Do NOT miss the spring dance party at the Lloyd House, THIS Saturday, 26 April. See details below.
Vacancy at Lloyd House, residential space, as of May 1! Check it out, in “announcements”.
COME to the presentation at the salon next Wed. on Hemp: why we should legalize this valuable crop, by Lynne Wilson. See description below in Announcements section.
Salon Weekly
~ In 4 Color-Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Events & Opportunities
- Articles, Letters (“opinions expressed are not necessarily mine”...ellen)
- Books, Reviews, Films, Magazines
- Tri-State Treasures: events compiled by Jim Kesner
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House: Circulation: 613. Growing out
of the Wednesday Night Salon . For info about the Salon, see the bottom of
this email. Join us at the Lloyd House every week of the year at 5:45 for pot
luck and discussion. 3901 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio. To Submit events
for the Weekly, send (not attachment) me email, subject line
"Weekly-Events:(description)", in Times New Roman font, Maroon color. FOR ARTICLES, send me, in Times New Roman, Navy color. to ELLENBIERHORST@LLOYDHOUSE.COM,. Saves me a
lot of work that way. Send submissions by Wednesday evening.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list (c. 600)... Now in our
seventh year),
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
................................................... Section One: Table Notes ............................................................................ (Note: these notes were taken at the table and have NOT been approved or corrected by the speakers. Reader beware of inevitable misunderstandings and misrepresentations. E.B.)
At the table Wednesday 4/23/08
Mira Rodwan, Elaine Bradfor, Janet Kalven, Mary Biehn, bob Witanowski, Carolyn Aufderhaar, Mr. G., Derek Lester, Jessa Moser, Judy Cirillo, Ginger Lee Frank, Ellen Bierhorst, Chris Metzger, Bud Kostic, Brooke Audreyal, Linda Gruber
Ellen read the Preamble.
Next week Lyn Wilson will present to us on Hemp.
Dance party Sat. 5:30 at Lloyd House.
Mira on Fri May 9 John Fein and me will present a 40’s-60’s sing along protest songs at St. John’s UU; 7 – 9. Bring instruments... Fun(d)raiser.
Brooke Green Cincinnati Schools fund raiser tomorrow, thurs, 24, at 6 – 8, 8th and B’way, 332 E. 8th st at GBBN Architects’ office.
Judy a group of us from St. John’s are going to New Orleans for a week of work on Katrina recovery.
Ginger Lee: Peter Bronson of Enquirer went nuts about the recommendation of the Environmental Report especially the meat reduction recommendation.
Here in Ohio, we actually have faults and folds. Isostatic rebound rather than tectonic caused. The crust floats higher when hills etc. are removed. These faults have happened in the last 75 years due to increased paved surface, more run off. Faster current. Stream bed actually rises.
Jessa, played guitar for us: Thanks, Jessa!
Pacquebells Cannon
“The ring” (an original folk song by Jessa... Excellent!)
Jesu Joy of Man’s desiring
Hillary and obama:
Judy: ABC debate.
Mira Every day is Earth Day. What things we have done to foster sustainability?
Elaine the grapefruit are certified organic, and the lilac are from my garden.
Derek... Story about a solid gold Buddha statue found by the French; donated to a tiny temple.
(DISCUSSion of JESSA’S religious roots. “Judeo Christian”.)
Jesus was Jewish... To follow him, you’d want to follow the traditions of Judaism.
Carolyn I am reading a guide to Gnostic Christianity. Will report back.
Mr. G. the Illinois earthquake last week, 5.2 Richter scale... California soil is mushy so it absorbs the tremor; in the midwest a lower Richter rating can
Cause more destruction.
Funny earthquake stories.
Janet I was in an earthquake, when I was a child in the 20’s, epicenter San Diego, I thought my brother was shaking the bed. We saw the sides of houses fallen off. (What were you doing in California, since you lived in Chicago?) Took 3 days 2 nights on the train “sunset limited” from Chicago to LA. We had a “drawing room”. Meals in the dining car. Private bath. We loved walking through the cars. The observation car had a balcony. It was at the end of the train. Alovely way to travel.
Mira Marie Mason, local environmental organizer, caught up in witchunt.
This March was arrested by FBI, Homeland Secuity, and local police. Charged with crimes in 2000 and 1999. ... An informant gave evidence. Electronic tether...released to house arrest....
Chris big article in NY Times on US prison system. More prisoners than any other country by huge numbers. Today’s paper.
California’s fastest growing lobby is the prison union. They demand more money for prisons.
Elaine: the presenter here at the salon who came from Cook County said it was a huge industry, we couldn’t just shut it down suddenly.
Chris : I used to volunteer in a prison. Alcohol related guys were nearly all white; the drug related guys were almost all black. The black guys were very nervous prior to release; all they knew was drug business. Feared re-incarceration. ... There was no library in this prison. It was a state prison in NY state. 1999.
Ginger: our prisons create crime...
Judy: a family living down town, afraid of kids going out because of shootings.
Ginger: prisons also creating single parent families.
Chris Fyodor Dostoevsky said you can judge the level of a civilization by the prisons they keep.
Ginger I understand they are reducing the standards for military recruits and are now taking felons ... Releasing people from prisons...
Chris I read McCain’s tax returns. He gets 124,000 / year as a veteran’s pension! Tax free.
(After the salon Bud and “Ginger” stayed and we chatted about stuff. Great conversation. Are we going to see a disintegration of life in the US as we know it over the next 30 years? Are we facing a major economic depression? Ginger is working to help the Sustainable Cincinnati ordinance go forward; Bud is changing his 7 acre home in Indian Hill into a productive farm for food and flowers; is launching a second career as an Alexander Technique teacher this summer. I love a thoughtful conversation. Ellen.)
~ End of Table Notes~
Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Events & Opportunities
April 24, 2008 - Celebration of the Greening of Cincinnati Public Schools
6-8pm - Location: GBBN Architects, 332 East Eighth Street, Downtown Cincinnati.
