~ In 4 Color Coded Sections:
- Table Notes
- Announcements
- Articles
- Books, Reviews, Magazines
A Weekly Email Publication of The Lloyd House
Circulation: 560
Growing out of the Monday Night Salon
For info about the Salon, see the bottom of this email
Join us at the Lloyd House every Monday of the year at 5:45 for pot luck and discussion.
3901 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Saves me a lot of work that way.
To: Friends on our Pot Luck Salon list.
(to unsubscribe see below, bottom of page).
Section One: Table Notes
( PLEASE NOTE: These notes have not been edited by the speakers and should not be taken as an accurate expression of the speakers’ meanings. ellen)
At the Table on Monday, 10 April, 2006:
Shari Able, Mike Mlurphy, Judy Cirillo, Dallas Fish, Mr. G., Linda Doyle, Janet Kalven, Mira Rodwan, Marvin Kraus, Gerry Kraus, Elaine Ignatius, Vlasta Molak, Chad Benjamin Potter, Ellen Bierhorst, David Rosenberg. Neil Anderson. (Welcome Elaine and Linda!)
Vlasta: on Wed. there is a full council meeting. Public comments may be made, 2 minutes, from 1:30 to 2:00. I need support from you becausde on Monday they will spend 62 million for a garage on the flood plain for the Banks project. Insanity! they promised us in '92 for less than already spent the stadiums AND the Banks, ...
So please help me get their attention, ... I have a solution.
Chad I was very sick last week. ON Wed. I finally went to the Dr. They gave me four medications without seeing the Dr. I am better, but feel the sickness underneath. I am ready to try homeopathy.
Mira: I want to hear about the CPOP, the collaborative things. Topic?
Mike: the SOS Mockbee fourth annual peace and justice art show. Paintings, poems. on the 22, 29, and May 6, Fridays there will be readings etc. On Sunday 4/30 there will be at 3, an hour and a half, "Peak Oil and After: creating islands of sustainability while entering the post carbon era", my show. A panel. Bob Craig of Clifton Nat. Foods, Janet Kalven will be there.
Janet: the vision of the Grail is to empower women to change the world. working on it since 1921...still have a ways to go.
Gerry: ...the latest is that Judas was actually a good guy...papyrus papers found...
The Bruggeman Center at XU is having a forum the last Sunday of the month, "Islam and globalization" with three speakers, ... having Karen Armstrong ...
David I just found out... for 4 years now there has been a forum on globalization made by the students at UC. Daisy Q. had a brochure. I went... a movie about Venezuela, "The Revolution will not be televised". I had no idea there was such huge changes happening in that country and ongoing. Progressive, populist leader making meaningful reforms against all odds. They are fighting globalization. ... Redistribute the oil wealtlh. Globalization has contributed to hunger, to gulf bettween the wealthy and the rest of the people, ... bad stuff. ... Universal health care.
Chavez is the president. Interesting fellow, painted as a saint by the movie.
Was elected by overwhelming majority.
Elaine: Argentina has the worst economy in Latin Amer, movie about that called "The Take".
David: the style of the revolution is after Siimon Bolivar. There are Bolivar groups all over the world talking about it... we have one here in Cinti. I'll try to to contact them.
Vlasta: when I was in India I learned Jesus had been a Buddhist monk in the Himalayas for years before going to the Middle East. After the crucifix thing he went back to Kashmir, named "Abbu Moosa".
Mira at Women in Black peace vigil we had more people ... "Iraq-Nam" sign. SWP people there. Many more than usual honks, waves, positive signs.
I taped the interview with Wangari Mathai on Radio. Greenbelt movement in Kenya. Nobel peace prize.
Happy Easter and Passover.
Vlasta: Darfur atrocities exhibit at Freedom Center, for about a month.
- CPOP report
- Restricting immigration?
- Mental Illness
Vlasta Fed Judge Dlott after the Uprising said the pollice had to do something about police community relations. Some good things have been happening. This was the second meeting this Sat. The first was led by Peter Bloch. ... It was good to be able to talk to the police.
the Partnering Center, formed for this project, includes many retired police. Ran the one Sat. Chief Striker never made it, but Col. Jenke was there. Also some high city officials.
It was good to be there. Gave an overview.
I went to the session on blighted neighborhoods. What are the symptoms? What can be done about it? Actions to take. We got a booklet with email addresses and phone numbers.
Gerry: This weekend was the anniversary of the Uprising. 5 years after. Not much has been accomplished. Does this table agree?
Vlasta CPOP has done some good. But a gulf between theory and practice. ... white cops in black neighborhoods. I am hoping to get an appt. with Chief Striker. If you have suggestions, send to Ellen and she will forward to me.
Linda a lot of the white policemen don’t even live in t he city. That's a negative. You have to know the diversity of the community....
Vlasta roxanne Qualls, and David Pepper were there. Pepper is going to run for co. commission.
David I remember Pepper proposing raising fines for small quantities of marijuana and he was laughed down. And now I hear that is what the council is doing. Very confusing.
Mira Pepper and Crowley voted against it.
Vlasta I never smoked marijuana... Read about it and decided not to try.
Mike: I heard Damon Lynch on the radio. I agreed with everything. Then a cop spoke: make some good points. I'd like to get cc of these two talks.
David: what caused the council to turn around about MJ.
Gerry Most of the council people are focused on The Banks. Not paying attention to any other issues. Only Laketa Cole still cares, but they have undercut her.
Marvin: lots of shootings inn OTR. Seem to be drug related. Is there anyone else here who feels if the sale of drugs were legalized it would reduce the crime... if you could go to a drug store and get what you want... and there could be a tax like on gas and cigarettes.
Vlasta: I went to a lecture by a friend of Mandella. ... Mayor had a press conference about the need for a new jail. Relates to the drug issue. The us has the highest percentage of pop. incarcerated in the whole world.
Ellen: on Catherine Austin Fitz’ understanding of the drug situation. See link: http://www.solari.com/outreach/telesem/NarcoDollars.htm . I’d like to suggest we buy her seminar on CD for $25 and watch it together. Things like the economic underpinnings of the war on drugs. How drug czars buy Treasure notes thus laundering their money... How the prison industry is invested in keeping drugs illegal and the drug war going. If we made drugs legal suddenly, our economy would collapse.
Neil delicate juxtapositions of unstable policy. Military industrial complex ... drug wars ... our situation becomes increasingly critical. Think about how much capital is invested--dollars and thoughts-- blurring the distinctions about drugs. Questions of consciousness disguised as political ones. What state of mind should you have?
When we lump marijuana in the same category with heroin, PCP...
We don't want to think carefully ...
We have a lot invested.
I don't see legalization coming any time soon. There is something in our national thinking, self image, ... that has us making things worse ujntil they get unbearable.
Looking at places in the world where the drugs are legal; have they descended into anarchy. We don't want to look at that.
American exceptionalism... as though were are fundamentally different. And our refusal to examine ourselves.
Vlasta more of a problem with legal drugs which have been marketed, are worse than marijuana. Some European countries have legalized marijuana.
Legal, prescription drugs... if you are d epressed, "take Prozak" etc.
Gerry The only way issues will be resolved is to have organized movement to change. In France there was a law they didn't like...people took to the streets. We need a movement to legalize Marijuana. (It exists). Well they haven't signed me up yet.
Dallas: half a million people die annually from cigarette smoking and alcohol,
2,000 from cocaine, 20,000 or less from illegal drugs. Never been able to find any marijuana deaths.
Judy: words that set off fireworks, "communists" or "legalize drugs".
Mike: close t his topic today and b ring it up again.
