals both in person and at a distance. Our animal teachers include dogs, cats, horses, an iguana as well as your own pets.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28th & SUNDAY MARCH 29th 1 - 5 p.m.
Class is held in our home just north of Cincinnati in Pleasant Plain, OH
COST - $225
Certificate of completion is provided at conclusion of class.
Former students may repeat the class for $175.
513-310-3997 or email cindy@cindyhuff.com
A flyer (below) is attached . Please join us!
Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger
Animal Communication and Wellness Services
I took this workshop last month and it was superb! Excellent for any human. Ellen.....
Friday morning Yoga class with professional Yoga teacher Phoenix Wilson (she’s terrific!) starting 1/30/09, $13, ($11 if you buy a series of 7). 9:00 – 10:30 am.
YOGA practice group at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi practice group Sundays 10:15 a.m. Led by Jackie Millay. Experience the chi with this gifted leader. Beginners welcome. Qigong and Tai Chi forms. Ellen
Mark your calendar; Plan to attend; Ask for a brochure earthspiritrising@imagoearth.org; Register http://www.earthspiritrising.org/... these are the Powerful Dreamers. David Korten, et al.... Envision our world a different place...then see how you can bring it to being. ellen
June 12-14, 2009
Xavier University Cintas Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
EarthSpirit Rising: A Conference on Ecology,
Spirituality and Living Economies
examines economic models that are based on Earth's living systems.
highlights initiatives that support and expand local and regional production of food, energy, goods and services.
explores the cultural and spiritual dimensions of a transformation to living economies.
To register go here:
- Gay hate crime in Cinti. receives little attention
- World leaders like Deepak Chopra, call for “Conscious Evolution”. sign their platform
Hate Crime: I heard about this while I was in Denver! We just had a hate crime against gays right here in Clifton that was under-reported in the news. Read about it here: Cincinnati LGBTs protest over police/media inaction on gay hate
A Call to Conscious Evolution
Sponsored by: Evolutionary Leaders
Climate change, economic disparity, educational inequities, geopolitical tensions -- these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together.
The Call to Conscious Evolution was born following a gathering of global visionaries. It's a movement that fully supports that the future is not what happens to us, but rather what WE create.
Together, we can co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution by:
* Building a global community and creating a culture of peace.
* Restoring ecological balance to nourish all life, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
* Engaging in social and political transformation by calling for a more conscious democracy.
* Promoting health and healing by acknowledging the profound mind-body-spirit connection.
* Supporting research and education that optimize human capacities.
* Encouraging integrity in business and conscious media.
In this great time of uncertainty, join us in elevating consciousness to create a better world. One governed by meaning and purpose. Accept nothing less.
Every voice counts -- your voice counts.
I join with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston, and other evolutionary leaders to pledge to make my conscious evolution an important part of my life, and in so doing help make the world a better place.
For more information: go to http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/248704259
Where you will find the following links:
Click here for the full Call to Conscious Evolutionary: Our Moment of Choice.
Click here for the Context for a Conscious Evolution.
Click here to learn about the Call's founding signatories:
Michael Beckwith * Joan Borysenko * Gregg Braden * Rinaldo Brutoco
Thomas Callanan * Deepak Chopra * Mallika Chopra Mandal * Dale Colton
Gordon Dveirin * Duane Elgin * Leslie Elkus * Barbara Fields * Debbie Ford
Ashok Gangadean * Kathleen Gardarian * Tom Gegax * Charles Gibbs
Kathy Hearn * Jean Houston * Barbara Marx Hubbard * Bruce Lipton
Judy Martin * Rod McGrew * Steve McIntosh * Lynne McTaggart
Deborah Moldow * James O'Dea * Carter Phipps * Wendy Craig-Purcell
Carolyn Rangel * Rustum Roy * Peter Russell * Gerard Senehi * Emily Squires
Brian Swimme * Diane Williams * Marianne Williamson * Tom Zender (emphasis added by ellen)
Books,Movies, Reviews It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. and going to movies. What? Is it good? Ellen.............................................
An Historical Novel-Or Could it be a Musical?"
is now out and available !