Light fare and live music,
6:30 - 7pm - Presentation by Bob Knight, CPS Sustainable Design Consultant.
Discuss the progress of CPS Sustainable Design Initiatives, their integration into the curriculum and community partnerships.
View architectural renderings of segment 3A schools. Cincinnati Leading Architects will discuss their work.
Hosted by ALLY and Architecture Foundation of Cincinnati
Sponsors: GBBN, Turner, Glaserworks and Contract Interiors
Also, check out this online article about the greening of CPS.
Hope to see you Thursday, April 24th for our Celebration of the Greening of CPS.
Ginny Frazier
Executive Director
Saturday 26 April
5:30 – 10 PM
Another amazing Lloyd House Dance Party
Live Music DANCING
Pot luck dinner (Bring food or drink. Bring about the amount you and your party would consume if that were ALL you were going to have for the dinner.)
Come at 5:30. Bring friends, kids, seniors ...
We will again be entertained by the fabulous and amazing DIAL TONES band. “Oldies”.
Park on Lafayette Avenue (unless physically handicapped)
On April 27 there will be a protest against the Bodies exhibition at the museum center. I plan to be there. Noon to 3 pm, at the fountain in front of the Museum Center. Why? Because I feel there is a subtle racism here ... Consider, would you feel OK about “unclaimed bodies” from an Ohio penitentiary being so displayed? These people did not give their permission for their bodies to be used in this exhibition. Ellen.
More at
Lynne Wilson, aka Happy Hemptress, Director of HempRock Productions and host of HempRock Radio, will be presenting information about why Marijuana, in all its forms, should be legalized. The question has been posed about how ending the Drug War can help the environment. Besides discussing how crop spraying in South America to try to stop illegal drugs is harming the environment and its people, Wilson will present information about how hemp, aka marijuana, can be used as a cheap fuel and food and other products. Hemp in one crop can make both ethanol and diesel. She will also be sharing a ten minute video which includes a Kentucky gentleman, Craig Lee describing how hemp can make ethanol. Craig is the Director of the Kentucky Hemp Museum & Library. See the video before the Salon at this link, The presentation will also include samples of hemp seeds, milk and other goodies as well as information on the upcoming Global Marijuana March events on May 3rd and 4th.
THERESE EDELL<> local heroine of women’s music has been nominated for the Muse Choir “Enduring Spirit Award” to be presented at concerts NKU in June (see BUT we must raise at least $1,000 in donations on her behalf. Please help with a donation, any amout, made out to “Muse, Cinti. Women’s Choir” sent to “Enduring Spirit Award c/o Mary Lynn Barber
2524 Fleetwood Ave.
Cinti. OH 45211
Deadline May 1.
This is the magnificent Therese, paralyzed with MS for 20 years, composing wonderful music with her mouth stick on the computer, inspiring all who come in contact with her. I love this woman, and she has done much for me. She is a healer in a wheel chair. Please make a donation. She is all jazzed about this award. Ellen
Join us for this interactive workshop. Learn how organizers for the Sierra Club and ECO, working with a filmmaker, were able to sucessfully use video to bring about three specific and concrete changes. Come and see if video might work for you. Bring your current campaigns and challenges. Brinastorm how you could use video to move things forward. Presenters and discussion leaders include: Karen Arnett, Susan Knight and Barb Wolf
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Saturday April 26, 9:30am- 12:30am
Call IJPC 513-579-8547 for more details
University of Cincinnati, Tangeman University Center, Great Hall
This film fetures the firsthand testmony of U.S. Maring Captain Brian Steidle, who exposed the tragedy taking place in Darfur. He has access to parts of the country where no journalist could penetrate. The eveing will include live African music, ideas on what we can fo to stop the genocide, Fair trade coffee, and SaveDarfur merchandise. Organized by youth from Wyoming High school and sponered by Greater Cincinnati Advocates for Darfur.
For more information or directions to the event visit
Xavier University's Schiff Family Conference Center
Bellarmine Chapel is sponsering an eveing to pull together a local agenda of issues for the common good. What issues are you deeply concerned about? What do you want to make sure the political parties and their candidates know are a priority for you? Do you see the candidates talking about these issues in a way that connects with you as a person of faith? This evening aims to develop a set of issues to be delivered to the Convention for the Common Good in July in Philidelphia.
Contact Stephanie Beck Borden at or 513-745-1908 for more information or registration.
Rohs St. Cafe, 245 W. McMillan in Clifton Heights
The Soujourners Vote out Poverty campaign is a strategic plan to makes poverty an important issue in Congession races in 2008, and to put povery on the poltical agenda for Christian voters. Come to this event to learn more about the effort.
Contact local Sojourners reps at
JUNE 28-29
Taking Torture to TASSC
Following UN Torture Abolition Day there will be a 24 hour vigil sponsored by Torture Abolition Survivor Support Coalition opposite the White House, on Saturday 28 to Sunday, June 29; Washington, D.C.
As our nation struggles with the realization of our complicity in the use of torture for political purposes, sisters of the Ursuline Society are inviting friends and concerned citizens to join us in peaceful public protest.
Inspired by the experience of Ursuline Sister Dianna Ortiz, who founded a Center for receiving other torture survivors, we choose to witness to the injustice of these practices, to state our moral outrage, and to demand a change of national policy.
Sister Dianna, founder of TASSC, in her book, The Blindfold's Eye, recounts her experience of torture as well as her effort to work with the US government in identifying the details of her case.
Google TASSC for information on this ministry.
Contact Sr. Pat Brockman for details on this venture at 513.541.4559,or
Everyone needs a psychologist sometime in their life.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a good one. In practice over 30 years. 513 221 1289
- Get a fresh perspective. Sort out tangles in interpersonal relationships. Clear away the messes of the past. Become empowered to launch your new life. Heal trauma, change, loss. Escape from the bondage of addictive behavior (alcohol, drugs, food, tobacco, gambling, etc.)