Mira the tank man will be on TV PBS Tues, tomorrow, ch. 48 at 9. The Chinese man who stood in front of the tank.
Gerry: author "Hotel Ruanda", explains the conflict between Tootsies and Hootoos.
Marvin: ...America has lots of land ...and lots of jobs for immigrant labor. So why restrict?
Ellen: Wallerstein, world system theory; capitalism’s ... need for immigrant labor ...
David: America has the capacity to take on more people than anybody else from an ecological perspective. without threatening the carrying capacity of the land. We have tons of agricultural land.
I see immigrant labor as a way to suppress wages. More and more jobs that pay less than a living wage. ... So I feel from that perspective, unlimited immigration is horrible.
Heard on NPR that the City of Los Angles has a "living wage" law, ... it is 8 or 9 $ / hour.
Ellen: World systems analysis ... Wallerstein.
Capitalist economies require expanding markets and sources of cheap labor.
Vlasta: we have a third world country in Over The Rhine. $2.400 / hour. effective pay.
Neil: our type of Xenophobia. the Browning of america... more and more brown skinned people. Confronting the "other", another language, ... an imposition on our cultural space. Steve Chabot advocates the construction of a wall at the border... turning our country into a fortress. The militarization of our country. ...ties into our fears of the alien.
Janet I keep thinking my grandparents came from other countries, with nothing but the clothes on their bodies. And they all did well. Built nice little businesses. One G'fa from Germany, another from russia. Both ended up in Chicago; raised families; set up businesses. One ran a milinary business. The other in men's clothing. to her dying day, my grandmother could not throw away a feather, a button...j
Elaine so much of why they are coming here is because of the oppression we have created over there where they come f rom. ...destroying hopes for a good economy there.
Janet both my sets of grandparents came here and were successful, their children became professionals.
Steve Neil said it beautifully. Most of the 12 million people are illegals, working unbellievable jobs. Not a crime problem. Children speak English. Most are employed. Come to earn money to send back home ...
We have a national reluctance to accept brown people ... the wages argument
The argument that immigrants cause lower wages for the poor is right.
Marvin the CEO of s ome co. made 13 million last year. We did the math... screwy system. Nobody needs 13 million.
I can't understand how immigrants being paid $4/hr, survive, and still send money home.
David We must be careful about nostalgia re. immigrants coming here and entering the middle class. We raped the virgin continent in 200 years...it was hard not to succeed in that period, and that time will never again be seen on earth.
The reason immigration is getting so much attention is because we have thrown trillions of dollars of borrowed money into this economy for things that are not wealth generating: the Iraq war, and Hurricane recovery. False stimulation of the economy. the agricultural sector wants that cheap labor, needs it. ...the global economy is pushing wages lower. If agribusiness can't get cheap labor here they will leave the US.
Judy (You ask) how can they do it on $4 an hour? They live 12 people to a room ...
If living standards were liveable in Mexico they wouldn't want to be here. ... We are subsidizing our agriculture so we can sell produce in Mexico at cheaper prices than the Mexicans can grow it, thus putting people out of work, so they want to come here.
Vlasta: Eric Fromm, a hero of mine, in To have or to be, people who are considered depressed and upset might be the sanest of all. The society might be sick.
Linda more and more young people are pushed so hard. It's amazing that the workers can do as much as they do. Eventually they break!
Mike some wonderful things said here tonight...Neil on consciousness ... the Nordic countries, the Vikings were the scourge of the world ... but 1,000 years later they are great humanists. Iceland will be totally off oil in 5 years. Sweden is going off oil. Use forests. Denmark is going to wind farms. They know how to get off addiction to oil. ... comes back to this consciousness thing. Learn how to deal with the cs. we have. In this country we have fear, and power as domination over. ... I have been busy tying all these things together.
~ end of table notes ~
Hugs to everyone,
Section Two: Announcements
Hey, Lloyd House Drumming Circle!
Every Saturday evening, 7 - 9 , drumming, musical improv, dance, chant, jam. Wonderful fun. BRING : good vibes (mandatory), Optional: instruments, kids, snacks, friends... Costumes? ... Animals? ... Extra-terrestrials? ... 3901 Clifton Ave.
4/1 (correction...last week I had a slight error in Steve’s email address.)
Seriously, Stephen is the best computer handler I ever saw. Highest recommendation for him to serve as your new Computer Consultant. Will come to your home. Extremely reasonable rates. Ellen
“The Savior has Come and his name is Steve.”
The Prince of Computer Geeks
Can rescue you, too, from the frightening purgatory of computer non-functionality.
Such low rates! Such a mensch! Such speed! Such command.
I am immensely relieved. ellen
All platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux.
Up to the minute up-to-date
...and even a nice guy.
Steve Jakubiec (pronounced ja-COO-bik)
Lubows selling wonderful house in N. Avondale
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
After 32 years here ---- at 4136 Rose Hill Ave---- we are ready to move on to the next part of our lives. ....
It is with much regret that we are moving away from neighbors and close friends ----not far-----to a condo in Clifton, near Mount Storm Park.
Some particularly good features of our home include:
Asking price: $489,000
- new gourmet kitchen (2002)
- 2nd floor and basement laundry areas
- new two unit central air for all three floors (2004)
- 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths on second floor
- master bedroom suite with solarium
- 2 bedrooms and full bath on third floor
If you know anyone who would like to look at our house before we list it with a realtor, please have them contact us at 281-0266 or by email at jlubow@fuse.net.
Judy and Bob Lubow
The Cincinnati Earth Institute's Spring edition of its online EcoNews is now available at
http://cinciearth.org/html/newsletters/CEI_EcoNewsSpring06.pdf. Enjoy!
Cincinnati Earth Institute
www.CinciEarth.org info@CinciEarth.org
phone 513.207.0038
Mike Murphy and Panel on Peak Oil at the Mockbee
--Saad Ghosn is putting together the 4th Annual Peace
& Justice Art Show, April 21--May 7, at the Mockbee. He's asking me to do a
powerpoint presentation on peak oil, and I would like to have a panel
discussion of how we go about creating a Post-Carbon Sustainable Society, or
at least Networked Oases of Sustainability, in the looming wreckage of
petro-based society. Mike
Tri-State Treasures
Tri-State Treasures is a compilation of unique local people, places, and events that may enrich your lives. These treasures have been submitted by you and others who value supporting quality community offerings. Please consider supporting these treasures, and distributing the information for others to enjoy. And please continue to forward your Tri-State Treasures ideas to jkesner@nuvox.net.
I need your help: please submit your Tri-State Treasure in the format exemplified at the bottom of this email. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jim
The Last Eyewitnesses: Child Survivors in Poland [Monday 17 April @ 7:30 & Tuesday 18 April @ 5:30 - 2 sites]: Drs. Julian & Fay Vogel Bussgang, researchers from Massachusetts, discuss & sign their book "The Last Eyewitnesses, I & II." These authors helped record, translate, & transmit the accounts of the last Jews still living in Poland. Today, Jewish orphans, estimated between 5,000-20,000, live with conflicted identities. Freedoms in Eastern Europe have led to a revitalization of Jewish life. This program theme is relevant during this Passover season. Partnership with Adath Israel Congregation. Monday 17 April @ 7:30 PM at Northern Hills Synagogue, 5714 Fields Ertel Road, Deerfield Twp, OH 45249; Tuesday 18 April @ 5:30 PM at Miami University, 105 Macmillan Hall, Oxford, OH 45056. More info @ 513.487.3055, jbarankiewicz@mrcgene.com, www.holocaustandhumanity.org/chhe_haw06_events.html#lectures.