An upbeat novel with Cincinnati characters and a story which is fully annotated yet easily readable for high school students on up! Take a look at outskirtspress.com/letfreedomsing for much more information and a picture of the cover..Also available at amazon.com
(Salonista) Vivian Kline
I am reading David Korten’s new book on the remaking of our economy; just published. Talks about phantom wealth (when the value of your stocks goes up) vs. real wealth (when you are producing more goods, selling more services). He think we should let Wall St. die in its own vomit (my phrase). Stay tuned and I’ll tell you more as I get there about how we might fix things. Ellen
Jeff Cobb send something admiring about the work of Rupert Sheldrake (maverick scientist of 20th cent, still living) so I asked my friend Budd Kostik about it. Bud’s smart and scientific. Here’s what he says:
“I've run across his work in my reading (such as "the Field", Lynne McTaggart) and he's worth getting at least moderately excited about. Can't say that his theory of a Morphic field is "correct", but it is certainly a strong step toward not only a deeper understanding of biological systems but also of a western/left brain/scientific understanding of topics such as energy healing, crystal work and such. Lot's of resistance in the mainstream scientific community, but I tend to take that as a positive: much of mainstream science is intellectually ossified in my opinion. The analogy between classical physics / quantum physics and mainstream biology/ morphic fields (or some field theory) seems apt. Bud.”
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue forwarding your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net.
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit them is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
A New Novel by Vivian Kline: Let Freedom Sing: Of 19th Century Americans. An Historical Novel Or Could It Be A Musical? This is a tale of real people who lived in Cincinnati plus many others, making this story an easy upbeat read for high schoolers on up. $14.95. More description & excerpts of the novel @ www.outskirtspress.com/letfreedomsing. Buy the novel from this site, @ www.amazon.com or directly from the author @ viviankline@aol.com.
The Covedale Center's 8th Annual Summer Arts & Crafts Fair [submissions due Friday 17 July]: The Covedale Performing & Fine Arts Fair is a free event @ 4990 Glenway Avenue, Western Hills, Cincinnati, OH 45238 on Saturday 22 August @ 10 AM - 4 PM. Musical artists of various styles will provide the atmosphere, while artists & crafts persons display & sell their wares thru the lobby, theatre auditorium, on stage & outdoors. Submissions are sought by artists of all media are encouraged to register to exhibit & sell. Artists will need to provide their own displays, booths or tables; limited electrical power will be available. Artists must provide 3 photos of the work to be displayed. Artists will be notified of their selection by Saturday 1 August. Register or more info @ 513.241.6550 jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
Juried Art Show for High School Students [thru Friday 10 April]: Studio E (St.Elizabeth Arts Foundation) is hosting the 1st gallery show in their new studio space. High School students from across the region are exhibiting original artwork the theme: "The Way I See It." At Studio E, 2nd floor, Studio 5, building next to St.Elizabeth’s Church, Carter & Lincoln Avenues, enter the Lincoln Ave door, Norwood, OH 45212. More info @ 513.578.3069, contact@stelizabetharts.com & http://tinyurl.com/dffgl2.
Eddie Bayard Quartet With Mike Wade [Thursday 26 March @ 7:30 PM]: Considered one of the greatest saxophonists of his generation, Bayard brings pure fire to the bandstand with every performance with his virtuosic style. He has learned to be both explosive & sensitive, as the demands of his expression requires. His deep sense of self, history, & philosophical view of life permeates his music. Playing on this date with Bayard is the incomparable trumpeter Mike Wade. The performance will be recorded for a future CD. Admission is $5; free if jazz club member or if you come to happy hour (5-7 PM). Free parking. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.871.6789, waltb31@gmail.com & www.jaspersmtlookout.com.
Peter Pan [Thursday 26 March - Saturday 11 April @ 8 PM (Wed-Sat*) & 2 PM (Sun)]: Based on J.M. Barrie's tale, this is the all time favorite musical of Peter - the boy who never grew up, spending his life in Neverland battling pirates. When he brings the Darling children to Neverland, he finally defeats his foe, Captain Hook, & befriends the Indian princess. A musical the entire family will enjoy. Music by Mark Charlap; lyrics by Carolyn Leigh. $21 for adults, $19 for seniors & students. * Sat 11 Apr has performances @ 2 & 8 PM. Audio description available at Sun 5 Apr performance. At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info & tix @ 513 241 6550 & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
Know Theatre Benefit Party [Friday 27 March @ 6-11 PM]: Before, during or after Final Friday, join the party with food (the good stuff), lots of beer & wine (wine tasting), music & performances by some of the Know Theatre actors. Raffle prizes from Know Theatre, Joseph Williams Home, VIP Back Rubs, Taft Museum, City Cellars, Iris & more. $10 suggested donation. At the Trideca Lofts, 1232 Vine Street @ 13th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Enter thru the Vine Street gate or the Joseph Williams Home store @ street level. More info @ 513.300.5669 & sammyike@hotmail.com.