- Central location (Clifton Ave. at Lafayette)
- Beautiful setting (The historic Lloyd House)
- Many health insurance plans will pay a percentage. (Standard fee $125/hour. Some pro bono work available.)
- Compassion and good humor.
- Rapid results.
Areas of particular interest: 12 Step Program support; Family and Relationship issues; Young Adult Issues; Senior Adult Issues; Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered Issues, Holistic Wellness (body/mind/spirit approach), Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR,
CREDO (Working Assets Long Distance) has petition re. Ending the War. I signed it. Ellen
Finally, there's a realistic plan to end the war in Iraq.
Several dozen congressional candidates have worked with military officers who have served in Iraq, and developed the "Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq." I've signed on as an endorser, and asked my representative in Congress to do so as well.
Please have a look and take action. <>
VACANCY AT LLOYD HOUSE..............Please circulate.
As of 1 May the two room suite on third floor will be available for our next housemate. You? Private bathroom adjoining living room. Kitchen shared with 3 other housemates (share refrig. with one other person only). Off street parking. High Speed Internet wy-fi. Fabulous multicultural ambiance in historic gaslight Clifton Victorian, historic register (John Uri Lloyd). Many perqs. 2 miles from U.C. $450, heat, elect. included. Photo at Ellen: 513 221 1289
Every Sunday morning an open weekly Tai Chi practice session at the Lloyd House in the third floor zendo at 10:15 am. Everyone welcome. Group is led by Jackie Millay She is excellent! Only three of us. Come join us. Raise the chi, warm yourself up. Come summer, will relocate back to Burnet Woods. ellen
DOROTEA VISMARA HOFFMAN (Weekly lurker, fabulous Clifton musician) again organizes summer all-ages music program:
Summer music program Accent 08
announces stellar faculty
Now in its 7th year and following an exciting 8-city tour of Italy last summer, Accent 08 will run from June 15 – 21. An intensive week of master classes, coaching, and performances for students as young as 12 through the undergraduate and graduate levels at college, Accent 08 is under the direction of Dorotea Vismara Hoffman. Guest faculty this year will include
Neal Gittleman, conductor (Dayton Philharmonic)
Timothy Munro, flute (eighth blackbird)
Mark Ostoich, oboe (CCM)
Michael Maccaferri, clarinet (eighth blackbird)
Karen Schneider, horn (CBO)
Philip Collins, trumpet (CSO)
James Culley, percussion (CCM)
Matthew Duvall, percussion (eighth blackbird)
Michael Chertock, piano (CCM)
Lisa Kaplan, piano (eighth blackbird)
Frances Karp, piano (concert artist)
Howard Karp, piano (University of Wisconsin)
Rodney Stucky, guitar (CCM)
Alison Acord, voice (MU)
Duccio Ceccanti, violin ContempoArtEnsemble
Timothy Lees, violin (CSO concertmaster)
Kypros Markou violin, conductor (Wayne State University)
Jennifer Roig-Francoli violin (Apollo's Fire)
Matt Albert, violin and viola (eighth blackbird)
Dorotea Vismara Hoffman, viola (CCO)
Deborah Price viola (The Chamber Music Connection)
Vittorio Ceccanti cello (ContempoArtEnsemble)
Parry Karp cello (university of Wisconsin)
Nicholas Photinos cello (eighth blackbird)
Jack Body, composer
Joel Hoffman, composer
Michael Ippolito, composer
Jennifer Jolley, composer
Shawn E. Okpebholo, composer
Steve Reich, composer
Frederic Rzewski, composer
Wenhui Xie, composer
Leah Branstetter musicologist.
Applications are now being accepted, but space is limited. For more information on Accent 08, please visit the web site at <>
YOGA at Lloyd House. Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:30 am. Open, free practice group led by Nina Tolley.
'The Scoop' Seminar Series Presents:
Adrenal Fatigue: A Modern Day Epidemic
The latest information regarding one of the leading causes of health problems in America.
If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the following, this information may help:
fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, PMS, menopause, chronic or recurrent infections, mild depression, decreased ability to handle stress, unexplained hair loss, nervousness, dyspepsia
Where: Gateways to Healing
821 Delta Ave. in Mt. Lookout
space is limited , call to reserve yours: 513-321-3317
When: Saturday May 3 from 2-4pm
Cost: $20, can be applied towards a Nutritional Examination
Dr. Michael Nichols, BS, DC, FICPA
Over the past twenty years, Dr. Michael has worked as a personal trainer, nutrition counselor, massage therapist, and chiropractor. He is currently the co-owner of Gateways to Healing, Network Chiropractic, with his wife Dr. Julie Nichols. He is also an instructor of anatomy and physiology at the Cincinnati School of Medical Massage. Gateways to Healing was voted 'Best Alternative Health Provider' by the readers of CityBeat magazine for 2006, 2007 & 2008.
Standing Women will stand again (at the lloyd house! 3901 Clifton Ave. Corner Lafayette) on May 11, 2008, 1 pm local time.
Last May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, in 75 countries and on all continents of the world stood together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they could find to stand in a global wave of humanity in support of a better world for our children.
We invite women and their families everywhere to take this "stand" with us again, on May 11 at 1 p.m. local time for just 5 minutes, to rekindle the world with our common vision.
We stand for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them. We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat. A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies. A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence-in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world. This is the world of which we dream. This is the cause for which we stand.
To learn more and register your standing, go to the Standing Women website at
And please pass on the invitation and our YouTube video at to your friends.
The vision we hold together can become a reality when enough of us come forward and take a stand...
With hope and thanks from the women of Ohio
- Food Distribution Ideas, Earth Day
- ANTI-WAR Art Show created by Gordon Baer and friends
Food for Thought on Earth Day
Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:37 pm (PDT)
Published on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 by Inter Press Service
Food for Thought on Earth Day
by Enrique Gili
SAN DIEGO, California - As Earth Day celebrations kicked off around the world last weekend, the event has evolved from teach-ins on park lawns into a multi-day media extravaganza replete with corporate sponsorship.