Seven Steps Of Creation: From Nothingness To Completion. [Thursdays 20 April to 8 June @ 7 PM]: Using Swedenborg, Gurdjieff, & others, this 8 session experiential workshop uses the Biblical creation myth as a metaphor for the steps of spiritual development. Weekly tasks create opportunities to take the next step. Led by Clark Echols, MDiv., Swedenborgian Pastor & teacher. Good exercise for your spirit. Registration is $80; first session is free. At the Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Avenue, Glendale, Cincinnati, OH 45246. More info & registration @ 513.772.1478, jcechols@newchurch-cincy.org, www.newchurch-cincy.org, & www.clarkechols.com.
Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder [Saturday 22 April @ 12:30-1:30 PM]: Explore Richard Louv’s book "Last Child in the Woods" & learn about the social impacts of our growing disconnect from the natural world & some fun, easy ways to get children back outside. Also, sign up for the Cincinnati Earth Institute’s 6-week discussion course “Healthy Children, Healthy Planet” to start in May. This lecture is sponsored by the Cincinnati Nature Center, Cincinnati Waldorf School, & Cincinnati Earth Institute. At the Cincinnati Waldorf School, 745 Derby Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45232. Free. More info @ 513.541.0220 ext. 13, marketing@cincinnatiwaldorfschool.org, & www.cincinnatiwaldorfschool.org.
4th Annual Gala Evening with the Muses featuring Latin music by Jackie Rago [Saturday 22 April; private concert @ 6:30 PM; public concert @ 8 PM]: Silent auction, wine & cheese. Handicap accessible, sign language, childcare available with RSVP by April 14. Entire event: $40; Public concert only: $15. At St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati, OH 45220. More info @ 513.221.1118, muse@musechoir.org, www.musechoir.org.
Spring Shamanic Healing Weekend - Pushing Through Resistance [Saturday 22 April @ 10AM-6PM & Sunday 23 April @ 10AM-4PM]: Like spring when the seeds push through the soil to receive the sunlight, the soul pushes through our darkness to receive light. If you're at this season in your life, join Jane, Gary, & a group of like-minded folks for 2 days of growth. Jane Fridy “Heartsong” is a Shamanic Breathwork™ facilitator/pastoral counselor & Earth-based transpersonal teacher with the Venus Rising Institute who inspires others through heart-centered rituals & the power of living our prayers. Gary Matthews is a massage therapist/instructor & a pastoral counselor with the Venus Rising Institute. Gary owns & operates the Oz Farm Sanctuary, a beautiful center for wildlife, domestic animals, & humans. At Oz Farm Sanctuary, Goshen, OH. $175 by April 1; $190 thereafter. More info & directions @ 513.722.1917, 270.492.8876, ReikiLadi@aol.com, & www.ShamanicCounselor.com.
Sun-day Sunday Sundae @ the Cincinnati Observatory [Sunday 23 April @ 1-4 PM]: Learn about our nearest stellar neighbor. Sun-day Sunday Sundae includes hourly classes about the Sun, tours of our historic buildings, & safe viewing of sunspots & solar flares out of our 1843 telescope (weather permitting). As a special treat, there will be free sundaes for everyone. $5 for adults, $3 for kids. Advance reservations are required – space is limited. At The Cincinnati Observatory Center, 3489 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, OH 45208. More info & reservations @ 513.321.5186, deanobservatory@zoomtown.com, & www.cincinnatiobservatory.org.
Dialogue: Grandchildren of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Germans Today [Monday 24 April @ 4 PM]: This facilitated discussion investigates the shared history of contemporary Germans & third generation members of the Jewish community. Sponsored by the JFS Center for Holocaust Survivors and Action Reconciliation Service for Peace, Germany. At Temple Sholom, 3100 Longmeadow Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45236. More info @ 513.487.3055, chhe@huc.edu, & www.holocaustandhumanity.org.
Set Your Heart on Fire: 2 Questions Can Change Your Life [Monday & Tuesday 24 & 25 April @ 7-9 PM]: Use love's transformative radiance to break through personal barriers of career, relationships, family, weight, self-esteem, & addiction? Learn to “Live the Questions” at a safe & supportive workshop to help experience emotions with willingness & compassion; uncover & transform your limiting beliefs; create a life of ease, joy, & connection. Raphael Cushnir is a contributor to The Oprah Magazine & shares his message in talks & workshops worldwide. $40 for both workshops if pre-registered by 23 April; $25 per workshop at the door. At New Thought Unity Center, 1401 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. More info @ 513.961.2527, LouFreeman@ntunity.org, & www.ntunity.org.
Immigration in the History of the French Nation: An American Model for a New French Museum? [Tuesday 25 April; Reception @ 5:30 PM, Lecture @ 6:30 PM]: A Lecture in English by Jacques Toubon, Member of the European Parliament, President of the National French Museum of the History of Immigration. Ellis Island Immigration Museum has existed for over 20 years, acknowledging the island's historical importance as a gateway to the better life immigrants came in search of in America. Following the American model, France decided in 2004 to create an equivalent institution. Through this historical endeavor, the 2 models of American & French assimilation - which have often been contrasted as they struggled to redefine themselves - may show they have more similarities than differences. Mr. Toubon will present his views of the role of immigration in our societies, based on his experience with leading the Museum project. Presented by The Alliance Française de Cincinnati & Xavier University. Free & open to the public. In the Banquet Room 1, Schiff Family Conference Center, Cintas Center, Xavier University, 1624 Herald Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45207. Parking on the East side of the Building Lot C2. More info @ eric.vespierre@unisys.com, www.alliance-us.org//en/Page.Culture.Lecture.Toubon.aspx, & www.france-cincinnati.com.
Tri-State Treasures is compiled by James Kesner.
To submit Tri-State Treasures, or to request your email address to be added or removed
from the list, send an email to jkesner@nuvox.net and specify Tri-State Treasures.
Please submit Tri-State Treasures in the following format. Also look at TSTs above for examples:
<10-word description of the treasure [date @ time]: Brief description of the treasure; what is it; why is it wonderful & unique. Cost. Sponsor. Location including address & zip code. More info @ telephone, email, & website.
Consumer Mobilization against High Gas Prices
I know that fundamentally our gas prices relate to “Peak Oil”, the fact that we have already used up half our petroleum supplies worldwide and from here on out gas will get m uch MUCH M u c h! more expensive to extract. So I used to scoff at consumer efforts to pressure the gas companies to lower prices. Then I learned that Exxon reported astronomical profits last year... More than ever.
This guy has come up with an idea. It is that consumers should boycott Exxon and Mobil, the far-ahead biggest oil companies, thus forcing them to lower prices to compete. When they lower prices, everyone else will follow. His email below. What do you think of this? Ellen
>>> GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work
>>> This was originally sent by a retired Coca Cola
>>> executive. It came from one
>>> of his engineer buddies who retired from
>>> Halliburton. It ' s worth your
>>> consideration.
>>> Join the resistance!!!! I hear we are going to hit
>>> close to $4.00 a gallon
>>> by next summer and it might go higher!! Want
>>> gasoline prices to come down? We
>>> need to take some intelligent, united action.
>>> Phillip Hollsworth offered this
>>> good idea.
>>> This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas
>>> on a certain day"
>>> campaign that was going around last April or May!
>>> The oil companies just laughed at
>>> that because they knew we wouldn't continue to
>>> "hurt" ourselves by refusing
>>> to buy gas. It was more of an inconvenience to us
>>> than it was a problem for
>>> them.