MTR Comes Home [opening Friday 27 March @ 6-9 PM]: Join musicians, coal field area refugees & students back from PowerShift in Washington D.C. for an open mic session at this art exhibit commissioned by Episcopal Appalachian Ministries. Photographs by Kentucky photographer Don Amend bring home the cost of electricity on Appalachian human & wild communities. The exhibit includes an image of a single mountaintop removal (MTR) site over a large map of Cincinnati to illustrate the scale of devastation. Learn from Ohio Citizen Action how you can help stop this atrocity. Park + Vine will donate 10% of sales made the following day, Sat 28 Mar, to Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati. Exhibit runs thru Sunday 26 April. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275, cincydan@gmail.com & www.parkandvine.com.
Final Friday Fling into Spring Art Sale [Friday-Saturday 27-28 March @ 6-10 PM (Fri) & 11 AM - 3 PM (Sat)]: Enjoy art at the Pendleton, as Final Friday provides the largest collection of artists under one roof. Studio 313 will help you bid adieu to winter & celebrate spring with individually tailored gifts with art discounts from 12 artists exhibiting painting, jewelry, photography, ceramics, and mixed media copper & enamel miniatures. Free admission; valet parking $4. At Pendleton Art Center, 1310 Pendleton Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.843.2710, judiparks@gmail.com & www.pendletonstudio313.blogspot.com.
Unmasking Feelings: How Art Can Help Children Heal [Saturday 28 March @ 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM]: In conjunction with the Art of Healing exhibit (see above), staff from the Fernside Center for Grieving Children will provide an expressive art activity to encourage children to explore their feelings through art. Each participant will be invited to express their feelings by creating a mask using a variety of materials. This family program for all ages is free. At the Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278, ellen@kennedyarts.org & www.kennedyarts.org.
Dharma Etiquette [Saturday 28 March @ 2 PM]: Why is there a pile of shoes outside the door to a monastery? Why do some people bow to the monk but others don’t? Why are there “suggested donations” for classes but no mandatory fee to participate? If you’ve never been to a Buddhist Monastery, it can be a bit confusing with so many unusual things happening. The good people at GSL will demystify the experience of visiting a monastery. Free; donations accepted. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & RSVP @ 513.385.7116, gsl@ganden.org & www.gandenusa.org.
Earth Hour [Saturday 28 March @ 8:30 PM]: What began as a campaign to get people in Sydney, Australia, to turn off their lights, is now one of the world's biggest climate change initiatives: Earth Hour. This year, Cincinnati is encouraged to join the rest of the world & turn off its lights for 1 hour @ 8:30 PM on this day. The goal is to reach 1 billion people in more than 1000 cities. That's a lot of people, but what a great way to show that it's possible to take action on global warming. More info @ 513.721.7275, info@parkandvine.com & www.parkandvine.com.
18th Annual Pancake Breakfast [Saturday 28 March @ 7 AM - Noon]: The largest social event in Glendale draws more than 1300 pancake eaters. While all proceeds support Glendale Heritage Preservation projects, the real impact of the Breakfast “is the coming together of families as neighbors & friends for conversation & good cheer. It’s the kind of activity that defines our communities & makes them so strong, especially in tough times as we’re experiencing right now.” All-you-can-eat pancakes for $5; kids under 6 are free. This all-volunteer event features fresh-cut fruit compliments of Glendale’s Grand Finale Restaurant, sausage, bottomless coffee & juice, raffles & door prizes, Silent Auction items from Glendale merchants & artists, & displays from local community groups & clubs. At Old Town Hall, 80 East Sharon Road, Glendale OH 45246. More info @ 513.771.8722, malloy.kj@gmail.com & www.glendalemuseum.com.