In 1970, when the idea of Earth Day was first born in the United States, global warming was barely a blip on the radar, and the green revolution still held promise for sustainably feeding much the world‚s population.But as the recent three-year International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report on food security indicates, if anything, the livelihoods of farmers in both North and South are becoming more and more precarious.
Confronted with rising food and fuel prices and an unpredictable climate, the substance of sustainability will be sorely tested in coming decades if the findings of the IAASTD bear out.
The report highlights the need for a radical transformation of the global food network, which will have to feed an estimated additional three billion people by 2050.
„This report is a wake-up call for governments and international agencies,‰ said Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, a senior scientist at the Pesticide Action Network and one of the lead authors of the IAASTD report.
„The survival of the planet‚s food systems demands global action to support agro-ecological farming and fair and equitable trade,‰ she told IPS.
Ellen, your salon is one of the inspirers of our group.
Please post.
Warm regards,
Gordon Baer
Amputated limbs grim reminders of losses from war
The far reaching devastation and suffering caused by the horrors of war will be illustrated in a museum exhibit scheduled to run from Saturday, May 24, through Saturday, June 14, at the Kennedy Heights Arts Center in Cincinnati.
On display will be a representation of the many hands, arms, legs, and feet rendered useless for American service men and women who have participated in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan since our country became involved in the hostilities in other Middle-Eastern countries.
The exhibit is the brainchild of a consortium of artists led by veteran photographer Gordon Baer, 67, Cincinnati. "I have brought together 12 of the region's finest artists who are each interpreting the enormous human and financial cost of the current war in their own way. All of the art will come together in the Kennedy Heights Arts Center exhibition," Baer said.
Gershon Gurin-Podlish, of Florence, Mass., a sculptor and one-time employee of a prosthetic lab, is putting the main exhibit together. It is made up of a mass of "severed limbs". Baer, Gurin-Podlish and others involved with the project envision this as a means of speaking both to and on-behalf of war veterans in much the same way as the Vietnam Wall in the Vietnam War. They note, however, that while those whose names are on the Wall never got to view their memorial, those who have lost limbs in the present conflict can actually take in the exhibit themselves.
Baer notes that the idea for the project grew out of a conversation he had with a friend. Dr. Saad Ghosn, director of pathology at Cincinnati's Veterans Hospital, in Bear's home. Baer was quick to voice his feeling that he would like to use the project to end the war. "We're both interested in peace and justice and were alarmed by the ongoing was which is destroying so many lives," Ghosen said. The idea of spotlighting the amputations helps to put a face on the war and its horrors, he said.
Soon many additional people became involved as the project grew. Baer and a small group of interested friends, some artists, met several times at restaurants to work out a concept of what they desired to do.
Once it was decided to create the museum exhibit certain costs arose, R.J. Rosenberg, an orthotics maker, made a number of needed tools available at extremely affordable prices, and made available over 2,000 rolls of plaster cast tape that is being used in creating the exhibit. A number of supporters donated to the Kennedy Heights Center, a non-profit agency, through which donations to offset costs of the exhibit costs were funneled.
One donor, Michael Bolin, an electric engineer, said, "I feel honored to be able to give to this project. I feel the war has gone on too long. I think the world changes at the grass roots anyway."
Other photographer such as Michael Kearns and Melvin Grier will have their work in the exhibit and Julius Friedman, Louisville, the world-renowned graphic designer, will design his own poster for the exhibit. Friedman has also been contracted by Baer to create a poster that will display the theme of the exhibit. The work of editorial cartoonist James Borgman will be on display as well.
Gurin-Podlish began putting the exhibit together in his Massachusetts apartment, but soon found the size of the project too big for the space available. He loaded all the limbs, mannequins, and gauze into a U-haul truck and brought it to downtown Cincinnati. Where Harvey Camins, the owner of the studio, furnished us with enough additional space to one day soon bring the project to completion.
A family from Nepal, who recently fled to Ohio from their native land to get away from oppression, is helping get the exhibit ready. Seroj Tamrakar, his wife and two young daughters are pitching in and refusing pay because they believe in what the artists are doing. "I believe the war is wrong, and one way to fight for peace is by doing what I'm doing right now. When I'm putting these casts together, I really feel good about it," said nine-year-old Sunanda Tamrakar. A second family that just arrived from Nepal has also decided to help on this project.
Ellen Muse-Lindeman, Executive director of the Kennedy Heights Arts Center, notes that the building that houses the Art Center was originally the mansion of the community's first mayor, Louis Kennedy, and later served as a funeral home. It sat empty for several years, but was bought by community citizens and turned into the arts center to save historic buildings from becoming the site for a self-storage facility. Baer said that high school students will be available to take exhibit visitors through the exhibit in wheels chairs, if they so desire, so as to give them the feel of being handicapped. One room will look like a living room with a television playing scenes from the Middle Eastern war in the same manner that scenes from Vietnam horrified Americans.
"Every time I make one of these casts I consider it a memorial to someone who lost a limb to war," said Gurin-Podlish. "I had an uncle who stepped on a mine and lost a leg in Italy in World War II. So, I feel we're making a memorial to those who lost limbs in all wars."