>>> BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with
>>> a plan that can really
>>> work. Please read on and join with us! By now you're
>>> probably thinking
>>> gasoline priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. Me
>>> too! It is currently $2.79 for
>>> regular unleaded in my town. Now that the oil
>>> companies and the OPEC nations
>>> have conditioned us to think that the cost of a
>>> gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50
>>> - $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach
>>> them that BUYERS control
>>> the
>>> marketplace..... not sellers. With the price of
>>> gasoline going up more each
>>> day, we consumers need to take action. The only way
>>> we are going to see the
>>> price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the
>>> pocketbook by not
>>> purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT
>>> hurting ourselves. How? Since we
>>> all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas.
>>> But we CAN have an impact
>>> on gas prices if we all act together to force a
>>> price war.
>>> Here's the idea:
>>> For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY
>>> gasoline from the two biggest
>>> companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If
>>> they are not selling any
>>> gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices.
>>> If they reduce their
>>> prices, the other companies will have to follow
>>> suit.
>>> But to have an impact, we need to reach literally
>>> millions of Exxon and
>>> Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now,
>>> don't wimp out at this point....
>>> keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to
>>> reach millions of people.
>>> I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us
>>> sends it to at least ten
>>> more (30 x 10 =3D 300) ... and those 300 send it to
>>> at least ten more (300 x
>>> 10 =3D 3,000)...and so on, by the time the message
>>> reaches the sixth group of
>>> people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION
>>> consumers. If those three
>>> million get excited and pass this on to ten friends
>>> each, then 30 million
>>> people will have been contacted! If it goes one
>>> level further, you guessed
>>> it..... THREE
>>> Again, all you have to do is send this to 10
>>> people. That's all. (If you
>>> don't understand how we can reach 300 million and
>>> all you have to do is send
>>> this to 10 people.... Well, let's face it, you just
>>> aren't a mathematician. But
>>> I am, so trust me on this one.)
>>> How long would all that take? If each of us sends
>>> this e-mail out to ten
>>> more people within one day of receipt, all 300
>>> MILLION people could conceivably
>>> be contacted within the next 8 days!!!
>>> I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did
>>> you?
>>> Acting together we can make a difference. If this
>>> makes sense to you, please
>>> pass this message on. I suggest that we not buy
>>> DOWN.
Local Environmentalist Joy Lohrer wants to study biodeisel
Does anyone know anyone in the area that has converted or is converting
diesels to waste veggie oil? I went to the Good Oil Boys open house in Lousiville,
but am hoping to find someone closer to learn with.
For the first time, an important part of the environmental movement and an important part of the antiwar movement, as well as the National Organization for Women and others, are joining to bring an end to "global scorching" and the Iraq War as well as to end attacks on the Constitution and on the poor and the middle class by the present US government.
This broad coalition is calling for a major march in New York City on April 29.
Says the call to this march:
· No more never-ending oil wars!
· Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights, and end illegal spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.
· Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.
· Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction of our environment.
Among the initiating groups are ---
United for Peace and Justice
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
US Labor Against the War
Friends of the Earth
Climate Crisis Coalition
Peoples Hurricane Relief Fund
Readers of The Shalom Report will be especially interested to know that UPJ has decided to refuse any further alliances with "ANSWER" in organizing any demonstrations, etc.
The UPJ steering committee did this by a two-thirds majority, out of its experience both of deep political differences between ANSWER & UPJ in organizing the antiwar actions last September, and of serious failures by ANSWER to adhere to and carry out commitments the two groups had agreed to beforehand.
You may recall that The Shalom Center was so indignant about the involvement of the bitterly anti-Israel ANSWER in the September 24 antiwar rally that we held an independent pro-peace Shabbat service during the rally time of that weekend,and then took part in other aspects of the weekend when ANSWER had no role.
Now we can take whole-hearted part, especially since our other concerns Oil, Global Scorching, the US Constitution are also on the agenda.
The Climate Crisis Coalition has just installed a Climate Crisis News Engine on its website (www.climatecrisiscoalition.org). Each morning from its various ³newsfeeds,² CCC identifies a dozen or so stories to post on the site. They get rotated on the home page. (To see all the stories click Climate Crisis News Engine
Shalom, Arthur
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director
The Shalom Center www.shalomctr.org voices a new prophetic agenda in Jewish, multireligious, and American life. To receive the weekly on-line Shalom Report, click on --
Local Forest Habitat Restoration Events and Neighborhood Clean Up - Clifton
Green Up Day and Great American Cleanup dates have been realigned.
April 22 is the Great American Clean Up coordinated by Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.
Kerry Crossen P 513.352.4384 F 513.352.4389 www.keepcincinnatibeautiful.org
Rawson Woods April 29, 10-12. garlic mustard pull and trash clean up. Meet your neighbors at the corner of Middleton and McAlpin. Info. Joy at 221-8285.
May 6th is Green Up Day coordinated by the Cincinnati Park Board. Burnet Woods garlic mustard.
Cindi Nugent 861-8970 x20
Cool Music Group in Free Concert at Terminal
Mohenjo Daro <http://www.cdbaby.com/mohenjo> will be appearing twice at Asian Culture Fest @ Cincinnati Museum Center (Union Terminal) <http://www.cincymuseum.org/>
in the Reikert Auditorium Saturday, April 22nd from 4:45 - 5:15pm and Sunday, April 23rd from 2:45 - 3:15pm
Bring the kids!
This event is free for all ages!
April 22
MUSE Silent Auction - Latin Music by Jackie Rago
(note from Ellen: Jackie Rago is a fireball Latina, the most amazing bongo player, assorted percussion instrumentalist I have ever heard anywhere. Very cute to watch as well. I will be shelling out for this event. And you can get fabulous bargains at the silent auction. Plus... Muse deserves our support!)
Order Tickets Now! <https://www.musechoir.org/shop/index.php?cPath=23>
www.musechoir.org <http://musechoir.org/>
MUSE Cincinnati¹s Women¹s Choir
4th Annual Gala Evening with the Muses
featuring Latin music
by Jackie Rago
Catherine Roma Artistic Director
Saturday, April 22
St. John¹s Unitarian Universalist Church
320 Resor Ave (Clifton)
Silent Auction
Wine & Cheese
Private Performance by Jackie Rago
Public Concert with Jackie Rago
Entire Event: $40
Public Concert Only: $15
Tickets available online at:
www.musechoir.org <http://www.musechoir.org>
(513) 221-1118
handicap accessible, sign language
childcare available with reservation by April 14
Call (513) 221-1118
MUSE receives operating support from:
City of Cincinnati
Ohio Arts Council
Community Shares
Fine Arts Fund
Bruce Weil has run the Steel Band program at the Nation’s first Montessori Public High School for many, many years and is a saint and a genius. Their programs are good music, loads of fun, and light and life for the heart and spirit. Great cause, wonderful family entertainment. They’ll have you up on your feet dancing around. I promise. Ellen. Might just be there myself.
Clark Montessori Steel (Drum) Band
“Funk for the Whole Family”
Fri. 28 April 7 – 10
At Starlight Ballroom
Just West of where Kellog intersects I-275 not far from Old Coney Island
Or call: 363-7184
$15 or $10 if you buy 4 or more
Todd Portune calls for County Wide Canvas of/by Democrats: April 29, Sat.
from Todd Portune,
please reply to: tportune@zoomtown.com
The Democratic Party Dear Fellow Hamilton County Democrat:
In a little less than three weeks - 20 days to be exact - we have the opportunity to do something special. Saturday April 29th is the day identified by Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean as the day that a national canvassing effort of Democrats will take place. As I outlined a few weeks ago we would like to take that day and that weekend and build on the call to action issued by Governor Dean to reach out to Democrats throughout our county. We want to attempt a canvassing of all of Hamilton County that weekend. It is a simple process that requires a little bit of your time.