Oscar Shorts [Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday 29 & 31 March & 1 April]: For the 8th year, Cincinnati World Cinema brings the Oscar-nominated animated & live-action short films to Cincinnati. Comedy, romance, reflection & suspense are principal themes in this year's cream-of-the-crop films from Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, the UK & the USA. The films are divided into two 93-minute programs = "A" & "B." Each program features 5 Oscar-nominated films - including 1 Oscar winner - plus at least 2 bonus shorts of excellent quality, plus some unusual commercials from around the world. You can view both programs on 1 day, or on different days. Program "A" screens on Sunday 29 March @ 4 PM & Tuesday 31 March @ 7:30 PM. Program "B" screens on Sunday 29 March @ 7:30 PM & Wednesday 1 April @ 7:30 PM. Tickets are $10; combo tickets are $16. The Redmoor is offering a special menu for CWC patrons: sandwiches for $7.95, with salads & beverages. At The Redmoor, 3187 Linwood Avenue, Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH 45208. Free parking. More info, tix, film descriptions & more @ 859.781.8151, worldcinema@fuse.net & www.cincyworldcinema.org.
Cincinnati Authors & Illustrators @ Findlay Market [Sundays thru 10 May @ 1-3 PM]: Cincinnati authors & illustrators who have published thru Cincinnati’s Edgecliff Press & Edgecliff Kids will display & sign their books. Come visit with them about their books, buy a book that interests you & have it signed. Books by non-Cincinnati artists & authors will also be available.
Mar 29: Cincinnati's Findlay Market, A Photographic Journey, Past & Present by Don Nesbitt - similarities & changes over time.
Apr 5: Drawing Pete by Jerry Dowling - the stellar & controversial career of Pete Rose thru the eyes of a cartoonist.
Apr 19: Pre-Victorian Homes by Ronald Hartnagel - historic & vanishing homes from 35 years of photography.
Apr 26: Cliffie's Life Lessons by Pam Durham, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - children's lessons by Cliffie's grandmother.
Hobo Finds a Home by Hobo & Kevin Coolidge, Illustrated by Annette Maiorano - a true story about a kitten's odyssey.
May 3: Right Angels & I thought Pigs Could Fly by Ari Buchwald - homage to the architectural details in Chicago, NY & Cincy.
May 10: Kid Trips, Cincinnati & Beyond by Barbara Littner David - favorite destinations in Cincinnati & thru the tri-state area.
Sundays at Findlay Market, 1801 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.348.9120, Ari@edgecliffpress.com & www.edgecliffpress.com.
Drama Senior Showcase [Wednesday 1 April @ 2 & 7 PM]: Seniors in CCM’s drama program present a selection of scenes before their annual trips to New York City & LA, where they will perform for casting agents & directors. The 7th Annual Dolly Award ceremony, a celebration of achievement & excellence in performance, will immediately follow the 7 PM showcase. Admission is free. At Patricia Corbett Theater in the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music. More info @ 513.556.4183, boxoff@uc.edu & www.ccm.uc.edu.
Something Different for Passover [Thursday 2 April @ 6:30 PM]: Zell Schulman will discuss what's new to make Passover different & special for you & your family & friends. Learn about new cookbooks, recipes, Passover products, ideas & ways to celebrate the Passover Seder & the whole Passover week. Giving up something can be a challenge, but also an opportunity to try something new for the most celebrated of all the Jewish holiday's. Ms Schulman will sign her cookbook Passover Seders Made Simple (Wiley Publishers). Sponsored by Biggs Superstores. Goodie bag with coupons, info & recipes given away. At Joseph Beth Booksellers, Rookwood Commons, 2692 Madison Road, Cincinnati OH 45208. More info @ 513.396.8960 & www.josephbeth.com.
European Country Briefing: Austria [Thursday 2 April @ 5:30-7:30 PM]: The ECB Series is a quarterly program of the European-American Chamber of Commerce (EACC), featuring briefings on European countries. This Austria program includes: "The European Union in 2009 & Beyond" by Dr. Robert Zischg, Consul General of Austria; "Austria: Small is Beautiful - How to Target the Market of Austria & the Surrounding Area" by Mr. Franz Roessler, Austrian Trade Commissioner in Chicago; & "Austria - The Gateway to Central & Eastern Europe" by Mr. Gisbert Mayr, Director of Invest in Austria. $35 for EACC members, $45 for non-members, $50 for walk-ins. At the Cincinnatian Hotel, 601 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.852.6510, eacc@europe-cincinnati.com & www.europe-cincinnati.com/index.php?id=1063.