Books,Movies, Reviews
It’s up to you folks to send me blurbs. I know you are reading. What? Is it good? Ellen
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to
Information about Tri-State Treasures and how to submit Tri-State Treasures is at the bottom of this email. Please help me by providing all basic information, and formatting your submissions as described below. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
High School Exchange Program Seeks Host Families: AFS, the leading intercultural high school exchange program for 60 years, is now interviewing caring, flexible host families for the 2008/9 school year. You'll choose from well-screened 15-18 year-old boys or girls from around the world who become part of your family as they attend high school. Deadline is Saturday 31 May. Local AFS support is ongoing throughout the year. More info @ 513.961.2592, &
Rashomon [Wednesday-Sunday 23-27 April @ 8 PM (Wed-Sat) & 2:30 PM (Sat-Sun)]: This ancient Japanese tale of passion & deceit takes place 1000 years ago. In a bamboo forest outside Kyoto, an outlaw kills a samurai & ravishes his wife - or are things really so black & white? With 4 witnesses offering conflicting versions of events, how does one know right from wrong? This penetrating look into the human psyche is an enduring drama that illustrates the power of perception. Presented as part of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Mainstage Drama Series. Tickets: $10 for Wed preview; $15-27 for Thu-Sun performances. At Patricia Corbett Theater, UC CCM, Cincinnati, OH 45221. More info @ 513.556.4183 &
Triage [Thursday 24 April & 1 May @ 8:30 PM]: Celebrate Billy Larkin's 50th birthday on 17 April; mention 'Billy's Birthday' when you arrive to receive $3 off normal cover charge of $8. At The Blue Wisp, 318 East 8th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.241.9477,, &
Speaking in Silence Art Exhibit [ongoing; Silent Art Auction Thursday 24 April @ 4-8 PM]: The day of silence, recognizing hate crimes & violence against the LGBT Community, is 25 April. In recognition of this event, there will be an art show in the TUC main atrium featuring student artwork, which will be sold in a silent auction at the end of the exhibit on 24 April. Enjoy the art & support the student artists involved in this show. Free viewing; sponsored by the University of Cincinnati, MainStreet, & GenderBloc. At the Tangeman University Center, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45221. More info @ 513.503.7977 &
Call for Applicants to City's Artist Grant Program [deadline is Friday 25 April @ 5 PM]: The City of Cincinnati Department of Community Development is looking for applicants to its 2008 Individual Artist Grant Program. The maximum award has been increased to $6,000. The grant program is open to creative & interpretive artists who are residents of the city of Cincinnati & are age 18 or older. Applications may be submitted in the following artistic disciplines: dance, literature, media, music, performance art, theater, & visual arts. More info @ 513-352-4985 &
Nonsense to Greensense Reception [Friday 25 April @ 6-9 PM]: Nicholas Gallery & Park + Vine are featuring artists who work with solar energy, recyclable materials, found objects, & other environmentally friendly ideas for this Earth Day-themed show. The show runs thru Friday 23 May & coincides with ArtWorks' Art-O-Mat, which will feature recycled art in a converted 1960s cigarette machine. An after-party at Below Zero Lounge, 1122 Walnut Street follows the reception. At Park + Vine, 1109 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.721.7275,, &
World Tai Chi Day [Saturday 26 April @ 10-11 AM]: Enjoy an hour in the park learning more about Tai Chi, a very slow Chinese gymnastic used originally as a martial art, but now used more as a way to balance the energies within. It is soothing and helps you relax. There can also be great benefits for people who have arthritis. The event will be led by Tai Chi Master, Ralph Dehner, who is an outstanding teacher and human being. Free & open to anyone, no matter how much or how little Tai Chi experience you have. You can participate or just watch. At Mirror Lake in Eden Park, 950 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.519-0559 &
Harnessing The Power of Videos for Social Change: A Workshop for Organizers [Saturday 26 April @ 9:30AM-12:30PM]: Join this interactive workshop to learn how organizers for the Sierra Club & ECO, working with a filmmaker, successfully used video to bring about specific, concrete changes. Bring your campaigns & challenges to see if video might work for you. Brainstorm how you could use video to move things forward. Presenters & discussion leaders are Karen Arnett, Susan Knight & Barb Wolf. Sponsored by Intercommunity Justice & Peace Center. At Peaslee Neighborhood Center, 215 East 14th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.579.8547.
Master Shakuhachi Performer & Teacher: Michael Gould [Saturday 26 April @ 6-8 PM]: Essencha presents a rare & special performance by Master Shakuhachi artist (Japanese bamboo flute). There are only a handful of Shakuhachi masters in the world; Michael is the only one on this side of the U.S. $10 cover. At Essencha Tea House, 3212 Madison Road, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH 45209. More info @ 513.533.4832, &
Vibrant Earth [Saturday-Sunday 26-27 April]: Ten Thousand Villages presents a springtime gardening celebration, a 2-day festival featuring their new handmade pots & other garden items, plus a container gardening seminar offered free. Learn how to create glorious blooming pots for any location with the seminar “Vibrant Pots for Any Spot” on Saturday @ 11 AM. Presented by Lisa Nogar, Master Gardener & Karen Diller. At Ten Thousand Villages, 2011 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info & reservations @ 513.871.5840,, &