When I last wrote to you I was in the process of getting help secured from a number of different sources. I have been successful in doing so.
First, the Ohio Democratic Party will be lending its support in the form of people, product and resources. Cedric Collins, the southwest region coordinator has been directed by Chairman Chris Redfern to assist in the organization, coordination and implementation of the effort. He will be reaching out to local organizers; bringing materials and resources; and otherwise helping us to pull this off. Specifically Cedric will be generating the walking lists that identify the strong Democratic Households in each District that everyone will use to identify the doors that need to be knocked on by each of us. He will bring the volunteer cards that we will be distributing. And he will bring the sample ballots from ODP that we would also like to be left at households as we undergo this canvassing effort.
The Hamilton County Democratic Party is providing the location to get this started. The Party's new offices will serve as the staging area for the effort and the distribution point of materials and resources. We will also use it as Ground Zero for volunteers throughout the effort. Accordingly, on Saturday April 29th we will use the Party's new headquarters. Directions and the exact time of the start of the effort will be forwarded to you in the coming week.
Here is where I need your help as a volunteer and a leader. We have 970 precincts in Hamilton County that we want to reach out to. We want people to volunteer to work in their own backyards, so to speak. We need commitments to walk door to door that weekend, walking list in hand, and engage every Democratic Household listed on the walking list in your precinct. Leave the card and sample ballot at the home. But importantly engage the individual; let them know that the Democratic Party is working to do things differently, and most important see if they will share their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses so we can reach out to them and keep them informed and let them know what is going on and how they can help. We are doing this now and early to respond to one of the more accurate criticisms of the Party - namely that we are not organized and wait too late to do things.
This is our, and their, time to do things differently and better.
I need your help in being willing to reach out to your group of volunteers and supporters and enlist their cooperation and participation in this historic effort. Please let me know now that you will do so and let me know how many people you can count on. That way we'll know how many we can count on.
This is a great time for the Democratic Party to rise to the occasion to be successful.
I know you can do it and hope to hear from you this week.
Thank you for all of your time, and in advance for your help.
Todd Portune
PS People ask me whether I can pull this off and whether we will be successful. I get the feeling that some people want to know that this will work before they commit.
The truth is, I don't know. I have no guarantees.
But here is what I can tell them, and you. This will definitely fail if we don't try it. It will not succeed if we all don't do it. Things will not get better if you don't help out.
Those are facts we can all count on. And they are facts we do not need.
From Doroteah Hoffman this announcement
(Accent 06 is a summer music institute here at CCM for young musicians. A great program! B elow, a concert to raise funds. Be there, it’s cool. ellen)
You are invited
Sunday, April 30 at 7pm
at St.John’s Universalist Unitarian Church,
320 Resor Avenue, Clifton
Accent06 is the CCM summer chamber music program for outstanding young musicians from near and far taking place June 11-17, 2006.
This special event supports need/merit scholarships for deserving participants.
The concert will feature some of the most talented chamber ensembles from the Accent Chamber Music Program, and faculty and friends of the Accent Program. It's an exciting end-of-the year event.
Donations will be accepted at the door.
In addition, baked goods and Accent T-Shirts will be available for sale. Come to support our talented young musicians, and enjoy an evening of fine music!
All profits benefit summer scholarships for Accent06.
In Observance of Cover the Uninsured Week:
Rally For Health Care For All
Saturday, May 6, 2006 — Noon to 2 p.m.
Veterans Plaza in Columbus
(On the Third Street side of the State Capitol)
QUESTION: When will the Ohio General Assembly act to provide coverage for
the uninsured?
ANSWER: When enough Ohioans unite to demand it!
1.3 million Ohioans lack health care insurance and their number increases every
day. Millions more Ohioans have limited coverage and are just one serious illness
or injury away from bankruptcy. Skyrocketing insurance premiums jeopardize
Ohio’s families, businesses and jobs.
A brief peaceful demonstration will follow the rally.
Bring signs and banners demanding health care for all.
Need transportation to get to Columbus? Free bus seats available in some cities. Contact:
Northeast Ohio Dave Pavlick 216-447-6080 dpavlick@uaw.net
Northwest Ohio Bob Masters 419-244-1559 bobmasters@sbcglobal.net
Southeast Ohio Arlene Sheak 740-592-1879 seospan@yahoo.com
Southwest Ohio Don Rucknagel, M.D. 513-931-3459 ruckndl@fuse.net
Central Ohio Alice Faryna, M.D. 614-442-9310 alicyna@yahoo.com
East Central Ohio Tony Budak 330-568-7002 tonybudak@clnews.org
West Central Ohio Sheilah Conard 937-313-6226 GMVSpan@aol.com
For more information, write or call Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio)
c/o GCC/IBT Local 546M ▪ 3227 West 25 St. ▪ Cleveland, Ohio ▪ 44109
Phone: 216-736-4766 ▪ Email: spanhealthcare@aol.com <mailto:spanhealthcare@aol.com> ▪ Website: www.spanohio.org <http://www.spanohio.org/>
Speakers: Barbara Baylor, Minister for Health and Wellness Programs, United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries; Noel Beasley, International Vice President, UNITE HERE Union; Bill Burga, President, Ohio AFL-CIO; Michael Ehlert, Case School of Medicine, American Medical Student Association; Tim Kettler, Owner, Action Septic Service; Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative; Cathy Levine, Executive Director, UHCAN Ohio; Dave McCall, Director, United Steelworkers District 1 (or his designee); Dale Miller, Ohio State Senator; Patricia Moss, President, AFSCME Council 8; Dave Pavlick, SPAN Ohio Executive Committee, UAW Region 2-B; Johnathon Ross, M.D.; Michael Skindell, Ohio State Representative; and Harold Wilson, NAACP, Cleveland Branch.