Musical Theater Senior Showcase [Thursday-Saturday 2-4 April @ 7 PM (Thu) & 8 PM (Fri-Sat)]: The CCM musical theater graduating class presents a local preview of the showcase they will present before casting agents & directors in New York City. This year’s event, An Odyssey, looks at the classic work by Homer through the eyes of the Millennial Generation. The April 2 performance is a benefit for the Friends of CCM & includes a reception & dinner by the bite. Admission is $100 & $150. The April 3 & April 4 performances are free, though reservations are required. At Patricia Corbett Theater in the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music. More info @ 513.556.4183, boxoff@uc.edu & www.ccm.uc.edu.
Films for "Fashion in Film" [Thursdays 2 & 16 April @ 6 PM]: What better way to appreciate the Taft Museum exhibit "Fashion in Film" than with exemplary films? This exhibit, which runs thru Sunday 26 April, features sumptuous costumes spanning 4 centuries of clothing design & 4 decades of filmmaking. Tom Zaniello (film scholar, professor & head of Honors Program at NKU) will introduce & discuss the mise-en-scene of each film, & how costume design is such an essential ingredient in movie-making. The films are "Emma" (1996) with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam & Alan Cumming on April 2; & "Murder on the Orient Express" (1974) with Albert Finney & Lauren Bacall on April 16. Film screenings are free; you may reserve a box dinner for $12. At Taft Museum of Art, 316 Pike Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & lunch RSVP @ 513.241.0343 & www.taftmuseum.org.
Different Directions - An Artist's Perspective [opening reception Friday 3 April @ 6-9 PM]: Every artist has a story to tell or a vision to communicate. Six new solo shows reveal the journey of creative language for artists Anna VanMatre, Paul Pomeranz, Mike Calway-Fagen, Tammy Gambrel & Alton Falcone. A new series of works by Anna VanMatre, "DeNatural Disaster," will be on display in the Duveneck Gallery on the 2nd floor. In celebration of US Army veteran & POW Paul Pomeranz's 1st solo exhibit, the opening reception is free. Music provided by CCM Jazz Trio. Food & bar. At the Carnegie Arts Center, 1028 Scott Street, Covington, KY 41011. More info @ 859.491.2030, vanmatre@cinci.rr.com & www.thecarnegie.com.
Creative Spirit [opening reception Friday 3 April @ 5–9 PM]: This special exhibit features the art of Ilana Debikey, George Debikey & their son Oliver Debikey. Born into a world of art, Oliver Debikey brings an interdisciplinary approach to his art & thrives on exploring new styles & techniques to create singularly unique glass pieces that offer both tactile & visual pleasure. Ilana Debikey’s art is poetry in motion; she expresses her emotions with lines & colors thru mixed media. Classically trained in ceramics & sculpture in Italy, George Debikey incorporates intricate patterns, colors & repetitive motives in sculptural pieces that are inspired by nature. Exhibit runs thru Saturday 2 May. At 5th Street Gallery, 55 West 5th & Race Streets, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.579.9333, info@5thstgallery, oliver@debikeystudios.com & www.5thstgallery.com.
Constellation Workshops [Friday-Saturday 3-4 April @ 6-9 PM (Fri) & 4-7 PM (Sat)]: Use this amazing process to move energy around almost anything. $75 for one session; discount for a pair of sessions. At Het Heret Transformation Resources, 11223 Cornell Park Drive #401, Blue Ash, OH 45242. More info from Beverly @ 513.489.9777.
Karuna Reiki® Master Training [Saturday 4 April @ 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM]: Training & initiation to the final level of this healing system & its 4 symbols. Learn how to initiate others into Karuna Reiki®. Must have Usui Reiki Master IIIb level for 1 year & Karuna Reiki® Level I & II Practitioner training to qualify for this level. Facilitated by JoAnn Utley. Nurses: 8 contact hours. Massage Therapists: 7 contact hours. Registration required; $400 tuition; $150 deposit & registration due by March 28; credit cards accepted. If you have taken this with JoAnn before, you may review for $150 & the cost of new manual if needed ($23). At Synergy Holistic Health, 7413 Hwy 42, # 3, Florence, KY 41042. More info & register @ 502.777.3865 & jutley5122@bellsouth.net.