O’Bryonville’s Annual Celebration of Spring Event [Saturday-Sunday 26-27 April @ 11AM-5PM (Sat) & Noon-4PM (Sun)]: Stroll through O’Bryonville & refresh you senses. Nineteen businesses on O’Bryonville’s “Eclectic Mile” will be offering 10% off selected merchandise, musical performances by the Fairview German Language School Choir & Leisure Pop/Rock Band, & featuring an end-of-event giveaway of gift certificates & merchandise from all 19 businesses valued at $550. Presented by The O’Bryonville Business Association. Free. O’Bryonville, 2011 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ 513.533.1974 &
2008 Westwood Home Tour [Sunday 27 April @ 1-6 PM]: The Westwood Historical Society will sponsor the 4th biennial Westwood Home Tour. This self-guided tour starts at Mother of Mercy High School Epworth Avenue entrance @ 3036 Werk Road. The featured homes mirror the delightful diversity of homes in Westwood. They range from those built in the 19th century when Westwood was still a village (including one built by a man who maintained a diary of his life in the 1800s) to a vintage mid-century modern home whose remodeled kitchen received design recognition. Traditional to kitschy. From simple lines, to intriguing octagonal rooms, to creative rehabs. From busy street corner to woodsy retreat. Westwood's fire station Engine Company #35, a favorite neighborhood landmark, is on the tour tucked on the corner of a quiet residential street, celebrating its 100th birthday. Tickets are $12 at the High School on the day of the tour; advance tickets are $10 at Henke Winery (3077 Harrison Avenue) & US Bank Westwood-Cheviot Office (3168 Harrison Avenue). More info @ 513.483.4722 &
Create a Spiritual Legacy [Sunday 27 April @ 10 AM]: Learn how to record your spiritual life in books for future generations. Presented by Heidi Bright Parales, M.Div., Bright Concepts. At St. Thomas Church, 100 Miami Avenue, Terrace Park, OH 45174. More info @ 513.774.9882 &
The Myth of Nazareth [Sunday 27 April @ 2-4 PM]: FIG welcomes Frank R. Zindler, editor of the American Atheist Press (AAP), to discuss The Myth of Nazareth, a new book by Rene Salm & published by AAP. The book explores archaeological & historical data that shows Nazareth was not inhabited at the time Jesus, the Nazarene, was supposed to have lived there. "Can the Wizard of Oz be real if there never was a land of Oz?" Free. At The Vernon Manor Hotel, 400 Oak Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219. Parking at Vernon Manor is also free. More info @ 513.404.8191 &
Save Darfur Event - The Devil Came On Horseback [Monday 28 April @ 7 PM]: This film features the first-hand testimony of U.S. Marine Captain Brian Steidle, who exposed the tragedy taking place in Darfur, thru access to parts of the country journalist had not gone. The evening will include live African music, ideas how to stop the genocide, fair trade coffee, & Save Darfur merchandise. Organized by youth from Wyoming High school; sponsored by Greater Cincinnati Advocates for Darfur. At Tangeman University Center Great Hall, University of Cincinnati, 45221. More info @
Contributing to a Platform for the Common Good [Monday 28 April @ 7-9 PM]: Schiff Family Conference Center Bellarmine Chapel sponsors an evening to assemble a local agenda of issues for the common good. What issues a deeply concern you? What do you want political parties & candidates to know are your priorities? Do you see the candidates talking about these issues in a way that connects with you? This evening aims to develop a set of issues to be delivered to the Convention for the Common Good in July in Philadelphia. More info from Stephanie Beck Borden @ 513-745-1908 &
Sojourners Vote-Out Poverty Gathering [Monday 28 April @ 7 PM]: The Sojourners Vote-Out Poverty campaign is a strategic plan to make poverty an important issue in Congressional races in 2008 & to put poverty on the political agenda for voters. Come & learn more about the effort. At Rohs Street Cafe, 245 West McMillan, Clifton Heights, Cincinnati, OH 45219. More info @
About Numbers, Pictures & Words featuring Dr. Rachel Korazim [Tuesday 29 April]: Rachel Korazim, Academic Director of Distance Learning Program at The Jewish Agency for Israel Department of Education, specializes in Holocaust education, Israel Diaspora Relations, & current Israeli literature. The session will explore the significance these elements have created in our collective memory & will offer alternative ways to remember & commemorate. Free. Sponsored by the Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education. In Mayerson Hall, 3101 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info & RSVP @ 513.487.3055,, &
Oscar Shorts 2008 [Tuesday-Wednesday 29-30 April @ 7 PM]: Cincinnati World Cinema presents its 7th Annual screening of the Academy Award nominated live-action & animated short films, featuring films from Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Poland, Russia, & the U.K. Two programs: "A" & "B". Each with different films. Each with 3 live-action & 3 animated works. Each 2-hour program includes 1 Oscar winner, 4 Oscar-nominated films, & 1 bonus short. Program "A" = Wed 30 April. Program "B" = Tue 29 April. Tickets are $7 & $9. At Fath Auditorium, Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info & tix @ 859.781.8151,, &
Poetry In The Garden [Wednesday 30 April @ 7 PM]: Local & regional poets will read from their works at the Annual Poetry In The Garden series. The series will feature Kristi Maxwell & F. Keith Wahle on April 30. In the Reading Garden Lounge, 1st Floor, South Building of the Main Library, 800 Vine Street, Downtown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info at 513.369.6945,, &
Learn the Metaphysics of "A Course in Miracles" [Wednesday 30 April @ 6-8 PM]: A lecture & discussion about this profound spiritual philosophy & book []. Presented by Jeanne Uhl & Mary Claybon. $10 offering. At the Jade Center for the Healing Arts, 9122 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. More info & registration @ 513.309.8377 &