This rally is endorsed by: A. Philip Randolph Institute – Ohio Chapters; Action Performance Exhaust; Action Septic Service; AFL-CIO Coalition of Labor Union Women in the Miami Valley; American Federation of Government Employees Local 3840; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 8; American Medical Student Association (AMSA); Archer’s Flowers & Gifts; Archwood United Church of Christ (Cleveland); Athens Area People for Peace and Justice; Carmels Mexican Restaurant; Central Ohio Federation of Musicians Local 103, AFM; Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council; Cleveland Jobs with Justice; Coalition for Affordable Healthcare in Ohio (CAHO); Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) -- Columbus Chapter; Columbus Jobs with Justice; Communications Workers of America District 4; Community Organizing Center – Columbus; Cuyahoga County Library Union, Service Employees International Union District 1199; Dayton/Sidney/Springfield/Miami Valley AFL-CIO; Doudna Chiropractic; First Baptist Church of Dayton; Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 546M; Green Party of Ohio; Hair On The Square; Hancock County AFL-CIO; Hyde Park Coiffures; Kettering Oakwood Automotive; Mayo Industries; L&H Tractor Sales; McFarland’s Barbershop; Murphy’s Furniture; National Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC); Noble Satellite & Appliance; Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Northeast Ohio Chapter of PPEHRC; Ohio AFL-CIO; Ohio Conference on Fair Trade; Ohio Democratic Party; Ohio Federation of Teachers; Ohio Jobs with Justice; Ohio National Organization for Women (Ohio NOW); Ohio State Council – UNITE HERE; Ohio State Labor Party; Patriots for Change; Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP); Portage/Summit United Auto Workers CAP Council; Results – Columbus Group; Service Employees International Union Ohio State Council; Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio); Sterling Studio; Stop Targeting Ohio’s Poor (STOP); Summit County Progressive Democrats; The OM Yoga Studio; The Sandwich Shoppe Restaurant; The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland; The United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries; Toledo Area Jobs with Justice; Turkish Cuisine; UA Local 50 Plumbers, Steamfitters & Service Mechanics; United Auto Workers Region 2-B; United Auto Workers Local 420; United Auto Workers Local 1050; United Auto Workers Local 1050 Retirees Chapter; United Auto Workers Local 1250; United Auto Workers Local 1327; United Food and Commercial Workers Union Region 4; United Steelworkers Union District 1; United Steelworkers Local 302L; United Steelworkers Local 1375; Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio (UHCAN Ohio); Village Bakery & Café; Welch Insurance Agency LLC; Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE); Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice
Music: Deborah Van Kleef – Folksinger
For more information, write or call Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio)
c/o GCC/IBT Local 546M ▪ 3227 West 25 St. ▪ Cleveland, Ohio ▪ 44109
Phone: 216-736-4766 ▪ Email: spanhealthcare@aol.com <mailto:spanhealthcare@aol.com> ▪ Website: www.spanohio.org <http://www.spanohio.org/>
New Tai Chi for Arthritis class beginning at Hands of Light Chiropractic offices in Beechmont (close to Beechmont Levy) at 12:30 pm on Wednesdays 513-231-2892.
Richard Leirer Qigong Master Teacher back in Cincinnati at The New Jerusalem Church in Glendale. Saturday May 13 10 am to 5 pm. Great big private back yard for outdoor practice. $80. Register with a $10. deposit made to Three Waters,LLC sent to Alan Hundley 12 Burton Woods Lane Cinti 45229.
Feel free to contact me for more info. at 513-281-8606
Alan Hundley LMT, LLChttp://www.threewaters.com
Three Waters
Lloyd House has Space Available
First floor room for office, studio, ...? This is a large oak paneled room with Rookwood fireplace. Currently furnished with king size loft bed platform, sofa, arm chair, Dhurrie rug, long oak library table. Could share the living room with me as a waiting room. Has its own outside entry door. A very handsome room. Terrific for massage practice, for instance. $320?
And come summer barring a miracle job for Alan in the city, we will have his beautiful two room suite available on second floor, plus sleeping porch.
Other Perqs: off street parking, free laundry, high speed internet, living room with piano, TV, DVD, VCR, community iMac Computer. Dining room seats 16+. Veranda off dining room with Hatteras swing, furniture. Easy access to Monday night salon pot luck, Saturday morning Dharma Study group, Sat. evening drumming circle, and ....
The Lloyd House is a stimulating, friendly, multi-cultural environment. Good vibes are required, as is a rock solid financial responsibility. Housemates can be as private or as friendly as they wish. Know anyone who might like to explore this? No undergraduates, no pets, no smoking. Prefer someone who would be interested in participating in the Salon and/or other activities here. Call me: 221 1289
P.S. It feels like something new might be about to happen with regard to the use of the Lloyd House. Help me dream that up. 221 1289 or email Ellen ellenbierhorst@lloydhouse.com v
I have spent many many hours sitting on cushions in Buddhist centers over the past thirty plus years, but never until now had the opportunity to study the actual suttras or suttas , the scriptures, what the man actually said. I am enjoying tremendously my Saturday mornings with Richard Blumberg and Liz Hamilton and others at the Dharma Center in Northside, doing just that...reading the key teachings. Impressive erudition! Come join us. Every Saturday, the Dharma Center behind the Northside post office on Hamilton Ave just north of the RR tracks. The Dharma Center entry is on the tiny street Moline that flanks the building. 9:30 - 11. Ten minutes of sitting practice. Interested? Contact richard@WmBlake.com or...just come.
Ellen Bierhorst Ph.D. is a holistic psychotherapist with over 30 years experience serving individuals and families. Expert, caring, rapid service. Most insurance plans will cover. Call 513 221 1289. Special areas of interest: issues of young adulthood, couple communication, GLBT, trauma recovery using EMDR, clinical hypnosis, parenting skills, alternative lifestyles, addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating), weight loss. What is "holistic"? Ans: body/mind/spirit; open to alternative healing modalities from chiropractic to homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.
Section Three: Articles
- MoveOn.org calls for petition signing re. No Nukes on Iran!
- Heart disease prevention through vitamines? Look again.
- From Church of Our Savior (Rev. Paula Jackson) “mustardseed”: update on immigrant labor movement
- Cranley, running for Chabot’s seat in Congress, makes charges:
- Mike Murphy sends excerpt from book on E.T.s
- Rabbi Arthur Waskow: liberal Jews not doing enough against war
MoveOn.org: Stop Bush from thinking he can Nuke Iran!
A new report suggests that the Bush administration is drawing plans to use nuclear weapons against Iran. Please sign the message to Congress today: we don't want a nuclear attack on Iran.
Dear MoveOn member,
Yesterday's New Yorker quotes a number of high-ranking administration and military officials on the possibility of pre-emptive war with Iran. Not only do the officials say war is really on the table, they report that the Bush administration is making plans to use nuclear weapons.1
Iran may well pose a threat. But people as diverse as Richard Clarke, Hillary Clinton2, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff agree that a nuclear attack—or even threatening one—is a terrible idea. Yet the White House insists on keeping the "nuclear option" on the table.3 And according to one member of Congress, "there's no pressure from Congress" for a more diplomatic route.4
This is one place where all of us can agree: Americans don't support a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Iran, and Congress must act to prevent the president from launching one before it's too late. Please send a message to your representatives at the link below and forward this message to friends and family who you think will be concerned.
We'll deliver your signature and comments to Congress as soon as they return from their spring recess.
The big question on all of our minds, of course, is whether the president really is willing to wage nuclear war with Iran. After the disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq, would he really attack the much larger, much stronger, much better armed country next door with nukes?
As he did before Iraq, President Bush claims he's just pursuing a diplomatic route—but he still refuses to take nukes off the table. In the New Yorker piece, Seymour Hersh—who broke the Abu Ghraib story—quotes numerous administration and Pentagon officials who make very clear that war plans involving nukes are in the works.5
Even a conventional attack would likely be a disaster. But just the threat of a nuclear attack could close off our best diplomatic options. Ironically, it would also increase pressure within Iran to create a full-fledged nuclear program—strengthening Iran's hard-liners. With most experts estimating Iran is 5 years or more away from having a nuclear weapon, there's time for a diplomatic solution.
And the consequences of an actual attack would be horrifying. The civilian deaths from a nuclear assault could be in the thousands or hundreds of thousands. According to a front-page article in the Washington Post, CIA experts believe Iran would almost certainly counter-attack through its terrorist network, Hezbollah.6 With 150,000 American troops right next door in Iraq, Iran would have what security experts call a "target rich" environment. Even Jack Straw, the British Foreign Sectrary, said that the nuclear option was "completely nuts."7
It's possible that all of this is bluster. Then again, that's what most people thought in the run up to the war in Iraq. It's like that old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Our country can't afford to get fooled again.
Please take a moment to add your name to our petition to stop a nuclear attack on Iran. You can sign on now at:
The prospect of a nuclear attack is unsettling, to say the least. But there's real hope in the fact that this time, we are starting three million strong—and we're organized to raise our voices. With the president's historically low approval, and broad public understanding of the pattern of deceit, recklessness and incompetence in Iraq, our voices will be heard.