The Wayne Martin Puppets ‘Spring Into Easter’ [Saturday 4 April @ 11 AM]: This colorful production is overflowing with beautiful “large-scale” hand puppets & marionettes. The Easter Bunny is joined by a trumpet jazz-playing bullfrog, a classical singing Diva Chicken, break-dancing eggs, & dozens of others in this fast paced musical spectacular for all ages. $7 for adults; $5 for kids. At the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts, 4990 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238. More info @ 513.241.6550, Jenniferperrino@covedalecenter.com & www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com.
Composting 101 [Saturday 4 April @ 11 AM]: Learn how to convert yard, garden & kitchen waste into soil-building compost with Corina Bullock of the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati. Free. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ 513.721.7275, info@parkandvine.com & www.parkandvine.com.
French Cooking for Pâques [Saturday 4 April @ 6-8 PM]: Whether you are skilled in French cooking or a beginner, join Alliance Française & Chef Philippe Audax, French Executive Chef at the University of Cincinnati, to learn hiss trade secrets. He will prepare a 4-course French menu for Pâques & provide recipes & instructions. French wine tasting is part of the evening’s festivities. $60 for AF members, $70 for non-members; includes tasting 4 wines. Menu: Paté de Paques, Roulade of zucchini with pepper sauce, Rack of lamb printanier, & Fondant au chocolate with crème anglaise. At EQ, the Cooking School, The Party Source, 95 Riviera Drive, Bellevue, KY 41073. More info & RSVP @ afpostmaster@france-cincinnati.com.
Reiki Classes Levels I-III: Learn & be attuned to the gentle healing energy of Reiki. Level I class is Saturday 4 April (prerequisite: at least one full body reiki treatment); Level III is taught in 2 parts on Saturdays 9 & 16 May (prerequisites: Level II & 1 year practice). Space is limited. Presented by Pure Reiki, Inc. Taught in instructors' homes in Green Township, 45233 & 45248. More info @ 513.347.3099, 513.451.7007, elfriede@lookitup.com & jan613@current.net.
Introduction to Buddhism [Fridays April thru June @ 7-8 PM]: Buddhism is viewed by some as a philosophy, by others as a spiritual path, but for others it is a religion. The foundation of all of these is the mind & how we perceive & understand the things that occur in everyday life. This course will address the basic concepts of Buddhism in a relaxed & open manner that encourages dialogue & exploration. RSVP requested. Suggested donation: $75 per person. At Gaden Samdrup-Ling Buddhist Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info & RSVP @ 513.385.7116, gsl@ganden.org & www.ganden.org.
Intuitive Development [Wednesdays 8, 15 & 22 April @ 7-9 PM]: Have fun jump-starting your spiritual growth, learning several meditation methods, pendulums, auras & all those other techniques you've wondered about. $90 for 3 sessions; receive a certificate when you complete the class. Classes in Walnut Hills. More info & directions @ 513.281.6864 & patricia@patriciagarry.com.
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Eurydice - live theatre [thru Saturday 28 March]: This play by Sarah Ruhl is a modern retelling of the classic love story about Eurydice's death, & Orpheus' voyage to the underworld to save her. This version boasts quirky twists & unforgettable characters, like a tricycle-riding lord of the underworld & a chorus of loud-mouthed stones. Tickets are $12. At Know Theatre of Cincinnati, 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info, times & dates @ 513.300.5669 & www.knowtheatre.com.
State of Eight - Presidential Exhibit [thru Wednesday 1 April @ 8 AM - 4 PM]: The William Howard Taft National Historic site hosts a traveling exhibit celebrating Presidents day; a Bicentennial Tribute to Ohio's Presidential Legacy, on loan from the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center that examines the influential role that Ohio has played in presidential politics: 8 men elected President of the United States. A series of panels explores the lives of these leaders, plus broader aspects of the Buckeye State's presidential legacy. Ohio cities have been sites for 5 presidential conventions hosted by major parties & more than 20 third-party gatherings. A long list of Ohio hopefuls tried but failed to reside in the White House, including female presidential candidate, Victoria Woodhull, in 1872. National Park Service staff provide tours. Free admission. At William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 2038 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219; ask about free parking. More info @ 513.684.3262 & www.nps.gov/wiho.