Rikki Tikki Tavi [Friday-Saturday 2-3 May @ 8PM (Fri); 2 & 8 PM (Sat)]: Enter the magical world of Rudyard Kipling’s story with amazing costumes, colorful sets, & a variety of dance styles including traditional Indian dance, Chinese dance, ballet, & more. A collaboration with Cultural Centre of India featuring a diverse cast of talented youth & adults, this original ballet will captivate audiences of all ages with the exotic culture of India & the dramatic comedy of the Mongoose, the Cobras & the Boy. This is the 4th year of the ballet tech cincinnati project to promote a love of reading through dance. The Leaping for Literacy project is sponsored by Stillson Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee. Tickets are $26; discounts for Family Four Pack, Enjoy the Arts/START, Seniors, & Groups. At Aronoff Center, 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info tix @ 513.621.2787, 513.841.2822,, &
The Best Little Plant Party in Town [Friday 2 May @ 6-9 PM]: Guests get the pick of unique & unusual plants, organic wines from Bonterra, Christian Moerlein Beers, & food prepared by Elegant Fare, Midwest Culinary Institute, Washington Platform, & Lobsta Bakes of Maine. Music by Stoopid Rooster & renowned Silent Auction. Tickets $30 before 25 April; $35 at door. Party kicks off 3-day annual Plant, Herb & Hosta Sale that is free on 3 May (9-3pm) & 4 May (11am-3pm). Sponsors: Cincinnati Magazine, Carl & Edyth Lindner, Cincinnati Parks. At Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, 2715 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.221.0981x18 &
Performance & Time Arts [Friday-Saturday 2-3 May @ 8 PM]: The concert produced by Aoife Bratton remains true to its 13-year vision of performance art of experimentation, collaboration & media mixing. Some of the area's most talented composers, poets & performers present their work that is surprising, challenging, thought-provoking, & far from mainstream. Outrageous performance artist Shirley Maul enlists "internationally famous neuro-scientists" to romp through subterranean cavities of secrets, lies & confabulations to ask "Who are we anyway?" in her new work "Life's Persistent Questions." Will Davis' solo performance combines stand-up comedy, storytelling, & music in a cabaret of amusing & sobering thoughts about being gay in 21st Century America in "Will Doesn't Live Here Anymore." Andy Marko presents "Oh Wild/Life." Performance artist Bill Donnelly presents his solo work "A Friend" on how intimacy can be bright, dark & warm all at once. Dancer Flora Leptak-Moreau & Bill Donnelly team up for "Conflict Irresolution" about miscommunication, tension & struggle leading to big-time wrestling. Dancer Karen Wissel & composer Alok Narayana provide an inner journey through space & time in contrasting worlds. Wissel also collaborates with Japanese composer Kazuaki Shiota. Composer Mara Helmuth & percussionist Allen Otte present "No. 7 for Gyil & Computer" inspired by the sound of a Ghanaian xylophone & Otte's handcut logs. "Where is My Voice?" is a work for speaker & electronics by Helmuth based on a poem by Stephen Sunderland. A project of Contemporary Dance Theater. $12 (public); $8 (students, seniors, ETA/Start). At Contemporary Dance Theater, College Hill Town Hall, 1805 Larch Avenue off Hamilton Avenue, College Hill, Cincinnati, OH 45224. More info @ 513.591.1222 &
Granny's Spring Garden Party & Plant Sale [Friday-Sunday 2-4 May @ 2-7 PM (Fri), 9AM-5PM (Sat) & 9-11AM]: A 3-day plant sale with many unusual plants & herbs. Saturday will be a party with lots of kids activities, free horse & wagon rides, & lectures featuring gardening experts from Turner Farm, Earthscapes & Marvin’s Organic Gardens, & deer prevention experts from the Eads Fence Company. Sunday is the after sale. At the Loveland Primary & Elementary Schools grounds, 550 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, OH 45140. More info @ 513.324.2873,, &
Desire & the Quest for the Beloved [Friday-Sunday 2-4 May @ 7:30-9:30PM (Fri), 9:30AM-5PM (Sat), & 9:30AM-1PM (Sun)]: This unique weekend workshop is led by Trebbe Johnson, leader of vision quests, & author of "The World is a Waiting Lover: Desire & the Quest for the Beloved." She will teach you to develop conscious contact with your source of passion & the healthy self-love within you, help you understand how important loves in your past were vital to your life's heroic journey, & send you home with a plan to "court the Beloved" by turning fascination into action. Fall in love with your self & your unique path in life. Cost is $200; includes lunch on Saturday & snacks. At Moye Center, St. Anne's Convent, 1000 St. Anne Drive, Melbourne, KY 41059. More info @ 513.314.3555,, &
Shop to Support The Health Resource Center of Cincinnati Inc [Saturday 3 May]: HRC will be the recipient of a shopping day at Ten Thousand Villages fair trade boutique. 20% of proceeds from all HRC-directed customers will be given back to the clinic, to support their services. HRC is a nurse-managed clinic specializing in mental health & urgent care for the homeless & indigent of Greater Cincinnati. The Center serves clients who fall between the gaps of the formal health care structures in our city. At Ten Thousand Villages, 2011 Madison Road, O'Bryonville, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info @ &
Back 2 Bach [Saturdays 3 May & 7 June @ 7 PM]: Experience this unique 2-part free concert series; back-to-back concerts of J.S. Bach’s works. The series is a 3-way partnership between 7 award-winning, international teachers from the CCM Piano Dept, Arts Revival of College Hill (ARCH) & College Hill Presbyterian Church. All 7 Bach piano concertos will be performed; three on Sat 3 May & four on Sat 7 June. Think Bach’s music isn’t for you? Over 200 feature films have used Bach’s works (e.g., Schindler’s List, The English Patient, The Silence of the Lambs). Program notes will help you enjoy both the music & the concert performance style. A free-will offering accepted. Each concert is preceded @ 6:30-7:00 by a concert of young musicians from the area playing Bach on piano, organ & strings. At College Hill Presbyterian Church, 5742 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224. More info @ 513.541.5676 & 513.681.4210.