–Eli, Joan, Nita, Marika and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
P.S. By the way, there's a very eerie similarity between what President Bush and his allies are saying now and what they said in the run-up to war against Iraq three years ago:
THEN: George W. Bush, November 12, 2002: "We don't know how close he is today, but a Saddam Hussein with a nuclear weapon is a grave, grave threat to America and our friends and allies.NOW: George W. Bush, January 16, 2006: "Iran armed with a nuclear weapon poses a grave threat to the security of the world."
THEN: Donald Rumsfeld, September 19, 2002: ". . . No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq."
NOW: George W. Bush, March 16, 2006: "We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran. (Thanks to this post at the Daily Kos for assembling these quotes.)Footnotes:
1. "The Iran Plans," 4/8/06, The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/060417fa_fact
2. Ibid.; On Clinton: "McCain, Clinton put down early election markers," 4/12/06, Financial Times. http://www.moveon.org/r?r=1632
3, 4, 5. See "The Iran Plans," above.
6. "Attacking Iran May Trigger Terrorism: U.S. Experts Wary of Military Action Over Nuclear Program," 4/2/06, Washington Post. http://www.moveon.org/r?r=1630
7. "We'd be nuts to nuke Iran, says Straw," 4/10/06, Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=382574&in_page_id=1770.
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Smart Physician cautions: Stop Taking Folate for Heart Disease Risk
Subject: homocysteine, B-vitamins, folate and heart risks
Attached are three articles.
1. NORVIT Trial. Prospectively followed Norwegian patients after myocardial infarction, controlling for folate, B12 and B6 supplementation. No benefit in cardiovascular outcomes, despite lowering homocysteine levels. Trend towards a higher incidence of cardiovascular events in those on the vitamins.
2. HOPE-2 Trial. People with diabetes and other cardiovascular disease prospectively followed and controlled for folate, B12 supplementation. Again, no benefit.
3. Editorial.
These articles will be published in the New England Journal of Medicine later this month but were pre-released electronically.
Following this vitamin story might be interesting over time. For now, a caution flag has been raised.
Carl Gandola, MD
Northside Health Center
415 The Ohio Immigrant Network (RIO) ***CODEDI**** FLOC****IWP****MIGUATE**** A big thank you to all of you who helped us organize and mobilize people to the rally in Columbus last Sunday. The 7,000 people had a positive effect. We won the first step! On Monday night a proposed law passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 12-6 vote. This law is a victory for all who have been fighting for immigration reform that recognizes the dignity and hard work of undocumented immigrants currently in the United States. Ohio Senator DeWine voted for it, which speaks to a positive effect of all the mobilizations and resolutions passed in Ohio opposing HR4437. Now is NOT the time to rest! This proposed law will go to the Senate floor for a vote. The Proposed Law Contains: * A six year work permit & Earned Legalization for Undocumented in the United States prior to 2004, who pass a criminal background check, pay a fine and learn English * New temporary work visas to fill labor needs in United States with a path to residency * Passage of Dream Act provisions granting residency to graduating High School students who continue to college, Armed Services, AmeriCorp * Special visas for 1.5 million Farmworkers with a path to residency The Proposed Law also contains enforcement provisions: * A virtual wall of sensors, cameras and unmanned vehicles to monitor the border * Hiring 14,000 more border patrol officers. This proposed law will not pass on the Senate floor, nor through the House-Senate Conference Committee, without continued struggle. Call: Senator DeWine (202) 224-2315. Thank him for his courageous stand on this law in the Judiciary Committee Call: Senator Voinovich (202) 224-3353. Let him know that you want this law passed as is, without amendments that would weaken earned legalization or further criminalize undocumented immigrants. Capitol Switchboard 1-202-224-3121.
Cranley, running for Chabot’s seat in Congress, makes charges:
Who in the House will Chabot follow now?
Will Chabot continue to gut ethics laws without DeLay?
Did Chabot gut ethics laws because DeLay gave Chabot so much money?
Cincinnati, Ohio (OH-1) – Steve Chabot is losing one of his closest allies in Congress – Tom DeLay. Despite Chabot’s repeated votes to change ethics rules to protect Tom DeLay from ethics violations, fallen majority leader DeLay has announced that he will resign from the House amidst an indictment on campaign finance charges and the Abramoff scandal -- where two of DeLay’s former aides have pled guilty. DeLay plans to “be out there working for the Republican majority and the conservative movement.” (CLICK: The Washington Post, 4/04/06)
Chabot and DeLay have worked closely together since 1994 when Chabot was elected to Congress promising “to end its cycle of scandal and disgrace” and restore ethics to the House with the “Contract with America.” (CLICK: Republican Contract with America)
Over the years, DeLay and his political action committees have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Chabot and Chabot has followed DeLay’s lead from the floor of the House.
Given Chabot’s record of changing the rules to protect DeLay it is no wonder that DeLay once called Chabot one of his “Republican heroes” and said he wanted to hand Chabot $100,000 in appreciation. (Cincinnati Enquirer, 6/01/99)
Chabot Takes Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars from DeLay & His PAC’s
DeLay’s ROMP PAC. Before Mike Scanlon and Tony Rudy pled guilty to corruption in the Jack Abramoff peddling-influence scandal, they worked for Tom DeLay and ran “the impeachment war room” in 1998 when Chabot was an impeachment manager. In 1999, Scanlon announced that using the DeLay created political action committee (The Retain Our Majority Plan – ROMP) that they would raise at least $150,000 for Chabot. (CLICK: Conservative News Service, 3/25/99)
The DeLay created ROMP is still raising funds for Chabot. Recently, ROMP brought Dennis Hastert in to Cincinnati for a fundraiser so Chabot can go on the “offense.” (CLICK: The Hill, 3/02/06; Cincinnati Enquirer 3/26/06)
DeLay’s ARMPAC. ARMPAC is another DeLay political action committee that is under investigation for illegal fundraising. ARMPAC has given Chabot $21,224. Despite other Republicans who have given up ARMPAC monies, like Ohio Steven LaTourette, Steve Chabot has kept all his ARMPAC contributions. (CLICK: The Washington Post 7/12/04; Associated Press, 10/03/05; www.tray.com)
Chabot Follows DeLay’s Lead
Chabot repeatedly voted to change the rules to protect Tom DeLay. Chabot voted to weaken ethics rules in a move many say served only to protect DeLay. When Democrats offered a solution to clean up the House by strengthening ethics rules, Chabot voted to make sure it never even came to an up or down vote. When Republicans realized the American people would not stand for it, Chabot flip-flopped and voted to put the old rules back in place. (CLICK: “GOP to Reverse Ethics Rule Blocking New DeLay Probe”, The Washington Post, 4/26/05; HR 5 Vote #6 1/4/05; HR 213 Vote #106 4/14/05; HR 241 Vote #145 4/27/05)
A non-partisan study found that Steve Chabot voted with Tom DeLay 92% of the time. (Congressional Quarterly looking at votes from 1/01/04 – 3/31/05; CLICK: www.cq.com)
Chabot has followed DeLay’s lead to gut House ethics rules: (Click: USA Today, 1/19/03)
Chabot voted with DeLay to prohibit citizens from filing ethics complaints against members of Congress. (HR 168 Vote #413 9/18/97)
Chabot voted for a DeLay bill that allows charities to give him and fellow lawmakers free vacations. (H Res 5 Vote #4 1/07/03; CLICK: USA Today, 5/20/05; CBS News, 1/08/03)
Chabot also supported the erosion of his party’s ethics rules to allow Tom DeLay to keep his post even if a grand jury indicted him. (CLICK: “House Republicans Act to Protect DeLay”, The Washington Post, 11/18/04)
Paid for and Authorized by Cranley for Congress
Cranley for Congress
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Email: info@johncranley.com
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Excerpt from
Gods, Genes, and Consciousness:
Nonhuman Intervention in Human History
by Paul Von Ward.