Signing Safari [Thursdays thru 2 April @ 11 AM]: Join your child in singing, signing, playing & rhyming during this 5-week series of 45-minute play classes. Cost for all 5 classes is $75. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & RSVP @ www.signingsafari.com.
Mythography: An Exploration of Narrative by 13 Artists [thru Friday 3 April]: We are fascinated with stories, legends, myths & fables. Stories help locate us &, form our personal identities. They often operate as larger metaphors for reality. Throughout history, visual artists have offered a unique contribution to the telling of tales. Manifest invited national & international artists to come tell stories in any visual creative medium. For this exhibit, narrative art includes comic art, sequential art, documentary, animation, video/film, illustration, performance, painting, sculpture, photography & drawing; 16 works by 13 artists from across the country comprise the exhibit. At 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Parking on the street & across the street in DeSales Business Parking Lot. More info @ 513.861.3638, jason@manifestgallery.org & www.manifestgallery.org.
Raymond Lane, Jr. Art Exhibit [thru Friday 3 April]: Raymond Lane Jr., a local artist, will host an opening reception for his original clay sculptures of Harriet Tubman. A unique chance to view this collection of 6 sculptures in uniquely historical setting. Children, students, teachers & adults are encouraged to attend this art opening that also includes events from the Underground Railroad. Free admission; donations welcome. Exhibit closing reception is Fri 3 Apr @ 5-8 PM. At the new Harriet Beecher Stowe House, 2nd Floor Gallery, 2950 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.324.2218 & stowehouse@zoomtown.com.
Awakening: Path to Spirituality - paintings [thru Saturday 4 April]: This collection of paintings by artist Chuck Marshall is a sensitive & beautiful celebration of the positive power of diversity. More than 20 paintings range in subject from the “Sufi Storyteller” to “Parzi Ceremony” to “Christ in the Garden” to “Mother Theresa.” This exhibit explores themes of faith & mysticism, but ultimately reveals the oneness of the spiritual path. At Gallery 42, 105 East Main Street, #101, Mason, OH 45040. More info @ 513.234.7874, Gallery42fineart@gmail.com & www.gallery42fineart.com.
Double Vision - glass art [thru Saturday 18 April]: The glass art of Brook Forrest White, Jr & Susie Slabaugh White. Artists' demonstration Saturday 21 March (see above). At Marta Hewett Gallery, 656 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.281.2780, 513.281.0076 & www.martahewett.com.
Art of Healing [hru Saturday 25 April]: This unique exhibit, "The Art of Healing," features the art of over 50 individuals dealing with grief, serious illness, disability, addiction & mental wellness. Free. At the Kennedy Heights Arts Center, 6546 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45213. More info @ 513.631.4278, ellen@kennedyarts.org & www.kennedyarts.org.
Framed Freaks - art [thru Sunday 26 April]: Matthew Hamby's satirical illustrations have been described as having a strange & gnarled style, & have been published locally in CityBeat & Cincinnati Gentlemen Magazine.Free. At NVISION, 4577 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info @ 513.542.4577 & http://nvisionshop.com.
Appearances by Artist, Writer & Spiritualist Rex Oxley with his Natural Mandala [thru 30 April]:
<> Meditate on Rex Oxley's Natural Mandala [Sundays thru 30 April @ 10:30 AM]: The region’s only member of the United Churches of Spiritual Living will use the inspiration, creativity & earthiness of the mandala as the basis of Sunday talks while the Ohio artist's spiritual artwork is exhibited at Beacon of Life Spiritual Center. Artist Oxley will lead meditation workshops & talk about his meditative creative process in building the mandala.
<> Celebrate Mother Earth with a Mandala Meditation [Wed 22 Apr @ 7:30-9 PM]: Meet Rex Oxley & his Natural Mandala.
<> Mandala Meditation Workshops [Thu 2 Apr @ 6:30-9 PM]: Rex Oxley leads how-to-meditate workshops based on his Natural Mandala. $15. All events at Beacon of Life Spiritual Center, 5701 Murray Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227. More info @ 513.218.2128, info@beaconoflife.org, www.beaconoflife.org & www.naturalmandala.com.