The Holocaust, Israel & Us [Sunday 4 May @ 10 AM]: In honor of Israel’s 60th birthday, the Hornstein Program in Remembrance of the Holocaust & the Human Spirit presents Michael Berenbaum to discuss the historical events surrounding the end of World War II, the establishment of the State of Israel, & implications of the Holocaust for Israel today. Mr. Berenbaum is Professor of Jewish Studies & Director of the Sigi Ziering Center for the Study of the Holocaust & Ethics at American Jewish University. He has served as Project Director at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, & President & CEO of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. A writer, lecturer, & teacher, he consults in the conceptual development of museums & the development of historical films. Presented by The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education. Free. At Wise Center, 8329 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236. More info & RSVP @ 513.487.3055,, &
Community-Wide Yom Hashoah Commemoration [Sunday 4 May @ 2 PM]: This annual event will feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Michael Berenbaum. Candle lighting & prayer are part of this moving & significant event to remember the victims of the Shoah. Presented by The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education. Free & open to people of all faiths. At Adath Israel Congregation, 3101 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236. More info & RSVP @ 513.487.3055,, &
Create a Spiritual Legacy [Sunday 4 May @ 9:35 AM]: Learn how to record your spiritual life in books for future generations. Presented by Heidi Bright Parales, M.Div., Bright Concepts. At Ascension Lutheran Church, 7333 Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. More info @ 513.774.9882 &
Ongoing Tri-State Treasures
Introductory Course on Buddhism [Saturdays in April @ 2 PM]: Gaden Samdrup Ling Buddhist Monastery is offering a 9-week introductory course on Buddhist philosophy & meditation. It will cover a wide array of subjects including compassion & bodhicitta, interdependence, karma, understanding sufferings, rebirth, the 3 poisons, meditation, & the nature of mind. The course will be very engaging, & will include assignments, discussion & sharing experiences. It will focus on how to incorporate Buddhist teachings into everyday lives to achieve peace & happiness. No previous knowledge of Buddhism is required. This course is part of Joyful Path 2008, a series of events to raise funds for our new monastery project. For this course, a suggested donation of $75 is requested, but not required. All are welcome; registration required; limited space. At GSL Monastery Gaden Samdrup Ling Monastery, 3046 Pavlova Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45251. More info @ 513.385.7116,, &
Beauty Matters Art Show @ United Way [thru Friday 25 April]: United Way invites you to its 2008 Beauty Matters art show. Curated by Danny Brown, the show features the work of 22 acclaimed area artists, working in several media. Many of the artists represented in the show will be attending. A portion of all sales benefits this year's United Way Campaign, courtesy of the artists. At United Way, 2400 Reading Road, Uptown Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info from Deby Davis @ 513.762.7225.
Miami University Italian-American Film Festival [Wednesdays thru – 30 April @ 7:30 PM]: Curated & presented by Professor Sante Matteo. Free & open to the public. In 102 Benton Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. This venue is a newly refurbished auditorium with very comfortable seating & convenient adjacent parking. It is on the north side of High Street (Route 27 N from Cincinnati) at the intersection of Tallawanda Street. More info & map @ &
Apr 30: The Sopranos (episodes from the TV series, David Chase)
Global Lens 2008 Film Series [thru Saturday 3 May]: MainStreet Cinema at the University of Cincinnati is presenting the Global Lens 2008 Film Series. Ten highly-acclaimed films from all over the world. Admission to each film is only $2 with a UC ID or $4 for general public. Or purchase a Series Pass ($10 for students; $15 for public) that admits the bearer to all of the films in the Series as many times as desired. More info of schedule & film descriptions @
"A Course in Miracles" Study Group [2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month @ 6-7:30 PM]: A healing circle & discussion about this profound book & its spiritual philosophy based on healing & forgiveness with practical application in everyday life []. Co-facilitated by Mary Claybon & Jeanne Uhl. $5 offering. At the Jade Center for the Healing Arts, 9122 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. More info & registration @ 513.309.8377 &
Manifest's 4th Annual Rites of Passage Exhibit Opening [thru 23 May]: Featuring 22 works by 11 emerging artists representing 8 national college undergraduate programs. Conceived & initiated in 2005, The Rites of Passage exhibits were developed to support student excellence by offering a public venue for the display of advanced creative research; to promote young artists as they transition into their professional careers; & to bring the positive creative energies of academic institutions together in one place. At Manifest Creative Research Gallery & Drawing Center, 2727 Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.861.3638,, &
Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne Museum [thru Sunday 1 June]: Forty of the finest examples of 18th-20th century American quilts from the Shelburne Museum’s permanent collection are on exhibit. The Shelburne is a unique museum, located in Vermont, & founded by Electra Havemeyer Webb, heiress to the Domino Sugar fortune & a pioneering collector of American folk art. The exhibit also includes several dazzling art quilts by Terrie Hancock Mangat who, along with her sister, Becky Hancock, founded St. Theresa Textile Trove in 1994 in Over-the-Rhine (now located on Hamilton Avenue in College Hill). Also featured is a special gift shop connected to the exhibit featuring work of art quilter Leslie Alexandria, who also has 3 contemporary pieces on display in the Art Museum Library. At the Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202. More info @ 513.639.2995 & (go to 'Exhibitions').
Pure Movement Class [Mondays @ 6:30- 8PM & Wednesdays @ 9:30- 11AM]: Fanchon Shur, Growth In Motion master teacher, guides us to a sense of freedom, strength, flexibility, & expression. Classes offer personal attention to individual alignment for authentic creativity. Four classes for $48 (or $12 per class). Individual classes for $20. First class is free for new students. At 4019 Red Bud Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229. More info @ 513- 221- 3222,, &
Creations Cooking Classes @ the Midwest Culinary Institute [April & May]: Embrace the season. Get your kids & teenagers in the kitchen. Explore the world, savor wine, chocolate, & much more. And do it in MCI’s state-of-the-art kitchens side-by-side with faculty chefs & chefs from some of your favorite restaurants. All cooking classes are hands-on, not just demonstrations. Go online to see MCI's many classes. At Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45223. More info & registration @ 513.569.1643,
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
— Submit Tri-State Treasures, or request your email address to be added or removed from the list by sending an email to; please specify "Tri-State Treasures."
— Email addresses are posted in BlindCopy to protect their identity. Email addresses are not shared, given, or sold without explicit permission from the owner.
— Tri-State Treasures are typically transmitted on Wednesdays; submissions should be received as soon as possible for best probability of being included.
— Please help me by submitting your Tri-State Treasure in the following format; because my time is limited, formatted submissions typically have a better chance of being included in the email transmission. Thank you for your help:
Brief Title of the Treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
A Fictitious Example:
Fabulous Film Festival [Friday 3 May @ 8 PM]: The first & best fabulous film festival in the city of Cincinnati will present live-action, documentary, & short films. Blah, blah, blah. Presented by Flicks R Us. Tickets are $8. At The Theatre, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45200. More info @ 513.111.2222,, &
The Lloyd House Salon (usually about 12 people) Meets on WEDNESDAYS at 5:45,
EVERY Wednesday, 52 WEEKS/YEAR come hell or high water, as my mother used to say.
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in order to exchange ideas for our mutual pleasure and enlightenment.
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