2004, Hampton Roads
“15. Who Were the First Kings and Priests?
“ One can understand how naïve humans, if faced by an overpowering invading culture, might acquiesce to an already established regime led by an alleged royal or religious ruler, particularly if it is backed up by physical power and perhaps some tangible benefits. One cannot so easily understand how the first instance of such authority, based on an unseen and assumed supernatural figure, could in a natural human community. No currently known psychological or learning principles explain why humans earlier in our history would have voluntarily decided they were of such a lower nature that they needed to invent such a system. Could it be that such institutions were imposed on Homo sapiens the way the British crown was imposed in colonies in half the world?
“The AB-intervention [i.e., Advanced Being-intervention] hypothesis offers a plausible explanation for the introduction of divine or royal rulers, without having to resort to convoluted and unprovable sociobiological hypotheses. Encounters with Abs as hypothesized in this book could account for the birth of key Western political and religious institutions and their development over the last 6,000 years. This explanation would account for the early spread of Middle Eastern forms of authoritarian government to southern Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa.
“Cultures in Africa, Latin America, Asia and other so-called under-developed areas did not have such deity-based models of governance until exposed to the Indo-European, AB-based model. For instance, in the Swahili tradition, before Arabic invaders set up the divine ruler system on the East Coast of Africa, community leaders did not have to have the notion of divine rights of rulers to carry out functions of governance. Rulers were accepted in such roles because they were perceived to have a high form of inner purity.
“In Mayan villages in Guatemala, the position of leader was deemed to be a common obligation for which volunteers served a year and returned to normal life. In areas outside the AB-influenced cultures of West Asia, such as early Greece and the Iroquois Nation of North America, other forms of government evolved where humans were free to work out their own processes of self-governance.”
--pp. 182-3
Waskow appeals to liberal Jews: Not doing enough to oppose the war.
From Arthur Waskow
A prophetic voice in Jewish, multireligious, & American life
Dear friends,
In the midst of Passover and Holy Week, we celebrate moving from slavery to freedom and from death to life renewed – not only in the past but right now. May we bring these hopes into our lives, and may we bless each other that the Holy One will help us do that. --- Like this:
On April 29, April 30, and May 1, there will be back-to-back protests against several forms of massive violence that are tearing at the guts of our world and violating the teachings of all our religious and spiritual traditions.
On Saturday, April 29, a super-coalition led by United for Peace and Justice and including the National Organization for Women, Friends of the Earth, the Climate Crisis Coalition, and other organizations will sponsor a march in New York City to call for an end to the Iraq War, action to avert or limit the climate crisis of global scorching, and support for women's rights and civil liberties despite present governmental efforts to restrict both.
On Sunday, April 30, the Darfur Coalition has called for a large rally in Washington, DC, to demand action to end the genocidal violence going on in Darfur, and now migrating into the next-door nation of Chad.
On May Day, there will be an action in New York, led by religious leaders who are prepared to risk arrest and by their supporters, demanding immediate closure of the torture-corrupted prison at Guantanamo. In dozens of cities that day there will be a "work boycott" by immigrants to the US protesting Congressional plans for violent punishment of undocumented immigrants and of anyone who helps feed, teach, heal, or comfort them.
The Shalom Center is a co-sponsor of the actions on all three days. Next week, we will send details about how to take part in them.
But first I want to praise important "mainstream" elements of the Jewish community for being deeply involved in organizing to address the Darfur genocide, and to express great sadness that no large Jewish organization has been working to end the Iraq War.
The April 14 issue of the New York Jewish Week has a major article by Jim Besser, its Washington correspondent, titled: " Reform Movement Goes Silent On Its Anti-War Stand."
(For the full text of Besser's article, see our website Home Page at www.shalomctr.org)
Almost six months ago, The Shalom Center played an important low-key role in helping Reform congregations opposed to the war to connect with each other, to pass an antiwar resolution at the biennial convention of the Union for Reform Judaism.
Some elements of the Reform movement's national apparatus – especially its Commission on Social Action – helped out, once local congregations had raised the issue. The URJ PR team trumpeted this resolution immediately after it was passed, and when a national ad criticizing the movement was published by some wealthy Republican Jews, the URJ refused to back down.
But since then -– from the national organization –- gornisht.
The Jewish Week article reports that --
"Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the URJ president, dismissed speculation that movement leaders were intimidated by an aggressive ad campaign attacking the URJ resolution by the Republican Jewish Coalition soon after the November conference. But Rabbi Yoffie also acknowledged that the sentiments that drove the resolution 'haven't cohered into a strategy.'
"The absence of a respectable, responsible political leadership in Washington to give direction to this has made it very difficult to find a way to follow through on the resolution," he said. 'Who is the political spokesperson here who is galvanizing action?'
"While polls show that Americans increasingly disapprove of the war, that feeling hasn't generated a broad-based, moderate anti-war movement that the Reform movement can rally around, he said.
"Rabbi Yoffie also pointed to another factor limiting Reform activism on the issue: the ongoing crisis in Darfur.
"'In terms of our agenda, it's true that we have focused more on Darfur because it is genocide; it's people dying every day, in large numbers,' he said. 'As a result, everything else gets a little less time. We're not embarrassed about that. We're proud of our role and plan to continue.'"
I very much disagree with Rabbi Yoffie, Indeed, the URJ's work on Darfur is praiseworthy, as is the crucial work of the American Jewish World Service.
But the URJ has not done "a little less" about Iraq. It has done practically nothing. Besser reports: "The numerous action alerts sent to Reform congregations nationwide have called for action on issues ranging from the crisis in Darfur to the bloody budget battle on Capitol Hill — but not a word on Iraq."
It is simply not true that there has been no "respectable, responsible political leadership in Washington to give direction" to antiwar action.
There are now at least three different vehicles for antiwar movement on the table at the House of Representatives:
· Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and fifteen other Members have put forward a bill forbidding the use of money to continue the presence of US troops and bases in Iraq and requiring that all money appropriated for the US military there be used only to bring them safely and swiftly home.
· Rep. Jim Murtha of Pennsylvania, a widely respected "respectable, responsible" authority on the US military, has put forward a bill requiring the immediate "redeployment" of all US troops out of Iraq. It has more than 100 co-sponsors.
· And Congressmembers have now set forth a "discharge petition" that would bring the bipartisan "Homeward Bound Bill" out of the committee where it has been imprisoned. Once 218 Members sign the petition, 17 hours of full and open floor debate would follow. Members could introduce amendments. The debate would be in effect a national teach-in, and get things moving to end the war.
Imagine the Reform movement setting a date for Reform Jews to converge on Washington and on the home offices of Members, to demand action on one or all of these three "respectable, responsible" positions.
It is unfortunate that the NYC march will take place on Shabbat --- but many many Reform Jews in NYC could take part without violating their own Shabbat standards. So imagine the Reform leadership urging NYC synagogues to encourage their congregants to join in.
Let me be clear – the other religious movements in Jewish life have also not taken action – not even passed resolutions – against the Iraq war. Not the Reconstructionist, Conservative, or Orthodox organizations, not the organizations of the movement for Jewish renewal.
The Shalom Center will do what we can. Next week, we will let you know.
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