Miami University Italian-American Film Series [Wednesdays thru 29 April @ 7:30 PM]: Curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. Free & open to the public. In 102 Benton Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. This venue is a recently refurbished auditorium with very comfortable seating (& convenient adjacent parking) on the north side of High Street (Route 27 N from Cincinnati) at the intersection of Tallawanda Street. Map @ www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/. More info @ matteos@muohio.edu.
Apr 1: Donnie Brasco (1997) Mike Newell
Apr 8: The Godfather (1972), Francis Ford Coppola
Apr 15: Goodfellas (1990), Martin Scorsese
Apr 22: The Freshman (1990) Andrew Bergman
Apr 29: The Sopranos, episodes from the TV series, David Chase
Italian Film Series: Italy Is Made; Now We Must Make Italians [Thursdays thru 30 April @ 5 PM]: A 2nd film series curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. All movies are in Italian, some without English subtitles, & will be presented in Italian; those with English subtitles are noted. Free & open to the public. In 40 Irvin Hall, East Spring Street north of South Oak Street, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ matteos@muohio.edu & www.miami.muohio.edu/about_miami/campusmap/.
Mar. 26: Tosca, opera, Giacomo Puccini, 1900, subtitles
Apr. 2: Cuore, part I, Luigi Comencini (1984—TV mini-series)
Apr. 9: Cuore, part II
Apr. 16: Cuore, part III
Apr. 23: Tutti a casa, Luigi Comencini (1960)
Apr. 30: Tornando a casa, Vincenzo Marra (2001)
Backyard Family Garden Project: The Project’s goal is to encourage families to develop vegetable & flower gardens in their backyards & share the surplus with their less fortunate neighbors. This collaborative effort of Granny's Garden School, Turner Farm, Gorman Farm, & Grailville is sponsored by Marvin's Organic Gardens, Blooms & Berries Farm Market, Natorp's, & Home Depot. $25 registration per family includes admission to a gardening workshop plus ample compost, seeds & plant coupons for a 3' x 10' backyard garden. Project is ongoing & will end Monday 1 June or when they reach the 100-family limit. At Granny’s Garden School, 550 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.324.2873 & www.grannysgardenschool.com.
Grailville New Veggies Garden Volunteer Day [last Saturday of each month, March-October @ 9 AM - Noon]: Learn about gardening for your backyard while volunteering in Grailville’s kitchen garden, where produce is grown to serve guests of the Grailville Retreat Center. This 60-year-old kitchen garden has been organically certified since 1992. No experience needed; help for a day or for the season. Volunteers are welcome to come on other days, too. Bring gloves, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, gardening footwear & mid-morning snack if you wish. They'll provide tools. In case of severe weather, volunteer day will be cancelled. Grailville’s Garden Volunteer Days project is part of Granny's Backyard Family Garden Project (see above). At Grailville, 932 O'Bannonville Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info, monthly topics & RSVP @ 513.683.2340, ml.grailville@fuse.net & www.grailville.org.
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by Jim Kesner.
Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to jkesner@nuvox.net; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect your identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from its owner.
Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
Because my time is limited, please help by submitting your Tri-State Treasures in the following format. This will help me immeasurably & enhance the probability the item will be incorporated into Tri-State Treasures:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8-10 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Movie Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222, info@filmfestival.com, & www.filmfestival.com.
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45, EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
We of the Lloyd House Salon gather in a spirit of respect, sympathy and compassion for one another in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Our Salon blog is a promising interactive site: http:lloydhouse.blogspot.com Also, we have an Interactive Yahoo Salon group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LloydHouseSalon ...........
For Pot Luck procedures including food suggestions, mission and history visit http://home.fuse.net/ellenbierhorst/Potluck.html . You are invited also to visit the Lloyd House website: http://www.lloydhouse.com > To unsubscribe from the Lloyd House Potluck Salon list, send a REPLY message to me and in the SUBJECT line type in "unsub potluck #". In the place of # > type in the numeral that follows the subject line of my Weekly email. It > will be 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. This tells me which sub-list your name is on so I can delete it. Thanks! ellen bierhorst